



1.To some scholars, instruction emanates from lecture or laboratory; to others it radiates from within. No scholar is so well taught as he who can teach himself.


2.Although learning is judged to require from teachers (and sometimes indeed it does), the real instructors may be found not so much in school or in great laboratories as in the student’s own powers of insight.



3.We think we learn from teachers, and we sometimes do. But the teachers are not always to be found in school or in great laboratories. Sometimes what we learn depends upon our own powers of insight.


4.You know, people are always saying they learn from teachers! OK, so they do, sometimes. But what I want to get across is this: you don’t always find your teachers in schools or in labs, either. No sir! Sometimes you find the teacher right in your own eyes and ears and brains. That’s where it’s at!



In climatology, season of the year between winter and summer during which temperatures gradually rise. It is generally defined in the Northern Hemisphere as extending from the vernal equinox (day and night equal in length), March 20 or 21, to the summer solstice (year's longest day), June 21 or 22, and in the Southern Hemisphere from September 22 or 23 to December 22 or 23. The spring temperature transition from winter cold to summer heat occurs only in middle and high latitudes; near the Equator, temperatures vary little during the year. Spring is very short in the polar regions. (Encyclop?dia Britannica,Ultimate Reference Suite,Chicago: Encyclop?dia Britannica,


Springs are not always the same. In some years, April bursts upon our Virginia hills in one prodigious leap and all the stage is filled at once, whole choruses of tulips, arabesques of forsythia, cadenzas of flowering plum. The trees grow leaves overnight.

In other years, spring tiptoes in. It pauses, overcome by shyness, like my grandchild at the door, peeping in, ducking out of sight, giggling in the hallway. “I k now you are out there,” I cry. “Come in!” and April slips into our arms.

a) 在气候学上,一年中介于冬天和夏天之间气温逐渐升高的季节即是春季。在北半球通常定义为从3月20日或21日的春分(白天和夜晚一样长的那天)到6月21日或22日的夏至(白天最长的那天)的一段时间,南半球的春天则从9月22日或23日开始,到12月22日或23日结束。春天温度从冬日寒冷到夏日炎热的变化仅仅出现在中纬度和高纬度地区,在靠近赤道的地方,全年温差不大。极地春天非常短暂。

b) 春天并非总是一模一样。四月,有时不知怎地一跃,就来到了弗吉尼亚的山坡上――转眼到处生机勃勃。郁金香组成了大合唱。连翘展示出优美的舞姿,洋李奏起华彩乐段。一夜之间,林木着装,绿叶瑟瑟。



A young lady home from school was explaining. “take an egg,” she said, “and make a perforation in the base and a corresponding one in the apex, then apply the lips to the aperture, and by forcibly inhaling the breath, the shell is entirely discharged of its contents.”


An old day who was listening excl aimed: “It beats all how folks do things nowadays. When I was a gal, they made a hole in each end and sucked”



“Information” means all the different types of information in relation to the Agreement itself, its content and amendments made to it in the duration of the Agreement regardless of whether they are under the protection of intellectual property rights or industrial property rights. It covers all the information in spoken or written form passed to one Party of the Agreement by the other Party through different kinds of media, and it may include plans, diagrams, products, data and results of analyses, projects, procedures, systems, research activities, all the technical or commercial information, and technologies and knowledge of researches, products, and development etc.

Platform escorts smooth the way home



The congestion at Nanchang Railway Station in East China’s Jiangxi Province has been exacerbated for the past two days with the different sizes of packages brought by about 100,000 passengers hustling and bustling through the only hub in a provincial capital along the Beijing-Kowloon line.



In the Spring Festival Travel, it is the platform escorts who run between the platforms and the carriages to solve different sorts of problems for the passengers in a hurry to depart for their destinations.



Liu Liang, a platform escort, works with another three young men to help and guide the passengers to board the train quickly and safely. Each of them is responsible for the passengers of three carriages.



In almost every carriage, nearly 100 passengers on board can not be assigned seats in the Spring Festival Travel, which make the carriage overcrowded and extremely noisy. Under such circumstances, the passengers become restless. “To maintain order in the carriage demands for not only strength but also tolerance,” said Liu Liang.


的乘客无法上车。刘亮要在三节车厢里来回走动,疏导车厢连接处的乘客。Carriage-joints are comparatively spacious, many passengers without seats get accustomed to occupying a place here, making it difficult for others following behind to get on the train. Liu Liang has to walk back and forth in the three carriages to clear the way at the joints.


What the platform escorts worry most is how and where the passengers place their luggage.



“Luggage with pointed tips mu st be put inside. If there are any sharp objects, they shall be well contained and you should put them deep down inside your luggage,” said Liu Liang.



Since some passengers might catch cold due to large temperature difference inside the carriage, Liu Liang prepares some mineral water mixed with Radix Isatidis granules himself for the passengers and indicates that this can quench their thirsts and prevent colds as well.

在疏导了40多趟列车之后,小伙子们终于可以坐下来歇歇,吃顿晚饭。After having escorted passengers for over 40 trains, the young men can finally sit down and enjoy their dinners.


