Ladies and gentlemen

Ladies and gentlemen
Ladies and gentlemen

Ladies and gentlemen, friends, good morning. It's a great pleasure to meet you, friends from the press. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China came to a successful conclusion yesterday. During the past week, you have extensively covered the Party congress and let the world hear China's voice. On behalf of the secretariat of the 18th Party Congress, I wish to express our sincere thanks to you for your professionalism, dedication and hard work.

Just now, the 18th CPC Central Committee held its first plenary meeting and elected the new central leadership. The plenary meeting elected seven members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau. I was elected general secretary of the CPC Central Committee by the plenary session. I wish to introduce to you the other six newly elected members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau.

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), speaks at the press conference at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Nov 15, 2012. [Photo/China News Service]

They are: comrade Li Keqiang, comrade Zhang Dejiang, comrade Yu Zhengsheng, comrade Liu Yunshan, comrade Wang Qishan and comrade Zhang Gaoli. Comrade Li Keqiang was a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 17th CPC Central Committee, and all the others were members of the Political Bureau of the 17th CPC Central Committee. I believe their names are familiar to you.

Here, on behalf of the members of the newly elected central leadership, I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to all other members of the Party for the great trust they have placed on us. We will strive to be worthy of their trust and fulfill our mission.

We are greatly encouraged by both the trust all the comrades of the Party have placed on us and the great expectations the people of all ethnic groups in China have of us, and we are keenly aware that this is also an important responsibility for us.

We have taken on this important responsibility for our nation. Ours is a great nation. Throughout more than 5,000 years of evolution as a civilization, the Chinese nation has made an indelible contribution to the progress of human civilization.

During the modern era (from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century), our nation underwent untold hardship and suffering, and

its very survival hung in the balance. Since then, numerous Chinese patriots rose up one after another and fought for the renewal of the Chinese nation, but failed one time after another. Since its founding, the Communist Party of China has made great sacrifices and forged ahead against all odds. It has rallied and led the Chinese people in transforming the poor and backward Old China into an increasingly prosperous and powerful New China,

th us open ing a completely new horizon for the great renewal of the Chinese nation.

Our responsibility now is to rally and lead the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups in China in taking the baton passed on to us by history, and in making continued efforts to achieve the great renewal of the Chinese nation, make the Chinese nation stand rock-firm in the family of nations, and make an even greater contribution to mankind.

We have taken on this important responsibility for the people. Our people are a great people. During the long course of history, the Chinese people have, working with diligence, bravery and wisdom, created a beautiful homeland where all ethnic groups live in harmony, and developed a great and dynamic culture.

Our people have an ardent love for life. They wish to have better education, more stable jobs, more income, greater social security, better medical and health care, improved housing conditions and a better environment.

They want their children to have sound growth, have good jobs and lead a more enjoyable life. To meet their desire for a happy life is our mission. Every bit of happiness in the world is created by hard work. To fulfill our responsibility, we will rally and lead the whole Party and people of all ethnic groups in China in making continued efforts to free up our minds, carry out reform and opening-up, further release and develop the productive forces, work hard to resolve the difficulties the people face in both work and life, and unwaveringly pursue common prosperity.

We have taken on this important responsibility for the Party. Our Party is dedicated to serving the people. It has led the people in making world-renowned achievements, and we have every reason to take pride in these achievements.

But we are not complacent, and we will never rest on our laurels. Under the new conditions, our Party faces many severe challenges, and there are also many pressing problems within the Party that need to be resolved, particularly corruption, taking bribes, being

divorced from the people, going through formalities and bureaucracy caused by some Party officials.

We must make every effort to solve these problems. The whole Party must stay on full alert. To address these problems, we must first of all conduct ourselves honorably. Our responsibility is to work with all the comrades in the Party to uphold the principle that the Party should supervise its own conduct and run itself with strict discipline, effectively solve major problems in the Party, improve our conduct and maintain close ties with the people.

By doing so, we will ensure that our Party will remain at the core of leadership in advancing the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is the people who create history, and it is the people who are true heroes. The people are the source of our strength.

We are well aware that the capability of one individual is limited. But when we are united as one, we will create an awesome power and we can certainly overcome all difficulties.

One can only work for a limited period of time, but there is no limit to serving the people with dedication. Our responsibility is weightier than Mount Tai, and our journey ahead is long and arduous.

We must always be of the same mind with the people and share the same destiny with them, and we must work together with them and diligently for the public good so as to live up to the expectations of both history and the people.

