verb phrases

verb phrases
verb phrases

bring in引进;挣得get in

bring about引起,导致come about

bring up养育,培养;呕吐;提出grow up; throw up

bring out使展现,推出(书、唱片等)come out

bring down降低;使倒下come down

bring back把……带回来;使忆起;使恢复

bring forth结果,生产,产生come forth

bring forward 提出;提前

bring off圆满完成(困难之事)come off

bring on惹来(坏的结果);加速生长。

break down崩溃,瓦解;垮掉;失败;(化学)分解;失去理智

break up 打碎;大学放假;(物理)分解;分开,分成(几部分);结束;制止break into 进入建筑物以便行窃;突然发出或开始;打扰。break through 逾越,突破;冲破

break away (from) 挣脱,脱离

break out 爆发

break in 破门而入;

break off 折断;中断leave off

come about 发生/ bring about

come out 结果出来;出版;泄露;开花

come on 加油;作为挑战语;降临;进展

come across 偶遇;被理解

come true 变为现实

come up 走上前;被提出;长出地面;走近;升起

come up with 产生,发现(解决办法、答案等)

come along 一起来

come back 回来;顶嘴

come by 努力获得

come to 总计;清醒过来

come off脱落;进展;成功bring off;从…落下

carry off获胜;成功做成(困难之事)bring/ come

carry on 继续,坚持

carry out 执行

carry through 帮助渡难关see;完成get,实现

carry back使忆起/ bring back

carry away失去理智。

get about 四处走动wander about;传开

get across 传达(Y our speech …to me. );度过(the river)

get along\on (with) 进展,相处

get away逃脱,设法离开

get down 下来;下车

get in 收割(bring in);到达;请…来帮忙;录取get off 出发(set off);下班(…the work)

get together 聚会

get up 起床;组织,筹划

get through 接通;度过;完成 (put through) get back 取回;回到某地;继续做

get by 勉强够花

get down to 开始认真干

get out 被人知道,泄露;逃离

get over克服overcome,成功应付;恢复,

give up放弃abandon

give in屈服submit;呈交

give out用尽,耗尽(vi);分发;(vt)公布,发表;发出give away露马脚;颁发;赠送,送掉;捐赠

give off发出(… carbon dioxide)

give back归还;使恢复

go against违背;与……不符;对……不利

go without 勉强维持,凑合

go in for 爱好,参加;从事

go by 过去;依据,按照

go on 继续;发生

go over 复习;仔细审查;走近

go ahead进行 push ahead

go though 被通过(get);从头到尾地阅读;排练;经历go away 走开;外出度假;消失

go for 去取来或接来;争取得到

go out出去, 熄灭, 过时, 罢工, 向往, 辞职, 倒塌。

hold on to保留,抓住不放(hang on to)

hold back 隐瞒;阻碍;(因谨慎)退缩;控制(情感) hold out 维持;抵抗,硬撑

hold up 举起;(常用被动语态)延搁,阻滞;支撑hold off拖延;(雨雪等)迟迟不来;保持距离(keep off) hold down 控制(上升);压制

hold in 抑制

hold on 别挂断,等会儿;坚持

hold over延期;以……要挟

hold together 团结一起。

keep away(from)使远离

keep back 扣除,保留;隐瞒不讲(hold back)

