

1、A: _______ is the boy in blue? B:He’s Mike.

2、A: _______ wallet is it? B:It’s mine.

3、A: _______ is the diary? B:It’s under the ch air.

4、A: _______ is the Chirstmas Day? B: It’s on the 25th of December.

5、A: _______ are the earphones? B:They are 25 yuan.

6、A: _______ is the hairdryer? B:It’s blue.

7、A: _______ is it today? B:It’s Sunday.

8、A: _______ was it yesterday? B: It was the 13th of October.

9、A: _______ this red one? B:It’s beautiful.

10、A: _______ is it from here? B:It’s about two kilometre away.

11、A: Can I have some paper and some crayons?

B: _______ ? A: I want to make a kite.

12、A:_______ one is fatter, the blue one or the red one? B: The blue one.

13、A:_______ is your cousin? B: He’s 15 years old.

14、A:_______ do you have dinner? B: At 6 o’clock.

1、 It’s a book. (改一般疑问句)

2、 My father is in the study. (对划线部分提问)

3、 Do you watch TV every Sunday? (做肯定回答)

4、 This picture is very beautiful. (改为以what引导的感叹句)

5、 Kick the ball to me! (改为否定句)

6、 I have a big present. (对划线部分提问)

7、 There are some orange trees on the farm. (改为单数句子)

1、A: _______ is the boy in blue? B:He’s Mike.

2、A: _______ wallet is it? B:It’s mine.

3、A: _______ is the diary? B:It’s under the chair.

4、A: _______ is the Chirstmas Day? B: It’s on the 25th of December

5、A: _______ are the earphones? B hey are 25 yuan.

6、A: _______ is the hairdryer? B:It’s blue.

7、A: _______ is it today? B:It’s Sunday.

8、A: _______ was it yesterday? B: It was the 13th of October.

9、A: _______ this red one? B:It’s beautiful.

10、A: _______ is it from here? B:It’s about two kilometre away.


意思 who
例句 He is LiLie He is my brother. Who is he ? Who is he ?

等 whom

I can ask him the question. Whom can you ask the question? He is a worker. He has a book. What is he? What does he have ?
等(问宾语) what
是什么 which
The big box is mine. Which box is yours? The girl at the door is Ann. This is her book. This book is hers. Which girl is Ann?
的人或物 whose
Whose book is this ? Whose is this book?
what color What time
My skirt is red. What color is your skirt? We play games at five in the afternoon ? What time do you play games?
We play games in the afternoon ? When do you play games?
We play games at home on Sunday ? Where do you play games on Sunday?
He isn't at school today because he is ill. Why isn't he at school today ?
He is fine/strong. I go homeby bike. He is ten.
How is he ? How do you go home?
做事的方式等 how old
How old is he ?


疑问句 最常见的疑问句有两类: 1.一般疑问句: 可以用Yes和No回答的问句 2.特殊疑问句: 以特殊疑问词7w1h(比如what/how等等)开头的疑问句 一般疑问句 (句型结构会根据时态发生相应的细微变化,但总体框架不变)①be动词+主语+其他?(注意be动词和主语的匹配) 例句:Are you a policeman? 你是个警察吗? -Yes, I am. 是的,我是。 -No, I am not. 不,我不是。 ②情态动词+主语+动词原形+其他?(注意情态动词后面跟动词原形) 例句:Can you swim? 你会游泳吗? -Yes, I can. 是的,我会。 -No, I can’t. 不,我不会。

③助动词+主语+动词原形+其他?(注意助动词和主语的匹配) 例句:Do you like dancing? 你喜欢跳舞吗? -Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。 -No, I don’t. 不,我不喜欢。 Do you go to school every day? 你每天去学校吗? 做句型转换的方法(如何将陈述句变成一般疑问句): 先看句子中是否有be动词或者情态动词 A.如果有be动词或者情态动词,对照一般疑问句句型①/② 将be动词或者情态动词提到句首,其他部分依次照抄 B.如果没有be动词或者情态动词,对照一般疑问句句型③ 句首+助动词(注意是否要和主语匹配变化),其他部分依次照抄,注意原来的动词要变为原形 #无论是哪一种情况,都要注意第一人称要变成第二人称,第二人称要变成第一人称(you和I的切换) 特殊疑问句 (句型结构会根据时态发生相应的细微变化,但总体框架不变) ①特殊疑问词(作主语)+谓语+其他?(陈述句语序) 例句:Who is reading a book? 谁正在读书?



