public speaking

public speaking
public speaking

填空:1.If you have stage fright, you should turn you nervousness from a negative one into a positive one. 2.insight 3.clustering 4.audience-centered 5.actions 6. strategically 7. Outlines 8. metaphor 9. Informative 10. reinforcing

名词解释:Frame of reference: The sun of person’s knowledge, experience, goals values and attitudes.

Preview statement: a statement in the introduction of a speech that identifies the main points to be discussed in the body.

Supporting materials: The material used to support a speaker’s ideas. The three major kinds of supporting materials are examples, statistics and testimony. Signpost: a very brief statement that indicates where a speaker is in the speech or that focuses attention on key ideas.

Metaphor: An implicit comparison, not introduced with the word “like” or “as”, between two things that are essentially different yet have something in common.

问答:1.There are four basic methods of delivering a speech. They are:①reading verbatim from a manuscript;②reciting a memorized text;③speaking impromptu;④speaking extemporaneously.

2.①subjects you know a lot about ②subjects you want to know more about.

3.①write the purpose statement as a full infinitive phrase;②express your purpose as a statement, not as a question;③avoid figurative language in your purpose statement;④make sure your specific purpose is not too vague or general;⑤choose a specific purpose that is appropriate for your audience.⑥choose

a specific purpose you can achieve in the allotted time.

4.①make sue your goals are ethically sound;②be fully preparation for each speech;③be honest in what you say;④put ethical principles into practice;

5.①Public speaking is more highly structured;②Public speaking requires more formal language;③Public speaking requires a different method of delivery.

填空 2.Nothing is more important to ethical speechmaking than honesty. 3. plagiarism 4.structure 5.purpose 6.adapt 7.actions 8. strategically 9. Outlines 10. rhythm

名词解释:Critical thinking: Focused, organized thinking about such things as the logical relationships among ideas, the soundness of evidence, and the differences between fact and pinion.

Brainstorming: A method of generating ideas for speech topics by free association of words and ideas.

Supporting materials: The material used to support a speaker’s ideas. The three major kinds of supporting materials are examples, statistics and testimony. Strategic Organization: Putting a speech together in a particular way to achieve a particular result with a particular audience.

Metaphor: An implicit comparison, not introduced with the word “like” or “as”, between two things that are essentially different yet have something in common.

问答:1.①Public speaking is more highly structured;②Public speaking requires more formal language;③Public speaking requires a different method of delivery.

2.①subjects you know a lot about ②subjects you want to know more about.

3. Three kinds: brief examples, extended examples and hypothetical examples.

4. ①objects and models; ②photographs and drawings; ③graphs; ④charts. ⑤video; ⑥the speaker ⑦PowerPoint.

5.①acquire speaking experience; ②make enough preparation; ③think positively; ④use the power of visualization; ⑤know that most nervousness is not visible; ⑥do n’t expect perfection

填空:1.Plagiarism includes global plagiarism, patchwork plagiarism and incremental plagiarism. 2. mysterious 3.audience-centered 4.Connectives 5. outline 6. manuscript 7. Informative 8. occasion 9. audience 10. persuade

名词解释:Frame of reference: The sun of person’s knowledge, experience, goals values and attitudes.

Incremental plagiarism: failing to give credit for particular parts of a speech that are borrowed from other people.

Brainstorming: A method of generating ideas for speech topics by free association of words and ideas.

Hypothetical example: An example that describes an imaginary or fictitious situation.

Impromptu speech: A speech delivered with little or no immediate preparation.

问答:1.①organizing your thoughts logically; ②Tailoring your message to the audience; ③Telling a story for maximum impact; ④Adapting to listener feedback.

2.①make sue your goals are ethically sound; ②be fully preparation for each speech; ③be honest in what you say; ④put ethical principles into practice;

3.①write the purpose statement as a full infinitive phrase;②express your purpose as a statement, not as a question;③avoid figurative language in your purpose statement;④make sure your specific purpose is not too vague or general;⑤choose a specific purpose that is appropriate for your audience.⑥choose

a specific purpose you can achieve in the allotted time.

4. ①use representative statistics; ②identify the sources of statistics; ③use statistics from reliable sources; ④round off complicated statistics; ⑤explain statistics

5. ①objects and models; ②photographs and drawings; ③graphs; ④charts. ⑤video; ⑥the speaker ⑦PowerPoint.

填空:1.Nothing is more important to ethical speechmaking than honesty 2. plagiarism 3.insight 4.introduction 5.analysis 6.examples 7. Connectives 8. metaphor 9. pronunciation 10. Persuasion

名词解释:Stage fright: anxiety over prospect of giving a speech in front of an audience.

Extemporaneous delivery: A method of delivery in which the speech is carefully prepared and rehearsed but is presented from a brief set of notes. Central idea: a none-sentence statement that sums up or encapsulates the major ideas of a speech.

Audience-centered: Keeping the audience foremost in mind at every step of speech preparation and presentation.

