2019-英文慰问信去世-精选word文档 (2页)

2019-英文慰问信去世-精选word文档 (2页)
2019-英文慰问信去世-精选word文档 (2页)



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It was with a great sense of loss when we/I heard of (insert name) death.

We/I wanted to let you know that you have our/my greatest sympathy,and our/my heart(s) are/is truly saddened.

(insert name) was more than just a wonderful person; he/she was always so kind and considerate to us that we always welcomed seeing him/her at every opportunity.

And,we know that his/her passing will not only leave a void in our lives,but in the hearts of all those who knew him/her.

(insert name) will always remain within our hearts,and we have included (insert name) and you in our daily prayers.May God give you strength.

If there is anything that we can do to help you in anyway,please do not hesitate to call us at anytime.You can phone either of us at (insert area code and phone number) even if it is only to talk.

Our sincere thoughts and prayers are with you.


英文慰问信多篇汇总 英文慰问信 英文慰问信(一): 慰问受伤的人(To Those Who Have Been Injured) Dear Tom, I just can’t tell you how sorry I was to learn of your accident。Your family tells me that your are progressing nicely,and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about ten days,I’m certainly relieved to know that! In the next day or so you’ll receive a little package from Margaret and me。I hope you like it,and that it will help to pass the time more pleasantly。 With every good wish for your swift recovery。 Sincerely, Bob [译文] 亲爱的汤姆: 明白您受到意外伤害时,我简直难以形容我心中是多么难过。您的家人告诉我,您恢复得很好,再有十天左右的时光就能够出院了。听到这一状况后,我心中感到很宽慰。 在一两天内,您会收到玛格丽特和我寄给您的一小包东西,

我期望您喜欢它,并期望它能帮忙您更愉快地消遣时光。 衷心祝愿您尽快地恢复健康! 您真诚的 鲍勃 2014年6月16日 英文慰问信(二): 英语慰问信 Dear Mrs。Corbin, I was so sorry to learn of your illness。You must hurry and get well!Everybody in the neighborhood misses you,and we’re all hoping you’ll be back soon。Mr。Burke joins me in sending best wishes for your speed recovery。 Sincerely yours, Mary Burke 英文慰问信(三): 外国客户去世了慰问信英文模板 Date: Dear: It was with a great sense of loss when we/I heard of (insert name)death。 We/I wanted to let you know that you have our/my greatest sympathy,and our/my heart(s)are/is truly saddened。


英文的慰问信三篇 Dear Tom, I just can’t tell you how sorry I was to learn of your accident. Your family tells me that your are progressing nicely, and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about ten days, I’m certainly relieved to know that! In the next day or so you’ll receive a little package from Margaret and me. I hope you like it, and that it will help to pass the time more pleasantly. With every good wish for your swift recovery. Sincerely, 亲爱的汤姆: 知道您受到意外伤害时,我简直难以形容我心中是多么难过。您的家人告诉我,您恢复得很好,再有十天左右的时间就可以出院了。听到这一情况后,我心中感到很宽慰。 在一两天内,您会收到玛格丽特和我寄给您的一小包东西,我希望您喜欢它,并希望它能帮助您更愉快地消遣时光。 衷心祝愿您尽快地恢复健康! 您真诚的 June 6, 2021 Dear Mrs. Corbin, I was so sorry to learn of your illness. You must hurry and get well!Every body in the neighborhood misses you, and we’re all hoping you’ll be back soon. Mr. Burke joins me in sending best wishes for your speed recovery. Sincerely yours, Mary Burke 亲爱的科宾夫人: 听说您病了,我非常难过。您一定要尽快地恢复健康,因为邻居们都很想念您,大家都希望您早日出院归来。


去世慰问信,英文 篇一:英文慰问信范文 下面是写慰问信需要注意的几点: 1.startwithastatementofsympathy 2.followwithsentencesaboutmutualexperiencesorrelationship. 范文: .慰问信(notesofsympathyonillness,injuryandmaterialloss)亲友生了病或受了伤,或由于火灾、水灾、被盗等不幸事件蒙受了损失,就应该写封信 表示慰问。慰问信要写的真诚,要注意措辞。写慰问信时,一定要围绕一个中心,那就是使 收信人从中得到安慰和鼓舞。 1.慰问病人人们在蒙受损失时,总希望能得到朋友的安慰。这种

