

Mar. 1

Dear Professor Liu,

(1)I’m sorry I couldn’t make our 2 o’clock appointment. (2)There is to be an urgent conference in my department this afternoon and I have to make some preparation for it. (3)Could we meet at 3 o’clock on this Friday afternoon? If that is not convenient for you, please leave me a note in my mailbox. (4)With many apologies.

Sincerely yours,

Pan Yang







I’m writing to show my apology for …

I would like to express my apologies for not being able to …

I’m sorry I couldn’t…

I’m sorry to say that I’ve not finished reading it through, and have to keep it until next Sunday.

Excuse me for my delaying in turning in my assignment.


I had a minor accident.

I had a minor operation.


I am sure I can make up the loss by…

I promise it will never happen again.

It would be very kind (considerate) of you to give me another chance to … (to give me another two days to…)


Many apologies.

Do please forgive me.



2nd Nov. Dear John,

I’m terribly sorry! I failed to meet you at the gate of Da Hua theater yesterday afternoon. I had a minor accident on my way, and by the time I finished dealing with the accident and got to the theater, you must have given up hope and left. Do please forgive me.





Mar. 15

Dear Lucy,

I’m terr ibly sorry for not being able to return you the book you lent me several months ago. You see, I’m writing my thesis paper, and this book is one of my important references. If it is possible, I want to keep it for another month. If not, I’ll return it soon. Many apologies and thanks again.




中澳大学生英语道歉策略的对比研究 姜占好 (安徽财贸学院外语系,安徽蚌埠233041) 摘 要:本文以E lite Olshtain 对道歉策略的分类和调查数据为基础,以调查问卷的方式对中澳大学生道歉策略进行了对比,发现尽管双方在道歉策略的使用上存在着大体上的相似性,但受中国传统文化的影响,中国学生以英语在进行道歉时道歉策略的使用频率高于对方,并产生了隐性语用失误;在此基础上,作者提出了若干方法以提高学生实施该言语行为的语用能力。关键词:道歉;道歉策略;言语行为;语用能力 中图分类号:H31913 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-7242(2004)02-0032-04 11引 言一提起“道歉”,人们常常会想起“对不起”,“请原谅”之类的字眼。实际上,道歉是一种复杂的言语现象,有狭义和广义之分。狭义的道歉是指含有上述字眼的句子。广义的道歉是这样一种言语行为:当A 冒犯了B ,道歉可以被用来维护B 的面子,并且弥补冒犯的后果,进而恢复A 与B 之间的和谐(A 是道歉者[speaker ],B 是被道歉者或“受害者”[hearer ])(H olmes 1990:159)。对于该言语行为的研究著述颇多:有从二语习得的分支———中介语语用学研究出发的,研究母语为非英语者在用英语表达道歉时的得体和恰当程度(C ohen &Olshtain 1981;Olshtain &C ohen 1983;Blum 2K ulka &Olshtain 1984;Olshtain &C ohen 1989;Rintell &Mitchell 1989;E llis 1994;何自然1997);有从性别差异方面研究在相同的情 景下两性差异是否会影响道歉的频率和措辞的强度(周娉娣2002);也有从统计学的角度出发对中英文道歉策略差异进行统计分析的(李莉2001)。本文以广义的道歉定义为标准,以E lite Olshtain 的调查数据为基础,研究中澳学生在用英语实施该言语行为时道歉策略的差异和产生差异的原因,并提出EF L 教学中教授该言语行为的方法。 21道歉策略 许多学者都对道歉策略进行过研究和分类,如欧文、霍姆斯、乔斯勃格、黄永华。本文的策略研究建立在E lite Olshtain (1989:161)的道歉策略分类标准上。她将道歉策略分为8种: 策略1(S1):直接道歉(illocutionary force indicating devices[IFI D])该策略常见的形式为直接使用道歉的字眼。这些字眼以其出现的频率高低列举如下:s orry ,excuse me ,I apologize for...,forgive me ,pardon me for...,I regret that...,I ’m afraid.... 策略2(S2):认可应负责任(taking on responsibility ) 为了安慰“受害者”,道歉者为自己的冒犯或过错承担责任。如:My mistake ,y ou ’re right to be angry ;I didn ’t mean to upset y ou. 策略3(S3):解释说明(explanation or account ) 道歉者向“受害者”陈述自己给对方带来某种“伤害”的原因。如:The traffic was terrible 或I missed the bus. 策略4(S4):采用补偿手段(offer of repair )这是一种“伤害”、“不便”、“冒犯”可以弥补、补偿时,道歉者采用的手段。如:I ’ll pay for the damage/broken vase. 策略5(S5):允诺或保证不再犯错(promise of forbearance ) 道歉者感到自己的冒犯严重,有着强烈的愧疚感时,会向对方承诺这种冒犯下不为例。如:This w on ’t happen again.I w on ’t do it again. 策略6(S6):使用加强道歉语气的标识词(intensifiers of the apology ) 这些标识词可以是副词,如:I ’m very/terribly/s o/really/aw fully s orry ;或重复这些副词,如:I ’m really dread fully s orry/I ’m very very s orry.;也可以是语气词(oh/oh ,no/oh ,Lord/G od )或助动词do (I do apologize.);有时会使用please (Please forgive me.)。 — 2 3—2004年第2期总第84期外语研究 F oreign Languages Research 2004,№2Serial №84


