Hunting for a job late last year

Hunting for a job late last year
Hunting for a job late last year

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Come on –Everybody’s doing it. That whispered message, half invitation and half forcing, is what most of us think of when we hear the words peer pressure. It usually leads to no good-drinking, drugs and casual sex. But in her new book Join the Club, Tina Rosenberg contends that peer pressure can also be a positive force through what she calls the social cure, in which organizations and officials use the power of group dynamics to help individuals improve their lives and possibly the word.

Rosenberg, the recipient of a Pulitzer Prize, offers a host of example of the social cure in action: In South Carolina, a state-sponsored antismoking program called Rage Against the Haze sets out to make cigarettes uncool. In South Africa, an HIV-prevention initiative known as LoveLife recruits young people to promote safe sex among their peers.

The idea seems promising,and Rosenberg is a perceptive observer. Her critique of the lameness of many pubic-health campaigns is spot-on: they fail to mobilize peer pressure for healthy habits, and they demonstrate a seriously flawed understanding of psychology.”Dare to be different, please don’t smoke!”pleads one billboard campaign aimed at reducing smoking among teenagers-teenagers, who desire nothing more than fitting in. Rosenberg argues convincingly that public-health advocates ought to take a page from advertisers, so skilled at applying peer pressure.

But on the general effectiveness of the social cure, Rosenberg is less persuasive. Join the Club is filled with too much irrelevant detail and not enough exploration of the social and biological factors that make peer pressure so powerful. The most glaring flaw of the social cure as it’s presented here is that it doesn’t work very well for very long. Rage Against the Haze failed once state funding was cut. Evidence that the LoveLife program produces lasting changes is limited and mixed.

There’s no doubt that our peer groups exert enormous influence on our behavior. An emerging body of research shows that positive health habits-as well as negative ones-spread through networks of friends via social communication. This is a subtle form of peer pressure: we unconsciously imitate the behavior we see every day.

Far less certain, however, is how successfully experts and bureaucrats can select our peer groups and steer their activities in virtuous directions. It’s like the teacher who breaks up the troublemakers in the back row by pairing them with better-behaved classmates. The tactic never really works. And that’s the problem with a social cure engineered from the outside: in the real world, as in school, we insist on choosing our own friends.

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A deal is a deal-except, apparently ,when Entergy is involved. The company, a major energy supplier in New England, provoked justified outrage in Vermont last week when it announced it was reneging on a longstanding commitment to abide by the strict nuclear regulations.

Instead, the company has done precisely what it had long promised it would not challenge the constitutionality of Vermont’s rules in the federal court, as part of a desperate effort to keep its Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant running. It’s a stunning move.

The conflict has been surfacing since 2002, when the corporation bought Vermont’s only nuclear power plant, an aging reactor in Vernon. As a condition of receiving state approval for the sale, the company agreed to seek permission from state regulators to operate past 2012. In 2006, the state went a step further, requiring that any extension of the plant’s license be subject to Vermont legislature’s approval. Then, too, the company went along.

Either Entergy never really intended to live by those commitments, or it simply didn’t foresee what would happen next. A string of accidents, including the partial collapse of a cooling tower in 207 and the discovery of an underground pipe system leakage, raised serious questions about both Vermont Yankee’s safety and Entergy’s management–especially after the company made misleading statements about the pipe. Enraged by Entergy’s behavior, the Vermont Senate voted 26 to 4 last year against allowing an extension.

Now the company is suddenly claiming that the 2002 agreement is invalid because of the 2006 legislation, and that only the federal government has regulatory power over nuclear issues. The legal issues in the case are obscure: whereas the Supreme Court has ruled that states do have some regulatory authority over nuclear power, legal scholars say that Vermont case will offer a precedent-setting test of how far those powers extend. Certainly, there are valid concerns about the patchwork regulations that could result if every state sets its own rules. But had Entergy kept its word, that debate would be beside the point.

The company seems to have concluded that its reputation in Vermont is already so damaged that it has noting left to lose by going to war with the state. But there should be consequences. Permission to run a nuclear plant is a poblic trust. Entergy runs 11 other reactors in the United States, including Pilgrim Nuclear station in Plymouth. Pledging to run Pilgrim safely, the company has applied for federal permission to keep it open for another 20 years. But as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reviews the company’s application, it should keep it mind what promises from Entergy are worth.

In the idealized version of how science is done, facts about the world are waiting to be observed and collected by objective researchers who use the scientific method to carry out their work. But in the everyday practice of science, discovery frequently follows an ambiguous and complicated route. We aim to be objective, but we cannot escape the context of our unique life experience. Prior knowledge and interest influence what we experience, what we think our experiences mean, and the subsequent actions we take. Opportunities for misinterpretation, error, and self-deception abound.

Consequently, discovery claims should be thought of as protoscience. Similar to newly staked mining claims, they are full of potential. But it takes collective scrutiny and acceptance to transform a discovery claim into a mature discovery. This is the credibility process, through which the individual researcher’s me, here, now becomes the community’s anyone, anywhere, anytime. Objective knowledge is the goal, not the starting point.

Once a discovery claim becomes public, the discoverer receives intellectual credit. But, unlike with mining claims, the community takes control of what happens next. Within the complex social structure of the scientific community, researchers make discoveries; editors and reviewers act as gatekeepers by controlling the publication process; other scientists use the new finding to suit their own purposes; and finally, the public (including other scientists) receives the new discovery and possibly accompanying technology. As a discovery claim works it through the community, the interaction and confrontation between shared and competing beliefs about the science and the technology involved transforms an individual’s discovery claim into the community’s credible discovery.