慰问信一般都比较简短,只表示关 心和同情。 june25,2005 dearmr.thompson, iwasextremelysorrytohearofthefirethatdestroyedyourbeautiful house. iknowwellhowmuchthathousemeanttoyouandihastentooffermysympa thy.withbestwishestoyouboth.sincerelyyours, smith [译文] 亲爱的汤普森先生: 听说火灾毁了您漂亮的住宅,我难过极了。我知道您和夫人是非常喜爱那座房子的。特

立即向您们表示慰问。 向您们致以最诚挚的同情。您诚挚的, 史密斯 2005年6月25日 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.安慰友人考试落榜(tothosewhocouldnotpasstheentranceexamination)june29,2005 dearbill, whatshockingnewstomewheniwastoldbymr.lewisthatyoucouldnotpa ss theentranceexamination.thismeansyouhavetowaitforanotheryear


如何写英语慰问信 【篇一:英语慰问信格式】 下面是写慰问信需要注意的几点: 1. start with a statement of sympathy 2. follow with sentences about mutual experiences or relationship. 范文: .慰问信(notes of sympathy on illness, injury and material loss)亲友生了病或受了伤,或由于火灾、水灾、被盗等不幸事件蒙受了损失,就应该写封信 表示慰问。慰问信要写的真诚,要注意措辞。写慰问信时,一定要围绕一个中心,那就是使 收信人从中得到安慰和鼓舞。 1. 慰问病人 (to those who are ill)june 6, 2005 dear mrs. corbin, i was so sorry to learn of your illness. you must hurry and get well!everybody in the neighborhood misses you, and we’re all hoping you’ll be back soon. mr. burke joins me in sending best wishes for your speed recovery. sincerely yours, mary burke [译文] 亲爱的科宾夫人: 听说您病了,我非常难过。您一定要尽快地恢复健康,因为邻居们都很想念您,大家都 希望您早日出院归来。 伯克先生和我共祝您很快康复。您真挚的 玛*伯克 2005年6月6日 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. 慰问受伤的人(to those who have been injured)写给受伤的人的慰问信要尽量简短、中肯。信中不必查问事故是怎么发生的,是谁的过 错,或有无见证人;而应表达你听到友人受伤后的难过心情,以及希望他不久就能痊愈等等。


慰问信英语 慰问信英语1; Dear victims, The earthquake which happened one month ago in Qinghai province is an enormous disaster for our whole nation. It has caused both financial and life loss. Until now, fifty thousand people lost their lives due to the earthquake and many more were injured seriously. Five million people have no homes to return as the majority of the buildings were collapsed We are sorry about this accident. It’s a pity that many children lost their parents and many couples lost their lovers. I could not help but cry when hearing of the moving stories that happened during the disaster. Our whole nation is a big family; every member would like to give a helping hand to the people who suffered from the earthquake. We must show our warm-heartedness and make donations to the stricken area so that their broken heart can be warmed. A series of actions has been taken since the earthquake happened. I believe the stricken area will soon be restored with the soldiers and other warm-hearted people’s help. The future will be bright, cheer up! Yours sincerely ***


离职人员慰问信,英语 篇一:英语慰问信 下面是写慰问信需要注意的几点: 1.Startwithastatementofsympathy 2.Followwithsentencesaboutmutualexperiencesorrelationship. 3.Closewithsomeexpressionsofcomfortandaffection. 范文: .慰问信(NotesofSympathyonIllness,InjuryandMaterialloss)亲友生了病或受了伤,或由于火灾、水灾、被盗等不幸事件蒙受了损失,就应该写封信表示慰问。慰问信要写的真诚,要注意措辞。写慰问信时,一定要围绕一个中心,那就是使收信人从中得到安慰和鼓舞。 1.慰问病人

人们在蒙受损失时,总希望能得到朋友的安慰。这种慰问信一般都比较简短,只表示关心和同情。 June25,2005 DearMr.Thompson, Iwasextremelysorrytohearofthefirethatdestroyedyourbeautiful house.IknowwellhowmuchthathousemeanttoyouandIhastentoofferm ysympathy. Withbestwishestoyouboth. Sincerelyyours, Smith [译文] 亲爱的汤普森先生: 听说火灾毁了您漂亮的住宅,我难过极了。我知道您和夫人是非常喜爱那座房子的。特立即向您们表示慰问。

