



she, like, study, mother, good,

noodle, be, wear, shoe, teach

Hello, my name is Wang Hong. I have a happy family. My father Mr. Wang is a doctor and my mother Mrs. Wang is an English 1. _____. I am a student, 2. ______ in a middle school.

My father likes noodles 3. ______, but my mother’s favorite food is dumplings. I like porridge and 4. _____ best. My father’s favorite fruit is apple, and tea is his best drink. What about my 5. _____? Orange and milk. I like pear and juice best. My favorite color is blue and I like 6. _____ my school uniform best. My mother says she likes 7. _____ red skirt best, which makes her warm and active. My father likes green. He 8. _____ sports, he often wears his sports 9. _____.

This 10. _____ my family. I love my family.

Keys:1. teacher 2. studying 3. best 4. noodles 5. mother’s 6. wearing 7. her 8. likes 9. shoes 10. is


nation, tell, noodle, be, develop,

write, ask, kind, vegetable, China

Dear David,

I’m very happy to 1.______ to you now. Last time you 2.______ me about my country. You know, China is a great country like Canada. She has a long history and rich culture. The 5-star red flag is her 3.______ flag. From south to north, east to west, there are many different 4.______ of fo ods. During China’s Spring Festival, most people eat dumplings and 5. ______. South people eat rice and 6.______ often.

Chinese is our language and I love Chinese. Beijing is 7.______ Capital. Chinese people 8._____ making China 9.______ faster and faster.

David, there are more interesting things. Next time I will 10.______ you. That’s all!


Li lei

Keys:1. write 2. asked 3. national 4. kinds 5. noodles 6. vegetables 7. China’s 8. are 9. develop 10. tell


happy, others, friend, hobby, friendship,

make, as, same, student, respect

It is very hard to make friends if you stay at home alone all the time. 1.______ a good friend can make your life 2.______ and easier. How to make friends?

If you are in a new class, don’t be nervous. Be 3.______ to others and they will be friendly to you too. Give your opening mind to other 4. ______. They will like you soon.

The 5. ______ interest is important. Singing and dancing are most students’ 6.______. If you have, they will get close to you.

At last, in order to keep a good 7. ______, we should help, understand and 8. ______ each other.

In a word, 9.______ a good friend, giving others more means getting more from 10.______.

Keys:1. Making 2. happier 3. friendly 4. students 5. same 6. hobbies 7. friendship 8. respect 9. as 10. others


keep, many, country, begin, show,

lovely, dirty, collect, lose, surprise

My hobby is collecting stamps. I have been 1. ______ stamps for ten years.

Ten years ago, while I was playing in Jim’s house one day, he 2. ______ me his stamp albums. I was 3. ______ to see so many colorful stamps of different shapes and sizes. He gave me some stamps. My interest in stamp collection 4. ______ from that day.

At first, I 5. _____ stamps in my notebooks. Later, I found that most of them became 6. ______ and some of them were 7. ______. So I bought an stamp album. It was very lovely. I have 8. ______ than two hundred stamps now. My foreign friends often send stamps to me from different 9. ______ around the world. In my free time, I usually bring out all my 10. ______ stamps. They can help me remember my friends. I really enjoy doing this.

Keys:1. collecting 2. showed 3. surprised 4. began 5. kept 6. dirty 7. lost 8. more 9. countries 10. lovely (五)

open, help, nice, between, not only,

sister, or, habit, pass, do

Americans like to say “Thank you” when others help them 1. ______ say something kind to them. It is a very good 2.


You should say “Thank you” when someone 3. ______ you the salt on the table, when someone walking in front of you holds the door 4. ______ for you, when someone says you have 5. ______ your work very well, or you have bought something 6. ______, or your city is very beautiful.

“Thank you” is 7. ______ used among friends, but also 8. ______ parents and children, brothers and 9. _____, husbands and wives.

So we always say “Thank you” when getting 10. ______ from others.