(a) It died suddenly, in a terrible rain of fire and ash. The tragedy struck on the 24th of August, A.D.79.Mount Vesuvius, which had slept quietly for centuries, erupted with savage violence. Tons of hot ash fell on Pompeii, hiding it from sight. For three days the

sun did not break through the clouds of volcanic ash that filled the sky. And when the eruption ended, Pompeii was buried deep. A city had perished.


(b) The powerful eruption in the Eastern Aleutian Islands began unexpectedly on July 12, sending up a wet, ash and gas-rich plume that reached an altitude of 50,000 feet above sea level. Heavy ash fall occurred on eastern Umnak Island. A dusting of ash fell in the busy fishing community of Unalaska, 65 miles northeast of Okmok volcano. The ash plume soon spanned several hundred miles across the North Pacific, causing many trans-Pacific flights to be diverted and cancellation of flights to the Dutch Harbor airport. The gas cloud from the eruption is now over Montana.



Chinese road construction worker have stayed in Kyrgyzstan [?k?rɡ?'st?n]for the building of

China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan highway about 10 years.


Wei xiaohang is deputy general manager in Kyrgyzstan Office of The China Road and Road Corporation, and his work is build bridges and roads by blasting mountains in Kyrgyzstan.


In 2004, under the loan assistance of the Chinese government, China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan highway which is known as the Central Asia transport corridor started the construction. The building of China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan highway is an important part of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation. For this reason, Wei xiaohang and his companies arrived the Kyrgyzstan for this building.


This road was initially entered Kyrgyzstan especially from Xinjiang Yierkeshentan port, then get through Osh in north Kyrgyzstan and arrive the Uzbekistan. However, after the completion of the first project, the high quality of construction, the improvement of transportation, and the vigorous

of trade and economic which made Kyrgyz government did not hesitate to extend the project content.


From the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan highway to China-Kyrgyzstan- Kazakhstan highway to China-Kyrgyzstan- Tajikistan highway and other branches, Wei xiaohang and his companies have built a connection network in Kyrgyzstan, the total length of the road is 1146 km, equivalent to half of Kyrgyzstan's main road. (Kyrgyzstan trunk roads with a total length 2240 km)


Whit the repaired roads, the time and tide left the trace on Wei’s handsome face. He joked that he nearly a decade of youth was paved in Kyrgyzstan on the highway.


He said: after the success of the project, especially in the efforts of all of us, we are all proud of it, and we can thumbs up to others and said it’s our work.


Long working in overseas, workers are inevitable sad. Wei xiaohang said, the workers are not afraid of fighting with the snow, the cold, climbing the high mountains, and crossing the desert, but worry about the family does not understand and can’t share the lonely heart.


Someone had introduced the girlfriend to Wei before, but after hearing he would work 5years aboard, the introducer gave up the idea.

一心扎在中吉乌公路建设项目上的魏晓航最终在吉尔吉斯斯坦收获了爱情。他与当地雇员古丽扎特相识相恋,结婚生子。他还希望一起奋斗的兄弟们也都能拥有美好的家庭生活。Whit all heart in China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan highway project, Wei finally gained the beautiful marriage in Kyrgyzstan. He fell in love with the local employees Gulizhate, married and had children. He hoped his companies will have a better fammil.


Wei xiaohang said the work is hard but very we are satisfied with it. I hope that our country, like my family, happiness, well-being, peaceful and I hope my income more and more. Our country be more powerful. It’s really the true heat of me.


吉林华桥外国语学院研究生 翻译报告(文学翻译2012秋季) 姓名:XXX 学号:XXX 方向:笔译(英语) 任课教师:黄际英 二〇一二年十二月

Times New Roman, 小二号,居中,加粗 The Application of Free Translation in the Translation of Dawn 空一行 “意译法”在《拂晓》翻译实践中的应用 黑体三号,居中,加粗, 位于本页上四分之一处 姓名:XXX

Abstract This thesis is a translation project. Dawn is an inspirational short novel in America. The author explores the most crucial element in our lives, and shows his attitude for life. In the first chapter, the author expresses his opinion about marriage through the conversation of a couple. There is also complicate emotion with a quirky twist due to the pass of wife and the birth of dawn in the first chapter. The language of the first chapter is simple but powerful, including lots of philosophical views and implied meanings. The translation of Dawn is meaningful both in education and in language study. There are great differences in sentence patterns, expressions, and in thinking mode between English and Chinese, which leads to in-equivalence in translation. Literal translation sometimes can causes mechanical translation and mistranslation. To solve this problem, this essay mainly talks about in which three circumstances a translator should adopt free translation in the translation project of Dawn, giving a general idea to readers when to adopt free translation. (a) When literal translation is difficult to be understood. (b) When literal translation is unable to express implied meaning of the original. (c) When the source language comes down to religion cultures. In this three circumstances, the application of free translation make readers get a comprehension understanding of original novel, which is difficult for readers to reach with literal translation. Key Words : D awn ; Translation project; free translation; literal translation 空一行 空一行 Times New Roman 小二号,加粗,居中 每段 开头 空4个 字母 Times New Roman 小四号 空一行 Times New Roman 小四号,加粗 Times New Roman 小 四号,中间用分号隔开


