








keep fit \ make new friends \ feel less

lonely \ make much noise \ disturb

others \ too late \ too loud

It’s a good way to …

We should …/are supposed to …

We shouldn’t …/ are not supposed to …


not only … but also , what’s worse , in my opinion ,

范文:Square dancing is becoming more and more popular with the elder people in China .

Not only is it a good way of keeping fit , but also it’s a good time for the elder to walk outdoor to meet and make friends . Most dancers say that this activity makes them look younger and feel more confident . However , they make so much noise that people around feel uncomfortable . What’s worse , sometimes they even fight for a certain place to dance .

In my opinion , we should encourage more old women to take part in this outdoor activity . Meanwhile , they aren’t supposed to dance too late or to too loud music .


舞蹈毕业的论文开题报告 舞蹈是一种表演艺术,使用身体来完成各种优雅或高难度的动作,一般有音乐伴奏,以有节奏的动作为主要表现手段的艺术形式,舞蹈专业的同学们又该如何设计论文的开题报告呢? (一)天鹅湖的创作背景 一部芭蕾史,上下五百年。在这漫长的历史中,《天鹅湖》是自15世纪文艺复兴以来芭蕾艺术的集大成者。同时,它也是当今世界上改编版本最多、演出场次最多、观众人数最多、传播范围最广的一部芭蕾舞剧。《天鹅湖》因其如泣如诉的爱情童话、诗情画意的舞蹈段落、沁人心脾的交响音乐、圣洁典雅的天鹅形象,代表着古典芭蕾的最高成就。 在世界芭蕾舞蹈的历史中,俄罗斯芭蕾起步较晚,而且看起来好像是被统治者作为一种“先进的白色文化”,强行从西欧引进一样的不情愿。不过,俄罗斯人一旦建树起自己在文化艺术方面的精神家园,就充分地体现出本民族特有的大气磅礴、凝重深厚、气势昂扬、热情四射的意蕴,更开创出一片崭新的天地。尽管迟至16世纪初才形成统一的俄罗斯国家,1721年才定名为俄罗斯帝国,1922年才由15个加盟共和国组成苏联,但是他们左顾右盼、东西借鉴的外国遗产更为丰富多彩,发扬自己民族传统的精神更为执着,作为世界大国的霸气在文艺方面体现得更为强悍。不管从哪个层面上来看,俄罗斯的文化艺术都发育得非常健全,其中的芭蕾艺术,尤其是古典芭曹,颇为令人瞩目。

(二)天鹅湖的发展历程 芭蕾舞是西方文化艺术皇冠上一颗璀璨的明珠,一部芭蕾史,上下500年。在灿若星辰的经典剧目中,古典芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》可以说是家喻户晓。从古典芭蕾到现代芭蕾经过了一百年时间的洗礼、社会的变迁,审美需求的变化,《天鹅湖》也发生了巨大的改变,一部是古典的经典之作,一部是现代的惊人作品,它们同样经历了百年发展与变化,让人们从中看到了一百年间芭蕾发展、变化的轨迹。 “古典芭蕾”是芭蕾发展史上的“鼎盛时期”,在舞蹈技术、编导技法以及演出形式等方面都经历了一个灿烂辉煌的阶段。《天鹅湖》、《睡美人》、《胡桃夹子》等舞剧的产生,成就了一批芭蕾人才和经典作品。芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》,故事取材于德国古老的童话,作品经过多次改编,直到1895年,在俄罗斯杰出的音乐家柴柯夫斯基和编导彼季帕与伊万诺夫的共同努力下,终于散发出惊人的光彩。剧中强烈表现的生与死、善与恶、信任与背叛的主题与音乐融洽地交织在一起,互相辉映。终于成为了世界芭蕾舞经典的、最具代表性的剧目。 20世纪初,当“古典芭蕾”在俄罗斯达到鼎盛时期后开始下滑时,其内部有一批不满于保守现状的精英们开始摩拳擦掌。他们在自己的国家无法实现芭蕾改革的种种理想,只能随着俄国芭蕾经纪人谢尔盖?佳吉列夫,以“俄国芭蕾舞团”的名义向巴黎进军,用大批清新别致的新作品,为整部芭蕾史开拓出了一个“现代芭蕾”的崭新纪元。