keep off 避开;不踩、吃、谈等

keep on 继续

keep out 挡在外边;(警示语)请勿靠近

keep up 保持,不低落;持续,继续

keep up with跟上

keep down抑制(以防其增长)hold down

look ahead 向前看

look about 环顾

look after 照看;负责处理

look back 回忆,回顾

look out 当心;找出 for sth

look on 旁观 on-lookers

look up 向上看;查阅;形势好转;看望

look down upon 看不起

look forward to 盼望

look through 翻阅

look into 调查;向内看

look round 寻找;边走边看,观光

look over检阅;逐一检查。

make up 编造;化妆;组成,构成;补齐,凑足;准备,布置make up of 由……构成

make up for 补偿,弥补

make out 辨认出;理解

make into 制成;使成为

make from 制成

make of 制成;理解,看待,对待

make out of 由……制成

make for 走向,冲向(leave for);有助于,倾向于make off 溜掉 go off

put across 表达清楚(get across) ;圆满完成

put back 放回原处;拨回;阻碍;推迟

put down 揭下来;踩下;停车下人;平定,镇压;记下put aside 放下(正在干的活);储蓄;不顾,忽视

put away 整理;储蓄;过度吃喝;放弃

put forth (正式)长出

put forward 提出(计划、建议);拨快;提前put in 插嘴;安装;花费

put off 延期;推诿,闪避

put on 穿戴;假装;安排;上映

put out 扑灭;生产

put up 为某人提供食宿;短期住宿;建造;举起;张贴,公布

put up with 容忍

send for 派人去请;订购

send up 上升;发射;

send out 发送;长出;发出(请柬、信号等)

send off 送行;邮寄出(区别于set)

send away送走;解雇(lay off)

send down 下降;开除(大学学生)

send forth 长出 put forth

send in寄去

set off 出发;引爆(let off/ go off);引起,激发

set out 开始;动身踏上漫长旅途(for sp.)

set up创建,建立;安排;安装;竖起

set up as 当上

set about 着手干(set about doing=set out to do); 处理

set aside 不顾(为某种目的,后接for)留出(put aside) set apart 使与众不同;(为某种用途)留出

set back 阻碍,拖后腿

set forth 启程;阐明

set in (不愉快的事情)开始,来临

set down下车;写下;放下(put down)

take in吸收;理解;欺骗;包括

take for误认为(mistake…for)

take out 拿出

take down 放下

take up从事(take on);拿起;占据(时间或空间)

take off 飞机起飞;脱下;休假;走红 ; remove

take by 攻占

take after像(resemble)

take along 随身携带

take away 带走,拿走;使离去

take back 收回(说错的话);退回(所购商品);使忆起bring take charge负责,掌管

take on 呈现;雇佣;开始从事

take over 接管,接任(hand over)

take place 发生(happen / go on/occur)

take to开始喜欢;染上……习惯

turn against 转而反对; 使与…为敌

turn back 折回,掉转头

turn away 转身, 走开, 打发走

turn out 结果是;关上(电灯); 赶出; 生产, 制造

turn down 拒绝; 调小

turn off 关掉; 不喜欢

turn over 打翻; 仔细思量; 翻耕;移交turn in 上交(作业等hand in); 拐入turn into变成; 翻译

turn on 打开;取决于

turn to 求助于; 翻到;转向于

turn up调大;出现。


感官动词 1.see, hear, listen to, watch, notice等词,后接宾语,再接省略to的动词不定式或ing形式。前者表全过程,后者表正在进行。句中有频率词时,以上的词也常跟动词原形。 注释:省略to的动词不定式--to do是动词不定式,省略了to,剩下do,其形式和动词原形是一样的,但说法不同。 see sb do sth 看到某人做了某事 see sb doing sth 看到某人在做某事 hear sb do sth 听到某人做了某事 hear sb doing sth 听到某人在做某事 以此类推... I heard someone knocking at the door when I fell asleep. (我入睡时有人正敲门,强调当时正在敲门) I heard someone knock at the door three times. (听到有人敲门的全过程) I often watch my classmates play volleyball after school. (此处有频率词often) (了解)若以上词用于被动语态,须将省略的to还原: see sb do sth----sb be seen to do sth hear sb do sth----sb be seen to do sth 以此类推... We saw him go into the restaurant. → He was seen to go into the restaurant. I hear the boy cry every day. → The boy is heard to cry every day. 2.感官动词look, sound, smell, taste, feel可当系动词,后接形容词。 He looks angry. His explanation sounds reasonable. The cakes smell nice.


