现代大学英语精读1(第二版)unit 1语法学习整理版

Unit 1

Close reading:

1 clutch: vt. to hold sth. or sb. tightly, esp. because you are frightened, in pain, or do not want to lose something


hold/ seize/ grip/ grasp/ grab/ snatch


.Tom fell to the ground, clutching his stomach.

.A woman clutching a baby stole an elderly woman’s purse.

clutch at: to try hard to hold sth., esp. when you’re in a dangerous situation Example:

A drowning man will clutch at a straw.

(to try hard to find a sign of hope or a solution, even when they are not likely to exist in a difficult or dangerous situation)

clutching his right hand:present participle used to modify verb (walked), showing the manner in which the narrator walked

Examples from the text:

1). My mother stood at the window watching our progress, and I turned towards her from time to time, hoping she would help. (2)

2). “I’m not punishing you,” he said, laughing. (4)

3). The bell rang, announcing the passing of the day and the end of work. (17)

2 as: “As” introduces an adverbial clause of reason.


As you weren’t there I left a message.

As she’s been ill perhaps she’ll need some help.

3 throw sb. into/out of a place:to force sb. to enter/leave a place


They’ll throw me out (of school)if I fail three exams.

Anyone who opposes the regime is liable to be thrown into jail/prison.

lined with gardens/planted with crops, pears, and date palms: past participle phrase used here to modify “a street” and “fields” respectively.

What is the language spoken in that area?

They are problems left over by history.

4 Why school?: elliptical question

Why do I have to go to school?

Father: We’ll go to Tianjin this weekend.

Daughter: What for?

(Why this weekend?/Why Tianjin?)

What have I done?: rhetorical question

I don’t think I’ve done anythin g wrong to be punished like this.

Rhetorical question

—one that expresses strong feeling or opinion and doesn’t require an answer.

?Don’t you want to be useful like your brothers?

?Can’t you see I’m busy? (Don’t disturb me!)

?What good is a promise for an unemployed worker?

Features: question form, definite answer

often used in argument and/or persuasion

5 make… (out) of sb./sth.: to make sb./sth. become…

The army made a man of him.

Hardships help make a man of a boy.

6 convince: vt. to make sb. feel certain that sth. is true


I couldn’t convince him of his mistake.

I managed to convince them that the story was true.

7there is no good/use to be had in doing sth. or it is no good/use doing sth.

It’s no good crying over spilt milk.

There is no good to be had in crying over spilt milk.

tearing me away from /throwing me into: verbal noun as the object of the preposition

1).We had difficulty in finding a parking lot.

2). There’s no point in waiting.

tear sb. away from: make sb. leave a place

Can’t y ou tear yourself away from the TV for dinner?

8vast and full:adjective phrase modifies “the courtyard”

1).There’s nothing wrong with the computer.

2). Can you recommend some books easy for freshmen to read?

3). It was a conference fruitful of results.

Features: When used as an attribute modifier, adjective phrases are often placed after the noun.


(1)to hold tightly; to refuse to let go紧紧抓住或抱住e.g. The little girl clung to her mother. 小女孩紧紧抱住她的妈妈。

(2)become attached to sth.; stick to sth.附着于某物e.g. The smell of smoke clings to his clothes for a long time. 烟味长久附着在他的衣服上不散。

(3)be unwilling to abandon sth.; refuse to give sth. up坚持;拒绝放弃e.g. cling to a belief / an opinion / a theory 坚持一种信仰/意见/理论

(4)be emotionally dependent on sb.感情上依靠某人,依恋,依靠e.g. Small children cling to their mothers.小孩子都缠着母亲。

9 find + obj + v-ing

1). When I entered the room, I found him reading something aloud.

2). I found a tree lying across the road.

This structure is very common in verbs like “see, hear, feel, watch, notice”.

3). If she catches you reading her diary, she’ll be furious.

4).The words immediately set us all laughing.

10 come into view: begin to be seen

As soon as we turned the corner, the palace came into view.

in curiosity:“in” is used to show the feelings you have when you do sth. (in 表示做某事时带有的感情) eg.

She looked at the man in horror.

The young people waved their hands in excitement.

I did not know what to say.

"Question word + to do” can often be used as the object of certain verbs, e.g.

Before so many books I didn't know which to choose.

Would you please tell me how to get to the National Library?

10 burst into: to begin, suddenly and/or violently, to cry, laugh, sing, etc.

Aunt, who has been nervous and jumpy lately, suddenly burst into tears.

The aircraft crashed into the hillside and burst into flames (突然起火).

11 followed by: a past participle phrase that tells us how the lady came (or in what manner the lady came)

1). Guided by the teachers, all the students are studying very hard.