Friends from the press, just as China needs to learn more about the world, the world needs to learn more about China. I hope you will continue to make more efforts and contributions to deepening the mutual understanding between China and countries of the world. I thank you all!

China Southern中国南方航空客舱英语广播词

China Southern中国南方航空客舱英语广播词 起飞前 Ladies and gentlemen: Welcome aboard China Southern airlines, a Sky Team member’s flight. Here our captain, the purser and all the crew members will cherish every chance of service to make your journey with us a safe fine pleasant one. Now please fasten your seat belts, stow your tray table and put your seat back to the upright position. Please help us by opening the sunshades to ensure the safe operation of the navigation system. Please make sure your mobile phones including those with flying mode are turned off. This is a non-smoking flight. Please do not smoke on board. We hope you enjoy the flight. Thank you! 降落 Ladies and gentlemen: We are beginning our final descent, please fasten your safe belts, return your seat back to the upright position and stow your tray table. Please help us by opening the sunshades. All laptop computers and electronic devices should be turned off at this time. We kindly remind you that during landing and taxiing. Please keep your seat belts fasten and do not open the overhead bins. Thank you!


模块二滴定分析基本操作任务一分析天平的基本操作 一、分析天平的分类 分析天平是定量分析中最常用的准确称量物质的仪器。分析天平分类:等臂(双盘)分析天平、不等臂(单盘)分析天平、电子天平。 二、电子天平的介绍 1、工作原理:电磁平衡原理,秤盘通过支架连杆支架作用于线圈上,重力方向向下。线圈内有电流通过时,根据电磁基本理论,通电的导线在磁场中将产生一个向上作用的电磁力,与秤盘重力方向相反大小相同,与之相平衡,而通过导线的电流与被称物体的质量成正比。 2、性能特点:a.使用寿命长,性能稳定,灵敏度高,体积小,操作方便 b.称 量速度快、精度高 c.具有自动校准、累计称量、超载显示、自动去皮等功能 3、称量的一般程序 水平调节——打扫——预热——开启显示器——校准——称量——结束工作 ①水平调节检查水平仪,调节水平调节脚,使水泡位于水平仪中心。 ②打扫打扫天平秤盘 ③预热通电预热30min以上 ④开启显示器按ON键,显示器亮,显示屏出现0.0000g ⑤校准按“校准”键 ⑥称量被称物置于秤盘中间进行称量 ⑦称量结束工作取下被称物,核对零点,关闭天平,进行使用登记 4、基本称量方法 ①直接称量法将称量物直接放在天平盘上直接称量物体的质量。例如,称量 小烧杯的质量,容量器皿校正中称量某容量瓶的质量,重量分析实验中称量某坩埚的质量等,都使用这种称量法。 ②固定质量称量法

用于称量某一固定质量的试剂(如基准物质)或试样。适于称量不易吸潮、在空气中能稳定存在的粉末状或小颗粒样品。 A、去皮将干燥的容器置于秤盘上,待显示平衡后按“去皮”键扣除皮重并显示零点 B、加样打开天平门,用药匙将试样抖入容器内,使之达到所需质量。 固定质量称量法注意:若不慎加入试剂超过指定质量,用牛角匙取出多余试剂,直至试剂质量符合指定要求为止。严格要求时,取出的多余试剂应弃去,不要放回原试剂瓶中。操作时不能将试剂散落于天平盘等容器以外的地方,称好的试剂必须定量地由表面皿等容器直接转入接受容器,此即所谓“定量转移”。 ③递减称量法(减量法) 用于称量一定质量范围的样品或试剂。样品易吸水、易氧化或易与二氧化碳等反应时,可选择此法。。 称量步骤:试样的保存——取出盛试样的称量瓶——称出称量瓶质量——敲样——再称出其质量——样品质量——连续称样——称量工作结束 A、试样保存待称样品放于洁净的干燥容器(称量瓶)中,置于干燥器中保存 B、取出称量瓶左手戴手套取出称量瓶或者用折叠成约1cm的纸取出 C、称出称量瓶质量称出称量瓶质量,记录数据 D、敲样将称量瓶取出,在接收容器的上方倾斜瓶身,用称量瓶盖轻敲瓶口上部使试样慢慢落入容器中,瓶盖始终不要离开接受器上方。当倾出的试样接近所需量时,一边继续用瓶盖轻敲瓶口,一边逐渐将瓶身竖直,使粘附在瓶口上的试样落回称量瓶,然后盖好瓶盖,准确称其质量。两次质量之差,即为试样的质量。按上述方法连续递减,可称量多份试样。


