Phonetics and Phonology

Phonetics and Phonology
Phonetics and Phonology

Phonetics and Phonology

Key words: phonetics, phonology, introduction, difference, relationship, IPA, Consonants, Vowels,Phone, Phoneme, Allophone, Minimal Pair,

Phonological Rules

Introductions of Phonetics and Phonology

1. Phonetics

Phonetics and phonology are two branches of linguistics that deal primarily with the structure of human language sounds. Without them we will live as deaf or dumb. Phonetics is about the production of sounds, including the production of sound, that is how speech sounds a re actually made, transmitted and received, the description and classification of speech sounds. The study of sounds is divided into three main areas: Articulator Phonetics, Acoustic Phonetics and Perceptual Phonetics. Phonology studies the rules governing the structure, distribution, and sequencing of speech sounds and the shape of syllables. It deals with the sound system of a language by treating phoneme as the point of departure.

Phonetics is the study of speech sounds that the human voice is capable of creating whereas phonology is the study of a subset of those sounds that constitute language and meaning. The first focuses on chaos while the second focuses on order.

It approache s speech on different levels. “At one level, it studies organs such as tongue and larynx and their function in the production of speech. At another level, it focuses on the speech sounds produced by these organs by identifying and classifying the individual sounds. This is the domain of articulator phonetics. It also investigates the properties of the sound waves—acoustic phonetics. As speech is intended to be hard or perceived, it is therefore possible to focus on the way in which a listener analyses or processes a sound wave—auditory phonetics.

Study of Phonetics, we…d better know something about the speech organs. For example, their places their function during an air stream producing speech sounds and so on. The knowledge of speech organs can help us in the further learning of Phonetics

The most important part of Phonetics is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), which analyses the speech sound in two ways—“the manners of articulation and the places of articulation”. IPA is the basic part of the lear ning of Phonology, too. We can?t learn consonants without it. There are some important consonants which we should remember their place in IPA, such as [p] voiceless bilabial plosive; [d] voiced alveolar plosive; [f] voiceless labiodentals fricative and so no, especially the English consonants.


In the production of consonants at least two articulators are involved. The categories

of consonant are established on the basis of several factors: the actual relationship between the articulators and thus the way in which the air passes through certain parts of the vocal tract, known as the manner of articulation; and where in the vocal tract there is approximation, narrowing or the obstruction of air, known as the place of articulation. The manner of articulation: stop [p, b, t, d, k, g], nasal [m, n], fricative [f, v, si], approximant [w, j], lateral [l], trill [r], tap and flap, affricate [ts, dz, tr, dr]. The place of articulation: bilabial [p, b, m], labiodentals [f, v], dental, alveolar [t, d, n, s, z], post alveolar, retroflex, palatal [j], velar [k, g], uvular, pharyngeal, glottal [h]. Description: Three parameters to identify a consonant:

①place of articulation: place in the mouth where obstruction occurs.

②manners of articulation: ways in which articulation can be accomplished.

③state of vocal cords: voiced VS. Voiceless


A vowel is a sound in spoken language pronounced with an open vocal tract so that there is no build-up of air pressure at any point above the glottis. A vowel is also understood to be syllabic: an equivalent open but non-syllabic sound is called a semivowel. In all languages, vowels form the nucleus or peak of syllables, whereas consonants form the onset and (in languages which have them) coda. However, some languages also allow other sounds to form the nucleus of a syllable. The description of English vowels needs to fulfill four basic requirements:

①the height of tongue raising (high, mid, low);

②the position of the highest part of the tongue (front, central, back);

③the length or tenseness of the vowels (tense vs. lax or long vs. short);

④the lip-rounding (rounded vs. unrounded)

2. Phonology

Phonology is about sound patterns. “It deals with the sound system of language by treating phoneme as the point of departure. A phoneme is the smallest linguistic unit of sound that can signal difference in meaning. English has approximately forty-five phonemes”.

Another thing we should know is that the sound segments can be grouped into consonants and vowels. V owels are the speech sound made without audible stopping of the breath by the tongue, lips and so on.

-- Phone: the speech sounds we hear and produce during linguistic communication are all phones. It?s a phonetic unit or segment (in the mouth). Conventionally, phones are placed within square brackets “[]”(phonetic transcription). Phones do not necessarily distinguish meaning. Usually phones of different phonemes distinguish meaning.

--Phoneme: A sound which is capable of distinguishing one word or one shape of a word from another in a given language is a phoneme. It?s a basic unit in phonological analysis. It is not any particular sound, but an abstract segment. In actual speech, a phoneme is realized phonetically as a certain phone. The phoneme is the smallest meaning-distinguishing unit. Phonemes are placed in slashes “//” (phonemic transcription)

--Allophone: when we have a set of phones, all of which are versions of one phoneme, we refer to them as the allophones of that phoneme. One phoneme may have several allophones, but the choice of an allophone is rule-governed.

