鸟瞰中国-China from Above(下)_28. A Melting Pot(词汇、脚本、翻译)

鸟瞰中国-China from Above(下)_28. A Melting Pot(词汇、脚本、翻译)
鸟瞰中国-China from Above(下)_28. A Melting Pot(词汇、脚本、翻译)

Lesson 28 A Melting Pot

I. Script

It’s a nation that until recently was closed off to the world that has transformed itself in incredible with ways . From a rural society into the worlds factory . cities have been built to a size and scale , not matched in any previous period in world history ,Across this visit and inhospitable land. High-tech transportation and highways are built ,at an incredible pace Engineering solutions are required to supply the huge amounts of energy that are needed to reduce p ollution that’s affecting almost half of it’s nearly 1.4 billion population .Against this ever-changing landscape millions of Chinese still observe ancient traditions and rights . Once discovering new forms of leisure and entertainment China a vast melting pot of past and present ,now revealing itself to the world .

I I.T r a n s l a t i o n


I I I.N e w w o r d s a n d e x p r e s s i o n s

1. inhospitable [?nh?‘sp?t?b(?)l] adj.荒凉的;不适宜留的;冷淡的,不好客的

2.rural [‘r??r(?)l] adj.农村的;田园(风)的

3.previous['pri?v??s] adj. 以前的;早先的;过早的adv. 在先;在…以前

4.high-tech[,ha?'tek]adj. 高科技的,高技术的;仿真技术的n. 高科技

5. observe [?b'z??v] v. 庆祝;观察;遵守;说;评论

https://www.360docs.net/doc/443078708.html,ndscape['l?n(d)ske?p] n. 风景;风景画;景色;v 对…做景观美化

8.melt[melt] v (使)融化;(使)熔化;(使)软化n. 熔化;熔化物

9.pot[p?t] n. 壶;盆;罐v 把…装罐

10.reveal[r?'vi?l] v/n 显示;透露;揭露;泄露

11.incredible [?n?kred?bl] adj. 难以置信的; 不可思议的; 惊人的

12.l eisure [?le??(r)]n. 闲暇; 悠闲; 空闲时间; 安逸; adj. 闲暇的; 空闲的;

13.entertainmen [?ent??te?nm?nt]娱乐,消遣; 招待,款待

14.transform[tr?ns'f??m] ?vt. 改变,使…变形;转换vi. 变换,改变转化

15.solution [s?'lu??(?)n] n. 解决方案;溶液;溶解

●close off 封锁;隔绝;使隔离;结帐

●the huge amounts of 大量的

●millions of 成千上万的...;无数的...

● a melting pot of 一个......的熔炉


鸟瞰中国观后感精选 01 自己看的时候还蛮感动的,再看影评,好多人在说走马观花但是一个120分钟不到的纪录片,如果不是找一个很小的切入点,真的几乎只能看风景的。要往大里说,研究成本非常高那是文案/研究主导的方向,这是镜头画面主导的方向。既然航拍技术为卖点,这方向没毛病。美。 中途有几个点可以收集来做奇幻素材原型的可是没记录,给忘了(好像是两山间的交通方式、梯田高度、风力发电、长城、逆城市化。还有别的想不起来了) 02 小时候不喜欢回老家过年因为没电视看没电脑玩近些年无所谓了因为有了电脑可以下很多电影看还可以借点小说瞧瞧无非就是晚上活动少些睡早些但无论如何老爸都是要坚持回家过年的以前以为是因为回家有牌玩 直到看到节目里对春节的介绍我才突然意识到老爸只是想回家和爷爷奶奶一起吃顿年夜饭吧所以以后无论如何 春节是一定要回家的 中国还是有很多很多好地方的以前不了解认为旅

