

General consideration in designing vegetative biofilters


Historically vegetative biofilters, such as grass swales, were used primarily for stormwater conveyance (Ree12). However, with passage of the Clean Water Act (CW A) and the focus on water quality management of urban runoff, the potential for application of these techniques has begun to be reconsidered and many additional benefits have been identified. Today biofilters are being applied to address all of the design objectives of urban SWM. These include: reduction of urban runoff impacts, groundwater recharge, water quality control, stream channel protection and peak discharge control.

Three different types of vegetative biofilter BMP types have been identified and are described in this manual. These include: grass swales, vegetated filter strips and bioretention cells. In addition, grass swales contain three variations: traditional grass swales, grass swale with a media filter and 3) wet swales. Thus a total of five BMP types are available for use and are described in this paper.

ⅡVegetated Biofilter Types

A.Grass Swales

Grass swales have traditionally been used as a low cost stormwater conveyance practice, called grassed waterways, in low-to-medium density residential developments. Most public works agencies throughout the U.S. have a typical rural road section standard that allows the use of grass swales within the public right of way. During the early years of SWM technology the focus was on peak discharge control and grass swales were not given much consideration (Ree23). As the focus of SWM programs expanded to include water quality considerations and pollutant reduction, the grassed swale has been perceived to represent a potentially important element of the treatment train approach to total SWM (Yousef et al. 231).

It is now generally recognized that vegetated grass swales have a number of desirable attributes with respect to total SWM (MDE 201). These attributes include:

●slower flow velocities than pipe systems that result in longer times of concentration and

corresponding reduction of peak discharges

●ability to disconnect directly connected impervious surfaces, such as driveways and roadways, thus

reducing the computed runoff curve number and peak discharge

●filtering of pollutants by grass media

●infiltration of runoff into the soil profile, thus reducing peak discharges and providing additional

pollutant removal

●uptake of pollutants by plant roots (phytoremediation)

Figure 2-1 Grass Swale(MDE209)

B.Dry Swale with Filter Media

The dry swale consists of an open channel that has been modified to enhance its water quality treatment capability by adding a filtering medium consisting of a soil bed with an underdrain system (CRC 196). The dry swale is designed to temporarily store the design water quality volume (VWQ) and allow it to percolate through the treatment medium. The system is designed to drain down between storm events within approximately one day. The water quality treatment mechanisms are similar to bioretention practices except that the pollutant uptake is likely to be more limited since only a grass cover crop is available for nutrient uptake.

Figure 2-2 Dry Swale with Filter Media(MDE209)

C.Wet Swales

The wet swale also consists of a broad open channel capable of temporarily storing the VWQ but does not have an underlying filtering bed. The wet swale is constructed directly within existing soils and may or may not intercept the water table. Like the dry swale, the VWQ within the wet swale should be stored for approximately 24 hours. The wet swale has water quality treatment mechanisms similar to stormwater wetlands, which rely primarily on settling of suspended solids (SS), adsorption and uptake of pollutants by vegetative root systems. Figure 2-3 illustrates the design components of the wet swale


Figure 2-3 Wet Swale (MDE 211)

D.Vegetative Filter Strips

VFS and buffers are areas of land with vegetative cover that are designed to accept runoff as overland sheet flow from upstream development. They can be constructed, or existing vegetated buffer areas can be used. Dense vegetative cover facilitates sediment attenuation and pollutant removal. Unlike grass swales, VFS are effective only for overland sheet flow and provide little treatment for concentrated flows. Grading and level spreaders can be used to create a uniformly sloping area that distributes the runoff evenly across the filter strip (Haan et al.21).

Filter strips have been used to treat runoff from roads and highways, roof downspouts, very small parking lots, and pervious surfaces. They can also be used as the “outer zone” of a stream buffer or as pretreatment to a structural practice. VFS are often used as pretreatment for other structural practices, such as infiltration basins and infiltration trenches. This recommendation is consistent with recommendations in the agricultural setting that filter strips are most effective when combined with another practice (Magette et al.12). Figure 2-4 illustrates the primary design components of the filter strip (CRC232).

Figure 2-4 Vegetative Filter Strip (CRC 19)


The bioretention concept was originally developed by the Prince George's County(PGC), Maryland,Department of Environmental Resources in the early 1990's as an alternative to traditional BMP structures. Bioretention is a practice that manages and treats stormwater runoff using a conditioned planting soil bed and planting materials to filter runoff stored within a shallow depression. The method combines physical filtering and adsorption with biological processes. The system consists of a flow regulation structure, pretreatment filter strip or grass channel, sand bed, pea gravel overflow curtain drain, shallow ponding area, surface organic layer of mulch, a planting soil bed, plant material, a gravel underdrain system, and an overflow system. Figure 2-5 illustrates these primary design components of the bioretention cell (MDE, 210).