--Minimal Pair: When two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound segment, which occurs in the same place in the strings, the two sound combinations are said to form a minimal pair. When two words such as pat and bat are identical in form except for a contrast in one phoneme, occurring in the same position, the two words are described as a minimal pair. Minimal pairs are established on the basis of sound and not spelling. Three requirements for a minimal pair:

①same number of segment

②one phonetic difference in the same place

③different meaning

--Phonological Rules

The rules contain three parts: class of sounds affected; phonetic change; phonemic environment. There are several rules. Devoice a voiced consonant after a voiceless consonant. Nasalize vowels before nasals. An alveolar stop becomes a flap when preceded by a stressed vowel and followed by an unstressed vowel. Voiceless stops are aspirated when they occur initially in a stressed syllable. They are called nasalization rule, tantalization rule, and valorization rule and so on. Egg. Voiced fricaive→voiceless /__ voiceless.

Difference between Phonetics and Phonology

However, there is difference between them. And they focus on different areas.

Phonetics focuses on the physical manifestations of speech sounds and on theories of speech production and perception.

Phonology is concerned with the systems of rules (or constraints) that determine how the sounds of a language combine and influence one another.

For an example: in [leap] and [peel], in phonetics, we focus on the [l].In [leap],[l] is a clear sound. However, in [peel], the [l] is a dark sound. In phonology, we focus on the letters and their positions.

The relationship between Phonetics and Phonology

Although they have difference, they influent each other in some degree.

Phonetics is the basic part Phonology when we learn linguistics. As we learn Phonology step by step we can find it connects with Phonetics closely. For example, consonants and vowels belong to the categories of Phonology, while the ways of telling or naming them bases on the principles of Phonetics.

First, we learn consonants by using IPA which belongs to Phonetics. From the definition of consonants we know that realizing how to pronounce them is the best way for us to learn them well. That means we should know enough knowledge about both the organs and the manners of articulation. “In the production of consonants at least two articulators are involved. The most important factors that the categories of consonants are established on are a) the actual relationship between the articulators and thus the way in which their passes through certain parts of the vocal tract—the manners of articulation and b) where in the vocal tract there is approximation, narrowing, or the obstruction of air-- the places of a rticulation” . And the two factors are the basic structures of IPA.

Second, the criteria of vowel description bassoon the position of tongue or the kind of opening made at the lips which are analyzed by Phonetics. Concretely, “the description of vowels needs to fulfill four criteria: the part of tongue that is raised—front, center, or back; the extent to which the tongue rises in the direction of the palate—mid-high, mid-low, and low; the kind of opening made at the lips—rounded or unrounded; the position of the soft palate—raised for oral vowels, and lowed for vowels which have been nasalized”.

At least since Trubetzkoy many have thought of phonology and phonetics as separate, largely autonomous, disciplines with distinct goals and distinct methodologies. Some linguists even seem to doubt whether phonetics is properly part of linguistics at all. The commonly encountered expression …the interface between phonology and phonetics? implies that the two domains are largely separate and interact only at specific, proscribed points.

Now I will attempt to make the case that phonetics is one of the essential areas of study for phonology. Without phonetics, I would maintain, (and allied empirical disciplines such as psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics) phonology runs the risk of being a sterile, purely descriptive and taxonomic, discipline; with phonetics it can achieve a high level of explanation and prediction as well as finding applications in areas such as language teaching, communication disorders, and speech technology.

In a word, phonetics is one of the disciplines that help to provide answers to phonology?s questions about why speech sounds behave as they do. Moreover, in its growth over the past couple of centuries it has developed a respectable level o f scientific rigor in creating and testing models of various aspects of the speech mechanism. Phonology can benefit from phonetics? methods, data, and theories. Reference: 胡壮麟《语言学教程》