游无法就是和好友一起玩但我想我极喜欢恒山的悬空寺 上海人造沙滩里的模拟海浪所以有机会我还是想去看看 的不只是为了到达未曾去过的地方更多的是因为你见过之后真的喜欢上了那的景色 03 整体来说是一部很不错的纪录片,从中国人民的传统信仰到不同的生活方式到城市的发展到工业进步到面临的 挑战,涵盖的面还是比较全面,当然挖掘的就不能太深入了,但画面美丽至极。看起来不能不感叹中国之美,不能不为中国的发展而自豪。 毕竟是国外人拍的,若是中国人自己来拍,肯定会更加的令人惊叹。在偌大的中国,选取这些素材,应该不是最为典型的,不过作为一个外国短片也不能要求得太多。 P.S. 片中场景: 第一集:中华崛起 1.西双版纳傣族 4月 赛龙舟:两千年传统容纳上百人的龙舟 泼水节:九百多年传统节日主题超级水战容纳十万人的广场洗净过去悲伤迎接美好未来放飞孔明灯:澜沧江驱鬼祈福 2.河南嵩山少林寺宗教功夫 3.四川乐山大佛一千两百年历史 71米唐代保护


Lesson 13 Heavenly Horse Festival I. Script The Chinese people aren’t just good at taming the landscape to their needs.The Kazak people were among the first humans to tame wild horses which they still do to shape a nation and its people. this day.China’s vast and varied land has helped From the remote mountain Hani to the multitude Han in the cities of east ,from the Dai of the steamy South to the desert dwelling Uygur. China’s culture and customs hidden from view for thousands of years are slowly being revealed to the world. In the farthest reaches of Xinjiang province is Zhaosu County.A land as remote as you could imagine with huge expansive plains covering four thousand square miles.This is the home of the Kazaks and it was here 5,500 years ago the kazaks began to tame wild horses.We Kazakhs lead a rural nomadic life ,this lifestyle requires us to have good horsemanship skills from an early age.The kazaks have a millennia old reputation for ed and trained for breeding some other Asia’s best war horses.Today,the horses are br the highly competitive annual event known as the heavenly horse festival. This year Tuo Lueson will be racing for the first time. Form an early age it has been my dream to be in this race. The endurance event is a grueling and even dangerous three-day race. My only wish is that my son comes back safely.Winning is not everything. The race begins,on day one they cover 50 miles and on day three they endure a testing sixty-two mile leg.For ainiware and the Kazak people this is not just a race but a chance to proudly display their horses and their skill homed over centuries. After 62 miles in the saddle he finally finishes towards the back of the field ,but next year he with dreams of winning. I I.Translation 中国人并不是只擅长改造环境来满足自己。哈萨克人曾开驯马之先河,而这 正是他们如今仍在为之奋斗的。中国广袤的土地孕育了这个国家并且养育了它的 人民。从远山之中的哈尼族,到东部城市中人口众多的汉族;从生活在南方水乡 的傣族,到以大漠为家的维吾尔族。中国数千年来神秘的文化和风俗正逐渐被世 界了解。 新疆最东边是昭苏县,它的遥远是你无法想象的,并且面积广阔,拥有方圆 一万平方公里的平原。这里是哈萨克族人的故乡,并且在五千五百年前哈萨克族 就开始在此驯养马匹。哈萨克族过着游牧的生活,这种生活方式让我们在很久之 前就具有了很好的马匹驯养能力。哈萨克的美誉流传千年,因此,驯养着亚洲最 良种的战马。而今,马匹的驯养和繁殖,主要为了一年一度的高度竞争盛会—— 天马节。 今年托略荪初次参加比赛。 他说,好多年前我就梦想着可以参加这个比赛。

鸟瞰中国-China from Above(下)(翻译)