20XX届高考一轮复习语法专项八:动词词义辨析动词是是各类考试的重点,高考试题中,单项填空、完形填空和改错等三项题型中,动词辨义的比重较大,并逐年增加。动词辨义主要指:1、形状相同的动词之间辨义。如:lie, lay; hanged, hung; rise, raise; sit, seat等。2、意义相近的动词之间辨义。如:borrow, lend; speak, say, talk; hope, wish等。3、动词与其它词形相近、意义相似的词的辨义。如:advise, advice; cost, worth; pass, past 等。4、意义不同,但容易混淆的动词的辨义。如:explain, say; discover, invent, uncover; find, find out等。5、某些常用动词的习惯用法的辨义。如:ask, give, call, make, find, get, keep, want, see, hear等。6、某些常用动词短语的辨义。如:give in, give up, turn on, turn off, turn down, turn up等。 (一)易混动词 1、lay(放), lie(躺)与lie(说谎):这三个易混动词构成见下表: 中文原形过去式过去分词现在分词说明放lay laid laid laying 及物动词 躺lie lay lain lying 不及物动词 说谎lie lied lied lying 不及物动词 2、rise和raise:rise是不及物动词,其过去式是rose,过去分词是risen,而raise是及物动词,是规则动词。 3、hear与listen to:hear侧重点是听到,听见什么,而listen to是侧重于听的倾向,但hear用于无意中的听见,而listen to却用于集中注意力的听。 4、see, watch和look:see用作看电影,剧目;watch则用作看电视比赛,而watch还有在旁观看之意。如:Are you going to play or only watch?;look一般用作不及物动词,只是当盯着某人看时用作及物动词,如:The little boy looked me in the face.(小男孩直盯着我的脸。) 5、wind和wound:wind意为蜿蜒而行,其过去式与过去分词都是wound,而动词原形wound意为伤害,其过去式、过去分词都是wounded。 6、hang的用法:hang有两个意思:一为悬挂,是不规则动词,过去式、过去分词都是hung;二为绞刑,是规则动词,其过去式、过去分词都是hanged。 7、hear的过去分词born与borne:bear作为出生讲有两个过去分词born,borne。只有当be+born…短语后没有by介词短语时,才可用born。如:He was born in Shanghai. 而作它用时要用borne。如:She has borne fiv e children. 但如果作忍受讲,则一律用borne。

初中英语语法过关——动词的分类专项练习 精选50题 (有答案) - 副本

初中英语语法过关——动词的分类专项练习精选50题 (Be动词、助动词、情态动词、实义动词) ( )1. This______ my sister and those ______my parents. A. is, is B. is, are C, are, is D. are, are ( )2.—Is that your eraser? —________. A.No, It’s my eraser. B. Yes,it is. C. No,that’s isn’t D. No, that isn’t. ( )3. —Are these your bikes? —No,________ . I think they’re ________ bikes. A. they aren’t, they B. these are, his C. they aren’t,their D. these are, their ( )4. In our school library, there a number of books on science. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( )5. Lucy and Lily ________ a new bike as their tenth birthday present. A.have B.has C.there is D.there are ( )6.—Shall we go for a walk? — ______great. A.Feels B.Sounds C.Turns D.Looks ( )7.—Do you like swimming in winter? —Of course.The water _____ a bit cold at first,but then I am warm and full of energy. A.feels B.tastes C.smells D.looks ( )8.Mom is making dinner. It_____ so nice! A.smells B.tastes C.feels D.sounds ( )9.—Your trainers _____ colourful. —Yes.And they are popular among young people. A.feel B.smell C.taste D.look ( )10.—I can’t stand the smell of the stinking tofu. —Would you like to have a try? I think it _____ quite delicious! A.looks B.sounds C.tastes D.feels ( )11.—Are you interested in shopping online? ——Not so much. We_____see real products but pictures. A.shouldn’t B.can’t C.mustn’t D.needn’t

