


1.??????(advantage rule,攻方有利原则) : ?????????????


2.??(attack,进攻) : ??

3.???(attacker,攻击手) : ???

4.???(back heeling,脚后跟踢球) : ????????

5.???(back pass,回传) : ??????????????

6.????(ball control,控球) : ????

7.??(????) (block(intercept),抢断球) : ??,??

8.?????(body contact,身体接触) : ????

9.??(bully,混战) : ????????????????????

10.??(caution,注意、警告) : ??

11.????(center circle,中圈) : ???

12.???(centering,传中) : ?????????????????

13.?????(center forward,中锋) : ?????

14.?????(center half-back,中后卫) : ?????

15.????(center line,中线) : ???

16.??????(changing position,交换位置) : ??????????????


17.??(charging,撞人犯规) : ???????????

18.??(chip kick,过顶球) : ??????????????????????


19.???(clear,大脚解围) : ??????????????????????


20.??(corner,底线和边线交叉处(角球)) : ??????????????


21.????(corner flag,角球旗) : ??????

22.???(corner kick,角球) : ????????????????????


23.???????(corner kick area,角球区) : ?????????

24.????(cross-bar,横梁) : ????(门柱)???????????

25.????????(dangerous play,危险动作) : ??????

26.??(dash,短距离冲刺跑) : ??????????

27.???(dead ball,死球) : ????????????, ??????????


28.???(defence,防守) : ??

29.???(defender,后卫) : ????

30.?????(defensive wall,人墙) : ???

31.???????(direct freekick,直接任意球) : ?????(???????


32.??(dodging,假动作) : ????

33.?????(double sweeper,双后卫) : ???????2???????

34.???(dribble,运球) : ?????????

35.???(drop ball,下旋球) : ?????????????????(?


36.???(drop kick,落地踢,返弹踢) : ??????????????????


37.????????(duration of game,比赛时间) : ????

38.???(fake,假动作) : ?????????????

39.???????(field of play,竞技场) : ????

40.???(final,决胜局) : ???

41.??????(football player,足球选手) : ????

42.???(forward,前锋) : ???

43.???(free kick,任意球) : ???(??????????????)

44.?????(front tackle,正面抢截(抬脚过高)) : ????

45.????(front kick,脚背踢) : ???????

46.??(full back,防守球员(英国)) : ???

47.?(goal,得分) : ??

48.?????(goal area,端线) : ???????

49.???(goal getter,得分手) : ????????

50.???(goal line,(点球)发球点) : ???

51.???(goal net,球网) : ??

52.??(goal kick,球门球) : ?????????????????

53.????(goal-post,立柱) : ??????

54.??(hacking,绊人犯规) : ???????????????

55.???(half back,中后卫) : ???????

56.??????(halfway line,中线) : ???

57.???(handling,手球犯规) : ?????????????

58.???(hat trick,帽子戏法) : ?????????3????????

59.????????(indirect free kick,间接任意球) : ?????(??????


60.???????(inside forward,内锋) : ????????????????


61.???????(inside left,左内锋) : ??????????????

62.???????(inside right,又内锋) : ???????????????

63.???(instep,脚背) : ??

64.?????(inside kick,脚内侧踢球) : ??????????

65.????(intercept,截球) : ??????

66.???(interval,中场休息时间) : ????????????

67.?(kick,踢球) : ??????

68.???(kick off,开球) : ???????????????

69.??(kicking,故意踢人) : ????????????

70.????(left back,左后卫) : ??????

71.??????(left half back,左前卫) : ????????

72.????(left wing,左边锋) : ??????

73.????(linesman,边裁) : ??

74.??(lobbing,高调传球) : ??????????????

75.???(long pass,长传) : ????????

76.??????(man-to-man defence,一对一防守) : ????

77.????(midfield,中场) : ???????

78.????????(midfield player,中场队员) : ?????????????


79.?????(obstruction,站在对方带球方向以图抢断) : ????

80.?????(off-side,越位) : ???????(1???) ?????????


81.????????(off-side position,越位位置) : ???????

82.???????(off-side trap,越位战术) : ?????????????????


83.????(on-side,非越位) : ?????????????????????


84.?????(open-play,拉开球) : ??????????????????


85.??????(open-space,开阔地带) : ?????????????????


86.?????(optional flag,中线旗) : ?????????????

87.???????(out of play,暂停比赛) : ??????????

88.????????(outside left,左边锋) : ???????

89.????????(outside right,右边锋) : ???????

90.??????(outside-kick,脚外侧踢球) : ?????????????

91.?????(overhead kick,倒钩球) : ????????????

92.????????(pass into space,空中传球) : ????

93.???(penalty,处罚) : ??