鸟瞰中国-China from Above(下) The Future Is Now Translation 中国,一个在二十一世纪开篇之际正经历一场新的文化革命的国家。这次史诗般的空中旅程,将会展现一个日新月异的国家。数百万的人为追求更好的生活而迁移到特大城市之中,其建筑速度开创记录,人工奇迹崛起于华夏大地的锦绣河山之上,饱含前沿科技的运输系统源源不断地投运,以满足两亿往返穿梭的中国人的需求。中国的影响范围甚至延伸到了地球的轨道。 中国经历了前所未有的变化。历经几个世纪的蛰伏,中国开始惊艳世界。 这绵延五千年的古老文明,突飞猛进。在过去的三十年里,现代化速度超过世界上任何一个国家。这飞速发展的核心地带,正是此城——上海。这是如今中国最繁华的城市、金融中心、世界上最繁忙的港口。 两千四百万上海居民,说着他们自己的方言,依靠世界上最大的交通运输系统之一,往返穿梭。正是这些拔地而起的摩天大楼,才真正吸引了全世界的目光。其中也包括这样一个人:他毕生的工作就是记录这物换星移。 “这个城市建筑摄影对我来说呢,它既是工作,又是一个自己的爱好,是一种对于城市的一份情感。”郑宪章花了二十年,以拍摄记录雨后春笋般崛起于上海的摩天大楼。在1993年拍摄的这张照片里,上海几无摩天大楼,但是到了2014年,上海的摩天大楼数目已赶上东京。 “每次站在这个地方看,既看到城市的发展,又看到城市的文化、城市的历史。这边是全新的,那边呢是我们的一些百年建筑。从这个角度看过去,实际是看到一个城市的对比。它是在发展,但是呢,很多好的那种传统的建筑文化的东西,它也在非常好的保留之中。我今天拍的所有的照片,将来都是一个历史,这个呢是一个很有意义的东西。” 这种城市文化进程遍及整个中国,目前有六亿多人口分布在六百五十六个城市中,他们将促成与芝加哥同等规模城市的诞生,一年一座。驱动城市爆炸性扩


Lesson 11 Eagle Hunters I. Script In some part of china farming wasn’t an option so they turned to training animals to catch food. In the far northwest province of Xinjiang Qinggil County ,building rice terraces is not an option due to the climate .In this rugged landscape ,food is scarce made worse by the winters to survive the local Kazakhs depend on a tradition more than a thousand years old to do something most would imagine impossible to train a wild eagle to hunt. “Eagle Hunting is a tradition o f the Kazakh people.” “It is a custom passed down from our ancestors.” “It represents the entire race of our people …our courage determination and will to move ahead.” “We have a duty to pass it on.” st effective birds of prey they can spy a The Golden Eagle one of the world’s mo rabbit at 2000 yards and dive at a hundred and fifty miles per hour, the speed of a bullet train and its talents, grip with ten times the force a man’s hand catching food in this ingenious way has kept small villages from destitution but it also helps to protect the species that’s now endangered. Nature adults are released back into the wild and act as resonates with the Kazakh belief that eagles are a symbol of freedom and their numbers in the region are reportedly once again on the rise. I I.Translation 在中国的一些地区农耕并不是最好的选择,所以他们开始训练野生动物来获 取食物。位于遥远北部的新疆省清河县由于气候原因建立梯田并不可行。在这片 崎岖的土地上食物稀缺因严寒更甚。为了生存当地哈萨克人依靠流传千年的古老 传统做人所不敢想的事,训练野生雄鹰而猎。 “训练野生鹰是哈萨克人的传统。” “这是我们祖先流传下来的习俗。” “这代表了我们整个种族、我们的勇气、决心和向前进的美好愿望。” “我们有责任将其传递下去。” 金雕是世界上最有力的猛禽之一,它们可以在一千八百米之外监视一只兔子 还可以以一百五十米的时速向下俯冲相当于高速列车的速度,它天生神力,抓握 力相当于成年人握力的十倍,以这种巧妙的方式捕捉猎物使得众多小村得以保证 温饱同时它也有助于保护濒危动物。成年鹰会被放归自然这与哈萨克人的信仰鹰 是自由的象征形成共鸣从而鹰在这一区域的数量再次回升。 I II.New words and expres sions 1.option ['?p?(?)n]选项;选择权;买卖的特权 2.terrace ['tereisis] 台阶,阶地; 阳台; 柱廊,门廊 3.ingenious [?n'd?i?n??s]有独创性的;机灵的;精制的;心灵手巧的 4.resonate ['rez(?)ne?t]共鸣;共振 5.destitution [,dest?'t?u??n; ,dest?'tju??n] n.穷困,缺乏,贫穷; 6.bullet ['b?l?t] n.子弹,弹药; 弹丸; [印]着重号 7.grip [gr?p]n.紧握,抓牢;掌握,理解; 能力,胜任;

