The Forbidden City故宫详细的英文介绍词

The Forbidden City故宫详细的英文介绍词
The Forbidden City故宫详细的英文介绍词

The Forbidden City

The Forbidden City had witnessed the reigns of 24 emperors for as long as five centuries in the history of China.13

Started in 1406 and completed 14 years later, the Forbidden City covers an area of more than 720,000 square meters and is called “the sea of halls ” as a complex of more than 8,000 halls and rooms . The large and grand Forbidden City, a feudal(封建的/’fjudl/)imperial(帝国的,皇帝的) palace with rigorous(严密的)layout , longest history, largest construction area, and best preservation among its kind so for existent in the world, is regarded as one of the top five palaces.



the history of the forbidden city

Early construction in the Ming Dynasty

In 1406,Zhu Di ,Emperor Yongle in the Ming Dynasty, decided to move the capital to Beijing. In the next year, he began to make preparations for building palaces ,altars and temples ,and walls .Many ministers were dispatched to the South to procure timber (树,木材)and make bricks and tiles(瓦).


In 1417, the Forbidden City started construction; at that time , it was called Purple Forbidden City. Why it was called by this name during the Ming and Qing Dynasty? According to the ancient Chinese history, Ziwei Enclosure in the center of the heaven was the abode of Celestial emperor, thus the abode was named Zigong, or purple palace. Jin, or Forbidden, referred to the fact that no-one could enter or leave the palace without the emperor’s permission. Hence the name Zijincheng, or the Forbidden City. 1417年,故宫开始营建,当时称紫禁城。为什么故宫在明清时期称为紫禁城呢?依照中国古代的星相学说,紫薇垣位于天空的正中央,是天帝的居所,因此把天帝所居的天宫称之为紫宫。同时,皇宫乃皇

家重地,闲杂人等不得进入,是禁地,因此名字当中有一个禁字。At the end of 1420, the major structure of the Forbidden City was completed.

On the first day in the first lunar month in the 1421,Zhu Di was worshiped in the Hall of Fengtian Dian by his ministers and envoys from forweign countries. Up to then, Beijing had replaced Nanjing as the capital of China.

In 1441,Emperor Zhengtong Zhu Qizhen rebuilt the Three Halls of the Outor Court and the Palace of Qianqinggong and Kunninggong .He made an imperial edict to reconfirm that Beijing was the capital city of Ming Dynasty.



Expanded In The Qing Dynasty

In 1644, the Qing forces entered Beijing and Emperor Shunzhi made his

edict to establish the capital in Beijing ,which marked the birth of the Qing Dynasty.

On the basis of the Ming imperial palace, the Qing Dynasty spent14 years in restoring the destroyed architectural complex, rebuilding and expanding it into the magnificent imperial palace with large scale.



In 1987,the Forbidden City was inscribed on the World Heritage List by the UNESCO. Now it is the Palace Museum.



故宫的英文介绍 What strikes one first in a bird's -eye view of Beijing proper is a vast tract of golden roofs flashing brilliantly in the sun with purple walls occasionally emerging amid them and a stretch of luxuriant tree leaves flanking on each side. That is the former Imperial Palace, popularly known as the Forbidden City, from which twenty-four emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruled China for some 500 years——from1420 to 1911. The Ming Emperor Yong Le, who usurped the throne from his nephew and made Beijing the capital, ordered its construction, on which approximately 10,000 artists and a million workmen toiled for 14 years from 1406 to 1420. At present, the Palace is an elaborate museum that presents the largest and most complete ensemble of traditional architecture complex and more than 900,000 pieces of court treasures in all dynasties in China. Located in the center of Beijing, the entire palace area, rectangular in shape and 72 hectares in size, is surrounded by walls ten meters high and a moat 52 meters wide. At each corner of the wall stands a watchtower with a double-eave roof covered with yellow glazed tiles. The main buildings, the six great halls, one following the other, are set facing south along the central north-south axis from the Meridian Gate, the south entrance, to Shenwumen, the great gate piercing in the north wall. On either side of the palace are many comparatively small