高考英语作文常考类型题及范文:介绍广场舞 高考英语作文常考类型题及范文:介绍广场舞 题目 假定你是李华。近日有网友在推特贴出了中国大妈带领美国大妈在新泽西大跳广场舞的照片,你的美国朋友David看过后,很想了解中国流行的广场舞(square dance)的相关情况。请你用英语给他写封回信,要点包括: 1)广场舞跳的时间、地点、参与人员等; 2)广场舞流行的原因; 3)广场舞的缺点。 注意: 1)词数100左右; 2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3)开头语和结束语已为你写好。 Dear David, I am writing to tell you something about the square dance in China. Yours, LiHua 范文

Dear David, I am writing to tell you something about the square dance in China. In the morning or after dinner, people, especially elderly women, will gather in squares to dance to popular music. More and more young people are also joining in now. There are many reasons behind its popularity. First of all,China has made great progress in its social and economical development in the past decades, and people have more time and energy to enjoy themselves. Besides,doing the square dance is a good way for people to keep fit. However, just as each coin has two sides,this kind of dance has also leads to some problems. For example, dancers play loud music and occupy lots of public places, which annoy many other people.Maybe square dancers need to make some changes. Yours, LiHua


毕业论文课题申报表 题目:浅谈道具在民族舞中的应用 选题背景 民族舞泛指产生并流传于民间、受民俗文化制约的即兴表演,但风格相对稳定、以自娱为主要功能的舞蹈形式。民间舞蹈很主要的一个特点,就是舞蹈与道具的紧密结合,巧用道具,技艺结合,这形式自由、生动、活泼,可以比纯舞蹈易于表现更多的生活内容。,中国的很多民间舞蹈都巧妙地使用道具,如扇子、手帕、长绸、手鼓、单鼓、花棍、花灯、花伞等等,这就大大地加强了舞蹈的艺术表现能力,使得舞蹈动作更加丰富优美、绚丽多姿。 50年代初,在政府的大力提倡和认真实施下,大规模地开展了“抢救遗产”的工作。体现在舞蹈领域,就是有效的考察、搜集、整理散见于民间的各种民间舞蹈,通过加工——再创作,以其精华展现于舞台。随着我国加入世贸,与世界联系紧密,竞争领域不仅表现在经济、政治,而且拓展到文化领域,民族舞就是文化领域非常重要的一个方面。中华文化博大精深,源远流长,历史悠久的中华舞蹈为其注入了生机和活力,民族的就是世界的。道具在民族舞中具有重要作用,为其增添了灵动,道具与舞蹈结合,相得益彰,更显东方神韵。 主要内容 本课题从道具出发研究民族舞的发展历史,主要内容包括:一是民族舞的概述及特点、分类。二是道具在民族舞中的重要作用及应用;三是总结道具在民族舞中优点及不足并提出改善策略。 论文框架 浅谈道具在民族舞中的应用 一、民族舞的概述 (一)民族舞的概念 (二)民族舞的分类 (三)民族舞的特点 二、道具在民族舞中的重要作用及应用 (一)道具的概念和道具在民族舞中的重要作用

1. 道具的概念 2. 道具在民族舞中的重要作用(二)道具在民族舞中的应用 三、道具在民族舞中的应用总结及改善策略(一)道具在民族舞中应用的优缺点的总结 1.道具在民族舞中应用的优缺点 2.道具在名族舞中应用的总结(二)改善策略


