

克隆人的各种形式是有争议的。[25]克隆领域已经有许多人要求对所有进步的挂起。最科学,政府和宗教组织反对生殖性克隆。在美国科学进步协会的(美国科学促进会)和其他科学组织已得到解决的公开声明表明,人的生殖性克隆加以禁止,直到安全问题。[26]严重的伦理问题提出了克隆器官将来收获的可能性。[ 来源请求 ]有些人认为机体的想法日益机关分别从人-这样做,一个新的器官供应可能没有它们建立从人类的道德意义的收获。研究也正在进行有关的思想成长的器官在生理上可以接受的猪或人体内的其他生物,如牛,然后移植给人类,形成一个异种移植。


在2008年1月,木材和安德鲁法国,Stemagen的首席科学官在加利福尼亚州宣布,他们成功地创建了第一个5成熟胚使用人类DNA的成年皮肤细胞,旨在提供一个可行的胚胎来源的干细胞。博士塞缪尔伍德和他的同事捐赠的皮肤细胞,这些细胞DNA的人类卵子被转移到。目前尚不清楚,如果将胚胎生产的进一步发展已能,但伍德博士指出,如果这是可能的,使用的生殖性克隆技术将两个不道德的和非法的。 5克隆胚胎,创造了Stemagen公司实验室,拉霍亚,被摧毁。[28]



由于最近的技术进步,动物克隆(和潜在的人类)一直是一个问题。天主教会和许多宗教组织反对一切形式的克隆,[ 来源请求 ],理由是在生命始于受孕。犹太教的概念并不等同于生活与和,[ 引文需要 ]虽然一些人质疑克隆智慧,东正教拉比们普遍认为没有理由在公司犹太法律和道德反对克隆。[ 来源请求 ]从古典角度出发自由主义,关注也存在着关于个人的身份,并有权保护自己的遗传特征的保护。

格雷戈里股票是克隆研究的科学家和评论家对直言不讳的限制。[29]生物伦理学家格雷戈里便士也攻击人类思想的犯罪企图克隆。[ 来源请求 ]








2001年,名为贝西牛生下第一个克隆亚洲野牛,濒危物种,但几天后死亡的两小腿。 2003年,一雄牛克隆成功,随后三个非洲野猫从冷冻胚胎解冻。这些成就为希望(使用其他物种的代母)类似的技术可能被用于克隆已经灭绝的物种。预计这种可能性,bucardo(组织样本上比利牛斯艾贝克斯)被冻结在液氮 2000年去世后,立即研究。研究人员还考虑克隆如大熊猫,豹猫,猎豹和濒危物种。在“ 冷藏动物园“在圣迭戈动物园濒危物种现在商店冷冻组织从世界上最稀有,最。[37][38]

2002年,遗传学家在澳大利亚博物馆宣布,他们已经复制了DNA的袋狼(塔斯马尼亚虎),约65岁以前灭绝,利用聚合酶链反应。[39]然而2005年02月15日宣布,该博物馆是停止测试项目后显示标本的DNA已太严重退化的(乙醇)防腐剂。 2005年,5月15日宣布,该项目将袋狼复活中,研究人员与参与的新新南威尔士和维多利亚州。



克隆濒危物种是高度意识形态化的问题。许多保护生物学家和环境保护主义者强烈反对克隆濒危物种-主要是因为他们认为这可能阻止捐款,以帮助保护自然栖息地和野生动物种群。在“ 规则的拇指“的动物保护是,如果它仍然是可行的和可行的保护野生种群的栖息地,圈养繁殖不应该孤立进行研究。



Human cloning

Main article: Human cloning

Human cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of an existing or previously existing human. The term is generally used to refer to artificial human cloning; human clones in the form of identical twins are commonplace, with their cloning occurring during the natural process of reproduction. There are two commonly discussed types of human cloning: therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning. Therapeutic cloning involves cloning adult cells for use in medicine and is an active area of research. Reproductive cloning would involve making cloned humans. A third type of cloning called replacement cloning is a theoretical possibility, and would be a combination of therapeutic and reproductive cloning. Replacement cloning would entail the replacement of an extensively damaged, failed, or failing body through cloning followed by whole or partial brain transplant.

The various forms of human cloning are controversial.[25] There have been numerous demands for all progress in the human cloning field to be halted. Most scientific, governmental and religious organizations oppose reproductive cloning. The American Association for the Advancement of

Science (AAAS) and other scientific organizations have made public statements suggesting that human reproductive cloning be banned until safety issues are resolved.[26]Serious ethical concerns have been raised by the future possibility of harvesting organs from clones.[citation needed]Some people have considered the idea of growing organs separately from a human organism - in doing this, a new organ supply could be established without the moral implications of harvesting them from humans. Research is also being done on the idea of growing organs that are biologically acceptable to the human body inside of other organisms, such as pigs or cows, then transplanting them to humans, a form of xenotransplantation.