Figure 2-5 Bioretention Cell (MDE, 210)

ⅡGeneral Design Considerations

A.Design Flow Volumes and Rates

The design flow volumes and rates are typically determined by the design objectives for the site or project. Design objectives can include: 1) traditional use flow conveyance, 2) water quality control on small sites or in a treatment system approach, 3) reducing the impact of development on the hydrologic regime alterations of a site, 4) addressing groundwater recharge concerns, 5) reducing impacts to stream channel erosion and 6) controlling peak discharge for the 2-, 10- and 100-yr storms.

These various design objectives can have individual or overlapping design volume requirements that affect the design process. A brief description of these design considerations is provided below.

a.Design to Reduce Hydrologic Regime Alterations

The use of biofilters to reduce hydrologic regime modifications is not new. The hydrologic regime changes associated with land use change, especially land development activities, have been well documented. The creation of impervious areas, in particular hydraulically connected impervious areas, can greatly alter the pre-development rainfall runoff relationships and produce larger volumes of runoff and higher peak discharge rates.

Vegetative biofilters such as grass swales incorporated into a rural road design can be used to replace a traditional curb and gutter road section approach. Grassed swales can be used in some development conditions to reduce the amount of impervious surfaces, as well as to disconnect directly connected impervious surfaces.

The publication “Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds: TR-55” published by the Natural Resources ConservationService (NRCS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA, 106), provides

convenient procedures that allow the design engineer to readily calculate the potential reduction in

runoff volume achieved by reducing the total volume of impervious area. This procedure uses the well known runoff curve number (CN) method. A number of recent publications (PGC, 107) that describe the Low Impact Development (LID) design approach to stormwater management have documented the use of this approach.

In addition to reducing the total impervious area and the CN value, vegetative biofilters can also be used to effectively disconnect directly connected impervious areas. An impervious area is considered connected if runoff from it flows directly into the drainage system. It is also considered connected if runoff from it occurs as concentrated shallow flow that runs over a pervious area and then into the drainage system (USDA, 111). The disconnection of impervious areas by means of pervious areas such as grass swales, filter strips and bioretention systems can further reduce the CN value and the corresponding runoff volume.

While the NRCS computational procedures have been available for some time, few design engineers are familiar with application of the methods or make frequent use of the techniques. However, as documented in the previously cited publications as well as the recently published Maryland Stormwater Design Manual (MDE, 220), these techniques can be used on many sites to produce better site design and reduce both the design runoff volume and the peak discharge rates.

The NRCS CN computational procedure is described in greater detail in the TR-55 publications and is not reproduced here. The method also relies on graphs and credits designs that limit impervious area to 30% with a lower CN value. The computational example presented below is derived from EPA and takes into account credits for impervious area below 30% and disconnected impervious area.

b. Design to Provide Water Quality Management

Currently the great majority of local jurisdictions simply require that BMPs be sized to provide peak discharge control of the 2-, 10- and 100-yr storms, and assume that this approach provides an adequate level of water quality management.

Maryland's Unified Sizing Criteria (MDE, 212) uses SWM credits. These credits emphasize better site planning techniques, to preclude, reduce and/or minimize the hydrologic and water quality impacts associated with new development activities. Measures may include conserving natural areas, reducing directly connected impervious areas (as defined above), and use of buffer strips and swales. These credits allow engineers to incorporate the broader concepts of Low impact Development (LID) and groundwater recharge within a site design and reduce BMP size, i.e., more traditional pond and swales.

Vegetative biofilters can be sized based on the volume of runoff to be treated. many local jurisdictions are designing BMPs to capture and treat the runoff volume from small storms, ranging from the first ? to 1 in. of runoff (measured in watershed inches). Typically these small storm events are related to some percentage of the total annual rainfall/runoff volume. These estimates range from 70% of the total annual runoff volume for the ? in. storm event to 90% of the total annual runoff volume for the 1-in. storm event.

A number of States in the Mid-Atlantic region, including Maryland (MDE, 212), have adopted a target rainfall event for estimating the design Water Quality V olume (VWQ) for sizing vegetative biofilters. This event targets capturing 90% of the annual runoff volume (90% rule) and is based on the data reported in the literature (Driscoll, 11). For the Mid-Atlantic region and much of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, this corresponds to a rainfall value of 1.0 in. This value will vary for different climatic conditions.

Some jurisdictions are currently using other sizing guidelines, such as the capture and treatment of the first ? in. of runoff. This criteria may be acceptable for lower impervious areas but will have

decreased pollutant capture efficiencies for a higher impervious areas and a lower capture percentage of the annual runoff volume. In addition, several biofilter BMPs are ideally suited to retrofitting applications where full storage is often constrained. Designers and regulators should recognize that the 90% rule is targeted mainly at new construction and is based on maximizing pollutant load capture. Practices sized for smaller treatment volumes can be acceptable in many situations.

Several water quality volume procedures are described. Two simple methods, the Short Cut Method and Small Storm Hydrology, can be utilized to estimate VWQ. Both rely on computing a volumetric runoff coefficient (Rv) and multiplying this by the rainfall volume to obtain a runoff volume in watershed inches.

