优秀教案(Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero Period 7 Revision)

优秀教案(Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero Period 7 Revision)
优秀教案(Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero Period 7 Revision)

Module1 Unit 5Nelson Mandela-a modern hero

Period 6Writing and Writing Task(Summing up and Learning tip)



This is the last teaching period of this unit, so the emphasis should be placed on going over and summarizing what has been learned in this unit. It mainly includes three parts:Summing up, Learning tip and consolidation exercises.

Summing up summarizes the whole contents of this unit from the aspects of topics, vocabulary and grammar. The teacher can first use this part to let the students to sum up what they have learned and then explain what the students couldn’t understand very well in this unit. An experienced teacher should design some exercises for the students to do in order that they can learn to use and grasp all the contents.

Learning tip encourages students to choose a famous person and try to find out as much as possible about his or her life. Read what he or she did and what people remember about him or her. Find some people who like him or her and some who do not. Try to find out for what reason they like this person or not. If the students are doing this, they will be teaching themselves a useful way of learning. It is very good for their further study. So, make sure the students have a try.

In this period, the teacher can also add more practices to consolidate what the students have learned in this unit. Finally, ask the students to finish Checking yourself on Page 75 in the workbook. This part aims at encouraging students to make a self-assessment after they finish learning this unit. It is very important to improve their learning.


Get the students to review and consolidate what they have learned in this unit.


Get the students to turn what they have learned into their ability.


Summarizing, discussing and practicing


A projector and other normal teaching tools


Knowledge aims:

1. Get the students to go over useful new words and expressions.

2. Have the students review the grammar:the Attributive Clause introduced by relative adverbs and preposition+which/whom.

Ability aims:

1. Develop the students’ ability to use the important language points.

2. Enable the students to learn to use relative adverbs and preposition+which/whom correctly.

Emotional aims:

1. Encourage the students to learn from famous persons and great persons.

2. Strengthen the students’ sense of group cooperation.


→Step 1 Revision

1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Dictate some useful new words and expressions in this unit.

→Step 2 Lead-in

Tell the students: Up to now, we have finished Unit 5. Have you learned and grasped all in this unit? Turn to Page 40. You can check yourself by filling in the blanks in the part Summing Up.

→Step 3 Summing Up

Five minutes for the students to sum up by themselves. Then check and explain something where necessary.

Suggested answers:

Write down what you have learned about Nelson Mandela.

We have learned many noble qualities about Nelson Mandela, such as intelligent, determined, generous, kind, unselfish, hard-working, brave, confident, and so on.

From this unit you have also learned

useful verbs:fight, advise, continue, vote, accept, fear, reward, sentence

useful nouns:hero, quality, republic, principle, fight, prison, prisoner, period, law, fee, gold, youth, league, stage, vote, position, violence, blanket, degree, guard, terror, fear, cruelty, reward, right, criminal, leader, president

useful adjectives:willing, active, peaceful, gold, equal, educated, anti-black

useful expressions:lose heart, in trouble, worry about, out of work, Youth League, as a matter of fact, blow up, put. . . in prison, come to power, set up, be sentenced to

new grammar item:the Attributive Clause introduced by relative adverbs and preposition+which/whom

→Step 4 Word and expression exercises

Show the exercises on the screen or give out exercise papers.

1. Fill in the blanks with the missing words according to the first letter or Chinese meaning given.

1)Nelson Mandela was regarded as one of the best l of the black people.

2)I think you must solve your problem in a p way. F ighting can’t solve any problem.

3)The full name of our great motherland is the People’s R of China.

4)I don’t think ten years is a long p of time.

5)You must try to improve the q of all your products.

6)Nobody forced me to do it; I was w to do it.

7)At present, women hold an important______________ (地位)in our country.

8)A middle-aged woman killed her husband, which showed her______________ (残忍).

9)You must be______________ (积极的)in all kinds of sports to keep healthy.

10)I______________ (劝说)her to give up that idea, but she didn’t listen to me.

11)I like all the______________ (男主角)of this play, because they are so kind.

12)Don’t you think fighting is a serious act of______________ (暴力)?

13)Since he was better______________ (受过教育的), he got a job in an office.

14)The actress in poor health and has to leave______________ (舞台)soon.

15)I guess this film will______________ (持续)for another fifteen minutes.

2. Fill in each of the blanks with the proper phrase given. Change the form where necessary.

1)The sudden heavy snow______________ them______________ getting home as early as expected.

2)His glasses fell down to the ground and____________ _______________ _______________ .

3)Don’t____________ ____________her health; I think she will take good care of herself.

4)I just can’t understand why she is___________ _____________ ___________ again.

5)You can’t___________ ___________in face of any difficulty.

6)Boys and girls, let’s do our best to help those______________ ______________ .

7)It is reported that the new president will__________ ________________ ________________ next month.

8)It is said that a new factory will be_____________ _______________ in my hometown.

9)The murderer will___________ _____________ ________________ _______________for killing a few girls.

10)The thief will____________ ______________ _______________ _____________for stealing quite a few expensive cars.

First get the students to do the exercises. Then the answers are given. The teacher can give them explanations when necessary.

Suggested answers:

1. 1)leaders2)peaceful3)Republic4)period5)quality6)willing7)position 8)cruelty9)active10)advised11)heroes12)violence13)educated14)stage 15)continue

2. 1)stopped; from2)broke into pieces3)worry about

4)out of work5)lose heart 6)in trouble7)come to power

8)set up9)be sentenced to death10)be put in prison

→Step 5 Grammar exerc ises

Show the exercises on the screen or give out exercise papers.

1. Complete the following sentences with “preposition+which/whom”.

1)This is the rock______________ the boy fell down into the sea.

2)Yesterday we had a meeting,______________ we discussed a lot of questions.

3)The film star______________ we talked a lot will give us a speech tomorrow.

4)Nothing can grow on the moon______________ there is neither water nor air.