、课题:《便条》教师:郑淑华 、教学目标: 通过让学生自读知识短文,了解便条概念、分类、特点和写法等。 通过实际写作训练,掌握便条的写作方法。 教学重难点: ●通过实际写作训练,掌握便条的写作方法 、教学方法:讲练结合、自学辅导 、教具:多媒体 、教学过程: 一、导入新课 ●语文能力包括那四项能力?(听、说、读、写) ●日常生活中遇到下列情景该怎么办?这些情景说明了什么问题? 情景一:当自己请别人办事,但是别人不在而电话又打不通或者不便于直接说的情况下应该怎么办? 情景二:当你接了别人重要的电话必须转告给别人,一时又无法联系,而你又不得不离开的时候,如何保证别人能够知道此事? 情景三:当你因为生病或者有事需要向单位或者学校请假的时候应该怎么履行手续? (便条在生活中不可或缺 ....) ●下列案例又说明了什么问题? 案例——秘书小王接到公司总部的电话,电话说公司董事长将于下午两点

飞抵机场,要求公司李经理前去接机,并且在接机的同时带上与别 的公司合作的一个合同协议。小王接完电话后由于当时李经理不在, 电话又无法打通,而她自己恰好又是不得不离开,所以他给李经理 写了一张留言条。结果李经理在看了留言条后居然自己坐着飞机飞 往总公司了,给公司带来了巨大的经济损失。 ●附:便条 李经理: 我是小王,今天总公司打电话说要你下午两点带上与***公司的合作协议前往机场,并且去会见董事长。 小王 4 月5日 (便条在生活中的重要性 ...) 既然便条在生活中是不可或缺的,同时又这么的重要,那我们是不是应该掌握正确的书写方法呀?是。到底该怎么写呢?这节课我们学习有关便条的知识和写法。 二、新授 ●自读知识短文把握下列要点 (一)、便条概念:便条是一种具有一定格式、内容单一、书写简便、使用广泛的条据类应用文,是人们在处理日常事务中使用的一种最简便的书信。(二)、便条分类:常用的便条有请假条、留言条、托人办事条等。(三)、以“请假条”为例学习便条的写法


writing 一、立场观点型 (97年真题) More Pressure from Academic Studies Does Good to Us It has long been a contentious issue as to whether more pressure from academic studies does good to students or not. Some people are of the opinion that pressure makes motive power, while others point out that too much pressure problems. As far as I am concerned, the former opinion holds more weight. For one thing, pressure from academic studies can drive students to work harder. Our college education serves as a preparation phase for future career development. In order to stand out among many competitors, students should learn as much as possible in the college and make themselves to be more prepared for the future jobs. For another, pressure from the academic study is a necessary driving force to those less self-disciplined students. College life leaves, compared to the new life style and become addicted to playing computer games or surfing the Internet all day long. Now, after close examination, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that modest pressure from academic study is useful and necessary. Therefore, as a university student, we should treasure our college life and properly arrange our time. “Play while play, study while study”, as the saying goes.