The Forbidden City故宫详细的英文介绍词

The Forbidden City The Forbidden City had witnessed the reigns of 24 emperors for as long as five centuries in the history of China.13 Started in 1406 and completed 14 years later, the Forbidden City covers an area of more than 720,000 square meters and is called “the sea of halls ” as a complex of more than 8,000 halls and rooms . The large and grand Forbidden City, a feudal(封建的/’fjudl/)imperial(帝国的,皇帝的) palace with rigorous(严密的)layout , longest history, largest construction area, and best preservation among its kind so for existent in the world, is regarded as one of the top five palaces. 故宫,一座昔日的皇城,先后有24位皇帝在此统治中国长达5个世纪之久。 故宫始建于1406年,历时14年才完工,面积达72万多平方米,有殿宇宫室8000多间,被誉为“殿宇之海”。故宫规模宏大,气势磅礴,布局严谨,是世界是上现存的皇宫中历史最悠久,建筑面积最大,保存最完整的一座封建皇宫,它是“世界五大宫”之一。 the history of the forbidden city Early construction in the Ming Dynasty


FORBIDDEN CITY (紫禁城) (In front of the meridian gate) Ladies and Gentlemen: I am pleased to serve as your guide today. This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today. Under Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406. It took 14years to build the Forbidden City. The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi. For five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successive emperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the throne. In 1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy. It is believed that the Palace Museum, or Zi Jin Cheng (Purple Forbidden City), got its name from astronomy folklore, The ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan (North Star) . The constellation containing the North Star was called the


FORBIDDEN CITY 紫禁城) (In front of the meridia n gate) Ladies and Gen tleme n: I am p leased to serve as your guide today. This is the p alace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidde n City. It is the largest and most well reserved imp erial reside nee in China today. Un der Ming Emp eror Yon gle, con strueti on bega n in 1406. It took 14years to build the Forbidden City. The first ruler whoactually lived here was Ming Emp eror Zhudi. For five cen turies thereafter, it continued to be the reside nee of23 successive emp erors un til 1911 whe n Qing Emp eror Puyi was forced to abdicate the thr one. In 1987, the Un ited Nati ons Educati on al, Scie ntific and Cultural Organization recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy. It is believed that the Palace Museum,or Zi Jin Cheng (Purple Forbidde n City), got its n ame from astr onomy folklore, The ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and cen tered them around the Ziwei Yuan (North Star) . The con stellati on containing the North Star was called the Con stellati on of Heave niy God and star itself was called the purple p alace. Because the emp eror was supp osedly the son of the heave nIy gods, his cen tral and dominant p ositi on would be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the n ame of his reside nee. In folklore, the term “ an eastern p urple cloud is drifting ” became a metaphor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting eastward immediately before the arrival of an an cie nt p hilos op her, LaoZi, to the Han ghu Pass.