94.???????(penalty area,小禁区) : ????????????????

95.????(penalty kick,点球) : ????????????????????


96.??????(penalty kick mark,禁区) : ?????????,?????11m


97.??????(penalty spot,点球点) : ???????????,??????


98.?????(permutation,换人) : ????

99.?????(place kick,定位球) : ???????????

100.???????(playing formation,阵型) : ???????????????101.??(punching,守门员用手击球) : ?????????????

102.????(red card,红牌) : ?????(??????)

103.????(return pass,回传) : ??????????????

104.????(right back,左后卫) : ?????????

105.??????(right half-back,右前卫) : ????????

106.????(right wing,右前锋) : ??????

107.????????(rocklike defence,铁壁防守) : ????

108.???(saving,守门员飞身救球) : ???????????????

109.????(sending off,退场) : ??

110.???(shin guard,护腿) : ????????????????????111.?????(shooting range,射门范围) : ??????

112.????(short punt,短传球) : ??????????????

113.??????(sliding tackle,铲球) : ????????????????????????????????

114.?????(spearhead前锋(国内翻译)) : ????

115.????????(start of play,比赛开始) : ????

116.???(stopper,盯人中卫) : ??????????????????????????????

117.???????(straight pass,直传) : ????

118.?????(striker,攻击手) : ????????

119.???(sweeper,清道夫(拖后中卫)) : ??????

120.??????(switching play,切换) : ????????????????????

121.????(through pass,渗透球) : ?????????????,????122.???(throw-in,掷界外球) : ???????????????????????

123.???(time up,终场) : ????

124.??(toe kick,脚后跟踢球) : ???????

125.???????(toss of a coin,掷硬币) : ????????????

126.????(touch line,边线) : ??????, ??????????

127.???(trapping,接球) : ?????stopping?????????????128.???????(triangle pass,三角传球) : 3???

129.???(tripping,绊人犯规) : ??????????????????

130.????(volley pass,凌空传球) : ???????????????

131.???(volley shot,凌空射门) : ??????????????

132.???(wall pass,撞墙式传球) : ??????????????????????

133.?(wing,翅膀) : ??

134.????(wing forward,边锋) : ??????

135.????(wing half-back,边前卫) : ?????

136.????(wing play,边锋战术) : ???????

137.????(yellow card,黄牌) : ?????(????)

138.????(zone defence,区域防守) : ????


校训乃一校之魂,原本是学校校长讲话中的关键词语,因为既有底蕴又有实效,所以被一代一代的教师和学子们传递下去,时间一长,就成了约定俗成的话语,这就是校训。校训,作为一个标尺,激励和劝勉在校的教师和学子们,即使是离开学校多年的人也会将校训时刻铭记在心。校训也能体现学校的办学原则与目标。同时它也是一种文化,是一种面向社会的精神标志,能为学校起到一定的宣传作用。有些校训还对其本校的创建历史或文化背景有所反映,包含着较多的信息。 大学不是单纯适应社会的产物,而是开启智慧、追求真理、传播知识、弘扬文化的重要场所,担当起引领社会发展方向的神圣使命。校训则是引领大学前进的方向标,良好的校训的确立,成为办好一所大学的先决条件。古今中外世界著名大学都各自拥有其独特的校训,鲜明的体现出他们不同的办学理念和治学特点。而由此形成的校训文化则成为大学教育中一道靓丽的风景。 东方和西方思想和思维有较大差异,由此导致东西方大学办学理念的不同,西方大学传统办学理念:合理求是、使命引导、学术自由、大学自治、积极应变、科学取向。东方大学传统办学理念:和而不同、各美其美、学术责任、与时俱进、止于至善、伦理(人文)取向。因而,体现办学理念的大学校训也就各有偏重。 美国斯坦福大学的校训是"让自由之风吹拂",英国剑桥大学拉丁文校训引用的是苏格拉底的一句话"我与世界相遇,我自与世界相蚀,我自不辱使命,使我与众生相聚。"而中国科技大学的校训"红专并进理实交融"。 校训是一所大学学风的集中体现,实事求是,严谨务实,成为各高校培养高素质人才的首要准则。实事求是,意为:办事求学必须根据实证,求索真相,踏踏实实,知之为知之,不知为不知。追求真理,是治学最基本的目标,也是每一位求学者追求的崇高理想。世界著名学府哈佛大学的校训是:Let Plato be your friend, and Aristotle, but more let your friend be truth,中文翻译为"与柏拉图为友,与亚里士多德为友,更要与真理为友"。大学的目的不仅是让学生认识已有的知识,而且还要让他们去创新的知识。学生必须学会自己去认识真理。但追求新的真理并不是一帆风顺的,不仅需要付出艰辛的努力,而且可能遭到旧的威或当权者的反对。所以,与真理为友就显得更加可贵。耶鲁大学的校训也同为"光明与真理"。 “自强不息,厚德载物"中国高等学府清华大学的校训,也是当代大学生应该具备的优秀品质和基本道德素养。它精辟地概括了中国文化对人与自然、人与社会、人与人的关系的深刻认识与辩证的处理方法,是中华民族的民族精神与民族性格的重要表征。作为一个高尚的人,在气节、操守、品德、治学等方面都应不屈不挠,战胜自我,永远向上,力争在事业与品行两个方面都达到最高境界。 南开大学校训:"允公允能日新月异",提倡的是"公能"教育,一方面是培养青年"公而忘私"、"舍己为人"的道德观念;另一方面则是训练青年"文武双全"、"智勇兼备",为国效劳的能力。这与美国普林斯顿大学的校训:"普林斯顿——为了给国家服务"如出一辙。 大学校训有着深厚的文化底蕴,它可以体现出一个大学良好的精神风貌,优良的学风,先进的办学理念和教学方针政策,甚至是学校的整个文化背景和文化氛围。不同的国家、地区思想文化的差异,造成办学理念的差异,但这些理念不应是相互对立、互不通融的,而应该是相互交叉、相互补充。


