
Spell ?hello? # please.


OK Hi# Bob!

Its blue

This is a blue map


C )1.A.

A )2.A.

B )3.A.

B )4.A.


C. is;


orange T-shirt


yellow coat Good

morning. Good

afternoon. Good



Good morning!



)5. A. Thanks. C. .-U-L-E-]

A )6.A. Nice to meet you # Hi.

How are you?

How are you? B. Thank

you. B. Good evening.


What’s that

Is it Y C

! C )7.A. !

A )8.A. !

C )9.A.

C) I,m

fine. I,

m OK. Hi


How are you What

color is it

(C )11.

(B )12.

(A )13.

It’s black.

C. Good.

I,m well.

Very good. C.

How are you? C.

(B ) 10. A. It s a book. B . It s white. C. It s an orange.

B)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的 A'B'C

三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。!每小题1 分)

What color is the pen?

A. It s white.

B. It s brown.

What is the word (单词)?

A . Red. B. Ruler.

What is that?

A.It is a white key.

B.It is a red pen.

C.It is a blue map.




B. W B. quilt

B. green jacket


! Starter Units 1 ~3"


Its a ruler.



(B )21.下列字母都是元音字母的一组是:

A. a# b # e # i # u

B. a# e # i # o# u

C. a# e # j # v# o

D. a# e # k # r # u

(A )22.下列含有相同元音音素的一组单词是:

A. Frank# thanks# map

B. Dale # can # Grace C Helen# pen#

evening D hi# fine# quilt

(C )23.下列含有相同元音音素的一组字母是:

A . L#W#N B. T#I#V C. J,H,K D. Y,Z,P (A )24.美国篮





D HB (A )25.下列字母书写笔顺与众不






(B )26 .下列单词中与其他不同类的一个是:

A cup

B purple

C ruler

D key

(B )27.如果你想购买一件中号的衣服,那么你应该选标有

__________ 字样的。

A. S

B. M

C. L

D. X

(B )28.—

一 H-E-L-L-O .

(C ) 14. What color is the jacket"?

A.Its yellow.

B.Its blue.

C.Its yellow and blue.

(A ) 15. How is Alice?

A. She is fine.

B. He is fine.

C. She is not fine. C)请听下面一



—It is ? Y?.

A. What color is it C. How is it

(B )34. —_________________ # Bob?

——Fine # thank you.

A. What’s this C. Good morning (A )35. —What,

s this in English?

—It’s .

A. an orange

B. a orange

C. orange

D. the orange



C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(每小题 1 分)

—Good morning,Jack!

—36 # Bob!

—What’s 37 in English?


A. are ; are

B. am + am C ) 32)—Good


A. OK,thanks.

C)Good afternoon!

B )33. —_______________ ?

A. Hello!

C Good morning!

D )29. —Hello# Alice!

A Good

B Thanks B )30 . 一What color is

this map?

A. It is a red map C.

Its a map

(D )31. —How —I

英语(人教版"7上? 1

预备篇检测卷 ? 2

It is a key. 70.

I like



n Good Fine this a

That is Is it How is the What


color the this say orange color pen fine orange Its OK Please

ruler I -OK. 45 !

A )36. A. Good morning C. OK

B )37. A. an C. the

C )38. A. This is C. It is

D )39. A. What ,s the C. How A ) 40)A)and C)in C ) 41)A)a C)an A )42. A. spell C)see B )43. A. map C)orange D ) 44)A)OK C)good C )45. A. Good afternoon C)Thanks

B)请先阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框内所给的 词中

选出最恰当的一个,用其适当形式填空。每个词限用一次。 !每小题1分) —38 a quilt. —39 color is it? —Its black 40 green. What ’s that? ——Its 41 orange. —Orange ? Please 42 it. —O-R-A-N-G-E. —What 43 is it? —It is 44 . Good morning! I 46. am Frank. Look at (看)this 47. ruler . It is a white ruler. That

is a 48. jacket . It is

what is spell green it and jacket B )61. The _______________ is red.

A. pen


C. map

D. book

C )62. ______________ has!有)a map.

A. Mike

B. Cindy

C. Eric

D. Dale

D ) 63. The ruler is _______________ .

A. red

B. blue

C. yellow

D. green

A ) 64. Dale has


A. a pen B . a CD C. a book D . a green pen D )65. What color is NOT

mentioned (被提到)?

A. Blue .

B. Red.

C. Yellow.

D. Purple.

my(我白勺)jacket. It is 49. green . And 50. what is this? It 51. is a key.

It is yellow. My quilt is blue

52. and white. I can 53. spell it —Q-U-I-L-T. What ,s

that? Oh( P 奥)# 54. _________i ______ is an orange. 55. ___________ I _____ like (喜欢)oranges. 四、补全对话(10分)

——Good morning # Helen . ——56.

Good morning

# Alice.


A)请阅读下面四位同学介绍自己物品的话,选择正确答案填 空。!每小题2


——I like green ,too. Its a nice pen. ——60.

Thank you


——How are you?


I ,m fine

And you?

——I ,m fine # too. What ’s this in your bag? —58. __________ Its my pen ___________ . —What color is the pen?

—59. ___________ Its green ___________ . 六、书面表达(15分)

埃里克早上遇见辛迪,两人互相问候后,埃里克指着远处的一 件夹克衫问辛迪用英语怎么说,接着还问了是什么颜色,并且要她 拼写出来。

请根据以上情境,编写一段对话。(不少于6句) Eric & Good morning ,Cindy! Cindy & Good morning ,Eric!

Eric: What ,s that in English ,Cindy? Cindy: Its a jacket.

Eric & A jacket? What color is it? Cindy: Its yellow. Eric & Spell it ,please.

Cindy & J-A-C-K-E-T.______________________________________________________ Eric & Good ,thanks.

B)请阅读下面的短文。根据短文内容从方框内的七个选项 中,选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。!每小题2 分)

Hi , I am Cindy. I have (有)a pencil box (铅笔盒), 66. B What ’s in it? 67. D It is a black pen. That is

a pencil (铅笔).68. white. 69. C (喜欢)i.

And this is a ruler ,it is blue and

第一单元检测卷 !时间:90分钟总分:100分) 英语(人教版)7上 .3

What ’s your name How are you

name is Miller.

C. orange

____ is Mike.

C. his



)31. B)I ’m Alan) D)Good morning!


)34. )35. C. Eight D. Nine ________ is in China. C)She


C 二、单项选择(15分)

(B )21. —Hi! 1_

-Hi! My name


22 )




name ’s Jane and A she; he

) 25


A) 请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、

C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后你都有10秒 钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话读两遍。!每 小题1分) ! C )1. What ’s the girl ’s(女孩的)name? A. Gina. B. Alan. C. Jane.

(B )2. What ,s the grl ,s last name? A. Green. B. Brown. C. Smith.

(A )3. What ’s the boy ’s(男孩的)name? A. Tom. B . Tim . C. Jack.

(C )4. What ,s the boy ,s phone number? A. 638 -5672. B . 630 -5872 . C. 638 -5072. (B )5. What ,Cindy ,last name? A. Black. B . Miller . C. Green. B) 请听下面两段对话和一段独白。每段对话或独白后有几

个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段 对话或独白前,你都将有30秒钟的时间阅读各小题,每段对话或 独白读两遍。!每小题1分) 听第一段对话,回答第6至第8小题。 (B )6. What ,

s Linda ,s last name? A. Smith . B . Green. C. Brown.

(B )7. is Linda ’s friend .

A. Dale B . Grace

C. Jane (C )8. What ,

s Grace ’ last name? A. Smith . B . Green.

C. Miller .

听第二段对话,回答第9至第11小题。 (B )9. What ,s Jack ’ telephone number? A. 268 -7524. B . 267 -2324 . C. 267 -2024.

(C ) 10. _______________ number is 267 - 6024.

A. Gina ’s

B. Tom ’s

C. Mary ’s

(C ) 11. ____________ is talking (说话)to Gina in the conversation


A. Tom

B. Jack

C. Mike

听 ,

12 15 。

(A ) 12. What ,

s Jack ’s last name?

A)Green) B)Brown) C)Smith)

(A ) 13. What ’s Jack ’s telephone number?

A. 268 -3056.

B. 263 -8066.

C. 267 -3506.

(C ) 14. What ,s Dale ’s telephone number?

A. 267 -3286.

B. 263 -8256.

C. 268 -3226.

(B ) 15. Jack is _________________ .




C)请听下面一段短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每个空格不 超过三个单词。听短文前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读表格内容,短 文读两遍。!每小题1分)



My name ’s Helen , name ’s Bob. A. her; his B. his ; her C. her; my

D )24. —Whats your ___________________ ?—It ,289 -54821.

A. name

B. this

C. color

D. phone number

— is the desk? —It s blue.

A. What

B. What ,

s C. What color D. How



A. am; am

B. am; is

C. is; am

D. is; is ——Hello! What ,s name?——My name ’s Linda. A. Six

B. Seven

This is my friend ,Alice.

A. He

B. His ——What ’s your telephone ?

— ___________ 135********. A)It

B)It ’s


D)He ’s


A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A 、 B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。!每小 题1 分)

I am an English giri(女孩).My 36 Lucy King. I 37 12 years old(岁). 38 first name is Lucy and my 39 name is Wang. I have 40 ID card (身份证).Its 41 is 368899.

Miss Smith 42 my English teacher (教师). 43 is very nice. What ,s 44 telephone number? Oh , 45 666 -5599.

(C )36. A. name B. names C. name ’s D. name are (A )37. A. am B. is C.


D. be

(A )26. —_________________ ? —Its a ruler.

A. What ,s this C. What color is it

(B )27. She ,Jenny Miller. Her _______________

A. first

B. last (C )28. —Look!

What ,that?—It ,s A. ruler B. pen (B )29. This

is my brother and A. she B. he (D )30. —How do

you do? —___________________________________

A. How do you do ,too.

B. I ’m OK.

C. How are you?

D. How do you do?

He is Alan Smith. His last name is


A)Alan B)Smith C)Alan Smith

D)Smith Alan

A )32. —Hello ,Linda!— A. Hi ,Nick.

