


1.The O2-enriched air gasi?cation of coal, plastics and wood in a fluidized bed reactor.


2.The effect of oxygen-enriched air during fluidized bed co-gasi?cation of a mixture of coal, plastics and wood has been investigated.


3.The main components of the obtained syngas were measured by means of on-line analyzers and a gas chromatograph while those of the condensate phase were off-line analysed by means of a gas chromatography–mass spectrometer (GC—MS).


4.The characterization of condensate phase as well as that of the water used as scrubbing medium completed the performed diagnostics.


5.The experimental results were further elaborated in order to provide material and substances flow analyses inside the plant boundaries.


6.These analyses allowed to obtain the main substance distribution between solid, gaseous and condensate p hases and to estimate the conversion ef?ciency of carbon and hydrogen but also to easily visualise the waste streams produced by the process.


7.The process performance was then evaluated on the basis of parameters related to the conversion ef?ciency of fuels into valuable products (i.e. by considering tar and particulate as process losses) as well as those related to the energy recovery.


8.Moreover,the new gasi?cation processes offer increased possibilities to obtain a wide range of valuable products from solid wastes, from clean fuel gases and electricity to bulk chemicals, like ammonia and methanol.


9.In particular, they can be con?gured to utilize more ef?cient energy conversion systems, such as different kind of gas engines and turbines and therefore, they potentially have better electrical generation ef?ciencies (Wang et al., 2008; Yassin et al.,2009).


10.The experimental work presented in this study aims to investigate the effect of a gasifying stream composed by air enriched with pure oxygen on the performance of the co-gasi?cation process of coal, plastics and wood fed as a mixture in the gasi?er.


11.The experiments were carried out by keeping almost ?xed the fluidization velocity, bed temperature and equivalence ratio (de?ned as the ratio between the oxygen content of oxidant supply and that required for complete stoichiometric combustion) as much as it was possible by tuning the fluidizing gas pre-heating and by varying the molar oxygen fraction in the fluidizing and oxidizing stream from 21% (air) to 26% and 35%.


12.The aim was to verify if an oxygen-enriched air stream could improve the material and energy conversion ef?cien cy and enhance the environmental sustainability of the process by lowering the production of waste streams or changing their characteristics. 其目的是验证是否富氧空气流可以提高物质和能量转换效率和提高环境可持续性进程通过降低废水产生或改变他们的生产特点。

13.It is equipped with a series of electrical shells able to bring the reactor temperature up to 850 °C in four sections of the reactor column (Fig. 1).


14.Each couple of shells is controlled by a PID control device connected to a thermocouple located at the reactor internal wall so that the temperature can be independently set for each of reactor sections.


15.The BFB reactor is equipped with a gas injection device that allows feeding into the reactor different oxidizing agents:air, oxygen, steam, carbon dioxide and their mixture.


16.Data obtained from on-line and off-line gas measurements and from chemical analyses of solid samples are processed to develop for each run complete mass balances on atomic species and the related energy balance.


17.Carbon balance allows determining the content of carbon accumulated in the reactor as carbon loading.


18.This latter value was experimentally veri?ed at the end of each test by switching the operating conditions from reducing to oxidizing values at the end of each run and by recording and integrating the CO2 and CO contents produced by oxidation .


19.All of the data obtained by analyzing gases, condensate and fine particles sampled

during the tests were used to develop the material balances over the entire gasi?er plant.


20.The software utilized to carry out the material and substance flow analyses is the STAN (short for sub Stance flow Analysis) by INKA software that is a freeware that helps to perform material flow analysis according to the Austrian standard ?Norm S 2096 (Material flow analysis – Application in waste management).


21.The results presented in the following describe the effect of oxygen concentration in the gasifying medium with reference to the energy balance, mass balances and yields of undesired by-products and waste.


22.The effect of the oxygen fraction in the fluidizing and gasification stream of a bubbling fluidized bed gasifiter has been studied.


23.It was experimentally confirmed that the main advantage of an O2-enriched air is the possibility to increase the bed temperature or, if a relatively low temperature of the reactor is desired (forinstance, to prevent particles sintering), to reduce the size of the transversal cross section and the total cost of pre-heating.


24.Moreover, the syn gas specific yield decreased even though its specific energy remained almost unvaried.


