新人教版七年级英语下期末复习课文2b 练习1

新人教版七年级英语下期末复习课文2b 练习1

新人教版七年级英语下期末复习课文2b 练习

Unit 1

______ (be) you busy after school? No? Can you ______ (speak) English? Yes? Then we need you ________ (help) with sports for English-speaking students. It is relaxing and easy! Please _______ (come) to the Students’ Sports Center. Call Mr. Brown at 293-7742.

We ________ (need) help at the old people’s home. Are you free in July?___________ (be) you good with old people? Can you _______ (talk) to them and play games with them? They can tell you stories, and you can ________(make) friends. It is interesting and fun. Please call us at 689-7729 today!

Can you play the piano or the violin? Do you have time on the weekend? The school ________ (need) help ________(teach) music. It’s not difficult. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721.


Grammar Focus Grade 7 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 你会游泳吗?是的,我会。 他会下棋吗?是的,他会。/不,他不会。 你和汤姆会下棋吗?是的,我们会。/不,我们不会。 简和吉尔会游泳吗?是的,他们会。/不,他们不会。 你会做什么? 我会唱歌。/我会跳舞。 你想参加哪个俱乐部?我们想参加下棋俱乐部。 Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 你通常几点起床? 我通常6:30起床。 他们几点穿好衣服? 他们通常7:20分穿好衣服。. 里克几点吃早饭? 他7点吃早饭.. 斯科特经常几点去工作? 他通常7点去工作。. 你的朋友们什么时候锻炼? 他们通常在周末锻炼。. Unit 3 How do you get to school? 你如何到校? 我骑我的自行车。. 她怎样到达学校? 她通常坐公共汽车。. 你到校花了多长时间? 花了将近15分钟。 你家到学校有多远? 只有大约两公里。 简是走路去学校的吗? 不,她不是。她是骑自选车去的。 他们坐公共汽车去学校吗? 不,他们不是。他们走路去的。 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class. 别在走廊里路. 别打架. 规则是什么? 我们必须准时上课。. 我们能在教室吃东西吗? 不,我们不能。我们能在餐厅吃东西。

上课能戴帽子吗? 是的,我们能。不,我们不能。 他必须穿校服在学校吗? 是的,他是。不,他不是。 你必须做什么? 我们在图书馆必须安静。. Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? 你为什么喜欢熊猫? 因为他们有点有趣. 约翰为什么喜欢考拉? 因为他们可爱。 你为什么不喜欢考虑? 因为他们的确可怕。 狮子来自哪里? 他们来自南非。 Unit 6 I’m watching TV. 你们正在做什么? 我正在看电视。 她正在做什么? 她正在洗衣服。 他们正在做什么? 他们正在听CD。. 你正在做家庭作业吗? 是的,我是。不,我不是,我正在打扫房间。. 他正在看报纸吗? 是的,他是。不,他不是,他正在打篮球。. 他们正在用电脑吗? 是的,他们是。不,他们不是。他们正在锻炼。. Unit 7 It’s raining. 天气怎么样? 多云./ 晴天./ 正下雨. 你正在做什么? 我正在煮。 他们正在做什么? 他们正在公园里打篮球. 他正在做什么? 他正在他朋友的房间里学习。. 近来怎样? 好极了!/ 还不错./ 可怕极了! Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? 这里附近有个银行吗? 是的,有。不,没有。. 这儿附近有没有一些餐馆? 是的,邮局前面有一家。.

一年级上册英语课文全 外研社版

☆☆☆Module1 ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆Unit1 Hello!☆☆☆Activity 1: Listen and point Hi! Aah (i) Hello! Ooh... Hello! Activity 2:Listen, point and find I'm… Hi,I'm Daming. Hello,I'm Amy. Hello,I'm Lingling. Hi,I'm Sam. Hi,I'm Sam. Hello,I'm Lingling. Hello. Hi. Goodbye! Bye! Bye! Goodbye! Activity 3:Listen and say. Hello,I'm Baobao. Hi,I'm Feifei. Goodbye,Feifei. Bye,Baobao. Activity 4:Practise. Hello. Hi. I'm Tingting. I'm Taotao. Goodbye! Bye!

