300+ 安全工程专业词汇

300+ 安全工程专业词汇
300+ 安全工程专业词汇



Accident analysis事故分析

Accident frequency事故频率

Accident handling事故处理

Accident loss事故损失

Accident model事故模型

Accident prevention事故预防

Accident statistics事故统计

Accident tree analysis事故树分析

Accident type事故类别

Accident-causing theory事故致因理论

adverse effects of blasting爆破有害效应

Aerospace safety航天安全

Air emergency apparatus飞机安全装备

air leakage漏风

Air safety飞行安全

Aircraft fire protection飞机防火


anti-explosion wall防爆墙


authorized person审查人员

Aviation safety航空安全

blast seism爆破地震


Boiler breakdowns锅炉事故

Boiler explosion accidents锅炉爆炸事故

Boiler safety锅炉安全

bursting disc爆破片

Casualty accidents伤亡事故

Certified Safety Engineer注册安全工程师

Chemical engineering safety化工安全

Communication safety通信安全

Computer safety计算机安全

Consumption safety消费安全

Control of industrial disaster工业灾害控制

Control of occupational noise & vibration生产噪声与振动控制

Crime of safety accident安全事故罪

critical safety临界安全

Danger level危险等级

Dangerous source危险源

Dangerous source control危险源控制

Degree of safety安全度

Driving safety行车安全

Dust control engineering防尘工程

Ecological safety生态安全

Electrical safety电气安全

Emergency countermeasures应急对策

emergency plan应急预案

Emergency protector危急保安器

emergency shelter应急避难所

Engineering accidents工程事故

Enterprise safety企业安全

Environmental Protection Engineer环保工程师

Equipment accident设备事故

Equipment safety设备安全


European Security Conference (1975)欧安会(1975)


Event Tree Analysi事件树分析

exhaust ventilation抽出式通风

Explosion safety engineering爆炸安全工程

explosion-proof electrical equipment防爆电气设备

Explosion-proof tests防爆试验


Eye protection眼部保护

Factory safety工厂安全

Fail safe故障保险

FMEA failure mode effects analysis故障类型和影响分析

Falling temperature降温

FTA fault tree analysis故障树分析

Fire accident火灾事故

Fire bank防火堤

fire escape安全梯,防火应急出口,安全出口

Fire safety防火

Fire-fighting engineering消防工程

flame retardant阻燃剂

Flight safety devices飞行安全装备

Food safety食品安全

Harmful work有害作业

hazard and operability study HAZOP危险和可操作性研究

hazard control危险源控制

Hazard identific危险辨识

hazard identification危险源辨识

Hazardous elements安全危害因素

Health and safety production安全健康产品

Heat stroke prevention防暑

High and low temperature protection高低温防护

High temprature prevention防高温


human error人失误

human-machine interface人机界面

Individual protection articles个体保护用品

industial accidents工伤事故

Industrial dust suppression工业防尘

Industrial gas defense工业防毒

Industrial poisoning control engineering防毒工程

Industrial safety工业安全

Industrial ventilation工业通风

Inflammable article易燃物品

Information safety信息安全

Intermediary organization of safety安全中介组织

International convention for safety of life at s国际海上人命安全公约

intrinsic safety本质安全

Intrinsically safety circuit本质安全电路

LEC Iob risk analysis作业条件危险性评价法Labour conditions劳动条件

Labour contract劳动合同

Labour insurance regulations劳保条例

Labour protection劳动保护

Labour safety劳动安全

Laser eye protection激光眼睛防护

Laser safety激光安全

Laser safety standard激光安全标准


layout of ventilation shafts矿井通风方式

Lifting safety起重安全

Lifting safety features提升安全装置

limit load极限载荷

Living safety生活安全

local ventilation局部通风

Low-pressure safety valve低压安全阀

major accident重大事故

major hazard installations重大危险源

mechanical ventilation机械通风

Medical aid救护

Mine permissible type矿用安全型

Mine safety矿山安全

mine ventilation矿井通风

monitoring point监测点

Mutual Security Agency (U. S. )共同安全署(美国)

National security law国家安全法

Natural radioactivity天然放射性

natural ventilation自然通风

Nature of safety安全性

Nuclear protection核防护

Nuclear safeguard核安全保障

Nuclear safeguard regulations核安全保障规章

Nuclear safety核安全

Occupational hazard职业危害

Occupational health and safety职业安全卫生

Occupational health and safety managemen职业安全卫生体系

Occupational health and safety standards职业安全卫生标准

Occupational Safety and Health Administrati美国劳动部职业安全与卫生局

Offences againstpublic security危害公共安全罪

Operation against rules违章作业

optimum burst range最佳起爆距离

Personal flight safety fitting个人飞行安全装备

Personal protection equipments个体防护装备

Physical protection devices保险装置

Potential hazards潜在危险

potential safety hazard安全隐患

Power system safety电力安全

Pressure relief压力释放

Pressure vessel safet压力容器安全

pressure vessels压力容器

Protection devices保护装置

protection embankment防护堤


Protection of anomalous barometric pressure

Protection of underage employee未成年工保护

Protection of women labour force妇女劳动保护

Protective lighting安全防护照明

Radiation hazards辐射危害

Radiation protection辐射防护

Radiation shielding辐射屏蔽



Rate of casualty伤亡率

RA reliability analysis可靠性分析

Relief valves安全阀

Rescue equipment救生设备


Risk assessment危险评估

Risk assessment and failure analysis风险评价与失效分析

RR risk rank危险指数法

Safe threshold value安全阈值

Safe Accidents安全事故

Safe behavior安全行为

safe gap安全间隙

SR safe review安全检查

Safe risk安全风险

Safe threshold value安全阈值



Safety administration system安全管理体系

Safety and arming devices保险机构(引信)