非文学翻译与文学翻译的区别 目前,我国非文学翻译的质量无法跟上市场需求,而外语教学又更重视语言学和文学,与实际的翻译活动有脱节。因此,有必要建设一支高素质的非文学翻译队伍。要实现这一目的,需要认清楚非文学翻译和文学翻译的区别。 非文学翻译文学翻译区别 “非文学翻译强调的是事实,文学翻译强调的是价值;非文学翻译强调信息的清晰性,文学翻译强调风格。”但翻译研究长期以来都更重视文学翻译,用文学翻译的标准来衡量和指导一切翻译活动,一味的追求忠实造成许多非文学类文本译文质量低下的问题。要改变这一现象就需要认识到二者之间的区别。 一、翻译对象 非文学作品是客观事物的反映,强调准确性、严谨性和目的性,注重逻辑思维,而文学作品是一种语言的艺术,与非文学作品相比,文学作品更注重形象思维、和艺术感。从翻译实践来说,非文学翻译和文学翻译的对象有一点被人们忽视了,即作品质量,文学翻译的对象大多数都是经典作品,基本不存在语言质量或逻辑思维的问题,译者需要尽可能做到内容和形式上的忠实。而非文学翻译文本在很多情况下存在语言不规范,表达意义不明确,逻辑错误等问题。因此不能盲从忠实原则。 二、翻译目的及译文读者 汉斯·弗米尔(Hans Vermeer)提出并探讨了目的论。将翻译视为以原文为基础的、有目的和有结果的行为。 文学翻译的主要目的是实现译作的文学功能,再现原作的文学效果。希望读者能够从译本中体验外来文化,并从中获得艺术的享受,有时还能对读者起到激励作用,如“五四”时期苏联文学作品的译介就极大鼓舞了当时中国的进步青年。 而非文学翻译的目的则是为了实现简洁和有效的交流。其目的性更具体,如旅游文本是为了吸引更多的游客,金融商务文本是为了招商引资、扩大业务等;此外非文学翻译往往是一个独立的商业翻译项目,除作者和译者外,还包括项目委托人,译者可与委托人就文本进行交流。


李长栓《非文学翻译理论与实践》第2版翻译示例汇总 第13章隐喻、俗语等文化词语的翻译 13.2隐喻的翻译方法 1.直译(在译入语中再现相同意象)。 (1)a ray of hope 【译文】一线希望 (2)spend money like water 【译文】花钱如流水(也可借用“挥金如土”) (3)be armed to the teeth 【译文】武装到牙齿 (4)crocodile tears 【译文】鳄鱼的眼泪 (5)God helps those who help themselves. 【译文】自助者天助也。 2.借用(用标准的译入语意象替代源语意象,但不得和译入语文化相抵触)。 (1)sunny smile 【译文】灿烂的微笑; (2)Among the blind the one-eyed man is king. 【译文】山中没老虎,猴子称霸王

(3)He who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl. 【译文】近朱者赤,近墨者黑 (4)Old dog will not learn new tricks. 【译文】人过三十不学艺 (5)Talk of the devil(and he will appear). 【译文】说到曹操,曹操就到 (6)物不平则鸣 【译文】Injustice will cry out. (7)负荆请罪 【译文】abject apologies (8)burn one’s boats(bridges) 【译文】破釜沉舟 【解析】用来比喻“不留后路,下定决心干到底”,意思同汉语的“破釜沉舟”,形象稍有差异; (9)Kill the goose toget the eggs 【译文】杀鸡取卵 【解析】比喻只贪图眼前利益,没有长远打算,与汉语“杀鸡取卵”意思相同,喻体也相近。 3.把隐喻翻译为明喻,保留原来的意象,这样可以避免隐喻造成的突兀。 (1)龙飞凤舞 【译文】like dragons flying and phoenixes dancing (2)狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心。


浅谈中国菜名的翻译 我国悠久的历史和广袤的国土孕育了中国独特的烹饪艺术和丰富的饮食文化。我们国家也以几千年的饮食文化文明于世。随着我国经济飞速发展,与国外交流日益增多,餐饮业也面临着走向世界的机遇和挑战。中国菜名是汉语语汇中承载中国文化最多的语汇之一, 不仅承载着几千年来的中国饮食文化, 还承载着大量的非饮食文化, 如神话、民俗、历史、文学、宗教信仰等等, 在菜名所传达的表层语义背后有着更为深厚复杂的多元文化元素。同时由于饮食与文化的密切联系,这些都大大增大了翻译的难度。 1.首先我们来看一下一些我们常见的错误翻译 长期以来,菜名的翻译没有统一的标准,加上译者水平有限和地域差异,并不了解菜式的内涵,致使很多菜名的翻译让人感到不知所云。比如口水鸡slobbering chicken、童子鸡chicken without sexual life、夫妻肺片the couple’s lung 等,这翻译让外国人看了都吓跑了,哪里还有食欲吃饭呢?再如东坡肉poet Dongpo’s braised pork,东坡肉是用蒸的方法做出来的,所以这里应该为Poet Dongpo’s steamed pork 而不是用braised;“鱼香肉丝”较常见的有两种译法,另外也有人译为shredded pork with garlic sauce,前者译法为直译,后者加了简单的解释,虽然看似简单易懂,很直观,但是译者没有弄清楚此菜的配料,川菜口味浓重,很多菜肴的配料都是少不了“川菜之魂”郫县豆瓣酱,鱼香肉丝正是用到此配料,是不用所谓的大蒜酱,所以后者翻译存在误的地方;水煮鱼,也是川菜中的代表作,又麻又辣,有译者翻译为tender stewed fish,这个译法不够全面,应该在后面加上in chili sauce;夫妻肺片译为pork lungs in chili sauce,这个译法的译者应该不明白此菜的来历和主料,夫妻肺片根本不是用猪肺做成的,而且和肺一点都不沾边,此菜的主料都是用牛内脏,所以这个译发讲不通。对于以上的翻译错误我们不能只是一笑而过,我们应该感受到菜名翻译的难度,从而思考怎样才能更好的翻译来达到最佳的效果。