2). Given enough time, I’ll complete the job in time.

3). Combined with practice, theory may be learned easily.

to sort into: to put things in a particular order or separate them into groups. 将事物分类,整理Eg:

The teacher sorted the students into teams.

I’m going to sort these clothes into those to be kept and those to be thrown away.

12 to form into: to make (people) into (a group) 排列成,把…编排成eg:

The teacher formed the children into three lines.

The students formed themselves into four groups.

13 intricate: a. containing many detailed parts which make it difficult to understand


It is an intricate idea and would need a lot of intricate work.

14 overlook: vt.

a. to have a view of sth. from above

b. to fail to see or notice; pay no attention to

My garden is overlooked by the neighbors.

I’ll overlook your mistake this time.

15 variety: n. number or range of different things

The students come from a variety of different backgrounds.

The T-shirts are available in a wide variety of colors.

16 revolve: v.

a. to spin around or make sth. spin around, on a central point

b. (fig.) to think about考虑

The earth revolve s round the sun.

He revolved the matter in his head/mind.

to go on with sth: to continue an activity, especially after a pause or break继续做某事

eg: Let's go on with it after the lunch break.

She started writing in the morning and went on with it in the evening.

17 a matter of sth. /of doing sth.: a situation that involves sth. or depends on sth. 是…的问题

Learning is a matter of seeing much, studying much and suffering much.

Some people like pop music while others prefer serious music. It’s a matter of taste.

fool around: to waste time behaving in a silly way闲荡、混日子


He spent the whole afternoon just fooling around.

Stop fooling around otherwise you’ll never amount to anything.

18 bring about: make sth. happen引起,导致,致使

Science has brought about many changes in our lives.

The war brought about great human suffering.

19 give rise to: cause sth. to happen or exist引起或导致某事物

Poor living conditions give rise to many diseases.

Most people argued that poverty had given

rise to the crimes in the town.

20 resort to: make use of sth.; turn to sth. as a solution

Try not to resort to violence.

They had to resort to threats when they failed to persuade them to leave.

there is no question (of sth. happening /one’s doing sth. ): there is no possibility, …是不可能的

eg. There is no question of their dismissing you at the moment.

There is no question of our leaving on such a rainy day.

nothing but: only只有

e.g. Right now he thinks about nothing but his research.

She ate nothing but an apple for lunch.

lie ahead of: If an event lies ahead of you, it is going to happen or take place soon or in the future. (在)某人的前面Eg:

Difficult times lie ahead of us.

A bright future lies ahead of him.

21 take advantage of sth.:

1)make use of sth.

We must take full advantage of our trip to Britain.

The farmer took advantage of the good weather and got all the wheat in.

2)to treat sb/sth unfairly to get what one wants占…的便宜,欺骗… eg: You shouldn’t take advantage of their helpless position.

22 present (1): v. (reflex) to appear; attend

When the chance to study at Harvard present ed itself, I jumped at it.

He was ordered to present himself at the chairman’s office at nine o’clock next morning.

present (2) v.

a.to give; offer; put forward; submit赠予,交给

David’s manager presented him with the award for best sales in the region.

b. to show or reveal 显示,带来

Falling interest rates present the firm with a new problem.

c. to put on; produce (a play) 上演,演出

The National Theatre is presenting“King Lear” next month.

present n.现在,目前;礼物


23 trace: n.

a. a small sign that shows that s

b. or sth. was present or existed 痕迹

It vanished/disappeared/without trace.

Age has left its trace s on his face.

b. very small amount 微量

There are trace s of poison in the man’s bloo d.

A mere trace of smile passed over her face.

trace: v.

a. to follow the marks to find s

b. or sth.跟踪找到

She had given up all hope of tracing her missing daughter.

b. to find the origin of sth.找出根源,追溯到

The style of these paintings can be traced back to early medieval influences.

c. to study or describe the history, development or progress of sth.描述发展进程

His book traces the changing nature of the relationship between men and women.

24 in vain: uselessly; without a successful result

His parents tried in vain to persuade him to quit smoking.

Don’t let your time go by in vain.

25 on one’s own: alone; by oneself without help

Today young people like to live on their own.

The first thing you’ve got to do at college is to learn how to work on your own.

26 come to a halt: stop

The car came to a halt just before it hit an old man.

Work came to a halt when the electricity was suddenly cut.

27 invade: v.

a. enter in large numbers; crowd into

The cancer cells may invade other parts of the body.

b. enter a country with armed forces in order to attack

He ordered the army to invade at dawn.

28 find one’s way: arrive or get to a place

I hope you can find your way home.

She couldn’t find her way out of the building.