Quoting out of context: Quoting a statement in such a way as to distort its meaning by removing from the words and phrases surrounding it.

问答:1.①organizing your thoughts logically; ②Tailoring your message to the audience; ③Telling a story for maximum impact; ④Adapting to listener feedback.

2.①objects and models; ②photographs and drawings; ③graphs; ④charts. ⑤video; ⑥the speaker ⑦PowerPoint.

3. Three kinds: brief examples, extended examples and hypothetical examples.

4.①write the purpose statement as a full infinitive phrase;②express your purpose as a statement, not as a question;③avoid figurative language in your purpose statement;④make sure your specific purpose is not too vague or general;⑤choose a specific purpose that is appropriate for your audience.⑥choose

a specific purpose you can achieve in the allotted time.

5. ①acquire speaking experience; ②make enough preparation; ③think positively; ④use the power of visualization; ⑤know that most nervousness is not visible; ⑥do n’t expect perfection

填空:1.positive 2. No matter which you are assigned, be sure to focus your presentation sharply so it conforms to the assigned time limit.

3. manuscript

4. persuade





9.pronunciation 10. Informative

名词解释:Frame of reference: The sun of person’s knowledge, experience, goals values and attitudes.

Global plagiarism: stealing a speech entirely from a single source and passing off as one’s own.

Central idea: a none-sentence statement that sums up or encapsulates the major ideas of a speech.

Supporting materials: The material used to support a speaker’s ideas. The three major kinds of supporting materials are examples, statistics and testimony. Signpost: a very brief statement that indicates where a speaker is in the speech or that focuses attention on key ideas.

问答:1. ①Public speaking is more highly structured;②Public speaking requires more formal language;③Public speaking requires a different method of delivery.

2.①acquire speaking experience;②make enough preparation;③think positively;④use the power of visualization;⑤know that most nervousness is not visible;⑥do n’t expect perfection;

3. ①subjects you know a lot about ②subjects you want to know more about.

4. There are four basic methods of delivering a speech. They are:①reading verbatim from a manuscript;②reciting a memorized text;③speaking impromptu;

④speaking extemporaneously.

5.①write the purpose statement as a full infinitive phrase;②express your purpose as a statement, not as a question;③avoid figurative language in your purpose statement;④make sure your specific purpose is not too vague or general;⑤choose a specific purpose that is appropriate for your audience.⑥choose a specific purpose you can achieve in the allotted time.

填空:1.positive 2.introduction 3.The general purpose of your speech will usually be to inform or to persuade. 4. impact 5. meaningful 6. audience 7. outline 8. rhythm 9. Informative 10. Persuasive

名词解释:Frame of reference: The sun of person’s knowledge, experience, goals values and attitudes.

Positive nervousness: controlled nervousness that helps energize a speaker for his or her presentation

Extemporaneous delivery: A method of delivery in which the speech is carefully prepared and rehearsed but is presented from a brief set of notes. Specific purpose: A single infinitive phrase that states precisely what a speaker hopes to accomplish in his or her speech.

Hypothetical example: An example that describes an imaginary or fictitious situation.

问答:1.①organizing your thoughts logically; ②Tailoring your message to the audience; ③Telling a story for maximum impact; ④Adapting to listener feedback.

2.①acquire speaking experience; ②make enough preparation; ③think positively; ④use the power of visualization; ⑤know that most nervousness is not visible; ⑥do n’t expect perfection

3.①subjects you know a lot about ②subjects you want to know more about.

4.Three kinds: brief examples, extended examples and hypothetical examples.

5.There are four basic methods of delivering a speech. They are:①reading verbatim from a manuscript;②reciting a memorized text;③speaking impromptu;

④speaking extemporaneously.

填空:1.Of all the ethical lapses a speaker can commit, few are more serious plagiarism. 2.structure 3.analysis 4.extended 5.meaningful 6. audience 7.outline 8.metaphor,rmative 10.distracting

名词解释:Global plagiarism: stealing a speech entirely from a single source and passing off as one’s own.

Central idea: a none-sentence statement that sums up or encapsulates the major ideas of a speech.

Quoting out of context: Quoting a statement in such a way as to distort its meaning by removing from the words and phrases surrounding it. Bandwagon: a fallacy that assumes that because something is popular, it is therefore good, correct or desirable.

Target audience: The portion of the whole audience that the speaker wants to speak to persuade.

问答:1.There are seven essential elements involved in a speech. They are speaker, message, channel, listener, feedback, interference and situation.

2.①write the purpose statement as a full infinitive phrase;②express your purpose as a statement, not as a question;③avoid figurative language in your purpose statement;④make sure your specific purpose is not too vague or general;⑤choose a specific purpose that is appropriate for your audience.⑥choose

a specific purpose you can achieve in the allotted time.

3. ①objects and models; ②photographs and drawings; ③graphs; ④charts. ⑤video; ⑥the speaker ⑦PowerPoint.

