
2011.3.9-5月china daily 新词新译

熟年离婚late-life divorce(An inconvenient truth about late-life divorce: The separation after 40 years of Al Gore and his wife Tipper reflects an increasing trend for splitting up in old age — but is it such a bad thing?有关“熟年离婚”难以忽视的真相:阿尔?戈尔和妻子蒂珀在结婚40年后宣布离婚,这反映出熟年离婚呈上升趋势,但这事儿真有那么糟糕吗?) (2011-05-23)

吊销执照revoke license(Musician Gao Xiaosong, who was caught drunken driving, had his license revoked on Monday.因醉驾被捕的音乐人高晓松本周一被吊销驾照。) (2011-05-19)

父亲假paternity leave(South Korea is set to allow up to five days of paternity leave starting next year, an attempt to raise the country's low birth rate, the labor ministry said Thursday.韩国劳动部周四称,韩国将从明年开始将“父亲假”延至五天,此举是为了提高韩国的低生育率。) (2011-05-18)

自媒体We-Media("We live in the era of We-Media, which means everyone can create new words and make them popular through BBS or micro blogs," said Li Yuming, the director of the department of language information administration under the Ministry of Education and vice-president of the commission.教育部语言文字信息管理司司长、国家语委副主任李宇明说:“我们正处在…自媒体时代?,这意味着每个人都可以创造新词,通过论坛或者微博使之流行起来。”) (2011-05-17)

饥饿营销hunger marketing(Though the confrontation outside the Apple store in Sanlitun Village was resolved peacefully, the company's long-term "hunger marketing" strategy has sparked questions from inside the industry, International Finance News reported Monday.据《国际金融报》周一报道,尽管三里屯苹果专卖店的冲突事件已经平息,但是苹果公司长期遵循的“饥渴营销”策略却受到了行业内的质疑。) (2011-05-16)

全国性大罢工general strike(Greek labor unions were planning a general strike and a mass protest on Wednesday against the country's economic austerity measures.希腊工会计划在周三举行一次全国性大罢工和大规模抗议活动,以反对国家推行的经济紧缩措施。) (2011-05-13)

文化旅游业cultural tourism(The ongoing Chinese Culture Year in Italy will intensify cultural tourism and spread greater mutual awareness between the two countries, a senior Italian official says.一位意大利高级官员说,眼下在意大利举行的“中国文化年”活动将促进文化旅游业的发展,增进两个国家之间的相互了解。) (2011-05-12)

利好因素feel-good factor("It may provide a feel-good factor, but it's unlikely to make people feel any more confident about their own finances," said Nick Moon, managing director of the polling group.GfK NOP市场调查公司总经理尼克?莫恩说:“这场婚礼会为英

国带来利好因素,但不太可能会让人们对自己的钱袋更有信心。”) (2011-05-11)

酒精呼气测试breath alcohol test(When the policeman asked the driver to take a breath alcohol test after smelling alcohol on him, the man bit the policeman's left hand. Then, when the policeman used an interphone to call for help, the man knocked the interphone to the ground and grabbed the officer by the neck, according to police.据警方称,警察在闻到该驾车男子身上的酒气后要求对其进行酒精测试,这时该男子一口咬住了警察的左手。警察用对讲机请求支援,该男子一把把对讲机打到地上,并用手掐住警察的脖子。) (2011-05-09)

劳动年龄人口working-age population(The emergence of negative growth in the total working-age population, which some demographers predict will happen as early as 2013, is likely to contribute to slower economic growth and higher inflation, according to analysts.据一些人口统计学家预测,从2013年起中国劳动年龄人口将可能开始出现负增长,分析家称,这将会导致经济增速放缓,加剧通货膨胀。) (2011-05-06)

反恐部队counter-terrorism unit(US officials said the CIA tracked bin Laden to his location, then elite troops from Navy SEAL T eam Six, a top military counter-terrorism unit, flew to the hideout in four helicopters.美国高官表示,中情局追踪到了拉登藏身之地,之后顶级军事反恐部队“海军海豹突击队”的精英部队搭乘四架直升机飞往该地。) (2011-05-05)

新能源示范城new-energy model city(A National Energy Administration official said the concept of "new-energy model cities" is still in the early stage of development, adding that the evaluation system and relevant policies are being drafted.国家能源管理部门有官员表示,“新能源示范城”这个概念还处于前期酝酿中,对应的评估体系和相关政策正在起草中。) (2011-05-04)

战略性支柱产业strategic pillar industry(Chinese Vice-Premier Wang Qishan said on Monday that the country would strive to develop tourism into a strategic pillar industry of the nation's economy over the 12th Five-Year Plan period from 2011 until 2015.国务院副总理王岐山周一说,在“十二五”期间(2011年—2015年)国家将努力将旅游业培育成国民经济的战略性支柱产业。) (2011-05-03)

支票簿新闻checkbook journalism (Mixing financial and promotional motives with an impartial search for truth stains honest, ethical reporting, checkbook journalism has no place in the news business.支票簿新闻将经济因素、促销动机、与公正寻求真相混淆起来,玷污了诚实报道、有道德报道的准则,在新闻业没有立足之地。) (2011-04-29)

黄金投资者gold bug(Some people are "gold bugs." These are investors who say people should buy gold to protect against inflation.有些人属于“黄金投资者”。他们告诉大家要买黄金抗通胀。) (2011-04-28)

金砖国家BRICS countries(The BRICS countries - originally Brazil, Russia, India, and China, and now South Africa - have turned out to be a source of global economic development and essential to future generations.金砖国家(巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国、

以及新加入的南非)已成为全球经济发展的动力,对未来的发展至关重要。) (2011-04-27)