☆☆☆Module 1 ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆Unit2 How are you?☆☆☆ Activity 1 : Listen and point. How are you? How are you? How are you? Woof! Activity 2 :Listen, point and say. How are you, Tingting? Tingting? No, I'm Lingling. Lingling? Yes, I'm Lingling. Sorry! How are you, Lingling? I'm fine. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. Activity 3 :Listen, tick and say. Hello. Goodbye. Hi. Hello. Activity 4 :Listen and say. Then sing. Hello, hello. Hello. Hello, how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine, and hello to you.

英语人教版九年级全册语法填空练习.2 2B挖空

Rethink, Reuse, Recycle! Do you often throw away things you don’t need anymore? Have you ever thought about how these things can actually be put to good use? Nothing is a waste if you have a creative mind. You have probably never heard of Amy Hayes, but she is a most unusual woman. She lives in a house in the UK that she built herself out of rubbish. The windows and doors come from old buildings around her town that were pulled down. The top of the house is an old boat turned upside down. And the gate in front of her house is made of rocks and old glass bottles. Amy recently won a prize from the Help Save Our planet Society. The president said,“Amy is an inspiration to us all.” Amy isn’t the only one who is good at recycling. Jessica Wong from Hong Kong uses old clothes that people don’t wear anymore to make bags. She has been doing this for a few years now. She opened a small shop where she sells her bags, and she has also set up a website to sell them online. She especially likes to use old jeans to make handbags. Her bags are cute and useful.“I plan to write a book about new ways to use old clothes,” she


Unit1 2d: Jane: 你好,鲍勃,你想加入什么俱乐部? Bob:我想加入运动俱乐部。 Jane:棒极了!你会玩什么运动? Bob:足球. Jane:这么说你可以加入足球俱乐部。 Bob:那么你呢?你非常善长讲故事.你可以加入讲故事俱乐部。 Jane:听起来不错。但我也喜欢画画。 Bob:那就加入两个俱乐部,讲故事俱乐部和美术俱乐部! Jane:好的,让我们现在去加入吧! Section B 2a: 1.你好,我是Peter,我喜欢打篮球。我会说英语,我也会踢足球。 2.你好,我是Ma Huan,我会打乒乓球和下国际象棋。我喜欢与人们交谈和做游戏。 3.我的名字是Alan。我在学校音乐俱乐部。我会弹吉他和钢琴。我也会唱歌和跳舞。 2b: (A)我们老人之家需要帮助。在七月份你有空吗?你善于与老人相处吗?你会与他们说话做游戏吗?他们会给你讲故事,你们可以交 朋友。它既有趣又好玩!请在今天拨打电话698-7729与我们联系。 (C)放学后你忙吗?不忙?你会说英语吗?是吗?那么,我们需要 你帮助说英语的学生做运动。这事轻松的,容易的!请来学生运动中 心吧。拨打电话293-7742联系Mr.Brown. (B)你会弹钢琴或者拉小提琴吗?在周末你有时间吗?学校需要帮助教音乐。它不难!拨打电话555-3721联系https://www.360docs.net/doc/4312025506.html,ler. Unit2 2d: Interviewer :Scott有一份有趣的工作。他在一家广播电台工作。Scott,你的广播节目在几点?Scott:从晚上十二点到早上六点。 Interviewer :你通常几点起床? Scott:晚上八点半。然后我九点吃早饭。Interviewer :那是个有趣的早饭的时间。 Scott:是的。之后,我通常在十点二十左右锻炼。Interviewer :你什么时候去上班? Scott:在十一点,所以我工作从不迟到。 2b:你好,我是Tony,我不喜欢早起床。在早上,我八点起床。然后,我在八点三十去上学。我没有许多时间吃早饭,因此,我通常吃的非常快。午饭我通常吃汉堡。放学后,我有时打半小时篮球。当我到家的时候,我总是先做作业。在晚上,我要么看电视,要么玩电脑游戏。在十点三十,我刷牙,然后上床睡觉。 Mary是我的妹妹。她通常在六点半起床。然后她总是洗淋浴,吃丰盛的早饭。然后,她在八点三十去上学。在十二点,她吃许多水果和蔬菜作为午饭。午饭后,她有时打排球。她总是在晚饭后吃冰激凌。她知道那对她不好,但冰激凌尝起来好极了!在晚上,她做家庭作业,通常还要游泳或者散步。在九点三十,她上床睡觉。 Unit3 section A 2e: Lisa:嗨,Jane.这是你的自行车吗? Jane:是的,我每天骑它去上学。你是怎样到学校的? Lisa:我通常乘公共汽车。 Jane:从你家到学校有多远? Lisa:我不确定...... 大约有10千米?乘公共汽车大约需要20分钟。你到学校花费多长时间? Jane:骑自行车大约需要15分钟。那是很好的锻炼。Lisa:是的。哦,祝你在学校度过快乐的一天。Jane:你也是。 Section B: 2b:过河去学校 你是怎样到学校的?你步行还是骑自行车?你乘公共汽车还是乘火车去?对于许多学生来说,到达学校是容易的。但是对于在中国的一个小村庄里的学生来说,是困难的。在他们的学校和村庄之间有一条很大的河。那儿没有桥,对于小船来说,这条河流太湍急不能摆渡。因此这些学生乘索道过河去学校。 一个11岁的男孩,亮亮,每个上学日都过河。但是他不害怕。“我爱和我的同学们玩耍。我爱我的老师。他对我来说,就像父亲一样。” 这些学生和村民中的许多人从没有离开过这个村庄。有一座桥是他们的梦想。他们的梦想能实现吗? 3a: 嗨,远方的人, 你好吗?谢谢你的上一封电子邮件。你想知道我怎样到学校,对吗?奥,我通常在大约8点离开家,步行去公共汽车站。校车通常在大约8:15来。学校离我家大约20千米。乘公共汽车到那儿大约花费40分钟。乘公共汽车从来不枯燥,因为我总是