初中英语 固定搭配大全

初中英语所有固定搭配一 1(s e e、h e a r、n o t i c e、f i n d、f e e l、l i s t e n t o、l o o k a t(感官动词)+d o 2(比较级a n d比较级)表示越来越怎么样 3a p i e c e o fc a k e=e a s y小菜一碟(容易) 4a g r e e w i t hs b赞成某人 5a l l k i n d s o f各种各样 a k i n do f一种 6a l l o v e r t h e w o r l d=t h e w h o l e w o r l d整个世界 7a l o n gw i t h同……一道,伴随…… 8A s s o o na s一怎么样就怎么样 9a s y o uc a ns e e你是知道的 10a s kf o r……求助向…要…(直接接想要的东西) 11a s ks b f o r s t h向某人什么 12a s ks b t o d o s t h询问某人某事 a s ks b n o t t o d o叫某人不要做某事 13a t t h e a g e o f在……岁时 14a t t h e b e g i n n i n go f…………的起初;……的开始 15a t t h e e n do f+地点/+时间最后;尽头;末尾 16a t t h i s t i m e o fy e a r在每年的这个时候 17b e/f e e l c o n f i d e n t o fs t h/t h a t c l a u s e+从句感觉/对什么有信心,自信


一、选择题 1.Speak louder, ________ you can’t make yourself________. A.and; hear B.or; hear C.and; heard D.or; heard 2.—Do you like watching cooking programs on TV? —No, I don’t , but my twin brother . He's very fond of cooking. A.does D.are 3.Colours can change our moods and make us happy or sad . A.feel feel C.felt D.feeling 4.—________ Mary________ fruit? —Of course. A.Is; like B.Does; likes C.Does; like D.Do; likes 5.Parents always hope their children a happy and healthy life. live B.can live D.should live 6.The woman made her husband_______ outside the gate yesterday afternoon. A.wait B.waiting wait D.waited 7.Coffee is ready. How nice it ______! Would you like some? A.looks B.smells C.sounds D.feels 8.—Let’s _________ the library this afternoon. —Sorry, I want _________ my grandfather. A.go to;to meet B.go to;meeting go to;to meet 9.—What will the weather _______tomorrow? — It is going to_______ . like; rainy like; rain; rain; rainy 10.Lily and Lucy _______ their mother. They have big eyes and yellow hair. both B.both are like C.both like D.are both like 11.The shopping mall near our school _________ for 12 hours a day. It _________ at 9:00 p.m.. A.opens; closes B.opens; is closed open; is closed open; closes 12.In the past he often made his sister____, but now he is often made ___by his sister. cry; to cry B.cry; cry cry; cry D.cry; to cry 13.—Where_______you come from? —I______from Japan A.are; am B.are; come; come 14.Tom and I ________ good friends. He is twelve(12岁). A.are 15.— What kind of home do you ? — A flat three bedrooms. in; with; with in; has; has 16.I have bought a Chinese – English dictionary. When and where_____ you _____ it?


英语动词专项及解析 一、动词 1.I don't know if we will have a sports meeting, because it ________ the weather. A. stands for B. depends on C. lives on D. agrees with 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我不知道我们是否要举行运动会,因为那要取决于天气。stand for代表;depend on取决于;live on以……为生;agree with同意。根据句意可知选B。 【点评】考查动词短语辨析。 2.—Mm…Your pizza______ so nice.——Thanks! Would you like to try some? A. smells B. feels C. sounds D. tastes 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——嗯……你的比萨闻起来真香。——谢谢,要试一些吗?A. smells闻起来;B. feels感觉,摸起来;C. sounds听起来;D. tastes品尝,尝起来。食物要么闻到香味,要么尝到味道,根据语境,这里是闻到,故选A。 3.Mom, what are you cooking now? It so nice. A. smells B. feels C. sounds D. tastes 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:妈妈,你在煮什么?闻起来这样香。A.闻起来;B.感觉起来,摸起来;C.听起来;D.尝起来。从语境上可以分析出,我没有看到妈妈煮的什么,只是闻到了香味,用闻起来,故选A。 4.— There are dark clouds, and the wind is blowing strongly. — It ______ that a typhoon is coming. A. feels B. sounds C. seems D. looks 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】考查连系动词辨析。句意:“—有乌云,风很大。”“—好像台风要来了。” 能接as if/as though表语从句的系动词有:look(看起来),smell(闻起来),sound(听起来),feel(觉得);appear(显得),seem(似乎)。可用于“It+系动词+that从句”结构的有:seem, appear, 不可用be, look。根据语境,故选C。