高中英语会考作文模板4篇 必背 温馨提醒: 对于英语基础较差的同学,作文可采用背模板的方法应对。 以下模板仅适用于英语书面表达较差,到目前为止看到题目仍然无从下笔的同学。实属考前临时抱佛脚的无奈之举。 基础较好的同学,请按照题目要求与提示正常完成写作。 写作注意事项: 1、无论如何要写够字数80词 2、如果实在无法写出完整的符合语法的句子,可以按题目提示的中文顺序罗列你所知道的英文 单词 3、一时想不起如何拼写的英文单词,可以到阅读理解等题目中查找。 万能模板1:(适用所有作文类型) The topic of 此处抄写作文题目is becoming more and more popular recently. It is my thinking about this topic below. This First point is very important. 此处翻译题目的中文提示1(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) This Second point is important, too. 此处翻译题目的中文提示2(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) So I believe that we should pay more and more attention to this topic from now on. 万能模板2:(适用所有作文类型) I think it is very important to understand 此处抄写作文题目. Why? That’s because many people don’t understand it well enough nowadays. For one thing, 此处翻译题目的中文提示1(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) For another, 此处翻译题目的中文提示2(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) It is my point of view about此处抄写作文题目above. Let’s pay more and more attention to this together from now on. 万能模板3:(适用所有作文类型) I think此处抄写作文题目is an interesting topic. Many people around me are talking about this. In my opinion, we should understand 此处抄写作文题目like this. First, 此处翻译题目的中文提示1(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) Second, 此处翻译题目的中文提示2(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) In conclusion, let’s pay more and more attention to this together from now on. 万能模板4:(适用信件类作文) Dear **, How is everything getting along with you? It is such a long time since we met last time. I missed you very much. What have you been doing all these days? 此段翻译题目的中文提示1。(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) 此段翻译题目的中文提示2。(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) I am looking forward to your reply. My best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 高中英语会考作文5篇 必背 书面表达(一) 假定你是李华,正在一所美国学校学习英文。你对学校的周末音乐俱乐部(Music Club at Weekend)很感兴趣,决定申请加入。现给该俱乐部负责人写一封信,内容如下: 1.表示有意加入; 2. 介绍音乐特长; 3. 说明性格优势; 4. 期待满意答复。 注意:1. 词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 3.开头和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Sir/Madam,

我对广场舞的看法英语作文 Square Dancing_59

我对广场舞的看法英语作文Square Dancing 假如你即将在学校英语兴趣小组的活动中发言,请你用英语写一篇发言稿。要点提示如下: (1)几个月前,奶奶晚饭后去跳广场舞。 (2)从那时起,奶奶喜欢上了广场舞。 (3)现在,奶奶比以前健康了,有了很多朋友。 (4)有些邻居有意见,认为音乐很吵,无法入睡。 (5)你认为人们可以跳广场舞,但…… 参考词汇:跳广场舞do square dancing (对某人)有意见have a complaint (against sb.) 要求: (1)词数:80~100个。 (2)开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 (3)要点齐全,我对广场舞的看法英语作文范文 Boys and girls, I'm very happy to speak here and I'd like to talk about my grandma. A few months ago, my grandma went to do square dancing after supper. Since then, she has been in love with square dancing. Now, she is much healthier than before. What's more, she has a lot of friends. However, some neighbors have a complaint against the

people who do square dancing. They think that the music is so loud that they can't fall asleep at night. In my opinion, people can do square dancing because it is a good way to keep healthy. But they should think about the feelings of others and they shouldn't make a lot of noise. That's all. Thank you!


优秀英语作文范文高一6篇 为让读者更好地理解所传递的信息,使用英文进行写作时,行文一定要注意做到清晰、准确、简洁这三点。下文是小编为你精心编辑整理的优秀英语作文范文高一6篇,希望对你有所帮助,更多内容,请点击相关栏U查看,谢谢! 优秀英语作文范文高一1 There was a big stone in front of my living zone? Though so many people lived here and they came in and out everyday, they just ignored the stone and walked through it directly. Some day, when I went home after school, I found the stone was moved to another side? It was so comfortable to see the road back to its original way. I was so curious, in my eyes, the person who did this was a hero. So I asked the security guard, he told me that it was a new guy who just moved to here did it. A few days later, the security guard suddenly pointed to me the new guy, as he just passed? I saw him. He looked very ordinary, and a little thin in the middle age? I looked at his back, and admired him so much. Though he did the small thing, he was a hero. 优秀英语作文范文高一2 People always feel unsatisfied with themselves, because no matter what they