The first human hybrid human clone was created in November 1998, by American Cell Technologies.[27] It was created from a man's leg cell, and a cow's egg whose DNA was removed. It was destroyed after 12 days. Since a normal embryo implants at 14 days, Dr Robert Lanza, ACT's director of tissue engineering, told the Daily Mail newspaper that the embryo could not be seen as a person before 14 days. While making an embryo, which may have resulted in a complete human had it been allowed to come to term, according to ACT: "[ACT's] aim was 'therapeutic cloning' not

'reproductive cloning'"

On January, 2008, Wood and Andrew French, Stemagen's chief scientific officer in California, announced that they successfully created the first

5 mature human embryos using DNA from adult skin cells, aiming to provide

a source of viable embryonic stem cells. Dr. Samuel Wood and a colleague donated skin cells, and DNA from those cells was transferred to human eggs. It is not clear if the embryos produced would have been capable of further development, but Dr. Wood stated that if that were possible, using the technology for reproductive cloning would be both unethical and illegal. The 5 cloned embryos, created in Stemagen Corporation lab, in La Jolla, were destroyed.[28]

Ethical issues of cloning

Main article: Ethics of cloning

Because of recent technological advancements, the cloning of animals (and potentially humans) has been an issue. The Catholic Church and many religious organizations oppose all forms of cloning,[citation needed] on the grounds that life begins at conception. Judaism does not equate life with conception and,[citation needed] though some question the wisdom of cloning, Orthodox rabbis generally find no firm reason in Jewish law and ethics

to object to cloning.[citation needed]From the standpoint of classical liberalism, concerns also exist regarding the protection of the identity of the individual and the right to protect one's genetic identity.

Gregory Stock is a scientist and outspoken critic against restrictions on cloning research.[29] Bioethicist Gregory Pence also attacks the idea of criminalizing attempts to clone humans.[citation needed]

The social implications of an artificial human production scheme were famously explored in Aldous Huxley's novel Brave New World.

On December 28, 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA) approved the consumption of meat and other products from cloned animals.[30] Cloned-animal products were said to be virtually indistinguishable from the non-cloned animals. Furthermore, companies would not be required to provide labels informing the consumer that the meat comes from a cloned animal.[31]

Critics have raised objections to the FDA's approval of cloned-animal products for human consumption, arguing that the FDA's research was inadequate, inappropriately limited, and of questionable scientific validity.[32][33][34] Several consumer-advocate groups are working to encourage a tracking program that would allow consumers to become more aware of cloned-animal products within their food.[35]

Joseph Mendelson, legal director of the Center for Food Safety, said that cloned food still should be labeled since safety and ethical issues about it remain questionable.

Carol Tucker Foreman, director of food policy at the Consumer Federation of America, stated that FDA does not consider the fact that the results of some studies revealed that cloned animals have increased rates of mortality and deformity at birth.

Cloning extinct and endangered species

Cloning, or more precisely, the reconstruction of functional DNA from extinct species has, for decades, been a dream of some scientists. The possible implications of this were dramatized in the best-selling novel by Michael Crichton and high budget Hollywood thriller Jurassic Park. In real life, one of the most anticipated targets for cloning was once the Woolly Mammoth, but attempts to extract DNA from frozen mammoths have been unsuccessful, though a joint Russo-Japanese team is currently working toward this goal.[36]

In 2001, a cow named Bessie gave birth to a cloned Asian gaur, an endangered species, but the calf died after two days. In 2003, a banteng was successfully cloned, followed by three African wildcats from a thawed frozen embryo. These successes provided hope that similar techniques

(using surrogate mothers of another species) might be used to clone extinct species. Anticipating this possibility, tissue samples from the last bucardo(Pyrenean Ibex) were frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately after it died in 2000. Researchers are also considering cloning endangered species such as the giant panda, ocelot, and cheetah. The "Frozen Zoo" at the San Diego Zoo now stores frozen tissue from the world's rarest and most endangered species.[37][38]

In 2002, geneticists at the Australian Museum announced that they had replicated DNA of the Thylacine(Tasmanian Tiger), extinct about 65 years previous, using polymerase chain reaction.[39] However, on February 15, 2005 the museum announced that it was stopping the project after tests showed the specimens' DNA had been too badly degraded by the (ethanol) preservative. On 15 May 2005 it was announced that the Thylacine project would be revived, with new participation from researchers in New South Wales and Victoria.