染色馒头tainted steamed buns (Food safety watchdog said Sunday the workshop in Wenzhou was suspected of producing thousands of steamed buns containing illegal yellow coloring every day for the past two months. Some of the tainted steamed buns were supplied to a local school.食品安全监察机构周日称,温州这一作坊涉嫌在过去两个月内每日制作数千个含有非法黄色染料的馒头。部分染色馒头还被供应到当地的一所学校。) (2011-04-26)

税级tax brackets(The draft increases the minimum threshold for personal income tax from 2,000 yuan a month to 3,000 yuan a month and cut the number of income tax brackets from nine to seven.草案将个税起征点由每月2000元上调至3000元,并将九级税级调整至七级。) (2011-04-25)

土地复垦land reclamation("Land reclamation required an average investment of 2,400 yuan per mu during the 2005-2009 period. That means China now needs over 200 billion yuan to address the issue," Wang said.王守智说:“2005年到2009年间土地复垦需要平均每亩投入2400元。这意味着中国现在需要2000多亿元才能应对这一任务。”) (2011-04-20)

婚礼式颁证wedding-style registrations(Wedding receptions have long been overvalued compared with the registration process in China. To change that, civil departments are considering wedding-style registrations at civil affairs bureaus.在我国,新人喜结连理时一直存在“轻登记、重婚宴”的现状。为改变这一情况,民政部正考虑在民政局婚姻登记处推广“婚礼式颁证”。) (2011-04-19

红色资源red resources(China has launched a survey on its martyr memorial facilities nationwide, aiming to offer information for enhanced protection on these precious "red resources," officials with the country's Ministry of Civil Affairs said Thursday.民政部官员周四称,近日全国范围内开展了一项对烈士纪念设施的调查,为加强保护这些宝贵的“红色资

源”提供信息。) (2011-04-07)

美元陷阱dollar trap(He said the global monetary system had fallen into a "dollar trap". While it would be sensible to reduce dollar holdings in official currency reserves, nations cannot easily cut back, because doing so would only lead the dollar to weaken and so hit the value of their assets, he said.红色资源red resources(China has launched a survey on its martyr memorial facilities nationwide, aiming to offer information for enhanced protection on these precious "red resources," officials with the country's Ministry of Civil Affairs said Thursday.民政部官员周四称,近日全国范围内开展了一项对烈士纪念设施的调查,为加强保护这些宝贵的“红色资源”提供信息。) (2011-04-07)

抗震鉴定anti-earthquake evaluation(Under new regulations that come into effect on May 1, all public buildings will be subject to stringent quality tests, including an anti-earthquake evaluation, every five years.根据将于5月1日生效的新规定,所有的公共建筑每五年都要经过严格的质量检查,其中包括抗震鉴定。) (2011-04-02)

婚前单身派对stag/hen night(Known in Britain as hen night (for the bride) and stag night (for the groom), it is clear that the royal couple must keep a low profile to avoid giving fodder to the ever-ready paparazzi.显然,威廉王子和准王妃凯特在举行婚前单身派对时必须保持低调,以免给随时准备出击的狗仔队提供报道素材。在英国,准新娘/新郎的婚前单身派对分别称为hen/stag night。) (2011-04-01)

享乐主义广告hedonistic advertising(Beijing bans 'hedonistic' advertising--Beijing has banned advertising hoardings that promote hedonism or the craven worship of foreign products.北京禁止“享乐主义”广告宣传——北京禁止宣传享乐主义或崇洋媚外性质的户外

广告。) (2011-03-31)

小额贷款公司micro-credit company(Micro-credit companies mushroomed in China in recent years, China's central bank said Tuesday.中国人民银行周二称,我国的小额贷款公

司近年来增长迅猛。) (2011-03-30)

违章建筑unapproved construction project(From April 1, authorities can even cut off power and water supplies to rule breakers' homes under new regulations aimed at clamping down on unapproved construction projects. Official data suggests up to 90 percent of villa owners in Beijing have illegally expanded their properties.从4月1日起,政府将按照新规定对违章建筑予以打击,违章建设住房将甚至会被断水断电。官方数据显示,北京90%的别墅业主都有非法扩建行为。) (2011-03-29)

花葬flower burial(Residents of Wuhan, in Central China?s Hubei province, are asked to consider flower burials by pouring ashes into the cellar beneath flower beds, https://www.360docs.net/doc/081854757.html, reported Tuesday.据新华网周二报道,湖北省省会武汉市号召市民采用花葬,将骨灰洒进花坛下方的地窖。) (2011-03-28)

沙尘回流dust backflow(Dusts backflow continues to contaminate Beijing's air--Dusts which polluted Beijing's air Friday backflowed Saturday from Beijing's east and south and continued to contaminate the capital's air on Sunday, according to an environmental expert.沙尘回流继续污染北京空气——据一位环境专家称,周五污染北京空气的沙尘将从北京东部和南部回流,并在周日继续影响京城的空气质量。) (2011-03-25)

睡眠障碍sleep disorder(Unlike in adults, children with sleep disorders may manifest with behavioral problems that may be mistaken for attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).和成年人不同,患有“睡眠障碍”的儿童表现为行为异常,有可能被误认为患有注意

力缺陷及多动障碍。) (2011-03-24)

电影网络院线Internet-based cinema(Jia Yuemin, vice president of https://www.360docs.net/doc/081854757.html, which initiated the alliance, said that the Internet-based cinema would ensure netizens authorized copies of films and provide high definition viewing at a reasonable price.联盟发起方、乐视网副总裁贾跃民表示,电影网络院线将确保网友观看到正版电影,提供高清播放,

而且价格合理。) (2011-03-23)

恐慌购买panic buying(Major suppliers of pills that provide protection from radiation say they're out of stock due to panic buying, even though experts say that the Japanese nuclear catastrophe poses no health threat to Americans.虽然专家表示日本核辐射不会影响美国民众健康,但防辐射药物主要供应商表示,由于恐慌购买,药品已经断货。)