☆☆☆Unit1 Hello!☆☆☆ Activity 1: Listen and point Hi! Aah (i) Hello! Ooh... Hello! Activity 2:Listen, point and find "I'm…"Hi,I'm Daming. Hello,I'm Amy. Hello,I'm Lingling. Hi,I'm Sam. Hi,I'm Sam. Hello,I'm Lingling. Hello. Hi. Goodbye! Bye! Bye! Goodbye! Activity 3:Listen and say. Hello,I'm Baobao. Hi,I'm Feifei. Goodbye,Feifei. Bye,Baobao. Activity 4:Practise. Hello. Hi. I'm Tingting. I'm Taotao. Goodbye! Bye!

☆☆☆Unit2 How are you?☆☆☆Activity 1 : Listen and point. How are you? How are you? How are you? Woof! Activity 2 :Listen, point and say. How are you, Tingting? Tingting? No, I'm Lingling. Lingling? Yes, I'm Lingling. Sorry! How are you, Lingling? I'm fine. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. Activity 3 :Listen, tick and say. Hello. Goodbye. Hi. Hello. Activity 4 :Listen and say. Then sing. Hello, hello. Hello. Hello, how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine, and hello to you. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you. Activity 5 :Play the game.Do and guess. Hello,Beibei. Feifei? No. Qiangqiang? Yes. How are you, Qiangqiang? I'm fine. Activity 6 :Do and say. Lucy Hello,I'm Lucy. Hi,Lucy. I'm Ben.