In January 2009, for the first time, an extinct animal, the Pyrenean ibex mentioned above was cloned, at the Centre of Food Technology and Research of Aragon, using the preserved DNA of the skin samples from 2001 and domestic goat egg-cells. (The ibex died shortly after birth due to physical defects in its lungs.) [40]One of the continuing obstacles in the attempt to clone extinct species is the need for nearly perfect DNA. Cloning from a single specimen could not create a viable breeding population in sexually reproducing animals. Furthermore, even if males and females were to be cloned, the question would remain open whether they would be viable at all in the absence of parents that could teach or show them their natural behavior.

Cloning endangered species is a highly ideological issue. Many conservation biologists and environmentalists vehemently oppose cloning endangered species — mainly because they think it may deter donations to help preserve natural habitat and wild animal populations. The "rule-of-thumb" in animal conservation is that, if it is still feasible to conserve habitat and viable wild populations, breeding in captivity should not be undertaken in isolation.


辩论赛范文英文用英语写一篇英语辩论赛的欢迎稿 克隆利弊争论比较大的就是伦理问题 作为正方可以回避伦理问题,抓住治疗科研方面突破,攻击对方弱点,让其无还手之机。 To clone or not to clone, is that the question? Advanced technology has already pushed human being to edges,such as the production of weapons of mass destruction,the destruction of Ozone by Freon ,and the application of clone.The heated deabte over whether cloning technique should be used in human reproduc-- tion must be considered as a serious issue. Clone, to a certain degree, is beneficial to mankind.Such disease as Parkinsons will possiblly be cured in the future in the hope of further applying of clone.However,the abuse of this technology will bring human being unthinkable destruction.

Since the declaration of the death of Dolly,we are more conscious of the inefficient procedure of clone.Acorrding to "Dolly's false legacy",the incidence of death among fetuses and offspring produced by cloning is much higher than it is through natural reproduction--roughly 10 times as high as normal before birth and 3 times as high after birth.And even you may argue that this technology will be perfected in the future, i don't see there is any point in whole--being cloning. Many people consider this technology a promising one as to bring all human being to a new era in which all human reproduction will be aomplished by cloning.Thus scientists in some countries have already started their great plan to clone human.But let's think, what is the practical value in doing so?You may ___ me that it can bring hope for those couples unable to have children because they might choose to have a copy of one of them rather than aept the gene intrusion from a doner.But imagine,if you have a child owning the same apperance as yours or your husband's, will you aept it without any unfort?


克隆的利弊高中英语作文优秀范文 克隆让我们见识到了技术的发展,克隆有什么利弊呢?下面是为你整理的克隆的利弊高中英语作文,希望对你有帮助! With the repid development of technology, clone comes to the world. It can duplicate creature, which means it can make contribution to the production. People can pay a little and get a lot in the end. However, it also has disavantages. I think as the development of the high-tech, people can use clone to copy humen beings. It’s so horrible for me to know that there is someone the same with me. But in general, clone has more advantages than disadvantages. 随着科技的迅速发展,克隆来到了这个世界。克隆技术可以复制生物,这意味着它可以为生产做贡献。人们可以付一点,最后得到很多。但是它也是有缺点的。我觉得随着高科技的发展,人们可以使用克隆技术来复制人类。是多么的可怕认识到有一个和自己在一模一样的人。不过总的来说,克隆的优点多于缺点。 克隆的利弊高中英语作文篇2Advanced technology has already pushed human being to edges,such as the production of weapons of mass destruction,the destruction of Ozone by Freon ,and the application of clone.The heated deabte over