【发卷日期】2013年______月_______日【学生姓名】__________________________ 一、特殊疑问句的定义:用“特殊疑问词”引导的疑问句叫 做“特殊疑问句”,朗读句子时用降调。回答特殊疑问句时不能用yes或no而必须问什么就回答什么。例如: Where's the restaurant? 哪里有餐厅?It’s near the station. 车站附近。 二、特殊疑问句的用法:对划线部分提问,可以用什么疑 问词? 1.对“地点,位置”提问,用“where”。例如: They are studying Chinese in China. → Where are they studying Chinese? 2.就“时间”提问,用“when”。例如: She came to Japan in 1990. → When did she come to Japan? 3.对“具体时刻、几点钟”提问,用“what time”。例如: He often goes to bed at ten. → What time does he often go to bed? 4.对“谁”提问,用“who”(主格)或“whom”(宾格)。例 如: The girl is standing at the station. → Who is standing at the station? They often go home with Tom. → Whom do they often go home with? 5.对“谁的(人或物)”提问,用“whose”。例如: I will meet my father. → Whose father will you meet? 6.对“年龄,多少岁”提问,用“how old”。例如: The man over there is sixty. → How old is the man over there?7.对“哪一个”提问,用“which”。例如: She likes the new skirt. → Which skirt does she like? 8.对“颜色”提问,用“what colour”。例如: Her blouse is white. → What colour is her blouse? 9.对“职业”提问,用“what”。例如: His mother is a teacher. → What is his mother? Her brother works as a policeman. → What does her brother work as? My cousin is a doctor. → What is your cousin’s job? 10.对“次数”提问,用“how many times”。 (回答时,“一次”是once,“两次”是twice,“三次”是 three times,“四次”是four times,如此类推……)例 如: He has been to England twice. → How many times has he been to England? 11.对“数量”提问用“how many”(对可数名词进行提问)或 “how much”(对不可数名词进行提问)。例如: There are 50 students in Class 1. → How many students are there in Class 1? I have some new shoes. → How many new shoes do you have? She spent 10yuan on the book. → How much did she spend on the book? There is little water in the bottle. → How much water is there in the bottle? 12.对“方式,方法;感觉如何”提问,用“how”。例如: We come to school on foot. → How do you come to school? 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


疑问词意义用法例句 what什么用来问是什么,叫什么,做什 么等 1. What’s your name? 你叫什么名 字?2.What’s your father?你爸爸 是干什么的?3.what is in your box? 你的盒子里是什么? What time什么时间用来问时间What time is it? 几点了?What time is it now? 现在几点了? What colour什么颜色用来问颜色1.waht colour is your bag? 你的书包是什么颜色?2.what colour is your book?你的书本是什么颜色? What about怎么样用来征求意见或询问感受等, 大多用于承接上面的同样问题 1.what bout this pair of shoes? 这双鞋子怎么样?2.what about you? 你呢?3.what about your dad? 你爸爸呢? What day星期几用来问星期几1.what day is it today? 今天星期几?2. what day was yesterday? 昨 天星期几? What date什么日期问具体的日期1.What’s the date today? 今天是几号?2. what date is tomorrow? 明天是几号? What …for为何目的用来问目的,在一定情况下只 可以与why互换 What did you buy that for? 你为 什么要买那个? when什么时候用来问时间1.when do you get up?你什么时候起床?2. when did you go there? 你什么时候去的那里? where哪里用来问地点1. where is my ruler? 我的尺子在哪里?2.where are you from? 你是哪里人?3. where are you going to ? 你打算去哪里? which哪一个用来问具体的哪一个1. which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?2.which class are you in?你在哪一个班?3.which one is my pen?哪一个是我的钢笔? who谁用来问人物是谁1.who is that boy?那个男孩是谁? 2. who are you going to with? 你打算和谁一起去? 3. Who is that pretty lady?那个漂亮的女士是谁? whose谁的用来问东西是谁的 1. whose bag is this? 这是谁的包? 2.whose bike is yellow? 谁的自行车是黄色的?