B. Protection of Biofilter System

This section presents guidance for selecting the most appropriate vegetative biofilter for a particular development site. This information has been condensed in a series of tables that help designers and municipal officials select the most effective stormwater filter for their situation. In addition, vegetative biofilters are compared against other stormwater practices that also could be applied at the site (e.g., ponds, wetlands, infiltration and filter systems). The comparative pollutant removal, feasibility criteria and environmental benefits of the vegetative biofilters are compared to the other BMP practice groups.

Experience indicates that three factors should be considered in selecting the appropriate biofilter. First is the compatibility of the biofilter with the land use type. Second is the compatibility of the biofilter with site conditions such as space consumption, available head, cost or maintenance consideration. Third is the effectiveness of the biofilter design in removing the key pollutants of concern. Usually, by the time all three factors are considered, the filtering options are narrowed down to one or two design options. The engineer can then compare the design criteria for the remaining options and select one based on cost and effectiveness.

C. Suitability and Selection Considerations

This section presents guidance for selecting the most appropriate vegetative biofilter for a particular development site. This information has been condensed in a series of tables that help designers and municipal officials select the most effective stormwater filter for their situation. In addition, vegetative biofilters are compared against other stormwater practices that also could be applied at the site (e.g., ponds, wetlands, infiltration and filter systems). The comparative pollutant removal, feasibility criteria and environmental benefits of the vegetative biofilters are compared to the other BMP practice groups.

Experience indicates that three factors should be considered in selecting the appropriate biofilter. First is the compatibility of the biofilter with the land use type. Second is the compatibility of the biofilter with site conditions such as space consumption, available head, cost or maintenance consideration. Third is the effectiveness of the biofilter design in removing the key pollutants of concern. Usually, by the time all three factors are considered, the filtering options are narrowed down to one or two design options. The engineer can then compare the design criteria for the remaining options and select one based on cost and effectiveness.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/0912704751.html,nd Use Factors

As a group, vegetative biofilters can be applied to a diverse range of development conditions. However, individual designs are limited to a much narrower range. These common development situations include urban retrofit sites, parking lots, roads and streets, small residential subdivisions and backyard/rooftop drainage.

For example, in urban retrofit settings where space is at a premium, the bioretention cell hasproven to be one of the most versatile. In most cases, the space requirements of grass channels, swales and filter strips are so great that they can be eliminated from consideration.

b. Site Conditions

A third key feasibility factor is the cost of constructing the filtering system, and again, the designs exhibit a wide range. The most expensive designs, based on the cost per impervious acre treated, are the underground sand, organic sand, perimeter sand and gravel filters (design criteria not provided). The dry swale are in the mid-cost range, whereas bioretention, wet swales, filter strips and grass channels are very attractive options from a cost standpoint. It should be noted that the construction cost does not include the price of land. If land costs are significant, the rank-order changes dramatically.


Small changes in site planning by incorporating disconnected impervious area and retaining pervious area may have a profound impact on the potential runoff. Calculation of lower CN values based on 30% area or less unconnected impervious area should be used judiciously. The intent of this exercise should not be to increase lot sizes to achieve the 30% threshold but to achieve the 30% threshold by promoting disconnection and by reducing impervious areas.

Also, cleared and graded sites erode, are often severely compacted, and can no longer prevent rainfall from being rapidly converted into stormwater runoff. Disturbance of a soil profile can significantly change its infiltration characteristics and with urbanization, native soil profiles may be mixed or removed, or fill material from other areas may be introduced (USDA 126). Infiltration values of published soil maps and most available models for typical urban soils ignore compaction (Pitt et al.20) and therefore pervious effects may be overstated.


American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 1985.Final Report of the Task Committee on Stormwater Detention Outlet Structures, ASCE, New York, NY.

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and Water Environment Federation (WEF), 1992. Design and Construction of Urban Stormwater Management Systems, ASCE, Manuals and Reports of Engineering Practice, No. 77, New York, NY and Water Environment Federation, Manual of PracticeNo. FD-20, Alexandria, V A.

Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), 2000. 2000 Maryland Stormwater Design Manual, Volumes I & II, prepared by the Center for Watershed Protection and the Maryland Department of the Environment, Water Management Administration, Baltimore, MD.

Ree, W. O., 1949. Hydraulic Characteristics of Vegetation for Vegetated Waterways.Agricultural Engineer. 30:184-189.

Department of Agriculture (USDA), 1972, 1973.Hydrology, Sect. 4, Soil Conservation National Engineering Handbook, USDA, Soil Conservation Service, Washington, DC.

Department of Agriculture (USDA), 1973.A Method for Estimating Volume and Rate of Runoff in Small Watersheds.SCS-TP-149, USDA, Soil Conservation Service, Washington, DC.

Pitt, R., 1994. Small Storm Hydrology.University of Alabama-Birmingham.Unpublished manuscript.Presented at design of stormwater quality management practices, Madison, WI.