向您们致以最诚挚的同情。 您诚挚的, 史密斯 2005年6月25日 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.安慰友人考试落榜(ToThoseWhoCouldnotPasstheEntranceExamination) June29,2005 DearBill, WhatshockingnewstomewhenIwastoldbyMr.Lewisthatyoucouldnotpa sstheentranceexamination.Thismeansyouhavetowaitforanotherye artoattendthenextentranceexamination.Iquiteunderstandhowyou


英文慰问信模板 篇一:英语四六级作文慰问信模板 成都好利达名表维修中心 距离2016年6月份的英语四六级考试即将举行,小编作为拿到英语八级证书的过来人,整理了四六级“2016年6月英语四六级作文慰问信的万能模板”,希望可以为大家带来帮助,预祝大家取得好成绩!Dear___________, Ireadfromtoday’ snewspaperaboutrecent_________andIamwritingtoextendmydeepes tcondolences. Itbrokemyheartto__________.Icouldnotbelievemyeyeswhen______ ___,andIamreallyworriedaboutyouandyour_________Iamcrossingm yfingersforyounowinhopethat________.

Icanimaginehowdifficultitmustbeforyou,andIwanttoletyouknowt hatyouhavemyfullsupport.Wearedonatingmoneyandnecessitiesto_ _____.PleaseletmeknowifIcanhelpyouwithanythingelse. Ifeelextrenelysorryforthetragedy,andIamconvincedthatyouwill overcomethedifficultyandembraceabetterlife. 篇二:2014考研英语作文应用文模板之慰问信 2014考研英语作文应用文模板之慰问信 一、信函写作:称呼、正文、落款 1、审题—-判断是个人书信&事务公函 决定: 语域使用:正式:使用礼貌表达,不用缩略语(对公) 半正式:可以使用缩略和口语表达(对私) 非正式:(一般不考)——Itdepends


慰问信 慰问信: 1.题型特点 慰问信是向失败者、生病者、不幸者、愁苦者或遇到天灾人祸的人表示安慰或同情的信件。此类信要写得及时、简明扼要,感情要真诚,措辞要贴切,尽量以乐观的口吻减轻亲友的烦恼和痛苦,并鼓励对方对日后烦人生活、学习、工作充满信心。 2.写作思路 第一步:引出事实,表达惋惜和同情; 第二步:安慰对方或鼓励对方,预测未来; 第三步:表达愿望和祝福。 二、套用句式: 1. I was shocked at the news about the earthquake in … 听闻……地震的消息我很震惊。 2. On…, an incredible and unknown earthquake suddenly happened in…,…Province. 在……,……省……市突然发生了一场惊人的、未曾预知的地震。 3. We are so sorry to hear the news about the earthquake. 听到地震的消息我们很难过。 4.We are very sorry to learn that … 我们非常遗憾地得知…… 5.I just heard that you’ve been on the sickness last week. 我无法告知你当你听到你发生事故我是多么难过。 6.I just can’t tell you how sorry I was to learn of your accident. 我刚刚得知上个星期你病了。 7.I was deeply concerned when I learned that… 当我听说……时,我非常关心 8.I just wanted to let you know how concerned we are. 我只想要你知道我们是多么担忧。 9.I hope you are getting some relief from the pain. 我真心希望能减轻你的痛苦。 10.We are hoping for your quick return to health/early recovery/rapid recovery. 我们真心/祈祷你能很快完全康复。 11.We are looking forward to /hoping and praying for your speedy and full recovery. 我们真心希望你早日康复。 12.Only we have the perseverance can we defeat the natural disaster. 我们只有不屈不挠才能战胜自然灾难。 13.Please extend our deep sympathy to your family. 请向你的家人转达我们最深切的同情。