C. OK!

-What ’s three and five?—

第一单元检测卷 .4

My name is Jack. I a 47. — am _________ i n Beijing. 48

friend . Eric

Miss Wang red

"64. "65.

B)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框内所给的词 中选出最恰当的一个,用其适当形式填空。每个词限用一次。 !每小题1分)

h6 English a fri6nd my whit6 numb6r am nam6 and


46. English . I ,m 12. Now I . My ID number is 337600. I His first name is Lin 50. and

have!有)a 49

__________________ _____________ his last name is Wang. 51. . He _____________ is in Class 3 # too. His telephone 52. number is 5584022. Wang Lin has !有"

53. a ____ cat(猫).Its(它的)54.. name —is Mimi. It is

55. white and its nice.


A)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。!每小题2分)


Mary 09 :45 & 10

Hi # Mike. Nice to meet you %

My name is Mary Green. My favorite (最喜爱的)color is red. My telephone number is 873 -3516. I live in Japan. Mike 09:46:05

Hi # Mary. Nice to meet you # too %

My name ’s Mike Smith. My favorite color is blue. And my telephone number is 894 -2015. I live in England.

(A "56. Mary likes(喜欢) _________________ .

A. red

B. green

C. blue

D. black (B "57. The girl ’s last name



A. Mary

B. Green

C. Red

D. Yellow (D "58. The boy ’s first name is


A. Green

B. Mary

C. Black

D. Mike (D "59. Mike ’s telephone

number is

. A. 837 -2015 B. 873 -3516 C. 894 -3516

D. 894 -2015

(A " 60. Mary and Mike are on line(在网上) __________________ .

A. in the morning

B. in the afternoon

C. in the evening

D. at night


Linda ’s Chinese name is Liu Min. Her telephone number is 7564321. She has a brother (兄弟" .His name is Eric. He has(有) some( -~?些"good friends at school. Linda and Eric like(喜欢)oranges. Linda ’s favorite color is white # but(但

是)Eric likes black. They are in China now. Their (他们的"Chinese teacher (老师"is Miss Wang. She is a good teacher. (A "61. What ,

s Linda ,telephone number?

A. 756 -4321.

B. 765 -3421.

C. 756 -4312.

D. 765 -1243.

(A " 62. is Linda ’s brother.

A. Eric

B. Mike

C. Liu Min

D. Bob (C "63. like( s"

oranges very much.


C. Linda and Eric Eric likes A. white

B. black

C. red

D. green

下面哪个陈述是正确的? A. Linda is Chinese. B. Linda and Eric are in China


C. Linda likes(喜欢)black.

D. Miss Wang is an English teacher.

B)请阅读下面短文。根据短文内容从下面方框中的七个选 项中,选择五个适当的句子还原到原文中,使短文意思通;1 页、结构 完整。!每小题2

分) 一Hello % —66. E

——My name is Mary. 67. A —I ’m Jenny. —68. G

——Nice to meet you # too.

一69. B And you? —Green.

一Spell it ,please. —G-R-E-E-N. —70. F —Um ,it ’s 6282032. —6282032. —Yes. ——Thank you. ——You are welcome.

A. What ,s your name ,please?

B. My last name is Black.

C. What ,this in English?

D. How are you?

E. Hi!

F. What ,s your telephone number ,please?

G. Nice to meet you ,Jenny.


假设你是Gina ,请根据表格信息,用5 d 句话介绍你自己(

Hi % I ,m Gina Brown. Gina is my first name. Brown is my last name. I ,m 13. My telephone number is 139********. My QQ number is 235678852. I am in Yuxin Middle School. My favorite color is green. I like China.

B "38. A. I B. My C)She D) Her A "39. A. last B. first C)Chinese D given B "40. A. a B. an C)the D two B "41. A. name B)number C)card D friend A "42. A. is B)am C)are D the A "43. A. She B)Her C)He D )His

C "44. A. your B)his C)her

D she D "45. A. she ,



D its

第一单元检测卷 !时间:90分钟总分:100分) 英语(人教版)7上 .5

__ name is Jane. Her; She Her; Her

C. Eric ’s grandmother. C)Tom)

C. Eric ’s friend. photo?(照片中有几



B B. She is a girl D. They are pens

——Yes ,she is my mother ’s sister. A. mother C. aunt —Is Bill _

—Yes , _



)2) )3) )4

) A )5)



A. you ; his

B. your ; his

C. you ; he ——Dad ,this is my friend ,Helen.—— A. Thank you B. OK C. Nice to meet you

D. Good


is this?——It s my sister.

A. Who

B. How

C. What

—Helen ,have a good day % — _________________ . A. Yes ,I am B. No ,it isn ’t C. Thank you

D. All right


your uncle? What ’s name?

A. he ; his

B. she ; her

C. he ; her

D. she ; his Here

two photos of my sister. B. am

C. are

D. be D. your ; he B un


Jack. Where

are my sisters ,Alice and Lily.

A. These

B. That A "22. —

Is that Jim? — ____________________


Yes ,he is. No ,that isn ’t. is; a brother is; brothers

Tom ’s uncle. A " 25

B. mother

C. family B)请听下面两段对话和一段独白。每段对话或独白后有几 个小题,从题中所给的A'B'C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段 对话或独白前,你都将有30秒钟的时间阅读各小题,每段对话或 独白读两遍。!每小题1分) 听第一段对话,回答第6至第8小题。 C "6. This is _______________ family. A. Jenny ’s B. Jim ’s C. Alan ’s

A "7. Who is Alan ’s brother?

A. Jack.

B. Bob.

C. Eric. C "8. Kate is Alan ’s _______________ .

A. mother

B. aunt

C. sister

听第二段对话,回答第9至第11小题。 B "9. Who ,the boy in the photo? A. Tom ’s brother. B. Tom ’s cousin. C " 10. What ,s Tom ’s cousin ’s name?

A. Jack.

B. John.

C. Mike.

A "11. Are Tom ’s father and mother in the photo?


A)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的 A'B'C

三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后你都有10秒 钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话读两遍。!每 小题1分) C ) 1. Bob is Mike , . A. brother B. cousin C. friend

The boy is .

A. Alan

B. Jack Grace is Kate ’s _____________ . A. sister B. cousin What ’s Tom ’s brother ’s name? A. Nick. B. Mike. This is a photo of Linda ’s A.

father the girl ’s brother

A. Yes ,they are.

B. No ,they aren ’t.

C. Yes ,he is.

听 ,

12 15 。

! C "12. Who ,Alice? A. Eric ’s mother. B. Eric ’s sister.

"13. What ’s Eric ’s uncle ,name?

A)Paul) B)Bob)

"14. Who ,the girl in the photo?

A. Eric ’s cousin.

B. Eric ’s sister.

! C " 15. How many people are there in the 个人?"

A. Four.

B. Five.

C)请听下面一段短文,根据短文内客完成表格,每个S 格不 超过

三个单词。听短文前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读表格内容,短 文读两遍。!每小题1分)

A. Yes ,he is

B. Yes ,she is

C. No ,it isn ’t

D. No ,he isn ’t Bob and Jim friends?

A. Are

B. Is

C. Am

D A. are; brother C. are ; brothers B "24. —

Is Nancy your sister?—

A. Yes ,it is. C. No ,he isn ’t. "23. Here


二、单项选择(15分) (A "21. ____________ It






A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A' B'C'D 四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。!每小 题1 分)

Hello % My name 36 Frank. I am 11. This is a 37 of my family. This is my father. 38 name is Dale Brown. He is a teacher(老师"in my 39 . And that ’s my mother. She is my 40 ,too. Who is this? Oh ,he is my 41 —my father ,broth- er. My grandparents 42 in the photo. 43 are in the USA(美 国".That ,s my dog. 44 name is Dick. I love my 45 and I

(B "27. —Are those Tony and Alan in the picture ?


.They are Tom and Dave.

A. Yes ,they are

B. No ,they aren ,

C. Yes ,those are

D. No ,those aren ’t

(D "28. —What are those ? — _____________________.

A. He is my cousin C. It is a

photo (C "29. —Is that your ____________

C "26. __________ is my sister.

A. She; She ,

C. She; Her

" 34 "35. " 30 "31

A A " 32 C "33.

第二单元检测卷 .6

He is my uncle. John ’s wife (妻子), E My

grandfather ’s wife is

)57. )58. )59. )60. What ,s Jack ’s aunt ’s name? A. Jenny. B. Sally. C. Helen.

Jack ’s uncle ,last name is _______________ . A. Green B. Black C. Smith Jack ’s is 35. Alice)

Miller her un

un yellow and green red and black Here is a photo of Tony ’s family. Tony is my good friend . His 47. last name is Black. The man )61)


.And the woman (女人)is These are Tony ’s sisters. Is h __ father Beijing. 55. H S

hiBteacher ’Bfamily hiBmother


A)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D

四个选项中选出最佳选项。!每小题2分) A

——Hi, Frank % Please look at the photo of my uncle ,family. ——Oh. It is a nice photo. Is this your uncle, Jack? ——Un-huh. Yes, he is. And the woman is my aunt. Her name ’s Sally. ——What ,s your uncle ,last name, Jack? ——His last name is Miller.

——How old(多大)are they?

——My uncle is 37 , and my aunt is 35. ——What color do they like (喜欢"? ——They like red and green. (C "56. Jack has(有)a photo of _______________________ . A. his family C. his uncle ,family

A )36. A. is B. am C. are D be

B )37. A. map B photo C. girl D number A )38. A. His B .Her C. Your D )He B )39. A. family B

school C. picture D day D )40. A. name B friend C. girl D father C )41. A. brother B cousin C. uncle D father B )42. A. are B aren ’t C. is D isn ’t B )43. A. She B .They C. You D )He A )44. A. Its B .It ’s C)He ’s D )She ’s D )45. A. mother B aunt


D family

B)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框内所给的词 中选

出最恰当的一个,用其适当形式填空。每个词限用一次。 !每小题1分) Tony ’s mother. She is nice. 49. 50. that boy(男孩"Tony ’s brother? No, 51. isn ’t. He is Tony ’s 52. cousin . Tony ’s family are in 53. China . He 54. i in No. 3 Middle School in

father_cousin_he_be_that_his_friend_these_last_China telephone number is 010 - 24687289. (男人)is Tony ’s 48. ove my dog, too. 46.