舞蹈专业毕业论文 舞蹈《血色童心》毕业表演作品阐释

中国网络大学CHINESE NETWORK UNIVERSITY 本科毕业设计(论文)舞蹈《血色童心》毕业表演作品阐释 院系名称:网络学院 专业: 学生姓名:小明 学号:123456789 指导老师:李教授 中国网络大学教务处制 2018年3月20日

舞蹈《血色童心》毕业表演作品阐释 舞蹈《血色童心》的舞蹈动作语言的最大特点是结合了中国古典舞里面扎实的基本功和中国当代舞里面的情景故事,是中国古典舞到当代舞的一个过渡时期,并没有停留在原古典舞的风格上,中间用了很多当代舞元素的展示,用故事的形式将动作语汇加以提炼,夸张,发展和变化,使动作所要表达的此时此刻的故事情节和人物心理服务将风格转化为一种革命精神的象征,从而突出了舞蹈的个性。作品结构精炼,严谨。当代舞《血色童心》是以战争时期一个失去父亲的孩子为背景原型,从小孩的感官出发,以孩子的天真和童真,体现了孩子对当时法西斯的痛恨和对父亲的思念。

一舞蹈《血色童心》作品内容 舞蹈《血色童心》是当时中国革命时期一个真实故事。在中国革命战争爆发后,他们小小的心灵饱受着战争创伤,同时也在战火中锻炼得更加坚强,和对战争的残酷表现,是多元素结合,其中通过音乐的沉重的渲染,结合动作的表达。呈现了一个中国革命烈士遗孤看着自己的父亲被刽子手杀害的现场和自己的成长,继承革命事业的精神。表达出了当时战争的残酷过程和对父亲的思念对革命事业的大无畏精神。这支舞蹈手法中结合了当时的时代背景和当时的生活情况,其中用了一段独白、演员在台上用干净的舞蹈动作和纯真的感情表达出了一个天真可爱的孩子形象和对当时父亲被害现场的回忆,安静的场面给了我们很多回忆和想象空间。音乐在独白的尾声中慢慢响起孩子从一个无知的少年继承父亲的革命事业的艰苦奋斗精神,最后音乐停止了,一段安抚人心的音乐出现表现了革命的成功和看到了胜利的希望。展现出了中华儿女对革命的奋斗精神,为革命的胜利坚苦奋斗精神,舞蹈作品中表达了当时战争的残酷和遗孤对当时革命烈士的思念,对革命胜利的希望和对和平的向往。 二. 舞蹈《血色童心》表演及二度创作 ①.舞蹈动作的素材的来源 舞蹈《血色童心》的舞蹈动作语言的最大特点是结合了中国古典舞里面扎实的基本功和中国当代舞里面的情景故事,是中国古典舞到当代舞的一个过渡时期,并没有停留在原古典舞的风格上,中间用了很多当代舞元素的展示,用故事的形式将动作语汇加以提炼,夸张,发展和变化,使动作所要表达的此时此刻的故事情节和人物心理服务将风格转化为一种革命精神的象征,从而突出了舞蹈的个性。作品结构精炼,严谨,大致分为三部分。 第一部分,回忆,我一个人着纸飞机在台上玩耍,表现一个天真可爱的小孩,随着一个定点灯光的开启和独白的开始(我妈妈没有跟我讲过故事,没有给我买过新衣服,我只见过爸爸一次,那是在杀他的刑场上,他的腿断了,他是被人拖进刑场的,是被国民党反动派用砸刀拦腰切断的)。我进入舞蹈动作状态,动作轻巧而震撼人心。安静的独白和灵巧的舞蹈动作仿佛把人带进了当时革命时期的凄凉场面。主要表现了


高中会考英语作文万能句子 高中会考英语作文万能句子推荐 1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. 美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。 2. Of the millions who saw Haley’s et in 1986, how ___ny people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first ___ntury. 1986年看见哈雷慧星的千百万人当中, 有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在 ___一世纪的回归呢? 3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions.人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。 4. Because of its irritating effect on hu ___ns, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. 由于苯酚对人体带有 ___性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常用的防腐剂了。