英文慰问信 英文慰咨询信 【慰咨询信一】:生病住院 Dear Tom, I’am very sorry to heat that you are seriously ill and that you have been in hospital for about two weeks. We are very concerned about you and your studies. Our head teacher is coming to see you today, so we ask him to bring you a package,with some lucky stars and colorful paper cranes in it. I hope you will like it and it will bring good luck to you. Also you’ll receive 10,000 yuan, which will help you pay the medical fees. Don’t worry about your studies, we’ll try to help you make up the lessons you have missed, because we are good friends. I hope I can come and see you soon on Sunday. Everyone in our class misses you very much, hoping you’ll be well again and get back soon. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【慰咨询信二】:地震 Gansu-Ding_i, the pain in my heart! Perhaps we have different positions on, but this time, we look at the same direction,pray that God can give us a bear tomorrow! Praying for the earthquake-stricken area: Pinganshifu! At this moment, the people must be calm, united, cooperative, and working together to tide over their difficulties! Relief above all else! Ding_i strongly hope that the people join together and rebuild their homes! The officers and men have also paid tribute to the people! Let us pray for the bliss of the devastating areas and bless them safely. Bless our country safe!


( 慰问信) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-071091 亲人去世英文慰问信模板Template of letter of condolence on death of relatives

亲人去世英文慰问信模板 亲人去世英文慰问信模板【一】 April 10, 20XX Dear Margaret, Today I heard you had lost your father. I know the suddenness of it must have been a dreadful shock; and I just can’t tell you how sorry I am. I wish there were something I could do or say to soften your grief. With the deepest sympathy to you and all your family. Affectionately, Bob [译文] 亲爱的玛格丽特: 今天听说您的父亲去世了,我知道这件意外的事情对您一定是一个沉重的打击,我无法表达自己难过的心情。 我真希望我能做些什么或说些什么来减轻您的痛苦。 向你们全家致以最深切的慰问。 您亲爱的, 鲍勃

20XX年4月10日 亲人去世英文慰问信模板【二】 June 11, 20XX Dear Mr. Forrest, Word of the recent death of your brother has just come to me, and I hasten to offer condolences. I had the privilege of knowing your brother in years past, and I realize your great loss. He was a fine and brilliant man, and he will not be forgotten by the many who admired and respected him. Please convey my sympathy and my warm personal regards to all your family. Cordially yours, Jack [译文] 亲爱的弗雷斯特先生: 惊悉您哥哥最近逝世的消息,特此吊唁。 多年前我有幸结识您哥哥,因此我知道他的逝世是您的巨大损失。他是一位高尚的、出类拔萃的人。那些钦佩他、尊敬他的人是不会忘记他的。 请向您全家转达我的慰问以及亲切的问候。 您热诚的 杰克 20XX年6月11日


英语慰问信格式(精选多篇) a letter of condolence 地震慰问信 1 中国四川汶川大地震灾害严重,已造成500多万人无家可归。请你代表我校 写一封慰问信向灾区人民表示关怀和慰问。 1. 简要描述灾区的情况 2. 对灾区人民表示关怀和慰问 3. 表达灾后重建家园的信心 dear victims, the earthquake which happened two weeks ago in sichuan province is an enormous disaster for our whole nation. it has caused both financial

and life loss. until now, fifty thousand people lost their lives due to the earthquake and much more injured seriously. five million people have no homes to return as the majority of the buildings were collapsed we are sorry about this accident. it’s a pity that many children lost their parents and many couples lost their lovers. i could not help but cry when hearing of the moving stories that happened during the disaster. our whole nation is a big family, every member would like to give a helping hand to the people who suffered from the earthquake. we must show our warm-heartedness and make donations to the stricken area so that their broken heart can be warmed.


生病慰问信英文范文 下面就由小编来为大家带来生病慰问信英文范文,希望能够帮助到大家!更多慰问信尽在范文,敬请阅读和关注。 生病慰问信英文范文(1) Dear sir, The news of your accident just reached me this morning. i’m greatly shocked to learn that you were knocked down by a car yesterday. how are you feeling today The only good thing about it is that your mother told me that you are progressing nicely, i hope that you are doing well after the operation, and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about a wee. i’m coming to see you on sunday and trust that your condition will remarkably improve by then. A little package from rose and me will reach you a day or two. we hope the small thing will interest you. With every good wishes for your swift recovery! Sincerely yours, li ming 生病慰问信英文范文(2) June 6, XX Dear Mrs. Corbin,