题目:Phonetics and Phonology


2012年第11期 吉林省教育学院学报 No.11,2012 第28卷JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF JILIN PROVINCE Vol .28(总311期) Total No .311 收稿日期:2012—07—27 作者简介:马莉(1980—),女,湖北洪湖人。华东交通大学外国语学院,讲师,硕士,研究方向:英语语言学。 论大学英语教学中的语音教学 马 莉 (华东交通大学外国语学院,江西南昌330013) 摘要:语音是语言学习的基础,语音学习的好坏直接影响到学习者的英语学习水平。本文通过分析语音教学在大学英语教学中的重要性和当前学生普遍存在的语音问题,提出了大学英语语音教学的一些策略。 关键词:语音;语音教学;大学英语教学中图分类号:G642.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671—1580(2012)11—0051—03 一、语音教学在大学英语教学中的重要性 长期以来,语音课一直是英语专业学生的专业必修课,然而,对于大学英语课程而言,大多数高校在大学英语教学中都没有对学生进行系统的语音教学,学生得不到系统的语音训练。相当一部分学生不懂得如何拼读单个的单词,更谈不上用正确的语音语调学英语了。近几年,为了彻底改变中国学生“聋哑英语”的现象,大学英语教学也在课程设置、教材选择和学时安排上不断地改进和完善,注重按照新修订的大学英语教学大纲的要求培养学生的英语听说能力。然而,语音对学生听说能力所起到的重要作用却没有被充分地认识到。语音是语言的物质载体,语法和词汇都是通过语言来体现的,可以说,语音是听、说、读、写、译等各项基本技能的基础。 (一)语音教学对词汇的影响绝大多数学生都认为,学习语音就是学一学48个音标和句子的语音语调,根本不了解语音还涉及到词汇的掌握和记忆。很多学生反映,英语学习中最让他们头疼的就是记单词,花了大量的时间记单词,但总是记不住,这给他们的英语学习造成了很大的障碍。这主要是由于老师在要求学生记忆单词的时候很少讲解记词汇的技巧,而学生在记单词的时候都是采取只念字母而不念读音的死记硬背的方式和单纯的翻译法。如果老师能够给学生讲解一些语音知识,基于这些语音知识教学生采取先将词汇英 标中的音节划分开,再将音节中的元音、辅音、重音 及次音准确读出来的发音法,根据单词的语音规则,就可以在很短的时间内记住单词的发音,同时还能记住词义。忽视读音和读音规则,学生在记词汇的时候就会出现记忆不牢固和掌握词汇速度慢等问题。 (二)语音教学对听力的影响 语音的好坏直接影响到听力水平。听力理解是学生利用传播的语音信号获得信息,也就是对语音信号的辨别,即语音解码是听力理解的关键。一般情况下,学生的听音辨别能力与学生本身的语音水平有着直接的关系。在英语四六级听力考试中,学生在复合式听写这一题型的得分普遍不理想,有的同学甚至反映觉得自己做的还不错,但是得分却往往不高,这主要就是由于学生对辅音放在单词末要失去爆破以及一些近似音的区分等等一些基本语音知识不清楚。因此,在大学英语教学中,教师必须给学生讲解一些基本的语音知识,包括单音、重音、节奏、弱读和语调等训练。听力水平能否提高,语音起着决定性的作用。 (三)语音教学对口语的影响 语音是语言交流的一个必不可少的要素。发音准确、优美是语言交流所追求的境界。流利、纯正的发音是交流的润滑剂。语音、 语调的训练是获得好的口语所要通过的第一关。现今的大学英语教学改 1 5


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音系学 一.音系学(Phonology)的定义: 音系学主要有以下两个任务:其一,发现某一特定语言中出现的所有能够区别意义的语音;其二,找出语音是如何组织起来表达意义的。 二.音素(Phone)、音位(Phoneme)和音位变体(Allophone): 音素(Phone):一个语音单元或音段。 音位(Phoneme):一个具有区别性价值的单位,是一组语音特征的抽象集合体。 音位变体(Allophone):同一个音位在不同语音环境下的实现的方式。 三.音位的分布(Distribution of Phonemes): 音位对立(phonemic contrast)以及互补分布(complementary Distribution):相似的音素之间相联系的方式主要有两种:如果它们是同一个音位的音位变体,不区别意义,就处于互补分布状态;如果它们不是同一个音位的音位变体,且能够区分意义,就构成了音位对立。 自由变异(free variation): 如果两个音素出现在一个相同的语音环境中,并不区别意义,换而言之,用一个音素替换另一个音素而不产生一个新词,仅仅产生同一个词的不同读音,那么这两个音素就处于自由变异。 最小对立体(minimal pairs): 如果两个单词,除了出现在同一个位置上的一个音以外,其余的都相同,则这两个词就构成了一个最小对立体。若最小对立体按照相同的条件进一步的扩展,扩展到多对,就构成了一个最小对立集(minimal set)。例如:hook和book,book和look,look和cook就构成了三对对立体,而这六个词则构成了一个最小对立集。 四.音系学的一些规则(Some Rules of Phonology): 在音系学中,孤立的音素是没有意义的。因此为了表达意义,音素必须组合在一起,但是也需要符合一定的组合原则。 1)序列原则(Sequential rules):即语音组成词在排列顺序上要受到一定的制约。音位系统规定了哪些音位可以放在词首,哪些可以放在哪些可以相互搭配。 2)同化原则(assimilation rule):一个音通过吸收其相邻音的特点,变得与其相似,这种音系规则叫做同化原则(assimilation rule)。如果后面的音同化了前面的邻音,这种同化叫做逆同化(regressive assimilation);反之,则叫做顺同化(progressive assimilation)。常见的同化有鼻音化(nasalization),齿音化(dentalization)和软腭 化(velarization)。 3)省略原则(deletion rule):有关于在什么条件下某个音被省略掉,即只有拼写形式存在而不发音的音系规则。 五.超音段特征(Suprasegmental Features): 超音段特征主要有音调(tone)、重音(stress)和语调(intonation)。 重音(stress):在产生一个音节过程中所用力的程度。重音分为两种:单词重音和句子


新编简明英语语言学知识点汇总1 Introduction 1.1 What is linguistics? Scientific study of language.

Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Characteristics: ①language is system,elements of language are combined according to the rules;

②language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between a linguistic symbol and what it stands for, A rose by any other name would smell as well; ③language is vocal because the primary medium for all language is sound; Language is a system which consists of two structures. At the lower level there is a structure of sounds,which are meaningless by themselves.But the sounds can grouped or regrouped together into a larger numbers of units of meaning such as morpheme or words,which are found at the higher level of system(carp & park).Then the higher level can be arranged and rearranged into an infinite numbers of sentences;

英语语言学2 Morphology形态学word讲义

Chapter 3 Morphology形态学 Nothing is more important to language than words. Words can carry meaning. Words are the fundamental building blocks of a language. So, is word the most basic or the minimal unit of meaning? If not, then what is? How words are formed?---morphology 3.1 what is morphology? Morphology refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. 3.2 Open class and closed class (开放词类和封闭词类) Open class words----content words of a language to which we can regularly add new words, such as nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. Closed class words----grammatical or functional words, such as conjunction, articles, preposition and pronouns. New words can be added to open class words regularly with the development of human civilization. However, the number of closed class words is small and stable since few new words are added. 3.3Morphemes--the minimal units of meaning(词素,最小的意义单位) Word is the smallest free from found in language. Word can be further divided into smaller meaningful units---morphemes. So, morpheme is--- the smallest unit of language that carries information about meaning or function. Words are composed of morphemes. Words may consist of one morpheme or more morphemes, e.g. 1-morpheme boy, desire 2-morpheme boyish, desirable 3-morpheme boyishness, desirability 4-morpheme gentlemanliness, undesir(e)abl(e)ity 5-morpheme ungentlemanliness 6-morpheme anti+dis+establish+ment+ari+an+ism Free morpheme & bound morpheme Free morpheme----is one that may constitute a word (free form) by itself, such as bed, tree, sing, dance, etc. Bound morpheme----is one that may appear with at least one other morpheme. They can not stand by themselves, such as ―-s‖ in ―dogs‖, ―al‖ in ―national‖, ―dis-‖ in ―disclose‖, ―ed‖ in ―recorded‖, Allomorph


外文文献及译文 文献、资料题目:Electronic Commerce 外文文献: Electronic Commerce Electronic commerce, or Electronic trade, or electronic business as a newly rising mode of commerce will have far-reaching influence on social economy and play an important role in social development worldwide. It represents the trend of world trade in the 21st century and beyond. 1. What is Electronic Commerce? Electronic commerce refers to commercial data exchange in digital form through electronic transmission means and commercial activities conducted on-line. Usually, electronic commerce can be divided into two levels: One is low-level electronic commerce that is, electronic commercial intelligence, electronic trade, and electronic contracts. Another is high-level electronic commerce which includes all commercial activities done via Internet, ranging from searching for clients, commercial negotia-tion, making orders, on-line payment, releasing electronic invoice, to electronic dec-laration to Customs, electronic tax-payment, all conducted on Internet. Electronic commerce means electrification of all trade transactions. It is featured by these characters: ①fairness and freedom, ②high efficiency, ③globalization, ④virtualization, ⑤interactivity, ⑥autonomy, ⑦personalized service. With electronic commerce, clients and

《语音学和音系学引论》 第二版

《语音学和音系学引论》(第二版) 分章导读 第一章导言 本章是全书的开篇,分为四个小题目:语音学和音系学,理论和分析,与其他领域的关系,全书的框架。 第一小节介绍本学科的研究范围。作者提出语音学和音系学从两个层面研究人类语音的发生和感知:第一个层面是语音的解剖和生理层面,涉及发音器官及功能、语音、传递语音的声波、听者对语音声波的分析和处理。在这一层面上的研究称为“语音学”,可以细分为语音的解剖学和生理学、发音语音学、声学语音学和听觉(或感知)语音学。在第二个层面上,语音被看作是一种有目的的人类活动,具有传达意义的目的,在这一层面上的语音研究称为“音系学”,因此音系学常被看作是与特定语言内部的语音构造有关的。 第二小节论述理论和实践的关系,指出本书旨在介绍一种科学的理论方法,是与会不会发音或会不会模仿截然不同的。普通人通过说话表达意义,从不有意识地考虑自己的哪些器官在做什么样的动作,但语言学家所感兴趣的恰恰是说话者的这些细微的过程和活动,并对此进行分析,对器官的动作和活动如何表达意义作出解释。 第三小节首先讲解语音学和音系学对口语的记录和描述以及对英语拼写的指导作用,然后讨论其在外语教学中的应用和有关英语标准发音(RP)的争论,最后说明语音研究与科学技术的相互联系。从事录音、语言描述和语言教学工作的人对语音知识会有一定的兴趣,而从事听力学、语言矫治和言语病理学的人员需要具备坚实的语音学和音系学基础。二十世纪的科技进步为语音研究提供了新的手段,使语音研究的成果与生理学、物理学和电子学有了更密切的关系。近年来语音研究与科学技术结合在语音合成和语音-文本转换方面也有了可喜的进展,具有很高的商业价值和对理论探索的兴趣,使语音学家和音系学家得以更加紧密地与计算机和人工智能方面的专家进行合作。 第四小节叙述本书的框架,指出各章的目的和方法。本书在结构上比较特别,语音学和音系学的内容交叉进行。第二、三、六、七、八章明显属于语音学的内容,其余各章属于音系学内容。这样做的目的是模糊语音学和音系学的界限,使这两个在很长一段时间独立进行研究的学科更加一致起来。 思考题: 1.语音学和音系学在对语音的研究上有哪些异同点? 2.语音学和音系学与我们平时发音的关系是什么? 3.语音学和音系学知识可以应用于哪些其他领域? 4.语音学和音系学与语言学的其他分支学科有什么关系?