Keys:1. or 2. habit 3. passes 4. open 5. done 6. nice 7. not only 8. between 9. sisters 10. help


about, interest, great, often, place,

speak, nice, two, well, go

Last year I 1. ______ to Australia to study and travel. I stayed there for 21 days. I lived in Sydney for two weeks. I visited a place of 2. ______ in the morning and had English lessons in the afternoon. A friend and I stayed with a family in Sydney. The home-stay family were very 3. ______ to us. We talked 4. ______ a lot of things in English. My 5. ______ English became much better in Australia. I didn’t have to speak English so 6. ______ in China. But in Australia, I had to. Soon I could talk with my teachers and home-stay family freely.

To me, the best 7. ______ in Australia is the Sydney Opera House. On my 8. ______ day in Sydney, I went there. The Opera House is 9. ______. It is so beautiful. I can’t sing very 10. ______, but when I was in it, I really wanted to sing.

Keys:1. went 2. interest 3. nice 4. about 5. spoken 6. often 7. place 8. second 9. great 10. well


come, grandparent, again, count, give

swim, surprise, see, study, color

Dear Jane,

Thank you so much for 1. ______ me such a nice birthday party. I was really 2. ______! You, Jerry, Kate and all my old friends at high school 3. ______! I had a fantastic time! I didn’t 4. ______, But I guess there were 10 to 12 people there. I enjoyed 5.

______ all of them.

Thank you also for the beautiful sweater. The size is good and I love the 6. ______. How did you know that red is my favorite?

Then, what are you busy doing these days? Do you have a lot of homework to do? I am 7. ______ for my tests. I can’t wait for the summer holidays to come! I’m going to my 8. ______ home in Hawaii for the holidays. Their house is near the beach and I can go 9. ______ every day! It would be very exciting. Thanks 10. ______ for the party and the great gift. Write soon and tell me about your plans for the summer holidays!



Keys:1. giving 2. surprised 3. came 4. count 5. seeing 6. color 7. studying 8. grandparent 9. swimming 10. again


help, vegetable, delicious, need, because,

garden, good, something, show, piece

Have you ever eaten vegetables from the garden? If so, you know how 1. ______ they can be. Freshly-picked vegetables are also 2. _____ for you, and it’s fun to grow them. This book will 3. ______ how to grow vegetables in your garden.

You will need many things to grow 4. ______. For example, you need a small 5. ______of land, seeds, water, and

fertilizer(肥料) to 6. ______ your plants grow. But you will need 7. ______ else, too. You need math! That is 8. ______ you

will have to know how large your 9. ______ is and how much space(空间) each plant 10. ______. To do all of that, you will use a lot of math.

Keys:1. delicious 2. good 3. show 4. vegetables 5. piece 6. help 7. something 8. because 9. garden 10. needs


sun, hot, smell, work, singing,

nice, swim, lower, because, sunny

Which season do you like best? I love summer best 1. ______ I can do many activities outdoors, like going to the park after a long day’s 2. ______. In summer it’s very 3. ______ to go camping or to sit next to a fire with a drink at night. I love to 4. ______ in the sea and lie on the beach reading a book. The temperature there is 5. ______ than that in other places, so I feel really comfortable. I love to walk on the beach as the 6. ______ goes down before darkness and I think it is beautiful. I also love to drive up to the north. It is 7. ______ there. The leaves are so nice in the warm sun. When I wake up, I can hear the birds 8. ______ right there. I love summer because flowers come out with beautiful colors. I love to sit in my garden. There I can 9. ______ my lemon tree. When it is 10. ______ outside, I love to jump into a pool and I feel so relaxed.

Keys:1. because 2. work 3. nice 4. swim 5. lower 6. sun 7. sunny 8. singing 9. smell 10. hot


rain, because, too, rest, enjoy,

time, happy, well, weekend, read

Do you like sunny days? Many people like sunny days, 1. ______ they can go out to do what they like. And on holidays or at 2. ______, they like going to the beach to 3. ______ the sunshine. It makes them 4. ______. But they don’t like rain. They always feel sad when it 5. ______. I like sunshine very much, and I enjoy rain, 6. ______.

On rainy days, I like to listen to music, do some 7. ______ or just look out of the window. Sometimes, I will have a good 8. ______ and sleep when it rains.

Sunshine may make one run around and rain may make one quiet. Which do you like 9. ______? I hope you can have a good 10. ______ no matter when it is sunny or rainy.