英文慰问信格式范文 英文慰问信的写作也是需要一定的技巧,那么,今天公文站小雅为大家准备了英文慰问信格式范文,希望对大家有帮助。 英文慰问信格式范文(一) dear john, i am shocked to hear that you have a severe influenza and now are in hospital. i get this news from your mother and know you must be absent for half a month from the classes. do be careful while you are ill. don’t worry about your lesson and i am willing to help you learn it when you return. we are best friends so i will never allow you to fall behind. you can watch television or listen to radio programs to help pass the time and forget your pains while you recuperate. i do hope that i can see you soon and bring you some funny cartoons. if there is anything you need me to do, just let me know. we all miss you and shall be happy when you are back. your truly, li ming


《英文慰问信》 英文慰问信(一): 慰问受伤的人(To Those Who Have Been Injured) Dear Tom, I just cant tell you how sorry I was to learn of your accident。Your family tells me that your are progressing nicely, and that youll be out of the hospital in about ten days, Im certainly relieved to know that! In the next day or so youll receive a little package from Margaret and me。 I hope you like it, and that it will help to pass the time more pleasantly。 With every good wish for your swift recovery。 Sincerely, Bob [译文] 亲爱的汤姆: 明白您受到意外伤害时,我简直难以形容我心中是多么难过。您的家人告诉我,您恢复得很好,再有十天左右的时光就能够出院了。听到这一状况后,我心中感到很宽慰。 在一两天内,您会收到玛格丽特和我寄给您的一小包东西,我期望您喜欢它,并期望它能帮忙您更愉快地消遣时光。 衷心祝愿您尽快地恢复健康! 您真诚的

鲍勃 2014年6月16日 英文慰问信(二): 英语慰问信 Dear Mrs。 Corbin, I was so sorry to learn of your illness。 You must hurry and get well!Everybody in the neighborhood misses you, and were all hoping youll be back soon。 Mr。 Burke joins me in sending best wishes for your speed recovery。 Sincerely yours, Mary Burke 英文慰问信(三): 外国客户去世了慰问信英文模板 Date: Dear: It was with a great sense of loss when we/I heard of (insert name) death。 We/I wanted to let you know that you have our/my greatest sympathy,and our/my heart(s) are/is truly saddened。 (insert name) was more than just a wonderful person; he/she was always so kind and considerate to us that we always weled seeing him/her at every opportunity。 And, we know that his/her passing will not only leave a void in our lives, but in the hearts of all those who knew him/her。 (insert name) will always remain within our hearts, and we have included (insert name) and you in our daily prayers。 May God give you strength。


去世的英文慰问信 大家有写过英文慰问信吗?下面是小编为大家整理的去世的英文慰问信,希望对大家有帮助。 去世的英文慰问信篇一 Date: Dear... It was with a great sense of loss when we/I heard of (insert name) death. We/I wanted to let you know that you have our/my greatest sympathy,and our/my heart(s) are/is truly saddened. (insert name) was more than just a wonderful person; he/she was always so kind and considerate to us that we always welcomed seeing him/her at every opportunity. And,we know that his/her passing will not only leave a void in our lives,but in the hearts of all those who knew him/her. (insert name) will always remain within our hearts,and we have included (insert name) and you in our daily prayers.May God give you strength. If there is anything that we can do to help you in anyway,please do not hesitate to call us at anytime.You can


慰问信英语(精选多篇) 第一篇:英语范文慰问信 a letter of condolence 地震慰问信1 中国四川汶川大地震灾害严重,已造成500多万人无家可归。请你代表我校 写一封慰问信向灾区人民表示关怀和慰问。 1. 简要描述灾区的情况 2. 对灾区人民表示关怀和慰问 3. 表达灾后重建家园的信心 dear victims, the earthquake which happened two weeks ago in sichuan province is an enormous disaster for our whole nation. it has caused both financial and life loss. until now, fifty thousand people lost their lives due to the earthquake and much more injured seriously. five million people have no homes to return as the majority of the buildings were collapsed we are sorry about this accident. it’s a pity that many children lost their parents and many couples lost their lovers. i could not help but cry when hearing of the moving stories that happened during the disaster.