25.In particular, no remarkable effects were obtained in terms of tar reduction since its specific production slightly decreased when oxygen-enrichment was increased.


26.A study on municipal solid waste (MSW) combustion in N2/O2and CO2/O2 atmosphere from the perspective of TGA.


27.In this paper, the combustion behavior of municipal solid waste (MSW) is carried out in a thermogravimetric analyzer under different N2/O2 and CO2/O2 atmospheres with temperature ranging from 100℃ to 1000℃. TG (thermogravimetric) and DTG (derivative thermogravimetric) curves are analyzed.


28.The nth order reaction fitting model is used to yield the activation energy of reduction process according to the degree of conversion.


29.The results indicate that all samples lose most their weight between 200 ℃and 540 ℃.

结果表明,所有样品失去大部分重量在200 ℃和540 ℃之间。

30.As the oxygen concentration increased, conversion rate curves and DTG curves shift to lower temperature without significant change in its shape.


31.At the same oxygen concentration, the peak values in CO2/O2atmosphere are smaller than those in N2/O2 atmosphere, indicating that CO2 has a higher inhibitory effect than N2 on MSW combustion.

在相同的氧浓度下,二氧化碳/氧气的大气中的峰值的值是小于那些在氮气/氧气的气氛中,表明二氧化碳比氮气在城市生活垃圾燃烧具有较高的抑制效果。32.After 600 ℃, the weight loss peak appears much later in CO2/O2 atmosphere than it does in N2/O2 atmosphere.


33.With the increase of heating rate, the maximum weight loss rates of samples increase obviously. The three-step reaction of nth order reaction model fits the weight loss very well.


34.CO2/O 2 combustion technology is considered to be one of the most promising combustion technologies because of its easy CO2 recovery, low NOx emission and high sulfation ef?ciency.


35.The components are dried, broken, grinded and screened.


36.The correlation coe f?cient is used to characterize the degree of matching between ?tting results and experimental date. The ?t-quality is demonstrated by correlation coef?cient.


37.Wood widely existed in municipal solid waste(MSW)was pyrolyzed and gasified in fluidized bedsto researchits reactive characteristics and mechanism.


38.Products frompyrolysis&gasification was analyzedat different excessive

airratio(0~0.8)ortemperature(400~700℃)in fluidized beds.

分析了在流化床从热解和气化在不同过量空气系数(0 ~ 0.8)或温度(400 ~ 700℃)获得的产品。

39.Optimal tarproductfromfluidized bedpyrolysis furnacewith the yield about 38% of feedstockwas obtained as temperature of 500℃ .


40.Wood gasification influidized beds ismostsuitable at temperature of 600℃ and excess air ratio of 0.4.


41.Under this condition, the efficiencyof gasification is about73%, LHV of syngas is about5800 kJ Nm3 and itsyield is about2.01 Nm3kg.Then mechanisms of pyrolysisand gasification are proposed.

在这个条件下,气化效率大约为73%,合成气的地位热值大约为5800KJ每标准立方米,气化气产率为2.01m3 kg,进行相关的反应特性及机理分析。

42.It is expected to provide some basic data and reference forMSW woodgasification. 它预计将提供一些基本的垃圾木材气化数据和参考。

43.The conclusion is that the grate type incinerator should be developed in our country.


44.This article studys the process of MSW’s incineration with ash melting in the gasification and melting furnace in China, and it calculates gasification and melting furnace’s temperature in dispo sing MSW under different blast and fuel conditions.


45. Blast and fuel’s influence to the gasification and melting furnace’s temperature has been analyzed.


46. The Calculation result provides academic warranty for choosing blast parameters of the gasification and melting furnace.


47.The process of municipal solid wastes (MSW) gasification were studied in the atmosphere of N2, air and rich oxygen through a series of experiments.


48.According to the obtained data, the apparent activation energy and reaction order decreases along with the combustion process, while that of char combustion increases as oxygen concentration increases.


49. This technique has been widely used to study the mechanisms and kinetics of the thermal decomposition of the single typical component or mixtures of MSW.


50.The apparent frequency factors and conversion degree for individual combinations of A and a may be calculated using the commonly used method with a random increment.


51.It should be noted that the apparent activation energy decreases along with the pyrolysis and combustion process for all the runs.