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/476600009.html, 浅析科技翻译和文学翻译的差异 作者:刘秦明郭丽丽 来源:《考试周刊》2013年第55期 摘要:文学和科学的研究原则和方法不同。文学翻译注重文学性和艺术性,科技翻译注重科学性、客观性和抽象性。本文对文学翻译与科技翻译进行了实例分析,从修饰与否、模糊程度和逻辑因素三个方面分析了文学翻译和科技翻译的不同,指出了文学翻译和科技翻译在选词、句式、语法方面的差异。 关键词:文学翻译科技翻译修饰性模糊程度逻辑因素 一、引言 国内翻译界一般都认为科技翻译较文学翻译容易一些,诗歌翻译难度最大。因此,对科技翻译的重视不如对文学翻译的重视。张今把翻译作品分为应用文翻译、新闻报道翻译、科技作品翻译、社科作品翻译、文学评论翻译、散文翻译和诗歌翻译,指出:“当翻译的作品越富有文学性,其翻译难度就越困难。”他的观点主要是从翻译难易角度衡量不同类型文本的翻译。其实,科技翻译和文学翻译各有特点和难点,不能一概而论。它们在翻译方面具有许多区别。 二、科技翻译和文学翻译差异实例分析 (一)修饰性 文学翻译注重修饰,强调美学效果。比如下面这句英文“Until a bright moon lighted the road home,often after midnight.”这句话是我以前翻译的《简·奥斯汀传》里的写景描写,如果用科 技英语的语气,就成了“直到一轮明月照亮归家之路,经常是在半夜之后”。科技英语强调的是精确,无需修饰,不需要被文学的形象性影响。文学翻译强调美学色彩,所以这句话(同样的一句话,两种不同的翻译)就成了“直到明月照亮归途,这时往往已过夜半时分了”。文学翻译要选有美学色彩的词汇,而不是选择一系列精确无误的词汇。试看西奥多·萨沃里的文学选词 特点,我们会有深刻的体会。西奥多·萨沃里在《翻译艺术》中说:In this(the choosing of words)his(the translator’s)task is much harder than that of the original author.If the latter seeks a word with which to express a thought or describe an experience,he has available many words in his own language and can without much difficulty or delay choose the one that suits him best and pleases him most.The translator of the word thus chosen has to decode on the nearest equivalent,taking into consideration the probable thoughts of the author,the probable feelings of the author’s readers and of his own readers,and of the period in history in which the author lived. It follows then that at every pause the translator makes a choice;and from what has been said in our first chapter about the correspondence of words it follows that his choice is not between a number


《文学翻译》课程教学大纲 一、说明 (一)课程基本信息 [课程代码]032210101 [课程性质]限选 [课程类别]专业方向课 [总学时]32学时。其中理论 32 学时、实践 0 学时。 [学分]2学分 [适用对象]英语专业本科三年级学生 [开课学期]第六学期 [先修课程与后续课程]先修课程:《翻译理论与实践》后续课程:无 (二)课程介绍 本课程就是英语专业高年级学生得专业方向课,目得在于培养与训练学生对于文学作品得理解、翻译与鉴赏能力,进一步提升学生对文学得感悟、欣赏与热爱。课程主要以文学作品翻译实践为主,适当兼顾文学翻译理论教学。通过大量文学作品欣赏与翻译练习,使学生掌握文学翻译得各种技巧,打下扎实得笔译基本功,进一步促进中西方文学得交流。 本课程旨在让英语专业高年级学生了解文学翻译与非文学翻译之间得差异,掌握中国文学翻译史上得重大事件、主要思想、经典翻译标准、近现代著名翻译家以及代表翻译作品,按照小说、诗歌、文言作品、散文、剧本、通俗文学作品等类别,让学生熟悉不同文学体裁得翻译方法,如异化、归化等,提升她们对文学翻译得感性与理性认识,针对性地培养学生从事简单文学语篇英汉互译得能力,重点培养学生对文学翻译作品得鉴赏能力。 (三)教学目得与要求 本课程为英语专业本科三年级开设得选修课,就是英语专业高年级得一门重要得专业技能课程。通过对学生进行大量得文学作品鉴赏与翻译训练,培养学生亲自动手翻译文学作品得能力,以此激发学生对于文学得更深层次得理解与热爱,提升