4.①use representative statistics; ②identify the sources of statistics; ③use statistics from reliable sources; ④round off complicated statistics; ⑤explain statistics.

5. ①subjects you know a lot about ②subjects you want to know more about.

填空:1.Because it is so easy to copy information from the internet, it poses special challenges with regard to plagiarism. 2.manuscript 3.Persuasive 4. Informative 5. pronunciation 6. occasion 7. outline 8. audience 9. meaningful 10. analysis

名词解释:Critical thinking: Focused, organized thinking about such things as the logical relationships among ideas, the soundness of evidence, and the differences between fact and pinion.

Global plagiarism: stealing a speech entirely from a single source and passing off as one’s own.

Specific purpose: A single infinitive phrase that states precisely what a speaker hopes to accomplish in his or her speech.

Quoting out of context: Quoting a statement in such a way as to distort its meaning by removing from the words and phrases surrounding it.

Line graph: A graph that uses one or more lines to show changes in statistics over time or space.

问答:1. ①Public speaking is more highly structured;②Public speaking requires more formal language;③Public speaking requires a different method of delivery.

2. ①acquire speaking experience; ②make enough preparation; ③think positively; ④use the power of visualization; ⑤know that most nervousness is not visible; ⑥do n’t expect perfection

3. ①subjects you know a lot about ②subjects you want to know more about.

4. Three kinds: brief examples, extended examples and hypothetical examples.

5. There are four basic methods of delivering a speech. They are:①reading verbatim from a manuscript;②reciting a memorized text;③speaking impromptu;

④speaking extemporaneously.

第八章 构造地质学野外基本工作方法

第三节褶皱的野外观察与研究 在野外地质调查或填图过程中,对褶皱这一最基本的构造形迹进行观察与研究,是揭示某一地区的地质构造及其形成和发展的基础,故通常被野外地质工作者所注重。 一、常用分类方案 可从不同角度对褶皱构造进行分类,现择其常见者概述如下。 1.褶皱位态分类 褶皱空间位态主要取决于轴面和枢纽的产状,根据轴面倾角和枢纽倾伏角将褶皱分成七种类型。 褶皱位态分类简表 主要根据各褶皱形态的相互关系和厚度变化进行分类。 (1)根据各褶皱层的厚度变化分类:①平行褶皱主要特征是:褶皱面作平行弯曲;同一褶皱层的真厚度在褶皱各部位一致;弯曲各层具同一曲率中心;向下消失于滑脱面上。②相似褶皱主要特征为:褶皱面作相似弯曲;各面曲率相同,但无共同的曲率中心;两翼变薄而转折端加厚;平行轴面量出的视厚度在褶皱各部位相同;褶皱形态随深度的变化保持一致。(2)兰姆赛的褶皱形态分类。兰姆赛(Ramsay,1967)根据褶皱横截面上褶皱层厚度变化和等斜线的形式将褶皱分为 3 类 5 型,目前已被广泛采用。 Ⅰ型褶皱——等斜线均向内弧收敛,内弧曲率大于外弧曲率。再根据厚度变化细分为三 个亚型。 ⅠA型褶皱——褶皱层的厚度在转折端部分比翼部小,可称顶薄褶皱。 ⅠB型褶皱——褶皱层的厚度在各部分相等,是理想的平行褶皱。 ⅠC型褶皱——转折端的厚度比翼部的略大,是平行褶皱和相似褶皱的过渡类型。 Ⅱ型褶皱——等斜线相互平行,内弧和外弧的曲率相同,为典型的相似褶皱。 Ⅲ型褶皱——等斜线向外弧收敛,外弧曲率大于内弧曲率,为典型的顶厚褶皱。 3.其他分类方案 为便于对褶皱描述,可根据褶皱两翼之间的夹角(翼间角)大小,将褶皱描述为平缓(180 °~120°)、开阔(120°~70°)、中常(70°~30°)、紧闭(30°~5°)、等斜(5°~0°) 几种类型;还可以根据褶皱转折端的形态将褶皱描述为圆弧(滑)、尖棱、箱状褶皱和扰曲等。 70

public speaking

The public speaking Public speaking is an activity that one person gives a presentation to the audience around a certain topic.And the purpose of our public speaking is to express our idea and persuade others to agree with it. Generally speaking, people in western countries perform better compared to Chinese because of the differences between their traditional cultures. Chinese are tending to announce their own opinions by writing an article or describe it in an informal occasion. But in a long term consideration, it’s absolutely a requisite ability associated with commercial activity to implement our work.We would express our idea in different conditions just like in a team buildor attending an enterprise conference to persuade others to consent our proposal and giving a company profile when face to the client. It’s better to improve public speaking step by step. So I think it’s a good way to improve our public speaking by listening radios/videos especially the ones customized for those who want to improve the public speaking to learn how to give a voice in an effective way, and then just try to express the idea daringly but don’t be rude.Providedpractice like this and develop it a habit, we would be a public speaking talent.