鸟瞰中国-China from Above(上)_9.Rice Terraces(词汇、脚本、翻译)

Lesson 9 Rice Terraces I. Script 1533 miles away,in southeast Yunnan the locals have their own agriacltural mountain to overcome--how to grow China' s greatest staple rice.Here there's plenty of water, but stopping it draining away is the problem. Thirteen hundred years ago the local Hani people miraculously transformed the landscape.To grow their crops,they hand carved rice paddies into the mountains to trap the water. ------We are able to enjoy such blessed lives today,thanks to our ancestors' hard work and endurance. Rising about 6000 feet and spreading over 30086 miles lager than the size of New York city. The terraces harness the power of the mountain's natural ecosystem. ------The locals have a saying"the higher the mountains, the higher the water source". The water stored in forests forms natural reservoirs.It acts like a giant recycling machine. The water evaporates from the rivel valleys to form fog and cloud.The clouds are then trapped by the mountain forests, and then rainfalls and flows back down through the terraces, in a never ending cycle. “We are deeply connected to the terraces.Because of the terraces,we are able to have food,clothing and shelter.The terraces are the foundation from which we are to reproduce and survive.And they symbolize the strength and the spirit of the tribe.” This type of wet-field agriculture was invented in China.And using these ancient farming traditions passed down through the generations,is how China feeds the biggest population on the earth. I I.T r a n s l a t i o n 两千五百公里外,东南部的云南省,当地的人们在发展农业上有其独特的艰难险阻--即如何种植中国最重要的主食,大米。在这里有大量的水资源,但是阻止水资源枯竭是一个大问题。 一千三百年前,当地哈尼族人奇迹般的将这片大地改造。为了种植庄稼,他们用双手在一座座山上造出梯田,以此蓄水肥田。 我们之所以能享受今天幸福的生活,正式多亏了我们祖先的坚持和努力。 整个梯田势拔一千八百米,方圆七万八千平方公里,大过整个纽约城。梯田利用了山区自然生态系统的力量。 在我们这里有句老话说“山越高,水越多”。 水资源储存在森林中,形成了天然水库,其运作就像一个巨大的循环再造机。水从河谷中蒸发,形成雾气和云雾,被山林吸收再以降雨和流水的形式流回梯田,如此不停歇的循环往复。

鸟瞰中国-China from Above(上)(下)(翻译完整版)

鸟瞰中国-China from Above(上) The Living Past Translation 源远流长 中国,一片广袤的土地,有着世界上最多元的文化,正绽放着前所未有的光芒。这次史诗般美妙的空中之旅会向我们诉说:古老传统、工业工程、农业文明和自然奇景是如何描绘了当今中国的可爱面容。在蛰伏了几个世纪以后,中国开始惊艳全世界。 中国拥有近十四亿人口,百分之九十二是汉族。但在三百六十万平方英里的土地上仍生活着五十五个少数民族,说着一百二十种鲜活的语言。这次旅行将跨越华夏广袤大地的山川和沙漠、河流和森林,向世界展示只有现今才开始闪耀的复杂文化的隐藏魅力。 在遥远的西南,毗邻缅甸和老挝,坐落着一个以其大河闻名的城市--西双版纳。这是古老傣族人的家园,他们的日历计法与中国的其他部分不同。在四月他们用一种独特的方式庆祝自己的新年。整个节日以水为核心,在这一年中最火热的季节,拉开帷幕的是拥有两千余年传统的赛龙舟。 “我是曼听村的杨宏函,现在我们准备去那个江边,一年一度的那个划龙舟比赛。我们这个村子里面的船,应该可以说是比赛船里最长的,可以差不多可以坐一百多个人。然后今年我们力争拿到第一,打败去年的第一拿到第一名。” 伴随有鲜明中国气息的爆竹声,节日拉开帷幕。头奖将给最快的船,夺冠需要极大的智慧和健美的形态。你可以称其为“龙舟竞艺”。 “全部听那个敲锣的时候,一响一划嘛。就是锣声一响就划一下,要不然就全乱了。” 遗憾的是,今年杨的船铩羽而归。 “明年我一定会来,因为这个划龙船应该说是每个傣族男人都应该参加的。” 节日第二天进入主题,或许这是世界上最声势浩大的水仗。大约十万人为了