Safety and industrial costume劳保服装

Safety appraisal安全鉴定

Safety approval and certification安全认证

Safety Assessment安全评价

Safety Assessment Upon Completion安全验收评价

Safety auditor安全审核员

Safety belts安全带

Safety belts(aircraft)安全带(飞行器)

Safety blasting instruments爆破安全仪表

Safety check assessment安全考核

Safety check lists安全检查表

SCA safety checklist analysis安全检查表分析Safety committee安全委员会

Safety consciousness安全意识

Safety control technology安全控制技术

Safety cost安全成本

Safety Cost Effectiveness安全经济效益

Safety countermeasures安全对策

Safety culture安全文化

Safety cybernetics安全控制论

Safety design安全设计

Safety detection & monitoring-controlling tec安全检测与监控技术

Safety devices安全装置

Safety disposition安全素质

Safety economics安全经济学

Safety education安全教育

Safety electric engineering安全电气工程

Safety elements安全因素

Safety engineer安全工程师

Safety engineering安全工程

Safety equipment安全设备

Safety equipment electro-mechanics安全设备机电学

Safety equipment engineering work安全设备工程

Safety equipment hygienic安全设备卫生学

Safety experiment安全试验

Safety explosives安全炸药

Safety Factor安全系数

Safety functions安全性能

Safety guard science安全设备学Safety history安全史

Safety human factors engineering安全人因工程学Safety information安全信息

Safety information theory安全信息论Safety inspection安全检查

Safety instruments安全仪表

Safety interlocking system安全联锁系统Safety investment安全投入

Safety jurisprudence安全法学

Safety lamps安全灯

Safety law enforcement安全执法

Safety laws and regulations安全法规

Safety legislation安全立法

Safety level安全等级

Safety limits安全边界

Safety livelihood engineering work安全人体工程Safety livelihood science安全人体学Safety management安全管理

Safety margins安全极限

Safety mask防护口罩

Safety materialism安全唯物论Safety measures安全措施

Safety monitoring安全监测

Safety monitoring system安全监控系统Safety operation research安全运筹学Safety organization安全组织

Safety outlook安全观

Safety pattern安全模式

Safety pedagogy安全教育学Safety personnel安全员

Safety philosophy安全哲学

Safety pillars保安矿柱

Safety potential安全隐患

Safety Preliminary Evaluation安全预评价Safety production安全生产

safety production index安全生产指数safety production target system安全生产指标体系Safety propaganda安全宣传

Safety protection安全防护

Safety psychology安全心理学

Safety quality potential安全质量隐患

Safety regulation安全规程

Safety regulations for operations安全操作规程

Safety Reliability安全可靠性

Safety restrain安全性约束

Safety science安全科学

Safety self-organizing安全自组织

Safety sign安全标志

Safety signals安全信号

Safety simulation & imitation安全模拟与安全仿真学Safety social engineering work安全社会工程

Safety sociology安全社会学

Safety Specific Evaluation专项安全评价

Safety standards安全标准

Safety supervising安全监控

Safety supervision安全监察

Safety system安全系统

Safety system analysis安全系统分析

Safety System Engineering安全系统工程

Safety systematic engineering work安全系统工程

Safety systematology安全系统学

Safety technique安全科学技术

Safety techniques安全技术

Safety techniques of film projection放映安全技术

Safety theory安全性理论

Safety training安全培训

Safety transportation安全运输

Safety work安全工作

Safetyman-machine interface安全人机界面Safetywork system安全工作体系Science of safety system安全体系学

Security in information technology安全信息工程Security vehicle安全车

Shear pin安全销

Short circuit accidents短路事故

Shotfiring safety爆破安全


Solar heat protection防热

Structure safety结构安全度Subsurface safety valve井下安全阀Surveillance protection system监测保护系统Survival devices救生装置

system risk assessment系统危险性评价

System safety系统安全性

System safety analysis系统安全分析

System safety engineering系统安全工程

System safety science系统安全学

Technical personnel of safety engineering安全工程技术人员

Temperature alarm温度报警器

The National Security Council (U. S. )美国国家安全委员会

Three degree safety education安全三级教育

threshold quantity临界量

To be protected from cold防冷

Traffic safety交通运输安全

Traffic Safety Education交通安全教育

United Nations Security Council联合国安全理事会

unsafe act不安全行为

Ventilation engineering & air conditioning通风与空调工程

Voyage safety航行安全

Warning equipment报警设备

Warning systems报警系统

Water deficiency emergence (or accident)缺水事故

WI what…if故障假设分析方法Work environment hygiene作业环境卫生