浅谈野外地质工作方法及要点 地质, 野外, 要点 地质工作包括: 1、基础性地质调查(测量),诸如:1:20万、1:5万区调-矿调,区域物、化探测量,区域水文测量等。 目的:具战略意义,提高研究程度。为开展进一步普查找矿工作和其它有关的地质工作提供依据。即总结规律、优选(缩小)靶区。 2、矿产勘查:包括特定矿产勘查、固体矿产勘查、地下水资源勘查等。 3、矿山生产勘探。等等。 固体矿产地质勘查工作 分为预查、普查、详查、勘探四个阶段。 矿产地质勘查工作方法 1、系统收集资料,综合分析、研究,根据目的任务制定“方案”编写“设计”。 2、地质测量(填图)—剖面测制,最直接的找矿方法。通过地质填图,工作区内自燃地理条件、景观,成矿地质背

景、有利地段、可能的成矿类型、地表蚀变带(构造带)、矿化带、矿体地表直接露头(铁锰冒、碎石或转石等),主成(控)矿构造及产状、规模等基本摸清,为下一步部署工作提供充分依据。如:重点工作区、采用何种方法及范围、网度、方向等。 3、化探测量:水系沉积物、土壤测量方法为主,还有水化学、汞气、植物等。包括地表面积(自由网和规则网)和剖面及钻孔原生晕等形式。关键是采样介质和层位,“代表性”和“有效性”,该加密的必须加密、该放稀的一定放稀、无意义的样不取,不做无用功。尤其大比例尺化探测量若地质人员亲自做,那更应该得心应手。最间接的找矿方法。缩小靶区,为下一步部署工作提供可靠依据。如:槽探(异常带、高值点等),物探范围、网度、方法、测向等。大比例尺规则网及剖面一定要注意测线方向。 4、物探测量:常规高精磁、激电中梯方法为主,还有重力、放射性及瞬变电磁、SIP、V8等。注重“适用性”和“有效性”及“多解性”(每种方法都不是万能的)。最有力的辅助找矿方法。只有在与化探异常、矿化蚀变带、成矿有利地区(段)密切相关的物探异常才有找矿意义。注意测线方向-垂直目的体,一般要求上测量,若物化探工作只给一次工作量,一定要用到此处,化探可用GPS。


D 实验三关于第三方支付平台(2学时) 1、现在第三方支付平台的格局如何以及各自所占有的市场情况是多少? 2、请同学上网查询目前主要的第三方支付平台有哪些?大的网上商城采用的有哪些?(列表说 明) 网上商 快钱易宝支付宝Paypal 财付通首信易城 淘宝√ 易趣√ 当当网√√√√ 卓越网银行卡 支付 拍拍网√你认为哪几家第三方支付平台最有生命力,会长期生存下去? 我觉得易宝的生命力比较强,会长期生存下去。 (1)如果消费者可以享受到:安全的在线支付,方便的电话支付,免费的会员服务,为您的手机充植,精彩活动积分奖励。 (2)可以为商户提供:网上、电话、汇款,多种收款方式,支持外卡,让你您的生意做到全球,7*24小时客服,技术支持快速反应,接入更简单,交易更安全,结算更及时! (3)功能有:会员登录安全设置:通过验证图片、提示问题、常用机校验等手段实现的双向安全验证机制,确保用户在任意场所登录易宝网站时的安全。 快捷查单服务:消费者通过此项服务可以方便快捷的查到自己选择YeePay易宝支付的网上购物订单!商户通过接入“快捷查单”功能,为客户提供贴心增值服务,提升服务品质和形象! 自主接入服务:商户可通过自助方式网上注册并使用易宝在线支付服务,不仅可以在线收款,而且还能登录商户系统进行定单管理和交易结算。依托易宝强大平台,确保安全交易,并享受7*24小时客户服务及快捷查单等增值服务。 3、第三方支付牌照的颁发会对现行的网络支付以及银联会产生什么样的影响? 易观国际分析认为,牌照发放后,获得牌照的企业将可接入超级网银,第三方支付企业以提高企业资金周转效率的定制化解决方案,将会逐步向传统企业进行渗透,也将出现从单一产业链的支付服务向跨产业链的融合转移的趋势。支付企业通过整合各种支付产品,为企业进行深度定制化服务,加快资金周转效率,而保险、基金等行业将是一个新的蓝海市场。 一旦涉及到钱,那么这个庞大的支付产业必定摆脱不了银行的介入。在《支付机构客户备付金存管暂行办法(06.02会议征求意见稿)》出台前,仅有支付宝等少数国内第三方支付公司委托银行每月对客户的交易保证金做托管审计,其他公司则会依托三四家银行提供备付金托管与清算服务。而随着今年5月26日首批支付牌照正式发放,一场第三方支付公司挑