故宫导游解说词 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 女士们、先生们: 今天有幸陪同大家一道参观,我感到很高兴。这里就是世界闻名的故宫博物馆,一般大家都简称它为故宫,顾名思义,就是昔日的皇家宫殿。自1911年清朝末代皇帝爱新觉罗.溥仪被迫宣告退位上溯至1420年明朝第三代永乐皇帝朱棣迁都于此,先后有明朝的14位,清朝的10位,共24位皇帝在这座金碧辉煌的宫城里统治中国长达五个世纪之久。帝王之家,自然规模宏大,气势磅礴,时至今日这里不仅在中国,在世界上也是规模最大,保存最完整的古代皇家宫殿建筑群。由于这座宫城集中体现了我国古代建筑艺术的优秀传统和独特风格,所以在建筑史上具有十分重要的地位,是建筑艺术的经典之作,1987年已被联合国教科文组织评定为世界文化遗产。 故宫又称紫禁城,究其由来,是由天文学说和民间传说相互交融而形成的。中国古代天文学家将天上所有的星宿分为三垣、二十八宿、三十一天区。其中的三垣是指太微垣、紫微垣和天市垣。紫微垣在三垣的中央,正符合“紫微居中”的说法。因此,古人认为紫外线微垣是天帝之座,故被称为紫宫。皇帝是天帝之子、人间至尊,因此他们也要模仿天帝,在自己宫殿的名字上冠其紫字,以表现其位居中央,环视天下的帝王气概。还有一个说法就是指“紫气东来”。传说老子出函谷关,关令尹喜见有紫气从东来,知道将有圣人过关。果然老子骑了青牛前来,喜便请他写下了《道德经》。后人因此以“紫气东来”表示祥瑞。帝王之家当然希望出祥瑞天象,那么用“紫”字来命名也就顺理成章了。“禁”字的意思就比较明显了,那就是皇宫禁地,戒备森严,万民莫近。此话决无半个虚字,在1924年末代皇帝被逐出宫后这里正式开放以前平民百姓别想踏近半步,大家可以想像紫禁城过去是多么崇高威严,神圣不可侵犯啊! 紫禁城建在北京,是有其历史的,也因为这里是一块风水宝地,说起来话长。故宫从明永乐四年(1406)开始修建,用了14年的时间才基本建成,到今天已有570多年的历史。大家看到了,故宫是一级红墙黄瓦的建筑群,为什么这样呢?据道家阴阳五行学说认为,五行包括金,木,水,火,土,其中土占中央方位,因为华夏民族世代生息在黄土高原上,所以对黄色就产生了一种崇仰和依恋的感情,于是从唐朝起,黄色就成了代表皇家的色彩,其他人不得在服饰和建筑上使用。而红色,则寓意着美满,吉祥和富贵,正由于这些原因,故宫建筑的基本色调便采


北京故宫导游词英文 篇一:北京故宫英文导游词 北京故宫 女士们、先生们, 欢迎大家来到北京,北京是中国的首都,也是我国的四大古都之一。20XX年奥运会的成功举办更使这座古老的城市为许多外国朋友所熟知。大家稍作休息,请允许我自我介绍一下。我是大家北京之行的地接导游员我的名字叫温辉辉,那在我身边的这位是我们的司机张师傅。我们将会竭尽全力为大家提供最优质的服务。像我一样热情好客的北京人将以他们最热情的方式欢迎世界各地发朋友来到北京。在北京期间我们将游览故宫、长城、颐和园等景点。希望古老而又时尚的北京会给大家留下一段美好的回忆。 在北京我们游览的第一个景点就是故宫。提起故宫大家首先会想到它是中国皇帝居住过的地方。但故宫的价值可不仅仅在于此。它更是我们中国历史、中国文化以及中国建筑的一个缩影。 故宫位于北京城的中心,是明清两朝的皇宫。它是世界上显存最大、最完整的宫殿建筑群。至今约有六百年的历史,先后有24位皇帝在这里统治全国近500年。故宫又名紫禁城,那是因为在封建社会皇帝拥有最高的权利因此这个地方是禁止一般人进出。紫色是象征这北极星的颜色,这被认为是宇宙的中心所以又名紫禁城。

紫禁城的建筑布局是对称的分为前朝和内廷。前朝以太和、中和、保和三大殿为主体是举行大殿、朝贺、筵宴行使权力的地方。其中太和殿是故宫中规模最大等级最高的建筑。皇帝登基及册立皇后等重大仪式都在此举行。内廷以乾清宫、交太殿和坤宁宫为主体,是皇帝的寝宫和处理日常政务的地方。坤宁宫以北是御花园,是皇帝及其家人游玩的地方。 新中国成立以来,故宫得到良好的维护。1961年,故宫被入世界文化遗产名录。如今的故宫已是中国最大文化珍藏品博物馆,收藏着几百万件珍贵文物。 现在我要问大家一个问题,故宫的房间是九千九百九十九间半吗?传说天宫的房间是一万间,人间的皇帝作为天帝的儿子,皇宫自然不能超过天宫,于是故宫便造了九千九百九十九间半。其实古代建筑是以“四柱一间”为标准的。经过古建筑专家实地调查统计,故宫所有的房间数量是8707,并非传说所言。 俗话说百闻不如一见,带着您满心的好奇让我们走进故宫,让我们感悟中国文化感受中国帝王的兴衰历史。 LadiesandGentlemen, welcometoBeijing.Beijingisthecapitalofchinaaswellasoneofthefourancient capitalsinchina.manyforeignfriendsknownBeijingbecauseofthethesuccess oftheolympicGames.Pleasesitbackandrelax.iamyourlocalguideforyourBeij ingtour,youcancallmeamry.Thisisourdrivermr.zhang.wewillmakeeveryeff orttoprovidethebestqualityservice.Likeme,Beijingersarealwaysreadytowel


