
circRNA detection from RNA-seq reads (1)

Author notes and preface (1)

License (2)

Brief version history (2)

Prerequisites (2)

How to use the script (4)

How to use? (4)

Output format (5)

How to?lter the output (6)

Analyzing multiple samples (7)

Command line reference (7)

Command line reference (8)

circRNA detection from RNA-seq reads

This repository holds python code to detect head-to-tail spliced(back-spliced) sequencing reads,indicative of circular RNA(circRNA)in RNA-seq data.It is

also used extensively by circbase.

Author notes and preface

The scripts in this package were designed by Nikolaus Rajewsky,Antigoni Elefsinioti and Marvin Jens.The current implementation was written by Marvin Jens.

This software is provided to you“as is”,without any warranty.We used this

code(v1)to produce the results presented in



Circular RNAs are a large class of animal RNAs with regulatory potency.

Memczak S,Jens M,Elefsinioti A,Torti F,Krueger J,Rybak A,Maier L, Mackowiak SD,Gregersen LH,Munschauer M,Loewer A,Ziebold U,

Landthaler M,Kocks C,le Noble F,Rajewsky N.


Have a look at Memczak et al.2013and the supplementary material for additional information.Please don’t contact the authors,who are very busy,regarding this software unless you have found a bug,wish to provide improvements to the code, propose a collaboration,or use our code for commercial purposes.Thank you very much for your understanding!


For non-commercial purposes the code is released under the General Public License(version3).See the?le LICENSE for more detail.If you are interested in commercial use of this software contact the authors.

Brief version history

The current code(v1.2)has some small bug?xes and improvements.Each version deemed stable is tagged and a brief summary of the improvements is given here:

?v1:as used in Memczak et al.2013


–?x the uniqueness handling.Occasionally reads would have either

anchor align uniquely,but never both.These rare cases now get

?agged as“NO_UNIQ_BRIDGES”.

–support all chromosomes in one FASTA?le

–store the size of each chromosome upon?rst access,pad violations of

chromosome bounds by padding with‘N’

–category labels have been extended for clarity(“UNAMBIGU-

OUS_BP”instead of“UNAMBIGUOUS”,etc.),in a manner which

preserves functionality of grep commands.

–by default no longer report junctions with only one uniquely aligned

anchor.Original behaviour can be restored using the--halfuniq


–by default no longer report junctions that lack a read where both

anchors align uniquely(NO_UNIQ_BRIDGES keyword).Original

behaviour can be restored using the--report_nobridge switch ?v2:(under development):produce multiple anchor lengths to potentially yield more junctions with unique anchor mappings.


The scripts run on Ubuntu12.04.2on a64Bit machine with python2.7.We do not know if it runs in di?erent environments but other64Bit unix versions should run if you can get the required3rd party software installed.


You need to install the python packages numpy and pysam.If there are no

packages in your linux distro’s repositories,try the very useful python installer

(building numpy requires many dependencies,so obtaining pre-compiled packages

from a repository is a better option).

pip install--user pysam

Next you need the short read mapper bowtie2and samtools up and running.

samtools now is in the repositories of many distros,but here you can get the

most fresh versions:,/,/bowtie2/index.shtml

At this point you should have everything to run a built-in test data set

cd test_data


If you get error messages here,?rst make sure the dependencies are really

installed correctly and run on their own.The authors of this code can not give

support bowtie2,samtools,python,or any other third-party packages!Sorry,

but not enough time for this.If you are sure that the problem is with our code,

just zip the test_data folder and e-mail it to us.MAYBE,we can help.

In case you are working with human data and have the hg19genome and a

bowtie2index around,there is an additional test/sanity-check you can run:

cd test_data

make hek_test2\



(obviously,the paths to genome and index will have to be changed for this to

work)This will push known spliced reads,belonging to previously identi?ed

junctions,through,then take the found spliced reads and run

them through a second time.Ultimately,it compares the detected

splice sites and ensures the two sets are identical.