Two paradoxes exist throughout this credibility process. First, scientific work tends to focus on some aspect of prevailing Knowledge that is viewed as incomplete or incorrect. Little reward accompanies duplication and confirmation of what is already known and believed. The goal is new-search, not re-search. Not surprisingly, newly published discovery claims and credible discoveries that appear to be important and convincing will always be open to challenge and potential modification or refutation by future researchers. Second, novelty itself frequently provokes disbelief. Nobel Laureate and physiologist Albert Azent-Gyorgyi once described discovery as “seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.”But thinking what nobody else has thought and telling others what they have missed may not change their views. Sometimes years are required for truly novel discovery claims to be accepted and appreciated.

In the end, credibility “happens”to a discovery claim –a process that corresponds to what philosopher Annette Baier has described as the commons of the mind. “We reason together, challenge, revise, and complete each other’s reasoning and each other’s conceptions of reason.”

If the trade unionist Jimmy Hoffa were alive today, he would probably represent civil servant. When Hoffa’s Teamsters were in their prime in 1960, only one in ten American government workers belonged to a union; now 36% do. In 2009 the number of unionists in America’s public sector passed that of their fellow members in the private sector. In Britain, more than half of public-sector workers but only about 15% of private-sector ones are unionized.

There are three reasons for the public-sector unions’thriving. First, they can shut things down without suffering much in the way of consequences. Second, they are mostly bright and well-educated. A quarter of America’s public-sector workers have a university degree. Third, they now dominate left-of-centre politics. Some of their ties go back a long way. Britain’s Labor Party, as its name implies, has long been associated with trade unionism. Its current leader, Ed Miliband, owes his position to votes from public-sector unions.

At the state level their influence can be even more fearsome. Mark Baldassare of the Public Policy Institute of California points out that much of the state’s budget is patrolled by unions. The teachers’unions keep an eye on schools, the CCPOA on prisons and a variety of labor groups on health care.

In many rich countries average wages in the state sector are higher than in the private one. But the real gains come in benefits and work practices. Politicians have repeatedly “backloaded”public-sector pay deals, keeping the pay increases modest but adding to holidays and especially pensions that are already generous.

Reform has been vigorously opposed, perhaps most egregiously in education, where charter schools, academies and merit pay all faced drawn-out battles. Even though there is plenty of evidence that the quality of the teachers is the most important variable, teachers’unions have fought against getting rid of bad ones and promoting good ones.

As the cost to everyone else has become clearer, politicians have begun to clamp down. In Wisconsin the unions have rallied thousands of supporters against Scott Walker, the hardline Republican governor. But many within the public sector suffer under the current system, too.

John Donahue at Harvard’s Kennedy School points out that the norms of culture in Western civil services suit those who want to stay put but is bad for high achievers. The only American public-sector workers who earn well above $250,000 a year are university sports coaches and the president of the United States. Bankers’fat pay packets have attracted much criticism, but a public-sector system that does not reward high achievers may be a much bigger problem for America.


《工作经验交流材料》 工作经验交流材料(一): 宣传工作经验交流材料 20xx年,我局狠抓信息报送质量,在审计信息工作中坚持服务大局,不断提升审计信息工作的综合效应,努力采取用心措施,信息采用率和批示率大幅度提升,取得了明显成效。全年共编发简报57期380篇,被各级报刊、网站等采用411篇次,比去年同期增长71.2%。其中审计署网站采用102篇,江苏审计网站采用239篇。值得一提的是,《xx对名人故居开展绩效审计》一文还被《xxx》第xxx期采用。我局2009年度的审计信息宣传被《xxx》及时代出版社评为先进单位,通联工作被《中国审计报》评为优秀单位,获xx市委市政府党政信息二等奖,省审计厅审计信息三等奖。 一、领导高度重视,统一思想认识 在局主要负责同志的强力推进下,我局构成了信息宣传工作齐抓共进的良好局面。克服了以往信息宣传工作以少数人为主多数人为辅的现象,只求数量、不讲效果的做法。全市各级审计机关切实把信息与宣传工作作为检验审计质量的重要标准,作为审计成果转化的重要资料,作为服务领导决策的重要途径。各市(县)区局都先后构成了一套比较科学合理和相对稳定的信息考核、奖惩机制,做到认识到位、职责到位,确保每个层面、每个环节都有明确的信息宣传工作目标和相关措施,真正构成全员参与、人人动手的良好氛围。 近年来,我局始终把审计信息宣传工作摆在重要位置。审计信息宣传工作在我局是一把手工程,局长要求全局统一思想认识,充分认识信息与宣传是整个审计工作的重要组成部分,是体现审计工作成果的重要载体。局领导经常透过各种会议强调信息宣传的重要性,对上级发放的信息刊物做到每期必看,对各类审计宣传媒体做到每一天必看,并经常作出批示,要求办公室瞄准先进,确保全局信息宣传工作的质量和水平。局主要负责同志还经常听取审计信息宣传工作汇报,不定期为信息人员出题目、理思路,并亲自把关、亲自修改。 二、加强队伍建设,构成整体合力 审计信息宣传队伍的思想理论水平、分析问题的潜力以及文字综合潜力,直接关系到审计宣传的质量。为此,我们抓住三个关键,切实加强审计信息宣传队伍建设,构成整体合力。 一是健全队伍。各县区局,市局各处室明确一名文字基础较好的同志担任信息宣传员,加强审计宣传工作中的沟通与协作。办公室信息宣传人员主动与县区局和市局处室挂钩联系。各县区局和市局处室有重要审计项目或活动,及时与信息宣传员联系,沟通状况,寻求宣传方面的支持和帮忙。信息宣传员主动与挂钩的单位、处室持续紧密联系,一方面注意发现、挖掘和采写审计中有价值的信息,另一方面及时修改、编发其报送的宣传稿件,对存在问题提出意见和推荐,对基础比较薄弱的,经常带给帮忙和服务,促进审计宣传工作均衡发展。 二是抓好培训。今年,我局采用专门培训和以会代训相结合的方法,抓好信息宣传人员的培训,不断提高信息宣传人员的思想政治素质和业务工作潜力。安排信息宣传员参加市里组织的理论学习和培训,定期召开审计信息宣传工作会议,让审计人员在学习中提高,在交流中进步。举办兵教兵式的培训,由办公室信息员根据工作实际,准备制作审计信息写作的课件,深入各县区局,宣讲信息宣传工作的重要性,同时讲解信息写作的重点和思路,对报送的信息宣传稿件进行点评,基层审计局普遍反映良好。下半年,拟邀请省厅办公室、市委政策研究室、