Driscoll, E. D., D. DiToro, D. Gaboury and P. Shelly, 1986.Methodology for Analysis of Detention Basins for Control of Urban Runoff Quality. Report No. EPA 440/5-87=01 (NTIS No. PB87-116562),EPA, Washington, DC.

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Research on Trigonometric Leveling Freedu School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University,Wuhan430079,China E-mail:1111111111@https://www.360docs.net/doc/0912704751.html, Abstract —As the total station trigonometric leveling can survey without the restrictions oftopography. So, we can use it to survey the third &fourth order level survey in some special areas.In this article, we propose a new total station measuring method from combining the defect of traditional measurementmethods. The advantages of this method is that it can improve the precision without measuring height of device and prism, and it canreplace the third and fourth level of measurement under certain conditions. This method can greatly improve efficiency and shortenthe project duration in the construction survey . Keywords- trigonometric leveling ;total station ;error analysis I. I NTRODUCTION Engineering construction often relates to height measurement. Thetraditional measurement methods are leveling surveying andtrigonometry trigonometric leveling. Although the two methods have their own characteristics, but there are shortcomings.With the widespread use of the Total Station and using the track rod with the total station method to measure the elevation of the increasingly popular, traditional trigonometric leveling method has shown its limitations.After a long journey, a new trigonometric leveling method has been summed up.This approach combines the advantages of two traditional approaches to further improve the accuracy of the trigonometric leveling and tosurvey faster. This article systematically expounds the principle of traditional trigonometric leveling methods and the new methods, compares their advantages and disadvantages, and analyses the main errors and measurement accuracy in the process of trigonometric leveling. II. P RINCIPLE OF T RADITIONAL T RIGONOMETRIC L EVELING AND THE N EW M ETHOD The basic formula of the traditional trigonometric leveling: tan B A H H D i t α=++- (1) where A H is the elevation of a known point, B H is the elevation of the unknown point, D is the horizontal distance between the two points, αis the vertical angle when observe from point A to point B,i is instrument height, t is the height of the prism. For traditional methods, total station must be set up in the known elevation point. At the same time, you must measure out the height ofboth the instrument and the prism if you want to measure the elevation of the unknown points. If we can measure the elevation of the measured point while set point of total station arbitrarily like leveling surveying, instead of set it on a known elevation point, and do not measure out instrument and prism,speed of measurement will be faster. As shown in the figure 1, assuming that the elevation of the point A is known, the elevation of the point B is unknown, here we measurethe elevation of other points by total station. Figure 1. Diagram for trigonometric leveling Firstly, seen by trigonometric leveling principle: (tan )B A H H D i t α=-+- (2) where i, t is unknown, but one thing is sure that once the instrument set, value of i will remain unchanged.At the same time choose tracking lever as a reflecting prism, assume that the value of t is also fixed. Seen from formula (2), tan B A H i t H D W α+-=-= (3) By formula (3),the value of W will remain unchanged in any station. And while both A H and tan D αare known, it is possible to calculate the value of W . Operation of this new method is as follows: Shown in Figure 2, elevation of point A is known, elevation of point B is unknown, and the instrument is set up at point C between A and B. The instruments sight point A to get the reading 1V . That 1V =1D 1tan α, and calculate the value of W, W = A H +1D 1tan α. At this time related constants such as elevation of station, instrument height and prism height can beof any value, not necessary to set before measuring. And then set elevation of point Cto W , set the instrument height and prism height to 0. Then elevation of point C is known. Finally sight the target point B and measured its elevation, that is 22tan B H W D α=+ (4) Therefore, using the new method, elevation of point B is 1122tan tan B A H H D D αα=-+ (5)


英语科技论文写作 目录 第一章概论 (2) 1.1 英语科技论文的主要结构组成 (2) 1.2 英语科技论文的分类及特点 (3) 1.3 英语科技论文的文体特点 (4) 第二章英语科技论文语言表达的规范与技巧 (8) 2.1 如何使表达准确 (8) 2.2 如何使语义连贯 (9) 2.3 英语科技论文常用句型结构 (12) 第三章英语科技论文的结构组成 (14) 3.1 标题 (16) 3.2 作者和联系方式 (17) 3.3 摘要 (17) 3.4 关键词 (18) 3.5 引言 (18) 3.6 论文主体 (21) 3.7 结论 (26) 3.8 附录 (28) 3.9 致谢 (28) 3.10 参考文献 (29) 第四章摘要的撰写 (30) 4.1 摘要的种类和特点 (30) 4.2 摘要的内容和结构 (31) 第五章最新科技信息的获取 (37) 第六章科技论文的发表 (39) 6.1 投稿过程的工作 (39) 6.2 评审过程的工作 (40) 6.3 出版过程的工作 (41)