汉语道歉言语行为分析 语用学7/8节 院系:文学院 班级:12级对外汉语二班 姓名:梁颖 学号:121701041

汉语道歉言语行为分析 【摘要】:道歉是重要的人类语言现象,是人类文明的重要表征。从语言学的立场看,道歉言语行为属于言语交际的组成部分。道歉言语行为作为人们交际过程的一种弥补性言语行为,同时也是体现个人 礼貌修养的社会行为,其基本功能在于,为冒犯进行弥补以恢复交际双方的和谐。本文参照言语行为理论,对汉语道歉言语行为进行了初步的语用研究。论文对汉语道歉言语已有成果,研究现状进行了分析,然后总结现代汉语道歉言语行为的特点,以及对汉语道歉行为深入其中的中国传统文化进行了较为深入的剖析在文章的最后给出了本人的结论。 【关键词】:道歉言语行为礼貌文化 一.道歉和道歉语 1.道歉语 道歉言语行为,即俗称道歉,人们大都向别人道过歉。也接受过别人的道歉。在日常生活中,人民由于说错话,做错事或其他的原因,常常会给别人的生活带来不良后果,轻则对方不欢而散,引起彼此间关系的疏远,重则会给对方造成重大伤害,如果不及时对此进行有效的挽救或弥补的话,有时甚至会造成不可挽回的重大损失。有鉴于此,为了补偿过错,减少损失,同时也为了恢复遭到损害的人际关系,就产生了向被冒犯者一方道歉的社会需要。

冒犯者用来向被冒犯这表达歉意的词语和句子就是道歉语。道歉语在人们日常交际中频繁使用,是语用学礼貌原则的重要体现,是人们语言交际的一个方面。 当然,人们为了表示道歉除了采用言语行为的方式,也可以采取非言语行为的方式,比如,采用特定的身体动作,面部表情等。但在社会交往中,人们更多的依赖言语行为方式。本文主要讨论前者,即道歉言语行为。言语行为理论是英国哲学家John Austin 于20世纪50年代首先提出来的,是语用学研究中的一个重要理论(王建华,2004)。这一理论昭示:人们通过某种话语来完成一定的言语行为,话语中所包含的意义可以在聆听着身上产生一种效果。也就是说,人们讲一句话的目的在于完成一种职能(Austin,1962)。不言而喻,所谓道歉言语行为,指的就是通过使用道歉语而达到有关方面表达迁移的语言行为表现。关于道歉的定义很多,语言学家从不同角度归纳出了道歉的定义。 2.道歉 美国社会学家Goffman(1971)视道歉为一种弥补性的交流,目的在于重建由于真实或者假想的冒犯的发生而面临危险的社会和谐。Olshtain(1983:232-249)则将承认有过失和对过失负有责任视为道歉的主要组成部分,并且增加了自我羞辱这一成分,在他看来,自我羞辱是与通常认为的有损面子的举止行为是一致的,因为这与冒犯者原本正面的形象产生了冲突。Brown和Levinson(1987:187)对道歉的定义加进了礼貌因素,他们认为道歉是一种交际活动,在这个活动中,