Gina ’s uncle has .

A. a son and a daughter

B. two sons

C. two daughters

D. a

son and two daughters

(C )63. What are Gina ’s cousin ’s names?

A. Jenny and Mary.

B. Lucy and Linda.

C. Lily and Mary.

D. Tina and Cindy. (B )64. What ,s Lin Fei ,

s telephone number?

A. 656 -4421.

B. 656 -2867.

C. 656 -3316.

D. 656 -4745.

(D )65.下面哪项陈述是错误的?

A. Gina is in Beijing.

B. Helen is Lily and Mary ’s aunt.

C. Han Mei is Gina ’s good friend.

D. Gina is 12.

B)请阅读下面短文。根据短文内容从下面方框中的七个选 项中,选择五个适当的句子还原到原文中,使短文意思通;1 页、结构 完整。!每小题2


Hello % My name is Tom. My father is 40. He has(有)a sister and her name is Grace. She is 32. 66. C My father has a

A)uncle B)father Jack ’s uncle

and aunt like _ A. red and white C.

red and green


My name is Gina. I ,m 13. Look at this picture. It s a picture of my family.

These are my grandparents. They have two sons, my father and my uncle. My uncle has two daughters, Lily and Mary. They are not in the picture. Those are my parents. My father ’s name is Tom Green. My mother is Helen Green. The girl is me.

I am in Beijing with my parents. My telephone number is 656 - 4421. I have two good friends. One is Lin Fei. His telephone number is 656 -2867. One is Han Mei. Her telephone number is 656 -3316.

people(人)are in the picture.

A) D



Hello % This is my good friend. Her name is Susan. Smith is her last name. She is 12. She has a nice family. They are her parents , her brother ,her sisters and she. Her father ’s name is Mike and her mother ’s name is Tina. Dave is her brother. Alice and Emma are her sisters. Her telephone number is 763 - 8028.

brother ,too. 67. Linda, is my aunt.

My father ’s father is 65. 68. 63. She is my grandmother.

My mother is 38. 69. G Her brother ,Nick ,is 33 and sister ,Mary ,is 30. Nick

is my uncle and Mary is my aunt.

My mother ’s father is 63. He is my grandfather. 70. D is my grandmother. A. His name is John. B. My sister ’s name is Jane. C. She is my aunt.

D. My mother ’s mother is 62.

E. He is my grandfather.

F. She is my friend.

G. She has a brother and a sister ,too.


请根据表格中的信息,介绍一下你的朋友Susan 和她的家庭。 She


第一单元检测卷 !时间:90分钟总分:100分) 英语(人教版)7上 .7

her. 9. The pencil is A)Bob ’s 10. The book is

. A. Bob ’s

B. Mary ,

11. Who can spell ? dictionary* A.

Gina. B. Mary.

, 12 15 。

12. Sally is

. B


C)Gina ’s

B. Mary , ——No ,it isn ’

t. A. your ; My C. your ; Mine C "26. —What ’s her _

C)Gina ’s


A. computer game C. phone number This is Bob and

that ’s A. me B. his Those

books aren ’t A. my ;

Alan C. mine ; Alan

C) (B

" 27 " 28 nn



C) Orange)


C C. 268 -3568.

"30. "31. A D. with the blue


What about


"33. be

How ’



A. OK Thanks No


A) 请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的 A'B'C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后你都有10秒 钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话读两遍。!每 小题1分) (B ) 1. That ’s Tom ’s


A. eraser

B. dictionary

C. watch

(B )2. What color is Jack ’s pencil box? A. Green. B. Red. C. Yellow.

(C )3. They are __________________ books. A)Tim ’s B)Jim ’s C)David ’s

(A )4. Mike ,watch is in the


A. school library

B. classroom C)schoolbag

(C )5. ________________ jacket is brown. A. Li Ming ’s B. Kate ’s C. Lin Tao ,s B) 请听下面两段对话和一段独白。每段对话或独白后有几 个小题,从题中所给的A'B'C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段 对话或独白前,你都将有30秒钟的时间阅读各小题,每段对话或 独白读两遍。(每小题1分) 听第一段对话,回答第6至第8小题。 (B "6. The __________________ is Kate ’s. A. pen B. ruler C. pencil box

(B "7. What color is Kate ’s pencil box? A. Yellow. B. Pink. C. Blue.

(A "8. The keys are ___________________ . A)Jack ’s

B)Kate ’s

C)Jim ’s


B)eight 13. What color is Sally ,s schoolbag?

A. Blue.

B. Black. 14. Sally ’s

is red.

A. pencil box

B. telephone 15. What ,s Sally ’s telephone number?

A. 268 -3658.

B. 286 -3658.

请听下面一段短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每个空格不 超过

三个单词。听短文前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读表格内容,短 文读两遍。(每小题1分)

一B-A-S-E-B-A-L-L ,baseball.

A. What

B. What ’s

C. How "23. 一Is that

schoolbag Cindy ’s?

一No. Its not ______________. A. she B. her

C. his

听第二段对话,回答第9至第11小题。 A

___________ i s ___________ watch.

A. Tom ; it ; me

B. Tom ; this ; his

C. Tom ’s ; it ; his

D. Tom ’s ; it ; my

__________ ,are you Dale? 一No. I ,m Gina.

A. Sorry

B. Excuse me

C. Thank you

D. Goodbye A "34. A set of keys

in the school library.


—— .It s her pencil box.

A. Yes ,I am

B. No ,it isn ’t

C. Yes ,it is

D. No ,he isn ’t

I am Steve. You can e-mail me

stevefP 163. com.

B. of

A. at

B. of

C. in

The black pencil is Tom ’s.

A. What color C. How "32. 一Is this _____________ w atch?

——Yes ,


A "24. This is her telephone number. You can A. call B. spell C. e-mail

B "25. 一Hi ,Tina. Here is a white eraser. Is it

eraser is yellow. B. yours ; My D. yours ; Mine —Its 868 -97600. B.

first name D. ID card _______ watch. C)you D

.They are

B "29. —Is this his pencil box?

my ; Alan ’s

mine ; Alan ’s

Yes are

D "35.——Your watch is nice!

第三单元检测卷 ? 8


Some keys are in the library. Are they yours? E-mail me at

Lucy2 @ gmail. corn.

telephone D. jacket Lucy D. Mary

last last his phone is boy she in Li Min wr2te

D B n

th2s 2t ID card am class he about the Li Min look

A schoolbag D. pencil box


D 2s

My name is Alice. School. I have 47.

A. Cindy ’s father C. Helen ,friend )63. Cindy lost _______________________

A. Mr Smith


A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A' B'C'D 四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(每小 题1分)

This boy is Bob Smith. His 36 name is Bob. His 37 name is Smith. This is 38 school. His school 39 number is 20048567. His teacher(老师)is Miss White. Miss White 40 a good teacher. Li Min is a Chinese boy. Li Min is Bob ’s good 41 at school. Look! This is a dictionary. Is the dictionary 42 $ Yes# 44 # too$ I don ’t know.

am 12. I am 46. in Xinhua ID card. The 48. number is 146-136. Look! This is my 49. watch . It is very (非常) 50. nice . Oh # what ,s 51. that $ Is it a pencil box? No # it 52. isn ’t . It is a notebook. I found it in the 53. school . A girl ’s 54. name is on the notebook. 55. Its Linda ,. I must give(给)it to her. it is. What 43 the baseball? Is it Let ’s 45

Li Min at 495

-6548. (A )36. A .first B

family C. (C )37. A .first B .good C (C )38. A you B.

that C.

(D )39. A computer B. name C. (C )40. A a5en ’t B. .isn ’t C (B )41. A fathe5 B. .friend C (A )42. A .his B .her C (D )43. A .of B .at C (B )44. A Li Min B

Li Min , C.

(B )45. A ask B. .cal C B)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框内所给的词 中选出最恰当的一个,用其适当形式填空。每个词限用一次。 !每小题1分) I t ’s nice an in number that watch school isn ’t name )56. Cindy found a ________________ .

A. watch

B. ring


____________ lost a ring. A. Cindy B. Linda D )58. What ,Linda ,


A. 668 -9012.

B. 668 -9102

C. 202 -3056.

D. 202 -3506

)59. Lucy found some keys in the .

A. library

B. classroom


A. The watch is black.

B. The lost ring is yellow.

C. The keys are Lucy ’s.

D. You can ask Lucy for the keys.


Cindy is a good girl# She is in Grade Seven. She is 12. Her English teacher(老师)is Mr Smith. His daughter is Helen. She is 13. Cindy and Helen are good friends. They like(喜欢)English. This is Helen ’s school ID card. Its number is A - 270789. Is

that Cindy , school ID card? No. She can ,find her school ID card. If you find it, please call Cindy at 346 -2828. Thank you! (C )61. Cindy is __________________ .

A. a boy

B. a teacher

C. a student

D. eleven (B )62. Mr Smith is

______________________________________ .


A)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。!每小题2分)


Found A watch. Its black. Is this your watch ? Call Cindy at 668 -9012.

B. an English teacher D. a

Chinese teacher B. Helen

A C. her notebook D. her school ID card

(A ) 64. Cindy , _________________ number is 346 - 2828.

A. phone

B. ID card

C. computer

D. book (C )65.文中的?if ?





D.但是 B)请阅读下面短文。根据短

文内容从下面方框中的七个选 项中,选择五个适当的句子还原到原文中,使短文意思通顺、结构 完整。!每小题2


I ,m Cindy. 66. B Look! Some nice things(物品)are on the desk (桌子).They are my pencil box, books, and my schoolbag. Look at my pencil box. 67. D It s yellow. Pens, pencils, an eraser and a ruler are in the pencil box. The pencils are black, white and blue. 68. G And the ruler is white. 69. A I like these books. 70. F Its a good schoolbag.

