

APKInstaller.apk APK 安装程序【保留】

ApplicationGuide.apk 程序安装向导【保留】

ApplicationsProvider.apk 应用提供商【保留】

AtciService.apk 未知(流媒体服务类) 【保留】

BackupRestoreConfirmation.apk 自带备份软件【可删, 第三方可替代】

BasicDreams.apk 屏保程序【可删】

BatteryWarning.apk 电池电量提示【保留】

Browser.apk 自带浏览器【可删,第三方替代】

Calculator.apk 计算器【可删,建议保留】

Calendar.apk 日历【可删, 建议保留】

CalendarProvider.apk 日历储存【可删, 建议保留】

CDS_INFO.apk 动态存贮器信息,系统服务类【保留】

CellConnService.apk 系统服务类【保留】

CertInstaller.apk 证书安装器【保留】

ChnCmccAutoReg.apk 联通检查sim相关【保留】

Contacts.apk 通讯录[保留

ContactsProvider.apk 联系人存储[保留

DataDialog.apk 数据对话框[保留

DefaultContainerService.apk 通讯录服务【保留】

DeviceRegister.apk 终端服务管理【可删】

DownloadProvider.apk 下载提供【保留, 不用自带浏览器下载的可删】

DownloadProviderUi.apk 下载服务类【保留, 不用自带浏览器下载的可删】 DrmProvider.apk DRM受保护数据存储服务【可删,国内没用】

Email.apk 电子邮件客户端[可删

EngineerMode.apk 工程模式【保建议留】

EngineerModeSim.apk SIM卡工程模式【建议保留】

Exchange2.apk 邮件服务类,[可删, 不用email软件的可删

FMRadio.apk 收音机【可删】

FusedLocation.apk 4.2新增,必备【保留】

Galaxy4.apk 图库【保留】

Gallery2.apk 相机,视频播放器【保留,但可用超级相机替代】

HiSpace.apk 华为智汇云,市场【可删】


HTMLViewer.apk HTML查看程序【可删】)

HwAllBackup.apk 华为全备份[可删

HwDeskClock.apk 华为自带时钟闹钟[保留

HwDLNA.apk 华为DLNA[可删

HwFileManager.apk 华为文件管理器[可删

HwFlashlight.apk 华为手电筒[可删

HwGPMS.apk 华为认证服务[保留

HwLauncher6.apk 华为EMUI桌面[保留

HwLockScreen.apk 华为锁屏[保留

HwMediaCenter.apk 华为媒体中心[保留

HwMeWidget.apk EMUI桌面mewidget插件[可删,建议保留

HwOUC.apk 系统在线更新[可删,删掉就不能用在线更新进行ROM升级

HwPhoneService.apk 华为手机服务,[可删

HwPowerManager.apk 华为省电管理[可删

HwPushService.apk 华为推送服务[可删,删掉就收不到升级推送了

HwShare.apk “享看”软件[可删

HwSmartPowerPolicy.apk 省电精灵[可删

HwStereoSoundRecorder.apk 华为录音机[可删,建议保留)

HwThemeManager.apk 主题管理[保留

HwWeatherClock.apk 华为天气时钟插件

HwWiFiDirect.apk wifi直连[保留]

KeyChain. 密码管理服务【保留】

LatinIME.apk 谷歌键盘【可删】

LiveWallpapers.apk 动态壁纸类[可删

LiveWallpapersPicker.apk 动态壁When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book,

And slowly read, and dream of the soft look

Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

How many loved your moments of glad grace,

And loved your beauty with love false or true,

But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,

And loved the sorrows of your changing face;

And bending down beside the glowing bars,

Murmur, a little sadly, how love fled

And paced upon the mountains overhead

And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.

The furthest distance in the world

Is not between life and death

But when I stand in front of you

Yet you don't know that

I love you.

The furthest distance in the world

Is not when I stand in front of you

Yet you can't see my love

But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both Yet cannot be together.

The furthest distance in the world

Is not being apart while being in love

But when I plainly cannot resist the yearning

Yet pretending you have never been in my heart. The furthest distance in the world

Is not struggling against the tides

But using one's indifferent heart To dig an uncrossable river

For the one who loves you.