华北电力大学考博英语阅读真题及其精解There are many reasons why London is an attractive place in which to live and to do international business:the time zone,English,the shops,the theatre--and the taxes.A loophole in Britain's law allows many foreigners to avoid paying tax on income generated outside Britain or on the disposal of foreign assets. In most countries,a foreign resident's"domicile"(home country) status is determined by objective criteria.In Britain,it's largely up to the foreigner.So a Greek shipowner who has lived in Britain for years but says that he intends to move back to Athens when circumstances permit is treated differently from one who says he intends to settle in Britain. This rule helps explain why so many rich foreigners choose to live in a city with such rotten weather and congested roads.At least60,000 are reckoned to benefit from the loophole;and their considerable investments in the better streets of Belgravia,Mayfair and Hampstead have injected many millions into the top end of the property market. If they pulled out,nasty things could happen to the price of Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi penthouses. So there has been considerable alarm in monied circles since Gordon Brown declared that he was going to review the rules in last April's budget.The review is expected this year.


2019届高考英语句子成分 语法复习一:句子成分;简单句、并列句和复合句 一、句子成分(一)句子成分的定义:构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。句子成分有主要成分和次要成分;主要成分有主语和谓语;次要成分有表语、宾语、定语、状语、补足语和同位语。(二)主语:主语是一个句子所叙述的主体,一般位于句首。但在there be结构、疑问句(当主语不疑问词时)和倒装句中,主语位于谓语、助动词或情态动词后面。主语可由名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、名词化的形容词和主语从句等表示。例如: during the 1990s, american country music has become more and more popular.(名词) we often speak english in class.(代词) one-third of the students in this class are girls.(数词) to swim in the river is a great pleasure.(不定式) smoking does harm to the health.(动名词) the rich should help the poor.(名词化的形容词) when we are going to have an english test has not been decided.(主语从句) it is necessary to master a foreign language.(it作形式 主语,真正的主语为后面的不定式)(三)谓语:谓语说明主语所做的动作或具有的特征和状态。动词在句中作谓语,一般放在主语之后。谓语的构成如下: 1、简单谓语:由一个动词或动词短语构成。如:he practices running every morning. 2、复合谓语:(1)由情态动词或其他助动词加动词原形构成。如:you may keep the book for two weeks. he has caught a bad cold. (2)由系动词加表语构成。如:we are students.(四)表语:表语用以说明主语的身份、特征和状态,它一般位于系动词(如be, become, get, look, grow, turn, seem等)之后。表语一般由名词、代词、形容词、分词、数词、不定式、动名词、介词短语、副词及表语从句表示。例如: our teacher of english is an american.(名词) is it yours?(代词) the weather has turned cold.(形容词) the speech is exciting.(分词) three times seven is twenty one?(数词) his job is to teach english.(不定式) his hobby(爱好)is playing football.(动名词) the machine must be out of order.(介词短语) time is up. the class is over.(副词) the truth is that he has never been abroad.(表语从句)