Unit1 Section A 公交司机和乘客一起救护老人 昨天上午9点钟,当26路公交车在中华路行驶的途中,司机看到一位老人正躺在路中,一位妇女正在老人身边大声呼救。 这位24岁的公交司机王平,没有丝毫的犹豫就停下了车。他从车上下来,询问那位妇女发生了什么事。她说这位老人有心脏病,需要送往医院。王先生知道他必须马上行动起来。他告诉(车上的)乘客他必须送老人去医院。他希望大多数或者全部乘客下车等下一班车。但令他惊讶的是,所有的乘客都同意和他一起去(医院)。部分乘客帮助王先生把老人搬到车上。 多亏了王先生和乘客们,医生们及时挽救了那位老人。一位乘客说:“许多人不想帮助别人是令人痛心的,因为他们不想惹上麻烦。但是这位公交车司机没有考虑自己,他只考虑去救人。” SectionB 他失去了胳膊但是仍然登山 阿伦罗尔斯顿是一位对登山感兴趣的美国人。作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯于冒险。这是他做的刺激的危险运动之一。有好多次因为事故,阿伦险些丢掉性命。在2003年的4月26日,当他在尤他州登山的时候,他发现自己陷入了非常危险的境地。 在那一天,当阿伦独自在山里登山时,他的胳膊被一块2000千克的石头压在了下面。因为他的胳膊拿不出来,所以他在那里困了五天,希望有人能够发现他。但是当他的水喝光以后,他知道他将不得不做点事情来挽救自己的生命。那时他还不准备死。所以他用刀子切除了自己一半的右臂。然后,用左胳膊对自己进行了包扎,以至于不会失血过多。完成这些以后,他爬下山,寻求帮助。 失去胳膊以后,他写了一本书《在顽石与绝境之间》。这就意味着你在一个艰难的似乎无法走出的境地中。在这本书中,阿伦讲述了做正确决定的重要性,以及掌握命运的重要性。他对登山的挚爱如此的强烈以至于经过这次经历后,他仍然继续登山。 我们有和阿伦一样的勇气吗?让我们在发现自己处在一个“顽石与绝地间”的境地前考虑一下,在我们不得不做出生与死的选择前考虑一下。 Unit2 SectionA 学生志愿者 来自河畔高中的马里奥格林和玛丽布朗每周拿出几小时去帮忙朋友。 马里奥喜欢动物,想成为一名兽医。每周六的上午,他在一家动物医院做义工。马里奥相信通过做义工能够帮助他得到将来梦想的工作。他说:“做义工是一项艰苦的工作,但是我想了解更多关于如何照顾动物的知识。当我看到动物们变得健康以及它们的主人脸上的快乐表情时,我就有一种强烈的满足感。” 玛丽是一位读书爱好者。在她四岁的时候,就能够自己读书。去年,她决定尝试做一个课后读书活动的志愿者。她仍然在那里一周一次帮助儿童们学习读书。“儿童们坐在图书馆里,但是你能在他们眼睛里看到,通过每一本新书,他们正在踏上不同的旅途。在这里做义工,对我来说实现了梦想。我能做我喜欢做的事情并且同时可以帮助比尔呢。”


提升服务水平强化政策落实 不断提高就业工作质量 一、2013年就业和失业保险工作基本情况 2013年,在省厅正确指导下和大力支持下,我市积极贯彻落实就业和失业保险政策,努力提升就业服务水平,以“实现更高质量的就业”为目标,多措并举,多策并施,全面完成省下达我市的各项目标任务。城镇新增就业9.04万人,完成任务的319.5%;下岗失业人员再就业1.7万人,完成任务的145%;困难人员再就业4813人,完成任务的152.8%;农村转移劳动力6.8万人,完成任务的111%;新发放小额担保贷款27088万元,其中个人小额担保贷款15683万元,分别完成任务的164.7%和158.9%。城镇登记失业率控制在3.88%;创业培训4064人,完成任务100.3%;失业保险参保人数20.16万人,完成任务100.8%。 (一)加强指导,畅通工作落实通道。一是实行目标责任管理。结合各地经济发展状况、人口数量、工作状况等,对就业目标任务进行层层分解,建立了市、县区、乡镇(街道)、社区(村)四级目标责任体系,实行目标责任管理。灵璧等部分县区把就业重要工作指标纳入政府民生工程。二是细化工作部署。制定《2013年就业工作要点》,明确各成员单位工作职责;争取市就业工作领导小组下发《关于做好2013年全市小额担保贷款工作的通知》、《关于加强创业孵化基地建设和管理的通知》,并设立奖励资金,推进小额担保贷款和农民工创业园建设;印发《关于做好2013年就业服务信息化工作的通知》、《关于加快推进农村劳动力资源数据库建设工作的通知》、《关于规范就业资金信息系统操作的通