5)The West Lake______________ Hangzhou is famous in the world will be more beautiful.

6)The newspaper______________ he often writes articles is China Daily.

7)The stories about the Long March are well written,______________ this is one example.

8)The subject______________ Xiao Wang is good is physics.

9)The professor______________ Mr. Smith shook hands yesterday has made new discoveries in science.

10)At last I met the writer______________ I had heard long before.

2. Fill in the blanks with proper relative pronouns or relative adverbs.

1)The city______________ I was born has a lot of parks.

2)I don’t like cities______________ have a lot of factories.

3)New Year’s Eve is a time______________ I am always looking forward to.

4)My birthday is a day______________ I think about my future.

5)He is the cleverest boy______________ I have ever seen.

6)I saw a house the windows of______________ are broken.

7)I saw a house______________ windows are broken.

8)I will never forget the days______________ I worked together you on the farm.

9)He has got himself into a dangerous place______________ he is likely to lose his way.

10)We expressed the hope______________ they had expressed.

First get the students to do the exercises. Then the answers are given. The teacher can give them explanations where necessary.

Suggested answers:

1. 1)from which2)at which3)about whom4)on which5)for which

6)for which7)of which8)at which9)with whom10)of whom

2. 1)where2)which/that3)(which/that)4)when5)(that)

6)which7)whose 8)when9)where10)(which/that)

→Step 6 Learning tip

Ask the students to turn to Page 40. Read through the passage and make sure they understand it. Encourage them to do as the passage tells to because if they are doing so they will be teaching themselves a useful way of learning.

→Step 7 Assessment

1. Checking yourself (on Page 75 in the Workbook)

First get the students to think about these questions individually. Then they can discuss in groups sharing their experience. The teacher can join in and give them advice and suggestions where necessary.

2. Testing assessment

Show the exercises on the screen or give out test papers.

1)Choose the best answers.

(1)Dorothy always spoke highly of her role in the play,______________, of course, made the others unhappy.

A. who

B. which

C. this

D. what

(2)I shall never forget the days______________ I lived in the country with my parents.

A. that

B. which

C. when

D. at which

(3)The factory______________ his brother works lies in the south of the city.

A. that

B. which

C. on which

D. where

(4)My family climbed up the hills,______________ we had a picnic.

A. on the top of which

B. on its top

C. on the top of that

D. on the top of it

(5)We were next-door neighbors for three years, during______________ we met only twice.

A. which

B. this

C. that

D. the

(6)All______________ is needed is some oil.

A. the thing

B. that

C. what

D. which

(7)I, who______________ your friend, will go all out to help you.

A. is

B. are

C. am

D. be

(8)They took care of the old man______________ son lost his life in the fire.

A. who

B. that

C. which

D. whose

(9)The scientist,______________ my father worked, went abroad last year.

A. by whom

B. with whom

C. who

D. whom

(10)Can you tell me the name of the company______________ you visited last week?

A. /

B. where

C. what

D. to which


Read the following passage, get the main idea and fill in the blanks according to the first letters given to complete the passage.

Nelson Mandela, b on July 18, 1918, is the first black president of South Africa. He studied l after he entered university. In 1944 he f the ANC Youth League. Then in 1952 he set up a law o to help poor black people. Because of his fight a the government and anti-black laws, he was s to five years hard labor. Fighters from ANC began to b up buildings in 1963 and he was sentenced to life imprisonment on Robben Island. Twenty-seven years later, he was f by the white government. In 1993 he was m president of South Africa and the government by and for black people was finally set up.

Nelson Mandela is a g man.

First get the students to do the following exercises. Then the answers are given. The teacher can give them explanations where necessary.

Suggested answers:

1)(1)B(2)C(3)D(4)A(5)A (6)B(7)C(8)D(9)B(10)A

2)born; law; formed; office; against; sentenced; blow; freed; made; great

→Step 8 Homework

1. Finish off the Workbook exercises.

2. Review and summarize what you have learned in Unit 5.


Choose a famous person and go to the library or get online to try to find out as much information as you can about his or her life. Write a report on your research and share it with your classmates. You report should include the following:

1. What this person did.

2. What people remember about this person.

3. Who like this person and who do not.

4. Why they like this person or not.


小班最容易上的公开课(8篇) 小班最容易上的公开课第一篇 太阳和月亮 活动目标: 1、引导幼儿感受诗歌中静悄悄与热闹的氛围,体验诗歌带来的不一样意境。 2、初步理解诗歌资料,学习有感情地诵读。 3、尝试用xx醒来了、xx睡着了说一句话。 活动准备: 1、两段不一样风格的音乐(《森林狂想曲》,《摇篮曲》)。 2、图片若干(小蝴蝶、小猪、小狗、小鸭、小猫等)。 活动过程: 一、导入 1、听音乐入室(播放《森林狂想曲》) 今日活动室除了来了那么多客人教师,还来了两个特殊的小客人。 2、出示图片太阳 (1)教师:小朋友好。幼儿:太阳公公好。教师:我的宝贝可真有礼貌,太阳出来了,白天到了,你去干什么呀? 幼儿自由回答。 教师:太阳出来了,白天到了,小朋友都去幼儿园,一齐做

游戏了,白天真热闹! 3、出示图片月亮 教师:太阳落山了,月亮出来了,小朋友好。 幼儿:月亮好。 教师:月亮出来了,晚上了,小朋友要去干什么呀? 幼儿自由回答。 教师:月亮出来了,晚上了,大家都睡着了,夜晚静悄悄! 二、看图理解儿歌 1、分别出示太阳和月亮,提问:太阳出来了,照在身上暖洋洋的,小朋友看一看谁醒来了? 2、引导幼儿用儿歌里的话说出来。 幼儿:小鸟醒来了,小树醒来了,小朋友醒来了 3、太阳出来了,小鸟醒来了,小树醒来了,小朋友醒来了,白天怎样样呀?(引导幼儿用一句好听的话来说:白天真热闹。)教师:我能够用一句好听的话来说白天真热闹。我一齐来说说这句话白天真热闹。 4、瞧,月亮出来了,谁睡着了? 5、引导幼儿用儿歌里的话说出来。 幼儿:小花睡着了,小草睡着了,小朋友睡着了 6、月亮出来了,小花睡着了,小草睡着了,小朋友睡着了,夜晚怎样样呀?(引导幼儿用一句好听的话来说:夜晚静悄悄。)教师:我能够用一句好听的话来说夜晚静悄悄。宝宝跟教师