航拍中国第一季解说词 第六集上海 上海,位于中国东部。长江,在此入海。城市建立在平均海拔4米的冲积平原之上。苏州河自西而来,黄浦江穿城而过。江的西岸叫作浦西,江的东岸被称为浦东。我们的旅程,从黄浦江的终点开启,沿江而上,遇见上海第一条不同凡响的天际线。长江在这里接纳了它的最后一条支流--黄浦江,当它流经这座灯塔时,意味着这条全长6300公里的大河,即将汇入东海。一个世纪前,上海的价值从这里被发现。前方的海洋,让上海与世界相连。身后的长江,能够深入中国广阔的腹地,通达是这座城市最原始的资本。沿着黄浦江,溯流而上,不远处就是外滩。飞行在黄浦江上,临江而建的20多栋西式建筑,是外滩最显眼的标志。曾经,中国近一半的财富,都被外滩揽入怀中。但它拥有的仅仅是1500多米的滨江地段。外滩的前身,是片泥泞的浅滩。鸦片战争后,上海被迫成为开埠通商的口岸。来华的英国人,一上岸,就看中了外滩。外滩的历史在这一刻发生转变。气象信号塔,位于外滩的南端。19世纪末,这座信号塔通过悬挂不同的旗帜,为船舶提供气象信息。信号塔的顶部,曾经有一个巨大的黑色铁球。12点一到,铁球准时落下。那一刻,人们同时按下钟表,校准时间。20年后,外滩上的另一座大楼,装上了更先进的计时器。这座大钟从英国远道而来,并设置为东八区时间,也就是现在的北京时间。那时,全球化的世界正在形成之中,上海率先采用统一的标准时间,跟上了世界的步伐。随着上海开埠,许多金融机构涌入外滩。这座白色穹顶的大楼,曾经入驻过一家实力雄厚的银行,源于罗马建筑美学的三段分划设计,使整栋大楼庄重而不失典雅。这种通过稳重的建筑外观,增强储户安全感的方法,今天的银行大楼仍在使用。这条连接外滩的道路,是上海最繁华的商业街。租界时期,南京路只是条小土路,英国人喜欢在此遛马,人们就把它叫作马路。从马路起步,中国人奔跑在通往近代化的道路上。上海的第一盏电灯,第一条有轨电车线路,就诞生在南京路上。 接下来的旅程,将跟随河流,探寻上海最早的工业基因。古老的工业厂房,如今辐射艺术力量。传统的行业,正在努力成为标杆。 苏州河是古代上海通往临近城乡的主航道。开埠前,它被叫作吴淞江。来到上海的外国人发现,沿着这条河可以抵达苏州,于是给它取名苏州河。苏州河的终点,有一座110岁高龄的大桥。1907年,大桥落成。因为不收过桥费,它被称作白渡桥。“白”在上海话中,是免费的意思。大桥前方的水闸,每天开合两次,调节河流水位。水闸打开时,苏州河就汇入前方,更加开阔的黄浦江。黄浦江从浙江发源,一路向东,穿越上