L:hello everyone. Today we will talk about clone. Y: what is clone? That is : From the same ancestor, through asexual reproduction无性生殖produced identical molecules克分子比( DNA, RNA ), cell groups or genetics on the same organism. L: let me show you the history of animal clone. Y: do you know the advantage about clone? L:,ing cloning in biotechnology, 生物工艺学to change the genes of crops, resulting in a large number of disease resistance反抗, insect resistance, salt resistance and other new varieties, thereby greatly improving the yield of crop. Y: that right! Also, it can cultivate a large number of excellent varieties of livestock家畜, such as cattle, training some good meat sheep and pigs, also can cultivate some high milk yield, and rich in the human body needs nutrition of dairy cows. L: also it can use in physical medical and protect environment and endangered species Y: now ,we want to make a play. L: hello I’m li one Y: hello I’m li two L: en~ no2 you are my cloning , from now on, you should go to school instead of me .also ,you should do the housework and homework. Y: but in this case what things will you do ? L: of course ,eat drink play and be fun . Y: (angry!) but if so, am I not li one?! L: the small play told us the disadvantages about human cloning. Once happened, from the angle of social ethics道德规范, human cloning is to the human development of a strong intervention, may affect the natural and natural development and from the family ethics angle, exacerbate 恶化family tendency of changes, disrupt normal ethics order, change the relation between basic, loss of sense of belonging. Y:The three is from the perspective of ethics, completely changed the human nature, the way of bearing based on sex, make the population and sex separation, the destruction of human feelings. The four is from the life ethical view, destroyed the people with unique gene rights, could lead to the degeneration 恶化of the race, will make the normal life and death concept changed. L: There are both advantages and disadvantages. how to develop cloning, still need to consider carefully Y:WHAT DO YOU THINK OF HUMAN CLONE?


关于“克隆”的英语辩论赛 关于“克隆”的英语辩论赛 (1) 中文资料 先看看人类对克隆技术的支持与反对人群: 支持者:狂人政客、恐怖分子、野心勃勃的科学家、渴望巨额利益的企业反对者:各国政府、国际组织、20余亿信仰上帝的教徒(上帝创造人类) 正方:1“克隆人”技术能使千千万万不孕症患者实现做父母的愿望;能使那些痛失骨肉的亲人重温天伦之乐;能为许许多多不治之症找到新的治疗方案;能创造巨大的物质财富和社会效益 2(克隆技术与遗传育种 在农业方面,人们利用“克隆”技术培育出大量具有抗旱、抗倒伏、抗病虫害的优质高产品种,大大提高了粮食产量。在这方面我国已迈入世界最先进的前列。3(克隆技术与濒危生物保护 克隆技术对保护物种特别是珍稀、濒危物种来讲是一个福音,具有很大的应用前景。从生物学的角度看,这也是克隆技术最有价值的地方之一。 4(克隆技术与医学重点:病人的福音 在当代,医生几乎能在所有人类器官和组织上施行移植手术。但就科学技术而言,器官移植中的排斥反应仍是最为头痛的事。排斥反应的原因是组织不配型导致相容性差。如果把“克隆人”的器官提供给“原版人”,作器官移植之用,则绝对没有排斥反应之虑,因为二者基因相配,组织也相配。问题是,利用“克隆人”作为器官供体合不合乎人道,是否合法,经济是否合算,

克隆技术还可用来大量繁殖有价值的基因,例如,在医学方面,人们正是通过“克隆”技术生产出治疗糖尿病的胰岛素、使侏儒症患者重新长高的生长激素和能抗多种病毒感染的干挠素,等等。 反方:1克隆技术还不完善。 ——克隆羊DOLLY就生病死了 ——克隆采用人工手段进行体细胞分离DNA然后再 次结合,有可能出现基因变异。 2违背人类伦理道德。重点(貌似是) ——克隆人没有传统意义上的父母。 ——克隆人没有家庭。 ——与某些宗教教义相抵触。 3还没有克隆人相关的法律 ——克隆人是否享有所有人类,公民的权利 ——有人可能利用克隆人作为廉价劳动力 ——某些组织,宗教可能利用克隆人进行活人祭祀 ——某些个人,团体可能利用克隆人犯罪。 ——克隆人是否属于其克隆行为的实施者,或者其 细胞提供者, 关于克隆人:1.会引起人类的大恐慌,因为有关可怕的克隆人的电影 早已把克隆人妖魔化了; 2.会引发道德伦理上的大讨论,因为奶奶的克隆体可能比孙子还小; 3.会引起另一种歧视,因为据说克隆人除非发生基因突变,或者被引入了其他基 因从而变成了转基因超人,不然是不会比人更强的。


Did you ever imagine having a child that is the exact replica of you? Did you ever imagine of having the cure for heart disease or cancer? Well, these fantasies are not far from reach. The way we could reach these fantasies is through a process called cloning. Cloning is the replication of an exact genetic copy of an organism by use of a somatic tissue (or cell) from the donor organism. Cloning can be used in humans, human organs, or even animals. A benefit of cloning is cloning human organs or body parts. If a person has a dysfunctional liver or heart then they could get it cloned and get a brand new one. These are some of the benefits of cloning. Cloning can bring many benefits to the human, such as rejuvenation, helpful for Defective genes, Liver failure, Kidney failure and Leukemia. These disease are very different to cure, if we use the advantages of cloning 1)decreasing the pain of women who can’t give birth 2)promoting the development of genetics 3)testing whether there is genetic defect in new- borns 4)curing the nervous system damages 1、正方:自然界存在克隆现象………… Nature itself exists cloning phenomenon. In nature, there are many plants which are born with the instinct of cloning, such as potato, rose. Grafting is a clone. Besides, clone have already existed in natural animal and microbe. For example, monozygotic twins is actually a clone. 反方:我认为你的观点有些偏离辩论赛的题目。我们的辩论点是人类是否应该被克隆。所以你应该应回到辩题上。 I think that your point have some deviation from the the subject of English