写作训练《便条》 ●教学目标 学会撰写常用便条、单据,掌握理解便条、单据格式及形成的原因 A、条据类 1、掌握请假条的定义、作用、格式 2、掌握的留言条定义、作用、格式 3、掌握托人办事条的定义、作用、格式 B、单据 1、借条 2、收条 3、领条 4、欠条 ●教学重、难点: 1、各种领条与单据。关键在于确定标题。其中“欠条”和“代收条”要特别注意。 2、生活中如何确定选用哪种应用文这是最难的。老师应创设情景,模拟运用便条和单据。 3、数字的用法。大写数前有币种,数字后有“整”字。 ●教学课时三课时 ●教学方法活动训练法讲练法 ●教学过程 第一课时 一、导入 五年前邻居程某收到妹妹的汇款,领了一定数额的汇款,谁知道三天以后,邮局的人把他“请”去了,公安、派出所介入,原来汇款单被人改过了,数额与汇款单数额不符,才闹出这样的事。 二、便条的作用、使用场合: 便条属条据类应用文,是人们用于临时性事务的一种最简便的书信。在日常生活中,有些事要向说明介绍或请对方办理,有时无法当面讲但又必须告知的,或者是出于手续上的需要,要留做依据的,都可以用到便条这种形式。 常用便条有哪些? 请假条、留言条、托人办事条 三、学习请假条 1、明确概念:请假条是向领导、老师等说明原因请求准假的一种便条。 递交请假条是请假的正式手续。请假条应该提前送达,如果时间紧急,也可事后补送,以完善手续。 2、应用:应用文主要是考察大家的写作能力,下面请同学根据我的要求写一则请假条(抽两位学生写在黑板上) ①假如今天下午第三节课你要参加一次团干部会议,请你给你的任课老师写请假条。 ②假如今天下午第三节课你的同桌要参加一次团干部会议,而他非常的忙,请你代他给任课老师 写


考研英语写作资料-应用文写作之便条写法 便条是一种简单的书信。虽然内容简单,但却有其独特的风格。主要目的是为了尽快的吧最新的信息、通知、要求或者活动的时间、地点转告给对方。常见的便条有收条、欠条、留言和请假条等。 便条可以有题目,也可以省略题目。 便条开篇须有称呼语,但称呼可以比较随便。 日期部分可写在便条的右上角。 日期的签署通常只需写星期几或星期几的上午、下午,也可只写上午或下午和具体时间。只写日期也可以。 便条结尾须署上留条人的姓名,位置在正文的右下角。 便条的形式和内容简洁,故可以用几句话概括。 文内语言尽量通俗口语化,简单扼要,直截了当,无需使用客套语言。 便条虽简单,但中心务必突出,更要注明活动的时间及地点。 便条不需邮寄,不用信封。通常请人代为转交。有时可写在留言板和留言簿上。 基本写作格式 便条内容和类型不尽相同,可以灵活变通。但各类便条必须包括以下几个基本要素; 1)Date:便条日期 2)Salutation:称呼 3)Body:正文 4)Signature:署名 样例 收条:即收到钱物之后,给交钱或送物人写张字据,说明已经收到某物,可留作证据。条据上需写明钱物名称和数量、立据人及日期。不得涂改。 Jan.23rd,2003 Received from Student, Wang Zihao one hundred yuan only for this month''s tuition fee. Li Man For the Finance Office of Foreign Language Institute 欠条;留下字据,表示欠某人某物。条据上需写明钱物名称和数量、立据人及日期。不得涂改。 Sept. 16th, 2002 Borrowed from the Foreign Language Department Reference Library three books as follows: A copy of History and Anthology of English Literature by Wu Weiren A copy of A Survey of American Literature by Chang Yaoxin A copy of World Literature by Jiang Chengen Wu Zhuo For the Office of Social Science Department 留言;用书面留下要说的话。留言涉及的方面很多,包括约会,通知,请求等任何可用便条留下的口信。 Tuesday Dear Li, As the Spring Festival is drawing near, I''m very glad to invite you to come to a dinner party with several other friends of ours. I''m sure we will have a very happy time and enjoy ourselves thoroughly. Would you like to come on time at 5:00 p.m. today, to Room 6 of Lijing Hotel?