If everything goes well you can get started with your real data!:)

You need to have the reference genome and a bowtie2index for it.As an example,

let’s assume you use C.elegans genome ce6(WS190):

wget-c,/goldenPath/ce6/bigZips/chromFa.tar.gz\ -O-|gzip-dc|tar-xO>ce6.fa


This will retrieve the genome from the UCSC website,unpack it into a single fasta?le with all chromosomes to build the index:

bowtie2-build ce6.fa bt2_ce6

How to use the script

It is recommended to map your RNA-seq reads against the genome?rst and keep the part that can not be mapped contiguously to look for splice-junctions afterwards.The genome alignments can be used for gene expression analysis and the unmapped reads will represent a fraction of the input,thus downstream analysis will be faster.


-x bt2_ce6-q-U2>bowtie2.log\

|samtools view-hbuS-|samtools sort-test_vs_ce6

single out the unaligned reads and split those with good quality into anchors for independent mapping(used to identify splice junctions)

#get the unmapped and pipe through

samtools view-hf4test_vs_ce6.bam|samtools view-Sb-|\ ./ unmapped_ce6.bam|gzip\


How to use?

Now we have everything to screen for spliced reads,from either linear or head-to-tail(circular)splicing:



-q-U ce6_anchors.fastq.gz-x bt2_ce6|\








The pre?x ce6_test is arbitrary,and pre-pended to every identi?ed splice junc-tion.You may consider setting it to tmp or similar for single samples out of a


larger set.Note that outputs both,circRNA splice junctions(con-

taining the keyword CIRCULAR)linear splice junctions(containing the keyword

LINEAR).You may want to grep CIRCULAR/splice_sites.bed

>circs_sample1.bed or similar,to sort out the circRNAs.

Output format

The detected linear and circular candidate splice sites are printed to stdout.The

?rst6columns are standard BED.The rest hold various quality metrics about

the junction.Here is an overview:

column name description

1chrom chromosome/contig name

2start left splice site(zero-based)

3end right splice site(zero-based).

(Always:end>start.5’3’depends on strand)

4name(provisional)running number/name assigned to junction

5n_reads number of reads supporting the junction(BED‘score’)

6strand genomic strand(+or-)

7n_uniq number of distinct read sequences supporting the junction

8uniq_bridges number of reads with both anchors aligning uniquely

9best_qual_left alignment score margin of the best anchor alignment

supporting the left splice junction(max=2*anchor_length)

10best_qual_right same for the right splice site

11tissues comma-separated,alphabetically sorted list of

tissues/samples with this junction

12tiss_counts comma-separated list of corresponding read-counts

13edits number of mismatches in the anchor extension process

14anchor_overlap number of nucleotides the breakpoint resides within one anchor

15breakpoints number of alternative ways to break the read with?anking GT/AG 16signal?anking dinucleotide splice signal(normally GT/AG)

17strandmatch‘MATCH’,‘MISMATCH’or‘NA’for non-stranded analysis

18category list of keywords describing the,eful for quick grep?ltering The following list of keywords is assigned to splice sites by for



keyword description

LINEAR linear(mRNA)splice site,joining consecutive exons

CIRCULAR potential circRNA splice site.Exons are joint in reverse order. UNAMBIGUOUS_BP demanding?anking GT/GA,only one way of splitting the spliced

read was found(only one possible breakpoint within the read) PERFECT_EXT The read sequence between the anchors aligned perfectly during the

extension process.

GOOD_EXT The extension(see above)required not more than one mismatch or one

nucleotide overlap with an anchor

OK_EXT The extension(see above)required not more than two mismatches or two

nucleotides overlap with an anchor

ANCHOR_UNIQUE Unique anchor alignments have been found,supporting both sides

of the junction.Unless--halfunique is used,this should be

true for all reported results.

CANONICAL splice sites are?anked by GT/AG.Unless--noncanonical is

used,this should be true for all reported results.

NO_UNIQ_BRIDGES While both sides of the junction are individually supported by

unique anchor alignments,there is not a single read,where both

anchors align uniquely at the same time(bridging the junction).