广东省德庆县孔子中学高中英语 Nelson Mandela课时教案2 新人教版必修1

Unit 5 Nelson Mandela – a modern hero 一、单元教学目标和要求(Teaching aims and demands) 二、教材内容分析(Analysis of the teaching materials) 三、教学安排(Teaching arrangements) 四、单元预习任务(Pre-unit Activities: Preview Task) 五、教学步骤(Teaching procedures) 六、背景参考资料(Back ground knowledge) 七、评价与反思(Assessment and reflection) 一、教学目标和要求(Teaching aims and demands) 根据课程标准实验教材(英语必修)关于总目标的具体描述,结合高一学生实际和教材内容,我们将教学目标分为语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、情感态度和价值观四个方面。1.语言知识(Knowledge) 词汇(V ocabulary): 能理解、内化、运用以下生词---- hero, quality, willing, active, republic, fight, peaceful, prison, prisoner, period, law, advise, continue, fee, gold,youth,league,stage,vote,position,accept,violence,equal,blanket,degree,guard,educated,terror,fear,cruelty,reward,right(n.),criminal,leader,president,sentence(v.),sincerely 短语(Phrases and expressions):lose heart, in trouble ,worry about, out of work, Youth League, as a matter of fact, blow up, put ... in prison, come to power , set up , be sentenced to 功能(Functions):学习掌握一些用于发表意见与评论的结构句式,如: 1.发表意见(Giving opinions) Why do you think so? What do you think of ...? What's you opinion? agree / don't agree.I think / don't think .... I prefer .... In my opinion .... I'm afraid .... 2.评论(Making comments) Good idea! That's an excellent idea. 语法(Grammar):定语从句(II)(由where, when, why, 介词+ which, 介词+ whom引导的定语从句) The school where I studied only two years was three kilometers away. This was a time when you had got to have a passbook to live inJohannesburg The reason why I got a job was because of my hard work. …we were put in a position in whi ch we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the Government. The person to whom you should be grateful for a peacefulSouth Af rica is Nelson Mandela. 扩展词汇: negative(消极的), heroine(女主角,女主人公), unwilling(不情愿的), nation(国家,民族), sacrifice(牺牲),realize(认识到), give up(放弃), riches(财富), Bible(圣经), revolution (革命), career(职业), equality(平等), fairness(公平), conflict(冲突), biography(自


小学音乐《哦,十分钟》优秀教学案 例 教学背景: 快乐教学就是在教学过程中充分发挥和调动师生双方的积极性,蕴欢乐与知识于其中,让学习显得更轻松活泼。对小学的孩子来说,快乐教学相当重要,这既能激发他们的学习兴趣,又能给与其美好的童年记忆,迎合孩子们的认知规律和行为特征。 在课件辅助下,教师指导学生通过聆听、感受、表演等多种形式体验音乐课间十分钟的快乐场面。学生用优美亲切的声音演唱歌曲《哦,十分钟》。通过器乐创编及拓展,体现新标准中的“重视音乐实践”和“鼓励音乐创造”的指导思想。 教学描述 师:上课的35分钟非常地宝贵,要集中注意力学习,下课的10分钟也很重要,因为有了适当的休息,适当的放松,下节课的听课效果才会更好。欢乐的十分钟,热闹的十分钟,作曲家为同学们写了一首歌,唱的就是这课间的十分钟。

1.(播放《哦,十分钟》音乐) 师:这首歌的情绪怎样?那么你想不想来学一学这首歌呢? 2.师:学习这首歌之前,让我们先来熟悉一下歌词。(1、注意反复记号。2、注意按节奏念歌词)请你听老师来念一念。学生模仿 3.师:看着歌词再来听一听,请同学们听着音乐对口型演唱。 4.师:老师看到同学们都忍不住唱出声音来了,那么就让我们一起跟着老师的琴声唱唱看吧。(学生第一遍演唱,出现的错误需听出来) 5.师:同学们第一遍就可以把歌曲大概地唱出来了,现在,老师也很想来唱一唱,请你认真地听,听听看你哪里和老师唱的不一样,觉得哪里比较难唱的。 6.师范唱,学生提出难点:(课件出示) 1)、前八后十六节奏以及两句的音高。 2)、切分节奏的休止:0××××××××0 7.现在让我们再连起来唱唱一唱第一段的歌词,看看这几个难点解决了没有。(巩固难点,加入第二段歌词。)


必修1 Unit5 Nelson Mandela-a modern (二) 课后练习 主讲教师:麻雪玲北京市英语教师 题一: 1. The boy ________ he gave the book was also a friend of mine. 2. The campus ________ we met was a famous one. 3. The campus ________ they often talked together was a famous one. 4. The campus ________ he graduated was a famous one. 5. She was worried about the conditions ________ miners were forced to work. 题二: 1. The opinion ________ they argued for a long time was known to us. 2. The town ________ he comes is a small town. 3. The table ________ the dog lay just now was moved out of the house. 4. The desk ________ my bag is put is Jack’s. 5. The city ________ he paid a visit last month was Shanghai. 题三: After living in P aris for fifty years he returned to the small town ____ he grew up as a child. A. which B. where C. that D. when 题四: I can still remember the sitting-room ____ my mother and I used to sit in th e evening. A. what B. which C. that D. where 题五: The librarian ______ I just shook hands works heart and soul. A. with whom B. on whom C. from whom D. above whom 题六: He is the man ______ you can depend. A. with whom B. on whom C. from whom D. above whom 题七: The day ______ I was admitted to the university was also the day ____ I spent with him. A. when; which B. which; when C. what; that D. on which; when 题八: The day ____ is important to me is the day _____ I met you for the first time. A. when; which B. which; when C. what; that D. on which; when 题九: Our teacher gave me three books, all of _____ are about Lei Feng. A. them B. which C. that D. whom Our teacher gave me three books, and all of _____ are about Lei Feng. A. them B. which C. that D. whom 题十: I have many friends, some of ______ are businessmen. A. them B. who C. whom D. that I have many friends, and some of ______ are businessmen. A. them B. who C. that D. whom