核辐射nuclear radiation(While the affected areas in Japan brace for more aftershocks, the country is also being afflicted by another earthquake-engendered crisis - nuclear radiation. A meltdown was feared at its Fukushima nuclear plant after it was rocked by the quake.日本强震受灾地区不仅面临更多余震,而且还面临着另一个震后危机——核辐射。人们担心福岛核电站在地震后会发生严重核泄漏事故。) (2011-03-21)

轮流停电rolling blackout(Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) had reported early on Monday that it would schedule rolling blackouts in Tokyo and surrounding cities to conserve energy amid the crisis at nuclear power plants in the earthquake-affected areas.东京电力公司周一宣布,计划在东京和周边城市实行轮流停电,此举是为了在地震灾区核电

站危机期间节省能源。) (2011-03-18)

套票season ticket(Beijing Guo'an Football Club has scrapped plans to hold a lucky draw for fans unable to get season tickets due to a severe slump in sales.由于北京国安套票订购量剧减,北京国安足球俱乐部已经取消了让球迷摇号买票的计划。) (2011-03-17)

分时计价系统time-of-use pricing system(The first is the tiered electric pricing system, and the other is time-of-use pricing system. The two systems are completely different.一种是阶梯计价系统,另一种是分时计价系统。两种系统完全不同。) (2011-03-16)

恋爱登记relationship registration(In response to critics, the university denied having a policy asking students to participate in "relationship registration". It said the forms were released by a group of students who thought the questions offered a good means of learning about the relationships of their classmates.(福州)大学对评论做出回应,否认推行让学生参加“恋爱登记”的政策。福州大学称(登记)表格是一群学生发放的,他们认为表格上的问题是了解班上同学情感关系的一个好方式。) (2011-03-15)

学术评价体系academic appraisal system(Shao Hong, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the top political advisory body, also called for the establishment of an academic appraisal system with less emphasis on quantity of academic papers and awards.全国政协委员邵鸿还建议建立一个不过分注重学术论文和获奖数量的学术评价体系。) (2011-03-14)

离婚协议书divorce settlement(Most try to sign a divorce settlement by themselves first. After failing to reach an agreement on issues such as the division of property or custody of children, they turn to legal resolution.大多数夫妻会先行签定离婚协议书。无法在财产分配或子女监护等问题上达成一致时,他们才采取法律手段。) (2011-03-11)

空间对接space docking(China plans to launch an unmanned space module, Tiangong-1, in the second half of 2011 for the nation's first space docking.中国计划在2011年下半年发射无人目标飞行器“天宫一号”,并完成中国首次空间交会对接任务。) (2011-03-10)

公益广告public service advertising(Chongqing Satellite TV has stopped commercial advertisements and will use the airtime to broadcast promotional films and public service announcements, Chongqing Evening News reported on Wednesday.据《重庆晚报》本周三报道,重庆卫视已停播商业广告,将在原有广告时段播出城市形象宣传片和公益广告。)


德国大学专业中德对照表 2

A Abfallentsorgong 垃圾清理学 Afrikanistik 非洲语言文学 Agarbiolobie 农业生物学 Agraroekologie 农业生态学 Agraroekonomie 农业经济学Agrarwissenschaften 农业科学 Aegyptologie 埃及学 Albanologie 阿尔巴尼亚学 Altamerikanistik 古代美国语言文学 Amerikanistik 美国语言文学 Angewandte Mathematik 应用数学 Angewandte Naturwissenschaft 应用自然科学Angewandte Systemwissenschaften 应用系统科学Anglistik/Englisch 英国语言文学 Anthropologie 人类学 Arabistik 阿拉伯语言文学 Arbeitslehre/-wessenschaft 劳动学 Arch?ologie 考古学 Architektur 建筑学 Assyrologie 亚述学 Astronomie 天文学 Austronesien Sprachen/Kulturen 南岛语言文化Automatisierungstechnik 自动技术 B Balkanologie 巴尔干学 Baltische Philologie 波巴的海语言学Baugeschichte 建筑史 Bauinformatik 建筑信息学 Bauingenieurwesen/Bautechnik 建筑技术 Bergbau 采矿 Berufspaedagogik 职业教育 Betriebliche Bildung und Management 企业教育管理Betriebswirtschaftslehre international 世界企业经济学Betriebswirtschaftslehre 企业经济学Biblithekswissenschaft 图书馆学 Biochemie 生物化学


人文交流cultural and people-to-people exchange 农家乐rural inn; farm stay; agritainment 教育公平equal access to education 大型实景歌舞演出real-scene musical extravaganza; musical on the site 法人legal person 法人代表/ 法定代表人legal representative 国民性national character 新生代农民工new generation of migrant workers 忧患意识adversity consciousness 反三俗(低俗、庸俗和媚俗)fight against three forms of vulgarity 房奴mortgage slave 社会底层low social strata 第一桶金first pot of gold 民心工程projects in the public interest; pro-people projects 量化货币(定量宽松货币政策)quantitative easing monetary policy 被就业to be said/ be declared/be alleged to have found jobs 住房空置率(housing) vacancy rate 地王top bidder 阶梯计价differential pricing; Tiered pricing 三网融合(电讯,电话,互联三网)three network convergence; TCI convergence 火车票实名制real name ticket booking system 小产权房house/apartment with limited/incomplete property rights 高雅艺术high art 团购/团购优惠券group-buying; team-buying/groupon; group coupon 秒杀seckill 酒后代驾designated driver; DD 桌游board role-playing games 裸婚simplistic marriage; bare-handed marriage 胶囊公寓capsule apartment 游街示众shame parade; public shaming 地沟油hogwash oil; recycled cooking oil 蜗居snail dwelling; snail house 蚁族city ants; antizen 点钞费(coin-)counting fee 转型跳槽career shifting 雷人shocking; weird; wacky 打酱油 See no evil, hear no evil; none of my business; I am just passing by; no comment 给力gelivable; thrilling; cool 换草运动swap date 橡皮人the jaded (indifferent to the world) 两餐半人meal skipper 笑点、泪点、痛点bursting point