public speaking

填空:1.If you have stage fright, you should turn you nervousness from a negative one into a positive one. 2.insight 3.clustering 4.audience-centered 5.actions 6. strategically 7. Outlines 8. metaphor 9. Informative 10. reinforcing 名词解释:Frame of reference: The sun of person’s knowledge, experience, goals values and attitudes. Preview statement: a statement in the introduction of a speech that identifies the main points to be discussed in the body. Supporting materials: The material used to support a speaker’s ideas. The three major kinds of supporting materials are examples, statistics and testimony. Signpost: a very brief statement that indicates where a speaker is in the speech or that focuses attention on key ideas. Metaphor: An implicit comparison, not introduced with the word “like” or “as”, between two things that are essentially different yet have something in common. 问答:1.There are four basic methods of delivering a speech. They are:①reading verbatim from a manuscript;②reciting a memorized text;③speaking impromptu;④speaking extemporaneously. 2.①subjects you know a lot about ②subjects you want to know more about. 3.①write the purpose statement as a full infinitive phrase;②express your purpose as a statement, not as a question;③avoid figurative language in your purpose statement;④make sure your specific purpose is not too vague or general;⑤choose a specific purpose that is appropriate for your audience.⑥choose a specific purpose you can achieve in the allotted time. 4.①make sue your goals are ethically sound;②be fully preparation for each speech;③be honest in what you say;④put ethical principles into practice; 5.①Public speaking is more highly structured;②Public speaking requires more formal language;③Public speaking requires a different method of delivery. 填空 2.Nothing is more important to ethical speechmaking than honesty. 3. plagiarism 4.structure 5.purpose 6.adapt 7.actions 8. strategically 9. Outlines 10. rhythm 名词解释:Critical thinking: Focused, organized thinking about such things as the logical relationships among ideas, the soundness of evidence, and the differences between fact and pinion. Brainstorming: A method of generating ideas for speech topics by free association of words and ideas. Supporting materials: The material used to support a speaker’s ideas. The three major kinds of supporting materials are examples, statistics and testimony. Strategic Organization: Putting a speech together in a particular way to achieve a particular result with a particular audience. Metaphor: An implicit comparison, not introduced with the word “like” or “as”, between two things that are essentially different yet have something in common. 问答:1.①Public speaking is more highly structured;②Public speaking requires more formal language;③Public speaking requires a different method of delivery. 2.①subjects you know a lot about ②subjects you want to know more about. 3. Three kinds: brief examples, extended examples and hypothetical examples. 4. ①objects and models; ②photographs and drawings; ③graphs; ④charts. ⑤video; ⑥the speaker ⑦PowerPoint. 5.①acquire speaking experience; ②make enough preparation; ③think positively; ④use the power of visualization; ⑤know that most nervousness is not visible; ⑥do n’t expect perfection 填空:1.Plagiarism includes global plagiarism, patchwork plagiarism and incremental plagiarism. 2. mysterious 3.audience-centered 4.Connectives 5. outline 6. manuscript 7. Informative 8. occasion 9. audience 10. persuade 名词解释:Frame of reference: The sun of person’s knowledge, experience, goals values and attitudes. Incremental plagiarism: failing to give credit for particular parts of a speech that are borrowed from other people. Brainstorming: A method of generating ideas for speech topics by free association of words and ideas. Hypothetical example: An example that describes an imaginary or fictitious situation. Impromptu speech: A speech delivered with little or no immediate preparation. 问答:1.①organizing your thoughts logically; ②Tailoring your message to the audience; ③Telling a story for maximum impact; ④Adapting to listener feedback. 2.①make sue your goals are ethically sound; ②be fully preparation for each speech; ③be honest in what you say; ④put ethical principles into practice; 3.①write the purpose statement as a full infinitive phrase;②express your purpose as a statement, not as a question;③avoid figurative language in your purpose statement;④make sure your specific purpose is not too vague or general;⑤choose a specific purpose that is appropriate for your audience.⑥choose a specific purpose you can achieve in the allotted time. 4. ①use representative statistics; ②identify the sources of statistics; ③use statistics from reliable sources; ④round off complicated statistics; ⑤explain statistics 5. ①objects and models; ②photographs and drawings; ③graphs; ④charts. ⑤video; ⑥the speaker ⑦PowerPoint.