必修 1 Unit5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero 教学安排及参考教案 【单元重点内容与教学目标】 本单元的中心话题是南非民族解放运动领袖纳尔逊· 曼德拉,通过一个穷苦黑人眼中的曼 德拉来表现这位伟人的品格。 本单元旨在通过教学培养学生用英语发表意见和评论的语言能力 和技巧; 学习由 where, when, why, 介词 + which, 介词 + when 引导的定语从句; 通过对曼德 拉的一些事迹的学习加深学生对种族歧视的了解和认识, 使他们对种族歧视的不公平性和不合 理性有自己的思考和理解;让学生了解作为伟人所应该具备的优秀品质,并以此激励学生向英 雄看齐,提高自身素质,努力成为品德高尚、有所作为的人。 b5E2RGbCAP 教学方式 讨论式学习,任务型教学 教材重组 第一课时 听说课 “热身”部分要求小组讨论伟人应有的品质;“读前”提供了一些重要的历史人物, 要求学生通 过听来获取信息。 第二课时 精读课 在学生不预习的前提下,给他们一定的时间阅读篇章并完成文章后的 comprehending 练 习和老师设计的关于文章理解的问题,以此培养学生的阅读能力,提高阅读速度。p1EanqFDPw 第三课时 语言学习课 师 生 一 起共 同 讨 论文章 中 出 现的 重 点 难点词 汇 和 本单 元 重 点学习 语 法 并一 起 完 成 Learning about language 中的练习。DXDiTa9E3d 第四课时 泛读课 第二篇阅读与课后练习中的 reading task 都很有趣,可读性强,可放在一起成为一节泛读 课。一篇继续讲述 Elias 的故事,一篇介绍不同的关于比尔· 盖茨的观点。RTCrpUDGiT 第五课时 听力 把 Using language 和课后的 Listening task 结合起来可成为一节听力课,培养听的能力。
第六课时 表达课(说写)

哦,十分钟 教学案例

兴趣课堂,快乐演唱《哦,十分钟》音乐教学案例 一、案例背景 《新课程标准》中提到:“音乐课的全部教学活动应以学生为主体,师生互动,将学生对音乐的感受和音乐活动的参与放在重要位置。”新课程标准不再是让学生被动地接受学习,而是教师要充分利用各种手段激起学生的兴趣,通过聆听音乐、表现音乐和音乐创造,体验音乐中的美和丰富的情感。快乐教学就是在教学过程中充分发挥和调动师生双方的积极性,蕴欢乐与知识于其中,让学习显得更轻松活泼。对小学的孩子来说,快乐教学相当重要,这既能激发他们的学习兴趣,又能给与其美好的童年记忆,迎合孩子们的认知规律和行为特征。在课件辅助下,教师指导学生通过聆听、感受、表演等多种形式体验音乐课间十分钟的快乐场面。学生用优美亲切的声音演唱歌曲《哦,十分钟》。通过器乐创编及拓展,体现新标准中的“重视音乐实践”和“鼓励音乐创造”的指导思想。 二、学情分析: 本年级的学生大多数是农民工子弟的孩子,学生智力普遍良好,思想活跃。但是由于条件关系,大部分学生音乐基础不扎实,但非常好学。本班的孩子思维敏捷,想象力丰富,对音乐课件中的课间活动非常感兴趣。 三、案例描述 教材分析:歌曲《哦,十分钟》是一首宫调式,二段体结构的儿童歌曲。曲调欢快、活泼,语言形象生动。歌曲通过对孩子平日课间十分钟的描写,表现了孩子们在紧张的学习后自由欢乐的心情。第一段奏紧凑,曲调反复出现了活蹦乱跳的孩子们在课间轻松,快乐的形象和喜悦的神情。第二段音调转为舒展,第一句与第二句运用旋律的模仿手法,四度、三度的跳进。“哦,十分钟”唱出了孩子们对课间十分钟的由衷欢迎。 教学目标: 1、准确有感情地演唱歌曲《哦,十分钟》 2、学习通过音乐(演唱歌曲)的方式表达自己喜悦的心情。 3、通过本课学习,激发学生上音乐课的兴趣。 教学重点: 准确有感情地演唱歌曲《哦,十分钟》,用歌声表现出快乐的情绪。


人教版高中英语必修一第五单元Nelson Mandela-A Modern Hero 这次优课大赛,我选的课题是人教版必修一Unit 5 Nelson Mandela,选好课题后,通过查阅大量资料,我了解到本课的教学目标, 围绕教学目标,我的基本思路是通过快读和细读等教学技巧的培养,让学生不断加深对伟人曼德拉的了解,在这个阅读的过程中,通过设置一些阅读练习,来巩固和加深学生对学到的知识的理解和记忆,当然,还伴随着对学生其他的阅读障碍的排除。最后,在语言的充分输入完成之后,简单进行总结,然后进行语言的输出,在输出环节,主要是设置了有挑战性的任务,并表演出来。在完成这一任务的过程中,提醒学生充分利用文本中学到的信息,尤其是与伟人曼德拉相关的信息。 具体来说,本节课设计如下: 1.总体思路 笔者将本堂课的主要内容分为四大部分,Pre-reading(阅读前活动) ,while-reading(阅读中活动),post-reading(阅读后活动)以及discussion (讨论)。其中阅读前活动通过看图说话,旨在让学生熟悉课文主题。阅读活动由略读、跳读,细读,归纳大意环节组成,教师根据学生的认知和情感规律的特点,遵循循序渐进的教学原则,活动和所设计的问题由浅入深,层层深入,着眼于提高学生的阅读能力,是学生理解课文的关键环节。读后活动的评价性问题和讨论旨在培养学生的综合语言运用能