知》,部署就业信息化建设。三是督查通报。对城镇新增就业实名制情况和小额担保贷款发放情况按月通报到县区政府。对于工作进度慢的项目和县区,分管市长每月在全市重点工作调度会上点评。为推进工作进度,分管局长多次带队对县区各项就业工作进行实地督查,查找问题和原因,研究对策和措施。 (二)强化服务,畅通就业供求通道。一是夯实服务基础。积极开展市级充分就业星级社区创建工作,评选出31个市级充分就业星级社区;开展“一网五点”就业失业动态监测工作;上线运行了农村劳动力资源、就业资金使用管理等新模块;开展了100家企业和园区春节用工情况、小额担保贷款、公共就业服务体系建设情况、2012年服务基层公益性岗位大学生工作情况、规模以上工业企业用工及工资变化、全民创业情况等调查调研,及时研判分析就业形势;二是搭建就业平台。建立健全劳动力资源调查统计、企业用工宣传发布、培训用工对接、稳定企业用工、目标责任管理五项制度,采取开展专项活动招聘、园区或重点群体专场招聘、日常招聘、乡镇招聘、乡企对接招聘、校园招聘相结合,不断完善就业服务机制,为企业和劳动者搭建供求平台。全年开展600多场次公共就业服务活动,免费提供各类就业服务80万多人次;全年为3.2万人开展了各类就业技能培训,累计发放培训补贴近2000万元。三是实施就业援助。把就业援助对象作为重点服务群体,细化帮扶计划内容,优先为就业援助对象提供认定、就业创业服务、培训、政策享受等服务,健全完善就业援助对象帮扶机制。2013年为符合条件就业援助对象发放了社会保险补贴2000多万,发放组织起来就业补助200多万元,为我市对技工院校在校的435名困难


M1U2Home alone Act One Mom and Dad arrive back from vacation a day earlier than expected. The curtains are closed and the living room is dark when Mom and Dad enter. Dad: It’s so nice to be home! Mom: Yes, I can’t wait to surprise the boys! Suddenly the door opens and a soccer ball flies through the room. Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly. Eric: Mom! Dad! You’re back early! (looking around room, sounding frightened) But, but … you weren’t supposed to come home until tomorrow! The dog slowly walks to Mom and Dad. Mom: (bending to touch dog) Eric, he’s so tired and hungry! (looking at table) The money for dog food is gone, but Spot looks like he is starving! What did you do with the cash we left? Dad: And look at this room—garbage all over the place! Where is your brother? (shouting angrily) Daniel! Daniel: (running into room) Mom, Dad, I can explain … Dad opens the curtains and light comes into the room. The room is in a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink. In the corner, there is a garbage can around which are pieces of garbage and waste paper. Mom and Dad both turn towards Daniel. Dad: (sounding very angry) Listen to me, young man—we left you in charge! We thought you could act like an adult, but look at the mess! I don’t know why the house is so dirty ... Mom: Daniel, we thought you were an adult, a person who would make good decisions ... Dad: How can we trust you any mo re? We won’t tolerate such behavior in our house! Daniel: (shouting) Stop shouting at me. I’m still a teenager! Why is everything always my fault? Daniel runs into his bedroom and shuts the door angrily. Mom and Dad look at each other as lights go out. End of Act One Act Two, Scene One Daniel and Eric’s bedroom. Eric sits on his bed. Daniel has his arms crossed and looks upset. Daniel: They never even gave me a chance to defend myself. I hate them! Eric: You don’t h ate them. I can tell them we had an emergency. Then they won’t be mad any more. Daniel: No, don’t tell them anything. Anyhow, they didn’t trust me. They don’t deserve an explanation. Let them think what they want. Eric: But Daniel, if they knew that Spot was sick and we used the money to take him to the clinic ... Daniel: And that we spent all of yesterday waiting there for him, and that is why we had no time to clean the house ... but no, Eric, why didn’t they ask me what happened instead of shouting at me? Act Two, Scene Two


求职经验交流(精选多篇) 第一篇:求职经验 两年人事工作经验,成熟未满,幼稚已脱,给学弟学一些求职建议。 08年6月毕业,08年2月出来工作,到现在也马上两年了,时间过的真当是快啊。一直在人力资源部门做,主要是招聘这一块的,从一线操作工,到中层管理员,到应届毕业生各类岗位,接触的面试者也挺多的,再加上自己在武汉、上海和杭州参(本文来自:)加过各类大小招聘会,对求职和招聘也有一些自己的看法。因为公司最近在招应届毕业生,看着那些孩子想到了咱民大的孩子,跟刚毕业时候的我一样,在求职和面试方面有各种各样的问题,于是回来尽自己的能力看能不能帮到孩子们(自从做了hr以后叫面试者都叫孩子,哈哈)。 从以下几个部分来讲就业吧:1、大学期间应掌握和学习哪些内容;2、如何制作合适的简历;3、如何在招聘会找到适合自己的岗位;4、如何准备面试;5、如何为自己争取更多ps:因为本人也只有两年工作经验,肯定不能非常全面,而且对文字的驾驭能力也不是很强,请大家轻拍。 1、大学期间应该掌握和学习哪些知识。

大学本科,说白了,很多人都是来玩儿的,要么玩游戏,要么玩学生会,要么玩比赛,要么玩兼职,要么玩啃书本,等等等,大家都在玩,但是能玩出点东西来的就少了,我就接触到一些应届毕业生,大学期间做主持,当干部,参加比赛,照样年年拿奖学金,成绩在班上数一数二,再加上不错的气质和沟通能力,这样的孩子到哪里面试官都是喜欢的。所以,你们在大学里,能玩的就玩,但是有一个前提,学习成绩尽量不要太差,四级是绝对要过的,男孩子如果能过六级,能加很多分。如果你本身就喜欢玩游戏喜欢的紧,那就玩吧,毕业后就没那么多时间玩了,不过前提是你要找到一个能让你充实的工作,除非就在家继续玩吧。 像一些技术类专业,比如说平面设计,编辑,服装设计,会计等,大学期间尽量去外面兼职,参加比赛,就算只能拿个参与奖也好,这个很重要, 如果以后想走营销方向的,尽量参加一些兼职,特别是自己进货自己推销这样的方式很能锻炼人,我本人也很喜欢这样的孩子,有毅力够踏实。 如果以后想走行政管理类工作的,尽量参加学生会,锻炼组织和沟通能力。还有一点,做学生会,要做就做最大的!要么就不做,