足球英文专业术语 first half 上半场 internal中场休息 second half 下半场 allowance 补时 extra time 加时 choice of ends and the kick-off are decided by the toss of a coin掷币挑边和开球kick off 开球 kick-off-time开赛时间 close game with long forward passes长传急攻 short pass短传 combination passed短传配合 double pass二过一 drive down the side-lines before centering the ball沉底传中 pass-and receive combinations传接配合 center传中 cross pass横传 one-touch pass一脚球 ground pass地面传球 scissors kick倒钩球 lofted ball高吊球 head ball顶球 ferocious tackle拼抢 block堵截 support策应 side tackle侧面抢截 dash forward插上 excessive dribbling盘带过多 pincers movement两翼包抄 playmaker进攻组织者 outflank边路进攻 fast break快攻 volley shot凌空射门 man-for-man marking盯人防守 fill gap 补位 balancing defense防守补位 “blanket” defense 密集防守 off side越位 trip opponent绊人 charge opponet 冲撞 charge opponent from behind背后铲人 fair charge合理冲撞 send off the field of play将球员驱逐出场 tackl铲球


足球术语中英文对照资料 Play the goal / in goal 中坚力量: pillars of the team 补射close in/ rack up 欧洲杯:UEFA Euro 2008 2008 UEFA European Football Championship 欧洲冠军联赛UEFA Champions' Leagu--e-- 出局Greece crashed out of Euro 2008 after a 1-0 defeat by Russia 东道主直接晋级(Austria and Switzerland )automatically qualified as hosts Others are determ ined through qualify ing matches资格赛 Beckham is warming up preparing to come on pitch 热身 lightening quick 闪电般的速度 Strike rate 进球率 Keep his temperament 控制情绪 Must-win game 必赢的比赛 Punch of the corner flag 甩角旗 Putting on England shirt 穿上英格兰的战袍 Keep a clea n sheet ( no goals were scorec未丢球 Form and fitness 状态和健康 Play the first team 在一线队 Have sth under your belt: to have already achieved or obtained sth he already has a couple of trophies un der his belt将奖杯收入囊中It 's all over for Owen/ is this the end of O-Rwoeonney


模芯 Parting Core 耐落胶 Teflon Paste 局部视图 Partial View 偏移量 Offset 冷料 Cold Slag 水塞 Water Line Plug 线切割 Wire 撬模脚 Ppy Slot 轮廓 Contour 重新加工 Reworked 螺纹孔Tapping Hole 配件 Components 连接件 Fittings 补偿 Compensation 斜针 Angle Pin 平面度 Parallel 接合 Engage 倒角Chamfer 替换镶件Interchangeable Mold Inserts 模胚 Mold Base 指定吨位的注塑机 Specific Press 热嘴Hotnozzle 水嘴接头 Water Fitting 火花机 Edm 螺纹 Eyebolt Thread 熔接线 Weildline 回针 Stop Pin 压机 Press 二级顶出针 Sub-Leaderd Pin 嗮纹 Texturing 镶件 Mold Insert 梯形 Trapezoid