力,激发学生的发散性思维。同时引导学生向伟人的高贵品质学习,提高自身素养。 2.Teaching Procedures(教学过程): Step 1. Pre-reading Enjoy a short video clip and try to guess: What’s the relationship between t hem? _______ .


小班最容易上的公开课(教案8篇) (1)教师:小朋友们好。幼儿:太阳公公好。教师:我们的宝贝可真有礼貌,太阳出来了,白天到了,你们去干什么呀? 幼儿自由回答。 教师:太阳出来了,白天到了,小朋友们都去幼儿园,一齐做游戏了,白天真热闹! 3、出示图片月亮 教师:太阳落山了,月亮出来了,小朋友们好。 幼儿:月亮好。

教师:月亮出来了,晚上了,小朋友们要去干什么呀? 幼儿自由回答。 教师:月亮出来了,晚上了,大家都睡着了,夜晚静悄悄! 二、看图理解儿歌 1、分别出示太阳和月亮,提问:太阳出来了,照在身上暖洋洋的,小朋友看一看谁醒来了? 2、引导幼儿用儿歌里的话说出来。 幼儿:小鸟醒来了,小树醒来了,小朋友醒来了

3、太阳出来了,小鸟醒来了,小树醒来了,小朋友醒来了,白天怎样样呀?(引导幼儿用一句好听的话来说:白天真热闹。)[] 教师:我们能够用一句好听的话来说白天真热闹。我们一齐来说说这句话白天真热闹。 4、瞧,月亮出来了,谁睡着了? 5、引导幼儿用儿歌里的话说出来。 幼儿:小花睡着了,小草睡着了,小朋友睡着了 6、月亮出来了,小花睡着了,小草睡着了,小朋友睡着了,夜晚怎样样呀?(引导幼儿用一句好听的话来说:夜晚静悄悄。) 教师:我们能够用一句好听的话来说夜晚静悄悄。宝宝们跟教师

念夜晚静悄悄。 三、学习有感情地朗读儿歌 1、教师一边出示图片,一边编一首好听的儿歌,小朋友们听一听(教师朗诵) 2、请小朋友根据教师出示的图片和教师一齐来读一读。 教师:好听吗? 幼儿:好听。 教师:那我们看着动画片一齐来边看边念。

3、小朋友念得可真好听,白天真热闹,我们用什么样的声音来念好听? 教师:对了太阳出来了,白天真热闹,我们要用响亮的声音来念。我们一齐来试试读读这一段。 幼儿和教师一齐念。 4、小朋友们读得可好听了,那月亮出来了,夜晚静悄悄,我们要用什么样的声音来念好听? 指名回答。 教师:月亮出来了,夜晚静悄悄,我们要用轻轻的声音来念,我们一齐来试试。

人教版高中英语必修一Unit 5《Nelson Mandela》教学设计

Teaching Aims 1. To distinguish famous people and great people and stimulate students’ interest in reading. 2. To know about Elias’ story. 3. To improve students’ reading abilities (scanning, close reading, summarizing). 4. To promote students’ own qualities according to Mandela’s qualities. Teaching Procedures Pre-reading 1. Enjoy a video. 2. Do you often help others? 3. Can you distinguish famous people and great people? 【设计意图】根据高中英语课程标准(2003)对本单元的话题要求。通过图片展示,使学生区分什么是名人和伟人,引出伟人曼德拉怎样帮助别人的问题,激发学生阅读兴趣,导入新课。 Activity 1 Fast reading What’s the main idea of the passage? The story is about ____. A. the poor life of black people in South Africa. B. the life of Mandela. C. how Mandela helped Elias and other black people. D. how Elias met Mandela. 【设计意图】根据课程标准阅读6级要求4.能根据阅读目的使用不同的阅读策略;以及本课阅读训练目标3. To improve the reading abilities (scanning, close reading, summarizing).特设计本题,训练学生scanning快速总结文章大意。 Activity 2 Careful reading ---- Details for Elias’ story (para.1-3) 【设计意图】根据课程标准及考纲对阅读的要求:训练学生的细读技巧,并完成本课阅读训练目标close reading 找到具体信息并理解大意,加深对文章的理解。 The elements of a narration:

课间十分钟 文明伴我行

题目:课间十分钟文明伴我行 活动目的:通过本次班会,促使学生自觉进行有益的课间活动,遵守礼仪,共同创建文明城区。同时使学生获取丰富多彩的课间活动内容,引导学生积极开展健康、安全、有益的课间游戏,成为游戏的主人,成为课间的主人,让课间充满孩子的笑声,使学生在有限的时间和空间内,身心得到充分休息,以保证孩子们以饱满的精神上好每节课。 活动准备:彩纸、绳、歌曲《课间十分钟》 活动过程: 一、导入: A:同学们,我们给大家准备了一首非常好听的歌曲,你们听。 播放歌曲:《课间十分钟》 听那丁零零的下课铃声送来十分钟, 来吧,来吧,来吧,大家都来轻松轻松, 让我们那疲劳的眼睛看一看蓝天, 让紧张的大脑吹进清风 哦,你好,你好十分钟! 哦,欢迎,欢迎十分钟! 那下课铃声送来十分钟 来吧大家都来轻松轻松 B:多么动听的歌曲,多么令人向往的课间十分钟啊!我们每天都有五、六个课间十分钟,在这十分钟里,我们应该做些什么,怎样做呢?今天我们就一起来探讨这个问题。 A:文明是一种品质,文明是一种修养,文明是一种受人尊敬并被大家广泛推崇的行为。 B:文明也是生活里最重要的事,它比最高的智慧、比一切的学问都重要。 A:同学们,爱玩是我们的天性。在紧张的学习生活之外,我们更渴望拥有属于自己充分休息、自由活动的时间。