第三方支付平台教学设计 授课人:宋文鑫授课时间:2016年12月30日?学习目标: ?1、认识第三方支付平台的概念组成; ?2、理解两种第三方支付平台的运行机制以及优缺点; ?3、使学生认识到第三方支付平台的发展可以改变我们的生活。 教学过程 一:案例导入 1.共同阅读案例,学生思考案例问题,得出问题答案。 2.进而引出对之前学习的知识的复习,回顾电子商务支付方式。 3.导入本课内容“第三方支付平台”,说明本课的学习目标,开始新课教学。二:新课教学 1.第三方支付平台概念 (1)学生阅读课本,找出第三方平台概念,通过课本知识填写学案。 (2)展示PPT,讲解第三方平台概念。但此概念过长不易记忆,教授学生记忆方法,将概念拆解进行记忆,引出课堂思考。 (3)学生思考学案问题,通过PPT引导学生理解概念以组块的方式进行记忆。 2.第三方支付平台分类 (1)学生阅读课本找出第三方支付平台的种类,可分为网关型第三方支付平台与信用担保型第三方支付平台。 (2)通过PPT学习网关型平台的运行模式以及优缺点,利用画图的方式使学生理解此类平台的运行模式,并回顾之前学过的知识点“支付网关”。 (3)理解信用担保型第三方支付平台运行模式,点出其典型代表支付宝,引出探究讨论。学生分小组讨论“支付宝的工作流程是什么?”并将讨论结果并落实纸面。提问小组代表,而后利用PPT分步展示其工作流程。 (4)简单介绍支付宝的产生、发展以及作用,讲解信用担保型第三方支付平台的优点。结合日常生活中支付宝付款、收款等功能,使学生认识到第三方支付平台的便利,相信第三方支付平台可以改变我们的生活。 三:总结 总结本课所学内容,与本课开始时提出的学习目标相呼应。 四:作业 1.以支付宝为例介绍第三方支付的交易流程并画出其流程图。 2.利用课后时间搜集其他的第三方支付平台,并比较其相同点和不同点。



化探野外工作方法及技术要求 根据测区地质、地理条件等选用最合适的化探方法。常用的化探方法有:岩石测量、水系沉积物测量、土壤测量等。 一、岩石地球化学测量 岩石测量的采样工作和样品加工等方面的工作效率较低,成本较高,因而很少在大范围内开展面积性岩石测量。一般在露岩较好地区进行详查,查证异常,钻孔原生晕等。 1、采样布局: 面积性测量布设:应根据探查对象特点选择方网或矩形网。可以采用剖面法或以目标追踪法进行采样。也可以采用按一定面积划分采样单元,即采用单元网格采样。等轴状或透镜状矿体与异常,通常采用方格网;带状或长条形矿体或异常一般使用矩形网格。地形切割剧烈的山区,可以沿山脊及山脚以及易通行道路布置取样,尽量使样品在区内分布均匀。每一矿化体或异常上不少于2条测线,每条测线上不少于2~3个样点。 剖面布设:剖面方向通常垂直地层、构造线或异常体,视范围大小布置不同密度的剖面。 2、采样定点:通常使用仪器布设测网或采用GPS定点,定点误差在相应比例尺图上不大于2mm。 3、采样方法: ⑴、面积性测量:要求采组合样,可按测线组合或按网格组合。通常采样格子或分域采样,每个采样网格内均匀地布采5~8个子样组合为一个样品;沿线采样则由3~5点,岩石碎片5~8块组成组合样。通常每一种岩石应分别取样,不可几种岩性混采。组合范围在5~10m或1/10点距的范围内。当矿化极不均匀,或遇构造带、矿化带、蚀变带等有利地段时,应适当加密采样。 ⑵、剖面测量:按以确定的剖面位置,据不同目的和地质特点,沿剖面线采集组合样。 ⑶、钻孔原生晕采样:钻孔岩心取样是沿着钻孔岩心,自上而下在一定点距内作连续拣块或间断拣块。必要时取地质副样。取样密度按矿化类型确定,而分样间距是以岩心提升回次结合孔深和地质特征划分岩性段来确定的。通常

Lesson 7 Public Speaking Skills

Lesson 7 Public Speaking in Interpreting Learning Objectives By the end of this Chapter, you should be able to ●Have an idea of the basic requirements for public speaking ●Be aware of the significance of audience analysis in public speaking Do some interpretation exercises. I. Definition of public speaking Public speaking is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners. In the four processes of interpreting: listening, memorizing, processing and delivering, the last step actually plays the important role of public speaking. An interpreter, though a secondary speaker, makes great target-language impact on the first speaker on the spot, especially in consecutive interpreting. Therefore, a good interpreter, first and most, is an outstanding public speaker. Public speaking in interpreting is a communication in essence; a communication among audience, speakers and interpreters A good public speaking in interpreting undoubtedly increases audience and speakers’ trust in the interpreter and his interpreting quality. To make a good public speaking, an interpreter could train himself from the following three aspects: proper voice, proper body language, and proper strategy. II. Some basic requirements for public speaking 1. Proper voice To a large extent, the effect of interpreting is determined by the interpreter’s voice. An interpreter’s voice bridges the communication, and a good interpreter is competent of using his voice properly to meet the demand of smooth and successful communication. How to control his voice scientifically and how to use his voice artfully are compulsory to learn for all the interpreters. (1)correctness An interpreter must focus on voice projection and articulation, as they are the important carriers of voice. Good-to-ear voice and standard articulation weigh much to the training of public speaking. (2)tone A mellow, clear and bright voice is the most ideal one; a sharp or hoarse voice discomforts the audience. (3) pitch Pitch refers to the loudness or lowness of one’s voice, which is, generally speaking, high, modest, and low voice. High voice in interpreting could bring surprise, joy and praise, while it is inclined to create an anxious atmosphere. High voice for a long time, in all likelihood, exhausts audience. Modest voice, relatively rich and substantial, conveys the mild and moderate emotion. Low voice, however, frequently applies to the case of gloom and grief. For most interpreting occasions, modest and moderate voice is recommended. But a good and qualified interpreter is able to adjust