第一章概论 科技论文是科学研究成果的一种展示,是作者以论文的形式向外界公布自己的科学研究成果。科技论文的撰写与发表是科学研究中一项极其重要、不可马虎的工作,对于非英语母语的作者,如何用英文准确、清晰地表达研究内容和获得的成果,如何使论文顺利发表,成为必须面对的问题。本课程详细介绍论文写作与发表过程中的一系列具体工作,以期对大家今后的写作提供一些有益的帮助。 1.1 英语科技论文的主要结构组成 英语科技论文的整体组织结构和语言风格规范尤为重要,和建造楼房一样,写一篇论文也需要一份蓝图。英文科技论文蓝图最常见的是所谓IMRAD结构,即:◇Introduction ◇Methods ◇Results and Discussions IMRAD结构的论文简单、清晰、明了并且逻辑性强,因而这一结构被近代学者广泛采用。这种结构的论文,首先阐述研究的课题和研究的目的,有了清楚的定义以后,再描述研究的方法、试验手段和材料,最后对结果和结论进行详细讨论。作者的任务就是将上述信息,根据IMRAD蓝图介绍给读者。 除了文章的结构以外,语言的使用也是非常重要的因素。科技英语与通常的文学语言有明显的不同,它的特点在于客观、直叙、简练、准确,所叙述的过程具有很强的可操作性。它有三个重要原则: ◇ABC原则:Accuracy(准确)、 Brevity(简洁)、 Clarity(清晰)◇The Three C’s 原则:Correct(正确)、 Concise(简洁)、 Clear (清楚) 文学和艺术都有很大的娱乐性,目的是为了愉悦(entertain)读者。所以文艺作品使用很多的形容词、副词及很多没有清楚定义的词。他们喜欢用enormous、immense、tremendous、huge、large来形容大,用tiny、small、little、petit、light来形容小。政客(politician)也一样,他们不用准确的语言,他们喜欢用acceptable、reasonable、satisfying来形容结果,也常用一些不确定、模棱两可的词perhaps、maybe来评论事情。这种风格、这些词汇在科技论文里是不能使用的。科技论文需要的是清楚、准确、尽可能量化的表达方式。 对于我们来说,第一步需要写出语法上正确的句子(Correct Sentences),不少人写出的英语句子,使用中国式英语表达方式,词法或语法不通,称为Chinglish(Chinese English)。投到国外杂志的科技论文常常被退回来修改,国外


写好英语科技论文的诀窍: 主动迎合读者期望,预先回答专家可能质疑 周耀旗 印地安那大学信息学院 印地安那大学医学院计算生物学和生物信息中心 以此文献给母校中国科技大学五十周年校庆 前言 我的第一篇英语科技论文写作是把在科大的学士毕业论文翻译成英文。当我一九九零年从纽约州立大学博士毕业时,发表了20多篇英语论文。但是,我对怎样写高质量科技论文的理解仍旧处于初级阶段,仅知道尽量减少语法错误。之所以如此,是因为大多数时间我都欣然接受我的博士指导老师Dr. George Stell和Dr. Harold Friedman的修改,而不知道为什么要那样改,也没有主动去问。这种情况一直持续到我去北卡州立大学做博士后。我的博士后指导老师Dr. Carol Hall建议我到邻近的杜克大学去参加一个为期两天的写作短训班。这堂由Gopen教授主办的短训班真使我茅塞顿开。第一次,我知道了读者在阅读中有他们的期望,要想写好科技论文,最有效的方法是要迎合他们的期望。这堂写作课帮我成功地完成了我的第一个博士后基金申请,有机会进入哈佛大学Dr. Martin Karplus组。在哈佛大学的五年期间,在Karplus教授的指导下,我认识到一篇好的论文需要从深度广度进行里里外外自我审查。目前,我自己当了教授,有了自己的科研组,也常常审稿。我觉得有必要让我的博士生和博士后学好写作。我不认为我自己是写作专家。我的论文也常常因为这样或那样的原因被退稿。但是我认为和大家共享我对写作的理解和我写作的经验教训,也许大家会少走一些我走过的弯路。由于多年未用中文写作,请大家多多指正。来信请寄:yqzhou@https://www.360docs.net/doc/0912704751.html,。 欢迎访问我的网站:https://www.360docs.net/doc/0912704751.html,。 导言 通常来讲,研究生和博士后从他的导师那儿得到研究方向。经过多次反复试验,得到一些好的结果。接下来他们需要对得到的数据进行总结和分析,写成论文。一篇精写的论文更容易被高档杂志接受。而写得不好的论文很可能被退稿。论文的数量和质量是学生和导师事业发展的敲门砖。不成文,便成仁,是学术生涯的写照。 很多学生以为当结果到手的时候研究就结束了。他们写的草稿,常常把原始数据放在一起,没有对方法和数据进行详细分析,没有对当今论文的评述。事实上,写作是研究不可分割的一部分。此刻是弄懂方法的成功与失败,寻找结果的解释及其隐含的意义,以及与其他相关研究进行比较的时候。 我们为什么需要在写作上如此认真努力?原因很简单。一个研究结果只有在被别人使用时才有意义。而想被别人使用,文章必须能引起其他科学家的兴趣,而且得保证其他人能看懂并可以重复和再现你的结果。只有可以被理解的研究才会被重复,也只有可以被再现的工作才能导致别人的引用和跟踪。而你的论文被引用的数量常常用来衡量研究的影响力。从某种角度看,写作就象是把你的工作成果推销给其他的科学家。 为了更好的推销,科学论文必须满足它独特的顾客:由聪明能干的科学家组成的尖端读者。它必须能先说服(通常也是竞争对手的)同行们,因为他们的评审是文章在发表前的第一道关口。同时,它也必须满足一般读者的要求。为了达到这个目标,我们首先要理解他们需要什么? 读者需要什么 你的文章的潜在读者可能有刚进入这领域的新手,大学生和研究生,也有专家(潜在审稿人),他们对你的领