Keys:1. because 2. weekend 3. enjoy 4. happy 5. rains 6. too 7. reading 8. rest 9. better 10. time


1. The walking school bus is a popular way of getting to school in some western countries.Do you know 78 a walking school bus is? Is a walking school bus a real(真的)bus? 79 !It is a group of children walking to and from school____80 one or more adults(成年人)as the81 are their parents.The children are the “bus”,their “drivers”!Usually and their legs are the eyes are the “windows”  feet are the “wheels”,their bus walks over a set route(固定路线)and travels at a set time.It “engines”.Each sounds l ike fun,doesn’t it? The walking school bus is 82 with children for many reasons. It is a safe way to go to school.And it is part of their everyday exercise.Many children say that it is a good way for 83 _ to keep healthy.Besides,children can 84 a lot on the way.They can learn road safety and know more about their neighborhoods.At the same time,they can also meet children of other ages 85 make friends with them. 78.______________79.______________80._______________ 81._______________ 82._______________83._____________84._______________ 85._______________ 2. A generation gap(代沟) becomes a big problem. I read an article 99 it in the newspaper. Some children run away from home 100 they argue with(争吵) their parents. I think it is because they hardly 101 have a talk with each other. Parents now 102 more time on their work, and they don’t have much time to stay 103 their children. As time passes, t hey may both feel that they don’t have the 104 topic(话题) to talk about. I want to say that as for parents, you should spend 105 time with your children, try to know them more and understand them better. And as for 106 , show your love to your parents. They are the people who love you most in the world. So tell them 107 you think. In this way, you 108 both have a better understanding (理解) of each other. 3. When I was five years old, my mother first asked me a question, "What's the most 101 . part of one's body?" she asked me. At that moment, 1 102 listening to songs very much, so I answered, "My ears, mom." "I don't think so," said my mother. She always asked me this 103 _, but I never gave her the right answer. Last year, my grandmother 104 the world. For the first time, 1 saw my mother cry so badly. All the people in my family were very 105 . That night, my mother asked me the 106 question again. "You need to learn this important lesson today, my dear," she said to me. "The most important part of one's body is the shoulder(肩膀)." " 107 ?" I asked. "Because your shoulders can hold the head of a friend or one of your family,"


看图短文填空专项练习 1 Tom was a poor boy.He made a living by cleaning leather(皮革) 1 for others in the street.Tom was also a 2 boy.One day,a rich man 3 Miser appeared in front of Tom.He watched his 4 shoes for a while,and then,looked at Tom.Tom knew this kind of people well.They love money but hate to spend it. Tom said,“Let me 5 your shoes,sir.Only two pence(便土),sir. Mr.Miser shook his head and walked away. Tom thought for a second and then called out,‘‘I’d like t o clean it for nothing.”Th is time Mr.Miser agreed.And soon one of his shoes was shining brightly. When the rich man put his other shoe on the stool(凳子),Tom said he would n’t clean it for him 6 he was paid two pence for his work.Mr.Miser was very 7 .He refused to pay anything and went away. But to his 8 ,the well-cleaned shoe was so bright that it made the other one look even dirtier.Mr.Miser looked round.People in the street were 9 at him. Finally the rich man 10 and gave Tom two pence.In a very short time his two shoes shone brightly. 2 Jerry is a middle school student. He likes 1 very much and his favourite star is Jay Chou. He usually practices Jay’s songs. One day, he took part in an imitation 2 of Jay in a park. He chose one of Jay’s most 3 songs, he sang and acted with his heart. He 4 he was acting just as Jay himself did. So when he heard someone 5 “once again, once again”, he was moved and 6 them. But to his surprise, the other two 7 of Jay who watched Jerry act told him what they really 8 . They wanted Jerry to practice more 9 he had acted so badly! Jerry was 10 and could n’t say a word.