化探野外工作方法及技术要求 根据测区地质、地理条件等选用最合适的化探方法。常用的化探方法有:岩石测量、水系沉积物测量、土壤测量等。 一、岩石地球化学测量 岩石测量的采样工作和样品加工等方面的工作效率较低,成本较高,因而很少在大范围内开展面积性岩石测量。一般在露岩较好地区进行详查,查证异常,钻孔原生晕等。 1、采样布局: 面积性测量布设:应根据探查对象特点选择方网或矩形网。可以采用剖面法或以目标追踪法进行采样。也可以采用按一定面积划分采样单元,即采用单元网格采样。等轴状或透镜状矿体与异常,通常采用方格网;带状或长条形矿体或异常一般使用矩形网格。地形切割剧烈的山区,可以沿山脊及山脚以及易通行道路布置取样,尽量使样品在区内分布均匀。每一矿化体或异常上不少于2条测线,每条测线上不少于2~3个样点。 剖面布设:剖面方向通常垂直地层、构造线或异常体,视范围大小布置不同密度的剖面。 2、采样定点:通常使用仪器布设测网或采用GPS定点,定点误差在相应比例尺图上不大于2mm。 3、采样方法: ⑴、面积性测量:要求采组合样,可按测线组合或按网格组合。通常采样格子或分域采样,每个采样网格内均匀地布采5~8个子样组合为一个样品;沿线采样则由3~5点,岩石碎片5~8块组成组合样。通常每一种岩石应分别取样,不可几种岩性混采。组合范围在5~10m或1/10点距的范围内。当矿化极不均匀,或遇构造带、矿化带、蚀变带等有利地段时,应适当加密采样。 ⑵、剖面测量:按以确定的剖面位置,据不同目的和地质特点,沿剖面线采集组合样。 ⑶、钻孔原生晕采样:钻孔岩心取样是沿着钻孔岩心,自上而下在一定点距内作连续拣块或间断拣块。必要时取地质副样。取样密度按矿化类型确定,而分样间距是以岩心提升回次结合孔深和地质特征划分岩性段来确定的。通常对脉型

TED's secret to public speaking

TED’s secret to great public speaking Chris Anderson,Mar 2016 Some people think that there's a TED Talk formula: 0:14 "Give a talk on a round, red rug." 0:16 "Share a childhood story." 0:17 "Divulge a personal secret." 0:19 "End with an inspiring call to action." 0:22 No. That's not how to think of a TED Talk. In fact, if you overuse those devices, you're just going to come across as clichéd or emotionally manipulative. 0:31 But there is one thing that all great TED Talks have in common, and I would like to share that thing with you, 0:38 because over the past 12 years, I've had a ringside seat, listening to many hundreds of amazing TED speakers, like these. I've helped them prepare their talks for prime time, and learned directly from them their secrets of what makes for a great talk. 0:52 And even though these speakers and their topics all seem completely different, they actually do have one key common ingredient. And it's this: Your number one task as a speaker is to transfer into your listeners' minds an extraordinary gift -- a strange and beautiful object that we call an idea. 1:15 Let me show you what I mean. Here's Haley. She is about to give a TED Talk and frankly, she's terrified. 1:21 (Video) Presenter: Haley Van Dyck! 1:23 (Applause) 1:29 Over the course of 18 minutes, 1,200 people, many of whom have never seen each other before, are finding that their brains are starting to sync with Haley's brain and with each other. They're literally beginning to exhibit the same brain-wave patterns. And I don't just mean they're feeling the same emotions. There's something even more startling happening. 1:49 Let's take a look inside Haley's brain for a moment. There are billions of interconnected neurons in an impossible tangle. But look here, right here -- a few million of them are linked to each other in a way which represents a single idea. And incredibly, this exact pattern is being recreated in real time inside the minds of everyone listening. That's right; in just a few minutes, a