29Here and there stood conjurers: an i nverted sentence due to long subject Conjurers stood everywhere. They were showing off their tricks or making snakes appear from baskets.

In no case should we waste our time.

There goes the bell.

Away hurried the customers.

29 show off: to try to impress people and make them admire your abilities, achievements or possession


It was said that Mrs. Perkins only went to church to show off her new clothes.

Pay no attention to Susan—she’s just showing off.

30 with clowns and weight l ifters walking in front: “With+n.+doing” construction is used adverbially modifying “announcing”.

Then there was a band that was announcing the opening of a circus. The clowns

and weight lifters were walking in its front.

1). He stood there with a stick in his hand. (with + n. + prep.)

2). Paul soon fell asleep with th e light still burning. (with + n. + participle)

3). She can’t go out with all these dishes to wash. (with + n. + to do)

4). He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on. (with + n. + adv.)

31 daze: n. a confused state of mind 茫然状态

I’ve been wandering around in a daze all day.

32 let up:

a. to stop or become less strong or serious

When will the rain let up?

b. to relax/slacken one’s efforts

Keep plodding away at your task, no matter how d ifficult it is; don’t let up on it.

Put in appropriate prepositions or adverbs:

1. All these possibilities are ------consideration.

2. She feels ill ease with so many strangers watching.

3. I was my wit’s end. I really didn’t know what to do.

4. He was totally a loss for words.

5. Go and ask his wife. She must be ------the know.

6. Be your guard. Not everyone who smiles at you is a friend.

7. This chair is place in this room. Get rid of it.

8. A pay rise is the question. The company is operating a loss this year.

9. She knew that she was against very strong opposition.

10. They are very bad terms at the moment. They don’t speak to each other.

1. under

2. at

3. at

4. at

5. in

6. on

7. out of 8. out of, at 9. up 10. on

1. When doing business in the Arab world, do not be surprised if your meeting is interrupted several times by people who come into the room ___, whisper, or speak softly to the person with whom you are talking, and leave.

a. unannounced

b. unaccouncing

c. unannounce

d. to announce

2. When coal, the __ of plants, is burnt, chemical energy is changed into heat energy.

a. remains

b. remainders

c. traces

d. remnants

3. We object to the idea that it is military force that should be __ in settling international disputes.

a. applied to

b. resorted to

c. fallen back on

d. restrained from

4. The dean of our department asked that all the students ___ at the reception this afternoon in order to meet the representatives from other colleges.

a. are present

b. will be present

c. would be present

d. be present

5. The tremendous heat at a star’s core, __ tremendous gravity, joins the nuclei of hydrogen atoms.

a. combined with

b. having combined with

c. combining with

d. being combined with

6. __ the choice of a fine home downtown and a modest one in the suburbs, the latter will win.

a. Being given

b. Given

c. If given

d. When given

7. Despite their good service, most inns are less costly than hotels of _____ standards.

a. equivalent

b. alike

c. uniform

d. likely

8. Very few scientists _______ completely new answers to the world’s problems.

a. come up with

b. come out

c. come round

d. come up to

9. At the party we found that shy girl ______ her mother all the time.

a. depending on

b. coinciding with

c. adhering to

d. clinging to

10. Time __ , the celebration will be held as scheduled.


b. permitting

c. permitted

d. permits (TEM-4, 03)

11. Arriving at the bus stop, __ waiting there.

a. a lot of people were

b. he found a lot of people

c. a lot of people

d. people were found (TEM-4, 94)

12. Much as __ , I couldn’t lend him the money because I simply didn’t have that much spare cash. (TEM-4, 99)

a. I would have liked to

b. I would like to

c. I should have to like

d. I should have liked to

13. The encouraging factor is that the __ majority of people find the idea of change acceptable.

a. numerous

b. vast

c. most

d. massive

14. Animals that could not __ themselves to the changed environment perished and those that could survived.

a. change

b. adapt

c. modify

d. conform

15. For the success of the project, the company should __ the most of the opportunities at hand.

a. obtain

b. grasp

c. catch

d. make (TEM-4, 98)

16. The local police are authorized to __ anyo ne’s movements as they think it.

a. pause

b. halt

c. repel

d. keep (TEM-4, 98)

17.She was standing outside in the snow, __ with cold.

a. spinning

b. shivering

c. shaking

d. staggering (TEM-4, 04)

18. The accusation left him quite __ with rage.


b. silent

c. mute

d. speechless

19. As the drug took __ the patient became quieter.

a. force

b. effect

c. action

d. influence

20. He is now convinced __ the truth of the report.

a. about

b. in

c. at

d. of

1-6 aabdab 7-12aadbba 13-18bbdbbd