初中英语感官动词的用法 一、感官动词 1、感官动词(及物动词)有:see/notice/look at/watch/observe/listen to/hear/feel(Vt)/taste(Vt)/smell(Vt) 2、连缀动词(含感官不及物动词) : be/get/become/feel/look/sound/smell/taste/keep/stay/seem/ appear/grow/turn/prove/remain/go/run 二、具体用法: 1、see, hear, smell, taste, feel,这五个动词均可作连系动词,后面接形容词作表语,说明主语所处的状态。其意思分别为"看/听/闻/尝/摸起来……"。除look之外,其它几个动词的主语往往是物,而不是人。 例如:These flowers smell very sweet.这些花闻起来很香。 The tomatoes feel very soft.这些西红柿摸起来很软。 2、这些动词后面也可接介词like短语,like后面常用名词。 例如:Her idea sounds like fun.她的主意听起来很有趣。 3、这五个感官动词也可作实义动词,除look(当"看起来……"讲时)只能作不及物动词外,其余四个既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词,此时作为实义动词讲时其主语一般为人。 例如:She smelt the meat.她闻了闻那块肉。 I felt in my pocket for cigarettes.我用手在口袋里摸香烟。 4、taste, smell作不及物动词时,可用于"taste / smell + of +名词"结构,意为"有……味道/气味"。 例如:The air in the room smells of earth.房间里的空气有股泥土味。 5、它们(sound除外)可以直接作名词,与have或take构成短语。 例如:May I have a taste of the mooncakes?我可以尝一口这月饼吗?taste有品位、味道的意思。 例如:I don’t like the taste of the garlic. 我不喜欢大蒜的味道。 She dresses in poor taste.她穿着没有品位。 look有外观,特色的意思,例:The place has a European look.此地具有欧洲特色。 feel有感觉,感受的意思,watch有手表,观察的意思。例:My watch is expensive.我的手表很贵。 6、其中look, sound, feel还能构成"look / sound / feel + as if +从句"结构,意为"看起来/听起来/感觉好像……"。 例如:It looks as if our class is going to win.看来我们班好像要获胜了。 7、感官动词+do与+doing的区别: see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, smell, taste, feel + do 表示动作的完整性,真实性;+doing 表示动作的连续性,进行性。 I saw him work in the garden yesterday. 昨天我看见他在花园里干活了。(强调"我看见了"这个事实) I saw him working in the garden yesterday.昨天我见他正在花园里干活。(强调"我见他正干活"这个动作)


一、选择题 1.This my sister and those my brothers., is B.are, are, are 2.Here _______a nice photo of my family. D.are 3.The teacher's smile made me ________ better. A.feel feel C.feeling D.felt 4.—Listen! I can hear someone __________ for help. —Is there __________? A.calling; anything wrong; anything wrong C.calling; wrong anything; wrong anything 5.—David, you got any tea? —Yes. Would you like some? A.have C.has 6.Our school basketball team ________ in the final of the basketball competition. Another team from No.5 Middle School ________ doing very well too.; isn’t B.are; aren’t; are D.are; is 7.—_______everyone get tired today? —Yes, we_______very tired the whole afternoon. A.Does; are all B.Do; are all C.Does; all are D.Is; all are 8.A number of visitors ________visiting our school. The number of them________ about 180.;are B.are; is; is D.are; are 9.—How much ________ this pair of shoes? —Five dollars. C.are 10.Which of the following sentences is right? A.My books on the desk B.Nice meet you, too C.These are my dictionaries D.Thanks you for your help. 11.Lily and Lucy _______ their mother. They have big eyes and yellow hair. both B.both are like C.both like D.are both like 12.Colours can change our moods and make us happy or sad . A.feel feel C.felt D.feeling 13.—He’s never been late for school. —________________. A.So have I B.So am I C.Neither have I D.Nor am I 14.—How much ________ this pair of socks?