Lesson 1 The Living Past I. Script A vast land,with one of the most diverse cultures on earth, is now revealed like never before. This epic journey from the air will discover how ancient traditions, engineering, agriculture, and natural wonders shaped this great nation and continue to forge modern-day China. After centuries in seclusion, China is now revealed. China, a land with nearly 1.4 billion people,ninety-two percent are Han Chinese, but across its 3.6 million square miles there are 55 other ethnic groups speaking 120 of mountains living languages. This areal j ourney will cross China’s immense interior and deserts, mighty rivers and great forests to reveal a hidden culture of great complexity, only now opening up for the world to see. I I.Translation 一片广袤的土地有着世界上最多元的文化,现正绽放着前所未有的光芒。这 次史诗一般的空中之旅会向我们诉说:古老传统、工业工程、农业文明和自然奇 景是如何描绘了当今中国的可爱面容。在蛰伏了几个世纪以后,中国开始惊艳全 世界。 中国拥有近十四亿人口,百分之九十二是汉族。但在三百六十万平方英里的 土地上仍生活着五十五个少数民族,说着120种鲜活的语言。这次旅行将跨越华 夏广袤大地的山川和沙漠、河流和森林,向世界展示只有现今才开始闪耀的复杂 文化的隐藏魅力。 I II.New words and expres sions 1.diverse[da?'v??s;'da?v??s]adj. 不同的;多种多样的;变化多的 2.reveal[r?'vi?l]vt. 显示;透露;揭露;泄露 3.epic['ep?k]adj. 史诗的,叙事诗的 4.forge[f??d?]vt. 伪造;锻造 5.seclusion[s?'klu??(?)n]n. 隔离;隐退;隐蔽的地方 6.a real['ε?ri?l]adj. 地区的;[数] 面积的;广大的 7.immense[?'mens]adj. 巨大的,广大的 8.interior[?n't???r??]n. 内部;本质 https://www.360docs.net/doc/443078708.html,pl e xity[k?m'pleks?t?]n. 复杂,复杂性 10.mighty['ma?t?]adj. 强有力的;有势力的 natural wonder自然奇观 in seclusi on隐居,蛰居 square mile平方英里


Lesson 7 The Hanging Temple I. Script 145 miles west in Shan Xi Province ,another monument to china's living past is hanging on . Clinging to this cliff for fifteen hundred years,the hanging temple of Hengshan.While millions visit The Great Wall at any one time, only eight people are allowed inside this temple ,but why did the ancients build a temple that could be dashed on the rocks below? Superstition. "In the past,this area often expenenced floods,people lost their lives .Legend has it that the locals decided to build a temple to seek Buddha's protection"Chang shui wen said. 246 miles above the canyon floor,it was built beneath and overhang to shelter it from the elements.Horizontal and vertical foundations were hand chiseled into the mountain and a grid of hard wood beams inserted to support three buildings and more than 40 rooms. "Our greatest challenge in ensuring The Hanging Monastery's longevity is the high volume of visitors.Tp protect the Temple ,we need to keep these numbers under control."Chang said. Protecting this site from its own popularity is a seemingly impossible task,but Chang Shui Wen is undaunted:"The temple has accompanied me for half my life, I feel like the temple has played a big part in my achievements in work and life. I I.Translation 向西二百三十公里,在山西省,另一个中华历史的不朽丰碑毅然挺立。恒山 悬空寺攀附于峭壁之上一千五百年,上百万的游客可以一同拜访长城,然而悬空 寺同一时间只能容纳八十人,而为什么有可能被滚落山下的坠石破坏的情况下, 古人还要建造出这样一座寺庙呢?因为迷信{常水文说:“他这个地方经常发洪水的,当时人不留神就给卷走了,这是传说有些百姓要在这建一个寺庙吧,让佛的 力量来保护我们平平安安的走过去。” 在峡谷之上七十五米,上下悬空,使寺庙免于风吹雨打、水淹土埋。水平和 竖直上的基础,是由手工嵌入上中,嵌入山岩的网状硬木梁支持了三栋楼和四十 多个房间。 常水文说:“那个悬空寺为了他的延年益寿啊,我们现在啊,本来悬空寺登 顶的人太多,我们保护的办法就是减少登顶的人数。” 因其闻名遐迩,保护寺庙似乎是个不可能的任务,但常水文并不为所惧:“这 个悬空寺伴随了我的一生,我觉得我取得的很多成绩,在工作上,在生活上,都 离不开这个悬空寺。” I II.New words and expres sions 1.monument [?m?njum?nt] n.纪念碑,遗迹 2.cling [kli?] vi.附着于,紧贴,抓紧或抱住 3.cliff [klif] n.悬崖,峭壁