5. In group to re ___in in existen ___, a profit- ___ organization must, in the long run, produ ___ something consumers consider useful or desirable.任何盈利 ___若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品。 6. The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. 一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃圾处理的需求就会越大。 7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning. 简明,直接,有力的写作难于花哨,含混而意义模糊的.表达。 8. With modern offi ___s being more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors. 随着现 ___公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。

Square dancing

Something about the square dancing Square dancing is a popular form of dance in recent years which has spread almost every part of our country. It is not under limit of the field or the type of dance, mostly organized by the mass spontaneously, welcomed for its character of entertainment. W ith people’s growing sense of participation and extensive square cultural activities, square dancing gains popularity and attention from all sectors of the society. Today the elder people are concerning more about their health. As a result square dancing has been popular these years. However, some opponents hold the idea that the noise of square dancing influences the neighborhood. Should square dancing be banned? There was once a case concerned about this issue. Owners of New Guoguang Residential and Commercial Plaza in Wenzhou even decided to pay through their nose to buy loudspeakers, by “tit for tat”, only to wish for these square dancers leave. Because of these dancers the owners have been restless, at the same time, the value of their houses are declining. According to the owners’ response, the square dancers used to start at 6 in the morning to 11 at night which let the owners suffer a lot. Due to the noise there, the houses in that community was not valuable as before and could hardly be sold. After several times of negotiation with no results, the owners could do nothing but collect money to buy sound equipment that was worth nearly 260 thousand yuan, to “bomb” and expel the square dancers. In my view, I think square dancing should not just simply be banned. It is to find a solution that is more useful. Square dancing benefits mental and physical health, it is easy to master and attract people; it helps the elders exercise and socialize. The mass will lead a


高二优秀英语作文范文【五篇】 【篇一】怀抱希望 Last night, as I felt so bored, so I started to watch movie, my friend asked me to watch Mist, she told me it was very shocking, I was so looking forward to seeing it. Mist is a horror movie, it told about a great mist covered the country, people struggled to live in the world with big monster, at the end, as there was no way to survive, so the protagonist killed his son to make him relieve, just after a few second, the rescue came. The ending is so hopeless for the protagonist, if he holds on for a few second, everything will be changed. The story tells people never to give up hope, who knows what will happen the next second. If we give up hope, we can’t see the good things that will come around. Keeping the hope is very importa nt, it will help us to overcome the difficulty. 昨晚,我感到很无聊,所以我开始看电影,我的朋友叫我去看《迷雾》,她说那部电影很震惊,我很期待看。《迷雾》是一部恐怖片,讲述了一场大雾笼罩国家,人们挣扎着在这个世界上和怪物存活,最后,由于是在无路可退,男主人公杀死了他的儿子,为了让他解脱, 只是过了一会,救援队就来了。对于男主人公来说结局是多么的绝望啊,如果他坚持一会,事情就会不一样了。故事告诉人们永远都不要放弃希望,谁知道下一秒钟会发生什么事情呢。如果我们放弃希望,我们就看不到接下来的事情。怀抱希望是很重要的,它能让我们 克服困难。 【篇二】坚强的歌手 Britney Spears is a hot female singer, when I was very small, she was popular around the world. Every girl wants to be her, because Britney has the sweet voice and the perfect outlook, no man can resist her charm. As she got famous at the early age, so she got married when she was 24. But the married worked not well, Britney and her husband had many argues and they divorced two year later. During her marriage, Britney was like a crazy girl that was out of control, she shaved her air, some people even witnessed her crying on the street. People thought she would be lost forever, but Britney came back. She focused on her new album, she was becoming popular again.