A. The books are an English book and a Chinese book.

B. This is my room(房间).

C. Please call me at 267 - 3468.

D. It s a nice pencil box.

E. The schoolbag isn ’t mine.

F. My schoolbag is black.

G. The eraser is green.



英语(人教版)7上 .9 ?

阶段性测试卷一 (Units 1 -3"



How are you? What ,s your name? A)She ’s I ’m You ’ book.


this your English book Is it an English book C. Mary.

)12. )13. C)Green)

A Alice.



(A (B


C. Its red and yell



grandfather D. mother D. this Dave. D.

mom (B

( ) 21. This is

ID card and that is ring. i


A. a; a

B. an; an

C. an ; a

D. a ; an ; A. OK B. I see C



) 22 Mary is a girl and

phone number is 632 - 丨 (C :)35. —What ,s in the pencil box? 24488.

—— are in it.

A. his

B. her C)my D)your

A)An apple B

.One pen D. Excuse me

A ruler



A) 请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的 A'B'C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都将有10 秒钟的时间

回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 !每小题1分) (C ) 1. Who is the girl ? A. Jenny. B. Cindy.

(C )2. What color is Tom ’s dictionary?

A. Its black.

B. Its yellow. (B )3. What are these? A. They are books. B. They are notebooks.

C. They are pencils.

(B )4. Who is the girl in the photo? A. Jenny. B. Mary. C. Cindy.

(A )5. What

’sit? A. A schoolbag . B . A book. C. An eraser. B) 请听下面两段对话和一段独白。每段对话或独白后有几 个小题,从题中所给的A'B'C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段 对话或独白前,你都将有30秒钟的时间阅读各小题,每段对话或 独白读两遍。!每小题1分)

听第一段对话,回答第6至第8小题。 (B )6. Who lost a bag? A. Mike.

B Jenny

C . The English teacher. (C )7. What color is the bag?

A. It is black. B . It is white.

C. It is black and white.

(A )8. What can you find in the bag? A . A notebook. B . A photo. C. A dictionary. What ,s Gina ’s last name?

A. Smith.

B. Brown.

Who are Frank and Alice?

A. Gina ’s parents.

B. Gina ’s grandparents.

C. Gina ’s brother and sister.

(B ) 14. Where(在哪里)is Alan Brown?

A. In the classroom. B)In China) C. In the school.

(C )15.短文主要谈论了什么?

A Gina

B Alan

C. Gina ’s family photo.

C)请听下面一段短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每个空格不 超过三个单词。听短文前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读表格内容,短 文读两遍。!每小题1分)

听第二段对话,回答第9至第11小题。 (A )9. What ,s in the book?

A. A family photo.

B. A phone number.

C. An ID card.

(A ) 10. What ’s Frank ’s phone number?

A. I t ’s 031 -4658.

B. I t ’s 031 -4568.

C. It ,031 -4858.

(C ) 11. What ,s Tom ’s sister ’s name?

A. Helen.

B. Alice.

听 , 12 15 。 二、单项填空(15分) (B


B. You ,re welcome

C. Yes ,I am

D. Thanks

)29. This is my telephone number. You can A. call B. thank C. help )30. —Is Mike Gina ’s ________________ ?

—Yes. Gina is his daughter. A. brother B. father C. )31. —Is that your brother ,David?

—Yes , ____________ is. A. that B. he C. it )32. My name is David. You can call A. I B. me C. mine )33. —Are these your brothers?

(D )23. —Hi ,I ,m Jenny. _________________

——Linda .

A. Nice to meet you %

C. What ’s this?

(A )24. —Is Gina in the library?

——No. in the classroom C —I t ’s 856 -78899.

A. What ,s your phone number

B. What ’s your first name

C. What color is it

D. How do you spell it )27. —Is Alan your friend?

—Yes , . A. it is B. he is C. )28. —Have a good day ,Cindy %

A. No ,these aren ’t

B. Yes ,those are

C. No ,they aren ’t

D. Yes ,I am

D )34. — ,Jenny. Are these your erasers?

——No ,it isn ’t. Its her English A. Is this her English book B. C. Is that an English book D.

A ) 26

He ’s ) 25



Lost: My English notebook. Its white. My name ’s Jack. Please call me at 678 - 3368.

Lost : My yellow schoolbag. Two pens and my ID card are in it. I must find it. Please call Tom at 685 - 6034. (A

(D "56. )57. "58. Bob.

a schoolbag a jacket dictionary. A jacket. ren)

Green and yellow.

blu . It is green, pencil box. an ID card

three pencils A baseball. A ring. B. D the B. ( C )36. A. classroom B. library

C schoolbag

D school ( A )37. A an English book

B. an ID card

C a watch

D a ring ( A )38. A .What ’s B. What color is

C How is

D Who is

( B ) 39. A jacket B .pencil box C. CD D ruler ( A )40. A .in B .on C. at D. of ( C )41. A pen B .pencil C. ruler D. book ( B )42. A his B .her C. my D. your ( D )43. A Mary B .You C. They D I ( D )44. A meet B .thank

C. help

D. ask

( C )45. A name

B. ID card number

C phone number D. e-mail

B)请先阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框内所给的 词中选出最恰当的一个,用其适当形式填空。每个词限用一次。 !每小题1分) 三、完形填空(2

0分) A)请先阅读下面的短文,

掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(每 小题1分) Hi # I ,m Jack. Here is a picture of my schoolbag. It is a nice 36 . You can see(看见)a book in it. It is 37 . 38 that in the schoolbag? Oh # its my 39 and my pens # my pencils and my erasers are 40 it. And this is a ruler # but it i s n ’t my 41 .It is

Mary ’s and 42 name is on(在 ............... 上面"the ruler. 43 found it in the school library. She can 44 me for it. My 45 is 123 - 4568. Good morning # my name is Alice Brown. Brown is my

46. last name and Alice is my first name. You can 47. call me Alice. This is my ruler. It is 48. yellow . And that is a 49. pen # a green pen. It s Cindy ’s. Oh # Cindy is an English girl. She is my 50. good friend. Her last name ’s 51. Miller . She and I are at Yuying Middle School. Our English 52. teacher is Mike. He is our good teacher and good friend. Here is a photo of his 53. family . These are his 54. parents Dale and Mary. The two girls in the 55. photo are his sister Jane and his cousin Helen. They are in China. photo last good call pen Miller family yellow teacher parents Who lost an English notebook?

A. Jack.

B. John.

C. Tom Bob found . A) dictionary C.

an ID card What ,s in the schoolbag? A n English book)

C. An ID card.

(B )59. What color is the jacket?

A. White.

C. Yellow.

(A ) 60. What ,Tom ,telephone number?

A. I t ’s 685 -6034. B It ,495 -3539. C. Its 678 -3368. D. Its 685 -6143.


Good morning ,nicc to meet you % My name is Cindy Brown. I ,m a girl. Look ,this is a pencil box ,it is yellow and blue ,it is mine. What ’s in the pencil box? Oh ,four pens , three pencils , two eraserr and a ruler are in it. And i that a pencil box ,too? No ,it isn ’t. It is a bag but it i s n ’t mine. It is Mike ’s. His name is on it. A watch and an English notebook are in it. I found the bag in the library. He can ask me for it. My telephone number is 345 - 6789. (B )61. Whats Cindy ,last name?

A. Cindy.

B. Brown.

C. Cindy Brown.

D. Mike.

(C )62. What color is the pencil box?


A)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的A 、B 、C 、 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。!每小题2分)

A A)

C. It is yellow and blue.

(D ) 63. You can find ____________________ i n

A. three keys C. two pictures

(A )64. What ,s in the bag?

A. watch. C. A CD.

Found : A dictionary is in the school library. Is it yours? Ask me for it. I ,m John and my phone number is 495 - 3539.

Found : Is it your jacket? It is green. Please e-mail Bob at bob@ gfimail. com.

(B )65. Cindy found the bag _____________________ .

A. in the classroom

B. in the library

C. in the box

D. in the school

B)请阅读下面短文。根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选 项中,选择五个适当的句子还原到文中,使短文意思通;1 页、结构完 整。!每小题2


Hi ,I am Alice Green. I am an English girl. 66. B My grandparents Dave and Mary are in the first photo ,they are my father ’s father and mother. 67. D My father ’s jacket is yellow and my mother ’s ring is yellow ,too. 68. F In the next photo are my brothers Bob and Eric. 69. G They are my cousin Cindy and me. Cindy ’s parents ——my uncle and aunt , are in China now. 70. A

Hi ,I ,m Helen Green. I have a nice family. Tony Green and Mary Green are my father and mother. These are my brother Bob Green and my sister Cindy Green. Who are

Mike and Alice? Oh ,they are my cousins. What ’s my telephone number? Well , it is 356 - 5678. Please call me.

A. I love them.

B. Here are two nice photos of my family.

C. This is a photo of my family.

D. And these are my parents Jack and Grace.

E. They are yellow.

F. They like(喜欢)the color.

G. Who are the two girls?


假设你是Helen Green ,请你根据以下提示写一篇短文介绍你 自己及家人的有关情况。可适当发挥,不少于50词。


!时间:90分钟总分:100分) 英语(人教版)7上 11

)22. —Where is my radio ,Mom? —It s in )23.

A. the book

B. the table

C. ——

Is your watch on the sofa? — .Its on the table. the chair D. your room B. No ,I ,m not

D. No ,it i s n ’t room. computer is

on the

B. parents ,; They D. parents ; They

)25. The girl is new(新来的)here. We


)13. The

is on the table.

( C ) 27) — Where

A. quilt

B. computer

C. Jacket

— I don ’t know


) 14. Where are the keys?

A )is


A. On the bookcase.

( B ) 28 I

find my

B. On the chair) kn iow?

C. On the sofa)

A can

B)can ’t


)15. A

is on the chair.