英语语音课程标准 课程编号:061081 课程类别:专业基础课 适用专业:英语专业课程所属系部:外语系 学时(学分):36(2)编写执笔人及编写日期:康小丽2011年4月24日 审定负责人及审定日期: 1.课程定位和课程设计 1.1、课程性质与作用 “英语语音”课程是英语专科阶段学习的一门基础课程。该课程的教学对象为大学专科英语专业的学生。 该课程的教学目的在于通过教学活动帮助学生掌握正确、标准的英语发音、节奏规律和语调,学会使用自然得体的英语语音语调表达思想,以达到有效交际的目的。 1.2课程设计的理念 本着“以学生为主体,以就业为导向,以能力为本位,以促进学生可持续发展为目标”的教学理念。重视与改革入门阶段的语音教学势在必行。作为小学英语教师的我们应在语音教学这个问题上多动脑筋,以寻求更好地突破口,引导学生主动、积极地感知、体验、参与、实践语音学习活动,从而形成正确的语音、语调 1.3 课程设计思路 “英语语音”是一个实践性很强的课程,建议教学时采取以下方法:从听入手、听与说的训练齐头并进。依据采用多样的教学方法和先进的教学手段,提倡“教—学—做“为一体的设计思路,使语音课程设计有利于开展以学生为中心的启发式教学、互动式教学,有利于培养学生的个性化学习和研究性学习能力,有利于提高学生的语言应用能力和人文素质。 2.课程目标 基本目标 该课程的教学目的在于通过教学活动帮助学生掌握正确、标准的英语发音、节奏规律和语调,学会使用自然得体的英语语音语调表达思想,以达到有效交际的目的。 能力目标 本课程要求学生以练习与实践为主,辅以理论学习,从听辨语音、语调能力的培养入手,将听力、发音与口头表达三方面的训练紧密结合起来,既强调语音语调基本功的训练,又注意语音语调的活用练习,以达到灵活运用的目的。 1、探索多元化的教学模式,充分尊重学生个体化差异,满足学生个性化发展需要。 2、进一步充实、扩展、完善课程体系,充分实现知识、能力、素质协调发展。 3、充分利用现代教育技术和网络资源,强化自主学习板块,真正做到课堂教学和网络教学,网上学 习和网下学习的结合。 3.课程内容与教学要求 该课程的教学从介绍英语语音的音节、重音和节奏的基本概念入手,使学生一开始就对英语语音的音节、重音和节奏有清楚的认识,为以后的学习打下良好的基础。 课程根据训练的侧重点的不同分为三大部分:第一部分由第2 – 7单元组成,着重训练学生英语的辅音和元音的发音;第二部分由第8 –12单元组成,着重训练学生的英语话语节奏规律;第三部分由第13 – 15单元组成,着重训练英语的语音语调,含语调的种类、结构、功能和使用。每个单元的编排由以下几个部分组成:1、英语语音知识的简单介绍;2、听辨、听力训练;3、发音、口语训练;4、语音语调模仿训练;5、检测实际使用能力的训练,即以完成某项任务为手段的交际练习。为了强化重


电子商务简历中英文范文 个人简历最好用A4标准复印纸打印,字体最好采用常用的宋体或楷体,尽量不要用花里呼哨的艺术字体和彩色字体,排版要简洁明快,切忌标新立异,排的象广告一样。当然,如果你应聘的是排版工作则是例外。电子商务简历中英文范文篇一fwdq Female, 26, Education: college Working years: 3 to 5 years Expected salary: yuan Working location: chengdu to build Objective: electronic commerce competent specialist / | | shop operation content/new media operation promotion | | network shops operating Ability to perform Strong learning ability Have affinity Honesty integrity communication ability Work experience (work for 11 months, made a job) Star international health industry group Working time: March XX to February XX] [11 months Job title: general manager Education experience Graduated in July XX Sichuan chemical industry

语音学和音位学 练习题

第2章语音学和音位学 Phonetics&Phonology 1.phonetics is the study of_______. A.all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages B.sppech sounds used by human languages to represent C.the differernces between sounds used in human languages and sounds in nature phonological differences can lead to misunderstanding 2./m, n/ are ____. A.fricatives B.dentals C.glides D.nasals 3./w, j/ belong to ____. A.fricatives B. dentals C. glides D. nasals 4.Which of the following vowel is the rounded vowel? A.[i:] B.[u:] C.[i] D.[a:] 5.In the field of phonology, which of the following does NOT belong to the suprasegmental features? A.stress B.tone C.intonation D.syllable 6.Classification of vowels are made up of the followings EXCEPT____. A.the position of the tongue B.the openness of the mouth C.The shape of the lip D.The width of the vowels 7.A sound which is capable of distinguishing one word or one shape of a word from another in a given language is a______. A.phoneme B.allophone D.allomorph 8./p, t, k / are______. A.fricatives B. affricates C. glides D.stops 9./kuku:/ is a bird’s call. The name of such a bird is CUCKOO which is an example of ______.,nguage universals B.onomatopoeia C.teaching grammars D.morphs 10.The vowel [u:] in [fu:d] (food) is a____ vowel.