四年级下学期英语课文中文翻译 Lesson 1: Sara:你喜欢音乐吗,阳阳? 阳阳:是的,我喜欢。我非常喜欢音乐。我听各种各样的音乐。但我最喜欢流行歌曲。 Sara:我也喜欢流行歌曲。但我最喜欢高雅音乐。我会钢琴。 阳阳:我会小提琴。有时间我们一起玩。 Lesson 2: 果果:你养宠物吗,玲玲? 玲玲:不,我不养。但我喜欢猫。猫都很安静。猫也很可爱。 果果:我喜欢狗。狗是我们的好朋友。狗对我们帮助很大。 玲玲:是的。但狗太吵了。狗见了陌生人会叫。 Lesson 3: 爸爸:放学后你喜欢做什么,麦克? 麦克:我喜欢做飞机模型。 爸爸:将来你想做什么? 麦克:我长大后想开真飞机。有朝一日我想飞到月球和火星。 爸爸:那也就是说你想当宇航员。你真棒! Lesson 5: 妈妈:你怎么了,宝宝? 宝宝:我觉得不舒服。我头很疼,妈妈。 妈妈:恐怕你是病了。你需要去看病。 宝宝:今天我不能上学了,太糟糕了。 Lesson 6: 宝宝:医生,我觉得不舒服。我头疼得厉害。 医生:唉!你发高烧了。张开嘴说“啊---”。 宝宝:你需要给我验血吗? 医生:恐怕需要。你得了流感。这种药每天吃三次。你很快就会康复的。Lesson 7: 医生:你怎么了? 麦克:我的右腿伤得很严重,医生。 医生:我来看看。哪疼啊? 麦克:膝盖附近疼。 医生:恐怕我们需要拍一个X光片。

Lesson 9: 麦克:对不起,你能告诉我去图书馆的路吗? 男人:哦,好的。就在那栋棕色楼的五层。 麦克:是在楼梯的右边还是左边呢? 男人:在右边的第三个房间。 麦克:太谢谢你了。 男人;我很乐意。 Lesson 10: 女人:对不起。我正在找医院。我怎么才能到那呢? 毛毛:就在附近。你看到那座有一个白色十字的灰色大楼了吗? 女人:看到了。在那座红色大楼的右边。 毛毛:我正好顺路。我带你去吧。 女人:你太好了。真谢谢你。 毛毛:不客气。 Lesson 11: 女人:对不起,请问车站在哪啊?远吗? 果果:不远。继续往前开车然后左转。你会在你的右边看见一个标志。 女人:我看到了。我应该先往前开然后左转。我会在我的右边看见一个标志。果果:是的。那个标志是红色和黄色的。你一定能看见。 女人:多谢。祝你一天过得愉快。 果果:你也是。 Lesson 15: 果果:五一就要到了。我们也叫它劳动节。在五月一日。 Sara:但是在美国劳动节是在九月的第一个星期一。 果果:在中国,劳动节是一个劳动人民的节日。那天你要干什么? Sara:我们要去参观长城。 Lesson 16: 玲玲:儿童节就要到了。在六月一号。 麦克:儿童节你干什么? 玲玲:全国的孩子们都庆祝这个节日。在那一天我们去电影院,公园,和博物馆。我们也会收到父母送的礼物。 麦克:我们学校每年都举办聚会吗? 玲玲:是的。你们肯定会过得很愉快的。 Lesson 17:


工作经验交流发言稿 Document number:PBGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-PTT1998

工作经验交流发言稿 尊敬的各位领导、各位同志们: 大家好! 春回大地,万物更新。在此非常感谢校领导主办这次的学习经验交流会能够给我这样一个机会。也很荣幸能够参加这次学习经验讨论会,借此我也发表一下自己的看法!回首过去近十年的的工作中,慢慢的、一步步成长起来,并取得了一定的。下面我谈谈这几年来在工作上收获的心得和体会,与各位同事共同交流、共同、共同进步。为什么有些老师教得那么轻松有效就是因为他把学习的权利交给孩子,给每个孩子发挥才能的机会。在他的课堂上,一直实行“人人有事做”的管理办法。因此,在教学中,为了更好地解放自己,我也尝试着使用这种方法。 一、培养学生学习科学兴趣,让学生对科学的学习有持久的动力 学生的学习动力来源有两个方面:一是明确的学习目的;二是浓厚的学习兴趣。培养学生学科学学的兴趣,形成持久的学习动力可通过以下几个方面来实现。 1.从“序言课”开始,初步培养学习科学的兴趣

新教材的序言,阐述了科学学科的研究对象、发展以及在日常生活、工农业生产和高科技领域等方面的基础性、实用性和关键,它涉及的“环境、能源、材料、健康”等多方面;通过重要事实让学生感悟“科学——使世界变得更加绚丽多彩”,从而激发学生学习的兴趣和学好化学的社会责任感。“序言”内容中学科的定位明确,既能激发学生的兴趣,更能使学生明确学科的重要性,让学生觉得学习科学有用、科学并不难学、要学好科学。因此,我在教学过程中应重视这部分内容的教学,并充分利用“序言”这阶梯使学生尽快到达学习科学的境界。 2.在教学中突出理论联系实际,诱发学生学习科学兴趣教材安排了“家庭小实验”与“调查与研究”等内容。教师必须深化课堂教学改革,钻研教学大纲科学课程标准,突破单纯灌输课本知识的限制,减少机械操练耗费的时间和精力,让学生有时间阅读课外科技知识(我平时还通过各种渠道,搜集相关材料)。 3.通过讨论激发学生学习科学的兴趣,强化学习动力 由于社会的变迁,生活条件的改善,一些学生的学习毅力也变得越来越脆弱,学习兴趣就成了他们搞好学习的关键。利用青少年强烈的好胜心理,让他们参与问题讨论,认真钻研去获取知识,通过努力去解决问题。当他们求得知识后,这种胜利者的心理就得到了满足。选择一些难易适当的题目,学生是愿意讨论的,讨论的结论往往又带有规律性,就容易使学生产生成就感。再说,讨论过程实际上就是应用


