


()1.—Do you still remember________ this group of friends in 2013?

—Yes. But I forgot where I ________ them.

A.seeing; meet B.to see; met C.seeing; met D.seeing; meeting ()2.He used to ________ problems ________ along with his classmates, but he can get on well with them now.

A.have; get B.has; gets C.have; getting D.having; getting ()3.With the help of Jim's family, his father has already given up ________.

A.smoking B.smoke C.to smoke D.smokes

()4.I am looking forward to________ a good job after graduation.

A.getting B.get C.got D.gets

()5.Our math teacher ________ to our school at the age of 20 and she ________ in our school for more than 30 years.

A.comes; taught B.came; taught C.came; has taught D.has come; has taught ()6.He always does well in all of his subjects and his parents is ________ him.

A.proud of B.pride of C.proud D.pride

()7.He often takes the time ________ summer holidays with his grandparents .

A.to spend B.spend C.spending D.spent

()8.Miss Wang is patient ________ me and always encourages me ________ hard.

A.to; study B.with; to study C.with; study D.in; studying

()9.________ long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end.

A.However B.No matter how C.No matter what D.Whatever

()10.Hurry up. There is a man outside ________ you.

A.wait for B.waiting for C.waiting D.wait

()11.Nobody can predict what ________ in the future. So enjoy every minute in our life.

A.will happen B.happen C.have happened D.happens

()12.Anyone who is good at singing can ________ the activity in our school.

A.take part in B.take off C.take out D.take care of ()13.I went hiking in Shanxi last year and lived in the hotels at nights________.

A.come this way B.along the way C.by the way D.to the way

()14.—Is the classroom yours?

—No.________ is on the second floor.

A.we B.our C.ours D.us

()15.Teenagers have the abilities to make their own ________.

A.choose B.chose C.choice D.choices

()16.—How should the students ________ their problems?

—By regarding problem as challenges.

A.do with B.deal with C.to do with D.to deal with ()17.I ________ what you said, but I don't ________ you.

A.believe; believe in B.believe in; believe

C.believe; believe D.believe in; believe in

()18.When you are in trouble, it's better to ________.

A.keep your cool B.get nervous

C.keep sad D.keep crying

()19.I will ________ more effort in my studies this term.

A.put up B.put on C.put down D.put in

()20. We are ________ the coming music party.

A.prepare for B.preparing for C.prepare to D.preparing to



Do you mind sharing your test scores with others?

On May 16, Guo Ruiting, 14, from Shenzhen Foreign Language School, had a big debate (辩论) with her classmates on this topic.

Guo believed that making the scores public would make students study harder. At first, she explained many theories (理论) that she had collected on the Internet. But they were too difficult to understand. So she was easily beaten by her opponent (对方) Du Xiaoshe.

“Publishing the results of our tests is bad for us,” said Du. He came to this conclusion (结论) after he failed his history exam one month ago. He thought it was just an accident. But he felt so hurt when his parents got a list of his marks. It also showed the marks of other students in his class.

His experience seemed to have won over many students. But Guo’s team didn’t give up.“Don’t you forget the time when we all worked harder after knowing the average mark of Class 2?” asked Guo. “We’d have never been so good if we didn’t know how far we were behind. So it’s good to know others’ marks,” said Guo.

These words encouraged Du. He partly agreed with Guo’s team. He thought it was good to show the average mark of each class but not individual (个人的) marks. This is the perfect way to respect their privacy (隐私) and make them work hard as well.

Such a conclusion won most of the students’ minds.

“Sometimes we need to compromise (折中), both in a debate and in our life,” added Du. ( )1. In the report, students debated .

A. whether students’ marks should be made public

B. whether teachers should tell parents about students’ marks

C. how students’ marks should be made public

D. whether students’ marks could make them study harder

( )2. Guo Ruiting must have before the debate.

A. been beaten back

B. collected some information on the Internet

C. got much support

D. failed in exams

( )3. Du Xiaoshe’s accident was that .

A. he lost the debate

B. the teacher made his mark public

C. he failed in an exam

D. his parents got to know his poor mark

( )4. Both Guo and Du agreed that .

A. students’ marks should be made public

B. the average mark of each class should be known

C. it was good to know other stu dents’ marks

D. publishing the results of tests was bad for students

( )5. The report might be taken from the page of a magazine or a newspaper.

A. art

B. school life

C. home education

D. science


1. Can you finish _________(solve) the problem on time?

2. Do you have any problems _________(deal) with those tasks?

3. They have difficulty _________(get) enough money to buy a big a house.

4. Mike has trouble in __________(finish) all his homework by himself.

5. I China has become much ________(strong) than before. We are all _______(pride) of her.

6. Look! The Children are playing ________(happy) in the park.

7. Stop ________(talk), please. Let’s begin our meeting.


1. 学习方面老师对我们要求严格。

Our teacher are ______ _________ us in study.

2. 球迷们盼着2018 国际足联俄罗斯世界杯的到来。

The football fans are ________ ________ to the coming of 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia. 3. 现在,到了该毕业的时间了。

Now it’s time __________ ____________.