加硬 Harden 凸缘、法兰 Flange 唧嘴 Sprue 方铁 Spacer Block 设计筒图 Design Preliminary 顶针板 Ejector Plate 名称块表 Title Block 顶针底板 Ejector Retainer Plate 版本标识 Revision Level 垫板 Retainer Plate 材料清单 Stock List 后模镶针 Core Pin 制模 Build Mold 垃圾钉 Stop Pin 手动滑块 Hand Slide 有托顶针 Shoulder Ejector Pin 漏水测试 Leak Test 顶针板导套Guided Ejection Bushing 流道排气 Runner Vents 针板导柱 Guided Ejection Leader Pin 抛光 Draw Polish 唧嘴 Sprue Bushing 侧抽芯 Slide Action 三板模延伸式唧嘴 Extension Noozzle Bulishing 加强筋 Reinforcing 水口板导套 Runner Stripper Pin 三角撑 Gusset 定位圈(法兰)Locating Ring 柱子 Bossed 管钉(定位销)Dowel Pin 出模斜度 Draft 管状管钉 Tubular Dowel


西餐菜单中英文对照表大全 菠菜汤Spinach Soup烩牛肉Beef Goulash炒土豆Fried Potato 酸辣汤Hot &Sour Soup咖喱海鲜汤Seafood Curry Soup香煎茄子Pan Fried Eggplant 俄式烩牛肉Stronganoff Beef Goulash维也纳香肠Wienner Sauages 黑椒牛排Beef Steak with Black Pepper Suuce 墨西哥鸡肉饼Mexican Quesadillas 炸鸡腿Deep Fried Chicken wings 酿焰猪排Stuffed Pork Chop 金枪鱼意大利面Spaghetti with Tuna 墨西哥牛肉丸子汤Mexican Beef Ball Soup蔬菜炒饭Fried Rice with Vegetable 螺旋面Fussili Pasta 西兰花Broccoli香草西红柿汤Tomato Basil Soup 西红柿角Tomato wages米兰式西兰花Fried Broccoli奶油南瓜汤Pumpkin Cream Soup 蓝芝士菠菜汤Spinach Soup with Blue Cheese 米兰式猪排Pork Milannaise 煎土豆Roasted Potato 蘑菇鸡排Pan Fried Chicken with Mushroom香酪猪排Pork Cordon bleu香酪鸡排Chicken Corden Bleu 洋葱圈Onion Rings 奶油烩猪柳Pork Ragout 培根牛肉串Bacon and Beef Skewer 印尼炒饭Nasi Goreng 黑椒牛柳粒Sauted Beef Tenderloin with Black Pepper 奶油烩鸡Chicken Ragoat 扬州炒饭Fried Rice of Yangzhou Style 红烧牛腩Beef Stew 地中海茄子汤Mediterranean Eggplant Soup 蘑菇猪排Pan Fried Pork Steak with Mushroom with Mushroom 香辣猪肉丝Sauted Pork Slice of Sichuan Style 地中海青椒汤Mediterranean Bell Pepper Soup 奶油西兰花汤Broccoli Cream Soup 土豆泥Mashed Potato 蜜汁胡萝卜Fried Carrot


足球术语中英对照 场地名称篇 field / pitch 足球场 midfield 中场 backfield 后场 kickoff circle / center circle 中圈halfway line 中线 touchline / sideline 边线 goal line 球门线 end line 底线 penalty mark (点球)罚球点 penalty area 禁区(罚球区) goal area 小禁区(球门区) 球队称谓篇 coach 教练 head coach 主教练 football player 足球运动员 referee 裁判 lineman 巡边员 captain / leader 队长 forward / striker 前锋 midfielder 前卫 left midfielder 左前卫 right midfielder 右前卫 attacking midfielder 攻击型前卫(前腰)defending midfielder 防守型前卫(后腰)center forward 中锋 full back 后卫 center back 中后卫 left back 左后卫 right back 右后卫 sweeper 清道夫,拖后中卫 goalkeeper / goalie 守门员 cheer team 拉拉队 足球技术篇 kick-off 开球 bicycle kick / overhead kick 倒钩球chest-high ball 半高球 corner ball / corner 角球 goal kick 球门球 handball 手球 header 头球 penalty kick 点球 place kick 定位球 own goal 乌龙球 hat-trick 帽子戏法free kick 任意球 direct free kick 直接任意球indirect free kick 间接任意球stopping 停球 chesting 胸部停球pass 传球 short pass 短传 long pass 长传 cross pass 横传 spot pass 球传到位 consecutive passes 连续传球 take a pass 接球 triangular pass 三角传球 flank pass 边线传球 lobbing pass 高吊传球 volley pass 凌空传球 slide tackle 铲球 rolling pass / ground pass 地滚球flying header 跳起顶球 clearance kick 解围 shoot 射门 close-range shot 近射 long shot 远射 offside 越位 throw-in 掷界外球 block tackle 正面抢截 body check 阻挡 fair charge 合理冲撞 diving header 鱼跃顶球 dribbling 盘球,带球 clean catching (守门员)接高球finger-tip save (守门员)托救球offside 越位 deceptive movement 假动作 break through 突破 kick-out 踢出界 足球战术篇 set the pace 掌握进攻节奏 ward off an assault 击退一次攻势break up an attack 破坏一次攻势disorganize the defence 搅乱防守total football 全攻全守足球战术open football 拉开的足球战术 off-side trap 越位战术 wing play 边锋战术 time wasting tactics 拖延战术 4-3-3 formation 433阵型 4-4-2 formation 442阵型 beat the offside trap 反越位成功foul 犯规 technical foul 技术犯规