Revision of Unit 2 *due to 1)The flight will arrive late due to the heavy fog. 2)When is the next train due? 3)Please let me know when the rent is due in advance. 4)The strike is due to begin on Tuesday. be due to do *let out 1.透露,泄露 有人把这个消息透露出去了。 Someone has _______ _______ ________ ________. 他透露说他要离开中国了。 He _______ _______ _______ he were going to leave China. 2.发出(叫声) let out a cry / a scream / a groan 3.出租 他按天计算出租他的车。 He _______ _______ his car ______ _______ day. 他们决定以低租金把那些较小的办公室租出去。 They decided to ________ _______the smaller offices _____ low rents.

4.(把衣服)放大,放长 这衣服要放大了我才好穿。 I’ll have to ________ ________ the coat _________ I can wear it. 她长胖了,裙子要放大了才行。 Since she has gained weight, the dress has to _____ ______ _______. let in 1.漏水 This roof lets in the rain. The boat let in water 2. sb be let in 被欺骗= leave out 1.遗漏,漏掉 你这一段漏掉了两行。 You have ________ ________ ________ ________ from this paragraph. 她在她的叙述中漏掉了一个重要的细节。 She _______ ________ _________ ___________ ________in her account.


(英语)英语动词专项及解析 一、动词 1.—Who told you to clean the windows? —Father . He said they were too dirty. A. told B. did C. had told D. has told 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】所填写词用来指代上文的 told,told 是tell 的过去式,故用助动词 did 来代替,选B。句意是:—谁叫你擦窗户的?—爸爸叫的,他说窗户太脏了。 【点评】本题考查助动词的用法。 2.Mum, what are you cooking? It_______ so sweet. A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】:妈妈,你正在做什么呢?闻起来这么香。taste“尝起来”;feel“感觉”;sound“听起来”;smell“闻起来”。结合语境,故选D。 【点评】考查系动词辨析。 3.—Mm…Your pizza______ so nice.——Thanks! Would you like to try some? A. smells B. feels C. sounds D. tastes 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——嗯……你的比萨闻起来真香。——谢谢,要试一些吗?A. smells闻起来;B. feels感觉,摸起来;C. sounds听起来;D. tastes品尝,尝起来。食物要么闻到香味,要么尝到味道,根据语境,这里是闻到,故选A。 4.TFBOYS' songs ____ sweet and many of us like listening to them. A. sound B. feel C. taste D. look 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:TF男孩的歌听起来很甜美,我们很多人都喜欢听。A.听起来,系动词;B. 感觉,摸;C.尝起来;D.看起来。这四个单词都可以做系动词,后跟形容词做表语。根据句意可知,歌曲应该是听起来很甜美,故应选A。 5.When going upstairs or downstairs, we need to walk on the right, leaving the left space for


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 英语语法专项:动词不定式用法归纳及练习答案 动词不定式用法归纳动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,在句中不能独立作谓语。 但动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词特征,在句中可以作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、表语和状语等多种成分。 另外,动词不定式具有动词特点,可以有自己的宾语和状语,组成动词不定式短语。 动词不定式的肯定形式是 to+do;其否定形式是 not to+do。 1.作主语可以直接作主语。 如: To see is to believe.但在英语中,常用 it 作形式主语,真正的主语即动词不定式放在后面。 如: It's wrong to play tricks on other people. It's our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy.(Lesson 10).点击规律:动词不定式在句中作主语时,常放在 It is +adj.(形容词)+to do sth.或 It is + n.(名词)+to do sth.句型中,it 仅作形式主语。 2.作宾语 a.以下动词只能 to do 作宾语。 attempt 企图 enable 能够 neglect 忽视 afford 负担得起demand 要求 long 渴望 arrange 安排 mean 意欲,打算 begin 开始 expect 期望 appear 似乎,显得 determine 决定 manage 设法 cease 停止 hate 憎恨,厌恶 pretend 假装 ask 问 need 需要 1/ 7