( D ) 29 )— Where are his

A. book B)pen

C)pencil !

A key ; They are ) 26) C. keys ; It is

The books

Black) my English tapes ,Mom?

C. A baseball. C. On the sofa.

B ) 30 under the desk.


(D ) 31. —Where are your brothers?—


A. He is at home

B. He is in his room

C. Yes ,they are

D. I don ’t know

(C ) 32. Paul and I are in the same (相同的)class. This classroom.





)7. )8. (A


A) 请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给

的 A'B'C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后你都有10秒 钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话读两遍。(每 小题 1 分) (B ) 1. Where is the girls math book? A. In her desk.

B. On the bookcase.

C. In the schoolbag. (A )2. What ,s under the chair? A. A hat . B . A bag. ! C )3. Where are the keys? A. On the bed. B . On the table.

! C )4. Where is the tape player?

A. In the bookcase . B . In the desk .

C . In the schoolbag . (A )5. The model plane is . A. Alice ,brother ’s

B. Alice ,

C. Jenny ’s

B) 请听下面两段对话和一段独白。每段对话或独白后有几 个小题,从题中所给的A'B'C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段 对话或独白前,你都将有30秒钟的时间阅读各小题,每段对话或 独白读两遍。!每小题1分) 听第一段对话,回答第6至第8小题。

! B "6. What is under the bed? A. The bag. B . The baseball . C. The hat .

The keys are . in the table A. on the dresser B . under the sofa C. Where is the computer game?

A. Under the bed.

B. Next to bookcase.

C. On the table.



(C )9. The g i r l ’s books are ___________________ .

A. under the table

B. under the sofa

C. on the bed

(A ) 10. What is on the table?

A. The g i r l ’s pencil box

B. The g i r l ’s computer game

C. The g i r l ’s notebook

(B ) 11. Her dictionary is


A. under the chair

B. on the chair

C. under the bed

听 ,

12 15 。

(B ) 12. What color is the table? A. Brown.

B. Blue.

C)请听下面一段短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每个空格不 超过三个单词。听短文前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读表格内容,短 文读两遍。!每小题1分)

——They are tables. A. What are they C. How are you

B )34. Our _____________ are in the

A. CD C)radioes

A. Yes ,I am C.

Yes ,it is A )24. This is my desk.

A. parents ,; Their C. parents ; Their

n A. are

B. aren ’t

Sam ’s room is tidy ,

A. and

B. but

A ) 33

C. am not

D. do ?——

on the desk.

B. key ; It is D. keys ; They are the bookcase and the baseball

are ; are D. is ; are

B. What ’s this D. Are they tables bookcase. They are tidy. B. English books D. pencil case

C)don ’t D)not Tom ’s room i s n ’t .

C. here

D. too

know her


第四单元检测卷 12

$ ——They are on the sofa.

Are they on the sofa What

color are they under the desk on

the desk

B. They are my th6bookcas6. pictur6 Th6y of fri6nd don ’t sofa

on the bed

under the pencil case

tabl6 H6 at B. uncle

ar6 tabl6 ar6

key C. eraser D. baseballs

B. brother ,

C. sister

D. sister ’s B. CDs C.

beds D. plant B)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框内所给的词 中选

出最恰当的一个,用其适当形式填空。每个词限用一次。 !每小题1分) n

)36. )37. )38. )39. )40. )41. )42. )43. )44. )45. D )58.

C )59. A ) 60

C bed

It under mother is school

D A.

A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. B

She on brother i s n ’t

desk is rooms

brother ID card An eraser is

A pen and an eraser are

A C A On the desk. I don ’t know.


)63. Purple

A. Where are they C. What are these 三、完形填空(20分) A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A' B'C'D 四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(每小 题1分) My name is Grace. Look! This is a 36 of my family. A boy is in it. 37 is my brother ,Tommy. Tommy is 38 the sofa. A woman!女人)is in the picture ,too. She is my 39 . She is at the table. My father 40 in the picture. He is at 41 with his students. A book and a schoolbag 42 on the table. The schoolbag is my brother ’s. Two 43 are under the chair. 44 ,too. You can see some 45 . They are chair

Look at the bedroom. It s 46. Kate ’s . A computer is 47. near the window. 48. The computer is very new (新白勺).You can 49. see some flowers (花)in the room. 50. They are very nice. 51. Some books are on the desk. Kate often does her homework!作业)in the 52. room . Kate ’s father and mother are 53. teachers . Her mother teaches (教)Chinese and her father teaches 54. English . Kate has a brother. 55. His name is Jack. He is 8. Kate likes Jack very much. some near Kate ’s the see his teachers room they English

A )35. Hello % My name is Gina. I have a nice photo. A room is in it. Oh ,it is very nice % It s my friend ,room. Her name is Linda.

The bed is near the window(窗户).A quilt and a doll!洋娃娃) are on the bed. What color is my bed? It s yellow ——I like the color. The bookcase is next to the bed. Some books and tapes are in the bookcase. A TV and a radio are on the table. They are in front of(在

.... 前面)the bed. She can watch TV on the bed. She has(有)no comput6r.

(C )61. _____________ room is it in the photo.

A. Gina ’s.

B. Gina ’s sister ’s.

C. Linda ’s .

D. Linda ’s sister ’s .

is near the window.

The bed


A)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。!每小题2分)

Look % Here ’s a pencil box. It s green. It s my pencil box. It s on the desk . This is a pen. I t ,s black. And this is an erase r. I t ’s blue and white. They ’re in the pencil box. This is a ruler. It s red. It s under the pencil box. That is a ruler , too. It s yellow. It s on the bed. Where ,my model plane? Ah ,its there ,on the sofa. A. in the schoolbag C. on the pencil box

the pencil box

A. A pen C. A key The is green. A. pen

B. pencil

C. pencil box

D. eraser Where is the model plane?

A. On the sofa.

C. On the chair.

D )56. The pencil box is A. on the sofa C. under the sofa B )57. The yellow ruler is

A. The table

B. The desk What color is the bed?

A. Blue .

B. Yellow.

D. The sofa

C Green


(B )64 . Some books and tapes are ______________________.

A. on the bed

B. in the bookcase

C. on the desk

D. on the sofa

(D ) 65. A

is NOT in the room.

A. doll

B. radio


D. computer

B)请阅读下面短文。根据短文内容从下面方框中的七个选 项中,选择五个适当的句子还原到原文中,使短文意思通;1 页、结构 完整。!每小题2

分) Dear Alice ,

Thanks for the photo of your family. 66. C Look at the photo. A bed ,a desk ,a chair , a bookcase and a computer are in my room. This is my bed. 67. A The book-case is behind(在 ....... 后面)the desk and its black. 68. F

My math , English and Chinese books and the computer are on the desk. My pencil box is in the desk. 69. D My schoolbag is on the chair. My brother ’s white baseball and my sister ’s computer game are under my bed. 70. E

Yours , Jack

A. The desk is beside(在 ......... K 边)the bed and its blue.

B. Here is a photo of my school ,too.

C. Here is a photo of my room.

D. My pens and pencils are in the pencil box.

E. But(但是) you can ’t see the baseball in the photo.

F. An English dictionary and a Chinese dictionary are in the bookcase.

G. A set of keys is in the classroom. 五、书面表达(15分)

看图,用至少5句话来描述Jim 的房间。 This is J i m ’s room. It is tidy. You can see a bed ,a desk and a chair in his room. His schoolbag and a book are on the bed. His computer and his books are

the desk. I t ’s a nice room.

英语(人教版)7上 .13 ?


B)her C)your

)4. —Jim. Here are some keys. Are they


——No , keys are in the desk. A. your ; my B. yours ; mine C. yours ; my D. your ; mine

)5. This is my

room. Their computer is on the desk. A. father ’s B. mother ’s C. parents , D. parents

)6. Dad ,

is Tom. Tom , is my father.

A. it; this

B. this ; this

C. he; he

D. that; this )7. This

my brother and those my friends.

A. is ;

)8. )9. )10. first name ——Thank you % 1. 2. A Here A. are

—Is that

A set of yours# Kate? 4. — Come

B Excuse me —IBthiByour

8. ble ,eight desks and eight chairs and two students are in it ,too. 4



根据括号中所给的中文提示,完成下列句子。!每小题1分) 1. Three and five is eight (八). 2. My model plane is at school (学校". 3. The computer i s n ’t mine (我白勺).It s Gina ’s.

4. Are these your _ notebooks (笔记本)?

5. There are some pictures (图趣)in the book.

6. Mr Black is our English teacher (老师).

7. These are my brothers (兄弟).Their names are Mike and Bill. 8. I think (认为)Tom is in the classroom. 9. Thank you for your help (帮助). 10. The CDs and the tapes are in the bookcase (书柜). B) 从方框内所给的短语中选出最恰当的一个,用其适当形式 填空。!每小题1分) ____ . Is that your eraser? phone number ___________ ? —Yes, you can call me at it.

Sally is a student in NO. 4

Middle School . Your hat is under the chair . Can you see it? 9. This is a photo of my room. It s nice. 10. I often play ________ computer games __________ after school(放学后).



My name is John Miller. John is my —Cindy # have a good day keys is on the teacher ’s desk. Is it Paul. —OK % Fm coming, Mom. 二、句子练习(20分)

A) 按要求转换句型。!每小题1分)

1. Her name is Jenny.(对画线部分提问)

What ,s her name?

2. The girl is my sister.(对画线部分提问)

Who , your sister?

3. The books and tapes are in the bookcase.(对画线部分提问)

Where ’re the books and tapes? 4. That ’s his ID card.(改为一般疑问句)


that his ID card?

5. Alice and Anna are in the classroom.(改为一般疑问句)

Are Alice and Anna in the classroom?

6. This is his pencil box.(改为复数句)


are their pencil boxes.

7. Those aren ’t her dictionaries.(改为单数句)


i s n ’t her dictionary.

8. They are under the table.(改为否定句)


aren ’t under the table.

