Unit 6 company and product Presentation答案

Unit 6 company and product Presentation答案

Unit 6 Company and product presentation I. Translate the following English into Chinese

corporate image 公司形象consulting service咨询服务

company profile 公司概况

net profit 净利润

annual revenue 全年收入

financial statement 财务报表balance sheet 损益账户

the profit and loss account 资产负债表shareholders’ equity股东权益annual review 年度回顾

business review 业务回顾financing methods 融资方式sales representative 销售代表sales record 销售记录customers’ satisfaction客户满意度merchant wholesaler 商品批发商commission agent 佣金代理商distribution channel 经销渠道marketing objective 营销目标strategic marketing 战略营销target market 目标市场

II. Translate the following English into Chinese

1.Please interrupt me if you’ve got any questions.


2.Our products are for both domestic and foreign markets.


3.Our market share in Canada has increased by 45% this year, accounting for 20% of total sales.


4.I’ll begin by talking about our sales figures last year, and then I’ll talk about our market share of our product in some major countries. Finally I’ll talk about our main customers and future plans.


5. We confidently believe that this new product represents a significant market opportunity for the company.


III. Translate the following English into Chinese


We believe we must increase our export sales if we want to continue to grow, and we hope to increase exports to 40 % of production.


If you have any questions, just interrupt me as I go along.


In any case, I’ll leave these written specifications with you which you can study at your leisure.

4. 几个月后我还会向大家报告促销活动的细节。

I’ll be getting back to you in a couple of months’ time with much more detail on the promotion campaign 5. 我今天演示的目的是让大家了解事实,而不是想说服大家,但愿你们已经十分支持这个新项目。My objective of the presentation today is to inform, not to persuade; hopefully you’re all ready 100% behind this new project.