The masked cleaning ladies meet the pirates 1 Queen Norah was showing Princess Jane the Royal Treasures. ‘Jane’ snapped Queen Norah. ‘You aren’t listening!’ ‘I’m’ yawned Princess Jane. ‘Then,’ said Queen Norah, ‘what is this?’ She pointed at a model of a horse. ‘It’s er…’ began the Princess. ‘You’re as bad as King Harry. He doesn’t care about the Royal Treasures either. This is the Golden Horse of Tong. It belonged to your Great, Great, Great Grandfather. H…’ King Harry came in. ‘The postman’s just been,’ he said. ‘This is for you.’ Queen Norah opened the letter. ‘Bad news,’ sighed Queen Norah. ‘My sister’s crown is missing.’ ‘Stolen?’ asked King Harry. ‘I expect she’s just it down somewhere. You know what she’s like. I shall have to go and help her find it.’ ‘What day is it?’ said Queen Norah. ‘Monday?’ said King Harry. ‘Correct. The cleaning ladies will be coming. The front of the castle needs a jolly good scrub, I want you to stay here and make sure those cleaners do a good job.’ ‘Yes, dear,’ said King Harry. ‘I shall lock up the Royal Treasures. I don’t want our Royal Treasures being lost or stolen.’ King harry waved goodbye to Queen Norah. ‘Now,’ said King Harry to Captain Smith and Captain Jones. ‘It's time for up to change into the Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om.’ The King and his two captains took over the housework when the last cleaner left. They kept it a secret from Queen Norah by dressing up as cleaning ladies and wearing masks. The Queen would have been furious if she ever found out. A few moments later the three men came back, dressed as cleaning ladies. ‘The Queen won’t be back for ages,’ said Princess Jane. ‘You don’t need to wear the masks today.’


电子天平使用说明书 使用方法 ◎准备 1、将天平安放在稳定及水平的工作台上,避免振动、气流、阳光直射和剧烈的温度波动; 2、安装称盘; 3、接通电源前请确认当地交流电压是否与天平所附的电源适配器所需电压一致; 4、为获得准确的称量结果,在进行称量前天平应接通电源预热30分钟。 ◎电源 1. 天平随机附配交流电源适配器,输入220+22-33V ~ 50Hz 输出9V 300mA 2. 天平选用电池供电时可打开天平底部的电池盖按极性指示装入电池即可,建议使用9伏碱性电池,可连续工作约12小时。 当天平电池供电时,显示屏左上角电量指示框显示段数表明电池的状态(显示3段:电池充足,显示0段:电池耗尽,当电池电量将耗尽时,最后一个显示段闪烁。 ◎开机 在称盘空载情况下按<开/关>键,天平依次进入自检显示(显示屏所有字段短时点亮、型号显示和零状态显示,当天平显示零状态时即可进行称量; 当遇到相关功能键设置有误无法恢复时,按<开/关>键重新开机即可恢复初始设置状态。

◎校准 为获得准确的称量结果,必须对天平进行校准以适应当地的重力加速度。校准应在天平预热结束后进行,遇到以下情况必须使用外部校准砝码对天平进行校准。 1. 首次使用天平称量之前; 2. 天平改变安放位置后。 校准方法与步骤: 1.准备好校准用的标准砝码并确保称盘空载; 2.按<去皮>键:天平显示零状态; 3.按<校准>键:天平显示闪烁的CAL—XXX,(XXX一般为100、200或其它数字,提醒使用相对应的100g、200g或其它规格的标准砝码 4.将标准砝码放到称盘中心位置,天平显示CAL-XXX,等待几秒钟后,显示标准砝码的量值。此时移去砝码,天平显示零状态,则表示校准结束,可以进行称量。如天平不零状态,应重复进行一次校准工作。 ◎称量 天平经校准后即可进行称量,称量时必须等显示器左下角的“○”标志熄灭后才可读数,称量过程中被称物必须轻拿轻放,并确保不使天平超载,以免损坏天平的传感器。 ◎清零或去皮 清零:当天平空载时,如显示不在零状态,可按<去皮>键,使天平显示零状态。此时才可进行正常称量。