9. I know her QQ number.(改为否定句)

I don ’t ____________ k now her QQ number.

10. library ,game, is, computer, in, a, the(.)(连词成句)

A computer game is in the library. B) 根据汉语提示完成句子。(每小题1分) 1. 拨打495 -6723找李明。 Call Li Ming at 495 - 6723.

2. 她的钥匙在书包里。

Her keys are in the schoolbag. 3. 打扰一下,我的橡皮在哪里? Excuse me , where , my eraser? 4. 这是我的全家福。 This is a photo of my family . 5. 那些是我的两个姐妹。 Those are my two sisters . 6. 你怎么拼读?pencil ?? How do you spell pencil?


你可以向我们老师要你的手表。 You can ask our teacher for your watch.


___________ the baseball? ——It s under the sofa.

A)Who ’s B)Where ’re C)Where ’s D)What ’s J i m ’s English books. )am C)is




,he is my brother.

A. my; Yes

B. your ; No

C. she ; Yes

D. your ; Yes 四、完形填空。


请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A 、B 、 C'D 四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。!每小题 1 分)

Look % This is a photo of a classroom. Its a 1 photo. A ta-

2 in the photo.

3 teacher are those on the

table ? 5

9. 我丢失了我的英语字典。

I lost my English dictionary . 10.

我的表弟在下一张照片里。 My cousin is in the next picture.

三、单项选择(10分) (B ) 1. This is


eraser is mine.

A. an; An

B. an; The

C. the; An

D. the; The (A )2. I ,m Jenny Green.

Jenny is my


A. first

B. last

C. family

D. one

(C )3. —Is that

notebook? —Yes ,its mine. Thank you


那个白色的棒球是她的。 That white baseball

are ; are D. is; is is hers.



期中复习卷 .14

black bag. .Is it Jane ’s? I don ’t 10 (A )1. A. nice B. OK C)friend ’s D (C

)2. A. is B. am C)are D (D )3. A. 不填 B. The C)An D (B )4. A. Who B. What C)Where D (A )5. A. They B. These C)Those D (A )6. A. pencils B. beds C. baseballs D. (A )7. A. is B)am C)are D (C

)8. A. to

B)too C)under D) (B )9. A. or

B. and C)but D (C )10 .A .ask B. call

C)know D)

A. trees C. two classes Mr White is A

three teachers

my Chinese teacher a math teacher

B. a Chinese D. an art teacher students are in my class. B)50





Lost My CD. My name is

Eric. Please call 349 -

1318 or 6443426, or e-mail me at Eric123 @ yahoo.

com. My black jacket.

My name is Grace. My

telephone number is 258 -

0625 and my e-mail is

gellertgrace @ as- dk12. orgy. 12. My phone


’s be A How It tab les be of too spe ll


A)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。!每小题2分) A

(D )1) Eric lost his

A .key B. ID card C. jacket D. CD

(A )2 A girl calls for her watch. A .Tony B. G5ace C. Eric D. Tommy (D )3 Grace ’s is gellertgrace@asdk12. org.

A last name B. telephone number

C .jacket

D. e-mail

(C )4)

has two telephone numbers.

A .Tony B. Grace C. Eric D. Tommy

(C )5)

is black.

A A telephone

B. The g i r l ’s watch

C Grace ,Jacket

D. An ID card

are three books. A pencil box is on it ,too. Two pens and two 6 are in the pencil box. A schoolbag 7 on a chair. What ’s that 8 the chair? Its a hat. Oh ,no. Its a bag. Its a white 9

Are these your things

!东西)? A y6low t6l6- phone ,a g i r l ’s watch ,a boy ’s jacket , an English book ,a key and an ID card. Please Call Tony at 730 -4568. Found A)45

B ) 10. Our school is

. A. not beautiful

B. nice

C. near(附近)my home

D. in Beijing B)请阅读下面短文。根据

短文内容从下面方框中的七个选 项中,选择五个适当的句子还原到原文中,使短文意思通;1 页、结构 完整。!每小题2


My name is Tim Brown. 11. D I ,m a boy. I ,m 10. I have (有)a good family. Look! 12. B Sam Brown is my father. My mother is Alice Brown. I have two sisters and one brother. 13. G He is nine. This is an ID card. It s his ID card. One of my sisters ,names is Linda Brown. She is eight. 14. E She is nine. We have a telephone. 15. A Please call me. I can be your friend.


Our school is very nice. A lot of trees(树)are in it. I ,m in Class Two ,Grade Seven. The walls (墙"of our classroom are white. A blackboard(黑板)and some pictures are on the wall. Our classroom is very tidy. 45 students are in my class. Mr White is our English teacher. I like English. My father and mother are English teachers , too. They often help me with my English.

We are all friends. We like my school. (A "6. There are

in my school.

B)45 students

A. The number is 456 -7868.

B. These are my parents.

C. My computer is on the desk.

D. My first name is Tim.

E. And Amanda Brown is my sister ,too.

F. My e-mail is Tim@ 126. com.

G. My brother is Mike Brown.

an American teacher B C. an English teacher E (C )8. My father is __________________ teacher.

A. my

E C)an English D

)7. A This is a photo of my family. These are my parents. My father ’s name is Paul. My mother ’s name is Linda. The two girls are my sisters. Their names are Sonia and Mona. Who ,s the boy? It s me.

The next photo is a photo of my room. Look! My computer is on the table. My books and tapes are in the bookcase. My model plane is under the bed. I t ’s a nice room.


假如你是Dale ,请根据下表的内容提示,写一篇50词左右的 短文,number is 768 - 3568. Here are two photos.

Hello ,Everyone My name is Dale Brown.

B)these C)she is he?——He is

my father. B. Where C. What

A. this

"27. —_______




" 12. What,s Mark,last name? A )grandfather B) grandmother

A. Ling.

B. Black)

C. Smith. C )aunt D) uncle

"13. Mark is . (B " 29 your keys,Jim.

A. 7

B. 8

C.9 ! A Here is B. Here are C. It is

D. That,s

"14- Mark’s hair(头发" is (D " 30 )—Whats your name,please?

A. red

B. black

C. brown

—M y name is .

"15. Mark’s mother is a A .Han meimei B. Wang Xiao Ya

A. teacher(老师" C .Green Jim D. Li Yunde


A. Who

"28. —Is your mother’s father your ——

Yes,he is.

"31. —Is this —

No, _


iBn’t _____________


A. his; it; me C.

hers; this ; my

Please call Jim ______

A. of

B. in

B. your ;

it ;D. yours ;

it ; 82179871.


A " 34

hat hat is white. a; The D

a; A

A " 22 D "


D " 24

C. I t’s white. A. How are you C.

Where are they

A "25. —Is this a key? —________________

A. No,it i s n’t C. Yes,its B "26.

Are her parents ?

C. We don,know.



A)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的 A'B'C



(B )1. Who is their English teacher?

A. Jim Brown.

B. Mr Green.

C. Mr Jim.

(B "2. What’s the girls telephone number?

A)6238668) B)6283686) C)6286386)

(A "3. Whose(谁的)pencil is it?

A. Tom’s . B . Linda’s . C. Eric’s .

(A "4. Where is the jacket?

A. On the bed.

B. Under the bed.

C. On the desk.

(C "5. "What,his last name?

A. Smith . B . Bob. C. Miller .






(B "6. Where is Jack,pen?

A . In a bookcase.

B . In his pencil box .

C . On the table.

(C "7. What color is Jack,s eraser?

A. Its red.

B. Its blue.

(B "8. Is that Jack,ruler?

A. No,it i s n’t.

B. Yes,it is.


( B "9. Is Grace,computer game on the table?

A. Yes,it is.

B. No,it i s n’t.

C. Yes,he is.


! Starter - Unit 4"



D UK —?—S-U-E,

Sue .

A.Do you know Sue

B.Spell your name

C.Is it your name

D.How do you spell your name

——?——They’re fine,thank you.

B. How do you do D . How are

your parents


C.doctor (医生"




C " 10. Where is Grace,computer game?

A. In the bed.

B. On the table.

C. On the bookcase. C "11. What,s

Dale’s phone number?

A. 289 -5692.

B. 298 -9265.

C. 298 -5692.

听,12 15 。

A. the; The

B. the; A

__________ 表示?联合国




(C "21. I have __________

Its a ruler



——Its blue and white.

A. How

B. What color

C)What D)What’s


A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A' B'C'D

四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。!每小题1 分)

This is my room. You can see 36 pictures on the wall(墙". My school things (东

西"are 37 the desk. My model plane is the chair. 39 is my jacket? It s on the bed.

room is tidy. 41 bookcase,a desk


B. Oh,no no

C. Thank you

D. No,it i s n’t

—___________ ? —No,its on the sofa.

A.Is the ruler in your schoolbag

B.Where is your ruler

C.What color is your schoolbag

D.Is this your ruler

——is your pencil box?

"33. —Your jacket is very nice.

My father and 40




" 32.


英语(人教版)7上 .15 ?

期中检测卷 ? 16

D )56. Here are case.

Oh ,yes. Thanks ,Kathy. Where 69. G my watch?

D " 36. B " 37. C " 38. A

)39. D ) 40. B ) 41. B ) 42. D ) 43. B ) 44. D ) 45.

A. A. A. A. two at in Which m9ther ’s An be keys your desk

B. 498 -2456 D. 412 -9856


of under Who mother The have desk my sofa


sister ’s Some is card his table

a black and white box a black and white cat

C. a blue and white box __________ lost a pencil box.

A. Tony

B. Tom Mike lost his . Mike book cat

46 48 49

father These

A. Four C ) 62. Mary and

Peter are A. John ’s C. John ’s father ’s

boy Tony ,

cousin) What ’BJohn ’Bgrandfather ’B A. Peter. B. Mary.

__________ is John ,sister.

B )63. )64. )65.