特殊疑问句的结构及用法 1.特殊疑问句由疑问词引导,不同的疑问词用来询问不同的对象。 2.特殊疑问句的句型是:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句的句式,也就是“疑问词﹢系动词/助动词/情态动词﹢主语﹢其他成分。” 3.特殊疑问句不能用Yes 或No 来回答,而要对所询问的对象有针对地回答。特殊疑问词: 意思用法 who 谁问人的身份,姓名等 He is LiLie Who is he ? He is my brother. Who is he ? whose 谁的问所属关系 This is her book. Whose book is this ? when 什么时候问时间 We play games in the afternoon. When do you play games? where 什么地方问地点 We play games at home on Sunday ? Where do you play games on Sunday? why 为什么问原因 He isn't at school today because he is ill. Why isn't he at school today ? which 哪一个问一定范围内特指的人或物 The big box is mine. There are two boxes.Which box is yours? Which apple do you like? I like the smaller one. what 什么问人的职业或事物是什么 He is a worker. What is he? He has a book. What does he have ? what color 什么颜色问颜色 My skirt is red. What color is your skirt? what time 几点问时间=when We play games at five in the afternoon ? What time do you play games? what day 星期几问星期几 What day is it today?It is Monday. how 怎样问健康状况、做事的方式、程度等 He is fine/strong. How is he ?(问健康状况) I go home by bike. How do you go home?(问做事的方式) The river is 100 meters. How deep is the river? (问程度)


英语中的常见六大疑问词的用法 who whose where when what how 这六个词的常见用法(指的是一般情况下的用法,除特殊外) 1.回答中有“物”,就用来提问; 2.回答中有“地方,地点”,就用where来提问 3.回答中有“方式,方法”,就用how来提问 4.回答中有“人”,就用who来提问 5.回答中有“人的所有格”,就用whose来提问 6.回答中有“时间”,就用when来提问 以上这六种里最简单的为第四个。就刚才所说六点现在举例说明如下: # 1. (What) are you going to take 2. (Where) are you from Sandwiches,milk and cakes. I am from New York. 3. (How) did you get there 4. (Who)is going to help me I got there by train . Mike. 5. (Whose) bag is this 6. (When) are you going to watch TV Mike's bag is this. At eight o'clock. 英语疑问词用法总结 句子是英语学习的核心。从句子使用的目的来分,它可分为四类1、陈述句(肯定句和否定句)2、疑问句(一般疑问句、特殊疑问句和选择疑问句)3、祈使句(肯定句和否定句)4、感叹句。四大句子类型的相互转换,对于学生来讲是个难点,为此,可通过说顺口留的形式来帮助学生解决这一难题。如:将陈述句变成一般疑问句,可以变成这样的顺口留:疑问疑问调个头,把be(系动词“is are am”)放在最前头。又如:将陈述句


特殊疑问句总结及练 习

特殊疑问句特殊疑问句中的疑问词: 特殊疑问词的用法

(一)疑问句的基本结构 特殊疑问句的基本结构是:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句结构,其答语要根据特殊疑问词来回答,读的时候用降调。 (二)疑问词的用法: 英语中的疑问词可分为疑问代词和疑问副词两类: 疑问代词有:what, which, who, whose 疑问副词有:where, when, why, how

疑问词还可以与某些单词搭配,构成疑问词短语,如:what time, what color, how many, how much how long, how often, how soon, how old, how tall, how high, how wide 1. What is your favourite sport ? 你最喜欢的运动时什么? What可以用来询问物体“things”根据本句提问可以回答football, basketball等运动方面的词。 What 可以组成疑问词短语what time, what color, what grade/class/school等运动方面的词。 (1) What time is it? 几点了It is six o’clock. 6点了 What time 用来询问时间,其答语通常为具体时间。 (2) What color is your car? 你的车是什么颜色的?It’s red. 红色的 What color 询问颜色,其答语应为表示颜色的词。 (3) what grade询问年级,what class询问班级,其答语通常为Class+数词,Grade+数词,班级在前,年级在后,而且首字母要大写,其中数字也可以用阿拉伯数字来表示。 2. Which 表示询问哪一个。 Which do you like better, the red one or the yellow one? 你更细化哪一个,红的还是黄的? 3. Who is the man over there? Who用来询问人物,其答语应为He is…… 4. Whose watch is it? 这是谁的手表?