1992~2012年专业四级作文与便条分析 一:section A 英语大作文 历年作文题目: 1992 My View on Reading Extensively 1993 My Idea of Becoming a Teaching in the Future 1994 TV: a good thing or a bad thing? 1995 Nowadays it has become fashionable for college students to take a part-time job in their spare time. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend. 1996 Every college student would agree that life in college is not the same as it was in the middle school. Now, you have been asked by the Student’s Union to write a passage entitled: The Main Difference Between My College Life And My Middle School Life 1997 Some of your classmates think that more pressure from academic studies is not beneficial to students. You either agree or disagree with them: More pressure from academic studies does (does not) good to us 1998 It is now generally accepted that vehicles (cars, trucks, etc.) are a major source of air pollution in cities. Your are to suggest only ONE way to solve the problem., One way to solve the problem 1999 We see advertisements on television everyday. Some people think that TV advertising brings as benefits, but others don’t think so. What is your opinion? A major advantage/disadvantage of advertising on television 2000 College life should be varied and colorful. And extracurricular activities are an important aspect of it. However, at present, there is much room for improvement in this regard. Write an article to the university radio entitled: , The importance of extracurricular activities 2001 Travel has become part of our life. And more and more of us have come to know the significance of travel through our own experience:, Travel broadens the mind 2002 Nowadays people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of health. And they have different ways to stay healthy. For example, some exercise every day; others try to keep a balanced diet. What do you think is the best way to stay healthy? The Best Way to Stay Healthy 2003 People in modern society live under a lot of pressure, from education, career, or family. So it is important for them to keep a good mood under whatever circumstances. THE IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING A GOOD MOOD 2004 Nowadays young people tend to phone more often than write to each other. So, some say that phones will kill letter writing. What is your opinion? WILL PHONES KILL LETTER WRITING? 2005 The students' Union of your university is planning to hold an arts festival next semester, and they are inviting students to contribute their ideas and suggestions as to how it should be organized or what should be included.


TEM-2011:Should private car owners be taxed for pollution? With the development of society, many people can afford a car. As the number of the cars is rising, we are facing some problems. One big problem is the pollution caused by the use of cars. In order to solve this problem, government agencies in some big cities recently suggest that a “pollution tax” should be put on private cars in order to control the number of cars and reduce pollution in the city. For my part, I agree to this viewpoint, and my reasons are as follows: To begin with, cars contribute to the environmental pollution. For example, a lot of big cities in China are now plagued by serious air pollution. Then it is the responsibility of these private car owners to pay for the pollution and they should be taxed. The purpose of collecting environmental pollution tax is to raise the fund, and then utilize the tax revenue lever to protect our environment. Secondly, it is a good way to raise people’s environmental awareness by putting a pollution tax on private cars. If people suffer from the financial loss when making a decision, they will think more about their decision. Then they will consider more when deciding to buy a private car. Consequently, the increase rate of the number of the private cars can be controlled. In a word, it is a very good and necessary attempt to use the means of taxation to treat the pollution. Of course, it must be kept in mind that all people, including the private car owners, should try their best to protect the environment. 272words TEM-2010:Should College Students Hire Cleaners? According to a recent report, six university students hired cleaners to clean their dorm and do their laundry every week. Although we have no right to tell them what to do with their money, as a university student myself, I find this practice absurd. For a start, away from our parents, it is in university that we learn to be independent adults. Cleaning the room and doing one’s laundry are the most