去世慰问信 篇一:朋友亲人去世慰问词 1.逝者已登仙界,生者节哀顺变。请记得,他的教诲和疼爱会永远陪伴在你身边,你的脑海里还会经常浮现出他微笑的慈颜;请为了关心你的亲朋更加积极而快乐地活着,让他在天堂里为你自豪! 2.生者幸福是对逝去亲人最好的安慰。请记得,ta會永遠活在你的心裏,ta的愛都會一直陪伴你;请为了关心你的朋友、兄弟更加积极而快乐地生活。节哀顺變 3.生老病死是人生中常有的事,不要太伤心了,大家都会这样,或许他去了天堂是一件好事吧,会很幸福,你开心他也会开心,因为,他在天上看着你呢!!! 4.生老病死我们无力改变,活着就意味着坚强!多珍惜身边的亲人,多孝顺他们,不对死者的爱转移给其他最爱的亲人,不要总沉浸在痛苦里。佛经里不是讲死亦为生,只不过是在另一个我们看不见的

空间里生啊! 5.亲人以乘黄鹤去,人去音存楼不空。但以笑颜慰慈恩,从来此恨最无穷。 6.天下无不散之筵席.爷爷虽然离开他了,但是爷爷留下了许多东西,永远活在他的心中. 7.亲人会在天上注视着你。陪伴着你。亲人一直都会在你身边。只是你看不到他了. 8.人之常情,每个人都无法去体会失去亲人的痛苦,我们只能在心里为死去的人默默祈祷,希望他们在另一个天堂也活过的很好! 9.上帝对每个人都是公平的,你在失去一些东西的时候,也获得了一些宝贵的东西。人人都要拥有一颗感恩的心。 10.你的亲人去世了,不要太伤心难过,在天国,他不会喜欢你这样消沉的,打起精神,努力吧,为了你的亲人。 11.以实际行动来回报老人家,只有好好工作才对得起他的在天之灵.

12.别太难过了,我接下来最应该做的就是振作起来,一切都挽回不了了,我们还要继续生活下去,不知是为自己,也为你哥哥,好好活下去~!。 13.去的已经去了,但他一定不希望我们活着的人过得痛苦。他一定希望我们在表达了适度的悲哀之后,应该照样会好好地活着。他会在另一个世界为我们祝福的! 14.他是到另一个地方完成自己的任务,我们应该祝福他.因为他在与大自然亲密 的接触.天天开心是最好的. 15.天有不测风云,这些事是谁会愿意谁能想到的呢?失去了那个曾经我们天天一起快乐生活的人,这怎能不让人难过,可是我们还能做什么呢?我想要是他在天堂看到你们不吃饭,他也会难过的。 你的亲人只是到了你看不到的地方,但是他们能看到你,他们不希望因为他们而让你过得不好,要让他们知道你是非坚强的人,不会让他们失望的

国际商务英语写作范例:祝贺信、慰问信、问候信英语信件范例 via安格英语

国际商务英语写作范例:祝贺信、慰问信、问候信英语信件范例新年马上就要到了,相信许多外企已经开始发送新年祝福了。在职场中类似于节日祝福、祝贺晋升、慰问生病的邮件是非常常见的,相信上班族都收到过,那么如果让您自己写的话你知道信件格式和写作逻辑吗? 在本篇文章中,安格英语老师将列举祝贺商业伙伴晋升、鼓励慰问生病的商业伙伴及新年祝福三种商务情景下的信件范例,希望大家学习后能够在商务写作方面有所提高! 信件一:祝贺商业伙伴晋升 Dear Mr. Halstead, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations on your promotion to Chief Executive Officer. It was indeed an honor to have been in business with you for about five years. During this period, your unusually rapid advancement did not come as a surprise as you are such a capable, diligent person. I personally wish you and your colleagues every success in the years to come. I am looking forward to meeting you soon. Yours sincerely, Ralph Jackson Managing Director 信件二:鼓励慰问生病的商业伙伴 Dear Mr. Porter: Thank you for informing me of the sad fact that you will have to return to Canada due to health reasons. I hope this letter finds you well or at least recovering. It was a real shock to hear about the seriousness of your condition. Please take your time and recover fully, though I know how anxiously you want to get back to work. I would be grateful if you could let us know about your condition from time to time. I am looking forward to your quick and complete recovery. Sincerely yours, Jenny Miller Finance Manager