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. On behalf of the crew, let me extend a very warm welcome to all of you who have chosen to fly Air China. Our plane is bound for New York on the east coast of the United States. Ours is a direct flight. It will take thirteen and a half hours to reach our destination on July 19, at 1: 30 p.m. local time. May I draw your attention to the Safety Flight leaflet which you’ll find in the pocket at the back of the seat in front of you? We do ask tha t you read it. You’ll also find an Air China magazine which you may find of interest. For those of you not familiar with this type of aircraft, let me inform you that smoking is strictly prohibited at any time during the flight. Nor is the use of mobile phones allowed on board of our aircraft We have a duty-free bar on board and cigarettes, spirits, beer and mineral water will be on sale during the flight. We will serve three meals during the entire flight, lunch, dinner and breakfast. For those of you who are vegetarian, please contact a member of the cabin crew beforehand. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask a member of the cabin crew. Our plane will take off shortly. Would you now please make sure that your seat belts are securely fastened in preparation for take-oft’? May I wish you a pleasant flight! Thank you 女士们,先生们,晚上好.这是机长。我代表全体员工,让我热烈欢迎你们所有人都选择了飞中国航空集团公司。我们的飞机飞往在美国东海岸的纽约。我们是一个直接的飞行。它将采取十三,到达我们的目的地是在七月十九日的一个半小时,在当地时间下午1:30。 我可以提醒你注意的安全飞行手册,你会发现在口袋里在你前面的座位的后面?我们要求你读它。你也将找到一个中国航空集团公司杂志,你可能会感兴趣。对于那些你不熟悉这种类型的飞机,让我告诉你,严格禁止在任何时间在飞机上吸烟。也不允许我们手机上飞机我们船上有香烟,免税栏用烈酒,啤酒和矿泉水将出售在飞行。我们将为整个飞行三餐,午餐,晚餐和早餐。对于那些素食者,请与机组成员事先。如果你有任何问题,请毫不犹豫地向机组成员。我们的飞机马上要起飞了。你现在,请确保您的安全带都牢固地固定在需要经常的准备?祝您旅途愉快!谢谢 Here is your weekend guide to what is going on at the University of Colorado. And it is a good weekend for basketball. The Colorado Buffaloes will play the Oklahoma Sooner Friday night at Oklahoma, and they will return home to face the Nebraska Cornhuskers Saturday night on the University of Colorado court. The Buffaloes are expected to win both games and fans. Tickets are available from the ticket office at the sports arena. There are also a few tickets available for the Saturday night concert by Walter Murphy and the Big Apple Band. Most of the tickets are ten dollars, although a very few live- dollar seats are still on sale. To reserve seats, call the Student Union at 666-5771, or stop by the box office. The university museum will be open from 10: 00 am. until 5: 00 p.m. Saturday and

Ladies and Gentlemen英语演讲稿

Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually I’m standing here is a growth. If a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however that’s passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for me. When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job. Once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future. How to say future? Maybe it’s a nice wish. Lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life. 中文大意: 女士们,先生们,上午好。我很高兴在这里为大家作一个简短的讲话。 人的一生是一个成长的过程,事实上,我现在站在这里也是一次成长。如果一个人的一生必须面临不同的选择,那么我就是伴随着这些选择成长起来的。曾经我盼望将来能上大学,然而那已经过去了,现在我在这儿,只想知道我的未来会是什么样的。 当我来到这所学校,我告诉我自己:我不久的将来都从这里开始。接着我要学习如何做人,如何做一个正直的人,并且拥有一个健康的体魄,能承担重要的任务,能独立思考,思想开放,心思缜密,有判断是非的能力,有一份不错的工作。 我的老师曾经告诉我说:“你不是在修补而是在创造;永远不要忘记你向人们所展示的是你的思想,而不是你的手艺。”我会将我的性格,兴趣爱好和能力一起融入到学习中去。在这过程中,我边学习边实践。如果我能实现这个“未来”,我就认为我真的成长了。并且我深信我的亲人,好朋友以及爱会使我的未来更完美,更幸福。 如何来解释未来呢? 也许那只是一个美好的愿望。让我们下定决心,坚持到底,那我们的人生一定能过得很精