人教版七年级上册英语课文翻译 P4 Daming and I’min Class One. I’mfrom China and I’mChinese. I’mfrom Beiji My name’s my friend. ng. Beijing is a big city. Lingling’s in my class. She’s Lingling. I’mnot from England and I’mnot English. I’mChinese. I’min Class O My name’s in my class. W from Beijing and he’s ne. Daming is my friend. We’re twelve years old. He’s e’re good friends. Wang Hui and I’mChinese. I’mfrom Shanghai. I’mthirteen years old. I’min Cl My name’s ass One with Daming and Lingling. They are my friends. 我的名字叫大明,和我在一班。我来自中国,和我是中国人。我来自北京。北京是个大城市。 玲玲在我的班。她是我的朋友。 我的名字叫玲玲。我不是来自英国,和我也不是英国人。我是中国人。我在一班。大明是我 的朋友。我们12岁了。他来自北京,和他在我的班。我们是好朋友。 我的名字叫王辉,和我是中国人。我不是来自北京。我来自上海。我13岁了。我在一班和大明、玲玲。他们是我的朋友。 P8 Miss Li: Please welcome Betty and Tony to our school. They are from Beijing International School. This is Betty. Betty. I’mfrom America. I’m13 years old and I’m a student. I ca Betty: Hello. My name’s speak Chinese. Th n play football and I can play basketball. I can speak English but I can’t my friend. is is Tony. He’s Tony. I’m11 years old. I’mfrom England and I can speak English Tony: Hello. My name’s . I can play football and table tennis, and I can ride a bike. Lingling: Can you swim? speak Chinese! Tony: No, I can’t. And I can’t 李小姐:请欢迎贝蒂和托尼来我们学校。他们来自北京国际学校。这是贝蒂。 贝蒂:你好。我的名字叫贝蒂。我来自美国。我十三岁,和我是一个学生。我能踢足球,和 我能打篮球。我能说英语但是我不能说汉语。这是托尼。他是我的朋友 托尼:你好。我的名字叫托尼。我十一岁了。我来自英国,和我能说英语。我能踢足球和打 乒乓球,和我能骑一辆车。


人教版七年级上册英语课文中文翻译完整版 预习单元1—3 Starter Unit 1 Section A 1a 早上好,海伦!嗨,鲍勃!早上好,艾丽斯!喂,弗兰克!喂,埃里克!早上好,戴尔! Section B 1 下午好,戴尔!嗨,辛蒂!你好吗?我很好,多谢。你好吗?我很好。 Self Check 1 嗨喂上午下午晚上好的好谢谢好的 4 年龄手他床Just for Fun 晚上好! Starter Unit 2 Section A 1b 这用英语怎么说?一张地图。一个橙子。 Section B 1a 用英语说这是什么?一把钥匙。请拼一下。 Self Check 3夹克衫艾丽斯地图钥匙橙子戴尔海伦格雷斯辛蒂鲍勃钢笔弗兰克被子埃里克尺子 4 名字能他腿美好的牛奶去狗 Starter Unit 3 Section A 1a 这是什么?它是字母V。它是什么颜色的?它是红色的。这是什么?它是字母Z。它是黑白相间的。 Section B 1b 这把钥匙是黄色的。这把尺子是蓝色的。这支钢笔是红色的。Self Check 它是绿色的。 字母意思(铅笔芯)硬黑激光唱片英国广播公司停车(美国)全国篮球协会千克小号/中号/大号不明飞行物中央电视台联合国

一单元 Section A 1a 我是吉娜。见到你真高兴。 Grammer Foucs 你的名字是什么?我的名字是詹妮。我是詹妮。他的名字是什么?他的名字是托尼。她的名字是什么?她的名字是吉娜。 Section B 1c 你的电话号码是什么,李欣?是281-6926。 3b 她的电话号码是什么?她的姓氏是什么?她的名字是什么? Self Check 1 我她是身份证什么我的喂你的他的她的名姓电话号码 Just for Fun你的名是什么?ZIG。你的姓是什么?ZAG。 二单元 Section A 1a 那是你的双肩背包吗?不,不是。它是他的双肩背包。这是你的铅笔吗?是的,它是。它是我的铅笔。这是你的尺子吗?不,不是。它是她的尺子。铅笔钢笔书橡皮擦尺子铅笔盒书包卷笔刀词典 2b 请原谅,索尼亚。这是你的铅笔吗?是的,谢谢。那是我的橡皮。简,这是你的尺子吗?不,不是。它是她的尺子。好的,这是我的书。这是你的铅笔盒,简。 Section B 1a 棒球手表电子游戏机身份证钥匙笔记本戒指钢笔 1b 这是什么?一块手表。你怎样拼写它?…… 3a 这是你的手表吗?给艾伦打电话495—3539。艾伦,失物招领箱中的电子游戏是你的吗?尼克招领:笔记本这是你的笔记本吗?请给玛丽打电话。电话#235—0285。寻物:我的学生证。我的名字是托尼。请打电话685