足球英文专业术语--To Start a Conversation来源:刘博垠的日志 搞懂这些基本上英文解说就能听懂了,对听其他比赛也有帮助,很多都是通用的 first half 上半场 internal中场休息 second half 下半场 allowance 补时 extra time 加时 choice of ends and the kick-off are decided by the toss of a coin掷币挑边和开球kick off 开球 kick-off-time开赛时间 close game with long forward passes长传急攻 short pass短传 combination passed短传配合 double pass二过一 drive down the side-lines before centering the ball沉底传中 pass-and receive combinations传接配合 center传中 cross pass横传 one-touch pass一脚球 ground pass地面传球 scissors kick倒钩球 lofted ball高吊球 head ball顶球 ferocious tackle拼抢 block堵截 support策应 side tackle侧面抢截 dash forward插上 excessive dribbling盘带过多 pincers movement两翼包抄 playmaker进攻组织者 outflank边路进攻 fast break快攻 volley shot凌空射门 man-for-man marking盯人防守 fill gap 补位 balancing defense防守补位 “blanket” defense 密集防守 off side越位 trip opponent绊人 charge opponet 冲撞


场地名称篇 field / pitch 足球场 midfield 中场 backfield 后场 kickoff circle / center circle 中圈halfway line 中线 touchline / sideline 边线 goal line 球门线 end line/goal line/ post line 底线penalty mark (点球)罚球点 penalty area 禁区(罚球区) goal area 小禁区(球门区) flank/ wing 辅位 woodwork 球门框 crossbar/ bar 门楣 goalpost/ post - 门柱 球队称谓篇 coach 教练 head coach 主教练 football player 足球运动员 referee 裁判 lineman 巡边员 captain / leader 队长 forward / striker 前锋 midfielder 前卫 left midfielder 左前卫 right midfielder 右前卫 attacking midfielder 攻击型前卫(前腰)defending midfielder 防守型前卫(后腰)center forward 中锋 full back 后卫 center back 中后卫 left back 左后卫 right back 右后卫 sweeper 清道夫,拖后中卫goalkeeper / goalie 守门员 cheer team 拉拉队 substitute/ reserve 替补 journalist 记者 ball picker 拾球童 crowd/ fans 球迷


国外著名大学校训(中英对照版) 1、哈佛大学Harvard University Let Plato be your friend,and Aristotle,but more let your friend be truth. 与亚里士多德为友,与柏拉图为友,更与真理为友. 2、杜尔大学Drew University Freely have you received;freely give 自由地接受;自由地给予 3、夏威夷大学University of Hawaii Above all nations is humanity 人性超越国界或:人性超越种族 4、斯坦佛大学Stanford University the wind of freedom blowsaZ 愿学术自由之风劲吹 5、约翰霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins University更多信息请访问: The truth shall make you free 真理必叫你们得以自由 这句话可追溯于新约圣经的约翰福音第八章32节“你们必晓得真理、真理必叫你们得以自由”英文是:“And ye(you)shall know the truth,and the truth shall make you free.”(King James version)。

Man,the servant and interpreter of nature 人类是大自然的理解者和仆人或:理解自然;服务自然 7、北达科他大学University of North Dakota Intelligence,the Basis of Civilization 才智是文明的基础 8、麻省理工学院MIT Mind and Hand 既学会动脑,也学会动手 这真是工程院校的校训。反映了MIT的创建者的办学理想-教育的内容一定要有它的实践意义。 9、华盛顿大学Washington University Strength through Truth 力量借助于真理 10、康涅狄克大学University of Connecticut He who transplants sustains *“He who transplants sustains”也是康州的州训,它反映了当初北美的殖民者的信念:上帝(He),把他们从英格兰迁移(transplant)到北美大陆,会继续帮助他们,供给(sustain)他们。用一个长句子表达这句话,可以是:“God,who transplants us,sustain us.”Or“God,who the colonists believed had Transp lanted them from England to the New World,where he continued to sustain them.”