学生得文学鉴赏力。 教学目得: 本课程得目得就是使学生了解较为系统得文学翻译基本理论,为文学翻译实践提供理论支持,通过大量得翻译实践,使理论与实践达到统一。本课程得学习将有效地培养与提高学生得文学翻译能力,熟练地在英汉两种语言间进行文学作品得互译,并达到较高得翻译质量,从而使学生得英语与汉语水平以及其她知识水平得到进一步得提升。 通过本课程得学习,应使学生达到: 第一、基本掌握文学翻译英译汉以及汉译英得理论并且进行一定得训练与实践。第二、达到翻译理论与实践得统一。教学要求 第一、知识、能力、素质得基本要求 知识要求:掌握文学翻译得技巧、理解文学翻译基础理论、掌握文学翻译质量标准。 能力素质要求:培养与训练学生对于文学作品笔头翻译能力,进一步提升学生对文学得感悟,欣赏与热爱。培养学生亲自动手翻译文学作品得能力,以此激发学生对于文学得更深层次得理解与热爱,提升学生得文学鉴赏力。 第二、教学模式基本要求 将课堂教学、课外作业、案例辅导、课后辅导等有机地结合起来,以提高教学效率。 (四)主要教学方法、手段 教学方法:讲授教学法、引导式教学法、习题讲解式。 讲授教学法:讲授每个单元所涉及得文体特征与翻译问题等。引导式教学法:引导

非文学翻译(口译) week 17

Views on the World Wars 1) The Second World War in some ways gave birth to less novelty and genius than the First. 第二次世界大战在某些方面不像第一次世界大战那样产生了诸多新奇事物和天才伟人。(蔡基纲译) novelty 与genius的所指应该是同一类的,不应一个是“事务”,另一个却是“人”。 genius: the prevalent character or spirit of something such as a nation or age(民族、语言、时代等的)特质,精神,传统,特征e.g. Boucher’s paintings did not suit the austere genius of neoclassicism.布歇的画作不适合新古典主义的严肃风格 改译: 从某些方面看,第二次世界大战不像一战那样催生了诸多新奇事物,也缺乏鲜明的时代特征。 2) It was, of course, a greater cataclysm, fought over a wider area, and altered the social and political structure of the world at

least as radically as its predecessor, perhaps more so. 当然,它是一场更大的战争,卷入的地区更广,改变世界社会和政治结构的激烈程度至少不亚于第一次世界大战,或许更为激烈。(蔡基纲译) Belle epoque 3) But the break in continuity in 1914 was far more violent. 但是1914年的时势突变更为剧烈。(蔡基纲译) 或: 但1914年一战的爆发却更为剧烈地打断了社会发展的延续性。 4) The year 1914 looks to us now, and looked even in the 1920s, as the end of a long period of largely peaceful development, broken suddenly and catastrophically. 1914年就我们现在看来,甚至二十年代的