A able (adj.) 能够;有能力的aboard (adv.) 在船(飞机,火车,公共汽车)上 above (prep.) 在……上面(adv.) 在上面 (adj.) 上面的 abroad (adv.) 到(在)国外absence (n.) 缺席 absent (adj.) 缺席;不在absolutely (adv.) 绝对地;完全地 academic (adj.) 学术的 accent (n.) 口音 accept (v.) 承认;接受;答应account (n.) 叙述;描写;报道ache (vi. & n.) 痛;疼痛achievement (n.) 成就;功业;伟绩 across (prep. & adv.) 穿过;在另一边;在对面 act (v.) 表演;扮演角色 active (adj.) 积极的;主动的actor (n.) 演员 actress (n.) 女演员 adapt (vi.) 使适应;使适合 add (v.) 加; 增加 addict (n.) 对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子 address (n.) 住处;通讯处 admit (vt.) 承认 advantage (n.) 优势;长处adventure (v.) 冒险 advertise (vt.) 为……做广告 advice (n.) 忠告;劝告;建议advise (v.) 忠告;劝告;建议adviser (n.) 顾问 affair (n.) 事;事情 affect (vt.) 影响;对……有坏影响 afford (vt.) 买得起;有能力支付 afraid (adj.) 害怕;担心 be afraid of 害怕 Africa (n.) 非洲 after all 毕竟;终究 again and again 再三地;反复地 once again 再一次 against (prep.) 反对;不同意; 对着;逆 at the age of 在……岁时agent (n.) 代理人;经纪人 agricultural (adj.) 农业的 agriculture (n.) 农业,农学 ahead (adv.) 向前;在前 airport (n.) 航空港;飞机场 alive (adj.) 活着的 allow (v.) 允许 almost (adv.) 几乎;近于 alone (adj.) 单独的 along (prep.) 沿着;顺着 (adv.) 向前;和……一起;一同 aloud (adv.) 大声地 although (conj.) 虽然 altogether (adv.) 总共 always (adv.) 总是;永远 amazed (adj.) 吃惊的;惊讶的 amazing (adj.) 令人吃惊的; 令人惊讶的 amusing (adj.) 有趣的;可笑 的 ancient (adj.) 古代的;古老 的 anger (n.) 怒;愤怒 angry (adj.) 生气的;愤怒的 animal (n.) 动物 ankle (n.) 脚踝 announce (v.) 宣布 announcement (n.) 通告;通知 anxious (adj.) 忧虑的;焦急 的 anybody / anyone (pron.) 任 何人 anyhow (adv.) 不管怎样 anything (pron.) 什么事(物); 任何事(物) anywhere (adv.) 任何地方 apartment (n.) (美)公寓;单 元住宅 apologize (vi.) 道歉;罪 apology (n.) 道歉;歉意 appear (v.) 出现;显得;好像 applause (n.) 掌声 apply (v.) 申请 appreciate (vt.) 感激 approach (vt.) 接近 argue (vi.) 争论 argument (n.) 争论;辩论;议 论 arrange (v.) 安排;布置 arrest (vt.) 逮捕;拘留 arrive (v.) 到达;来到 arrival (n.) 到达 arrow (n.) (弓)箭 artist (n.) 艺术家 ash (n.) 灰 ashamed (adj.) 惭愧 asleep (adj.) 睡着的 aspect (n.) 方面 assistant (n.) 助手;助理 astonished (adj.) 吃惊的;惊 愕的 astronaut (n.) 宇航员 astronomer (n.) 天文学家 athlete (n.) 运动员 atmosphere (n.) 大气;大气层 attack (vt.) 袭击;攻击 attempt (n.) 努力;尝试 attend (v.) 看护;出席,参加 attitude (n.) 态度 attractive (adj.) 有吸引力 的;吸引人的 audience (n.) 听众 autumn (n.) 秋季 available (adj.) 可获得的 average (adj.) 平均的;普通 的 (n.) 平均数 avoid (v.) 避免 awake (v.) (awoke, awoke) 唤醒;使醒;醒 away (adv.) 离开;远离 be away from 远离…… go / run away 走 / 跑开 awful (adj.) 可怕的;吓人的 B background (n.) 背景 bamboo (n.) 竹子 ban (vt.) 禁止 barber (n.) 理发师 bark (n. & v.) 树皮;犬吠 base (n.) 根据地;基地;(棒球) 垒 baseball (n.) 棒球 basin (n.) 水盆 basket (n.) 篮子 bat (n.) 蝙蝠; 球拍;球棒 battery (n.) 电瓶;电池 battle (n.) 战斗;战役 beach (n.) 海滨;海滩 beard (n.) 胡须 beast (n.) 野兽;牲畜 beat (v.) (beat, beaten) 敲 打;(脉,心脏)跳动;打胜;打赢 beg (v.) 恳求;乞讨 behave (v.) 守规矩;行为 belief (n.) 信念;信条 believe (v.) 相信;认为 belong (v.) 属于 belong to 属于;是……的成员 below (prep.) 在……下面 bench (n.) 长凳;工作台 bend (n.) 弯曲处;弯道 (vt.) 弯下腰 bent (adj.) 弯的 blame (n. & v.) 责备;责怪 blank (n. & adj.) 空格,空白 (处);空的 bleed (vi.) 出血,流血 blind (adj.) 瞎的 blood (n.) 血 boil (v.) 沸腾;水(开);使(水 或其他液体)沸腾;用开水煮 boot (n.) 长统靴;皮靴 bored (adj.) 厌烦的;厌倦的 border (n.) 边境;国界 borrow (v.) (向别人)借;借用 bother (vt.) 打扰;烦扰;麻烦 bottle (n.) 瓶子 bottom (n.) 底部;底 bow (vi.) 鞠躬 bowl (n.) 碗 brain (n.) 脑(子) branch (n.) 枝条;支流;部门 brand (n.) 商标;牌子 brave (adj.) 勇敢的 break (v.) (broke, broken) 打破;折断;打碎 brick (n.) 砖 bridge (n.) 桥 brief (adj.) 简短的;简洁的; (口语)极好的 bright (adj.) 明亮的;聪明的 brilliant (adj.) 聪颖的;才 华横溢的 bring (v.) (brought, brought) 带来;拿来 broad (adj.) 宽的;广阔的 broadcast (n.) 广播节目 (vt.) 广播 broom (n.) 扫帚 burn (v.) (burnt, burnt) 燃 烧 bury (vt.) 埋葬 bush (n.) 灌木 button (n.) 纽扣;按钮 (v.) 扣住;系扣 C cabbage (n.) 卷心菜;洋白菜 café (n.) 咖啡馆;餐馆 cage (n.) 笼;鸟笼 页脚