语言教学与研究2007年第1期 道歉行为的话语模式与语用特点分析3 李 军 提要 本文认为汉语道歉言语行为由道歉必有手段和道歉辅助手段组成,必有手段包括专门道歉词语、承担错误和补救措施三种,辅助手段则有呼唤语、需要道歉的事实陈述和原因解释,文章详细分析了这些话语部分的构成特点及相配组合情况,并对汉语道歉言语行为的语用特点作了概括。 关键词 道歉言语行为;话语模式;道歉必有手段;道歉辅助手段 一 汉语道歉行为的话语表达模式 道歉是因不利于受话人而表达歉意与请求原谅的言语行为,在语用上属补救性言语行为类型。我们根据道歉功能将构成道歉言语行为的话语部分划分为道歉必有手段和道歉辅助手段。它们都是道歉言语行为中语用功能相对完备的话语模块,它们的不同组合形成了汉语中道歉行为不同的话语表达模式。我们这种道歉模式的总结是对B lu m2Kulka et al.(1989)以及O lshtain&Cohen(1983)的英语道歉策略在汉文化中的改造与发展,体现了汉文化的实质。 1.1道歉必有手段 必有手段是汉语中构成一个道歉言语行为必须具有的话语部分,也是能够单独明确表达出发话人道歉用意的话语手段,包括专门道歉词语、承担错误和补救措施三类。发话人既可以根据内容要求和语境情况选择其中一种必要手段,也可以运用它们的两两组合或者是三者共现的形式来表达道歉意图,这种组合形式具有道歉语力增强的趋势。 1.1.1专门道歉词语 它们能够直接而明确地表达出道歉用意,以道歉功能完备的句读形式出现,是汉语中表达道歉意图的最典型手段。专门道歉词语可以划分为三类: (一)表达歉意情感类词语 这是侧重于自身歉意情感抒发的显性道歉手段,包括“道歉、对不起、抱歉、不好意思、惭愧、遗憾”等。 A.在语用功能上,“道歉”较多使用在因自己的过错、冒犯等损害了对方的场合,道歉色彩比较正式,因而使用的频率并不高。“对不起”则是汉语中通用型的道歉用语,几乎在所有的情景中都可以用它来表达道歉用意,使用的频率也最高。“抱歉”有类似于通用道歉用语的作 3本文为国务院侨办人文社会科学研究基金项目(项目号04G QBY B006)成果。承蒙邵敬敏教授提出宝贵意见,谨致谢忱。


英语应用文写作之便条写法 基本写作格式 便条内容和类型不尽相同,可以灵活变通。但各类便条必须包括以下几个基本要素;1)Date:便条日期2)Salutation:称呼3)Body:正文4)Signature:署名样例 欠条;留下字据,表示欠某人某物。条据上需写明钱物名称和数量、立据人及日期。不得涂改。 April 19, 2012 Borrowed from the Foreign Language Department Reference Library three books as follows: A copy of EnglishHistory and Anthology of English Literature by Wu Weiren A copy of A Survey of American Literature by Chang Yaoxin A copy of World Literature by Jiang Chengen. Wu Zhuo For the Office of Social Science Department 留言;用书面留下要说的话。留言涉及的方面很多,包括约会,通知,请求等任何可用便条留下的口信。 Tuesday Dear Li, As the Spring Festival is drawing near, I’m very glad to invite you to come to a dinner party with several other friends of ours. I’m sure we will have a very happy time and enjoy ourselves thoroughly. Would you like to come on time at 5:00 p.m. today, to Room 6 of Lijing Hotel? Yours always, Jiayang 请假条:往往指由于生病或特殊情况不能亲自当面请假,用假条的形式告假。所以,请假条大多是病假条。可以自写,也可请他人代写。写假条最重要的是说明原因和请假的期限。 Jan. 10th Dear Ms. Jiang, I am terribly sorry that I shall be unable to attend this morning two periods of English Class due to a bad cold and high fever. Enclosed is a certificate from the doctor who said I must stay in bed for a few days. I will go back to school as soon as I recover. Yours respectfully, Tian Ye