作者简介:姜秋霞(1962— ),副教授,博士,研究方向:翻译学收稿日期:2001-01-11 2001年第8期 总第148期 外语与外语教学 F oreign Languages and Their T eaching 2001,№8Serial №148 词典翻译与文学翻译对比研究初探 姜秋霞 (南京大学外国语学院,江苏南京 210093) 摘 要:本文着重对比词典文本与文学文本在翻译转换中词义层面的不同选择及不同的语境参照体系,论述了语境概 念中显性语境与隐形语境及其辩证关系,初步分析了两种不同的文本在翻译过程中的一些差异。 关键词:词典翻译;文学翻译;转换;显性语境;隐形语境; Abstract :This paper explores some of the differences involved in dictionary translation and literary translation ,mainly in the trans fer 2ence of the meaning of w ords and the context they refer to.S pecifically ,it argues a transparent context and an opaque context ,and presents a discussion of their dialectical relationship. K ey words :dictionary translation ,literary translation ,trans ference ,transparent context ,opaque context 中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-6038(2001)08-0056-03 无论是词典翻译,还是文学翻译,都涉及词、句的转换, 都有大体一致的准则和要求,即尽可能准确传递原文的信息内容,尽可能保持形式结构的对等,也就是所谓在译文语言中寻求最大程度的对等语。然而不同体裁的文本在翻译转换过程中有不同的特点和要求。就词典翻译和文学翻译而言,词典文本是以词为核心,以词、短语、句为独立单位存在的;而文学文本则是以篇章存在的,其中的句子甚至段落只是相对独立的单位,单个的词语则更具有很大程度上的临时依附性。词典中各词的释义浓缩性强,涵盖面广,具有很大的普遍性,即词义的共性特征;文学文本中的词、句受特定语境及艺术创作要求的限制,独特性强。词典的例句是以词头为中心生成的句式结构,文学文本中词与句是依据语境的要求发生的,因而两者的信息结构不同。由于两类文本有以上各种差异,致使两种语言文本的翻译在转换中有不同的选择取向。本文试就词义转换在两种不同文本翻译中的差异进行一些对比。 一、词义层面与选择角度 所谓翻译,就是用一种语言形式再现另一种语言的形式和内容构成的各种信息,如语言符号所负载的概念,句子及篇章的结构意义,语篇的语言风格,以及语言所传递的情感、审美等艺术信息。在所有形式和内容的信息中,词语的转换是最基本的。关于在翻译转换中的词语意义,奈达、巴尔胡 达罗夫等早有过各种分类,大体可归纳为“指称意义” (refer 2ential meaning )、“言内意义”(intralingual meaning )和“语用意 义”(pragmatic meaning )。“指称意义”指的是语言符号所代表 的含义,即索绪尔的“能指”(signifier )与“所指” (signified )的语符关系;“言内意义”是指词语与共存状态下的其他语言成分相互联系所产生的意义,即结构意义;“语用意义”则是指语言在具体使用过程中,即特定语境下所产生的意义。就词典文本和文学文本而言,词典中的词(尤指词目词)是以能指为主要特性的,语符主要传递其概念意义,所选例证是一组概念按一定逻辑形式所构成的语义,以体现词目词的概念或能指性为主;而众所周知,文学文本是言语(parole )的表现形式,因而主要体现其语用色彩;传递形象意义,主要体现形象性或表现性功能。这就要求译者在进行两种文本的转换过程中对词义的选择有不同的取向。请看下例: 11A :Her v oice was faint but steady. 她的嗓音低微然而深沉①。 B :Jane was forced to smile com pletely ,...and said in a conscious ,low ,yet steady v oice ,.... (J.Austin :Emma )简再也忍不住了,笑了起来……她心中有数,然而不慌不忙地低声说:……。(张经浩译《爱玛》 )A 为词典文本例句;B 为文学文本例句。对比两个文本 中steady 对v oice 的描述,在译文中是不完全一样的。“深沉 的嗓音”很好地对应了该词条第5义项的“镇定的,冷静的,沉着的”的释义,具有该词在描述声音时最具概念化的表达方式。B 的译文则使“镇定、冷静、沉着”形象为“不慌不忙”。又如: 21A :in the open air 在户外② B :But when she was there beside the sea ,abs olutely alone , she cast the unpleasant ,pricking garments from her ,and for the


收稿日期:2011-05-24 作者简介:周学恒(1981-),男,江苏盐城人,盐城工学院人文学院讲师,文学硕士,研究方向为翻译理论与实践、应用语言 学;邓晓明(1968-),女,黑龙江哈尔滨人,哈尔滨工程大学外语系教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为应用语言学、英语教学。 平行文本在非文学翻译中的应用 周学恒1,邓晓明2 (11盐城工学院人文学院,江苏盐城224051;21哈尔滨工程大学外语系,黑龙江哈尔滨150001) 摘要:通过考察平行文本概念及其相关性,在探讨平行文本与翻译实践关系的基础上,佐以具体的非文学翻译实例,提出在非文学翻译实践中平行文本的应用一定程度上能够弥补译者专业知识的缺乏,能够有效地改善译文的表达与文体风格,能够显性地提高译文质量。 关键词:平行文本;非文学翻译;专业知识;文体风格中图分类号:H 059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9951(2011)04-0042-06DOI:CN K I:13-1354/C.20110711.1657.016 网络出版时间:2011-07-1116:57 网络出版地址:htt p://ww https://www.360docs.net/doc/476600009.html,/kcms/detail/13.1354.C.20110711.1657.016.ht ml 随着中国对外交流和经济的发展,社会对非文学翻译的需求日益增加。/根据奈达的说法,文学翻译在全部翻译中所占比例不超过5%,而纽马克推测,诗歌的翻译仅占全部翻译的015%。根据Scar -pa,文学翻译仅占世界翻译总量的1%0[1](P20)。与社会海量需求迥异的是,非文学翻译质量一直被广为诟病。究其原因,译者语言能力不足和专业知识缺乏是翻译质量低的主要原因。以翻译手段的革新来改善译文的质量一直是译界探讨的热门话题。语料库翻译研究是20世纪90年代兴起的全新翻译研究范式,对非文学翻译研究具有高度适用性,国内外学者对此进行了大量探索。然而,语料库翻译的普及应用仍受限于其高昂的建设成本和复杂的技术。计算机辅助及机器翻译在国外研究已有近60年的历史,国内大型翻译公司研发的商用机器翻译系统正在集成翻译记忆库,但与面向社会的广泛应用仍有较大距离。这样,从翻译实践需求出发,通过借鉴目标语相关文本来简化翻译实践或提高翻译质量的研究就引起了学者的注意。在国内,李长栓教授 [2](P15-18)[3](P91-111) 在其专著和论文中多次提及平行 文本的应用;林克难教授[4-5] 提出了应用翻译/看易 写0和/模仿-借用-创新0的理论;李德超和王克非教 授[6] 、龙明慧博士 [7] 等则探讨了平行文本比较模式 的应用。本文拟通过归纳分析平行文本及其相关概 念,结合特定非文学翻译实例来探讨平行文本在非文学翻译中的运用,为提高非文学翻译质量提供新 的视角。 一、平行文本及其相关性 作为术语,/平行文本0常见于比较语篇语言学,原指并排放在一起、可以逐句对照阅读的原文及其译文。H artm ann 将其分为3类:A 类为形式上非常一致的译文及原文;B 类为形式上不完全一致,但功能对等的译文及原文;C 类为在同样交际情境中独立产生的两种不同语言的文本[6] 。本文参考上述 B 类定义,借用李长栓教授 [3](P91) 的观点,认为/平行 文本0指与原文内容相关、功能类似的译入语参考资料,其形式有专题性文章、百科全书词条及词典解释和例句等。 平行文本可以通过多种途径获取。传统方式是在特定学科专业领域,通过查找词典、专业文献及报刊杂志等方式获取相关文章及词条解释,这种方法效率低、所获信息少,难以有效弥补译者在专业知识和语言能力上的不足。在当今信息时代,海量的网络资源是翻译实践中参考资料的最主要来源。获取平行文本的常用途径包括网站,如Goog le 、Yahoo 、百度、有道、维基百科、answ ers.co m 、thefreedic -tionary.co m 等,还包括主流在线或桌面词典,如爱 # 42#第27卷第4期 2011年8月 (社会科学版) Jo urnal of H ebei N or th U niv ersit y(So cial Science Edition) V ol 127No 14 Aug 12011