欧洲五大联赛队名中英文对照 意大利足球甲级联赛Italy Seria A 亚特兰大Atalanta 博洛尼亚Bolonga 佛罗伦萨Firoloutina 国际米兰Intermilan 尤文图斯Juventus 莱切Lecce AC米兰https://www.360docs.net/doc/1411541792.html,an 佩鲁贾Perugia 罗马Roma 维罗纳Verona 切维沃Chievo 威尼斯Venice 都灵Turin

皮亚琴察Piacenzaca 英格兰超级联赛England Premiership 阿森纳Arsenal 阿斯顿维拉Aston Villa 查尔顿Charlton 切尔西Chelsea 德比郡Derby 埃弗顿Everton 伊普斯维奇Ipswich 利兹联Leeds 莱切斯特Leicester 利物浦Liverpool 曼联Man Utd 米德尔斯堡Middlesbrough 纽卡斯尔Newcastle

桑德兰Sunderland 南安普顿Southampton 托特纳姆Tottenham 西汉姆West Ham 富尔汉姆Fulham 布莱克本Blackburn R. 博尔顿Bolton W. 德国足球甲级联赛Germany Bundesliga 慕尼黑1860 Munich 1860 拜仁慕尼黑Bayern Munich 云达不莱梅Werder Bremen 科特布斯Energie Cottbus 多特蒙德Borussia Dortmund 弗雷堡SC Freiburg 柏林赫塔Hertha BSC

汉堡Hamburger SV 凯泽斯劳滕Kaiserslautern 科隆Cologne 勒沃库森Bayer Leverkusen 罗斯托克Hansa Rostock 沙尔克04 Schalke 04 沃尔夫斯堡VfL Wolfsburg 斯图加特VfB Stuttgart 纽伦堡Nurnberg 圣保利St.Pauli 门兴格拉德巴赫Monchengladbach 西班牙甲级联赛Spain La Liga 阿拉维斯Alaves 奥萨苏纳Osasuna 巴列卡诺Rayo Vallecano


足球英语专业术语 搞懂这些基本上英文解说就能听懂了,对听其他比赛也有帮助,很多都是通用的 first half 上半场 internal中场休息 second half 下半场 allowance 补时 extra time 加时 choice of ends and the kick-off are decided by the toss of a coin掷币挑边和开球kick off 开球 kick-off-time开赛时间 close game with long forward passes长传急攻 short pass短传 combination passed短传配合 double pass二过一 drive down the side-lines before centering the ball沉底传中 pass-and receive combinations传接配合 center传中 cross pass横传 one-touch pass一脚球 ground pass地面传球 scissors kick倒钩球 lofted ball高吊球 head ball顶球 ferocious tackle拼抢 block堵截 support策应 side tackle侧面抢截 dash forward插上 excessive dribbling盘带过多 pincers movement两翼包抄 playmaker进攻组织者 outflank边路进攻 fast break快攻 volley shot凌空射门 man-for-man marking盯人防守 fill gap 补位 balancing defense防守补位 “blanket” defense 密集防守 off side越位 trip opponent绊人 charge opponent 冲撞 charge opponent from behind背后铲人


足球术语(中英韩对照) 1.??????(advantage rule,攻方有利原则) : ????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????? 2.??(attack,进攻) : ?? 3.???(attacker,攻击手) : ??? 4.???(back heeling,脚后跟踢球) : ???????? 5.???(back pass,回传) : ?????????????? 6.????(ball control,控球) : ???? 7.??(????) (block(intercept),抢断球) : ??,?? 8.?????(body contact,身体接触) : ???? 9.??(bully,混战) : ???????????????????? 10.??(caution,注意、警告) : ?? 11.????(center circle,中圈) : ??? 12.???(centering,传中) : ????????????????? 13.?????(center forward,中锋) : ????? 14.?????(center half-back,中后卫) : ????? 15.????(center line,中线) : ??? 16.??????(changing position,交换位置) : ?????????????? ? 17.??(charging,撞人犯规) : ??????????? 18.??(chip kick,过顶球) : ?????????????????????? ? 19.???(clear,大脚解围) : ?????????????????????? ???? 20.??(corner,底线和边线交叉处(角球)) : ?????????????? ?? 21.????(corner flag,角球旗) : ?????? 22.???(corner kick,角球) : ???????????????????? ????????????????????? 23.???????(corner kick area,角球区) : ????????? 24.????(cross-bar,横梁) : ????(门柱)??????????? 25.????????(dangerous play,危险动作) : ??????