Research Reports for Business and Technical Writing Wayne Losano A surprising amount of one's time as a student and professional is spent reporting the results of one's research projects for presentation to teachers, managers, and clients. Indeed, without basic research skills and the ability to present research results clearly and completely, an individual will encounter many obstacles in school and on the job. The need for some research-writing ability is felt nearly equally by college students in all fields, engineering and science as well as business and the humanities. Graduate study often makes great demands on the student's re-search-writing skills, and most professions continue the demand; educa-tion, advertising and marketing, economics and accounting, science and engineering, psychology, anthropology, the arts, and agriculture may all require regular reporting of research data. ELEMENTS OF THE RESEARCH PAPER The standard research report, regardless of the field or the intended reader, contains four major sections. These sections may be broken down into a variety of subsections, and they may be arranged in a variety of ways, but they regularly make up the core of the report.


英文科技论文写作技巧与时态表达总结 英语谓语动词时态共有16种,在英文科技论文中用得较为频繁的主要有三种:即一般现在时、一般过去时和将来时。正确地使用动词时态是科研写作的基本功。此次分享的是英文科技论文写作技巧与时态表达总结。 首先应该把握以下三个基本要点: 1、一般现在时:主要用于不受时间限制的客观存在事实的描述,或发生或存在于写论文之时的感觉、状态、关系等的描述或致谢的表述等。值得注意的是,出于尊重,凡是他人已经发表的研究成果作为"previously established knowledge",在引述时普遍都用一般现在时。 2、一般过去时:用于写论文中作者自己所做工作的描述。例如描述自己的材料、方法和结果。 3、一般将来时:用于撰写论文之后发生的动作或存在的状态。例如提出下一步的研究方向。 摘要(Abstract): 摘要反映我们自己的研究结果,一般采用过去时。 概述(Introduction): (1)概述中的研究背景通常会引用相关学科中广为接受的原理或事实,以及你所做研究的重要性,这些通常采用现在时。 例如:Genomics provides crucial information for rational drug design. (2)在概述中也可能引用与你从事项目相关的一些研究结果,为表达你对该研究结果仍坚信其正确性及相关性,即使已经是很久以前的研究结果,可使用现在时。

例如:Many of the lakes and wetlands in the region are located in craters or valleys blocked by early Pliocene lava flows (Ollier & Joyce, 1964). Garcia (1993) suggested that under certain conditions, an individual’s deposit income is the same as the income from purchased national debt, thus changes in the amount of bank loans and deposits caused by changes in the amount of reserves will eventually affect the bond price. 需要注意的是如果引用的是一些已经过时或失效的科研结果,动词要使用过去时。 例如:Nineteenth-century physicians held that women got migraines because they were "the weaker sex," but current research shows that the causes of migraine are unrelated to gender. (注意这里从过去时态过渡到现在时态) 材料与方法(Materials and Methods): 对写论文之前自己所做工作的描述,通常采用一般过去时。 例如:(例1) Total phosphorous (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) were measured in the laboratory using standard procedures. (例2)The standard protocol was followed for the preparation of the media from stock solutions. 结果(Results): 对自己得出的研究结果,采用过去时进行详细的阐述。 例如:(例1)Overall, more than 70% of the insects collected were non-phytophagous.


英文科技论文写作是进行国际学术交流必需的技能。一般而言,发表在专业英语期刊上的科技论文在文章结构和文字表达上都有其特定的格式和规定,只有严格遵循国际标准和相应刊物的规定,才能提高所投稿件的录用率。 针对《发动机稀燃汽油机的氢气直接喷射燃烧和排放研究的特点》并综合网上查找资料,总结出了一套写作框架。 这套框架基本能够依次回答以下问题: Introduction(引言):研究的是什么问题? Materials and Methods(材料和方法):怎样研究这个问题? Results(结果):发现了什么? Discussion(讨论):这些发现意味着什么? Conclusions-结论/总结 英文科技论文的基本格式包括: Title-论文题目 Author(s)-作者姓名 Affiliation(s) and address(es)-联系方式 Abstract-摘要 Keywords-关键词 Body-正文 Acknowledgements-致谢,可空缺 References-参考文献 Appendix-附录,可空缺 Resume-作者简介,视刊物而定 下面把各个部分的注意事项做如下阐述。 1.Title(论文题目) 论文题目力求做到长短适中,概括性强,重点突出,一目了然。 论文题目一般由名词词组或名词短语构成在必须使用动词的情况下,一般用分词或动名词形式。题目中介词、冠词小写。 具体写作要求如下: (1)题目要准确地反映论文的内容。作为论文的“标签”,题目既不能过于空泛和一般