2015人教版英语 九年级2b翻译打印版

九年级2b 第一单元 怎样才能成为一名成功的学习者 每个人生来就有学习的能力,但你是否能做好依靠你学习的习惯。研究表面看给你成功的学习者们都有共同的一些良好的习惯。 对他们所学的事情干兴趣 研究表明如果你对某个事感兴趣,你的大脑更活跃,对你来说长时间关注它是更容易的。优秀的学习者经常把有趣的事与他们所需要学的东西相联系。例如,如果他们需要学英语,并且他们喜欢音乐或运动,他们就会听英文歌曲或观看英语运动节目。用这种方法学习,他们将不厌烦。 练习与从错误中学习 好的学习者思考他们所擅长的和他们所需要更多训练的。记住:使用它,否则就会失去它!即使你学某个东西很不错,除非你使用它,否则你将会忘记它。“熟能生巧。”好的学习者将一直练习他们已经学的东西,并且他们不担心犯错。亚历山大.格拉汉姆.贝尔不会一个晚上就发明电话的。通过无数次的尝试和从他的错误中学习,他成功了。 发展他们的学习技能 仅仅努力学习是不够的。好的学习者知道他们能学习的最佳方法。例如,他们通过记下关键词或画思维导图的形式记笔记,他们也寻找方法复习他们所学的东西,他们通过每天读他们的笔记或向另一位同学解释信息来提高学习技能。 询问问题 好的学习者经常课上课下问问题。他们甚至相互提问并尽力找出答案。知识来源于问题。 学习室一生的旅程,因为每天都带来新鲜的事物。你学的每一件事变成你的一部分并改变你,因此,明智的学习,学得更好。 第二单元 圣诞精神 许多人同意这个观点:当我们想起圣

诞节,我们可能会想到礼物,圣诞树和圣诞老人。但是,在所有的这些东西背后有圣诞节的真实含义:分享与把爱和欢乐给予我们周围人的重要性。《圣诞颂歌》这个故事里可能就是这个最好的例子。 《圣诞颂歌》是由着名的短片小说家查尔斯.狄更斯编写的。它是关于一位名叫斯克鲁奇的老人的,他从来不会大笑或微笑。他很自私,仅仅考虑他自己,他对待他人并不友好。他仅仅关心他是否能挣更多的钱,并且他很憎恨圣诞节。在圣诞前夕,斯克鲁奇看见了雅各布.马力的鬼魂——他已死的商业伙伴。马力因为过去就像斯克鲁奇一样吝啬,所以,他死后就为此受到惩罚。他警告斯克鲁奇如果斯克鲁奇不想最终成为像他一样的人,就要改变生活方式。他也告诉斯克鲁奇预计有三个神灵来找他。 那天晚上,有三个神灵来找斯克鲁奇。首先,过去圣诞的神灵把他带回到儿童的时代并且让斯克鲁奇回忆作为孩子时的快乐时光。接着,第二神灵——现在的圣诞神灵带他去看别人在今年怎么度过圣诞节。人人很快乐,甚至穷人也如此。最后一位神灵-----未来圣诞的神灵,带他到未来。斯克鲁奇看见自己已经死了,但是没有任何人在乎。他如此的惊恐以至于在床上醒来,并且发现时间仅仅是第二天早上-----圣诞节! 他决定改变他的生活方式并且许诺成为一名更好的人。他快乐地和亲朋好友庆祝圣诞节。他也确实把礼物分发给人们。现在,他友善热情地对待每一个人看,无论他去哪里,都传播爱和快乐。那才是真正意义上的圣诞精神。 第三单元 请你……好吗? 当你访问外国的时候,知道如何有礼貌地请求帮助是很重要的。例如:“哪里有洗手间吗?”或“请告诉我哪里有洗手间?”都是询问一个地方的相似的请求。两种问法都正确,但是第一个问法听起来不太有礼貌。那是因为它是一个直接的问题。仅仅正确的问一个问题是不足够的。当我们需要帮助的时候,我们需要学会如何通过不那么直接或更为间接地方式更