Cloning is the replication of an exact genetic copy of an organism by use of a somatic tissue (or cell) from the donor organism. Cloning can be used in humans, human organs, or even animals. 克隆是利用体细胞组织的一个确切的一个生物体的遗传复制的复制(或细胞)从供体生物。克隆技术可应用于人类,人类的器官,甚至动物。 A benefit of cloning is cloning human organs or body parts. If a person has a dysfunctional liver or heart then they could get it cloned and get a brand new one. These are some of the benefits of cloning. 克隆的一个好处是克隆人体器官或身体部位。如果一个人有一个不正常的肝脏或心脏就可以得到克隆并获得一个新品牌。这些都是一些好处的克隆。 Cloning can bring many benefits to the human, such as rejuvenation, helpful for Defective genes, Liver failure, Kidney failure and Leukemia. These disease are very different to cure, if we use the cloning technology we can change the Gene’s DNA order, so we can save lots of people. 克隆也会给人类带来很多好处,如振兴,有利于缺陷基因,肝功能衰竭,肾功能衰竭和白血病。这些疾病是非常不同的治疗,如果我们使用克隆技术可以改变基因的DNA排序,这样就可以节省大量的人。 advantages of cloning 1)decreasing t he pain of women who can’t giv e birth 2)promoting the development of genetics 3)testing whether there is genetic defect in new- borns 4)curing the nervous system damages 优点的克隆 1)降低妇女不能生育的痛苦 2)促进遗传学的发展 3)检测是否有新出生的遗传缺陷 4)治疗神经系统损害 1、正方:自然界存在克隆现象。在自然界中,有许多植物是出世与克隆本能,如马铃薯,玫瑰。嫁接是一种克隆。此外,克隆已经在自然的动物和微生物的存在。例如,同卵双胞胎的实际上是一个克隆。 Nature itself exists cloning phenomenon. In nature, there are many plants which are born with the instinct of cloning, such as potato, rose. Grafting is a clone. Besides, clone have already existed in natural animal and microbe. For example, monozygotic twins is actually a clone. 反方:我认为你的观点有些偏离辩论赛的题目。我们的辩论点是人类是否应该被克隆。所以你应该应回到辩题上。 I think that your point have some deviation from the the subject of English debate contest. Our debate points is whether human cloning should be allowed. So you should be back to the subject. 2、正方:谢谢你提醒我,但是我举的这些例子说明克隆已成为一个重要技术。它可以用于造福人类,例如,用于器官移植 Thank you for reminding me, but I cite these examples to illustrate clone has become an important technology. It can be used for the benefit of mankind, for example, used in organ transplantation


关于克隆辩论材料 篇一:关于克隆辩论材料 利用克隆技术复制人类的利与弊 谢谢主席!主席,评委,各位同学,大家晚上好!首先请容我在此为大家解释一下什么是克隆人,克隆人是指利用克隆技术来复制出一个和被复制的人基因相同的一个人或者部分组织。而我方认为克隆人对人类的发展是利大于弊的,其标准是克隆人能使人类发展指数提高。我方所引用的联合国发布的人类发展指数包含人均预期寿命和人均gdp的对数等。我方将就此来阐述观点: 第一、人均预期寿命度量了人类的健康状况。克隆人是治疗性克隆所指向的终点。治疗性克隆在生产移植器官和攻克疾病等方面获得的突破将给生物技术和医学技术带来革命性的变化。再者药物经过试验将更加安全,器官也不再会有排斥现象。但凡事都有两面性,相同的基因可能会使病毒更容易地转播,可这都抵挡不了克隆人所带来的巨大利益。生物技术和医学技术水平提高了,人均预期寿命自然而然的也将提高。所以我方认为克隆人对人类的发展利大于弊。 第二、人均gdp的对数是衡量经济发展综合水平的指标。虽然克隆人类或许会对环境承载量带来一定的压力,但就目前技术而言还不能肯定其会构成威胁。克隆人作为治疗性克隆的最终指向带来了实用性强、效果明显、副作用少的医疗方式,这种方式投入市场将带来不可估计的庞大利润。克隆人所创造的经济价值,对人均gdp的对数做出的贡献真是令人佩服。所以我方认为克隆人对人类的发展利大于弊。 众所周知,科学是一把双刃剑。其是否有益于人类,关键在于人类如何对待及应用它。所以人们不能因其暂时不合情理而因噎废食。火药技术如此、原子能技术如此当然克隆人技术也应是如此。我方认同克隆人对人类发展是有存在弊端的可能性,如对两性繁殖的威胁,血缘关系难以确定,身份和社会权利难以分辨等。可是请对方辩友冷静思考,今天的“克隆技术热”是否就仅仅只让我们看到它的利与弊呢?是否更多的是让我们对这个问题深思呢?人们面对应不应该克隆人类这一话题进行不断讨论。无论结果如何,这都将是人类在未来面对新生科技的