化,也不宜过于繁琐,使人得不出鲜明的印象。为确保题目的含义准确,尽量避免使用非定量的、含义不明的词,如“rapid”,“new”等;(2)题目用语需简练、明了,以最少的文字概括尽可能多的内容。题目最好不超过10 ~ 12个单词,或100个英文字符(含空格和标点),在内容层次很多的情况下,如果难以简短化,最好采用主、副题名相结合的方法,主副题名之间用冒号(:)隔开(3)题目要清晰地反映文章的具体内容和特色,明确表明研究工作的独到之处,力求简洁有效、重点突出。为表达直接、清楚,以便引起读者的注意,应尽可能地将表达核心内容的主题词放在题名开头。题名中应慎重使用缩略语。尤其对于可有多个解释的缩略语,应严加限制,必要时应在括号中注明全称。对那些全称较长,缩写后已得到科技界公认的,才可使用。为方便二次检索,题名中应避免使用化学式、上下角标、特殊符号(数字符号、希腊字母等)、公式、不常用的专业术语和非英语词汇(包括拉丁语)等。 (4)由于题目比句子简短,并且无需主、谓、宾,因此词序就也变得尤为重要。特别是如果词语间的修饰关系使用不当,就会影响读者正确理解题目的真实含意。 2.Author(s)(作者姓名) 按照欧美国家的习惯,名字(first name) 在前,姓氏(surname / family name / last name) 在后。但我国人名地名标准规定,中国人名拼写均改用汉语拼音字母拼写,姓在前名在后。因此,若刊物无特殊要求,则应按我国标准执行。如果论文由几个人撰写,则应逐一写出各自的姓名。作者与作者之间用空格或逗号隔开。例如: Wan Da, Ma Jun。 3.Affiliation(s) and address(es)(联系方式) 在作者姓名的下方还应注明作者的工作单位,邮政编码,电子邮件地址或联系电话等。要求准确清楚,使读者能按所列信息顺利地与作者联系。 4.Abstract(摘要) 摘要也称为内容提要,是对论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述。其作用主要是为读者阅读、信息检索提供方便。 论文中的研究体系、主要方法、重要发现、主要结论等,简明扼要地加以概括。 摘要的构成要素: 研究目的——准确描述该研究的目的,说明提出问题的缘由,表明研究的范围和重要性。 研究方法——简要说明研究课题的基本设计,结论是如何得到的。 结果——简要列出该研究的主要结果,有什么新发现,说明其价值和局限。叙述要具


英语科技论文写作技巧研究现状模块的常用句式研究现状模块,主要阐述其他学者、也包括作者本人与论文要探讨的问题或现象相关的研究工作,通常先“总”后“分”地陈述。研究现状这部分的目的是引出存在的问题。 “总述”常用一个句子概括相关的研究工作,一般用现在完成时: (1) 用主动语态时,常用researcher /author /investigator /writer 等作主语,如:Many /Several /A number of /Few researchers have studied /investigated /examined/explored /reported on /discussed /considered+ 研究主题. (2) 用被动语态时,常用study /research /investigation /experiment /work/attention 等作主语。如果描述“研究主题”的单词少,那么“研究主题”可置于句中,如:Many studies /researches /investigationes /experimentes on+ 研究主题+have been performed /done/published .当描述“研究主题”的单词较多时,可置于句末,如:Much work/attention has been performed /done/published on+ 研究主题.用被动语态时,也可用“研究主题”作主语,如:研究主题+has been studied /investigated /examined/explored /reported on /discussed /considered by many investigators /several researchers /a number of authors /few writers .又如:The study of+ 研究主题+has been widely reported /found /published in the literature