故宫英文介绍 The Palace Museum, historically and artistically one of the most comprehensive Chinese museums, was established on the foundation of the palace that was the ritual center of two dynasties, the Ming and the Qing, and their collections of treasures. Designated by the State Council as one of China's foremost protected monuments in 1961, the Palace Museum was also made a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987. Situated at the heart of Beijing, the Palace Museum is approached through Tiananmen Gate. Immediately to the north of the Palace Museum is Prospect Hill (also called Coal Hill), while on the east and west are Wangfujing and Zhongnanhai neighborhoods. It is a location endowed with cosmic significance by ancient China's astronomers. Correlating the emperor's abode, which they onsidered the pivot of the terrestrial world, with the Pole Star Ziweiyuan), which they believed to be at the center of the heavens, they alled the palace The Purple Forbidden City. The Forbidden City was built from 1406 to 1420 by the third Ming emperor Y ongle who, upon surping the throne, determined to move his capital north from Nanjing to Beijing. In 1911 the Qing dynasty fell to the epublican revolutionaries. The last emperor, Puyi, continued to live in the palace after his abdication until he was expelled in 1924. Twenty-four emperors lived and ruled from this palace during this 500-year span. The Forbidden City is surrounded by 10-metre high walls and a 52-metre wide moat. Measuring 961 meters from north to south and 753 meters from east to west, it covers an area of 720,000 square meters. Each of the four sides is pierced by a gate, the Meridian Gate (Wu men) on the south and the Gate of Spiritual V alor (Shenwu men) on the north being used as the entrance and exit by tourists today. Once inside, visitors will see a succession of halls and palaces spreading out on either side of an invisible central axis. It is a magnificent sight, the buildings' glowing yellow roofs against vermilion walls, not to mention their painted ridges and carved beams, all contributing to the sumptuous effect. Known as the Outer Court, the southern portion of the Forbidden City centers on the halls of Supreme Harmony, Central Harmony, and Preserving Harmony. These are flanked by the halls of Literary Glory and Military Eminence. It was here that the emperor held court and conducted his grand audiences. Mirroring this arrangement is the Inner Court at the northern end of the Forbidden City, with the Palace of Heavenly Purity, the Hall of Union, and the Palace of Earthly Tranquility straddling the central axis, surrounded by the Six Palaces of the East and West and the Imperial Garden to the north. Other major buildings include the halls for Worshipping Ancestors and of Imperial Splendor on the east, and the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the Pavilion of the Rain of Flowers and the Palace of Benevolent Tranquility on the west. These contain not only the residences of the emperor and his empress, consorts and concubines but also the venues for religious rites and administrative activities. In total, the buildings of the two courts account for an area of some 163,000 square meters. These were laid out precisely in accordance with a code of architectural hierarchy, which esignated specific features to reflect the paramount authority and status of the emperor. No ordinary mortal would have been allowed or even dared to come within close proximity of these buildings. After the republican revolution, this Palace as a whole would have been sequestered by the Nationalist government were it not for the "Articles of Favorable Treatment of the Qing House"