英文日期分英式和美式,如下: 1) 8th March,2004 或8 March,2004(英式) 2) March 8th,2004 或March 8,2004 (美式) 日期写法宜遵从下列规则: 1)年份必须完全写明,不可用"04代替2004; 2)月份必须用英文拼出或采用公认的简写,即January (Jan.),February (Feb.),March(Mar.),April(Apr.),May,June,July,August (Aug.),September (Sept.),October(Oct.),November(Nov.),December(Dec.); 3)日期可用序数词,如:1st,2nd,3rd,4th,...;也可用基数词,如:1,2,3,4,...。但美式大多采用后者; 4)在年份和月日之间必须用逗号隔开; 5)日期不可全部采用如7.12.2003或7/12/2003的阿拉伯数字书写,否则会引起误解。因为英美在这方面的习惯用法不同。按美国人习惯,上述日期为2003年7月12日,而按英国习惯则是2003年12月7日 英语写作关于英文便条 便笺(便条)和短信 一、概述 便条也是书信的一种形式。它的特点是内容简短,主要有临时性的询问、留言、通知、要求等。跟正规书信相比,便条的语言比较口头化,比如要通知某事只需这样开头:Just a line to tell you that ...而无须像正规书信那样This is to inform you that ...开头。另外,在便条中常出现省略现象,例如:“key to back door is under mat.”或者“key to back door under mat .”(后门钥匙在垫子下面)代之以“The key to the back door is under the mat.”。 结束时也无需结尾礼词,只需写上写便条者姓名。如果是关系比较近的人,则只需写上姓或名。 便条的日期通常写在右上角。一般只写上星期几或者星期几上午或下午,也可写上午、下午的具体时刻。日常应用中,写上几月几日的也很普遍。但一般不写年份,因为便条的内容多半是当日或近日内要办的事情。写便条时,不得事先准备,因此无固定格式,大多用手写。 二、注意事项 1.词句简洁,尽量避免应酬语和各种敬词 2.切忌内容空洞、言不达意。 三、分类举例


1.邀请 Directions: Write a note of about 50 -60 words based on the following situation: Your class is going to have a meeting to discuss how to learn Chinese well. Write a note to invite Professor Liu to attend the meeting. Tell her the exact time and place. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. September 1 Dear Professor Liu, We shall greatly appreciate it if you can attend our class meeting. We'll discuss how to improve our Chinese in Room 201 of the main building at 8:00 a.m. of September 7. All of us do hope you can come and give us some valuable advice. We are looking forward to seeing you. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 1. We shall greatly appreciate it if you can attend our class meeting. 2. We are looking forward to seeing you. 3. Could we have the honor of your presence at the meeting? 4. I shall be very glad/pleased/happy/delighted/grateful if you can attend our meeting. Directions: Write a note of about 50 -60 words based on the following situation: You and your friends want to take a trip to the seaside. You are supposed to write to Merlin to ask whether she will go with you or not. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. May 5 Dear Merlin, We have just decided to spend a holiday on the beach this weekend. As we have a spare seat in the car, we think you may be interested in joining us. We can take a sun bathe together. Please let us know as soon as possible o We will be pleased if you can come. Yours, Mary &Joe 1. Please let us know as soon as possible if you would like to go with us, and then we will arrange when to start. 2. We will be pleased if you can come. 3. It would be an honor to us if you would accept our invitation. 4. It would be a great pleasure to me if you could come. 取消约会 Directions: Write a note of about 50 - 60 words based on the following situation: You will meet Professor Wang at 9:00 a.m. of September 24. But you have to attend an important meeting suddenly. Write Professor Wang a note, making an apology and explaining why. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.


2011年专四作文真题:Should private car owners be taxed 年专四作文真题:for pollution?(私家车是否应该交污染税)——关于环境私家车是否应该交污染税)关于环境 Direction::Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Should private car owners be taxed for pollution? You are to write in three parts: In the first part, state clearly what your view is. In the second part, support your view with appropriate reasons. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions

may result in a loss of marks. 写作指南:这是典型的立场观点选择题型。要求考生确立自己的观点,然后进行论证。 历年类似考题: 本文要求学生就“”私家车是否应该交污染税”这一话题发表自己的意见。 第一部分:分析现状:私家车越来越多,环境污染日益严重,“污染税”提出的背景,进而提出自己的观点:私家车应该交污染税。 第二部分:从两方面进行阐述。首先由于私家车造成环境问题,所以私家车有义务交税,为国家环境建设所用。其次纳税能提高人们的环保意识。 第三部分:进行总结,再次表明自己的观点。 经典范文:经典范文:Should private car owners be taxed for pollution?