2013-2014学年第二学期通识选修课 《英语语音和大学英语学习》试题 一、填空题(每空1分,共20分) 1、英语中有 48 个音素,其中,元音音素有 20 个,元音音素可分为单元音和双元音;辅音音素有 28 个,细分为 12 个清辅音和 16 个浊辅音。 2、在元音音素中,发音时为圆唇的音有 、、和。 3、根据发音规则,我们把音素分为元音和辅音。 4、根据震动声带与否,我们把辅素分为清辅音和浊辅音。 5、在发长元音时,口腔肌肉是收缩;在发短元音时,口腔肌肉是舒张。 6、一般来说,在双音节词中,我们可以根据单词的重读音节来判断单词的词性。 7、英语中的连读必须发生在同一意群中。 8、在英语单词的多音节中,大多数的元音字母和字母组合要弱读为或。 二、英语语音术语翻译(每个1分,共10分) 1 元音: [ a ] [ a:] [ ?] 后元音: [ a: ] [ っ] [ っ:] [ u ] [ u:] 2、辅音气流在口腔或咽头受到阻碍而形成的音叫做辅音,又叫子音。(黄)/ 发音时气流受到发音器官的各种阻碍,声带不一定振动,不够清晰响亮的音素叫辅音。(张)/ 气流从肺里出来不一定振动声带,通过口腔时受到一定的阻碍,这种主要依靠阻碍发出的音叫辅音。 3、双元音双元音音素由两个元音组成,发音时由一个元音向另一个元音滑动,口型有变化。前一个元音发音清晰响亮,且时间长;后一个元音发音模糊软弱,且时间短。特别要注意的三点是: (1)不要将前后两个音断开,应连贯成为一个整体: (2)不要因为后一个元音发音短小而将其忽略; (3)发音时滑动过程要完整,时间要充分。

双元音(diphthongs)在语音学中,指联合的两个元音,它们作为一个整体出现。之间有平滑的过渡,也就是说,双元音中的发音牵涉到两种不同的舌位,并且从其中一种舌位滑动到另一舌位。在国际音标 (IPA) 中,单元音(monophthongs)用一个字母表示,如[?]。双元音用两个字母表示,如[a?],响度较低的字母可以加上 [ ]符号以表示它是双元音的一部份,例如 [a?]。 4、单词重音英语的每个词,至少有一个音节读得特别重而清楚,而其他的音节则轻而含糊。读得重而清楚的音节,叫做单词重音,又叫重读音节。读得轻而含糊的音节,叫做非重读音节或轻读音节。 5、意群意群就是指句子中按意思和结构划分出的各个成分,每一个成分即称为一个意群。同一意群中的词与词的关系紧密相关,密不可分,否则就会引起误解。 6、音节音节是听觉能感受到的最自然的语音单位,有一个或几个音素按一定规律组合而成。汉语中一个汉字一般一个音节,每个音节由声母、韵母和声调三个部分组成;英语中一个元音音素可构成一个音节,一个元音音素和一个或几个辅音音素结合也可以构成一个音节。 9、连读在连贯地说话或朗读时,在同一个意群(即短语或从句)中,如果相邻的两个词前者以辅音音素结尾,后者以元音音素开头,就要自然地将辅音和元音相拼,构成一个音节,这就是连读。连读时的音节一般不重读,只需顺其自然地一带而过,不可以加音,也不可以读得太重。如:not at all这个短语。连读时听起来就像是一个单词。注意:连读只发生在句子中的同一个意群中。在两个意群之间即使有两个相邻的辅音和元音出现,也不可连读。如:Please take a look at it.这个句子中take a look at it是同一个意群,那么take与a可连读,look与at可连读,at 与it可连读。 10、辅音连缀在同一意群内,如果有两个或两个以上的辅音音素结合在一起,这种语音现象称为辅音短缀. 辅音连缀发生在词尾,词中和词尾.在辅音前,连缀的辅音不超过3个,在元音后,连缀的辅音不超过10个. 读辅音连缀时,前面的辅音必须读得轻一些,短促些,各个辅音之间不能夹入元音.音与音之间要衔接紧密,快速,过度自然. 三、给下列单词分音节并注明音节数(每个1分,共10分) 1、probable pro ba ble 三节 2、meeting 3、cooperate 4、sociology 5、continuous 6、correct 7、geography 8、chaos 9、oasis 10、exaggerate