克隆人Clone Man(高中英语作文)

克隆人Clone Man 高中英语作文 Last night, Isaw a movie about the clone man, the movie calledNever Let Me Go, it tells about the function of the clone man, theyare born to donate their organs to heal people, but the problem is that cloneman also have their mind, they are just the real person, it is unfair to takeaway their lives for the purpose of healing others. The movie puts forward thequestion, that is whether the clone man has the right to live as the normalman. In my opinion, clone man is the wrong mistake, they should not exist, theyare the mirrors of human being. Imaging this, one day, when you wake up, yousee the other you, how terrible it is, you will be replaced by others. Theworld is beautiful because of its variety, if clone man exists, the variety ofhuman being will be reduced. 昨晚,我 1


关于克隆的英语作文 关于克隆的英语作文写一篇关于克隆的文章,要有反对克隆的原因和赞同克隆的原因,还要有自己的观点westhusin'sexperiencewithcloninganimalsleaveshimupsetbyallthistalkofhumanclonin g.inthreeyearsofworkonthemissyproject,usinghundredsuponhundredsofdo g'seggs,thea&mteamhasproducedonlyadozenorsoembryos(胚 胎)carryingmissy'sdna.nonehavesurvivedthetransfertoasurrogate(代孕的)mother.thewastageofeggsandthemanyspontaneouslyabortedfetuses(胎)maybeacceptablewhenyou' redealingwithcatsorbulls,heargues,butnotwithhumans.cloningisincrediblyi nefficient,andalsodangerous,hesays.evenso,dogcloningisacommercialoppo rtunity,withaniceresearchpayoff.eversincedollythesheepwasclonedin1997, westhusin'sphonehasbeenringingwithpeoplecallinginhopesofduplicatingtheircatsand dogs,cattleandhorses.alotofpeoplewanttoclonepets,especiallyifthepriceisri ght,sayswesthusin.costisnoobstacleformissy'smysteriousbillionaireowner;he'sputup$3.7millionsofartofunda&m'sresearch.contrarytosomemediareports,missyisnotdead.theownerwantsat wintocarryonmissy' sfinequalitiesaftershedoesdie.theprototypeis,byallaccounts,athletic,good-naturedandsupersmart.missy'

Cloning Debate克隆的辩论

Cloning Debate 克隆的辩论 [A] Let’s pretend it’s the year 2025,and you ‘ve just been diagnosed with HIV virus(病毒).No problem .Doctors can simply take out a white blood cell from your body ,produce hundreds more exactly like it ,and rid you of HIV. A cure for HIV? It seem too good to be true. Yet scientists say may be possible with the process of cloning.让我们假设这年是 2025 年,而且你刚刚已经被诊断为艾滋病毒 virus(病毒)携带者。没关系。医生能轻松地从你身体里取出一个白细胞,然后制造出数以百计的和这个白细胞非常像的细胞,以使你摆脱艾滋病。艾滋病的治愈?这好像看起来太过美好而无法实现。但是科学家们说克隆的进展使得这有了可能。 [B] Cloning humans may should like a process out of science fiction, but in fact it is a reality. In 1996,a group of scientists in Scotland cloned Dolly the sheep, and recently, a pig was duplicated(复制) in Scotland.克隆人类可能应该像是科幻小说的一个过程,但事实上这是一个现实。在1996年,一组科学家在苏格兰成功克隆了多利羊,而最近,在苏格兰一头猪也成功被复制。 SHOULD WE CLONE HUMANES? 我们该不该克隆人类? [C] Some scientists say it is only a matter of time before humans are cloned.But human cloning makes many people nervous. Is it right to clone human? Most say absolutely not; a few say there are positive benefits. Others fall somewhere in between—they believe that cloning whole people is immoral, but do see advantages of cloning human organs, such as the heart or the lungs. 一些科学家说克隆人类的出现只是时间问题。但是克隆人类使得许多人产生了不安的情绪。克隆人类真的是正确的吗?大多数人认为当然不是。但也有一些人认为了克隆人类有有益的地方。还有人的态度出于两者之间,他们相信克隆完整的人是不道德的,但是我们应当看到克隆人类器官的好处,例如心脏,肺部。 [D] Cloning human organs could save lives. If a person clones her heart at the age of 18, by the time she is 40, her clone heart will be fully grown. Then , if that person needed a heart transplant later on in life, she would have a fully grown “spare” heart that would function perfectly with her own body. This process could save people who would otherwise die of heart disease. 克隆人类器官能够拯救生命。如果一个人在她18岁的时候克隆了她的心脏,那么等到她40岁的时候,她的克隆心脏将会发育完全。那时,如果她在日后需要心脏移植,他将有一个完全发育的“备用”心脏去完美地适应她的身体。这一个过程可以拯救那些可能死于心脏病的人。 [E] Jennifer Chan ,16, a junior at the NEW YORK City Lab School, is completely in favor of this type of organ cloning. “I want to be a doctor, and cloning body organs will help save many