Unless--report_nobridge is used,this should never appear. STRANDMATCH Only appears when--stranded is used and GT/AG were found in the

correct orientation

How to?lter the output

It is usually a good idea to demand at least2reads supporting the junction,

unambiguous breakpoint detection and some sane mapping quality:

To get a reasonable set of circRNA candidates try:

grep CIRCULAR/splice_sites.bed|\

grep-v chrM|\





This selects the circular splice sites with unambiguous detection of the breakpoint

(i.e.the exact nucleotides at which splicing occurred),and unique anchor alignments on both sides of the junction.The last part subtracts start from end coordinates to compute the genomic length,and removes splice sites that are

more than100kb apart.These are perhaps trans-splicing events,but for sure

they are so huge they can seriously slow down any downstream scripts you may

want to run on this output.

Analyzing multiple samples

If you intend to analyze multiple samples,it is now strongly advised to run

them individually through,and merge the separate outputs later!

Use the to assign sample IDs,tissue

names, each sample.

Merging should then be done with

./ sample1.bed sample2.bed[...]>combined.bed

This will deal properly with the various columns:quality scores will be assigned

the maximum value of all samples,total read counts will be summed up,tissue

column will contain a comma-separated list,etc..

Command line reference



Extract anchor sequences from unmapped reads.Optionally permute.


-h,--help show this help message and exit

-a ASIZE,--anchor=ASIZE

anchor size

-q MINQUAL,--minqual=MINQUAL

min avg.qual along both anchors(default=5) -r REV,--rev=REV P-ermute read parts or reverse A,B,R,C,N for control -R,--reads instead of unmapped reads from BAM,input is


sites.reads from

-F,--fasta instead of unmapped reads from BAM,input is FASTA


Command line reference


bowtie2[mapping options]anchors.fastq.gz|[options]>candidates.bed


-h,--help show this help message and exit

-v,--version get version information


model system database(optional!Requires byo



path to genome(either a folder with chr*.fa or one

multichromosome FASTA file)

-n NAME,--name=NAME tissue/sample name to use(default= unknown )

-p PREFIX,--prefix=PREFIX

prefix to prepend to each junction name(default= ) -q MIN_UNIQ_QUAL,--min_uniq_qual=MIN_UNIQ_QUAL

minimal uniqness for anchor alignments(default=2) -a ASIZE,--anchor=ASIZE

anchor size(default=20)

-m MARGIN,--margin=MARGIN

maximum nts the BP is allowed to reside inside an


-d MAXDIST,--maxdist=MAXDIST

maximum mismatches(no indels)allowed in anchor


--noncanonical relax the GU/AG constraint(will produce many more

ambiguous counts)

--randomize select randomly from tied,best,ambiguous hits

--allhits in case of ambiguities,report each hit

--stranded use if the reads are stranded.By default it will be

used as control only,use with--strandpref for

breakpoint disambiguation.

--strandpref prefer splice sites that match annotated direction of


--halfunique also report junctions where only one anchor aligns

uniquely(less likely to be true)

--report_nobridges also report junctions lacking at least a single read


where both anchors,jointly align uniquely(not

recommended.Much less likely to be true.)

-R READS,--reads=READS

write spliced reads to this file instead of stderr


-B BAM,--bam=BAM filename to store anchor alignments that were recorded

as linear or circular junction candidates


path to tab-separated two-column file with read-name

prefix->sample ID mapping

-s STATS,--stats=STATS

write numeric statistics on the run to this file



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1 result/ |-- 00.RawData/ 【原始下机数据和原始拼接后数据】 | |-- Sample_Name/ 【每个样品对应的原始下机数据和原始拼接后数据】 | | |--*_1.fq.gz 【reads1去除barcode 和primer 后得到的序列】 | | |--*_2.fq.gz 【reads2去除barcode 和primer 后得到的序列】 | | |--*.raw_1.fq.gz 【reads1原始下机序列,包含barcode 和primer 】 | | |--*.raw_2.fq.gz 【reads2原始下机序列,包含barcode 和primer 】 | | `--*.extendedFrags.fastq 【原始下机的reads 拼接后的序列】 | |-- SampleSeq_info.xls 【所有样品的barcode 和primer 信息】 | `-- assemble_stat.xls 【所有样品的序列拼接信息统计列表】 |-- 01.CleanData/ 【质控后可用于后续分析的有效数据】 | |-- Sample_Name/ 【每个样品的质控结果】 | | |-- *.fastq 【质控后序列的FASTQ 格式文件】 | | |-- *.fna 【质控后序列的FASTA 格式文件】 | | `-- histograms.txt 【质控后的序列长度分布统计表】 | `-- QCstat.xls 【数据预处理统计及质控信息表】 |-- 02.OTUanalysis/【OTUs 聚类和物种注释结果】 | |-- OTUs.fasta 【OTUs 代表序列】 | |-- OTUs.tax_assignments.txt 【OTUs 物种注释结果】 | |-- all_rep_set_tax_assignments.krona.html 【krona 网页展示】 | |-- OTUs.tre 【OTUs 进化树文件】 | |--otu_table_even.biom 【均一化处理后biom 格式的绝对丰度表】 | |-- taxa_abundance/ 【每个样品中物种丰度信息】 | | |-- evenabs/ 【均一化处理后的绝对丰度(均一化处理使每个样品的OTUs 丰度之和相等)】