特殊疑问词专项练习 What day 问星期几 What time 问几点了 What’s the weather like? 问天气What colour 问颜色 What date 问具体日期 How many 问多少(可数名词) How much 问多少(不可数名词) How old 问年龄 Exercise 1 1.----- ______ is the boy under the tree? ------ He is my friend. A. What B. How C. Who D. Which 2.---______ is your dad? ---He is a policeman. A.How B.Who C. What D. Where 3.---______ do you go to school every day? ---On foot. A. How B.Who C. What D. Where 4.---Dad, _____ is my MP3? ----I put it in your desk? A.What B.How C.Whose D. Where 5.______ do you prefer(更喜欢), coffee or tea? A. What B. Which C.How D.Whose 6.---______ do you have breakfast? ---At 8 a.m. A. How B.When C. What D. Where

Exercise 2 1、A: _______ is the boy in blue? B:He’s Mike. 2、A: _______ pen is it? B:It’s mine. 3、A: _______ is the diary? B:It’s under the chair. 4、A: _______ is the Chirstmas Day? B: It’s on the 25th of December. 5、A: _____ ______are the earphones? B:They are 25 yuan. 6、A: _____ ______ is the hairdryer? B:It’s blue. 7、A: _____ ______ is it today? B:It’s Sunday. 8、A: _____ ______ was it yesterday? B: It was the 13th of October. 12、A:_______ one is fatter, the blue one or the red one? B: The blue one. 13、A:_______ is your cousin? B: He’s 15 years old. 14、A:_______ do you have dinner? B: At 6 o’clock. Exercise 3 Challenges (挑战一下), Change theses sentences into special questions.(把下列句子改为特殊疑问句) 1. It was September 9th yesterday. 2. They have supper at six in the evening. 3. He works in the library. 4. He is under the tree. 5. The boy under the tree is his friend. 6. The girl in a red coat is her sister.


特殊疑问词是特殊疑问句中必有(开头第一个)的单词,回答不同于一般疑问句,回答:问什么答什么, 答法通常有时间,地点,人名,价格,原因等。
1 常见的疑问词有
what :什么 what color:什么颜色
where:哪里 when:问时间 (回答用 At/ On...等) who:谁 ( 回答用 He is... She is... How:怎么样(回答用形容词,问程度) How much:多少钱价格 How many:多少数量 How old:多少岁
They are...等)
whom: 谁(宾格) whose:谁的 (回答用 It is.. These/Those are 等) why: 为什么 (问原因,回答用 Because) which:哪一个,哪个 记法:特殊疑问词的开头一般是 wh 或 h。

问人的身份,姓 He is LiLie
Who is he ?
He is my brother. Who is he ?

问人的身份,姓 I can ask him the question.
名等(问宾语) Whom can you ask the question?
问人的职业或 He is a worker. What is he?
事物是什么 He has a book. What does he have ?
问一定范围内 The big box is mine. Which box is yours?
特指的人或物 The girl at the door is Ann. Which girl is Ann?
whose 谁的
问所属关系 This is her book. Whose book is this ?
This book is hers. Whose is this book?
what color 什么颜色 问颜色(表语) My skirt is red. What color is your skirt?


特殊疑问词的用法 What 问事物和问人的职业(对名词提问用What,对动词提问用What、、、do,这个do随划线的第一个单词而定,如果是原形就要do,如果划线的第一个单词是V-ing,那么这个词就要用doing) He is a teacher.(对职业提问)What is he ? This is a book.(对名词提问)What is this? He is going to play basketball this afternoon.(对动词提问)What is he going to do this afternoon? They practice reading English every day. (对动词提问)What do they practice doing every day? Who 问人事身份和姓名等 Whom 问人的身份(宾格) Which 对一定范围内什么人或者什么物提问 The girl in red is my classmate. Which girl is your classmate? The one on the desk is mine. Which one is yours? Whose 问所属关系(对形容词性物主代词提问或者’s的提问) What color 对颜色提问(如果这个颜色是修饰名词的,那这个疑问词要用Which) What time 对具体某个时间提问 What day 对星期几提问 What date 对具体的几月几号提问 When 对什么时候提问 Where 对地点和表地点的介词短语提问 Why 对because引导的句子提问 How 对形容词、副词、方式提问 How old 对年龄提问 How much+不可数名词对不可数名词和钱提问 How many+ 可数名词的复数对数字提问 How far 对距离提问 How often 对频率和次数提问 How long 对for+一段时间提问问物体的长短 How soon 对in+一短时间提问