TG-328分析天平使用说明书 一、分析天平结构及作用原理: 1.该分析天平,是属于双盘等臂式,横梁采用铜镍合金制成,上面装有玛瑙刀三把,中间为固定的支点刀,两边可调整的承重刀。 好仪器,好资料,尽在沧州建仪(,)。欢迎查询。 打造中国建仪销售第一品牌,树立沧州产品全新形象 2.支点刀位于支点刀垫上,支点刀垫固定在天平立柱上端。 3.横梁停动装置为双层折翼式,在天平开启时,横梁上的承重刀必须比支点刀先接角触,为了避免刀锋损坏和保证横梁位置的再现性,开启天平求轻稳,避免冲击,摇晃。 4.横梁的左右两端悬挂承重挂钩,左承重挂钩上装有砝码承重架,该二零碎件分别挂在小刀刃上,另有秤盘各一件分别挂在承重挂钩上。 5.整个天平固定在大理石的基座板上,底板前下部装有二只可供调整水平位置的螺旋脚,后面装有一只固定脚,天平木框前面有一扇可供启闭及随意停止在上下位置的玻璃门,右侧有一扇玻璃移门。 6.秤盘上节中间的阻尼装置,是用铝合金板制成,固定在中柱上。是利用空气阻力来减少横梁的摆动时间,达到静止迅速,从而提高工作效率。

7.光学报影装置,固定在底板上前方,可直接读出0.1-10毫克以内的重量值。 8.天平外框左侧装有机械加码装置,通过三档增减砝码的指示旋钮来变换自10毫克-199.99克砝码以内所需重量值。 二、分析天平主要技术指标: 规格型号技术参数:秤盘尺寸 TG328A200g/0.1mg80mm TG328B200g/0.1mg80mm1 TG628A200g/1mg80mm 三、分析天平性能特点: 1.TG系列双盘机械天平,采用空气阻尼,光电读数,具有称量准确,读数简便,价格实惠。 2.专供实验室,学校,工矿等作精密称量分析用。 四、天平的安装方法: a.安装前的准备工作安装前的准备工作安装前的准备工作安装前的准备工作 1.安装选择:天平必须放在牢固的台上,不准有震动,气流存在,室内气温要求干燥明亮,温度最好保持在20℃±2℃左右,避免阳光晒射单面受热和气温潮湿,反之影响天平的灵敏度和正确性。


常用客舱广播词播音训练 1.欢迎词 女士们,先生们: 欢迎您乘坐中国厦门航空公司325次航班由长沙前往深圳(中途降落广州)。由长沙至深圳的飞行距离是658公里,预计空中飞行时间是1小时10分,飞行高度是1000米,飞行平均速度每小时650公里。 为了保障飞机导航系统的正常工作,在飞机起飞和下降过程中请不要使用手提电脑,在整个航程中请不要使用手提电话,遥控玩具、电子游戏机、激光唱机和电音频接收等电子设备。 飞机很快就要起飞了,现在由客舱乘务员进行安全检查。请您坐好,系好安全带,收起座椅靠背和小桌板。请您确认您的手提物品是否妥善安放在头顶上方的行李架内或座椅下方。(本次航班全程禁烟,在飞行途中请不要吸烟。) 本次航班的乘务长将协同机上4名乘务员竭诚为您提供及时周到在服务。 谢谢! Good morning (afternoon, evening), Ladies and Gentleman: Welcome aboard China Airline flight Changsha to Shengzhen (via Guangzhou ). The distance between Changsha and Shengzhen is 650kilometers. Our flight will take 1 hours and 10 minutes, we will be flying at an altitude of 1000 meters and average speed is 650 kilometers per hour. In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigation and communication systems, passengers are not allowed to use mobile phones, remote controlled toys, and other electronic devices throughout the flight and the laptop computers are not allowed to use during takeoff and landing. We will take off immediately, please be seated, fasten your seat belt, and make sure your seat back is straight up, your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are surely stowed in the

新概念英语第三册第7课-Mutilated ladies

新概念英语第三册第7课:Mutilated ladies Lesson 7 Mutilated ladies*残钞鉴别组 Listen to the tape then answer the question below. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Why did Jane cook John's wallet? Has it ever happened to you? Have you ever put your trousers in the washing machine and then remembered there was a large bank note in your back pocket? When you rescued your trousers, did note in your back pocket? When you rescued your trousers, did you find the note was whiter than white? People who live in Britain needn't despair when they made mistakes like this (and a lot of people do)! Fortunately for them, the Bank of England has a team called Mutilated Ladies which deals with claims from people who fed their money to a machine or to their dog. Dogs, it seems, love to chew up money! A recent case concerns Jane Butlin whose fiancé, John, runs a successful furniture business. John had very good day and put his wallet containing $3,000 into the microwave oven for safekeeping. Then he and Jane went horse-riding. When they got home, Jane cooked their dinner in the microwave oven and without realizing it, cooked her fiancé's wallet as well. Imagine their dismay when they found a beautifully-cooked wallet and notes turned to ash! John went to see his bank manager who sent the remains of wallet and the money to the special department of the Bank of England in Newcastle: the Mutilate Ladies! They examined the remain and John got all his money back. 'So long as there's something to identify, we will give people their money back,' said a spokeswoman for the Bank. 'Last year, we paid $1.5m on 21,000 claims. Damaged bank notes. The Queen's head appears on English bank notes, and 'lady' refers to this.