短文填空: A Sports are good for our health. Sports can make our bodies _____. To make more students know their importance, a sports meeting for middle school students is held in China. This year is ______ 11th birthday. It was _____ from July 16th to 21st in Baotoe, a big city in Inner Mongolia. It is the National Middile School Games. The Games have nine events. _____ are track and field, swimming, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, Wushu, aerobics, shuttlecock and soccer. The National Middle School Games are held ______ three years. Eleven Games have been held successfully until now and many middle school students have taken _____ in the Games. ______ is reported that 34 teams with nearly 5,000 athletes have taken part in the Games in 2011. All the athletes came _____ from different parts of the country including Hong Kong and Macau. Some of them did a good job in the games and others didn’t. They are training hard now and will come to Shanghai for the next games. We hope they will _____ the beautiful city and that their dreams will come _______. B We can remember some important times in our lives. Some things have become good memories. The memories are always in the corner of our mind. When I was in a kindergarten(幼儿园), I had many toys and friends. They made ____ laugh and cry. The teachers _____ us many songs and games. We played all day. Although we did not know what learning was at that time, we were learning every day. When I was in a primary school, I _____ excited to learn school subjects. Nearly every subject was science. My ______ subject was science. I remembered _____ the first day our science teacher told us the sun was like a big ball. We were quite surprised and kept our mouths open. We began to wonder at the secret of nature. Later many other things came to our ears. We began to learn carefully. When I was ten _____ old, I began to read newspaper, _____ a diary, visit museums and _____ many friends. Every day was something new, interesting and exciting. Now I am in the middle school. Each day is new to me. Happily, I am still learning. It is like a journey to me. I have learned a lot, _____ there’s still a long way for me to go. I hope to ______ a learned person some day. 完形填空: A Monday morning is an important time at our school. All of the students go to the playground. We listen to music, and we 36 the national flag(国旗) go up. Usually, one student gives a talk on Monday mornings. One Monday last year, a boy gave the talk. He was 37 and excited ! When I saw him, I wanted to have a try, too. Can I really do it Last week, our teacher said our class should give the talk. My teacher 38 me, "I know you want to have a try. Next Monday, you can give the talk. Go and write something down. 39 for it, I'm sure you'll do well." "Thank you ," I answered, It was such a great 40 for me ! When I got home , I was excited. I wrote two pages for the talk. I read them again and again. When I read, I asked my parents 41 . I wanted to make my teacher happy. Monday morning came. I began to feel 42 . When did I last give a talk to 43 many people Never! This was my first time. Could I really 44 it Maybe I couldn't finish the talk.


初二英语短文填空每日一练(有答案) 第一天 Qu Yuan 1 born in China around 2000 years ago. His job was 2 give some advice to the king. The old king always took his advice. 3 the new king didn't like listening to Qu Yuan after the old king died. Qu Yuan finally 4 his job. Qu Yuan was very 5 at writing poems. People still love his poems very much now. He was a happy poet, but he was always 6 because the king didn't take his advice and it made his country lose many battles. At last, he 7 into a river and died. It was the 8 day of the fifth lunar month that year.The Chinese people will never 9 Qu Yuan. They eat rice dumplings and have dragon boat race in 10 of him every year. 第二天 It is necessary to share your feelings 1 others. Sharing your feelings helps you get closer to people you care about and who care about you. Sometimes it 2 be really hard not to tell anyone that you're feeling sad, worried, or upset. Don't keep feelings locked inside. If that, it can even make you feel sick! But if you talk with someone who cares for you, 3 your mom or dad, you will not be all alone with your problems or worries. It doesn't 4 your problems and worries go off, but at least someone else knows 5 your trouble and can help you find ways to do with it. If the person doesn't 6 what you mean right away, try explaining it in a different way or giving an example that has something to do with you. Of course, there are many ways for you to speak up your 7 . If you think you'll have trouble saying what's on your mind, write it 8 on a piece of paper. 9 of us, just like some adults, are more private(有隐私的) than others. That means some people will feel shyer about sharing their feelings. A kid doesn't have to share every feeling he or she has, 10 it is important to share feelings when a kid needs help. 第三天 Lao She wrote Teahouse in 1957.The play shows audience life in China 1 1898 and 1945.It takes place in a teahouse in old Beijing and it tells us the story of Wang Lifa and customers. 2 asks us to see the teahouse as the centre of the neighborhood.Finally, it says good bye to old Beijing and its people. The story starts in 1898 during the Qing Dynasty.It continues in 1916, and finally,