【发卷日期】2013年______月_______日【学生姓名】__________________________ 一、特殊疑问句的定义:用“特殊疑问词”引导的疑问句叫做“特殊疑问句”,朗读句子 时用降调。回答特殊疑问句时不能用yes或no而必须问什么就回答什么。例如:Where's the restaurant? 哪里有餐厅?It’s near the station. 车站附近。 二、特殊疑问句的用法:对划线部分提问,可以用什么疑问词? 1.对“地点,位置”提问,用“where”。例如: They a re studying Chinese in China. → Where are they studying Chinese? 2.就“时间”提问,用“when”。例如: She came to Japan in 1990. → When did she come to Japan? 3.对“具体时刻、几点钟”提问,用“what time”。例如: He often goes to bed at ten. → What time does he often go to bed? 4.对“谁”提问,用“who”(主格)或“whom”(宾格)。例如: The girl is standing at the station. → Who is standing at the station? They often go home with Tom. → Whom do they often go home with? 5.对“谁的(人或物)”提问,用“whose”。例如: I will meet my father. → Whose father will you meet? 6.对“年龄,多少岁”提问,用“how old”。例如: The man over there is sixty. → How old is the man over there? 7.对“哪一个”提问,用“which”。例如: She likes the new skirt. → Which skirt does she like? 8.对“颜色”提问,用“what colour”。例如: Her blouse is white. → What colour is her blouse? 9.对“职业”提问,用“what”。例如: His mother is a teac her. → What is his mother? Her brother works as a policeman. → What does her brother work as? My cousin is a doctor. → What is your cousin’s job? 10.对“次数”提问,用“how many times”。 (回答时,“一次”是once,“两次”是twice,“三次”是three times,“四次”是four times,如此类推……)例如: He has been t o England twice. → How many times has he been to England? 11.对“数量”提问用“how many”(对可数名词进行提问)或“how much”(对不可数 名词进行提问)。例如: There are 50 students in Class 1. → How many students are there in Class 1? I have some new shoes. → How many new shoes do you have? She spen t 10yuan on the book. → How much did she spend on the book? There is little water in the bottle. → How much water is there in the bottle? 12.对“方式,方法;感觉如何”提问,用“how”。例如: We come to school on foot. → How do you come to school? She is feeling much better now. → H ow is she feeling now? 13.对“原因”提问,用“why”,回答时常用because开头。例如: He didn’t come because he was ill yesterday.→ Why didn’t he come yesterday? 14.对“做什么”提问,用“what…do/doing/done”。例如: He works as a worker. → What does he do?(问职业) We are looking at the blackboard. → What a re you doing?(问正在做什么)They have seen the film. → What have they done?(问做过什么) 15.对“一段时间,花了多长时间”提问,用“how long”。 (常跟一般现在时连用。回答时,for+时间段,since+时间点。)例如: We have stayed here for six years. → How long have you stayed here? He has worked in Beijing since 1980. → How long has he worked in Beijing? 16.对“频度、频率”提问,用how often。 (回答时,经常会用到“频度副词”:always总是,usually通常,often经常,sometimes有时,seldom很少,never从不)例如: She is late for school once a week. → How often is she late for school? We sometimes get up at 10:00. → How often do you get up at 10:00? 17.对“将来要做的某事”提问,用“how soon”。(常和“一般将来时”连用)例如: Lucy will be back in four days. → How soon will Lucy be back? 18.对“高度”提问用“how tall”(表示人)或“how high”(表示物)。例如:


特殊疑问词是特殊疑问句中必有(开头第一个)的单词,回答不同于一般疑问句,回答:问什么答什么, 答法通常有时间,地点,人名,价格,原因等。
1 常见的疑问词有
what :什么 what color:什么颜色
where:哪里 when:问时间 (回答用 At/ On...等) who:谁 ( 回答用 He is... She is... They are...等) How:怎么样(回答用形容词,问程度) How much:多少钱价格 How many:多少数量 How old:多少岁 whom: 谁(宾格) whose:谁的 (回答用 It is.. These/Those are 等) why: 为什么 (问原因,回答用 Because) which:哪一个,哪个 记法:特殊疑问词的开头一般是 wh 或 h。

问人的身份,姓 He is LiLie
Who is he ?
He is my brother. Who is he ?

问人的身份,姓 I can ask him the question.
名等(问宾语) Whom can you ask the question?
问人的职业或 He is a worker. What is he?
事物是什么 He has a book. What does he have ?
问一定范围内 The big box is mine. Which box is yours?
特指的人或物 The girl at the door is Ann. Which girl is Ann?
whose 谁的
问所属关系 This is her book. Whose book is this ?
This book is hers. Whose is this book?
what color 什么颜色 问颜色(表语) My skirt is red. What color is your skirt?