B:因此,“课间十分钟”就成了我们最快乐的时光,我们渴望下课,盼望着与小伙伴们一起尽情地玩耍。 A:那么如何让我们的课间十分钟有序、有趣、又有益呢?今天我们召开主题班会,共同来探讨这个问题。 B:现在我宣布劲松四小三年级八班《课间十分钟文明伴我行》主题班会现在开始。 二、小调查: A:同学们课间你们是怎样渡过的? 生:上厕所;喝水;准备下节课用具;散步;做游戏。 B:你们先做哪些事呢? 生:先准备好下节课要用的书,用具;先上厕所,不影响下一节课;口渴,先喝水。 A:大家说的非常好。做好这些准备后,就可以做自己喜欢的游戏了。 B:你们看这样做好吗? 生:不好…… A:下面请几位同学,介绍几个关于课间安全方面的案例。 【案例1】学生嬉戏致伤 课间休息时,学生李某和张某在一起玩起了游戏(一条腿盘在另一条腿上互相撞击),张某因斗不过李某,就用手将李某推倒,致使李某右大腿骨折。李某出院后,经法医鉴定,为9级伤残。 【案例2】学生在课间游戏受伤 小冬是某学校学生。课间休息时,小冬与同学进行追逐游戏。小冬在前奔跑,同学在后追赶,小冬见同学将要追上,就向阅览室方向跑去,小冬猛推阅览室门时,将门上的玻璃推破,小冬的右手和手臂被玻璃划破。经医院治疗后,右手食指部位的筋被划断,右手食指丧失功能。 B:看来安全对于我们来说是多么重要啊! 三、A:下面请文明小使者给我们讲一讲安全常识。 1、做游戏时要注意什么? 遵守游戏规则


小班最容易上的公开课 小班最容易上的公开课(教案8篇) 小班最容易上的公开课(一): 太阳和月亮 活动目标: 1、引导幼儿感受诗歌中静悄悄与热闹的氛围,体验诗歌带来的不一样意境。 2、初步理解诗歌资料,学习有感情地诵读。 3、尝试用xx醒来了、xx睡着了说一句话。 活动准备: 1、两段不一样风格的音乐(《森林狂想曲》,《摇篮曲》)。 2、图片若干(小蝴蝶、小猪、小狗、小鸭、小猫等)。 活动过程:

一、导入 1、听音乐入室(播放《森林狂想曲》) 今日活动室除了来了那么多客人教师,还来了两个特殊的小客人。 2、出示图片太阳 (1)教师:小朋友们好。幼儿:太阳公公好。教师:我们的宝贝可真有礼貌,太阳出来了,白天到了,你们去干什么呀? 幼儿自由回答。 教师:太阳出来了,白天到了,小朋友们都去幼儿园,一齐做游戏了,白天真热闹! 3、出示图片月亮 教师:太阳落山了,月亮出来了,小朋友们好。 幼儿:月亮好。

教师:月亮出来了,晚上了,小朋友们要去干什么呀? 幼儿自由回答。 教师:月亮出来了,晚上了,大家都睡着了,夜晚静悄悄! 二、看图理解儿歌 1、分别出示太阳和月亮,提问:太阳出来了,照在身上暖洋洋的,小朋友看一看谁醒来了? 2、引导幼儿用儿歌里的话说出来。 幼儿:小鸟醒来了,小树醒来了,小朋友醒来了 3、太阳出来了,小鸟醒来了,小树醒来了,小朋友醒来了,白天怎样样呀?(引导幼儿用一句好听的话来说:白天真热闹。) 教师:我们能够用一句好听的话来说白天真热闹。我们一齐来说说这句话白天真热闹。

4、瞧,月亮出来了,谁睡着了? 5、引导幼儿用儿歌里的话说出来。 幼儿:小花睡着了,小草睡着了,小朋友睡着了 6、月亮出来了,小花睡着了,小草睡着了,小朋友睡着了,夜晚怎样样呀?(引导幼儿用一句好听的话来说:夜晚静悄悄。) 教师:我们能够用一句好听的话来说夜晚静悄悄。宝宝们跟教师念夜晚静悄悄。 三、学习有感情地朗读儿歌 1、教师一边出示图片,一边编一首好听的儿歌,小朋友们听一听(教师朗诵) 2、请小朋友根据教师出示的图片和教师一齐来读一读。 教师:好听吗?

Unit 5 Nelson Mandela. Using language教案

Unit 5 Nelson Mandela — a modern hero The lesson plan for using language Target language 1.重点词汇和短语escape blanket educate come to power beg relative terror cruelty reward 2.重点句子 We read books under our blankets and used anything we could find to make candles to see the world. They were not cleverer than me, but they did pass their exams. I felt bad the first time I talked to a group. Learning ability aims To help students discover and learn to use new useful words and expressions To develop students’reading skills by extensive reading To help students learn to express their own opinions and ideas To enable students to master the ability of grasping the main idea of a text or a passage Teaching important points Develop the students’reading skills by extensive reading. Teaching difficult points 1.Enable the students to learn to express their own opinions and ideas. 2.Get the students to learn to grasp the main idea of a text or a passage.