文学翻译与非文学翻译是翻译领域中两个主要的部分,它们之间既存在相同之处也存在不同之处。本文只讨论他们之间的不同之处。在 开始讨论之前,我们首先介绍两个基本概念,即文学文本与非文学文本。文学文本是-种语言工具,它通过语言文字来形象生动地反映出作者 对人生、社会和感情的一些认知,希望用文字来唤起人们对美的向往,用文字向人们传达艺术的美感。相较于文学文本来说,非文学文本则是一种正式的文本形式,包括法律、医学、新闻、科技等多种类型。简单来说,文本中除了文学文本之外,其他的都可以称作非文学文本。在下面的章节中,我们会对文学文本和非文学文本的特点进行简单概括。 二、文学翻译概述 (一)文学文本概述 文学文本,可以理解为文学艺术形式,通过文学体裁进行划分,可分为诗歌、小说、散文、杂文、通讯等诸多体裁。根据创作年限及地域,又可划分为古代文学.近代文学、现代文学、当代文学以及中国文学与外国文学多种。文学文本是作家通过对生活细致的观察与思考, 并结合自身的思想体系而创作出来的意识作品。因此,文学文本具有特定的独特性、思考性、艺术性及价值性等多种属性。通过不同年代 作家的文学作品的考究,能够有效理解并知晓创作背景的政治因素、文化因素以及社会因素等等。特别在小说题材中,作家通过对现有的社会环境进行思考,批判当时的社会状态,能够有效地提升当时社会群众的思想觉悟。 (二)文学翻译概念及特点 钱钟书先生曾经说过:“在文学翻译过程中 , 不仅要翻泽出文章原本 的意思,还要考虑作者在创作过程中所处的历史环境、国家的语言习惯等因素,再结合我国的语言习惯将文章还原出来,并且要让读者感受不到译文中语义生硬的转换。”[2]也就是说,文学翻译要求翻译者从根本上理解文学文本,认识文学文本,并在熟知文学文本的前提下, 对 创作者生平、生活背景、社会形态、国家属性以及当时的社会矛盾


Our love and hate of dialects令人又爱又恨的方言 Every time I visit my hometown, I get praised for something I take for granted - being able to speak the local dialect. 每次回老家,我总因还会说家乡话而被人称赞,可这在我看来是理所当然之事。 I spent the first 15 years of my life in that part of Zhejiang province and spoke nothing but that dialect. Sure, I learned putonghua in school, but it was a language we kids would use only when reciting texts. The downside was, my putonghua carries a slight accent that I cannot shake off even though I have been living in Beijing longer than in my hometown. 15岁以前,我一直生活在浙江老家,只会说当地方言。当然,我在学校学了普通话,但对于我们孩子而言,这是只在念课文时才会用到的语言。由此产生的负面影响是,尽管后来我在北京生活的时间比在老家还久,但我的普通话总是带着些摆脱不了的口音。 My attitude towards dialects has evolved over the years. I saw it as a form of impediment for communication. When I first arrived in Guangzhou for graduate study in the early 1980s, I could not understand a single word of Cantonese and even some teachers could not get themselves understood despite their efforts to speak putonghua. Forget about the granny whom I asked for directions. 我对方言的态度随着时间慢慢改变。最初,我一度认为方言是沟通的障碍。上世纪八十年代初,我读研时第一次来到广州。我完全听不懂粤语,甚至听不懂一些老师的普通话,尽管他们费劲地想让学生听明白。就连向个老奶奶问路也听不懂她在说什么。 So I wished the country's dialects would vanish and everyone could easily talk to one another. Be careful what you wish for, it may well come true. Well, the moment I realized my youthful wish is indeed coming true was when I overheard youngsters in my hometown conversing in putonghua even in leisure time. They can still understand the local dialect, but they do not have the willingness or ability to speak it. In another generation, the dialect will be gone. 那时,我就希望全中国的方言都消失,每人都能顺畅地沟通。切不可随口许愿,一不小心就成真了。有次偶然听到老家的年轻人闲聊时都是在讲普通话,我意识到年轻时的这个愿望真的变成现实了。虽然年轻人仍然能听得懂当地的方言,但他们不乐意讲,或讲不了方言了。再下一代,方言就将消失了。 Multiple it by thousands, even millions, of similar incidents and you'll get the bigger picture of what's happening to the spoken language of Chinese. No wonder some people have taken action to