句子成分及基本句型(Members of a Sentence) 什么叫句子成分呢?句子的组成成分叫句子成分。在句子中,词与词之间有一定的组合关系,按照不同的关系,可以把句子分为不同的组成成分。句子成分由词或词组充当。现代汉语里一般的句子成分有六种,即主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语和补语。英语的基本成分有七种:主语(subject)、谓语(predicate)、表语(predicative)、宾语(object)、定语(attribute)、状语(adverbial) 和补语(complement)。 英语句子的基本结构可以归纳成五种基本句型及其扩大、组合、省略或倒装。掌握这五种基本句型,是掌握各种英语句子结构的基础。 英语五种基本句型列式如下: 一:SV(主+谓) 二:SVP(主+系+表) 三:SVO(主+谓+宾) 四:SVoO(主+谓+间宾+直宾) 五:SVOC(主+谓+宾+宾补) 基本句型一:SV(主+谓) 主语:可以作主语的成分有名词(如boy),主格代词(如you),动词不定式,动名词等。主语一般在句首。注意名词单数形式常和冠词不分家! 谓语:谓语由动词构成,是英语时态、语态变化的主角,一般在主语之后。不及物动词(vi.)没有宾语,形成主谓结构,如:We come. 此句型的句子有一个共同特点,即句子的谓语动词都能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做不及物动词,后面可以跟副词、介词短语、状语从句等。 S│V(不及物动词) 1. The sun │was shining. 太阳在照耀着。 2. The moon │rose. 月亮升起了。 3. The universe │remains. 宇宙长存。 4. We all │breathe, eat, and drink. 我们大家都呼吸、吃和喝。 5. Who │cares? 管它呢? 6. What he said │does not matter. 他所讲的没有什么关系。 7. They │talked for half an hour. 他们谈了半个小时。 8. The pen │writes smoothly 这支笔书写流利。 基本句型二:SVP(主+系+表) 此句型的句子有一个共同的特点:句子谓语动词都不能表达一个完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语身份或状态的表语构成复合谓语,才能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做连系动词。系动词分两类:be, look, keep, seem等属一类,表示情况;get, grow, become, turn等属另一类,表示变化。be 本身没有什么意义,只起连系主语和表语的作用。其它系动词仍保持其部分词义。感官动词多可用作联系动词:look well/面色好,sound nice/听起来不错,feel good/感觉好,smell bad/难闻 S│V(是系动词)│P 1. This │is │an English-Chinese dictionary. 这是本英汉辞典。 2. The dinner │smells │good. 午餐的气味很好。 3. He │fell │in love. 他堕入了情网。 4. Everything │looks │different. 一切看来都不同了。 5. He │is growing │tall and strong. 他长得又高又壮 6. The trouble│is │that they are short of money. 麻烦的是他们缺少钱。 7. Our well │has gone │dry. 我们井干枯了。 8. His face │turned │red. 他的脸红了。 There be 结构:There be 表示‘存在有’。这里的there没有实际意义,不可与副词‘there那里’混淆。 此结构后跟名词,表示‘(存在)有某事物’ 试比较:There is a boy there.(那儿有一个男孩。)/前一个there无实意,后一个there为副词‘那里’。


Part1英语句子成分 一、词类 英语词类分十种:名词、形容词、代词、数词、冠词、动词、副词、介词、连词、感叹词。 1、名词(n.):表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。如:boy, morning, bag, ball, class, orange. 2、代词(pron.):主要用来代替名词。如:who, she, you, it . 3、形容词(adj..):表示人或事物的性质或特征。如:good, right, white, orange . 4、数词(num.):表示数目或事物的顺序。如:one, two, three, first, second, third, fourth. 5、动词(v.):表示动作或状态。如:am, is,are,have,see . 6、副词(adv.):修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,说明时间、地点、程度等。如:now, very, here, often, quietly, slowly. 7、冠词(art..):用在名词前,帮助说明名词。如:a, an, the. 8、介词(prep.):表示它后面的名词或代词与其他句子成分的关系。如in, on, from, above, behind. 9、连词(conj.):用来连接词、短语或句子。如and, but, before . 10、感叹词(interj..)表示喜、怒、哀、乐等感情。如:oh, well, hi, hello. 二、句子成分 1.主语:是句子要说明的人或事物,是句子的主体,一般由名词、代词、数词、不定式或动名词等充当。如:

The car is running fast. / The girl can sing many English songs.(名词) We are students. / This is my pen . Yours is on the desk.(代词) One of my classmates is from Shanghai. / Two and three is five.(数词) The blind need more help.(名词化的形容词) It's bad manners to spit in public. (不定式) Eating too much is bad for your health.(动名词) 【注意】若不定式短语作主语常用it作形式主语,而把真正的主语(不定式短语)放在句后。 练一练:指出下例句中主语的中心词。 ① The teacher with two of his students is walking into the classroom. ② There is an old man coming here. ③ The useful dictionary was given by my mother last year. ④ To do today's homework without the teacher's help is very difficult. 2.谓语:说明主语的动作或状态,也是句子的主体部分,一般由动词充当。动词分为实义动词、连系动词、情态动词和助动词。实义动词单独作谓语,连系动词与表语一起构成谓语,情态动词与省略to的不定式构成合成谓语,助动词与动词原形共同构成谓语部分。如: 由单一动词作谓语:We are Chinese. / He has an English- Chinese dictionary. 情态动词加主要动词:We can play the piano. / You must see the doctor. 助动词加主要动词构成谓语:She is talking with her sister. / I have seen this man before.