CJKOS for PalmOS5 V4.63 使用说明Chinese,Japanese,Korean Operation System Readme English Chinese GB Chinese BIG5 感谢您使用CJKOS系统,请先阅读以下使用说明: 目录 1. 系统简介 2. 系统需求 3. 安装说明 r如何升级安装 r如何移除旧版 r使用安装程序 r使用Palm Desktop的安装工具 r将资料库放入Flash ROM r将字体放入VFS标准的外接记忆卡 r档案说明 r安装举例 4. 使用说明 r启动 r系统设定、增强功能设定、输入法设定 r资料库管理 r启动输入法、输入法画面、工具列、其他按键、输入法补充说明 r词语输入、联想输入、反联想功能 r管理词语库、新增词语、删除词语、取出定制词语 r智慧调整字序或词序功能 r中文住址翻译成英文住址功能 r取出编码功能 r使用图标字、图标字一览表 r英文和中日韩文标点符号对照表 r使用外接键盘 r使用SONY CLIE JogDial 5. 登记注册 6. 发布历史 7. 常见问题 8. 未来计划 9. 许可声明 10. 联络方式 系统简介 CJKOS(Chinese,Japanese,Korean Operation System)将英文PalmOS提升为支持中、日、韩文的多国语言支撑系统。 ■ 显示中、日、韩多国文字: r智能识别和同屏显示简体中文(GB-2312)和繁体中文(BIG-5)。 r智能识别和同屏显示日文EUC-JIS和Shift-JIS字。 r显示韩文KSC-5601。 ■ 提供本地化界面:将Palm OS内应用程序界面转换成本地界面,目前只有简体和繁体中文界面。示范图形。 ■ 输入中文字。系统提供以下多种输入法: r繁体中文:仓颉、香港仓颉、简易、注音、广东音、汉语拼音、通用拼音、注音二式、WG拼音、许式、大易、行列、图标字、符号、日文 平假名和片假名。 r简体中文:拼音、双拼、五笔、注音、广东音、图标字、符号、表形码、郑码、日文平假名和片假名。 r韩文:韩文字、图标字、日文平假名和片假名。


《《《《《欢迎安装ORION SAP客户端软件》》》》》在安装SAP软件前,请认真阅读本安装说明,否则可能导致软件安装失败!!!红色注意内容请认真阅读! A.开始安装 安装步骤如下:(注意:在安装SAP GUI软件之前,请将360安全卫士,360杀毒,瑞星,金山毒霸等杀毒软件关闭) 1.双击SAPGUI_Setup7200.exe开始安装sap。(如果在win7系统下安装,请右击该程序点击以管理员身份运行) 2.点击接受,进行下个页面安装。

3.点击弹出窗口的安装按钮,稍等片刻等待程序释放安装文件。(注意:请勿更改默认安装目录!) 4.等待sap安装程序释放文件完成,在此期间请勿进行其他操作,这可能持续几分钟的时间。

5. 弹出SAPGUI安装界面后,点击NEXT 进入下一界面。 6.在该界面中在窗口左侧的列表中查看sap_gui_7200 并在该项目前面方框内勾选后点击NEXT 继续安装。