初中英语七年级下 Unit 3 Section B 2b 参考译文

初中英语七年级下Unit 3 Section B 2b 参考译文 Do You Think You Will Have Your Own Robots? 你认为你将拥有自己的机器人吗? 1. When we watch movies about the future, we sometimes see robots. They are usually like human servants. They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places. 1. 当我们观看关于未来的电影时,我们有时看到机器人。它们通常像人类的仆人一样。它们帮助做家务而且在脏的或者危险的地方工作。 2. Today there are already robots working in factories. Some can help to build cars, and they do simple jobs over and over again. Fewer people will do such jobs in the future because they are boring, but robots will never get bored. 2. 现在已经有机器人在工厂工作。一些机器人可以帮助制造汽车,而且它们可以一遍遍地重复做简单的工作。将来几乎没有人做这样的工作因为它们很乏味,但机器人从不会觉得厌烦。 3. Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as we do. Some robots in Japan can walk and dance. They are fun to watch. However, some scientists believe that although we can make robots move like people, it will be difficult to make them really think like a human. For example, scientist James White thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are. But many scientists disagree with Mr. White. They think that robots will even be able to talk like humans in 25 to 50 years.


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar Jane: Hi, Bob. What club do you want to join Bob: I want to join a sports club. Jane: Great! What sports can you play Bob: Soccer. Jane: So you can join the soccer club. Bob: What about you You’re very good at telling stories. You can join the story telling club. Jane: Sounds good. But I like to draw, too. Bob: Then join two clubs, the story telling club and the art club! Jane: OK, let’s join now. Hello, I’m Peter. I like to play basketball. I can speak English and I can also play soccer. Hi, I’m Ma Huan. I can play ping-pong and chess. I like to talk and play games with people.

My name’s Alan. I’m in the school music club. I can play the guitar and the piano. I can sing and dance, too. Help for old people We need help at the old people’s home. Are you free in July Are you good with old people Can you talk to them and play games with them They can tell you stories, and you can make friends. It is interesting and fun! Please call us at 689-7729 today! Music teacher wanted Can you play the piano or the violin Do you have time on the weekend The school needs help to teach music. It is not difficult! Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721. Help with sports in English Are you busy after school No can you speak English Yes Then we need you to help with sports for English-speaking students. It is relaxing and easy! Please came to the Students’ Sport Center. Call Mr. Brown at 293-7742. Unit 2 What time do you go to school Interviewer: Scott has an interesting job. He works at a radio


lesson 1 just read and speak Gao Wei is a good student. He knows everyone in school should obey the rules. He comes to school early. He listens to his teacher carefully. He never makes noise in calss. He's a group leader. His group is making a list of rules for the class. Class Rules: Listen to the teacher carefully? Hand in your homework on time. Don't be late for class. Don't make noise in class.; lesson 3 just read and speak Peter is a good student at school. But sometimes he is not a good boy at home. He often makes a mess in his room. He doesn't like to help to set the dinner table. He watches TV the whole evening. He reads in bed and he goes to bed very late. 1

Peter's mother writes some home rules for him: HOME RULES 一、 1.You should help to set the dinner table. 2.You should go to bed early. 3.You should keep your room clean. 二、 1.You shouldn't read in bed. 2.You shouldn't watch TV till late. 3.You shouldn't make a mess in your room. lesson 5 just read and speak look out!You mustn't cross the road now. You must wait for the green light. You mustn't spit on the ground. You must keep off the grass. You mustn't pick the flowers. You mustn't litter .We must take good car -e of young children. lesson 7 Just read and speak What are you doing, Li Yan? I'm reading an e-mail from Lucy. She's my new friend. 2


Unit1 How can we become good learners? How I Learned to Learn English Last year, I did not like my English class. Every class was like a bad dream. The teacher spoke too quickly. But I was afraid to ask questions because my pronunciation was very bad. So I just hid behind my textbook and never said anything. Then one day I watched an English movie called Toy Story. I fell in love with this exciting and funny movie! So then I began to watch other English movies as well. Although I could not understand everything the characters said, their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning. I also realized I could get the meaning by listening for just the key words. My pronunciation also improved by listening to the interesting conversations in English movies. I discovered that listening to something you are interested in is the secret to language learning. I also learned useful sentences like “It’s a piece of cake” or “It 精选范本

初中英语人教版七年级下册Unit 12 SectionB (2b)