《哦,十分钟》音乐教学案例 一、案例背景: 《新课程标准》中提到:“音乐课的全部教学活动应以学生为主体,师生互动,将学生对音乐的感受和音乐活动的参与放在重要位置。”新课程标准不再是让学生被动地接受学习,而是教师要充分利用各种手段激起学生的兴趣,通过聆听音乐、表现音乐和音乐创造,体验音乐中的美和丰富的情感。 快乐教学就是在教学过程中充分发挥和调动师生双方的积极性,蕴含欢乐与知识于其中,让学习显得更轻松活泼。对小学的孩子来说,快乐教学相当重要,这既能激发他们的学习兴趣,又能给与其美好的童年记忆,迎合孩子们的认知规律和行为特征。 在课件辅助下,教师指导学生通过聆听、感受、表演等多种形式体验音乐课间十分钟的快乐场面。学生用优美亲切的声音演唱歌曲《哦,十分钟》。通过器乐创编及拓展,体现新标准中的“重视音乐实践”和“鼓励音乐创造”的指导思想。 二、学情分析: 本年级的学生智力普遍良好,思想活跃。但是由于条件关系,大部分学生音乐基础不扎实,但非常好学。本班的孩子思维敏捷,想象力丰富,对音乐课件中的课间活动非常感兴趣。 三、案例描述 教材分析: 歌曲《哦,十分钟》是一首2/4拍,D宫调式,二段体结构的儿童歌曲。曲调欢快、活泼,语言形象生动。歌曲通过对孩子平日课间十分钟的描写,表现了孩子们在紧张的学习后自由欢乐的心情。第一段奏紧凑,曲调反复出现了活蹦乱跳的孩子们在课间轻松,快乐的形象和喜悦的神情。第二段音调转为舒展,第一句与第二句运用旋律的模仿手法,四度、三度的跳进。“哦,十分钟”唱出了孩子们对课间

十分钟的由衷欢迎。 教学目标: 1、准确有感情地演唱歌曲《哦,十分钟》 2、学习通过音乐(演唱歌曲)的方式表达自己喜悦的心情。 3、通过本课学习,激发学生上音乐课的兴趣。 教学重点: 准确有感情地演唱歌曲《哦,十分钟》,用歌声表现出快乐的情绪。 教学难点: 带休止的切分节奏的演唱,及个别音的音高。 教学准备: 多媒体课件钢琴课堂乐器 教学过程: 一、组织教学 1、听音乐进教室《课间十分钟》 2、师生问好 二、导入新课 1、出示课题:哦,十分钟 师:那么,看到这个几个字你想到了什么?-------(课间十分钟)你在这个课间十分钟内会玩些什么活动呢?请你来做做动作。 (设计意图:让学生展示自己的课余活动,充分调动学生的学习积极性,使每一为学生能很好的融入课堂,参与到课中来。)师:有了这么丰富的课间活动,你的心情怎样? 2、请你带着这样的心情来读一读这个题目。 师:我们再来看看这些同学课间十分钟内在玩些什么活动呢? 3、音乐带视频展示播放课间十分钟画面。 (设计意图:根据视频中的音乐以及课间的活动场面,使学生能更加真切地感受到课间十分钟的快乐,还使学生接触了他们没有接触


小班最容易上的公开课(教案) 小班最容易上的公开课(教案) 第1篇: 小班最容易上的公开课(一): 太阳和月亮 活动目标: 1、引导幼儿感受诗歌中静悄悄与热闹的氛围,体验诗歌带来的不一样意境。 2、初步理解诗歌资料,学习有感情地诵读。 3、尝试用xx醒来了、xx睡着了说一句话。 活动准备: 1、两段不一样风格的音乐(《森林狂想曲》,《摇篮曲》)。 2、图片若干(小蝴蝶、小猪、小狗、小鸭、小猫等)。 活动过程: 一、导入 1、听音乐入室(播放《森林狂想曲》) 今日活动室除了来了那么多客人教师,还来了两个特殊的小客人。 2、出示图片太阳 (1)教师:小朋友们好。幼儿:太阳公公好。教师:我们的宝贝可真有礼貌,太阳出来了,白天到了,你们去干什么呀? 幼儿自由回答。

教师:太阳出来了,白天到了,小朋友们都去幼儿园,一齐做游戏了,白天真热闹! 3、出示图片月亮 教师:太阳落山了,月亮出来了,小朋友们好。 幼儿:月亮好。 教师:月亮出来了,晚上了,小朋友们要去干什么呀? 幼儿自由回答。 教师:月亮出来了,晚上了,大家都睡着了,夜晚静悄悄! 二、看图理解儿歌 1、分别出示太阳和月亮,提问:太阳出来了,照在身上暖洋洋的,小朋友看一看谁醒来了? 2、引导幼儿用儿歌里的话说出来。 幼儿:小鸟醒来了,小树醒来了,小朋友醒来了 3、太阳出来了,小鸟醒来了,小树醒来了,小朋友醒来了,白天怎样样呀?(引导幼儿用一句好听的话来说:白天真热闹。)教师:我们能够用一句好听的话来说白天真热闹。我们一齐来说说句话白天真热闹。 4、瞧,月亮出来了,谁睡着了? 5、引导幼儿用儿歌里的话说出来。 幼儿:小花睡着了,小草睡着了,小朋友睡着了 6、月亮出来了,小花睡着了,小草睡着了,小朋友睡着了,夜晚怎样样呀?(引导幼儿用一句好听的话来说:夜晚静悄悄。)