4. 两年前,我在发音和读课文方面有问题。

I _________ _________ with pronunciation and _______ texts two years ago.

5. 你打开的门扇门的后面都是学习新事物的机会,你有能力做出自己的选择。

Behind each door you open are ______ _____ _______ new things , and you have the ability to make your own choices.



A: Hello, Rice! You look sad. (1)__________.

B: My parents are leaving home this afternoon.

A: (2)_____________.

B:They are going to work in Hangzhou. I won’t see them until the Spring Festival, you know.

A: (3)That’s a lo ng time.

B:Yes. And I hadn’t lived with them for two years before they returned home last month. So I’m very sad. (4)_____________.

A:Don’t be upset. You can go and see them when we have a holiday.

B:Maybe you’re right.

每个人在学校期间,都有自己难忘的老师。假如你叫李雷。毕业在即,请你根据以下提示给你的英语老师(Miss Zhao)写一封信。内容包括:







Dear Miss Zhao,

As you know, I've made great progress in English with your help. At this moment, I want to say “Thank you”.

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Best wishes to you!


Li Lei



1. 解析:“记得做过某事”是remember doing sth. 又答语主句中forgot是过去式,故答案选C

2. 解析:两个搭配用法used to +do 和have problem doing sth, 故答案选C

3. 解析:考查give up doing sth. 故答案选A

4. 解析:look forward to +doing sth. 故答案选A

5. 解析:第一个空考查过去式,第二个空据“for more than 30 years.”可知用现在完成时态,故答案选C

6. 解析:考查搭配“以……为荣”即be proud of, 故答案选A

7. 解析:“花费时间做某事”take time to do sth. 故答案选A

8. 解析:考查短语be patient with sb. 和encourage sb. to do sth. 故答案选B

9. 解析:“无论多久”是No matter how long ,故答案选B

10.解析:考查句式:there is/are …doing sth. “等候”是wait for,故答案选B

11.解析:in the future 是一般将来时的时间状语,故答案选A

12.解析:“参加活动”用take part in ,故答案选A

13.解析:根据句意指“沿途”,along the way,故答案选B

14.解析:此题考查名词性物主代词,即ours=our classroom; 故答案选C

15.解析:their own 后加可数名词复数,故答案选D

16.解析:How…deal with?而What…do with? ,should 是情态动词,后加do,故答案选B

17.解析:believe后可加从句; believe in sb. 是“相信某人”的意思,故答案选A

18.解析:据句意选“保持冷静”即keep one’s cool, 故答案选A

19.解析:“更加努力”是put in more effort,故答案选D

20.解析:“准备。。。。。。”是prepare for…; 此句是现在进行时,故选答案B


1. A 解析:根据第一段“Do you mind sharing your test scores with others?”可知答案A

2. B 解析:根据第二段第二行“At first, she explained many theories(理论) that she had collected on the Internet.”可知答案是B

3. C 解析:据第四段第二行“…after he failed his history exam one month ago. ”可知答案

4. B 解析:据倒数第三段第一、二行“He thought it was good to show the average mark of each class but not individual (个人的) marks.”可知答案

5. B 解析:整篇文章主要是围绕学习成绩等学习方面的事,故可猜测答案B项


1. 解析:finish 后跟doing,故答案是solving

2. 解析:have problems 后跟doing,故答案是dealing

3. 解析:have difficulty后跟doing,故答案是getting

4. 解析:has trouble in 后跟doing,故答案是finishing

5. 解析:据than可知第一空用比较级,be proud of是搭配,故答案是stronger; proud

6. 解析:副词修饰动词playing, 故答案是happily

7. 解析:“停止做某事”是Stop doing sth.故答案是talking


1. 解析:“对某人要求严格”是be strict with sb. 故填strict with

2. 解析:“期盼”是look forward to…,又此句是现在进行时,故答案是looking forward

3. 解析:“到做……时间了”是It’s time to do sth. 故答案是to graduate

4. 解析:“在……有问题”是have problems doing sth. 又因是过去式,且and连接并列成分,故答案是had problems ;reading

5. 解析:“做……的机会”是…chance(s) to do sth. 故答案是chances to learn


1. 解析:根据前一句可知答案选B

2. 解析:根据上下句可知答案选E

3. 解析:根据上一句可知此句谈论时间,故选D

4. 解析:根据上一句所解释的原因可知,此句应选G

5. 解析:根据“Don’t be upset.”的句子可知,此句应还是去安慰人的句子,故选A




As_you_know,_I've_made_great_progress_in_English_with_your_help.At_this_moment,_I _want_to_say_“Thank_you”.

I still remember when I began to learn English, I found it too difficult. No matter how hard I tried, I still couldn't do well in it. I lost my confidence and almost gave it up. As soon as you knew it, you had a long talk with me about how to learn English well. You always encouraged me whenever I made a little progress. Ever since then I have been interested in it and improved myself a lot.

Though I have to say goodbye to you very soon, I still think I am so lucky to be your student. I hope you can relax yourself and keep healthy.

Best wishes to you!


Li Lei