北京旅游景点的中英文介绍 天安门广场 Tian’an Men Square 故宫 Former Imperial Palace 天坛 Temple of Heaven 地坛 The Temple of Earth 长城 the Great Wall 颐和园 the Summer Palace 十三陵 the Ming Tombs 雍和宫 Yonghegong Lamasery 卢沟桥 Lugou Bridge 碧云寺 Biyun Temple 潭柘寺 Tanzhe Temple 卧佛寺 Wofo Temple 戒台寺 Jietai Temple 法海寺 Fahai Temple 云居寺 Yunju Temple 白云寺 Baiyun Temple 白云观 the White Cloud Taoist Temple 恭王府 Prince Gong’s Mansion 清东陵 Eastern Royal Tombs of the Qing Dynasty 乾清宫 Palace of Heavenly Purity

北海公园 Beihai Park 香山公园 Xiangshan Park 世界公园 Beijing World Park 圆明园遗址 the Ruins of Yuanmingyuan 北京动物园 Beijing Zoo 中华世纪坛 China Century Altar 故宫博物院 the Palace Museum 人民大会堂 the Great Hall of the People 民族文化宫the Cultural Palace for Nationalities 劳动人民文化宫 Working People's Cultural Palace 北京工人体育馆 Beijing Worker's Stadium 革命历史博 物馆 the Museum of Revolutionary History


介绍中国故宫英语作文 北京故宫是中国明清两代的皇家宫殿, 旧称为紫禁城, 北京故宫被誉为世界 五大宫之首,如何用英语介绍故宫。 介绍中国故宫英语作文 1 This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today. Beijing Forbidden City is the head of the world's top five palace. The Forbidden City was built begin in 1406 and it took 14 years to built it. The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi. North to south is 961 meters, and 753 meters from east to west. And the area of about 725,000 square meters. The Imperial Palace has 8704 rooms. In 1987 the Forbidden City was recognized a world cultural legacy. [这是 故宫博物院,也被称为紫禁城。它是北京现在最大、保存最完好的宫殿。北京故 宫是世界五大宫殿之首。紫禁城建于 1906 年,历时 14 年建造完成。第一个明朝 统治者朱棣便住在这里。故宫南北长 961 米,东西宽 753 米,建地面积 725,000 平方米。宫殿共有 8704 个房间。在 1987 年紫禁城成为世界文化遗产。 Forbidden City building Classified as "outside in" and "inner court" two parts. 太和 palace 中和 palace and 保和 palace are the center of the outside in, Where the emperor would hold meeting and exercise of power. 乾清 palace、交泰 palace、坤宁 palace are center of Inner court . Feudal emperors and princess lived here. 故宫的建筑分为“外朝”与“内廷”两大部分. 外朝以太和殿、 中和殿、 保 和殿三大殿为中心, 是皇帝举行朝会和行使权力的地方。 内廷以乾清宫、 交泰殿、 坤宁宫后三宫为中心是封建帝王与后妃居住之所。 The red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are symbolic. Red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth. Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau, the original home of the Chinese people. Yellow became an imperial color during the Tang dynasty, when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture. Dragon, lion and other animals are a symbol of good fortune and dignity. The pine trees and cypress saipris trees and the pavilions make people



FORBIDDEN CITY (紫禁城) (In front of the meridian gate) Ladies and Gentlemen: I am pleased to serve as your guide today. This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today. Under Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406. It took 14years to build the Forbidden City. The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi. For five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successive emperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the throne. In 1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy. It is believed that the Palace Museum, or Zi Jin Cheng (Purple Forbidden City), got its name from astronomy folklore, The ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan (North Star) . The


故宫英文导游词 篇一:北京故宫博物馆英文导游词北京故宫博物馆英文导游词 Hello, everyone, . The Palace Museum has served as the royal residence during the Ming and Qing dynasties. It useum, as the most beautiful spot of interest throughout Beijing, is unique for its location: to the northuseum. At the southern end of the palace is Tian` anmen (Gate of Heavenly Peace) and the famous square named after it . This is the symbol of the People` s Republic of China. A useum is on the bodiment of oriental civilization. The Palace Museum is rectangular in shape, 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meters ilitary Prouseum a self-defensive city-useum ing Dynasty by Zhun Di, The fourth son of the founding emperor Zhuyuanzhang. The useum involved manpouseum serves as a living embodiment of good tradition and styles unique to China` s ancient architecture. It reflects to the full the ingenuity and creativity of the Chinese useum is a prominent historical and tourist site. -the Meridian Gate, eridian Gate used to be a place ing

