

Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition )Vol.41No.2Apr.2018

第41卷第2期2018年4月收稿日期:2017-10-19作者简介:刘闯(1992-),男,硕士研究生,E-mail :850431942@https://www.360docs.net/doc/4b5439880.html,

通信作者:陈桂芬(1964-),女,教授,博士生导师,E-mail :chenguif@https://www.360docs.net/doc/4b5439880.html, 无线传感器网络LEACH 协议的研究改进



电子信息工程学院,长春130022)摘要:无线传感器网络(WSN )数据传输离不开路由协议,路由协议是其组网的基础。由于WSN 是一种资源受限网络,尤其是能量的受阻,因此路由协议必须维持较小的路由信息并尽可能的减少能耗。对于LEACH 算法没有考虑节点的剩余能量、簇头位置分布、簇头与汇聚节点间直接传输数据等缺点,提出了一种改进协议LEACH-LOMUC 。改进协议主要思想是在候选簇头选举时考虑节点剩余能量、节点到基站距离,簇在形成时考虑了簇头规模、能量以及簇头与基站的间距。同时在簇头之间通信距离过大时引入中继节点协助数据传输。MATALB 仿真结果表明,LEACH-LOMUC 协议有效节约能量,延长网络生存周期。

关键词:LEACH ;非均匀分簇;网络生存周期

中图分类号:TP393文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9870(2018)02-0129-05

Research and Improvement on the LEACH Protocol of Wireless Sensor Network

LIU Chuang ,CHEN Guifen ,MA Weifeng

(School of Electronics and Information Engineering ,Changchun University of Science and Technology ,Changchun 130022)Abstract :Wireless sensor network (WSN )data transmission cannot be separated from routing protocols.Routing pro-tocols are the basis of networking.Because WSN is a resource constrained network ,especially the energy is blocked ,routing protocols must maintain smaller routing information and minimize energy consumption.Aiming at the shortcom-ings of LEACH clustering routing protocol and considering the residual energy of nodes ,the cluster head position distri-bution and the direct transmission of data between cluster head nodes and sink nodes ,an improved protocol LEACH-LOMUC is proposed to improve the protocol.In the first election ,the residual energy of the node and the distance from the node to the base station are considered.When the cluster is formed ,the cluster head size ,energy and the distance between the cluster head and the base station are considered.At the same time ,the communication distance between cluster heads is too large transmission.MATALB simulation results show that LEACH-LOMUC pro-tocol effectively saves cluster head energy and prolongs network lifetime.

Key words :LEACH ;uneven clustering ;network life

无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network ,

WSN )是一个整体。WSN (无线传感器)主要工作





传感器的研究备受瞩目[1]。但由于WSN 节点成本

较高,能量受限后难以后期维护,因此WSN 路由协

议的一个重要目的就是高效地使用节点能量,最大限度延长网络的生存时间[2,3]。分簇具有降低网络能耗,拓扑管理非常方便,能量利用率高等点。除以上优点之外,其在数据融合方面也有巨大优势[4]。LEACH [5]首先提出基于多簇结构,部分基于分簇路由算法,例如LEACH-C [6]、EEE-LEACH [7]、EMODLEACH [8]等都是借鉴LEACH 分簇思想发展而来的。簇头的随机选择虽