初中英语语法专项名词(讲义) 一、名词(n.)表示人、事物或抽象概念的名称的词 (一)名词的分类 名词分为普通名词和专有名词,其中普通名词包括可数名词和不可数名词,可数名词可用作单数,也可用作复数。可数名词包括个体名词(表示一类人或物的个体。如:boy,desk,cat,window)和集体名词(由若干个体组成的集合体。如:family,class,police)。不可数名词包括物质名词(表示无法分为个体的实物。如:water,paper,silk,money)和抽象名词(表示性质、行为、状态、感情或其它抽象概念。如:work,happiness,music,difficulty,housework)专有名词表示个人、地方、机构、组织等。如:Tom,the Great Wall,the Spring Festival,France,the United States)(二)名词的数 1.可数名词有单数和复数两种形式,其复数形式的构成主要有以下几种: (1)一般情况下,在词尾加s. ,dog--dogs,pen--pens,boy--boys (2)以s,x,ch,sh结尾的词名词变复数时,要在词尾加es. ,brush-brushes,bus-buses,box-boxes(es读音为〔iz〕 (3)以"辅音字母+y"结尾的名词,先变y为i,再加e , family--families, (注:以"元音字母+y"结尾的词,直接在词尾加) (4)以元音字母o结尾的名词,变复数时情况如下: ①加,potato-potatoes ②结尾是两个元音字母的加s,,radio--radios ③某些外来词变复数时词尾加s,eg. piano-pianos ④一些名词的缩写形式变复数时,词尾加s, (photograph)--photos,kilo (kilogram)kilos ⑤zero变复数时,既可加s,也可加/zeroes (5)以f或fe结尾的名词变复数时,先把f或fe变为v,再加es. ,leaf-leaves,half--halves, knife-knives,thief--thieves(res读音为[vz]妻子骑牛拿起刀, wife--wives; calf---calves; knife----knives; 追得贼狼满街跑, thief---thieves; wolf----wolves 碰倒架子丧己命, shelf---shelves; self---selves; life----lives 手帕树叶半空飘. leaf----leaves half----halves (6)有些名词由单数变复数时,不是在词尾加s或es,而是变换其中的字母。,woman--women,policeman--policemen, Englishman--Englishmen,Frenchman--Frenchmen, foot--feet, tooth--teeth, child--children,mouse-mice,Ox-Oxen(公牛) (7)还有一些名词的单数和复数形式相同。 ,Japanese,sheep,deer,fish works (8)另一些名词本身即是复数形式,不可用作单数。eg,people,police,trousers,pants,clothes 另外,①当一个名词作定语修饰另一个名词时,这个名词一般用单数。 apple tree,five apple trees, a girl friend,two girl friends,a twin sister 但是,当man和woman作定语修饰复数名词时,就要用其复数形式。 men teachers,three women doctors ②可用"量词+of+名词复数"这一结构表示可数名词的数量。 room Of students,two boxes Of pencils

完整六年级英语语法专项卷 动词

动词---六年级英语语法专项卷 一、选择题 ( )1.I can ___ Chinese and English. A. speak B. say C. talk ( )2.He ___ very clever. A. is B. am C. are ( )3.Where ___ your parents work? A. do B. does C. are ( )4.--- ___ she send you a postcard? --- Yes, she did. A. Does B. Did C. Do ( )5.My cousin asked me ____ the book together. A. to read B. reading C. read ( )6.--- What ____ you do? --- I'm a worker. A. do B. did C. are D. does ( )7.___ you like apples? A. Do B. Does C. Have ( )8.The desks ___ black. A. are B. is C. / ( )9.Does he often ___ baseball after school? A. plays B. play C. playing ( )10.--- What can he do? --- ___. A. They can read. B. Yes, he can. C. He can cook. ( )11.--Are these ____? --No, they aren't. They're ____. A. sheep;cows B. sheep;cow C. sheeps;cow D. sheeps;cows ( )12.Turn on the light. 打开灯。关上灯。打开电视。 B. C. A. ( )13.This ___ my classroom. A. is B. are C. am ( )14.___! This is my new computer. A. Look B. Look at C. look ( )15.--- We ___ a new fan in the classroom. --- Really? Let's go and see! A. have B. has C. are 二、填空题,e (现在分词) 1