7.安装完成,点击Done按钮退出安装。 B.检查安装是否成功: 安装完毕后桌面会生成的SAP Logon 图标,双击查看登录窗口是否正常,如果出现登录窗口为黑色异常,请重新启动计算机,进入系统后进入到C:\SAP文件夹中双击msxml.exe 进行更新系统补丁,即可正常运行。 C .创建登陆SAP登陆组(注意:部分区域用户,需要先登陆SSL VPN,连接成功后继续本操作,否则操作将失败!是否需要使用SSL VPN请与电算部联系) 1.双击桌面生成的图标 2.进入登陆界面,点击红色箭头按钮建立新的sap登陆组。


n2n配置说明中文版 一:在边界节点(Edge node) --------- 你需要在计划接入"同一个交流空间"的计算机都开启其"边界节点"(Edge node)的工作进程 You need to start an egde node on each host you want to connect with the *same* community. 1. become root 首先,进入特权用户下: 2. create tun device 其次,使用tunctl工具创建一个虚拟网络接口,比如tun0; # tunctl -t tun0 3. enable the edge process 第三,开启边界节点守护进程; # ./edge -d n2n0 -c mynetwork -k encryptme -u 99 -g 99 -m 3C:A0:12:34:56:78 -a -l a.b.c.d:xyw or # N2N_KEY=encryptme ./edge -d n2n0 -c mynetwork -u 99 -g 99 -m 3C:A0:12:34:56:78 -a -l a.b.c.d:xyw 一旦你有这样制定出来的,你可以添加“-f”选项,以使边缘分离,并作为后台进程运行。 请注意,-U,-G和-f选项不适用于Windows。

附:edge 命令格式 edge -d -a -c -k -s [-u -g ][-f][-m ] -l [-p ] [-M ] [-t] [-r] [-v] [-b] [-h] -d | tun device name -a | n2n IP address -c | n2n community name -k | Encryption key (ASCII) - also N2N_KEY= -s | Edge interface netmask in dotted decimal notation | ( -l | Supernode IP:port -b | Periodically resolve supernode IP | (when supernodes are running on dynamic IPs) -p | Local port used for connecting to supernode -u | User ID (numeric) to use when privileges are dropped -g | Group ID (numeric) to use when privileges are dropped -f | Fork and run as a daemon. Use syslog. -m | Choose a MAC address for the TAP interface | eg. -m 01:02:03:04:05:06 -M | Specify n2n MTU (default 1400) -t | Use http tunneling (experimental) -r | Enable packet forwarding through n2n community -v | Verbose Environment variables: N2N_KEY | Encryption key (ASCII) 二.超级接点(suppernode),也可以理解为中心服务器节点 -------- 你需要启动一次超级节点守护进程 1. ./supernode -l 1234 -v 命令格式:supernode -l [-v] [-h] 注意;删除Root权限和suid-root用户可执行属性(UNIX) -------------------------------------------------- 边缘节点必须使用超级用户权限来创建一个TAP网络接口设备。但一