设计的分类(英语) 1 设计Design 2 现代设计Modern Design 3 工艺美术设计Craft Design 4 工业设计Industrial Design 5 广义工业设计Genealized Industrial Design 6 狭义工业设计Narrow Industrial Design 7 产品设计Product Design 8 传播设计Communication Design 8 环境设计Environmental Design 9 商业设计Comercial Design 10 建筑设计Architectural 11 一维设计One-dimension Design 12 二维设计Tow-dimension Design 13 三维设计Three-dimension Design 14 四维设计Four-dimension Design 15 装饰、装潢Decoration 16 家具设计Furniture Design 17 玩具设计Toy Design 18 室内设计Interior Design 19 服装设计Costume Design 20 包装设计Packaging Design 21 展示设计Display Design 22 城市规划Urban Desgin 23 生活环境Living Environment 24 都市景观Townscape 25 田园都市Gardon City 26 办公室风致Office Landscape 27 设计方法论Design Methodology 28 设计语言Design Language 29 设计条件Design Condition 30 结构设计Structure Design 31 形式设计Form Design 32 设计过程Design Process 33 构思设计Concept Design 34 量产设计,工艺设计Technological Design


汉语新词新译系列-G 跟单货(gen dan huo) knockoff products The term refers to commodities, especially in the fashion business, that copy authentic products but use substandard material. 过渡引用(guodu yin yong) overquote This term is often used by some academicians as a euphemism for plagiarizing other people's academic works. It's now also cited by some Netizens to satirize such reprehensible behavior. 鬼马(gui ma) witty The expression is often used these days to describe a person who is sharp-minded and humorous, and prone to taking weird actions or saying unexpected words. 购房落户(gou fang luo hu) house-for-residency policy Many governments in major cities in China, such as Hangzhou and Chengdu, have rolled out new policies to encourage migrant people to purchase houses so that they can get a local hukou or local residency paper. The policy is designed to boost the local real estate market. 怪咖(guai ka) geek The slang refers to those intellectuals obsessed with mind games, such as sudoku and crosswords. Although being described as a geek tends to be an insult, the term has recently become a fond nickname, or even a badge of honor. 谷歌依赖症(gǔ gē yī lài zhèng) discomgooglation This term refers to the feeling of distress or anxiety at being unable to gain immediate access to information. It's a portmanteau of discombobulate, meaning to confuse or frustrate, and Google. According to a survey, about 44 percent of Internet users in the UK said they were frustrated at being unable to go online and 27 percent said they


新词新译13 1.智力密集型knowledge-intensive 2.指令性计划mandatory planning 3.滞纳金late fee, late fine 4.智能感知技术perceptive technology 5.智能手机smart phone (Research In Motion Ltd on Wednesday launched a first flip version of its popular BlackBerry Pearl smart phone. 动态研究RIM有限公司于本周三推出了首款翻盖版的黑莓珍珠智能手机,黑莓珍珠为该公司广受市场欢迎的一款智能手机。) 6.智能型产品smart product (Germany is leading the way in producing and marketing smart products.) 7.职务与级别相结合的工资制度a salary system based on position and rank 8.知心大姐Agony Aunt 9.职业作家professional writers 10.制造假象create smoke screens 11.中程导弹intermediate-range missile; medium-range missile 12.重大交通运输干线与枢纽工程major transport trunk lines and hubs 13.重大问题集体决策制度、专家咨询制度、社会公开和社会听证制度、决策责任制度 systems for making collective decisions on major issues, for soliciting opinions from experts, for keeping the public informed and holding public hearing, and for accountability in policy-making 14.中导条约Middle Range Guided Missile Treaty 15.重点发展prioritize 16.终点控制区terminal control area 17.中东和平进程the Middle East peace process 18.中东和平方案Approach to Mideast peace 19.终端服务器terminal server 20.中关村科技园区Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park 21.中国出口商品交易会(广交会) China Export Commodities Fair (Guangzhou Fair) 22.中国电信China Telecom 23.中国工程院Chinese Academy of Engineering 24.中国环境与发展国际合作委员会China Council for International Co-operation on Environment and Development 25.中国结Chinese knot 26.中国经济景气监测中心China Economic situation Monitoring Center 27.中国联通公司China Unicom 28.中国民用航空总局General Administration of Civil Aviation of China 29.中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会(简称全国政协)National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) 30.中国新经济峰会China New Economy Summit 31.中国新闻出版报社China Press and Publication News 32.中国沿海专属经济区China's exclusive economic waters 33.中国移动通信公司China Mobile 34.中国预防医学科学院the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine


机械加工图纸参数中德双语对照,收藏吧,看懂德国图纸! 德国制造很强,可是德语属于小语种,会的人不多。那么要看图纸咋办呢?现小编将工作以来遇见过和收集到的有关机械加工图纸常见的德语参数及中文的对照翻译分列如下,给需要的朋友。 ? Aberasive 研磨 Abgu?datum / x mm erhaben 铸造日期/凸起X毫米(字体) Abmessung 尺寸 Abrasion 磨损 Abgedichtet 密封 Abnahme-Prüfzeugnis: 材料证书形式 Abgerundet und gegl?tet für有尖锐的边缘倒成圆角 Abweichung 偏差 Achtung, Bearbeitungszugabe beachten. 重要!注意加工余量 ?hnlich 类似 ?hnlich Teile 类似零件 Alternativer Werkstoff: 可选材料: Alle 全部 Alle Verschraubungen mit 5 –8 Nm angezogen!所有螺丝以5-8Nm扭距旋紧Allgemeintoleranze 一般公差按 Allgemeine Aushebeschr?gen x°(z.B. 1,5°) 一般起模锥度X°(例如1.5°) Allgemeine Werkstückkanten 一般加工件倒角 Alle Ma?angaben vor der Hartanodisierung所有尺寸为硬阳极化处理前尺寸 Alle unbema?ten Radien Rx (z.B. R3) 所有未注倒角Rx(例如R3) Alle nicht verma?ten Radien R xx 所有未标明的圆角为R xx Alle nichtangegebenen Fl?chen, Bohrungen und Gewinde =所有未指明的表面,孔和螺纹= Alle Wandst?rken sind Mindestwandst?rken 所有壁厚尺寸为最小值 Allgemeine Werkstückkanten nach ISO 13715 一般外形上未标明的倒角按照ISO 13715 Alte Materialbezeichnung XXX nach Norm XXX 旧的材料名称XXX依照标准XXX Angabe 规格 Angepa?t 适应 Angu?rest maximal x mm erhaben 残留的内浇口凸起小于X毫米 Anfangsma?初始尺寸


安徽考纲英语词汇表及翻译 本表共收1600个单词和300条短语。 A a a (an) art. 一(个、件……) a bit (of) 有一点,一会儿 a few 有些,几个 a kind of 一种 a little 有点儿,一点儿 a lot (of)许多,大量 a number of 一些,许多 a pair / piece / set of 一双/ 张(块,根,片,只)/ 套(副) ability n. 能力,才能 able a. 能够,有能力的 about ad. 1大约,2到处,四处prep.3 关于,在各处,四处 above prep. 在……上面 a.上面的ad. 在之上 a broad ad. 到(在)国外 absent a. 缺席,不在 accent n. 口音,音调 accept v. 接受 accident n. 事故,意外的事 according to 根据……,按照 ache vi.& n. 痛,疼痛 achieve vt. 完成, 达到 across prep. 横过,穿过 act n. 法令,条例v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事 action n. 行动 active ad . 积极的,主动的 activity n. 活动 ad (缩) = advertisement n.广告 add v.添加,增加 add…to…把……加到……上 add up to 合计达…… address n. 地址 advantage n. 优点, 好处 advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议 advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议 aeroplane = airplane = plane n. 飞机afford vt. 负担得起(……的费用);抽得出(时间);提供afraid a. 害怕的,担心 after ad. 在后,后来prep. 在……之后,在……后面conj. 在……以后 after all 毕竟 afternoon n. 下午,午后 again ad. 再一次,再,又 against prep. 对着,反对 age n. 年龄;时代 ago ad. 以前 agree v. 同意;应允 agree with 同意 agreement n. 同意,一致;协定,协议ahead ad. 在前,向前,提前 ahead of time 提早 aim v.瞄准,打算n. 目的;打算 aim at 瞄准,针对 air n. 空气,大气 airline n. 航空公司, 航空系统 airport n. 航空站,飞机场 alive a. 活着的,存在的 all ad. 全部地a. 全(部),所有的,总,整pron. 全部,全体人员 all kinds of 各种各样的 all over 遍及 all right 行了,好吧,(病)好了 allow v. 允许,准许 almost ad. 几乎,差不多 alone a. 单独的,孤独的 along ad. 向前;和……一起,一同prep. 沿着;顺着 aloud ad. 出声地;高声地 already ad. 已经 also ad. 也 although conj. 虽然,尽管 always ad. 总是;一直;永远 America n. 美国;美洲 American a. 美国的;美国人的n. 美国人among prep. 在……中间;在(三个以上)之间 ancient a. 古代的,古老的 and conj. 和;又;而 and so on 等等 angry a. 生气的,愤怒的 animal n. 动物


外交新词翻译的原则与策略 外国语学院 英语笔译 邓冰

外交新词翻译的原则与策略 摘要:外交新词作为高文化负载词,体现着国家的发展与大政方针,翻译质量影响着对外宣传的效果,展现了现代汉语的生机活力。外交新词政治性强、具有中国特色,常常出现在各类外宣材料,结合外宣翻译三贴近原则,翻译时应遵循政治等效、译名统一、专业表达、约定俗成四大原则。 关键词:外交新词外宣翻译原则新词翻译原则 1.外交新词翻译现状及问题 改革开放来,中国经济迅速发展,各项事业稳步提升,国际地位不断提高,外交工作日趋活跃,外交新词不断涌现,如:新型大国关系、八荣八耻、中国梦等等,各种外宣材料翻译成为外交工作的重要组成部分,外交新词则是重中之重,翻译质量决定着对外宣传的效果,影响国家形象,外交新词翻译中也存在以下问题: 翻译用词不够准确,政治敏感性不强。外交新词最主要的特点之一就是政治性强,因此选词要恰当、准确,如2009年11月11日新闻发布会上,译员将表达达赖从事民族分裂活动的贬义词“窜访”译成了中性词“visit”,缺失了词语本身的政治内涵,没有向西方传达出中国政府和人民暗含其中的感情色彩。 译名不够统一,缺乏规范化意识。一些重要、常见的外交新词翻译版本众多,没有统一性,就如“中国梦”一词的翻译,出现了“the Chinese dream、the China dream、the dream of China”等诸多版本,有时同一文章译名都未达到统一,引起外国媒体的猜测与误读。 译文欠缺专业性,术语国际标准化意识不强。对于一些外交新词的翻译过于通俗,按照字面翻译,用词冗长,语体不正式,不符合国际惯例和外交术语的文体特征。