A call him. A)Lucy Anna is John ’s A)sister C)mother

Mary Tony

Here is a picture of Tony ’s family. Tony is my good friend . His 47. last name is Frank. This is Tony ’s . And that is Tony ’s mother. She is nice. are Tony ,two sisters. Is 50. the he 四、阅读理解(30分)

A)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题2分) A

and a bed 42 in it. Look %A set of 43 are on the desk. My mother likes books. Where ar B)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框内所给的词 中选

出最恰当的一个,用其适当形式填空。每个词限用一次。 (每小题1分) i s n ’t . He is Tony ’s 52. Tony ’s family are in China. He found 53. an eraser this morning. It is in the lost and found box. 54. His telephone number an friend cal he his c9usin these last the father n on at What brother ’s A are key her bed

is 568 - 3591. You can 55. brother? No # 51. B n B)grandmother D. daughter B)请阅读下面对话。根据对话内容从下面方框中的七个选 项中,选择五个适当的句子还原到对话中,使对话意思通顺、结构 完整。(每小题2


Tony: Excuse me ,Kathy. Do you see my ID card? Kathy: 66. D Is it in the bookcase?

Tony : No , it i s n ’t . Oh , here it is % Its in my schoolbag 67. A They are not in

my schoolbag

This is my friend John Brown and his family. This is his grandfather. His name is Peter. This is his grandmother. Her name is Mary. Thi s is hi s mother. Her name is Anna. Thi s is hi s father. Hi s name is Tony. He like s playing soccer(足球).These are John ,s sisters ,Lily and Lucy. (D ) 61. ________________ p eople are in John ’s family.


C. Six

D. Seven

______ parents.

B. L i l y ’s

A. three

B. four

C. five )57. You lost your keys. You can call —

A. 487 -2349 C. 476 -5939

D )58. Jenny found __________________ .

A . a blue and white cat

D. Anna ’s mother ’s


C. Tony. notices(启事)in the Lost & Found

A. school ID card C)schoolbag


D. Jenny

D. Brown.

A ) 60


) 59 SIX


D My Good Friend

I have a good friend. Her Chinese name is Zhang Yining. Her English name is Lucy. She is 14. Her telephone number is 82179871. Her QQ number is 118574263. Four people are in her family. They are her father ,her mother ,her brother and her. She likes English and sports.

QQ ID Card

Chinese name : Zhang Yining English name: Lucy Age(年龄):14 Telephone number: 82179871 QQ number : 118574263

Family member(成员):father ,mother ,brother Hobbies (爱好):English ,sports


假如你叫李明,最近在网上通过QQ 认识了一个新朋友。下 面是她的QQ ID Card 资料,请根据下面的资料写一篇50词左右 的短文,介绍一下你的朋友。

No ,it i

s n ’t . Oh ,it is on the table. Is my notebook on the table? No ,it i s n ’t . 70. F A. Now ,where are my keys? B. Nice to meet you ,too. C. They are on the bed. D. No ,I don ’t. E. How are your family? F. Its under the table. G. Is it on the sofa?

Kathy: There! 68

Tony: Kathy:

Tony: Kathy:

第一单元检测卷 !时间:90分钟总分:100分) 英语(人教版)7上 .17

Yes ,he has No ,he doesn ’t

B. Sounds relaxing D. No ,I don ’t parents often (经常)watch



C he


Who under a ; it

How TV) at

Don ’t say that That sounds boring he doesn ’t have

C. for very much. )29.



D me A

don ’t have ; do



请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的 A'B'C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后你都有10秒 钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话读两遍。!每 小题1分) (B ) 1. Where is the tennis ball? A. In the bookcase.

B. On the sofa.

C. Under the bed.

! A )2. Does Jenny have a TV? A. Yes # she does . B. No, she i s n ’t . C. No, she doesn ’t .

(B )3. What does Kate have? A. A soccer ball . B . A baseball . C. A volleyball . (A )4. Does Susan have a tape player? A. No, she doesn ’t .

B. Yes, she does.

C. We don ,t know .

(C )5. What ,s that under the table? A. Its a ping-pong ball .

B . Its a basketball .

C . It s a tennis ball . B) 请听下面两段对话和一段独白。每段对话或独白后有几 个小题,从题中所给的A'B'C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段 对话或独白前,你都将有30秒钟的时间阅读各小题,每段对话或 独白读两遍。!每小题1分) 听第一段对话,回答第6至第8小题。 (A )6. What does Peter have? A. A baseball .

B. A ping-pong bat .

C. A tennis ball .

(B )7. They don ’t watch TV because(因为) ________________________ .

A. its good.

B . its boring. C. its fun.

(C )8. What do they play?

A. Tennis. B . Basketball . C. Soccer ball .

听第二段对话,回答第9至第11小题。 (C )9. What does Bill do in the afternoon?

A Watch TV

B . Play computer games.

C . Play basketball .

(B ) 10. Bill has ________________ b asketballs .

A four

B five

C seven

(A ) 11. Who has a computer?

A. Judy. B . Judy ’s cousin. C. Bill.


(B ) 12. Howmany(多少)balls does Sally have?

A Five

B Four

C Three

(B ) 13. Does Sally have soccer ball?

A. Yes ,she does.

B. No ,she doesn ’t .

C. We don ,t know .

(A ) 14. Where are the tennis balls?

A. On the bookcase.

B. Under the table.

C. Under the bed.

(C ) 15. What does Sally do in the evening?

A. Plays soccer. B . Plays tennis. C. Watches TV .

C)请听下面一段短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每个空格不 超过三个单词。听短文前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读表格内容,短 文读两遍。!每小题1分)

A. has; have C. have ; has D. has; has )31. A ping-pong ball and a baseball __________________ in the chair. A. is

B. are

C. do

D. does

)32. My mother doesn ’t like soccer ,she thinks it is A. interesting

B. relaxing

C. boring

D. great

)33. They ______________ have a baseball.

A. doesn ,

B. aren ,

C. isn ,

D. don ,

)34. My sister _______________ a new notebook ,but I ________________ .

B. have ; doesn ’t

A)Thank you C. No ,thanks A ) 28. Dave has a baseball bat

baseball. A. but B. and

My parents love ____________ A)I B)they

C)we I don ’t

an English book. She

B. have ; have

A us

B we

B )24. — _______________ do they have?

——Two pencil cases. A)Where B)What

B )25. I like watching sports _____________



D )26. We have __________________ baseball. Lets play

A. a ; this

B. a ; that

C. /; /

A )27.——Welcome to our school.

A. Yes ,she does C. Yes ,he have )22 . —Lets watch TV .

A. Yes ,I do C. Sorry ,I don ’t )23. I have two brothers . _________________ play games. 二、单项选择(15分)

(D )21. —Does he have a tennis ball?

A. has ; don ’t C. doesn ’t have ; does




W M W M a sports collection , 42 . ketball. And she has some C)

My name is Paul. I ,m a boy. I have three good 46. They are Linda ,Gina ,and Frank. We like 47. sports vorite(最喜欢的"sport is ping-pong. I 48. have pong balls. I think ping-pong 49. is fun. But Linda and Gina think it is 50. boring . They 51. like baseball. They 52. play baseball at school. Frank is a nice 53. boy . My fa- three ping- His favorite sport is 54.


His favorite 55.


B. My Picture D Soccer

45 ping-pong every day

(B 36. A. Gina B. Alan C. Jenny D. Mary (A 37. A. have B. do C. has D)does (C 38. A. He B. She C. They D)It (A 39. A. and B. but C. to D)of (D 40. A. i s n ’t B . aren ’t C. don ’t D)doesn ’t

(D 41. A. look B. watch C)looks D)watches (B 42. A. please B. too C)there D)here

(C 43. A. three B. two C. a D)an (C 44. A. with B. of C)on D)under (A 45. A. plays B. play C)sound D)needs B 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框内所给的词 中选出最恰当的一个,用其适当形式填空。每个词限用一次。 !每小题1分)

friend play sports boy have boring color be soccer like ping-pong balls 44 her sofa. She


(A "35.— ——That sounds great. A. Lets watch the games on TV.

B. Do you watch the game?

C. I don ’t have a volleyball.

D. He doesn ’t like playing ping-pong.


A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A' B'C'D 四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。!每小 题1分) Hello % I ,m 36 . I ,m an English boy. I 37 two sisters. 38 are Helen and Linda. Helen has a great sports collection (收 藏".She has a soccer ball ,three volleyballs 39 four basketballs. But she 40 play sports ——she only 41 them on TV.

Linda has She has two tennis balls and 43 bas- 四、阅读理解(30分)

A)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选



I am a Chinese boy. My name is Li Ming. I ,m a student. In my class ,some of the boys like soccer. Wu Jun and I are on school soccer team. And some like basketball. But the girls like tennis and volleyball. Wang Mei and Zhang Hong are on school volleyball team. They have two volleyballs. (B "56. Li Ming likes ____________________ .

A. basketball

B. soccer

C. volleyball

D. tennis

(C "57. The girls like __________________ .

A. tennis and basketball

B. soccer and basketball

C. tennis and

volleyball D. volleyball and basketball (C "58. ?team ?在文中是什么意思?




D.座位 (A "59.

and Li Ming are

on school soccer team.

A. Wu Jun

B. Wang Mei

C. Zhang Hong

D. Some boys

(A " 60. Zhong Hong and Wang Mei have __________________________ volleyballs.

A. 2

B. 3

I ,m Alice. This is my bedroom. It s a nice bedroom. You can see a bed ,two desks ,a chair and a bag under the desk. What are those on the desk? They are some pictures. A soccer star is in the picture. He is David Beckham(大卫?贝克汉姆".I like sports. I have four baseballs ,two soccer balls and six basketballs. Baseballs and soccer balls are under the table. Basketballs are on the floor(地板).I play soccer with my friends in the afternoon. (D " 61. Where are the pictures?

A. On the wall.

B. On the chair .

C. Under the table.

D . On the desk . (B "62. What ,that under the desk?

A. A picture.

B. A bag.

C. A baseball .

D . A basketball . (D " 63. Alice has __________________ b alls .

A. 4

B. 2

C. 6

D. 12

(D "64. Alice plays

with his friends in the afternoon.

