




,女,硕士,高级工程师,主要研究方向为无损检测新技术,E-mail :which2003@163.com .通信作者:周正干(1967-),男,博士,教授,博士研究生导师,主要研究方向为无损检测与计算机测控技术,E-mail :zzhen gg an @

buaa.edu.cn .DOI :10.11973/ws j c201608002





先进航空发动机协同创新中心,北京100191)摘一要:制备预埋人工缺陷的蜂窝夹芯复合材料二模压复合材料和陶瓷基复合材料试样,利用自主研制的内置专用信号处理单元的空气耦合超声无损检测系统进行试验,实现GFRP 蒙皮Nomex 蜂

窝夹芯复合材料模拟脱粘缺陷检测二模压复合材料模拟内部分层缺陷检测以及C /SiC 复合材料模拟



一一中图分类号:TB553;TG115.28一一一文献标志码:A一一一文章编号:1000-6656(2016)08-0006-06A pp lication of Air-Cou p led Ultrasonic Technolo gy for Nondestructive Testin g of Aeros p ace Com p osites

WEI Q uan 1,JIN Cui-e 1,ZHOU Jian-p in g 1,ZHOU Zhen g -g an 2,3,SUN Guan g -kai 2

(1.Shan g hai Aeros p ace Research Institute of Precision Machiner y ,Shan g hai 201600,China ;2.School of Mechanical En g ineerin g and Automation ,Bei j in g Universit y of Aeronautics and Astronautics ,Bei j in g 100191,China ;3.The Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Aero-En g ine (CICAAE )

,Bei j in g 100191,China )Abstract :Various kinds of com p osite materials with simulated defects are p re p ared as s p ecimen ,includin g the GFRP-Nomex hone y comb sandwich com p osites ,molded com p osites ,and ceramic matrix com p osites.An air-cou p led ultrasonic testin g s y stem with dedicated si g nal p rocessin g unit is self-develo p ed and the corres p ondin g ex p eriments are conducted based on the s y stem.The nondestructive testin g of the com p osite s p ecimens with simulated defects are realized ,includin g the detection of disbondin g in GFRP-Nomex hone y comb sandwich com p osites ,the testin g of delamination in molded com p osite structures ,and the detection of delamination in C /SiC com p osites.The results p rove that the air-cou p led ultrasonic testin g technolo gy is a pp licable for the noncontact

testin g of hone y comb sandwich com p osites ,molded com p osites ,and ceramic matrix com p osites.It has a wide ran g e

of a pp lications in aeros p ace industr y .Ke y words :Air-cou p led ultrasonic ;Nondestructive testin g ;Com p osite ;Aeros p ace 一一随着材料工艺的成熟及产品质量的提高,高性能复合材料在航空航天领域的使用比例大幅度提升

(波音B787 梦想 飞机的复合材料用量已达结构重量的50%)[1],有些材料已代替金属成为某些核心部件的主要结构材料,使得航空航天技术的发展有了质的飞跃.在航空航天领域已得到应用的新型复