第01讲翻译的道德观和文体的概念 道德观 1.Ethics of representation; 2.Ethics of service; 3.Ethics of communication; 4.Norm-based ethics Striving for Excellence Excelling in a practice brings a sense of satisfaction in its own right (what MacIntyre calls …internal goods?), quite apart from any external benefits. Entering into a practice means entering into a relationship with its history and tradition (its narrative, in fact) and its contemporary practitioners. It also means accepting the authority of prevailing standards of excellence (at least initially), and striving to achieve them, even to exceed them. Achieving this excellence not only enriches the person involved but also the community at large. Roughly speaking, a virtue can then be defined as an acquired human quality that helps a person strive for excellence in a practice (MaIntyre 1981: 178). Such virtues include trustworthienss, turthfulness, fairness, and the courage to take risks in caring for others. Apart from virtues, practices also involve purely technical skills. A Hieronymic Oath 1.I swear to keep this Oath to the best of my ability and judgment. [Commitment] 2.I swear to be a loyal member of the translator’s professions, respecting its history. I am willing to share my expertise with colleagues and to pass it on to trainee translators. I will not work for unreasonable fees. I will always translate to the best of my ability. [loyalty to the profession] 3.I will use my expertise to maximize communication and minimize misunderstanding across language barriers.[Understanding] 4.I swear that my translations will not represent their source texts in unfair way. [Truth] 5.I will respect my readers by trying to make my translations as accessible as possible, according to the conditions of each translation task. [Clarity] 6.I undertake to respect the professional secrets of my clients and not to exploit clients’ information for personal gain. I promise to respect deadlines and to follow clients’instructions. [Trustworthiness] 7.I will be honest about my own qualifications and limitations; I will not accept work that is outside my competence. [Truthfulness] 8.I will inform clients of unresolved problems, and agree to arbitration in cases of dispute. [Justice] 9.I will do all I can to maintain and improve my competence, including all relevant linguistic, technical and other knowledge and skills. [Striving for excellence]


一、导论 (一)翻译是什么? 翻译过程即语言编码和解码的过程。 原文作者将讯息符号化,以符号的形式(文字或图形等)呈现给理解者(读者或译者)这个过程就是编码;而理解者把符号形式转换成讯息的过程就是解码。 翻译好坏的评判标准在于:译文能否把原文所包含的讯息全部解析出来并呈现给读者。(二)翻译的分类 1.语内翻译:同一种语言间不同语言变体之间的转换过程。(古文—现代文) 2.语际翻译:是指两种语言之间的翻译。 3.符际翻译:非语言符号系统与语言符号之间的转换过程。(读取标识) 二、翻译工具 (一)计算机辅助翻译工具 机器翻译、翻译记忆、术语库、语料库、百科全书、在线词典、搜索引擎、专业资料等(二)网络在线/辅助翻译 依托于强大的网络,在线翻译的翻译速度更快、新词和生僻词收录量更大,并且可以实现多语种互译,唯一的缺点是翻译质量不高。 三、广告翻译 思考题 旅游文体翻译和广告文体翻译有何不同? 思考题:新闻与广告在文体特征上有什么区别? (一)广告文体含义 广告类文本是一种典型的实用文体,重功能轻意义,重目的轻形式。

(二)书面广告构成形式 一则完整的书面广告通常由四个部分构成:标题、正文、口号、插图。但是由于广告种类不同,文体特点不尽相同,语言形式不尽相同。因此构成形式并非都采用完整形式。 (三)文体特点 遵循AIDA原则,即ATTENTION引起注意→INTEREST激发兴趣→DESIRE 刺激需求→ACTION采取行动。 主要有三大特征: (1)主题突出,针对性强 广告必须要根据市场需求和针对相应的消费者群体,突出商品别具一格的特性和优势。 (2)语言表达新颖别致 只有别致的语言才会吸引消费者的注意力,激发兴趣,使之过目不忘,印象深刻。 (3)语言富有感染力 广告必须运用各种修辞手段,融入情感因素,引起人们的共鸣,产生感染力,拉近与消费者的距离,达到推销商品的目的。 (四)英语广告的文体特点 (1)用词简单、创新拼写(2)经常使用缩略语和复合词(3)书面语与口语平分天下 (4)经常使用动词、褒义形容词(5)句法上多用简单句、少用否定句(6)多用并列句、祈使句(7)多用主动语态、疑问句(8)多用现在时态(9)经常巧妙地使用各种修辞手段 (五)中文广告的文体特点 (1)用词简洁,多用四字结构词语(2)经常使用动词、褒义形容词(3)经常套
