

Best Buy Supplier EICC Code Application Training Course


说明General Instruction:

为了加深对EICC标准的理解, 为即将参加的Best Buy供应商EICC行为准则解读与运用培训课程做


题目的参加是自愿的,如果您愿意,请将完成的自测题目发送至dfeng@https://www.360docs.net/doc/403121131.html, . In order to understand more about the EICC standards and make a preparation for the coming Best Buy supplier EICC code application training course, please review the EICC Code Version 4.0 before the class. After reviewing, we recommend you to finish the following self-tests to deepen your understanding. If you like, you can return the completed test questionnaire by email to dfeng@https://www.360docs.net/doc/403121131.html,

提示:请双击选项框以选择相应内容Tips: Please click twice to choose the box

1.根据EICC行为准则,每个工作周的工时不能超过多少小时?According to the EICC Code of Conduct,

a workweek cannot exceed more than how many total hours?

60 小时hours

72 小时hours

40 小时hours

48 小时hours

2. 根据EICC行为准则,所有的工人都被允许自由结社和加入工会,即使自由结社违反了所在国的劳

动法规。According to the EICC Code, all workers are allowed to associate freely and to form and join unions even if not permitted under their country's labor laws

是,EICC在自由结社这个问题上,并不承认地方劳动法规。Yes, the EICC does not recognize local labor laws regarding freedom of association.

否,EICC在自由结社这个问题上,遵照地方劳动法规的要求。No, the EICC defers to local labor laws regarding freedom of association.

3. 在一次审核中,审核员发现工厂有关于强迫劳工的详细政策。这个厂的一个主要劳务中介的代表被访时表示,她的公司并没有这样的政策。根据EICC行为准则,这家供应商是否合规?During an audit, the auditors found that the factory had very comprehensive policies against forced labor. A representative of a major labor recruiter to the factory interviewed during the course of the audit reported her company did not have any such policies. According to the EICC Code, is the supplier in conformance?

这家供应商符合EICC关于强迫劳工的要求The supplier conforms to the EICC forced labor requirements.

这家供应商没能确保它的转承包商和劳务中介有抵制强迫劳工的政策与程序The supplier failed to ensure that its subcontractors and labor recruiters had policies and procedures against forced labor.

4. 访谈的工人报告他们要在工作台处用餐,这样在生产旺季时就可以一边用餐一边工作了。这是否违反了EICC的行为准则要求?Workers interviewed reported that they are required to take their meals at their workstations, so they can work while they eat especially during peak production periods. Is this a non-conformance with the EICC Code requirements?



5. 根据EICC行为准则,工人的工资条上是否需要既显示正常工资,又要显示加班工资?Based on the EICC Code, should worker pay stubs indicate the amount of both overtime and normal compensation?




个政策规定,如果发现有误招童工,工厂应立即终止与其的劳动关系。这样的政策是否符合EICC 要求?Auditors found that a facility has a comprehensive policy on what to do if they hire a worker under 16 years old by mistake. This policy specifies that the facility should immediately end the labor relationship with any underage worker hired in error. Does this policy meet EICC requirements?

符合,EICC只是要求童工离开工厂。Yes, the EICC only requires that underage workers be removed from the facility.

不符合,EICC要求公司为误招的童工提供援助。No, the EICC requires that the company provide assistance for underage workers hired in error.

7. 一家供应商与其所有的客户签订了保密协议。协议只是用于保护供应商的知识产权,而没有保护客户的知识产权。这是否符合EICC的道德准则?A supplier has signed confidentiality agreements with all of its customers. The agreements specifically safeguard the supplier's intellectual property, but not that of its customers. Is this in compliance with EICC Code ethics provisions?

符合,准则没有专指要保护客户信息。Yes, the Code does not specify protection of customer information

不符合,必须要保护客户的知识产权。No, customer intellectual property must be protected

8. 一家公司的礼品政策规定雇员只可以收取价值25美元以下的礼品。这项政策是否符合EICC的要求?A company's gifts policy specifies that employees may accept gifts valued at no more than $25.00 US. Does the policy conform to EICC requirements?

符合,25美元属于正常的价值。Yes, $25 US is considered "nominal" value.

不符合,礼品政策必须不仅要限制礼品的价值,还要限制礼品的频率。No, the gifts policy must describe limits to both value and frequency of gifts.

9. EICC职业健康与安全准则要求,工人对下列哪四种危险因素的接触必须受到管控?1) 电气, 2) 化学烟气和蒸气, 3) 火, 4) 超时加班, 5) 跌落, 和 6) 食物中毒。EICC Code provisions on occupational health and safety require that worker exposure be controlled for which of the following hazards? Choose four from the following six hazards: 1) electrical, 2) chemical fumes and vapors, 3) fire, 4) excessive overtime, 5) falls, and 6) food poisoning.