高考英语考前必背优秀作文 一:假定你是李华。近日有网友在推特贴出了中国大妈带领美国大妈在新泽西大跳广场舞的照片,你的美国朋友David看过后,很想了解中国流行的广场舞(square dance)的相关情况。请你用英语给他写封回信,要点包括: 1)广场舞跳的时间、地点、参与人员等; 2)广场舞流行的原因; Dear David, I am writing to tell you something about the square dance in China. As can be seen from the name, square dance usually takes place at the square, where there is large space for lots of people to get together. In the morning or after dinner, people, especially elderly women, will gather in squares to dance to popular music. With its popularity, more and more young people are also joining in . There are many reasons behind its popularity. First of all, with social and economical development people have more time and energy to enjoy and relax themselves . Besides, i t provides people with a platform to make new friends and doing the square dance is a good way for people to keep fit. If you want to know more about the square dance ,welcome to China to experience it by yourself. Li Hua 二、假设你是李华,你的朋友Tom 刚被牛津大学录取,邀请你去参加今周六举行的庆祝party,你刚好不能参加,请回信说明理由。内容要点: 1. 祝贺录取 2. 不能前往的原因 3. 祝福 Dear Tom, Congratulations on your being admitted to Oxford University! I’m grateful and honored to be invited to your celebration party to be held this Saturday evening. However, much to my regret, I have to decline your kind invitation. As you know, a Chinese Poetry Competition is being held in our school and I have successfully entered the final round competition, which happens to be scheduled on this Saturday and will not end until late into the evening. It’s a great pity that I can’t make it to your party. But I’ve prepared a gift for you and hopeful you will like it. May your party be a great success and enjoy yourself that day! Yours Li Hua 三、假设你是李华,你校学生会将在下个学期在学校每周举行文化周活动,先向同学们征求意见,请向学生会写一封信,内容包括: 1. 你的态度 2. 你的建议 3. 活动意义