China a vast land ,with one of the most diverse cultures on earth, now revealed like never before ,this epic journey from the air will discover how ancient traditions, engineering, agriculture, and natural wonders shaped this great nation and continue to forge modern-day china. After centuries in seclusion ,china is now revealed. China a land of nearly 1.4 billion people, ninety-two percent are han Chinese, but across its 3.6 million square miles, there are 55 other ethnic groups, speaking 120 living languages, this areal journey will cross china’s immense interior of mountains and deserts, mighty rivers and great forests to reveal a hidden culture of great complexity ,only now opening up for the world to see. In the far southwest, bordering Myanmar and Laos is Xishaungbanna known for its great river. Home to the ancient Dai people ,they observe a different calendar to the rest of china . And in A pril celebrat their own version of the new year in a unique way , the festival all revolves around water at this their hottest time of the year .It all begins with an epic 200year old Dargon Boat Race.(I am Yan Hong Han from man ching village, we are preparing to head to the river to take part in the yearly Dragon Boat competition. This year the boat from our village is the largest amongst all the participants . We also have the most hands on deck. We are confident that we will win the race this year)

鸟瞰中国-China from Above(上)_12.Ziplining(词汇、脚本、翻译)

Lesson 12 Ziplining I. Script It isn’t just growing food,as a trial of ingenuity in some parts of china,It’s just living there.1700 miles southeast in Yunan province is the three parallel rivers National Park.Here asia’s three greatest rivers run side by side.creating a spectacular landscape from alpine peaks to steamy valleys,it’s a beautiful but challenging place to live.But the locally Li Su people have been living here for more than a thousand years,adapting to living around these giant natural barriers. Today is the day of the weekly market,and it is also the day when I get to visit my grandson.I am going to sell my chicken today so that I can earn some money and treat my grandson to a nice meal. Here taking a trip to the market is not as simple as it seems.It involves at death-defying slide.Ziplining across several hundred feet of wild rapids doesn't bother 60-year-old grandmother Pu.She's been doing it all her life.This ingenious method now replaced with modern steel cable is the fastest way to make it across,and a thrilling ride over and the dangerous rapids. I am selling this chicken for 70 yuan,how is that? 70 yuan?Can you sell for less?50 yuan? 50 yuan..take it! At the market grandmother Pu is rewarded with a quick sale.Life is very tough here.It 's world away from modern city life that her grandson maybe one day like millions of others decide to join.And for grandmother Pu,ziplining to and from the village is one of life's small pleasures. I I.T r a n s l a t i o n 不仅仅是食物的生产,在中国的某些地方仅是在此生存,就是对聪明才智的试炼。云南省北部2700公里坐落着三江源国家公园,在这里亚洲的三条最伟大的河流肩并肩的流淌着,形成了壮观的风景有高高的山峰和云雾缭绕的山谷,生活在这儿,环境优美却困难重重。但是当地的傈僳族人,在此生息,已逾千年,适应了在天然屏障环绕之中生活。 -今天有集市,还能看见我的孙子。我今天要卖掉鸡换一些钱给我孙子做顿好吃的。 在这里,赶集并不像看上去那么简单。生死悬于一线之上。湍急的河流上方乘滑索来去根本不影响60岁的普奶奶。她一辈子就是这么过来的。这巧妙的方法现已换上了现代钢缆,是过江最快的方法,也是激流之上一场惊心动魄的旅程。 -来来,一斤二十块。 -二十块 -嗯