工作经验交流总结 班主任工作经验交流会总结讲话【1】 今天的班主任经验交流会开得非常成功,主要表现在以下两个方面:一是老师们讲得都很实在,能够和自己的工作实际相结合,把平时工作中的所思、所感、所想展现出来供大家分享,给大家一种亲近感、真实感,感觉这些事儿就发生在我们身边;二是老师们讲得很生动,班主任工作经验交流会总结讲话。 我想,原因在于平日里老师们真心地把班主任工作当成了一种事业去对待,在工作的同时没有忘记研究和思考,并结合现代教育理论去审视和辨析,进而形成了一套行之有效的管理思路和方法。 淳朴的语言,真情的告白,像滴滴清泉,润泽着老师们的心田。 鲜活的案例,感人的故事,引起我们内心强烈的震撼,让我们无不感到激动和敬佩!原来,在我们40位班主任老师中竟埋藏着这么多感人至深的教育情结。 在此,请允许我代表校委会向所有的班主任老师真情的道一声--您们辛苦了! 班级是学校教育的基本组织单位,班主任是班级的领导者、组织者、指导者,在学校教育教学管理、全面推进素质教育中,具有特殊的地位和独特的作用。 班主任是学校对青少年学生进行思想道德教育和管理的骨干力量,在学校教育链中处于关键环节,在学生全面健康成长过程中起着

导师作用;班主任是负责协调本班各科的教学和沟通学校与家庭、社会教育之间的联系,是构建“三位一体”教育格局的纽带和桥梁。 班主任的教育观念、工作方式、心理健康教育的意识和能力,对学生有深刻的影响,往往成为学生健康成长的楷模和启迪者。 从某种意义上说,班主任队伍的素质和水平如何,是提升优质教育,满足人民群众对优质教育需求,尤其是实现班级德育工作优化的一个重要因素。 由此看出,班主任在班级管理中扮演着多重角色,班主任不仅是班集体的指导者,还是文化知识的传播者,新一代灵魂的塑造者,学生心理的保健者。 建立一支观念新、能力强、数量足、素质高的班主任队伍,是一所学校打造品牌、塑造形象、健康发展的根本,也是推进区域教育实现现代化,全面、协调、可持续发展的关键。 下面,我讲两个方面的问题。 一、作为一名班主任要具有“三心”。 即“责任心”、“爱心”和“平常心”。 1.责任心。 承担一项工作的同时也就担起了一份责任,作为一名班主任,同一般老师比较,责任更加重大。 学校的工作涉及方方面面,每一项工作最终都要到班级去落实。 这就是人们常说的“上边千条线,下边一根针”。


搜索代码:短语1分词2 不定式完成时 3 with结构 4 句型 5 M1U1 SCHOOL life in the UK Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a.m. and ends about 3.30 p.m. This means I could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m. On the first day, all of the new students attended an assembly in the school hall. I sat next to a girl whose name is Diane. We soon became best friends. During the assembly, the headmaster told us about the rules of the school. He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote oneself to study and achieve high grades. This sounded like my school in China. I had many teachers in the past year. Mr. Heywood , my class teacher, was very helpful. My favorite teacher was Miss Burke—I loved the lessons that she gave in English Literature. In our class there were 28 students. This is about the average size for British schools. We had to move to different classrooms for different classes. We also had different students in some classes, so it was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names. I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit challenging for me at firs t because all the homework was in English. I felt lucky as all my teachers gave me much encouragement and I enjoyed all my subjects: English, History, English Literature, Computer Science, Maths, Science, PE, Art, Cooking and French. My English improved a lot as I used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English books in the library.I usually went to the Computer Club during the lunch break, so I could send e-mails to my family and friends back home for free. I also had an extra French class on Tuesday evenings. Cooking was really fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook food. At the end of term we held a class party and we all had to cook something. I was glad that all my classmates were fond of the cake that I made. Students at that school have to study Maths, English and Science, but can stop studying some and French. They can choose other subjects subjects if they don’t like them, for example, History like Art and Computer Science or Languages such as Spanish and German. In the Art class that I very beautiful when it was finished, I still took, I made a small sculpture. Though it didn’t look liked it very much. I missed Chinese food a lot at lunch. British food is very different. British people like eating dessert at the end of their main meal. After lunch, we usually played on the school field. Sometimes I played football with the boys. Sometimes I just relaxed under a tree or sat on the grass. I was very lucky to experience this different way of life. I look back on my time in the UK with satisfaction, and I really hope to go back and study in Manchester again. 在英国的学校生活 在英国上了一年的中学对我来说是一段非常令人愉快和兴奋的经历。我很喜欢英国中学的作息时间,因为学校每天上午大约9点上课,下午大约3点半放学。这意味着我每天可以比以往 晚一个小时起床,因为在中国学校每天上午8点之前就开始上课了。


个人工作经验交流材料 工作经验是平时工作有问题时积累下来的,不同的工作有不同的经验,要经常与同事交流经验,互相提高能力。下面是整理个人工作经验交流材料的范文,欢迎阅读! 个人工作经验交流材料篇一 近年,随着《中共中央国务院关于深化供销合作社综合尊敬的省社领导、在座的各位同仁大家好:改革的决定》下发以来,全国供销系统迎来新的历史发展机遇。XX县委、县政府高度重视,紧紧围绕供销社综合改革工作,努力推进基层社新建改造。在创新县级联合社治理机制、巩固拓展经营服务领域等方面作出了大胆的探索,并取得了一定的成效,被总社确立首批供销社综合改革试点县。信息准确、及时地反映XX供销社在综合改革、新型基层社建设等领域的新成果、新情况、新问题,为各级领导了解下情,科学决策,发挥了桥梁和参谋、助手作用。现就XX供销社信息工作作如下介绍: 一、强化信息整体服务功能 信息的服务功能是衡量信息工作好不好的主要标准。我们以强化信息整体服务功能为重点,及时、准确的反映基层社工作开展情况。按照"三贴近"的服务指导思想,不断增强主动服务和超前服务意识,积极开展信息收集、调研、反馈和报送工作,为各级领导及时了解情况、科学决策、指导工作做好信息服务。 一是贴近供销工作改革意图,狠抓重点信息。我们坚持把领导时刻关注的、正在思考的、有待了解的问题,作为信息工作的切入点,