A. basketball

B. baseball

pn p n

A "65.以下哪个标题最适合? A. My

Bedroom C. My Ball.

soccer B

We Like Sports

My family like sports very much. I like playing basketball ,and I have four basketballs. I think it is very interesting. But my brother doesn ’t like basketball , he thinks it is boring. He likes soccer and baseball. He thinks they are very interesting. He plays them with his friends. And my parents like playing ping-pong and volleyball. They think they are relaxing.

B)请阅读下面的对话。根据对话内容从下面方框内的七个 选项中,选择五个适当的句子还原到对话中,使对话意思通顺、结 构完整。!每小题2


M: Hello ,Sally! L e t ’s play tennis.

W & 66. B But I don ’t have a tennis ball . Do you have a tennis ball? M : No ,I d o n ,. But I have a soccer. 67. A

No. 68. D L e t ’s play ping-pong. I have a ping-pong bat. 69. "C


请根据下表提示,以? We Like Sports ?为题写一篇50词左右 的短文,I t ’s in my schoolbag. Do you have a bat? No ,I don ’t. But my brother has a bat and a ball. Good. Where is he?


英语(人教版)7上 .1 9

A)good B ) 24)—

Let ’s

—Yes , A)they

A )29. Some ____________

A)oranges A )30. —Do you

like bread? A)it


B )31. The boy _____________

it. A. like

C. doesn ’t like B )32. He


A)a ; an B D )33. Lets


egg and n

B. to go there D.

go there its good for us.

B. salads D)pear pears.


A) 请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的 A'B'C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后你都有10秒 钟的时间回答有

关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话读两遍。!每 小题 1 分)

! C ) 1. What does Alan like?

A. Oranges.

B. Pears.

C. Apples. ! C )2. What does Mary have for breakfast?

A. Salad.

B. Meat.

C. Bread.

! A )3. What does Dale eat for breakfast?

A. Rice.

B. Chicken.

C. Eggs.

(B )4. Does Gina like chicken and carrots for dinner?

A. Yes # she does . B . No # she doesn ’t . C . She likes eggs.

! C )5. Who doesn ’t like strawberries?

A. Tony.

B . Lucy.

C. The boy.

B) 请听下面两段对话和一段独白。每段对话或独白后有几 个小题,从题中所给的A'B'C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段 对话或独白前,你都将有30秒钟的时间阅读各小题,每段对话或 独白读两遍。!每小题1分)


(A )6. What does David eat in the morning?

A. Eggs and oranges.

B Burgers

C Chicken and bread (B )7. When does David have burgers? A. For dinner. B . For lunch. C. For breakfast.

(C )8. Does David like KFC for dinner?

A. Yes ,she does.

B . No ,he doesn ’t .

C . Yes ,he does.


(C )9. Where are they?

A. At home. B . In the school. C. In a store.

(A ) 10. What does Peter want?

A. Water.

B . Orange. C. Milk . (B )11.对话中有几个人?

A Four

B Three

C Two

听 , 12 15 。

(C ) 12.

like burgers for lunch.

A. Paul and John

B. Paul and Bob

C. Bob ,Paul and John

(C ) 13. John don ,like


A bread

B fruit

C ice-cream (A ) 14. How many(多少) soccers does John have? A 2

B 3

C 4

(B ) 15. Bob thinks tennis is


A boring

B fun

C relaxing

C)请听下面一段短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每个空格不 超过三个单词。听短文前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读表格内容,短 文读两遍。!每小题1分) 二、单项选择(15分) (A )21. —

does your father have


——Chicken and tomatoes.

A. What ; for

B. What ; /

C. How ; for

D. How ; / (C )22 . What __________________Tom like ______________ for breakfast?

A does ; eat

B is ; eat C. does ; to eat D. is; to eat

(D )23. —Does your English teacher play tennis

? ——Yes ,she does.

B. nice

C. great

D. well ice-cream.

——Oh ,no ,I like ice-cream.

A. like ; have

B. have ; don ’t

C. have ; not

D. like ; don ’t

D )25. My parents like ___________________ very much , such as (依J 如)

carrots ,bananas and pears.

A. vegetables



C. chicken


fruit and vegetables

A )26. We have in the morning.

A. breakfast

B. lunch

C. dinner

D. radio B )27. —Does Dan like pears?

.He thinks they are healthy. he does C. he doesn ’t D. he likes

A. he is )28. —Does Selina like salad? ——Yes ,she likes


them C. it D. her are on the table. Go and get them. apple C. burger D. bread Yes ,

I like __________________________ .

them C. they D. this


So he eats lots of(许多)

likes i s n ’t like

hamburger. a ; a D. an ; an

C A. to go to there C. go to there

A )34. We need _________________ A. healthy food B. C) i ce-cream


C )35. Her parents like salad ______________

A. but

B. for

C. and



意,然后从各小题所给的A' B'C'D 四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最

佳选项。!每小 题 1 分)

I have a good friend. 36 name is Lisa. She comes from the US(美国).Now she and her family 37 in Shanghai. She 38 China ,especially (尤其是)Chinese (中

国的)food. ? Chinese food is really 39 ,? she says. ? Its different (不同的)from the 40

第六单元检测卷 .20

Dick :

Eric: Dick: Eric: Dick: Eric: Dick: Eric:

so nice. It s nice and Chinese food. ? 43

egg and a hamburger. What about you? A. Mary and Jenny C. Mark and Bob (D "64.下面哪种说法是正确的? A. Gina is a boy. C. Bob likes bananas.

(A "65. What does Mary like?

A. We don ’t know.

B. Oranges. C Tomatoes

D Bananas

B)请阅读下面对话。根据对话内容从下面方框内的七个选 项中,选择五个适当的句子还原到文中,使对话意思通顺、结构完 整。(每小题2分)

Eric: Hello ,Dick % 66 . B

Mary has three friends. Mark likes tomatoes. It is my mother ’s birthday (生日).I want to thank my 46. mother for her love (爱).So I cook (煮)47. dinner for my family. I know my mother 48. likes hamburgers and vegetables. But my 49. father doesn ’t like them. He likes chicken and tomatoes. I 50. have a brother. He likes hamburgers # too. But 51. he doesn ’t like vegetables. He likes carrots. I have a sister. 52. She likes fruit. I like chicken and 53. bananas . We eat a lot of 54. healthy food. I will buy (买)them for the 55. birthday party. 四、阅读理解(30分) A)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。!每小题2分) A Hello % My name is David. Now my family are in Jiangxi. I like China. I like Chinese(中国白勺"food ,too. I eat an egg, bread and porridge(粥)for breakfast. I do not like milk. I have lunch at school. The lunch in our school is good. I can have different (不同 白勺)food for lunch. I eat rice ,chicken and vegetables. Sometimes I have noodles (面条)and dumplings (狡子).My mother likes vegeta ( B "36. A. My B. Her C. She D )His ( C "37. A. am B. is C. are D do ( B "38. A. like B. 3ikes C. to like D liking ( D "39. A well B. re3axing C. boring D great ( A "40. A food B. game C)star D friend ( D " 41 A get B. have C)takes D eats ( B "42. A. be B. is

C)am D are ( D "43. A relaxing B. easy C)tidy D healthy

( A "44. A interesting B)dificult C. well D)same ( B "45. A. run B. 3ike C)bring D know B)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框内所给的词 中选出最恰当的一个,用其适当形式填空。每个词限用一次。 !每小题1分) Eating is very 44 here. I 45 in the US. ? In the US # she often 41 bread and salad. But in China # she can eat different food. Lisa says. ? Chinese food 42 bles and fruit ,my father likes chicken. (C "56. What does NOT David like?

A. Bread.

B. Vegetables.

C. Milk.

D. Chicken.

(B "57. What does David have for breakfast?

A. An egg and milk.

B. An egg and bread.

C. An apple and bread.

D. An egg and an apple.

(A "58. Where does David have lunch?

A. At school.

B. In Shanghai .

C. In Beijing.

D. We don ’t know.

(D "59. David has dumplings and noodles for


A. breakfast

B. dinner

C. school

D. lunch

(B "60. ________________ l ikes vegetables and fruit.

A. David

B. David ,mother

C. David ’s father

D. David ’s friend B

Mary has four good friends at school. They are Jenny , Gina , Mark and Bob. Jenny and Gina are girls. Mark and Bob are boys. Jenny likes oranges and strawberries. She doesn ’t like tomatoes. Gina likes ice-cream. She doesn ’t like hamburgers. Mark likes tomatoes and apples. He doesn ’t like bananas. Bob likes apples. He doesn ’t like bananas or hamburgers. (D " 61. Jenny likes


A. tomatoes

B. oranges and bananas

C. ice-cream

D. oranges and strawberries

(B "62. ________________ p eople(人)in the passage (短文".

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

D. 7

(D " 63.

don ’t like hamburgers .

B. Jenny and Gina D.

Gina and Bob

We have three meals a day. For breakfast. I like chicken. But my parents don ’t like chicken , they like bread and milk. We like strawberries and pears. For lunch ,I have hamburgers. And my parents like them ,too. They have apples and bananas ,but I don ’t like bananas. I only eat apples. For dinner ,my parents have salad ,vegetables and carrots. But I don ’t like vegetables. I like hamburgers and carrots. We eat pears and oranges for dinner. Sometimes I eat ice-

My Family’s Food


请根据下表的提示,以? My Family ,Food ?为题写一篇短文, 介绍你和你家人的饮食习惯(包括他们喜欢或不喜欢吃的食物、 水果等)。不少于60字。

I ,m fine ,thanks. Do you have breakfast ,Eric? 67. A How about you?

I don ’t either(也".68. G OK. I ’m very glad to do that.

Well ,Eric. 69. D I like

some milk , 70. F OK! Lets go. A. No ,I don ’t. B. How are you? C. I don ’t like milk. D. What do you like to eat? E. You like milk for lunch.

F. I like two eggs ,a banana and some bread.

G. Lets go to have breakfast.