电子精密天平秤的使用方法及注意事项 刘维彬电子精密天平秤是定量分析工作中不可缺少的重要仪器,充分了解仪器性能及熟练掌握其使用方法,是获得可靠分析结果的保证。精密天平的种类很多,有普通精密天平、半自动/全自动加码电光投影阻尼精密天平及电子精密天平等。下面就电子精密天平的使用方法及注意事项做一介绍。 操作方法: 1.检查并调整天平至水平位置。 2.事先检查电源电压是否匹配(必要时配置稳压器),按仪器要求通电预热至所需时间。 3.预热足够时间后打开天平开关,天平则自动进行灵敏度及零点调节。待稳定标志显示后,可进行正式称量。 4.称量时将洁净称量瓶或称量纸置于称盘上,关上侧门,轻按一下去皮键,天平将自动校对零点,然后逐渐加入待称物质,直到所需重量为止。 5.称量结束应及时除去称量瓶(纸),关上侧门,切断电源,并做好使用情况登记。 注意事项: 1.天平应放置在牢固平稳水泥台或木台上,室内要求清洁、干燥及较恒定的温度,同时应避免光线直接照射到天平上。 2.称量时应从侧门取放物质,读数时应关闭箱门以免空气流动引起天平摆动。前门仅在检修或清除残留物质时使用。 3.电子精密天平若长时间不使用,则应定时通电预热,每周一次,每次预热

2h,以确保仪器始终处于良好使用状态。 4.天平箱内应放置吸潮剂(如硅胶),当吸潮剂吸水变色,应立即高温烘烤更换,以确保吸湿性能。 5.挥发性、腐蚀性、强酸强碱类物质应盛于带盖称量瓶内称量,防止腐蚀天平。 6.称量重量不得过天平的最大载荷。 7.经常对电子天平进行自校或定期外校,保证其处于最佳状态。 8.天平发生故障,不得擅自修理,应立即报告测试中心质量负责人。 9.天平放妥后不宜经常搬动。必须搬动时,移动天平位置后,应由市计量部门校正计量合格后,方可使用。


Unit 1 Boarding Good morning, ladies and gentlemen: Welcome aboard Air China. Please ask the cabin attendants if you cannot find your seat. The seat numbers are shown on the overhead locker. Please make sure your hand baggage is stored on the overhead locker or under the seat in front of you. Please keep the aisle and the exits clear of all baggage. Please take your assigned seats as quickly as possible and keep the aisle clear for others to be seated. Thank you for your cooperation. Greeting Good morning, ladies and gentlemen: Welcome aboard Air China. I am Lisa, the purser for this flight. During the flight, all of my colleagues will be happy to serve you. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, we will be taking off in a few minutes, please be seated and fasten your seat belt. Your seat back and table should be returned to the upright position. All Air China Airlines are non-smoking to comply with Government regulations. Please refrain from smoking during the flight. Thank you for your cooperation, and we wish you a pleasant journey! Unit 3 Baggage Arrangement Ladies and gentlemen: Please put all hand baggage securely in the overhead compartments or under the seat in front of you. Do not put any baggage in the aisles or by the exits. Thank you. Electronic Device Restriction Ladies and gentlemen: Please note certain electronic devices must not be used on board at any time. These devices include cellular phones, AM/FM radios, televisions and remote control equipment including toys. All other electronic devices including laptop computers and CD players must not be switched on until fifteen minutes after take-off, and must be switched off when the seat belt signs come on for landing. Your cooperation will be much appreciated. UNIT 4 Safety Instruction