根据国家规范,以下为部分塑料模具成形术语的规范翻译。 动模Movable Mould Moving Half 定模座板Fixed Clamp Plate Top Clamping Plate Top Plate 动模座板Moving Clamp Plate Bottom Clamping Plate Bottom Plate 上模座板Upper Clamping Plate 下模座板Lower Clamping Plate 凹模固定板Cavity-retainer Plate 型芯固定板Mould Core-retainer Plate 凸模固定板Punch-retainer Plate模套Die Body Die Sleeve Die Blank支承板Backing Plate Support Plate 垫块Spacer Parallel 支架Ejector Housing Mould Base Leg模头Die Head 模具分类8 Injection Mold 注塑模Plastic Rubber Mould 塑胶模Rubber Molding 橡胶成 形 Hot Chamber Die Casting 热室压铸Sand Mold Casting 砂模铸造 Extrusion Mold 挤出模Multi-Cavity Mold 多模穴模具 Palletizing Die 叠层模Plaster Mold 石膏 模Three Plates Mold 三板模Plain Die 简易模Pierce Die 冲孔模 Forming Die 成型模Progressive Die 连续模 Gang Dies 复合模Shearing Die 剪边模Cavity Die 型腔模 Riveting Die 铆合模Compression Molding 压缩成型Flash Mold 溢流式模具 Extrusion Mold 挤压式模具Split Mold 分割式模具Mould Cavity 型腔母模Mold Core 模芯公模Large Die Mold 大型模具Precise Die Mold 精密模具 Complex Die Mold 复杂模具Foaming Mould 发泡模具 Metal Die 金属模具Plastic Mold 塑料模具Tool Stamping Die Punch Die 冲压模具 Extrusion Die 挤压模具Graphite Die 石墨模具流道浇口部分Runner System 浇道系统Sprue Cold Material Trap 浇道冷料井Sprue Puller 拉杆 Runner Design 流道设计Main Runner 主流道 Secondary Runner 次流道Mould Gate Design 浇口设 计 Submarine Gate 潜伏浇口Tunnel Gate 隧道式浇口Pinpoint Gate 点浇口Fan Gate 扇形浇口 Side Gate 侧浇口Edge Gate 侧缘浇口 Tab Gate 搭接浇口Film Gate 薄膜浇口Flash Gate 闸门浇口Slit Gate 缝隙浇口 Dish Gate 盘形浇口Diaphragm Gate 隔膜浇口 Ring Gate 环形浇口Runnerless 无浇道 Sprueless 无射料管方式Long Nozzle 延长喷嘴方式 Sprue 浇口,溶渣Insulated/ Hot Runner 热浇 道Runner Plat 浇道模块Valve Gate阀门浇口Slag Well 冷料井Cold Slag 冷料渣 Sprue Gate 射料浇口Nozzle 射嘴 Sprue Lock Pin 料头钩销(拉料杆)注塑缺陷Flash 飞边Warpage 翘曲Air Trap 积风Blush 发赤Flow Line 流痕Splay 银纹Short Shot 短射Sink Mark 缩痕Streak 条纹Void 缩孔Weld Line 熔接线 Gas Mark 烧焦Cold Slug 冷斑Delamination 起皮Burr 毛刺Flaw Scratch 刮伤Gloss 光泽 Glazing 光滑Surface Check 表面裂痕Hesitation 迟滞注塑工艺Molding Conditions 成型条件Drying 烘干Barrel Temperature 料筒温度Melt Temperature 熔化温度 Mold Temperature 模具温度Injection Pressure 注塑压力Back Pressure 背压Injection Speed 注塑速度Screw Speed 螺杆转速Tensile Strength 抗拉强度T ensile Elongation 延伸率Flexural Modulus 弯曲模Flexural Strength 抗弯强度Shrinkage 收缩率Regrind Usage 次料使用Moulding 模塑机械设备 Lathe 车床Planer 刨床Miller / Milling Machine 铣床Grinder 磨床Driller 钻床Linear Cutting 线切割Electrical Sparkle 电火花Welder 电焊机Punching Machine 冲床Robot 机械手Common Equipment 常用设备EDM Electron Discharge Machining 放电加工3D Coordinate Measurement 三次元量床Boring Machine 搪孔机Contouring Machine 轮廓锯床Copy Grinding Machine 仿形磨床Cylindrical Grinding Machine 外圆磨床Die