DEBATE Human cloning SHARK PK NOTHING CONTANT: 引入者:(正方一辩) Did you ever imagine having a child that is the exact replica of you? Did you ever imagine of having the cure for heart disease or cancer? Well, these fantasies are not far from reach. The way we could reach these fantasies is through a process called cloning. Cloning is the replication of an exact genetic copy of an organism by use of a somatic tissue (or cell) from the donor organism. Cloning can be used in humans, human organs, or even animals. There are many advantages and disadvantages of cloning. 引入者:(反方一辩) One disadvantage is whether if cloning is ethical. Cloning will bring up a great controversy on whether if cloning is the “right” thing to do or not. This controversy is currently going on right now and will be even a greater controversy if the government allows cloning. Many people think that nature should just take its course. 正方二辩: A benefit of cloning is cloning human organs or body parts. If a person has a dysfunctional liver or heart


利用克隆技术复制人类的利与弊 谢谢主席!主席,评委,各位同学,大家晚上好!首先请容我在此为大家解释一下什么是克隆人,克隆人是指利用克隆技术来复制出一个和被复制的人基因相同的一个人或者部分组织。而我方认为克隆人对人类的发展是利大于弊的,其标准是克隆人能使人类发展指数提高。我方所引用的联合国发布的人类发展指数包含人均预期寿命和人均GDP的对数等。我方将就此来阐述观点: 第一、人均预期寿命度量了人类的健康状况。克隆人是治疗性克隆所指向的终点。治疗性克隆在生产移植器官和攻克疾病等方面获得的突破将给生物技术和医学技术带来革命性的变化。再者药物经过试验将更加安全,器官也不再会有排斥现象。但凡事都有两面性,相同的基因可能会使病毒更容易地转播,可这都抵挡不了克隆人所带来的巨大利益。生物技术和医学技术水平提高了,人均预期寿命自然而然的也将提高。所以我方认为克隆人对人类的发展利大于弊。 第二、人均GDP的对数是衡量经济发展综合水平的指标。虽然克隆人类或许会对环境承载量带来一定的压力,但就目前技术而言还不能肯定其会构成威胁。克隆人作为治疗性克隆的最终指向带来了实用性强、效果明显、副作用少的医疗方式,这种方式投入市场将带来不可估计的庞大利润。克隆人所创造的经济价值,对人均GDP的对数做出的贡献真是令人佩服。所以我方认为克隆人对人类的发展利大于弊。 众所周知,科学是一把双刃剑。其是否有益于人类,关键在于人类如何对待及应用它。所以人们不能因其暂时不合情理而因噎废食。火药技术如此、原子能技术如此当然克隆人技术也应是如此。我方认同克隆人对人类发展是有存在弊端的可能性,如对两性繁殖的威胁,血缘关系难以确定,身份和社会权利难以分辨等。可是请对方辩友冷静思考,今天的“克隆技术热”是否就仅仅只让我们看到它的利与弊呢?是否更多的是让我们对这个问题深思呢?人们面对应不应该克隆人类这一话题进行不断讨论。无论结果如何,这都将是人类在未来面对新生科技的宝贵经验。其对人类发展的利处将是深远而流长的,所以我方认为克隆人对人类的发展利大于弊。 到此我方已经从人类发展指数的两个方面来进行了分析并得出克隆人对人类的发展利大于弊。尽管人类发展指数还有不足的地方,不能够全面地衡量人类的发展,但克隆人问题所引发的思潮及经验将使我们更好地面对未来高新科技,这无疑将成为人类的伟大财富。所以我方坚决认为克隆人对人类发展利大于弊。 克隆技术 “克隆”一词于1903年被引入园艺学,以后逐渐应用于植物学、动物学和医学等方面。广泛意义上的“克隆”其实是我们的日常生活中经常遇到,只是没叫它“克隆”而已。克隆是人类在生物科学领域取得的一项重大技术突破,反映了细胞核分化技术、细胞培养和控制技术的进步。克隆是英文clone的音译,意为生物体通过细胞进行的无性繁殖形成的基因型完全相