八年级上册英语短文填空(10篇) (一) Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are children. 1_________ are young people. Some learn at 2__________ , others teach themselves. Why do all these people want to 3_________ (learn) English? It is hard to answer that question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is 4________ of their subjects. Many people learn English 5__________ it is useful in their work. Some young people learn English 6______ their higher studies because some of their books 7______(be) in English at college(学

members 4______ the family and visitors take the tea in the sitting room. Each person 5________(have) a cup and saucer (茶盘), a spoon (调羹)6________ a small plate for bread and butter (黄油) and cakes. 7_______ the way, do not help 8___________ to cakes first, bread and butter first, and then cake. Do remember: Though you can eat as 9_________ as you want, do not put more 10________ one piece of bread or cake on your plate each time. (二) 1.the 2. between 3. at 4. of 5. has 6. and 7. By 8. yourself


八年级下册短文填空、重点句型练习题、范文背诵 一、短文填空专练 Unit 1 (A) 根据短文内容及首字母提示完成所缺单词。 Predicting the future can be difficult. There are many predictions that never c______ (1) true. Before 1929, there was no s______ (2) in movies. The head of one of the b______ (3) movie companies in the United States predicted that no one w_______ (4) want to see actors t______ (5). Of course, he was wrong! In 1977, the head of the largest computer c______ (6) in the United States said, “N______ (7) one w ill want to have a c______ (8) in his or her h_______ (9).” He thought that computers would be n______ (10) used by most people. 1_______2.________3._______4.________5.________ 6.________ 7._______ 8.______ 9._______10.________ ( B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示完成所缺单词。 Ken’s father is very happy because he’ll have a b_____ (1) job and work in a different p______ (2) of Hong Kong soon. So ken and his brothers will have to change s______ (3) next year. But Sam’s father isn’t so happy because he will have to m_____ (4) to a bigger apartment in Shanghai , which will be e______ (5) . But then there will be more room for the new baby---a brother or sister f_____ (6) Sam. The apartment will a ______ (7) be very near to Sam’s school so he can w______ (8) to sc hool with Blackie, his guide dog. Ken wants a dog, too. But his parents w_____ (9) buy one from a pet shop. They’ll look for o_____ (10) in an animal shelter. 1._______. 2._________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. ___________ 6._________ 7._________ 8.___________ 9.__________ 10.____________ Unit 2 (A) 根据短文内容及首字母提示完成所缺单词。 Dear Mary, My cousin is the same a_______(1) as me. She’s really nice, and we get on w______ (2), but she always b_______ (3) my things. Last week, she borrowed my m______ (4) book a nd didn’t r_______ (5) it. So I couldn’t do my h________ (6) . I don’t want to have a f________ (7) with my cousin, b________ (8) she’s my best friend. I don’t know w________ (9) to do. Could you please give me some a________ (10)? Yours, Looking for Help. 1._________ 2. __________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. __________ 6._________ 7. __________ 8._________ 9. __________10__________ (B) 根据短文内容及首字母提示完成所缺单词。 When you feel worried or stressed out, everything s_______ (1) to go wrong at once. You can’t remember what the teacher said in class. You often a_______ (2) with your parents. You may have problems sleeping, too. For example, you can’t go to s_______ (3) at night and you still f_______ (4) tired when you wake up. If you are under too much p______ (5) , maybe it’s time to change your life a bit by doing something d_______ (6). It’s important for you to learn to r_______ (7) . You c an listen to some quiet music . Reading a book is also a


八年级下册短文填空专练 一 John was a poor boy .He made a living by cleaning leather(皮革)1 for others in the street. John was also a 2 boy. One day, a rich man 3 Miser appeared in front of John. He watched his own dirty shoes for a 4 and then looked at John. John knew this kind of people well. They loved money but hated to spend it. John said,“ Let me clean your shoes,sir. Only two pence(便士),sir.” Mr .Miser shook his head and walked 5 . John thought for a second and then called out, “I'd like to clean it for nothing. " This time Mr. Miser agreed. And soon one of his shoes was shining brightly. When the rich man put his other shoe on the stool( 凳子), John said he wouldn't clean it for him unless he was 6 two pence for his work. Mr. Miser was very 7 .He refused to pay anything and went away. But to his 8 ,the well-cleaned shoe was so bright that it made the other one look even dirtier. Mr. Miser looked around. People in the street were 9 at him. Finally, the rich man10 and gave John two pence. In a very short time his two shoes shone brightly.