27037 本科自考英语语言学概论精心整理 Chapter 4 Phonology

Chapter 4 Phonology(音位学) 4.1 phonetics and phonology:语音学与音位学的区分 Both phonetics and phonology are concerned with speech.语音学和音位学都士对语音的研究。 定义区别 -Phonetics is a study of the production, perception and physical properties of speech sounds. 语音学是研究语音的生产、感知和物理性质的。 -Phonology studies how speech sounds are combined,organized,and convey meanings in particular languages.研究语音如何在在特定的语言中结合、组织和表达含义。 ---Phonology is is the study of how sounds are organized and used in natural languages.音位学是特定于语言的。它的研究对象是自然语言中的声音是如何组织和使用的。 ---Phonetics is a study of speech sounds while phonology is a study of the sound syst em of a language.语音学是一个研究语音的然后音位学是研究一种语言的声音系统的学科。 4.2 Phonemes,phones and allophones 音位、音子、音位变体 Different languages have different phonological systems.不同的语言有不同的语音系统。 定义: ①Phones are the smallest identifiable phonetic unit or segment found in a stream of speech. 音子就是在连续的发音中可辨认的最小语音单位或片段。 ②Allophones are the phones which represent a phoneme in a language and cannot change word meaning by substituting any of the set for another.音位变体是指代表语言中音位的音子,即使以一个取代另一个也不改变词义。 ③Phonemes are the minimal distinctive units in the sound system of a language.音位是语言系统中最小的独特的单位。 Allophones are the realization of a particular phoneme while phones are the realizatio n of phonemes in general.音位变体是一个特定音素的认知而音子则是一般的音素。 4.3Minimal pairs 最小对立体 The phonologist is concerned with what difference are significant or technically speaki ng, distinctive. Minimal pair---a pair of words which differ from each other by one sound. Three conditions(情况): 1)the two froms are different in meaning意义不同 2)the two forms are different in one sound segment声音片段不同 3)the different sounds occur in the same position of the two words.不同声音发生在两个单词的相同位置 Minimal set: a group of words can satisfy(满足)the three conditions . Minimal pairs help determine phonemes. 最小对立体用来定义音位。 4.4 identifying phonemes 识别音素 4.4.1 contrastive distribution,complementary distribution and free variation 对比分布,互补分布和自由变异 The distribution of a sound refers to the collective environments in which the sound concerned may appear.一个声音的分布是指其有关的声音可能出现的集体环境。 1)contrastive distribution对比分布 If two or more sounds can occur in the same environment and the substitution of on


大学英语听力教学心得 庞静 相对于其他正规院校的本科生来说,高职生的英语基础较差,平均水平不高。从英语听力课的教学来看,其不足主要表现为词汇量少,语音语感较差,知识面窄,独立进行分析判断能力不足,从而反应较慢。除此之外,高职生在英语听力学习方面的不足还表现为缺乏良好的英语听力的自我控制能力和逻辑思维能力,缺乏良好的听力习惯,缺乏应有的自学能力,这一切都无形中构成了高职生英语听力学习的障碍。在我上的大学英语听力的部分系部表现的特别明显。教材是教学的依据,教材的选用和利用对于教学来讲意义重大。虽说我们学校的大学英语听力选用了不同的教材——外语系选用的大学英语听力;人文系选用的英语教程;音乐美术系选用的实用英语。但由于系部不同班级的学生水平也参差不齐,所以因材施教显得尤为重要。 外语系学生相对英语成绩相对较好,大部分学生的学习积极性都比较高。处在这个竞争愈来愈激烈的社会中,他们强烈地感受到自身的不足,从而有着很高的学习积极性。但同时也有相当一部分同学由于种种原因或自卑不前,或自满松懈,或心不在焉,学习态度和学习成绩均和前者有着很大差距,形成两极分化。外语系选用的教材中每个单元由三部分组成:第一部分通常是语音练习,它对于纠正学生的发音很有帮助。教师在完成这一部分的听力练习之后可以接着让学生跟读,模仿,从单词到长句,循序渐进。同时讲解相应的发音规则。第二部分通常是对话和短文。由于部分学生基础较差,如果按照机械的程序从讲解词汇,介绍背景,播放录音直至完成练习,他们会感到十分吃力。于是我一般在讲完词汇和介绍完背景之后,先把所要播放的录音内容概述一下,当然语速要慢。这样可以给学生留下一定的适应时间,帮助他们理解接下来的内容。第三部分是口头练习,这一部分往往会被忽略,我认为这是十分可惜的。不妨让学生根据所听的内容编排对话,复述大意或进行主题讨论,将听与说结合,把听到的内容用自己的语言表达出来。语言是交流的工具,而交流则包涵了由听到说的过程。听是说的基础,听最终要服务于说。 人文系现在的英语教程听力没个单元有不同的话题,围绕这个话题从report 来引出话题,这部分比较简单。然后10个段对话,1个长对话,1个短文听力。这部分听完,再简单讲解一下基本上要花一节课的时间。对于学生的认知,45分钟都在不停的听,做题目无疑会走神,事倍功半,往往是开始20分钟效率特别高,然后就思想松散了听的有一句没一句的。休息5分钟后按照课本内容是听电影片段做填词。这部分联系简单但由于是原声电影说话的语速很快而且连读,省略都很多,加之听力疲劳。所以效果也不佳。我觉得还是听与说要结合交替进