英文科技论文写作 如何写英文科技论文的前言?以下是搜集整理的英文科技,欢迎阅读参考。 一般来讲,科研论文都是八股论文,大的结构都是设定的,题目、摘要、前言、方法、结果、讨论和。 可以说,每个部分都很有讲究都很重要,但难度并不一样,在上述这些内容中,最难写的是前言,其次是讨论。 根据最近学习的几个内容,把自己的学习笔记贡献给大家,希望能有点价值。这次主要谈谈前言的写法。 首先,要清楚前言的作用或目的。 论文的前言是“to convince readers that you clearly know why your work is useful”就 是要告诉读者“你非常清楚地知道你的工作有价值”。 其次,我们要知道那些要素需要写。 一般来讲,前言主要包括四个方面的内容。前面三个都属于背景,最后一个是小结。 一、大背景信息 这主要是方便读者评价你的工作,其实同行对这个方面的内容可以说非常熟悉,这部分基本是大同行的共识。 背景信息一般包括2个部分,一是大同行背景,二是小同行背景。 一般写大同行背景的时候大家都是比较类似的内容,不过也要根据你自己的研究有所侧重。 例如关于脑缺血的研究,你如果研究细胞凋亡,你就需要围绕细胞凋亡来阐述。 如果你研究炎症,那么你就需要围绕炎症来整理。 英文表达不好的同学往往在这个部分就开始出现纰漏。因为这里不仅对概括能力要求比较高,而且需要照顾到整个研究的设计框架。 建议在平时阅读的时候,注意学习和整理类似研究论文的描述模式。 例如,脑缺血机制方面的研究,至少包括:兴奋毒、细胞死亡、炎症、酸中毒和自由基几个类型。

这一些类型都分别选择出几个范文,放在一起反复阅读,一看作者的写作思路,二看相互之间不同的描述。 当然具体到一篇论文,写作的风格不同,要结合整篇论文、杂志类型来分别对待。 写大背景往往是从普遍到特殊,普遍是描述研究对象的意义,比如某疾病的死亡率、发病率等的,暗指我选择的这个研究有价值受重视。 比如肿瘤、中风、器官功能等等的。然后要从宏观上概括研究的大体情况,一般这类语言在google上就能见到类似描述(不可直接抄写),说明这开始的几句话属于套话。 有国外杂志主编曾经说,大背景需要用最简练的语言对你的研究领域进行清楚全面概述,但不要上历史课,不要面面具到,甚至写成综述(一定要针对你关心问题)。Give overall picture -keep it brief!(no history lesson!)。 这也很有道理。 二、小同行信息 然后要转到你要关心的方面,例如下面这个研究中就主要针对细胞凋亡,那么作者就说,脑梗死在中心部位以坏死为主,而半暗区主要是延迟性细胞死亡,主要类型就是细胞凋亡(其实现在的看法认为这里也里是细胞坏死也很重要,没有关系,有争议没有共识,你怎么说都可以,总有一些文献的支持)。 现在就引出细胞凋亡,那么就要对细胞凋亡的背景进行描述。 这部分重点是要尽量用不同的语言表达出大家共识的内容来,就是所谓要训练改写功夫。 二是要主要和研究主题进行衔接。不要天马行空,忘记回顾到你的主题。 例如你要研究脑缺血,总会落实到某一个方面。 这个部分往往会在研究指标方面落实。 例如你要用细胞凋亡来说明损伤程度和治疗效果,那么这里就需要对细胞凋亡在大背景的意义说出来。 后面这个文章,因为作者后面研究中主要针对线粒体途径,于是就谈线粒体途径的基本内容。 到这里就完成了大背景的介绍。


英文科技论文写作方法 科技论文的目的是沟通,所以科技论文必须是让读者可以清晰的感知到要表达的内容,所以无论从表达方法还是组织方式上,都必须是标准清晰的。下面带来的是英文科技论文写作方法,希望对你有所帮助! 目前在大学中,专业英语课程开设已经相对普遍,但课程设置一般将专业词汇,语法,专业文献阅读与写作并重,这样英文科技论文写作只有大约四分之一的课时或者更少,相对得到较少的重视,单独开设英文科技论文写作的院校更是寥寥无几。然而在本科高年级及研究生的学习过程中,科技论文的写作方法对毕业论文及期刊论文发表显得尤为重要,下面就科技论文写作的教学内容,方法和意义谈一点自己的看法。 英文的科技论文写作是以科技词汇,语法,熟练阅读方法为基础的,属于专业英语课程中高级的内容,所以学习科技论文写作,必须是在整个英语能力提高的基础上进行的。在科技论文写作的专项内容之前,基本的英语能力应该首先打扎实。 (一)科技论文写作的概要

科技论文写作是科研工作者的必修课,科学研究工作中,沟通主要是靠科技论文,所以科研人员学术水平的衡量标准在很大程度上是他论文的发表情况。科技论文不能不得到重视,科技论文不像其它文章的写作,不需要过多修饰,只需要严谨和清晰,要简洁无累述。 从古时起,人类便通过各种文字符号作为沟通的主要手段,这便成为科学与文明的主要传载者,也是科技论文发展的前身。当今,科技论文写作即是以规范的形式,通过规范的审核及流程,正规发表在期刊上的过程。所谓正规发表即是,有可以被评估的原始资料,可以被重复的实验过程,可以被评估的推导过程。 (二)科技论文各项内容的写作要点 科技论文写作应该分为:标题,摘要,引言,正文,结论,讨论和 __几大部分。 科技论文的标题位于第一行正中,不用加标点,常用动名词的短语代替完整的句子。如有要加副标题,用冒号隔开。作者的姓名和地址写在标题的正下方,中 __姓名和地名均按照汉语排序用汉语拼写书写即可。