现网上可供下载的为WMA文件,只有22Hz,32K,对于歌曲来说,这样的音质实在无法接受,更别说一遍又一遍的学习了。 因此贡献出这套的播音级音质的MP3(44Hz,128K的音质),该版本是电台广播教学时用的。 因文件太大,我的上传水管又太细,所以化整为零,没有压缩打包。大家可以下一个听一个,而不必等上几个礼拜下完后才听。共计50个MP3文件,每个文件大小居于24M至25M,共计1.19G。 赖世雄教授除了在英语方面有极深的造诣外,在音乐和歌曲演唱方面也很有天赋, 为此,中央人民广播电台英语教学组与大连外院图书音像中心为大家编辑、制作了 《赖世雄教你唱歌学英语》的节目和歌集,旨在向英语学习者提供一种新的英语学习样式, 将娱乐和英语学习有机结合起来,使大家在优美的旋律、地道连贯的英语歌词和歌才动人 的演唱所营造出的欢快气氛中学到英语及相关文化。同时赖包雄教授在请大家欣赏本书选 编的50首旋律优美、曲调深情隽永、歌词含义悠远、艺术魅力长存的英语抒情老歌的同时, 详细讲解歌词大意及歌曲词中的单词短语和相关语法。这也是我们这套节目和这本歌集的独特之处。 目录 1.All I Have to Do Is Dream 只有寻梦去 2.Are You Lonesome Tonight? 今晚你寂寞吗? 3.Blowing in the Wind 随风飘荡 4.Breaking Up Is Hanrd to Do 难以分手 5.California Dreamin' 加州之梦 6.Can't Take My Eyes Off You 舍不得不看你 7.Cotton Field 棉花田 8.Dear Heart 甜心 9. Edelweiss 雪绒花 10.El Condor Pasa 老鹰之歌 11.Five Hundred Miles 离家五百里 12.I Can't Stop Loving You 无法停止爱你 13.I Went to Your Wedding 我参加你的婚礼 14.I'll Never Fall in Love Again 不再坠入情网 15.If You Love Me 如果你爱我 16.It's Now or Never 时不再来 17.Jambalaya 什锦烩饭 18.Just Walking in the Rain 走在雨中 19.Lemon Tree 柠檬树 20.Let It Be 顺其自然 21.Love Me Tender 温柔地爱我 22.Moon River月亮河 23.Morning Has Broken 破晓 24.No More不再 25.Oh!Carol 哦,卡罗 26.Only the Lonely惟有孤寂 27.Only You 只有你 28.Puff 波夫 29.Red River Valley 红河谷 30.Release Me 放开我 31.Rhythm of the Rain 雨中旋律 32.Right Here Waiting 33.Rose Garden 34.Sailing 35.Say You, Say Me 36. Seven Lonely Days 37.Smoke Gets in Your Eyes 38.Song Sung Blue 39.Take Me Home, Country Roads 40.Tennessee Waltz


SIMATIC CFC V8.0 SIMATIC S7/M7 的编程软件 安装及使用说明 这些说明应视为比其它文档中的信息更新。 请仔细阅读这些说明;它们包含了有关安装和使用CFC 的重要信息。 内容 1 交付内容 2 硬件要求 3 软件要求 3.1 操作环境 3.2 存储空间要求 4 安装 4.1 安装CFC 4.2 CFC 许可证密钥 4.3 卸载CFC 4.4 安装Borland C 编译器(针对M7) 使用说明(版本说明) 1 新版本中的新增功能和修改内容 1.1 新增内容 2 软件的组态及操作说明 2.1 来自不同版本CFC 的数据 2.2 常规信息 2.3 针对S7 的CFC 2.4 CFC 中的SFC 实例 3 文档说明 3.1 与文档所述不同的功能 安装说明 这些安装说明包含了安装CFC 所需要的重要信息。请在安装本软件之前阅读这些说明。 CFC 可在以下操作系统上运行: ?MS Windows XP Professional SP3 ?MS Windows Server 2003 SP2 Standard ?MS Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2

?MS Windows 7 Ultimate(32 位) ?MS Windows 7 Ultimate(64 位) ?MS Windows Server 2008(32 位) ?MS Windows Server 2008 R2(64 位) ?MS Windows 7 Professional(32 位) ?MS Windows 7 Professional(64 位) ?MS Windows Vista Ultimate(32 位) ?MS Windows Vista Business(32 位) 注意:不支持MS Windows XP Home 和MS Windows 2000 操作系统。 1 交付内容 您会通过此交付获得下列产品之一: SIMATIC CFC V8.0 订货号:6ES7658-1EX08-2YA5 该产品软件包含有: ? 1 张TIA Engineering Toolset V8.0 CD ? 1 个许可证密钥闪存卡 ? 1 份许可证证书 SIMATIC CFC Upgrade V7.1 -> V8.0 订货号:6ES7658-1EX08-2YE5 该产品软件包含有: ?1张TIA Engineering Toolset V8.0CD ?1个许可证密钥闪存卡 ?1份许可证证书 TIA Engineering Toolset CD(包括CFC)的内容 ? 1 CFC V8.0 软件 ?电子手册《CFC –入门指南》(针对实例项目ZEn04_01_CFC) ?电子手册:《CFC - S7 手册》 ?电子手册:《CFC - M7 手册》 2 硬件要求 要使用CFC,需要满足以下要求的编程设备或PC: ?处理器最小为600 MHz ?主内存最小为512 MB RAM 3 软件要求 3.1 操作环境 CFC 是32 位应用程序,需要使用上文列出的操作系统之一。 CFC 为可选软件包。要想使用CFC,编程设备或PC 上需要具有下列附加软件包:


该光盘是“基于PHP技术的文章发布/管理平台”的电子版,其根目录下有三个文件夹,分别是“源程序”文件夹、“论文”文件夹和“答辩幻灯片”文件夹。 1. “源程序”文件夹:存放所有源程序代码和所用的程序文件,“源程序”文件夹中的内容如下: (1)Lunwen-Code”文件夹:存放所有程序的代码,其中包括如下内容: 目录下的PHP文件:在Lunwen-Code目录下的PHP文件是前台用户页面的文件,Index.php是用户登录的首页,用户可以通过它访问系统的前台。 “Admin”文件夹:存放管理员访问后台页面的所有程序所存的文件夹,其中的Index.php是管理员登录的首页。管理员访问Index.php并提供用户名和密码登陆后可实现对系统的管理。 “Htmlarea”文件夹:存放系统所需的相应的控件。 “Images”文件夹:存放软件界面所用的图片。 (2)“Software”文件夹:存放系统环境所需的配置软件及配置文件。其中主要有三个文件夹,它们分别是: “Apache”文件夹:存放Apache的安装程序和配置文件httpd.conf。 “Mysql”文件夹:存放Mysql数据库的相关程序和配置文件my.ini。 “Php”文件夹:存放PHP程序和相应的配置文件php.ini。 (3)“数据库”文件夹:存放系统用到的所有数据库。 2. “论文”文件夹存放本次毕业设计的论文,包括:任务书.doc、开题报告.doc、中英文摘要.doc、目录.doc、论文正文.doc、参考文献.doc、附录.doc和致谢.doc。 3. “答辩幻灯片”文件夹中存放答辩幻灯片的内容,因为本次毕业设计采用的幻灯片是Flash制作的,所以保存了三个文件。它们分别是:“基于PHP技术的文章发布管理平台_毕欣盛.exe”,“基于PHP技术的文章发布管理平台_毕欣盛.fla”和“基于PHP技术的文章发布管理平台_毕欣盛.swf”。观看时请访问“基于PHP技术的文章发布管理平台_毕欣盛.exe”并选择全屏效果。


Instructions for using the SV-journal template Preliminaries (1) Getting started (1) Using the Toolbars (2) Toolbar Title Page (2) Toolbar Text (3) Toolbar Figures and Tables (4) Lists and Footnotes (4) Preliminaries The journal template has been designed for authors working with Word 2000 or higher. Predefined style formats are available for all the necessary structures to be included in the manuscript, and these formats can be quickly accessed using keystroke combinati-ons or the special toolbars provided. Getting started ?Copy the template into the directory where you want to save your manu-script.1 ?Open My Computer or Windows Explorer and double click on the template to create a new document Note Do not open the template out of Word via File→Open. ?Save the document and name it with your name (e.g., Smith.doc). ?To use the template with a document you have already created, copy the existing text into the new document. 1 If you are already familiar with document templates, proceed as follows: Copy the template into the directory containing your Word templates. Open the file you would like to format and select Tools→Templates and Add-Ins. Click "Attach" in the dialog box, highlight the template, then click Open. Select the "Automatically update document styles" check box; click OK. (Caution: Do not add the template via “Global templates and add-ins”.)

README-step7 v5.4 安装说明

SIMATIC STEP 7 V5.4 Programming Software for SIMATIC S7 / M7 / C7 Notes on Installation and Usage These notes should be considered more up-to-date than the information in other documents. Read the notes carefully, because they contain information on installing and using STEP 7 V5.4. Note when printing the file that the left and right margins are set to a width of 25 millimeters for A4 portrait format. Contents Notes on Installation 1 Contents of the Consignment 2 Hardware Requirements 3 Software Requirements 3.1 Operating Environment 3.2 Memory Requirements 3.3 Compatibility with Other Software Products 3.3.1 Rational ClearCase 3.3.2 Network Settings when Using other Software Products 3.3.3 Interdependency with An Installed S7 Fault-tolerant System 3.4 Online Documentation 3.5 Upgrading from an earlier STEP 7 version and changing over from STEP 7 Lite 3.5.1 STEP 7 V5.4 Upgrade 3.5.2 STEP 7 V5.4 PowerPack 4 Installation 4.1 Installing STEP 7 V 5.4 4.2 License Key of STEP 7 V 5.4 4.3 Uninstalling STEP 7 V 5.4 4.4 Additional Notes on Installation 4.4.1 Using a Wheel-Mouse 4.4.2 Notes on using Communication Cards in PCs/ PGs 4.4.3 Installing on foreign-language operating systems Notes on Usage (Release Notes) 1 New Features and Changes in the New Version 2 Notes on Configuring and Operating the Software 2.1 How STEP 7 Fulfills the IEC Standard 2.2 General Notes 2.3 Using Network Drives 2.4 Multi-user Operation