电子商务之诚信问题 一我国电子商务存在的诚信问题 中国电子商务诚信危机的表现 利用电子商务进行交易必然会涉及到信用与支付问题。由于电子商务的“无纸化”和“无址化”, 对参加交易的各方提出了更高的信用要求.处于转型期的中国社会,传统的“义理社会”价值体系的约束作用正在日趋削弱,而基于法制基础之上的“契约社会”还远未形成.信用的概念在不少人的眼中甚是淡薄,因此也给与电子商务密切配套的支付手段带来了很大的不利影响.目前国内所进行的电子商务交易,其支付手段可以说是土洋结合。信用卡、借记卡、储蓄卡、邮局汇款和货到付款等多种支付方式混合使用,有的甚至是使用网上查询、网下交易的方法.虽然现在有一些银行开始进行在线支付和开办网上银行业务等方面的试点工作,但是在中国信用制度还很不完善的情况下,单靠银行的力量也很难解决这一问题.而且,由于人与人间的信任度较差,很少有人愿意贸然通过网络的形式把自己的信用卡帐号等个人资料告诉企业,因为稍不留神就会发生想象不到的严重问题.现实中也确实发生过这样的情况,有人把信用卡帐号等个人资料在网上告诉了企业,被一些不良企业把不应收的货款划走,等到消费者发现已为时过晚。现在大多数从事电子商务的企业,都选择了货到付款这样一种较可靠的方式,以解决在货款的支付中双方互不信任的问题.但是,电子商务活动进行的最终目的,就是为了进行快捷、方便、安全的交易,使资金使用和货物流向趋于合理。如果我们仍然沿用传统的交易方法,使用现款支付的方式来实行网上交易,必然会制约企业电子商务的运作规模,而且违背了电子商务活动的初衷。 电子商务环节中存在的失信行为大体表现在一下几个方面: 1.货物品质失真 消费者利用电子商务网站网上购物,虽具有安全、方便等诸多的优点,但根据消费者反馈,通过上网所购的商品往往达不到消费者的心理预期,还存在以次充好的现象。例如作者经常在淘宝网上购物,往往在网站图片上看到的货品样式十分诱人,图片制作非常优美,可是等到购买之后,货物送到自己手上的时候才发现实物和网站上的图片相差甚,感觉非常不值。货品失真,是电子商务网上购物存在的一个非常严重的失信现象。 2.货物失踪 在网上购物的消费者投诉方面,消费者进行了网上支付,却没收到货物的投

2160259 电子商务(中英文)(2011)

天津大学《电子商务》课程教学大纲 课程编号:2160259 课程名称:电子商务1 学 时: 32 学 分: 1.5 学时分配: 授课:16 上机:16 实验: 实践: 实践(周): 授课学院: 计算机科学与技术学院 适用专业: 计算机科学与技术 先修课程: 程序设计原理,计算机网络,Web开发技术 一.课程的性质与目的 电子商务课程是一门用以培养学生了解电子商务原理,设计电子商务网站能力的技术选修课。教学过程中综合运用先修课程中所学到的有关知识与技能,结合各种实践教学环节,进行IT工程技术人员所需的基本训练,为学生进一步学习有关专业课程和日后从事电子商务设计工作打下基础。 二.教学基本要求 1、掌握设计电子商务网站的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,了解电子商务 网站的架构并进行相应设计的能力; 2、具有综合运用各种工具设计电子商务网站工具的能力; 3、掌握电子商务应用的部署能力; 4、了解电子商务的新理论、新方法及发展趋向。 三.教学内容 1、电子商务概述 电子商务的定义与分类 电子商务的发展现状 随需应变(On-demand)电子商务 2、构建Web应用技术 客户/服务器模型,COOKIE和SESSION的运用 WEB应用模型,三层和n层架构模型 Web Service的体系架构和SOAP,UDDI,WSDL

SOA的体系架构,SOA与Web服务的关系,ESB,工作流 3、盈利模式 Web目录盈利模式 数字内容盈利模式 广告支持的盈利模式 广告-订阅混合式盈利模式 按交易付费式盈利模式 按服务付费式盈利模式 4、电子商务模式 商业模式 集成模式 复合模式 定制设计 应用程序模式 运行时模式 5、电子商务安全技术 电子商务安全的基本概念 加密与验证,防火墙技术,数字证书 身份管理,单点登录 Web Service安全 6、电子支付技术 电子支付概述 安全套接层协议SSL 安全电子交易SET协议 电子支付工具 网上银行 7、随需应变解决方案的设计 方案设计师的角色 方案设计流程