看病医学用语中德对照 1 Allergie 过敏 2 Blutdruck 血压 3 Durchfall 腹泻 4 Erkaeltung 感冒 5 Fieber 发烧 6 Knochenbruch 断骨 7 Kreislauf 血液循环 8 Uebelkeit 恶心 9 Schmerzen 痛 10 Apotheke 药房 11 Arzt 医生 12 Augenarzt 眼科大夫 13 Frauenarzt (Gynaekologe)妇科医生 14 Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Arzt (HNO-Arzt)喉鼻耳科大夫 15 Krankenhaus 医院 16 Krankenkasse 医疗保险公司 17 Krankenschein 医疗证 18 Krankenversicherung 医疗保险 19 Krankenwagen 救护车

20 Stationierung 住院 21 Wartezimmer 候诊室 22 Zahnarzt 牙医 23 Sprechstunde 门诊时间 24 Akupunktur 针灸 25 Aspirin 阿司匹林 26 Blutabnahme 抽血 27 Medikament 药 28 Operation 手术 29 Pflaster 橡皮膏 30 Roentgenaufnahme X-光摄影 31 Rezept 药方 32 rezeptfrei 非处方(药) 33 Spritze 针剂 34 T ablette 药片 35 Tropfen 滴药水 36 Zaepfchen 栓剂 37 Ich brauche einen Arzt. 我要看医生 38 Ich bin / mein Mann ist / meine Frau ist krank. 我/ 我的丈夫/ 我的妻子病了 39 Ich habe hier Schmerzen. 我这里痛 40 Ich kann......nicht bewegen. 我动不了......


科技英语词汇的特征及其翻译方法 【摘要】科技英语词汇的翻译要遵循准确、地道、精炼的原则,采取意译、字面译、音译、半音半意译、形译、移植译和采用外文缩写词几种翻译方法。本文通过实例对这些方法进行了详细的说明。 【关键词】科技英语;词汇特点;翻译原则;翻译技巧 为了学习和了解国外先进的科学技术,为了与别国进行科技交流,人们需要学习和研究大量国外的科技文章。但目前仍有不少人无法直接阅读外文文章,这就使得科技翻译(尤其是科技词汇的翻译)越来越受到人们的重视。 科技翻译为各民族的科技交流活动起到一种桥梁和纽带的作用。“翻译是一间屋子的窗户,它可以放进新鲜空气,并可以让我们看到外面的一切。”科技英语翻译以传达科技信息为主,是译者用译语表达英语科技信息以求信息量相似的思维活动和语际活动。科技词汇的翻译是科技英语翻译的重点和难点,为了准确地翻译科技词汇,译者首先需要熟悉科技词汇的形成和构成特点,准确理解科技词汇在具体上下文中的意思,然后根据具体情况灵活运用多种翻译方法斟酌确定。 一科技英语词汇的特点 科技英语是描述科技内容的英语,在词汇方面同基础英语没有绝对的界限,但科技英语作为一种特殊的文体,在用词方面有其自身特有的形成和构成特点。除了一些专门术语外,科技英语中使用的词语,大多属于正式书面语体的范畴。正式书面语的采用,有利于提高科技文章的正规性。科技翻译工作者应熟悉这类正式书面语的措词,在翻译时做到“忠实”,译出原文的语言风格。另外,科技英语词汇在其形成过程中也充分运用英语构词法,利用现有的语言材料,采用借用、组合、转换等构词方法来表达新的含义,因此,科技翻译工作者还应熟悉词汇的构成方法,根据词汇的形成和构成特点来理解和翻译词汇。 1.普通词汇专业化科技英语中某些专业术语是在赋予普通英语词汇以特定的新意后产生的。这些词汇在普通英语中早已存在,只不过意思不同而已,这就使得普通英语词汇在科技英语中成为具有特定含义和习惯用法的专业术语。如:mouse鼠标,package软件包,grandfather存档。译者应该阅读大量专业领域的科技文章,掌握一定数量的专业术语,只有这样才能真正弄懂原文的意思,才能做到翻译时地道准确不出差错。 2.借用外来语部分科技英语词汇来源于外来语。一些新出现的科技术语(以及由它们派生的词汇)经常借用其它语言的词汇,其中拉丁语、希腊语对英语科技词汇的影响源远流长。现代科技英语一方面仍直接从拉丁语、希腊语借用术语,另一方面又利用希腊语、拉丁语的词根,加上英语、拉丁语、希腊语的词缀构成更多科技词汇。如:chlorophyll(叶绿素)借用了希腊语词根chlor(绿色)和p hyll(叶子);rectifier借用了拉丁语recti(直的)。来自希腊语或拉丁语的科技英语词汇还有:phlebotomy静脉切开放血术,aero dynamics空气动力学, acupuncture针灸等。除此以外,英语科技词汇还不断借用其它语言,来丰富和发展自身。例如:借用法语的有chiffon 雪纺稠,波斯语的有bazaar市场,土耳其语的有kiosk凉亭,印地语的有nabob大富翁,日语的有ikebana插花艺术,马来语的有paddy稻,意大利语的有fresco壁画,德语的有antibody抗体,汉语的有pongee茧绸。 3.借用其它学科的词汇在科技英语中,某一学科尤其是一些新兴学科常会从相关学科借用一些词汇赋予新的意义内涵,从而孕育了该学科的一些词汇,这同时也极大地丰富了现代英语词汇的义项。如在机械加工行业中借用石油专业中的bit(钻头)来表示“切削刀”的意思;更为普遍的是,计算机英语从电子及无线电技术、自动化、数学等学科中借用了大量词汇,如:input