The weekend to remember教学设计 一、教学设计 (一)教学目标 1、语言能力 (1)能了解课文大意,获取有关周末旅行的基本信息。 (2)能通过阅读包含大凡过去时态句型的文章,进行简单的阅读技能训练,提高阅读理解能力。 *能流利地说出及运用阅读文本的词汇 putup,makeafire,keepuswarm,getasurprise , shout to , wake up等,并能在情景中正确地运用。 *能在语篇中正确理解大凡过去时,并用其表达过去发生的事情。 2.思维品质 通过对周末事情的叙述表达,培养学生的理性表达以及用英语进行多元思维的能力。 3学习能力 (1)阅读策略。能根据标题、图片或视频等预测语篇内容,并采用划关键词,构建词汇导图等有用的阅读方法和技巧,提取文本严重信息,获取文本大意。 (2)合作学习。培养学生合作精神是基础教育阶段英语课程的任务之一。在落实阅读任务时,采用小组合作学习方法,学习通过与同伴的交流、互助,共同促进提高,一起完成各种任务,在合作中发展学生互相学习和语言交流运用的能力。 (二)教学重点和难点 (1)教学重点

能听懂、理解、会说文本的单词和短语;理解并运动大凡过去时态叙述发生了的事情,并在足够的语言输入中,达成有用的语言输出;能通过关键信息获取周末事情的发展。 (2)教学难点 能够在读懂文章后,自己复述整篇文章的内容,并学会表达自己的周末过得怎么样。 (三)教学过程 Step 1 Revision Have a free talk like this:-What did you do last weekend?-I went to the library.Step 2 Read and answer Let the students read the whole passage quickly. And answer the questions.Step 3 Listen and Find Have students listen to the tape and find out new words in this passage. Step 4 Read and put the phrases in order (1)Check the answers, and then learn the newwords and phrases. (2)Use these words and phrases to let the students learn the weekend to remember.Step 5 Read and discuss Students read by themselves and find out the points they can’t understand, and writethe answers to the questions below, then check the answers. Step 6 Summary and homework Let students correct the composition they have written and review the knowledge inthis unit . 板书设计: 1.put up ,make a fire ,keep us warm, get a terrible surprise, shout to, wake up


☆☆☆Unit1 Hello!☆☆☆Activity 1: Listen and point Hi! Aah (i) Hello! Ooh... Hello! Activity 2:Listen, point and find "I'm…" Hi,I'm Daming. Hello,I'm Amy. Hello,I'm Lingling. Hi,I'm Sam. Hi,I'm Sam. Hello,I'm Lingling. Hello. Hi. Goodbye! Bye! Bye! Goodbye! Activity 3:Listen and say. Hello,I'm Baobao. Hi,I'm Feifei. Goodbye,Feifei. Bye,Baobao. Activity 4:Practise. Hello. Hi. I'm Tingting. I'm Taotao. Goodbye! Bye!

☆☆☆Unit2 How are you?☆☆☆Activity 1 : Listen and point. How are you? How are you? How are you? Woof! Activity 2 :Listen, point and say. How are you, Tingting? Tingting? No, I'm Lingling. Lingling? Yes, I'm Lingling. Sorry! How are you, Lingling? I'm fine. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. Activity 3 :Listen, tick and say. Hello. Goodbye. Hi. Hello. Activity 4 :Listen and say. Then sing. Hello, hello. Hello. Hello, how are you? I'm fine, I'm fine, and hello to you. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you. Activity 5 :Play the game.Do and guess. Hello,Beibei. Feifei? No. Qiangqiang? Yes. How are you, Qiangqiang? I'm fine. Activity 6 :Do and say.