Ladies and gentlemen

Ladies and gentlemen, friends, good morning. It's a great pleasure to meet you, friends from the press. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China came to a successful conclusion yesterday. During the past week, you have extensively covered the Party congress and let the world hear China's voice. On behalf of the secretariat of the 18th Party Congress, I wish to express our sincere thanks to you for your professionalism, dedication and hard work. Just now, the 18th CPC Central Committee held its first plenary meeting and elected the new central leadership. The plenary meeting elected seven members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau. I was elected general secretary of the CPC Central Committee by the plenary session. I wish to introduce to you the other six newly elected members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), speaks at the press conference at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Nov 15, 2012. [Photo/China News Service]

Good evening Ladies and Gentleman

Good evening Ladies and Gentleman,boys and girls.The first I want to say:It’s a great honour for me.Because today I’m going to talk about my hometown.You know I come from ZJK of HeBei province.Maybe you don’t kown much about my hometown.Ok,now let me describethis city for you.If you don’t know ZJK,you must know Beijing,Yep,The capital of China.ZJK is about 200 kilometers from BeiJing and it has a nickname:BeiJing’s Northern Door.My hometown is the second largest city in HeBei.Here are around 4.5 million people living here so sometimes the traffic is very heavy.ZJK is a mountain city like ChongQing.So it is famous for the mountains.Many people like do some exercises in their spare time on the mountain.If you like climbing plz come here.Somebody ask me what’s weather like your hometown.Oh I have to say here has a pleasant climate.The weather in summer sometimes nice and cool.Not like GuangZhou has a unbearably hot summer.everybody in GuangZhou do you agree with me? Welcome to my hometown,if you come here I will give you a rich dinner.You know I make a deal and I keep the deal.Everybody thanks for your attention.That’s all.Thank you!


英语国家人们相互间得称呼,与我国得习惯相差很大,值得我们研究一下,以免在交往接触中使用不当。 1、男子称呼 对于几个或更多得成年男子,可尊称她们为gentlemen,意为“先生们”。 对于一位不知名得男子,可称为gentleman或sir,但不宜单独用mister这个字称呼她,因为这就是小孩子或较低微得人得口吻。 对于已知其姓氏得男子,可在她得姓(family name)前冠以Mr、,如Mr.Smith,但不要在她得名前冠以Mr.,如Mr.Jack。Mr.为Mister 得略语,也读为/'misto/。用在姓前时,不要全部拼写出来。比如说Gregory Wood与Milo Weaver两个人.在初认识时可互称Mr.Weaver 与Mr.Wood,在比较熟识后,可互称对方得名(first name),即Gregory(或Greg)与Milo。千万不要直接称呼叫她得姓,如Wood或Weaver,那就是至少半个世纪以前英美富豪对待男仆得称谓。 2、女子称呼 按英语国家得习惯,妇女结婚后都使用丈夫得姓。一个已婚妇女得全名就是以自己得first name加上丈夫得family name。比如说Jane Brown与Greg Wood结婚后,她便称为Jane Wood,而Jane Brown 便成为她“未嫁时得名字”(maiden name),而很少使用。她在未嫁时被称为Miss Brown,嫁后便被称为Mrs.Wood。Mrs.读为/'misiz /,由来于mistress,但后者现有别得意思,不再当“夫人,太太”讲了。 Mrs.从不脱离姓名单独使用;问别人得夫人好,说How is the miss is?就是故作诙谐、不登大雅得。对于熟悉得人,Jane Brown不论婚前婚后都只称Jane就可以了。Jane与Greg在一起可称为the Woods,意为”伍德两口子”。由于妇女结婚后有改随夫姓得问题,故当一个女子说:“I would rather not change my name now.”她得意思就是还不想结婚。 一般情况下,夫妻互相以名字相称;互称darling、dear、dearie 得也不少.还有夫称妻为honey或sweet heart得。在对第三者谈自己得丈夫或妻子时,视与第三者熟悉得程度,可以说Mr.Wood、(Mrs.Wood)、My husband(My wife)或Greg(Jane);前两种说法比较正式,用于较不熟悉得人。我们得“孩子她妈”、“小康她爸爸”这类说法在英语中就是没有得,但某些地区(如美国某些地方)老年夫妻“跟着孩子称呼”, 相互中叫Mom、Pop。此外,在某些阶层中称自己丈夫为my old man,称自己妻子为my old woman,也就是有得。如果妻子对丈夫忽然严肃地叫Mr.Wood,或甚至说My dear Mr.Wood,这就说明她生气了,或者她要认真地谈清什么问题,气氛就比较紧张了。