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译-Z篇 2010年9月 z-axis Z轴 Z.G. 动物园 za-zen 打坐 zabaglione 意大利菜肴 Zacharias 扎卡赖亚斯 zaftig 身体丰满 zag 急转 zaguan 门廊 zaibatsu 财阀 zain 纯暗色马 zaire 扎伊尔 Zairean 扎伊尔人 Zaitha 水生虫属 zakat 天课 Zalophus 海驴属动物 zamarra 羊皮外套 Zambia 赞比亚 Zambian 赞比亚人 zamia 泽米 zamindar 印度地主 zamindari 地管辖制 zamouse 萨姆斯野牛 zanily 可笑地 zaniness 愚蠢 Zante 桑特岛 zany 小丑 zanyism 滑稽表演 zanza 敲击木琴 zap 活力 zapateado 西班牙舞蹈 Zapotec 萨巴特克人 zaptiah 土耳其警察 zaratite 翠镍矿 zareba 有刺围栅 zarzuela 说唱剧 zax 石斧 zazen 打坐 zeal for 热心 zeal 热心 zealless 无热情的 zealot 热心者

zealotic 热心的zealotry 热狂 zealous 热衷的zealously 热心地zealousness 热心zeatin 玉米素zeaxanthin 玉米黄质zebec 三桅船 zebeck 三桅船 zebra crossing 斑马线zebra fish 斑马鱼zebra 斑马 zebraic 斑马的zebralike 似斑马的zebrass 杂种zebrawood 美洲产树木zebrine 像斑马的zebroid 像斑马的zebrula 杂种 zebu 瘤牛 Zebulon 泽伦zecchino 古金币zechin 古代金币 zed Z字母 zedoary 沉金 zee Z字母 zein 玉米蛋白Zeitgeist 时代精神Zelanian 新西兰的Zelkova 榉属 zeloso 用力演奏的zemindar 地主zemstvo 地方自治组织zen 禅 zenana 闺房 zendic 无神论者zendo 沉思室 Zenist 禅宗信徒 zenith distance 天顶角距zenith tube 天顶仪zenith 顶点 zenithal 天顶的zenithward 向上zeolite 沸石

中国译协 第六期 翻译词汇新词新译

中国梦 【例】实现中华民族伟大复兴,是近代以来中国人民最伟大的梦想,我们称之为“中国梦”,基本内涵是实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福。 Chinese Dream The rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has been the greatest dream of the Chinese people since the beginning of modern times; we call this the Chinese Dream. The idea in essence is to make the country prosperous and strong, rejuvenate the nation, and see that the people are happy. 中国道路 【例】实现中国梦必须走中国道路。这就是中国特色社会主义道路。 Chinese path To realize the Chinese Dream, we must follow a Chinese path – the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. 中国精神 【例】实现中国梦必须弘扬中国精神。这就是以爱国主义为核心的民族精神,以改革创新为核心的时代精神。 Chinese spirit To realize the Chinese Dream, we must foster the Chinese spirit – a fusion of the spirit of the Chinese people, central to which is patriotism, and the spirit of our era, central to which are reform and innovation. 中国力量 【例】实现中国梦必须凝聚中国力量。这就是中国各族人民大团结的力量。 Chinese strength To realize the Chinese Dream, we must bring together Chinese strength – the strength produced by all Chinese people coming together in unity. 中国方案 【例】我们将更多提出中国方案、贡献中国智慧,为国际社会提供更多公共产品。 Chinese approach We will propose more Chinese approaches, share more Chinese knowledge, and offer more public goods to the international community. 和平发展道路 【例】中国走和平发展道路,其他国家也都要走和平发展道路,只有各国都走和平发展道路,各国才能共同发展,国与国才能和平相处。 path of peaceful development China is taking the path of peaceful development, as should other countries. Only if everyone takes this path can all countries develop together and live in peace. 互利共赢的开放战略 【例】中国将始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略,通过深化合作促进世界经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长。mutually beneficial opening up strategy China will remain firmly committed to a mutually beneficial opening up strategy, and through deeper cooperation, promote the robust, sustainable, and balanced growth of the world economy. 世界人民的梦想 【例】中国梦既是中国人民追求幸福的梦,也同世界人民的梦想息息相通。 dreams of all peoples The Chinese Dream is the Chinese people’s dream of happiness and is closely connected with the dreams of all peoples. 命运共同体 【例】我们的事业是同世界各国合作共赢的事业。国际社会日益成为一个你中有我、我中有你的命运共同体。 community with a common future Our cause is the cause of win-win cooperation with all countries. The world is increasingly becoming a community with a common future in which all countries are interdependent.


中德对照译本—莫扎特歌剧作品和艺术歌曲精选片段 歌剧《魔笛》第二幕 夜后的咏叹调——《地狱般的复仇在我心中煎熬》 (Der Hoelle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen) 夜后: Der Hoelle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen, 地狱般的复仇在我心中煎熬, Tod und Verzweiflung 死亡与绝望 Tod und Verzweiflung flammet um mich her! 死亡与绝望如烈焰般在我四周燃起! Fühlt nicht durch dich 如果你不能通过你 Sarastro Todesschmerzen, 让萨拉斯特罗将死亡的痛楚感受到, Sarastro Todesschmerzen, 让萨拉斯特罗将死亡的痛楚感受到, So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr. 那么你就将永不再是我的爱女。 So bist du meine 那么你就将 meine Tochter nimmermehr. 永不再是我的爱女。 meine Tochter nimmermehr. 永不再是我的爱女。 So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr. 那么你就将永不再是我的爱女。 Verstossen sei auf ewig 永远地被放逐流离 verlassen sei auf ewig 永远地被抛弃 Zertrümmert sei auf ewig 永远地被斩去 alle Bande der Natur, 我们间的一切亲缘, verstossen, verlassen, o zertrümmert 被放逐流离,被抛弃,被斩去 alle Bande der Natur, 我们间的一切亲缘, alle Ba-------------nde