初中英语语法专项习题7-动词 1 ( ) 1 Every night the noise____. A. wakes him out B. wake up him C. wakes him up D. wake him up ( ) 2 She ___ to sleep, but she was never able to sleep well. A. came B. fell C. tried D. missed ( ) 3 I like what she ___. I hate what she ___. A. likes; hates B. like; hate C. liked; hates D. to like; to hate ( ) 4 She picked it up and ____. A. gave me it B. gave to me it C. gave it me D. gave it to me ( ) 5 The shoes are yours. Please____. A. put it away B. put them away C. put away it D. put away them 2 ( ) 1 The stars ___ very small because they're very far away from us. A. are B. look C. change D. become ( ) 2 The room ___ cool in summer and'warm in winter. A. feels B. is felt C. feels to be D. is felt to be ( ) 3 You don't look so___ as usual. Why not go to see a doctor? A. well B. better C. badly D. worse ( ) 4 His temperature seems ____.A. right B. all right C. well D. true ( ) 5 The cake smells .A. well B. badly C. good D. terribly 3 ( ) 1 Will you go to the Great Wall if it ___ fine tomorrow? A. will B. was C. is going to be D. is ( ) 2 Please come to our meeting if you ___ free tomorrow. A. will B. will be C. are D. were ( ) 3 ___ you free now? I have some questions to ask you. A. Will B. Do C. Are D. Would 4 ( ) 1 His grandpa___for a year.A. died B. has been deadC. has been death D. was died ( ) 2 I won't go to bed until my mother ____ back.A. came B. comes C. will D. come ( ) 3 The pupils ___ the Summer Palace tomorrow afternoon. A. visit B. visited C. have visited D. are going to visit ( ) 4 He___ his homework this time yesterday. A. is doing B. was doing C. did D. will do ( ) 5 Two years ago, he___the Youth League.A. has joined B. joined C. took part in D. entered 5 ( ) 1 -Were you here yesterday?-Yes, I___.A. am B. was C. are D. were ( ) 2 What ____ they doing now in the forest?A. is B. are C. were D. was ( ) 3 The young people ___ in the mountain area and they ___ planting trees now. A. is; are B. are; are C. are; were D. was; were 6 ( ) 1 The girl___beautiful at all.A. isn't B. doesn't C. didn't D. aren't ( ) 2 I've told him ___ the dog any more.A. don't play with B. not to play with C. don't play D. not to play ( ) 3 -My pen____.-Neither does mine. A. won't write B. didn't write C. doesn't write D. is not written ( ) 4 He___ his homework last week. He___ ill.A. doesn't do; is B. didn't; / C. didn't do; was D. not did; was 7 ( ) 1 I think Miss Gao is the best teacher in our school. ___ you___ me? A. Do; agree with B. Are; agree with C. Are; angry with D. Are; agree with ( ) 2 ____ your mother a bus driver?A. Are B. Is C. Did D. Does ( ) 3 ___ you been to the Great Wall?A. Has B. Have C. Do D. Does 8 ( ) 1 He ___ in the reading room just now.A. is B. was C. will be D. will ( ) 2 The boys___ very happy during the holidays.A. is B. were C. am D. was ( ) 3 How many deer ___ there on the farm last year?A. are B. were C. is D. was 9 ( ) 1 My mother___free last week.A. isn't B. aren't C. not was D. wasn't ( ) 2 They___busy the other day.A. aren't B. weren't C. is D. wasn't 10 ( ) 1 ___ there many trees on both sides of the river last summer? A. Are B. Is C. Was D. Were ( ) 2 ___ there any snow on the ground last night?A. Are B. Were C. Is D. Was ( ) 3 ___ her sister at home yesterday evening?A. Is B. Was C. Will be D. Are 11 ( ) 1 Who___ in the next room, singing the song just now?A. are B. is C. was D. am ( ) 2 -When ___ they going to start?-Next week.A. is B. are C. were D. will be ( ) 3 -Where___you last week?-We went to London for a holiday.A. are B. were C. is D. am 12