第三方支付安全性及风险防范 一、第三方支付概念 第三方支付是阿里巴巴集团主席马云在2005年瑞士达沃斯世界经济论坛上首先提出来的,目前为止学术界还没有给出一个非常明确的概念。第三方支付是非金融机构从事金融业务的重要渠道,人民银行发布的《非金融机构支付服务管理办法》中将其定义为依托公共网络或专用网络,在收付款人之间作为中介机构,提供网络支付、预付卡的发行与受理、银行卡收单以及中国人民银行规定的其他支付服务的非金融机构。 从其形式上看,所谓第三方支付,就是具备一定实力和信誉的第三方独立机构提供的网络支付平台,它是以非银行机构的第三方支付公司为信用中介,以互联网为基础,通过与各家银行签约,使得其与商业银行间可以进行某种形式的数据交换和相关信息确认,实现持卡人或消费者与各个银行以及最终的收款人或者商家之间建立一个支付的流程。第三方支付通过其支付平台在消费者、商家和银行之间建立连接,起到信用担保和技术保障的作用,实现从消费者到商家以及金融机构之间的货币支付、现金流转、资金结算等功能。在网络交易中,买方选购商品后,使用第三方支付平台把货款支付给第三方,再由第三方通知卖家货款到达并要求卖家发货,买方收到商品并检验后通知第三方,由第三方将货款转至卖家账户。相对于传统的资金划拨交易方式,第三方支付可以对交易双方进行约束和监督,有效地保障货物质量、交易诚信、退换要求等环节,满足电子商务交易的安全性,为交易成功提供必要的支持。如支付宝、财付通等都属于此类平台。 与其他支付方式相比,第三方支付服务具有以下特征: (1)支付中介。第三方支付的具体形式是付款人和收款人不直接发生货款往来,借助第三方支付平台完成款项在付款人、银行、支付服务商、收款人之间的转移。第三方支付平台所完成的资金转账都与交易订单密切相关。 (2)中立、公正。第三方支付平台不直接参与商品或服务的买卖。公平、公正地维护参与各方的合法权益。



以支付宝为例的第三方支付平台分析 作者:马红梅 来源:《今日财富》2018年第24期 纵观市场上已经出现的第三方支付平台,支付宝实名用户超过5.8亿,是其中的佼佼者,其通过与众多知名的购物平台进行合作,迅速获取了知名度,在市场上获取了一席之地,并且成功坐上了第三方支付平台的霸主地位。本文阐述了以支付宝为例的第三方支付平台,通过其背景现状、主要服务、商业模式、技术手段与风险管理、发展前景这六个方面来对以支付宝为例的第三方支付平台进行分析。 一、背景现状 支付宝虽然已经发展为中国最大的第三方支付平台,但是支付宝的使用者大多数为年轻人,像一些中老年群体很少注册使用支付宝,这种情况也不难理解,支付宝极大的迎合了大部分群体方便快捷的消费需求,但还是有一部分人不愿意去使用支付宝,其中最主要的原因是其考虑到第三方支付的安全隐患。虽然这样,但是支付宝的使用人数却还是达到了让人叹为观止的程度。 二、主要服务 方便快速地查询账单、账户余额、物流信息;免费跨行转账,信用卡还款、生活缴费;消费信息智能提醒;为子女父母建立亲情账户;提供本地生活服务,推荐当地特色美食;买单打折尽享优惠;余额宝理财;支持接入手机健康数据,与好友一起互动,行走捐,参与公益。 三、商业模式 (一)运营模式 支付宝运作的实质是以支付宝为信用中介。首先买家在网上选中自己所需商品后与卖家协商,确定交易后买方需把货款汇到支付宝这个第三方账户上,支付宝作为中介方立即通知卖方钱已经收到,可以发货,待买方收到商品并确认无误后,支付宝随即把货款汇到卖方的账户以完成整个交易。支付宝在这个流程中充当第三方的角色,同时为买卖双方提供信誉,确保交易安全进行。 (二)主要盈利模式 首先支付宝作为第三方支付,最显著的收益是支付宝页面各种广告的广告费用,主要盈利渠道是收取手续费,即支付宝在快速提现、网购、航空客票等方面以加上毛利润的费率,向客户收取费用。其次在2005年,支付宝进入B2C业务,根据用户不同级别,给予不同的免费额度,并对超出的部分收取手续费从而获得稳定的收入。再次支付宝还有服务费的收益,主要分为理财相关业务和代缴费业务的服务费。 四、技术手段

on public speaking听力答案

on public speaking听力答案 Peter wants to share the renting accommodation with Jim. 答案回忆:填空1-10 1. Rent for Jim’s room: $80 (Peter’s room is larger, so the rent could go for $110. Jim is satisfied with the current room at $80 for the previous one is smaller and more expensive.) 2. One can park the car in the garage (The bus station is far, but it is lucky that we have a garage nearby) 3. Telephone is in the kitchen (Jim asked why the telephone was not in the living room. Peter said it is in the kitchen because the bedroom is noisy.) 4. Jim works in the supermarket twice a week

(Jim works in the supermarket, so Peter thought it was convenient to buy production.) 5. Jim needs to bring a heater 6. Peter wants Jim to bring a toaster 面包机 (There was a Microwave oven taken away by someone, and Peter wants Jim to bring a toaster.) 7. Peter wants to take ride for Jim, sharing petrol (想两人上课顺路,分担汽油费) 8. Date to move in: 1st June (They choose this day because they can watch games together.) 9. Date to watch games: on Friday evening (Jim and Peter watch games together on Friday evening, and they are both the fans.)