故宫 介绍 英文

This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today. Beijing Forbidden City is the head of the world's top five palace. The Forbidden City was built begin in 1406 and it took 14 years to built it. The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi. North to south is 961 meters, and 753 meters from east to west. And the area of about 725,000 square meters. The Imperial Palace has 8704 rooms.In 1987 the Forbidden City was recognized a world cultural legacy.[leg?si] 这是故宫博物院,也被称为紫禁城。它是北京现在最大、保存最完好的宫殿。北京故宫是世界五大宫殿之首。紫禁城建于1906年,历时14年建造完成。第一个明朝统治者朱棣便住在这里。故宫南北长961米,东西宽753米,建地面积725,000平方米。宫殿共有8704个房间。在1987年紫禁城成为世界文化遗产。 Forbidden City building Classified as "outside in" and "inner court" two parts. 太和palace 中和palace and保和palace are the center of the outside in, Where the emperor would hold meeting and exercise of power. 乾清palace、交泰palace、坤宁palace are center of Inner court . Feudal emperors and princess lived here. 故宫的建筑分为“外朝”与“内廷”两大部分.外朝以太和殿、中和殿、保和殿三大殿为中心,是皇帝举行朝会和行使权力的地方。内廷以乾清宫、交泰殿、坤宁宫后三宫为中心是封建帝王与后妃居住之所。 The red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are symbolic. Red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth. Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau, the original home of the Chinese people. Yellow became an imperial color during the Tang dynasty, when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture. Dragon, lion and other animals are a symbol of good fortune and dignity. The pine trees and cypress ?saipris trees and the pavilions make people feel beautiful and quiet. 红色和黄色作为宫殿墙壁主色调是一种象征。红色代表快乐、好运气、和财富。黄色是中国人的起源地黄土高原大地的颜色。在唐朝黄色成为了代表帝王的颜色,仅有少数人可以穿它,并且也将黄色用于建筑。龙凤、狮子等动物象征这吉祥和威严。这些松树,柏树,还有小亭子给人以幽美恬静的感觉。 The Forbidden City had three large-scale maintenance. The first time was in 1949 when New China has founded. This maintenance fundamentally changed the old society, and show a magnificent scale. The second time is in 1973, people has protected the palace professional. The third time is since 2002, continued in 2020, the palace is re-repiring, and "Open areas" will increase from the current 30% to 70%.


故宫导游词英文3篇 故宫导游词英文3篇 From tiananmen square, through a piee of the blue brik flies in the floor of the square, then arrived at the main gate of the Forbidden Cit - the meridian gate. The Forbidden Cit has four door, front door of the meridian gate, east gate DongHuaMen, Simon xihua gate, north gate of reature. Meridian gate, monl knon as the five-phoenix toers aross the meridian gate, and have ide big ourtard, in more than 30000 square meters of open ourtard, there are five deliate hite marble Bridges to the gate. To the gate, into the palae of the outer ourt, the palae of arhiteture on the basis of its laout and funtion is divided into the outer ourt and imperial palae to most. In the etheri and, neutralization, and three main halls as the enter, is the plae here emperors held at ill, also knon as the poer . Aross the bridge through the gate is the grand hall of supreme harmon. The hall has a tortuous stor, heard it burned ith skfire, three times also repaired three times, and even more amazing is the onstrution of the palae didn t a nail! Imperial palae to the palae of heavenl purit, tai temple, palae of earthl tranquilit after three palae as the enter, the to ings of angxin temple, east, est sixth, and bpass the imperial palae, e finall arrived at the imperial