高中英语《Nelson Mandela》优质课教案、教学设计

Teaching Aims 1.To distinguish famous people and great people and stimulate students’ interest in reading. 2.To know about Elias’ story. 3.To improve students’ reading abilities (scanning, close reading, summarizing). 4.To promote students’ own qualities according to Mandela’s qualities. Teaching Procedures Pre-reading 1.Enjoy a video. 2.Do you often help others? 3.Can you distinguish famous people and great people? 【设计意图】根据高中英语课程标准(2003)对本单元的话题要求。通过图片展示,使学生区分什么是名人和伟人,引出伟人曼德拉怎样帮助别人的问题,激发学生阅读兴趣,导入新课。 Activity 1 Fast reading What’s the main idea of the passage? The story is about . A.the poor life of black people in South Africa. B.the life of Mandela. C.how Mandela helped Elias and other black people. D.how Elias met Mandela. 【设计意图】根据课程标准阅读6 级要求4.能根据阅读目的使用不同的阅读策略;以及本课阅读训练目标3. To improve the reading abilities (scanning, close reading, summarizing).特设计本题,训练学生scanning 快速总结文章大意。 Activity 2 Careful reading Details for Elias’ story (para.1-3) 【设计意图】根据课程标准及考纲对阅读的要求:训练学生的细读技巧,并完成本课阅读训练目标close reading 找到具体信息并理解大意,加深对文章的理解。 The elements of a narration: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fill in the blanks according to the elements. ◆M y name is , a poor black worker in................... I had very little education. I could not read or write well. ◆W hen I was , I got a job in a gold mine. ◆H owever, this was a time when one had got to have a to live in Johannesburg. Sadly I did not have it because I was not born there. I about whether I would become out of work. ◆It was in and Mandela was the black lawyer to whom I went for ................. He told me how to get the correct papers so I could in Johannesburg. 【设计意图】以记叙文六要素为主线,根据故事结构,理清故事发展的起因,经过,结果。Details for the black (para.4-5)

十几减9 教学案例分析

“十几减9”教学案例分析 教学目标 1.让学生通过新年游园会提出数学问题,解决数学问题,在理解的基础上掌握十几减9的计算方法。 2.让学生通过小组和全班同学的交流、合作,体验到十几减9方法的多样化,培养学生数学交流的能力和合作的意识。 3.让学生通过自己提出问题、解决问题这一过程,感受到数学来源于生活,体验到成功解决数学问题的喜悦。 教学内容 教科书第10~12页的内容。 教学设计 创设有利于学生自主学习的教学情境 1.师:(出示宠物小精灵皮卡丘)你们认识它吗?你们喜不喜欢皮卡丘?今天皮卡丘来到课堂上和我们一起学习。下面,皮卡丘请我们同桌的小朋友先来做个凑十的拍手游戏。 2.拍手游戏:10的组。 a.你拍1,我拍9,我们都是好朋友,

你拍2,我拍8,团结起来力量大, 我拍3,我拍7,我们从小爱学习, 你拍4,我拍6,说话老实不吹牛, 你拍5,我拍5,两数凑十不马虎。 b.师:两个数凑十的时候,我们看到9,想到几?看到8,想到几?看到7,想到几?看到6,想到几?看到5,想到几? 3.复习十几的组成。 师:我们再来比一比看谁抢答得最快。17可以分成10和几?12可以分成10和几?19可以分成10和几? [数的组成和分解是学生口算的基础,而口算又是笔算的基础,为了把基础打牢,教师一开课就组织学生开展有趣的拍手游戏、抢答竞赛,让学生在充满乐趣的活动中更熟练地掌握十和十几的数的组成、分解。既复习旧知,又为学生探索新知,在知识和心理上做了积极准备,同时学生的学习积极性被充分地调动起来。] 4.创设情境。 师:皮卡丘夸我们班的小朋友真能干,它决定带大家一起去参加新年游园会。大家快来看看,游园会上有什么好玩的?你能选一个你喜欢的活动提个数学问题吗?


小班最容易上公开课,优选(教案) 篇1:小班最容易上的公开课篇2:小班最容易上的公开课篇3:小班最容易上的公开课篇4:小班最容易上的公开课篇5:小班最容易上的公开课篇6:小班最容易上的公开课篇7:小班最容易上的公开课篇8:小班最容易上的公开课太阳和月亮 活动目标: 1、引导幼儿感受诗歌中“静悄悄”与“热闹”的氛围,体验诗歌带来的不一样意境。 2、初步理解诗歌资料,学习有感情地诵读。 3、尝试用“xx醒来了”、“xx睡着了”说一句话。 活动准备: 1、两段不一样风格的音乐(《森林狂想曲》,《摇篮曲》)。 2、图片若干(小蝴蝶、小猪、小狗、小鸭、小猫等)。 活动过程: 一、导入 1、听音乐入室(播放《森林狂想曲》) 今日活动室除了来了那么多客人教师,还来了两个特殊的小客人。 2、出示图片太阳 (1)教师:小朋友们好。幼儿:太阳公公好。教师:我们的宝贝可真有礼貌,太阳出来了,白天到了,你们去干什么呀? 幼儿自由回答。 教师:太阳出来了,白天到了,小朋友们都去幼儿园,一齐做游戏了,白天真热闹! 3、出示图片月亮 教师:太阳落山了,月亮出来了,小朋友们好。 幼儿:月亮好。 教师:月亮出来了,晚上了,小朋友们要去干什么呀? 幼儿自由回答。 教师:月亮出来了,晚上了,大家都睡着了,夜晚静悄悄! 二、看图理解儿歌 1、分别出示太阳和月亮,提问:太阳出来了,照在身上暖洋洋的,小朋友看一看谁醒来了? 2、引导幼儿用儿歌里的话说出来。 幼儿:小鸟醒来了,小树醒来了,小朋友醒来了…… 3、太阳出来了,小鸟醒来了,小树醒来了,小朋友醒来了,白天怎样样呀( 引导幼儿用一句好听的话来说:白天真热闹。)[由网友投稿] 教师:我们能够用一句好听的话来说“白天真热闹”。我们一齐来说说这句话“白天真热闹”。 4、瞧,月亮出来了,谁睡着了? 5、引导幼儿用儿歌里的话说出来。 幼儿:小花睡着了,小草睡着了,小朋友睡着了…… 6、月亮出来了,小花睡着了,小草睡着了,小朋友睡着了,夜晚怎样样呀