鸟瞰中国-China from Above(上)_14.The Ice and Snow Festival

Lesson 14. The Ice and Snow Festival I. Script A c r o s s t h e c o u n t r y,i n t h e f a r n o r t h e a s t,p e o p l e o f H a r b i n a r e n’t p r a c t i c i n g i n a g e-o l d t r a d i t i o n l i k e t h e K a z a k s.T h e y a r e c r e a t i n g t h e i r o w n h i s t o r y t o p a s s o n. R e n o w n e d a s t h e i c e c i t y i n C h i n a i t c a n r e a c h m i n u s38d e g r e e s F a h r e n h e i t i n w i n t e r. N e a r l y10,000w o r k e r s h a v e b e e n d r a g g i n g a n d c u t t i n g g i a n t b l o c k s o f i c e f r o m t h e f r o z e n S o n g h u a r i v e r,550-p o u n d i c e c u b e s.T h i s i s a n e w f e s t i v a l b u t b a s e d o n t h e 17t h c e n t u r y t r a d i t i o n,w h e n f i s h e r m e n c a r v e d l a n t e r n s f r o m i c e. O v e r t h e n e x t w e e k,a r t i s t s w i l l r a c e t o t r a n s f o r m t h i s p l e n t i f u l l o c a l r e s o u r c e i n t o a g i a n t f r o z e n w o n d e r l a n d--t h e H a r b i n i c e a n d s n o w f e s t i v a l. “W e s h o u l d e m b r a c e t h i s u n i q u e c l i m a t e t h a t G o d h a d b l e s s e d u p o n u s.A n d o p e n o u r h e a r t s t o t h e w o r l d,d e s p i t e t h e c o l d w e a t h e r.” T h i s e v e n t h a s g r o w n i n t o t h e l a r g e s t i c e f e s t i v e i n t h e w o r l d. “T h e w e a t h e r i s o u r b i g g e s t c h a l l e n g e.W e’r e o n t i g h t d e a d l i n e s.A l l t h e i c e i s s o u r c e d f r o m t h e S o n g h u a R i v e r.I f t h e i c e i s n o t t h i c k e n o u g h,w e w i l l n o t b e a b l e t o h a r v e s t i t.A n d c o n s t r u c t i o n w i l l b e d e l a y e d.L u c k i l y t h e w e a t h e r c o n d i t i o n t h i s y e a r i s g o o d.E v e r y s c u l p t u r e i s j u s t l i k e m y o w n c h i l d.I w a t c h t h e m g r o w u p e v e r y d a y.I t’s n o t j u s t a j o b,w e a r e e m o t i o n a l l y d e v o t e d t o t r a n s f o r m t h i s p a r k i n t o a m a g n i f i c e n t p i e c e o f a r t a n d p r e s e n t t h i s t o v i s i t o r s.” O p e n i n g d a y i s h e r e.A c i t y o f i c e h a s r i s e n.C o v e r i n g a n a r e a t h e s i z e o f150- f o o t b a l l f i e l d s.B u t i t’s t h e n i g h t w h i c h s e e s t h e I c e C i t y i n i t s f u l l s p l e n d o r. B y s t a n d i n g o n t h e s h o u l d e r s o f t h e i r a n c e s t o r s,t h e C h i n e s e h a v e t h r o u g h g e n i u s a g r i c u l t u r e a n d e n g i n e e r i n g t r a d i t i o n s b e c o m e a n a t i o n t h a t’s d e v e l o p e d f r o m a p o o r r u r a l b a c k w a t e r t o o n e o f t h e f a s t e s t d e v e l o p i n g c o u n t r i e s i n t h e h i s t o r y o f m a n k i n d. B u t w h a t d o e s t h e f u t u r e h o l d f o r C h i n a o n t h e t h r e s h o l d t h e21s t c e n t u r y?H o w w i l l C h i n a t a c k l e m o d e r n i s s u e s a s e n e r g y p o l l u t i o n a n d o v e r p o p u l a t i o n a n d h o w d o e s a n a t i o n o f n e a r l y1.4b i l l i o n p e o p l e w o r k a n d p l a y? I I.T r a n s l a t i o n 横贯全国,在东北深处,哈尔滨人并不像哈萨克人一样秉承古老的传统,而是自己创造历史以传千秋。这座城以中国冰雪之都为名,最低温度可达零下38华氏度(39摄氏度)。大约一万名工人正在从冰冻的松花江中切割拖拽取出巨大的冰块,550磅的冰块。这是一个基于十七世纪传统的崭新节日,那时渔民曾用冰块雕刻灯笼。 整个下一周,艺术家将竞相把这丰富的本地资源转化为巨大无比的冰雪仙境——哈尔滨冰雪节。 “我们应该说享受这种,就是上帝赐予我们这种温度的优势,再配上这种,打开自己的胸怀,就可以拥抱全世界。”