新目标7年级下英语SectionB 2b课文word

新目标七年级英语下课文(word) U1 Are you busy after school? No? Can you speak English ?Yes? Then We need you to help with sports for English-speaking students. It is relaxing and easy! Pleasecome to the Students’ Sports Center. Call Mr.Brown at 293-7742. We need help at the old people’s home. Are you free in July? Are you good with old people? Can you talk to them and play games with them? They can tell you stories and you can make friends. It is interesting and fun! Please call us at 689-7729 today! Can you play the piano or the violin? Do you have time on the weekend? The school needs help to teach music. It is not difficult! Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721. U2 I have a healthy life. I usually get up at seven. I exercise from a quarter past seven to half past seven. Then I have breakfast and brush my teeth. I go to school at eight o’clock. I have lunch at twelve o’clock. I get home from school at half past four and do my homework. I have dinner at six then I watch TV. I go to bed at nine thirty. U3


新人教版七年级下册英语课本单词表:1-4单元Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? guitar n.吉他 sing v.唱;唱歌 swim v.游泳 dance v.跳舞;舞蹈 draw v.画 chess n.国际象棋 play chess 下国际象棋 speak v.说;说话 speak English 说英语 join v.参加;加入 club n.俱乐部;社团 be good at… 擅长于…… tell v. n讲述;告诉 story n故事;小说 write v.写作,写字 show n.演出;表演 v.展示; or conj.或者 talk v. n说话;谈话 talk to … 跟……说 kungfu n.(中国)功夫 drum n.鼓 play the drums 敲鼓 piano n.钢琴 play the piano 弹钢琴 violin n.小提琴 play the violin 拉小提琴 also adv也;而且 people n人;人们 home n 家,活动本部.adv到家;在家 be good with… 善于应付……的;对……有办法

make v.使成为;制造 make friends 结交朋友 today adv.在今天 help (sb) with sth 在某方面帮助(某人) center n(=centre)中心,中央 weekend. n.周末 on the weekend. (在)周末 teach v教,讲授 musician n.音乐家 Lisa 莉萨(女名) Jill 吉尔(女名) Peter 彼得(男名) Unit2 What time do you go to school up adv 向上 get up 起床;站起 dress v.穿衣服 n.连衣裙 get dressed 穿上衣服 brush v.刷刷净 n.刷子 tooth n.(pl. teeth)牙齿 shower n.v淋浴;淋浴器(间) take a shower 洗淋浴 usually adv.通常地;一般地 forty num.四十 Wow intery.(表示惊奇或敬佩)哇;呀 never adv从不;绝不 early adv. adj早(的) fifty num.五十 job n.工作;职业 work n.& v.工作 station n.电视台;车站 radio station 广播电台 o'clock adv.(表示整点)…点钟 night n.晚上;夜晚


七年级下 unit1 一、短语: ◆短语归纳 1. play chess 下国际象棋 2. play the guitar 弹吉他 3. speak English 说英语 4. English club 英语俱乐部 5. talk to 跟…说 6. play the violin 拉小提琴 7. play the piano 弹钢琴 8. play the drums 敲鼓 9. make friends 结交朋友 10. do kung fu 练 (中国) 功夫 11. tell stories 讲故事 12. play games 做游戏 13. on the weekend/on weekends 在周末 14 show sth to sb = show sb sth 把某物给某人看 ◆用法集萃 ◆典句必背 1. Can you draw? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 2. What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club. 3. You can join the English club. 4. Sounds good./That sounds good. 5. I can speak English and I can also play soccer. 6. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721. 二、短语和语法: 1. — Can you play the guitar? 你会弹吉他吗? —Yes, I can. 是的,我会。—No, I can ’t. 不,我不会。 ①情态动词can 的用法: 情态动词无人称和数目的变化,不能独立使用作谓语,后面必须接动词原形,情态动词和动词原形一起构成谓语。常用的情态动词有:can, may, must, need 。含情态动词的句子一般疑问句是把情态动词提到句首,否定句是在情态动词后加not 。 ② play the guitar “弹吉他”,play 后加乐器名词时,乐器名词前要加the , “play + the+乐器”表示“弹奏某种乐器”。play 后加球类名词时,球类名词前不加the ,“play +球类名词”表示“踢、打某种球”。 1. play +棋类/球类 下……棋,打……球 2. play the +西洋乐器 弹/拉……乐器 3. be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth. 擅长做某事 4. be good with sb. 和某人相处地好 5. need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事 6. can + 动词原形 能/会做某事
