短语relate to的用法

relate to
1.tell sth.to sb.向…讲述
The children enjoyed relating their imaginary adventures to the visitors.孩子们喜欢向来客讲述他们幻想中的冒险故事。
He related to his students his adventures vividly.他向学生们生动地叙述了他的奇遇。
2.understand and like sth.理解并且喜欢
I can't relate to loud modern music.我不喜欢喧闹的现代音乐。
3.have a friendly and sympathetic relationship with sb.与…有友好和谐的关系
This boss is best at relating to his employees.这位老板很善于和他的雇员们相处。
A good teacher is one who can relate to the students,not just one who has a lot of information.一个好老师应该能够与学生和谐相处,而不仅仅是个知识的拥有者。
4.be concerned with;be in relationship with关于;涉及;与…有关
He sent me a letter relating to his son's marriage.他给我来信讲了关于他儿子的婚事。
She is only concerned with things relating to herself.她只关心与她自己有关的事情。
The unemployment figures are not necessarily related to the rise in prices.失业数字不一定与物价上涨有关。
5.connect by family与某人有亲戚关系
How are you related to her?你和她是什么亲戚关系?
Jim is related to Jack;Jack is his uncle.吉姆和杰克是亲戚,杰克是吉姆的叔叔。