1, 2, 3 and 6

1, 2, 3 and 4

2, 3, 4 and 5

1, 2, 3 and 5

2, 3, 4 and 6

10. 体力要求高的工作包括下列6个选项中的哪4种工作:1)人工物料处理, 2) 化学烟气, 3) 重复负重劳动, 4) 过多行走, 5) 长时间站立, 和 6)高度重复的装配工作。 E xamples of 'physically demanding work' include which four of the following six choices: 1) manual material handling, 2) chemical fumes, 3) repetitive lifting, 4) excessive walking, 5) prolonged standing, and 6) highly repetitive assembly tasks.

1, 3, 5 and 6

2, 3, 4 and 5

2, 4, 5 and 6

1, 3, 4 and 6

11. 对于工人宿舍,下面的哪些项目不是EICC所要求的?Which of the following items does the EICC Code NOT require for worker housing?

紧急出口Emergency exits

空调Air conditioning

洗澡用的热水Hot water for bathing

合理的私人空间Reasonable personal space

供暖和通风Heat and ventilation

12.EICC准则的应急准备部分要求在工人宿舍举行疏散演习 The Emergency Preparedness section of the

EICC Code requires evacuation drills in worker housing (dormitories).



13. EICC准则要求下列哪些流出物的排放应满足规定成分的排放限制标准?Which of the following effluent discharges does the EICC Code require to meet the discharge limits for regulated constituents?

工业废水Industrial wastewater


雨水Storm water

上述全部All of the above

14.EICC审核标准没有要求工厂满足环境噪音的法规要求。 The EICC audit criterion does not require a facility to meet regulatory requirements for environmental noise.



15. 公司需要为经理和主管提供关于工人信息保密的培训,以满足EICC关于保护雇员信息的隐私性的要求。A company needs to provide training for managers and supervisors on worker data privacy in order to conform to the EICC requirement to protect the confidentiality and privacy of employee information.

是,只有通过对经理和主管们的培训,才能使他们了解自己在保护雇员信息方面的责任。Yes; only through training can managers and supervisors understand their responsibilities in protecting the

confidentiality of employee information

否,有许多不同的途径可以确保工人的档案和信息得到保护,培训只是其中之一。No; there are many different ways to ensure that workers files and information are protection. Training is only one method

16. 人事经理告诉内审团队,一年前工厂设立了将工人流动率减少一半的目标和指标。当他们检查工厂达成这一目标的执行状况时,发现在过去的14个月里,工厂并没有统计工人流动率。这体现出工厂违反EICC审核标准的哪一部分条款?The HR manager told the internal audit team that a year ago, the facility set an objective and target to reduce worker turnover by half. When they reviewed management's records of progress made in achieving this goal, they found that worker turnover rates had not been tracked for the past 14 months. This might indicate nonconformance with which section of the EICC audit criteria?

违反了D10.1) 充分有效的整改措施。Section D10.1) Adequate and effective corrective actions process 违反了D5.1) 充分有效的绩效管理。Section D5.1) Adequate and effective performance management process

17. EICC行为准则要求高层经理部门定期对管理体系进行评审。The EICC Code of Conduct requires that senior management perform a regular review of the status of the management system.



18. EICC准则和审核标准要求风险评估和风险管理包括下列的哪些内容:a) 风险识别, b) 风险分级, c) 实施程序控制, 和 d) 实施物理控制。The EICC Code and audit criteria requirements for risk assessment and risk management include which of the following: a) risk identification, b) assigning significance to risks, c) implementation of procedural controls, and d) implementation of physical controls.

a, b and c

b, c and d

a and b

c an

d d

上述各项all four

19. 工厂的管理体系手册清楚地界定了所有经理和主管的职责,这些职责在经理与主管的岗位说明书中也有体现,但工人的职责没有描述出来。请问工厂是否符合EICC审核标准中的D2)管理职责与责任?A factory's management system manual clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of all managers and supervisors at the facility. These responsibilities are also found in the position plans for managers and supervisors. Worker responsibilities are not described. Does the facility conform with EICC audit criteria for Section D2) Management Accountability and Responsibility?



20. 工厂的安全、健康与环境管理者代表完全了解所有适用的法律、法规和客户要求,他也定期到各政府机构的网站去追踪最新的要求。这样是否可以满足EICC准则中的D3)法律和客户要求?。The site safety, health and environment management representative is fully aware of all the laws, regulations and customer requirements applicable to the site. He also remains current on the requirements by periodically checking the website of various government agencies. Does this meet the EICC requirements

for Section D3) Legal and Customer Requirements?