仁爱英语八年级上册短文填空 Unit1 Topic1 Section C 根据情景、音标或所给单词的提示,填入适当的单词,使短文意思完整,行文连贯。 Ann likes sports very much. She goes cycling 1 /twa?s/ a week and often goes mountain 2 (climb)on Sundays. She spends half an hour 3 (exercise) in the gym every day. She learns 4 /'be?sb?:l/ on Saturdays, and now she plays it very well. She is also good at 5 (jump). There is going to 6 a school sports meet next 7 /'wi:kend/. She is going to take 8 in the high jump and the long jump. Her classmates are going to 9 her on. They are sure that she will 10 (win). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 八年级上册Unit1 Topic1 Section D For the last 20 years, David Beckham was a very 1 /'fe?m?s/ soccer player. He played 2 teams in England, Spain, America and Italy. He 3 (arrive)in Beijing with his teammates 4 /'jest?rde?/.They are going to play 5 China’s national team tomorrow. Soccer fans are very 6 (excite). But it’s too 7 /b?d/ that the team isn’t going to stay for long. They are 8 (leave) for Japan the day after tomorrow for a game with Japan’s national team. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 八年级上册Unit1 Topic2 Section C Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the United States and other parts of the world. It has a history of over a 1 /'sent??r?/ The inventor of basketball, James Naismith, came from Canada. He 2 (invent)basketball for his students in 1891. At first, it was an indoor game so that students could play in bad weather. Basketball soon 3 (become)very popular. In 1946 the National Basketball Association (NBA) came into being. There were many great basketball stars in the NBA. For many years they were all Americans. But now many good players come from other countries. Basketball is 4 an indoor and outdoor game. It is a team sport with two teams of sk?t/, and to five players each. The goal is to throw the ball through the other side’s 5 /'bɑ?


短文填空 A (2018绍兴) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 This is Tammela School,a primary school in Finland.The students are having a math class with their robot teacher. The “teacher”is 1.a small,blue machine about 25cm high,Reuters reported.Whenever students have problems,it helps them very 2.patiently (patient) and never gets bored. “The robot can make students 3. more active (active) in class than usual.I see Elias as one of the 4. tools (tool) to get different kinds of practice and activities into the classroom,” a teacher told Reuters. So far the school 5. has introduced (introduce) four robot teachers,one of whom is a language teacher that can speak 23 languages and dance to music. “6. It is necessary to encourage kids to come up 7. with new ways to make use of technology in school life,” the head of the school 8. added (add) in the interview. The robot teachers are used 9. to help (help) improve learning.This doesn’t mean that human teachers will lose their jobs.The robots can teach well, 10. but they are not able to keep class in order.The school still needs human teachers. B (2018温州) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成以下短文。


参考答案 一 1. took 2. off 3. because 4. bought 5. for 6. really 7. on 8. put 9. their 10. finished 二 1. finished 2. going 3. different 4. swam 5. never 6. but 7. friends 8. singing 9. seemed / seems 10. my 三 1. play 2. said 3. with 4. still 5. if 6. asked 7. boys 8. hard 9. happy 10. nothing 四 1. wake 2. weather 3. If 4. started 5. looks 6. felt 7. left 8. still 9. time 10. her 五 1. legs 2. never 3. how 4. taught 5. for 6. found 7. race 8. anything 9. best 10. won 六 1. why 2. But 3. between 4. dreams 5. need 6. building 7. expensive 8. learn 9. wanted 10. really 七 1. because 2. stayed 3. with 4. hot 5. sat 6. joined 7. come 8. What 9. gifts 10.walked 八 1. worse 2. always 3. time 4. with 5. everything 6. share 7. happily 8. helped 9. because 10. worry 九 1. sitting 2. crowded/full 3. ran 4. really/too 5. others 6. but 7. to forget 8. worry 9. learning 10. for