Readme World Scientific has produced a style/template document for MSWord, which will allow authors to prepare manuscripts that can be brought directly into the World Scientific production process for CRC titles. This will enable more accurate production of page proofs, reducing your need during proofreading to locate typographic mistakes. Installing the style file The World Scientific Word templates and sample files are located on the website in a zip format called . Download and unzip this. Once unzipped successfully, you will find the following files: readme.pdf : preliminary guide : style/template file ws-ijcis.pdf : sample typeset pages using template Using the style file Please copy the “” onto your default templates directory (this will normally be something like C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates). ? To create a new document, choose New from the File menu, then select the ws-ijcis template from the Template list box before clicking OK. ? To attach the template to an existing document, first open the document, and then select the ws-ijcis Template from the Tools -> Templates and Add-ins menu. Press the “Attach Button” in the Templates and Add-ins dialogue and double click the appropriate template/style file from the file selector. Then ensure that the “Automatically Update Document Styles” check box is crossed before clicking on OK in the Templates and Add-ins dialogue. Whichever method you have used, the World Scientific styles will then be available in the Styles list box on the tool bar, and in the Style dialogue box on the “Format” menu. Applying World Scientific styles to your documents To use a style, first select the text to which you would like to attach the style, and then choose the style name from the styles list box on the tool bar or by using w sijcis Toolbar/Menu. WS IJCIS - Toolbar Draw/Remove Text Border Styles for Title, Author, Affiliation, History, Abstract & Keywords Style for Non Indented & Indented text Display Equation Style Styles for Heading 1,2,3 Styles for Table & Figure Captions Style for Appendix Headings Style for Bibliography list List Styles Style for Code/ Algorithm Printable Text Border Figure


cncKad Installation Instructions This document explains the basic process of preparing your new cncKad workstation for work. 1 Before Installing Please note the following: 1. If you are installing on Windows? 2000 or Windows? XP: Make sure to login as “ADMINISTRATOR” before installing! 2. For running cncKad (after the installation), we recommend to log-on as a “Power User” at least. 3. cncKad uses the HASP hardlock Key: Installing other applications that use this Key (e.g. Solid Works? or PTC?) may cause problems running cncKad. 4. If you are running an Anti Virus program, you must close it before beginning the installation. 5. It is not recommended to install version 7.00 or higher on Windows? NT or Windows? 98. 6. If using Win 98, only install Shop Floor seats. 7. For Windows? NT and Windows? 98 - after the installation do the following: ?After installation run the Jet40SP8_9xNT.exe program (to find it, use Start => Search) ?Use only text templates for generating Report Files. 2 cncKad Installation Insert the CD, and follow the installation screens. Before starting, remove the HASP Key (dongle) from the computer. During the installation, you will be asked to choose paths for several folders; cncKad will offer you its default settings for these options: ?The installation folder – C:\…\cncKad E.g. C:\Metalix\cncKad2006.85 ?The Machines folder for the various machine files – C:\…\Machines ?The P folder for the Part files – C:\...\P We advise you leave these defaults in place, to make future support easier. 3 After the Installation Insert your HASP Key (dongle) and run cncKad from the Desktop shortcut. 1. To change the interface language, go to Settings => Languages. 2. To make the tool changes (e.g. add tools), go to Tools => Edit Tools Library. 3. Go to Settings => Workspace settings => Material and adjust your standard sheet sizes and standard thickness. 4. Go to Settings => Machine settings =>Machine tab and click the button.