一般疑问句 一、一般疑问句 作答的疑问句叫一般疑问句。其结构是be动词(am /is /are ) 主语+其他成分 Yes,+主语+提问的词. 否定:No,+主语+提问的词+not. Are you from Japan﹖Yes ,I am./ No, I'm not. Is her sister doing her homework now﹖Yes, she is./ No, she isn't. Does he work in a bank﹖Yes, he does./ No, he doesn't. Can you speak French﹖Yes, I can./ No, I can't. 1.如句中有be 动词(am、is、are、was、were can、may、must …)可直接将它们提到句首,句末打上问号即可。应将其改为第二人称。 例:It was rainy yesterday. →Was it rainy yesterday? Tom's father can play the piano. →Can Tom's father play the piano? 2.如果句中没有be动词、助动词或情态动词,则根据谓语动词的形式借助do的相应形式放在句首。具体方法是:如果谓语动词是原形,则借do;如果谓语动词是一般现在时第三人称单数形式,则借does;如果谓语动词是过去式,则借did. 需要注意的是,借does或did后,原句的谓语动词要变回原形。 例:They go to school by bike. →Do they go to school by bike? Bill gets up at 6:30 every day. →Does bill get up at 6:30 every day? The students saw a film yesterday. →Did the students see a film yesterday? 二.陈述句变一般疑问句应注意的事项 1.如果陈述句中有第一人称,则变问句时最好要变为第二人称。 例:I usually have lunch at school. →Do you usually have lunch at school? My father is playing soccer. →Is your father playing soccer? 2.如果陈述句中有some, 则变问句时往往要变成any 。 例:There is some water on the playground. →Is there any water on the playground? 3.复合句变一般疑问句通常只变主句,从句不变。 例:I know he comes from Canada. →Do you know he comes from Canada? 4.如果句中含实义动词have且表示“有”时,除借do外,也可将其直接提到句首。例:I have some friends in America. →Have you any friends in America?/Do you have any friends in America?



意思 用法 例句
who 谁 问 人 的 He
身份,姓 Who is he ?
名等 He is my brother.
Who is he ?
whom 谁 问 人 的 I can ask him the
身份,姓 question.
名 等 ( 问 宾 Whom can you ask
the question?
what 什么 问 人 的 He is a worker.
职 业 或 What is he?
事 物 是 He has a book.
什么 What does he have ?
which 哪一 问 一 定 The big box is mine.
个 范 围 内 Which box is yours? 特 指 的 The girl at the door is Ann. Which girl is Ann?

whose 谁的 问 所 属 This is her book. 关系 Whose book is this ?
This book is hers.
Whose is this book?
what 什么 问 颜 色 My skirt is red. What color 颜色 (表语)color is your skirt?
What 几点 问 点 时 We play games at five

in the afternoon ?
What time do you
play games?
when 什么 问时间 We play games in the
afternoon ?
When do you play
where 什么 问 地 点 We play games at 地方 (状语)home on Sunday ?
Where do you play
games on Sunday?


常用的特殊疑问词及用法 悬赏分:0 |提问时间:2010-11-6 15:14 |提问者:wodeyianna555 推荐答案 when 什么时间 问时间 who 谁 问人 whose 谁的 问主人 where 在哪里 问地点 which 哪一个 问选择 why 为什么 问原因 what 什么 问东西 what time 什么时间

what colour 什么颜色 问颜色 what about …怎么样 问意见 what day 星期几 问星期 what date 什么日期 问具体日期 what place 什么地点 问具体地址 what for 为何目的 问目的 what proportion 什么比例 问比例 what is the cost (成本或花费)是多少问耗费 what happen 发生了什么 问事件 how …怎么样 问情况 how old 多大

how many 多少 问数量 how much 多少 问价钱 how about …怎么样 问意见 how far 多远 问路程 how long 多长 问时间 How soon 多快,多久 问时间 How often /How frequently 多久 问频率 How come 怎么发生的 问原因(或方式) How so/How’s that 怎么,如何这样的? 问方式,原因 how what where why等特殊疑问词的用法 悬赏分:0 |提问时间:2010-7-26 16:17 |提问者:彼岸花wp 这些特殊疑问词的用法,区别,谁教教我哈?谢谢

推荐答案 how怎么样 what 什么 where哪里 why为什么 意思区分就可以了 特殊疑问句由疑问词开头,其构成是“疑问词+ 一般疑问句”。 特殊疑问句不能用yes, no来回答,而应根据它所询问的内容直接做出回答才行。如: — What time is it, please? 请问几点了? — It's 7:30. 七点半了。 — Where are they? 他们在哪儿? —They're in the playground. 他们在操场上。 —What's your favorite subject? 你最喜爱的科目是什么? —English. 英语。