FC(前锋) AMC(前腰) AML(进攻型左边前卫)AMR(进攻型左边前卫)ML (左前卫)MC(中场)MR (左前卫) DC(后腰) WBL(进攻型左边后卫)WBR(进攻型右边后卫)DL(左边后卫)DC(中后卫)DR (右边后卫) SW(拖后中卫) GK(守门员) 地名称篇 field / pitch 足球场 midfield 中场 backfield 后场 kickoff circle / center circle 中圈halfway line 中线 touchline / sideline 边线 goal line 球门线 end line 底线 penalty mark (点球)罚球点penalty area 禁区(罚球区)goal area 小禁区(球门区) 球队称谓篇 coach 教练head coach 主教练 football player 足球运动员 referee 裁判 lineman 巡边员 captain / leader 队长 forward / striker 前锋 midfielder 前卫 left midfielder 左前卫 right midfielder 右前卫 attacking midfielder 攻击型前卫(前腰) defending midfielder 防守型前卫(后腰) center forward 中锋

full back 后卫 center back 中后卫 left back 左后卫 right back 右后卫 sweeper 清道夫,拖后中卫goalkeeper / goalie 守门员 cheer team 拉拉队 足球技术篇 kick-off 开球 bicycle kick / overhead kick 倒钩球chest-high ball 半高球 corner ball / corner 角球 goal kick 球门球 handball 手球 header 头球 penalty kick 点球 place kick 定位球 own goal 乌龙球 hat-trick 帽子戏法 free kick 任意球 direct free kick 直接任意球indirect free kick 间接任意球stopping 停球 chesting 胸部停球 pass 传球 short pass 短传 long pass 长传 cross pass 横传 spot pass 球传到位consecutive passes 连续传球take a pass 接球 triangular pass 三角传球 flank pass 边线传球 lobbing pass 高吊传球 volley pass 凌空传球 slide tackle 铲球 rolling pass / ground pass 地滚球flying header 跳起顶球clearance kick 解围 shoot 射门 close-range shot 近射 long shot 远射 offside 越位 throw-in 掷界外球


塑料橡胶机械及设备术语-中英文对照 A) Machinery & Equipment for the Plastics & Rubber Industries 塑料橡胶机械及设备 . Machine & equipment for preprocessing, recycling预加工、回收利用机械及设备 1.01 Mixers混炼机 1.02 Two roll mills双辊塑炼机 1.03 Powder compactors粉料压实机 1.04 Size reduction equipment (granulators, crushers, shredders, blade granulators)破碎设备(粉碎机、压碎机、撕碎机、叶片式造粒机) 1.05 Pelletizers切粒机 1.06 Screen changers / Melt filters换网器/熔体过滤器 1.07 Compounding lines配混生产线 1.08 Recycling lines回收利用作业线 Extruders & extrusion lines挤出机及挤出生产线 2.01 Extruders, single screw type单螺杆挤出机 2.02 Extruders, twin screw type双螺杆挤出机 2.03 Extrusion lines for blown film吹涨薄膜挤出生产线 2.04 Extrusion lines for flat film and sheets平挤薄膜及片材挤出生产线 2.05 Extrusion lines for strappings橡皮圈挤出生产线 2.06 Extrusion lines for mono- and multifilaments单层及多层丝挤出生产线 2.07 Extrusion lines for pipes and profiles管道及型材挤出生产线 2.08 Extrusion lines for laminating and coating层压及涂层挤出生产线2.09 Extrusion lines for sheathing of pipes and cables管道及电线护套挤出生产线 2.10 Extrusion lines for rubber橡胶挤出生产线 Injection moulding machines注塑机 3.01 Injection moulding machines, general purpose通用注塑机 3.02 Injection moulding machines, multi-component多组分注塑机 3.03 Injection moulding machines, multi-station多任务位注塑机 3.04 Injection moulding machines, for thermosets热固性塑料注塑机 3.05 Injection moulding machines, for rubber橡胶注塑机 Blow moulding machines吹塑机 4.01 Extrusion blow moulding machines挤坯吹塑机 4.02 Extrusion stretch blow moulding machines挤拉坯吹塑机 4.03 Injection blow moulding machines注坯吹塑机


足球英文专业术语 first half上半场 internal中场休息 second half 下半场 allowance 补时 extra time 加时 choice of ends and the kick-off are decided by the toss of a coin掷币挑边和开球 kick off 开球 kick-off-time开赛时间 close game with long forward passes长传急攻 short pass短传 combination passed短传配合 double pass二过一 drive down the side-lines before centering the ball沉底传中 pass-and receive combinations传接配合 center传中 cross pass横传 one-touch pass一脚球 ground pass地面传球 scissors kick倒钩球 lofted ball高吊球 head ball顶球 ferocious tackle拼抢 block堵截 support策应 side tackle侧面抢截 dash forward插上 excessive dribbling盘带过多 pincers movement两翼包抄 playmaker进攻组织者 outflank边路进攻 fast break快攻 volley shot凌空射门 man-for-man marking盯人防守 fill gap 补位 balancing defense防守补位 “blanket” defense 密集防守 off side越位 trip opponent绊人 charge opponet 冲撞 charge opponent from behind背后铲人 fair charge合理冲撞 send off the field of play将球员驱逐出场