确立了围绕领导决策办信息的思路,切实把握我社每个时期的工作重点,有选择地采编、报送能带动 全局、适用对路的信息。为此,我社信息以创新发展基层供销社、开展农村电子商务、推进现代流通服务体系建设、农产品标准化基地建设、龙眼地理标志申报工作和推进农产品品牌化发展等领域为重点,成效明显、亮点纷呈。 二是贴近业务工作,捕捉亮点信息。工作中的亮点最能体现地方工作特色;抓好亮点往往会收到以点带面的效果。我们把捕捉亮点信息作为提升信息价值的重要举措,在挖掘特色信息、提炼典型信息方面狠下功夫。首先,要求全社各业务股室当好"加工厂"。办公室收到各股室报送的信息,都要及时向分管领导汇报,从零散的原始信息中发现闪光点,总结出规律,认真研究、反复提炼。其次,要求信息工作者当好"调研员"。创造条件、支持信息人员和业务股室一同深入基层调研,是我们长期坚持的工作制度。信息工作者不仅是写信息,还要掌握业务知识。根据领导批示和不同阶段的工作特点,沉到基层去总结、挖掘信息。特别是在培育新型农业经营主体,加强对供销社领办农民专合社的指导、扶持与服务与稳定数量、提高运行质量等方面存在的难点,深入剖析,探寻破解"良方",形成针对性强、指导面广的亮点信息。 三是贴近上级需求,提供高价值信息。我们以上级需求为导向,在报送深层次、高价值信息上狠下功夫。今年来,全国供销系统综合改革工作全面铺开,我社特别注重信息宣传工作,及时挖掘提炼经验


人教新版英语级上册课 文中文翻译 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

五年级英语课文 第一单元 第1课 1、刘老师:你们好,孩子们。我们班来了两个新朋友。鲍勃和周培, 到这儿来。到前面来。 2、鲍勃:大家好!我是鲍勃。我11岁。我来自英国。 3、周:上午好!我是周培。我10岁了。我来自北京。 4、同学们:欢迎来到我们班! 5、两人:谢谢你们! 6、刘老师:鲍勃和周培,请你们回到座位。现在,让我们开始上课 吧。

第2课 1、我是鲍勃。我11岁。我来自英国。 2、我是本,10岁。来自英国。 3、贝蒂,11岁,来自澳大利亚。 4、比尔,12岁,来自新西兰 5、

1、周:你好,我叫周培。你叫什么名字? 2、 3、帕特里克:我叫格林。帕特里克。 4、周:你在哪班? 5、帕特里克:我再五年三班。你呢? 6、周:我再五年一班。 7、帕特里克:哦,我们在同一年级。让我们成为朋友吧。 8、周:好的!你住哪? 9、帕特里克:我住在格林路。 10、周:格林路你家门牌号是多少 11、 12、帕特里克:23号。你呢? 13、周:噢,我们住在紫色大街46号。 14、帕特里克:噢,我们彼此住的很近!让我们一起回家吧。 13、周:好的。我们走吧!

1、你叫什么名字? 2、我叫周培。 3、你在几班? 4、我在五年一班。 5、你住哪儿? 6、我住在格林路。 7、我住在紫色大街46号。 8、我叫鲍勃。 9、我在五年一班。 10、我住格林路34号 11、我叫琳达。 12、我在五年二班。 13、我住苹果大街48号。 14、你呢?


经验分享:如何去找工作 在找工作的过程中,要找准自我的定位,要有一份漂亮的简历,可以清晰准确的表达自己的长处,下面是小编带来的经验分享:如何去找工作,快来看看吧,相信你一定需要。 1 认清自我,准确定位(提及14次) 认清自我,首先是根据自己的兴趣爱好、家庭情况、专业方向和自己未来发展计划来思考清楚自己是想要什么。准确定位,综合考虑地域、平台、行业、岗位、家庭和薪酬福利等多个因素,有的放矢,才可以确定个人的目标单位(着重准备3家目标单位)。 2 准备一份漂亮的简历(提及19次) 也许你可以很从容,清晰又准确地在面试官面前表达自己。但一份漂亮的简历却往往来的更加直接,也很好地体现了你的书面表达能力。简历有以下注意的地方: 1、HR在进行校园招聘时,其最终目标时招聘到合适的人。HR通过生源地或籍贯了解你是否真心愿意到该公司工作。HR通过教育背景了解你的整个求学历程,尤其是察看是否有休学、延期毕业或工作经历等。HR通过本科专业和研究生专业了解你是否具备相应专业的基础知识。HR通过科

研项目和科研竞赛获奖察看你是否与岗位匹配。HR通过学生工作经历了解你是否是学生骨干,偏管理类职位非常看重该项。一些单位对于政治面貌还有要求。 2、对不同的单位或者岗位,一定要有针对性。最好是在上面体现出自己科研参与的项目与投递单位业务的相关性。 3、展示自己的项目经验和能力的同时,也要把自己的学习或者动手的基础能力体现出来。 4、重视在线简历的填写。有些用人单位是学生心中的明星单位,因此在线投递简历的同学非常多。有些同学没有充分重视在线简历的填写,非常简略地填写了自己的科研项目、获奖经历和学生工作经历等。这样你有可能被直接pass掉。 3 笔试和面试(被提及22次和32次) 自己的简历吸引到了HR的注意,那么即将到来的笔试和面试环节就决定了你是否可以加入到你的目标单位了。笔试是对基础理论知识的一次检查,某大型公司HR 曾经说道他们会给笔试成绩高的同学面试机会,即使简历不是那么漂亮。因为他们觉得笔试能够获得高分也是一种能力,代表其基础知识非常扎实,做事非常专心、用心和耐心。 优秀的你们可能会参加多家公司的面试,请大家