汉英翻译中的新词新语 中国翻译网 改革开放以来,我国社会生活发生了急剧变化,大批新词新语应运而生。由于社会变革的迅猛,新词的生成速度惊人地快。比如,人们正大谈"厄尔尼诺"(EI Nino)之际,"拉尼娜"(L a Nina)已经产生;刚出现"智商"(IQ)却又进出个"情商"(EQ);才在谈"第三产业"(third/t ertiary industry, service sector, third sequence of enterprises),"第四产业"(quat ernary/information industry)已悄然而至;"军嫂"(military spouse)的事迹还在传诵"空嫂 、呼嫂、礁嫂、纱嫂、报嫂、红嫂、接送嫂、抗洪大嫂"业已闪亮登场……凡此等等,不一而足,简直让人应接不暇。 语言是社会政治、经济、思想、文化的象征,一定时期的新词新语是一定时期人们思维方式 和生活方式的反映。面对新词新语,外语工作者有责任及时将它们译成准确、地道的外语,以 便让国外读者了解今日中国的国情及发展。 怎样才能做好汉语新词新语的英译工作呢?下面,笔者拟结合实例谈几点粗浅看法。 一、内外有别,以不同方法传译不同类新词 就汉语新词的产生看,其源语有二:一是自他语中引入,二是自本族语中新生。显而易见, 对引进的新词应取回译法,即还"舶来品"以本来面目。例如,峰会(香港译"极峰会议"):s ummit(conference);克隆:clone;冰毒:iee;摇头丸:dancing outreach;传销:multi- level marketing;(计算机)2000 年问题:Y2K problem (y for year, k for kilo or th ousand);等等。值得注意的是,汉语中某些新词看似"国产"实乃"进口",翻译时也需"转内销"。例如,白皮书:white paper(不是whitecover book);国际大都市:cosmopolis(不是international city)。其次,汉语中某些旧词新义词其实也是来自他语,译时也只能"回娘家"。例如,咖啡伴侣之"伴侣":mate;X门电话之"门":Line。 至于自本民族语中新生的词语,特别是那些具有中国特色,反映本国新事物,新概念的新词 新语,则应以"信"和"顺"为标准,或移译,或义译,或直译加注。移译指借用目的语中相对应 或基本对应的词语传译。例如,傻瓜相机:Instamatic (商标名,焦 距、镜头均固定,被称为foolproof相机);白条:IOU note(IOU:债款、债务,由I owe you 的读音缩略转义而来);巡回招聘:milk round(一种招聘毕业生的方式,大公司走访各大学 及学院,向求职者介绍本公司情况并与报名者晤谈)。义译和直译(加注)之所指,大家早已 熟知,此各举二例,以资佐证。减员增效:increase efficiency by downsizing staff;抓 大放小:manage large enterprises well while ease control over small ones;市政府要 办的X件实事:x major projects that should be given top priority as designated on the municipal government's working agenda;两个基本点:two focal points, two of the major points of the line set by the 13th Congress of the CPC, i.e. upholding the four cardinal principles and the policies of reform, opening to the outside w orld and invigorating the domestic economy. 二、字斟字酌,切忌想当然的对号入座 想当然和对号入座是翻译中的常见病,其在汉语新词的英译中也屡有表现。例如,一见"投资 热点"(a region attractive to investors, a much sought piece of hand, popular


Revision 1.禽流感、猪流感 2.磁悬浮 3.金砖四国 4.灵猫六国 5.基地组织头目 6.圣战 7.美国海军陆战队 8.全民公投 9.商标侵权 10.环太平洋国家 11.宪法修正案 12.侵犯私人财产 13.贩卖人口/毒品 14.彩民 15.流行歌手 16.参拜靖国神社 17.国际法庭 18.社保基金 19.最低生活保障 20.实名注册 21.社会主义荣辱观 22.依法治国 23.科学发展观 24.型男/潮男 25.真人秀 26.国际汽车赛 27.红眼病 28.临时政府 29.代理首相 30.现任总统 31.盗窃未遂 32.使人揪心的故事 33.藐视法庭 34.上市公司 35.嫦娥2号 36.防核扩散条约 37.情侣表 38.炒作/曝光 39.中介服务 40.代孕/体外受精41.母乳喂养/人工喂养 42.单身母亲 43.婚外情 44.票房排行榜 45.世贸大厦废墟 46.美韩联合军演 47.经济适用房 48.三大指标阳性 49.少妇杀手 50.全国消防日 51.劳动与社会保障局 52.未成功政变 53.以权谋私 54.吹风会 55.廉洁奉公 56.廉政建设 57.举报中心 58.赌球/假球 59.裸捐 60.脱产培训/在职培训 61.三陪服务 62.乡镇企业 63.包容性增长 64.城乡差距/基尼指数 65.青少年发展基金会/扶贫基金会 66.17届五中全会 67.中共中央政治局常委 68.态势分析法 69.中国对钓鱼岛主权 70.千年发展目标

Quiz for no. 875 1.学术造假 2.学术打假斗士 3.地方检察院 4.恐吓性威胁 5.阶梯电价 6.抗诉 7.刑事拘留 8.武汉协和医院泌尿科 9.有确定继承权继承人 10.阅兵 11.朝鲜劳动党 12.红色毒浆 13.细高跟鞋/平底鞋、坡跟鞋 14.波西尼亚(放荡不羁)生活方式 15.新闻传播学院 16.文学界新星 17.社会观念 18.座无虚席 19.不合时宜的评论 20.极品女人/ 坏女人 21.昙花一现 22.网络围观/ 脱水版/ 灌水 23.花哨的高领毛衣 24.哗众取宠的行为 25.很黄很暴力 26.卑鄙下流的