克隆的利弊 英文

It’s a cover of some kind of magazine. In it, there are two same faces of a child and three sentences such as ―Human cloning is closer than you think‖, ―For couples who can’t have a child or who have lost one –the unthinkable may soon be possible.‖, ―Here are the perils‖. The title of the picture is ―Is cloning a blessing or a curse?‖. I am against cloning. First, a cloned child would be born with a baggage of unrealistic expectation and hopes for his or her development and future achievements. Secondly, most parents have hopes for their children, but here the parents’aspirations would be press—ganged by what had transpired in the life of the original clone. What’s more, the family, as it is now, would not exit; even the whole meaning of ―parent‖would change. We might end up with whole tribes of people who look exactly alike. ―Clone clans‖might take the place of nations and races. Moreover, the technology of cloning isn’t immature. Maybe you will say: ― we can clone a child whose family have lost it, which will reduce the pain of the parents.‖. But don’t you know the cloning child doesn’t be the parents’baby? They don’t share the happiness and unhappiness. They are only just the same look. In a word, I think cloning is a curse.


1、正方:自然界存在克隆现象………… Nature itself exists cloning phenomenon. In nature, there are many plants which are born with the instinct of cloning, such as potato, rose. Grafting is a clone. Besides, clone have already existed in natural animal and microbe. For example, monozygotic twins is actually a clone. 反方:我认为你的观点有些偏离辩论赛的题目。我们的辩论点是人类是否应该被克隆。所以你应该应回到辩题上。 I think that your point have some deviation from the the subject of English debate contest. Our debate points is whether human cloning should be allowed. So you should be back to the subject. 2、正方:是的。…………比如器官移植。 T hank you for reminding me, but I cite these examples to illustrate clone has become an important technology. It can be used for the benefit of mankind, for example, used in organ transplantation 反方:克隆技术依然不够成熟,它存在意想不到的结果。在动物克隆试验中存在高失败率、高风险。如多利羊寿命不长久。 It can cause some unexpective results because the cloning technology is still immature. Cloning experiments in animals that appear in the high failure rate, high-risk. Even the cloned animals may live a very short time. For example, Dolly lived only 6 years long, no more than half the average time. 3、正方:…………不存在排斥现象。…………好处(器官移植) But the cloning technology for organ transplantation has many benefits. It can seek more extensive sources for organ transplantation, reduce the immunological rejection and improve the success rate of transplantation. For example, cloning technology can be used for the treatment of nervous system damage. Adults can’t regenerate nerve cells. but stem cells can repair the nervous system injury. 反方:有些人也许利用克隆技术来克隆人,摘取他们的器官进行移植。那我们人类成什么了?我认为这是一种侵犯人权的行为。另外,很多宗教人士反对克隆,认为它违背了自然规则。 Some people may use the clone technology to clone human and harvest for organs transplanting. Then what we human are? I think it is a violation of human rights. Furthermore, most religious people are on the down-side of cloning. Many say that cloning is messing with the natural order of things. 4、正方:不违背人权。……利于好基因的延续…… But a single organ cloning isn’t a violation of human rights. In addition, Cloning technology can also be used to multiply valuable genes. For example, in medicine, insulin is produced to treat diabetes. Through genetic selection, we can control the genetic disease. 反方:如果只选取优良品种,破坏基因的多样性.正是由于人类基因的多样性,我们对环境的变化有更强的适应性。不同人有不同适应能力,一次环境变化不致于整个人类的灭亡。这是我们追求基因多样性的一个重要原因。 It will destroy the genetic diversity if we only select the good genetic. We have great flexibility in the process of environmental changes for the sake of the diversity of human genetic. Why do we have been pursuing genetic diversity? The reason is that different people have their own abilities to adapt to the environmental changes.