附录·2010年中国原子能科学研究院博士、硕士研究生录取一览表 475 2010年中国原子能科学研究院博士、硕士研究生录取一览表 姓名 导师 博士/硕士专业名称 考前单位 王黎明 柯国土 博士 核能科学与工程 中国原子能科学研究院 吴园园 柯国土 博士核能科学与工程 中国原子能科学研究院 张 毅 季松涛 博士核能科学与工程 中国原子能科学研究院 汪 军 赵守智 博士核能科学与工程 中国原子能科学研究院 戴守通 杨文 博士核能科学与工程 中国原子能科学研究院 孙 征 赵守智 博士核能科学与工程 中国原子能科学研究院 赵荣明 胡石林 博士核燃料循环与材料 湖南大学 吴永乐 刘森林 博士辐射防护及环境保护 中国原子能科学研究院 李海亮 马吉增 博士辐射防护及环境保护 南华大学 曹勤剑 潘自强 博士辐射防护及环境保护 中国辐射防护研究院 陈 军 刘森林 博士辐射防护及环境保护 无 李 航 潘自强 博士辐射防护及环境保护 中国原子能科学研究院 彭建盛 李兴 博士核技术及应用 湖北工学院 王新光 王国保 博士核技术及应用 石油大学(华东) 刘云焰 李兴 博士核技术及应用 无 李建强 何辉 博士核燃料循环与材料 华东地质学院 周贤明 叶国安 博士核燃料循环与材料 天津大学 张继龙 李金英 博士核燃料循环与材料 中国原子能科学研究院 唐洪彬 叶国安 博士核燃料循环与材料 中国原子能科学研究院 李 彬 叶国安 博士核燃料循环与材料 四川大学 周 舵 张生栋 博士核燃料循环与材料 中国原子能科学研究院 鲜 亮 郑卫芳 博士核燃料循环与材料 无 刘巧凤 肖雪夫 博士辐射防护及环境保护 中国原子能科学研究院 张伟华 肖雪夫 博士辐射防护及环境保护 中国原子能科学研究院 吴明宇 周培德 博士核能科学与工程 无 宋 维 杨红义 博士核能科学与工程 中国原子能科学研究院 王月英 杨红义 博士核能科学与工程 哈尔滨工业大学 余华金 张东辉 博士核能科学与工程 翟士桢 杜进 博士核技术及应用 北京大学 彭 慧 罗志福 博士放射性同位素技术 中国原子能科学研究院 叶 力 柳卫平 博士粒子物理与原子核物理 中国原子能科学研究院 金孙均 王友宝 博士粒子物理与原子核物理 兰州大学 张奇玮 李志宏 博士粒子物理与原子核物理 南京大学 范 平 竺礼华 博士粒子物理与原子核物理 中国原子能科学研究院 贺林峰 陈东风 博士凝聚态物理 中国原子能科学研究院 胡 瑞 陈东风 博士凝聚态物理 中国原子能科学研究院

2020年高考英语一轮复习 句子成分

2020;2020年高考英语一轮语法复习:句子成分 一. 主语 主语(subject) 是一个句子的主题( theme),是句子所述说的主体。它的位置一般在一句之首。可用作主语的有单词、短语和从句。 1.名词作主语。如:A tree has fallen across the road. 2.代词用作主语。如:You’re not far wrong. 注意: * 反身代词不能充当句子主语。如You can express yourself at the meeting. * 指人的不定代词(someone, somebody ,no one, nobody, anyone, anybody ,everyone, everybody)与指物的不定代词(something, anything, everything ,nothing)做主语,谓语动词用单数。例如:everyone is here。但是都不能跟of短语,不能说someone of , no one of, something of,但是可以说every one of,none of。做主语反意疑问句用复数,everyone is here,aren’t they?但是 someone lost his pen,didn’t he? 3.数词用作主语。如:Three is enough. 4.名词化的形容词用作主语。 The idle are forced to work. 当the+adj表示抽象名词时谓语动词采用单数形式。 The new replaces the old。(新陈代谢)5.不定式用作主语。如:To find your way can be a problem. 注意:动词不定式做主语, 通常有两种情形: 一种是不定式直接放在句首(这种形式较少),另一种是用it做形式主语,把不定式置于句末,达到平衡句子的目的. To see is to believe. Seeing is believing。(眼见为实) It’s nice of you to help me with my English. 6.动名词用作主语。如:Smoking is bad for you. 注意:不定式与动名词做主语一般来说差别不大,有时两者可以互换。但按照传统语法来说,动名词表示说话人的习惯、爱好或事抽象动作;而动词不定式表示具体的、一次性动作。例如:


第1讲句子成分 英语的句子成分主要有六种:即主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语和补语。(可以熟记为:主谓宾,定状补) 除了这六种主要成分之外,还有“表语”和“同位语”的说法。但表语和系动词一起作谓语,因此划分成分时,划分在谓语上。同位语分为主语同位语和宾语同位语,属于主语或宾语的一部分。 考点1.划分句子成分时的常用符号 英语中划句子成分的符号 主语在下面划一直线 谓语在下面划曲线 宾语在下面划双横线 定语在下面划虚线(一行点使我们想到一 排钉子,“钉”谐音为“定语” 的“定”) 状语下面为短横线(短横线使我们想到短 木桩,木桩撞(状)钟) 补语上一短横,下一短横(下一短横好像是 为了弥补上面短横间的空隙) 同位语上下双曲线,(虽都有曲折,上下位置 基本相同 考点2.主语 主语是一个句子所叙述的主体,一般位于句首,通常由名词性的词来充当。 可以作主语的词性或语法结构: 1.名词 2.代词 3.数词 4.名词化的形容词(如the rich) 5.不定式 6.动名词 7.主语从句等表示。 练习1.在下面句子的主语下面划横线,并说出由什么充当 1.During the 1990s, American country music has become more and more popular. 2.We often speak English in class. 3.One-third of the students in this class are girls. 4.To swim in the river is a great pleasure. 5.Smoking does harm to the health. 6.The rich should help the poor. 7.When we are going to have an English test has not been decided. 8.It is necessary to master a foreign language. 9.That he isn’t at home is not true 练习2.改正下列句中的错误,并说明原因 1.He failed the exam is the reason why he dropped out. 2.That why he was late for school was that his mother was ill. 3.Beyond the mountains lie a small village. 4.Gone is the days when I had to go to school on foot. 5.Play basketball is my favorite sport. 6.Give up English is not an option. 考点3.谓语 谓语由动词充当,说明主语所做的动作或具有的特征和状态。谓语的构成如下: 1、简单谓语:由一个动词或动词短语构成。如: He practices running every morning. He reads newspapers every day. 2、复合谓语: (1)由情态动词或其他助动词加动词构成。如:You may keep the book for two weeks. He has caugh t a bad cold. My sister is crying over there. I have been waiting for you all the time. I would stay at home all day. (2)由系动词加表语构成。系动词不能单独作谓语,要和表语一起作谓语。如: We are students. Your idea sounds great. 考点4.表语 表语多是形容词,用以说明主语的身份、特征和状态,它一般位于系动词(如be, become, get, look, grow, turn, seem等)之后。表语一般由名词、代词、形容词、分词、数词、不定式、动名词、介词短语、副词及表语从句表示。 练习3.划出下列句中的表语,并说明有什么充当。 1.Our teacher of English is an American. 2.Is it yours? 3.The weather has turned cold.


句子成分 (一)句子成分的定义:构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。句子成分有主要成分和次要成分;主要成分有主语和谓语;次要成分有表语、宾语、定语、状语、补足语和同位语。 (二)主语:主语是一个句子所叙述的主体,一般位于句首。但在there be结构、疑问句(当主语不是疑问词时)和倒装句中,主语位于谓语、助动词或情态动词后面。主语可由名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、名词化的形容词和主语从句等表示。例如: During the 1990s, American country music has become more and more popular.(名词) We often speak English in class.(代词) One-third of the students in this class are girls.(数词) To swim in the river is a great pleasure.(不定式) Smoking does harm to the health.(动名词) The rich should help the poor.(名词化的形容词) When we are going to have an English test has not been decided.(主语从句) It is necessary to master a foreign language.(it作形式主语,真正的主语为后面的不定式) (三)谓语:谓语说明主语所做的动作或具有的特征和状态。动词在句中作谓语,一般放在主语之后。谓语的构成如下: 1、简单谓语:由一个动词或动词短语构成。如:He practices running every morning. 2、复合谓语:(1)由情态动词或其他助动词加动词原形构成。 如:You may keep the book for two weeks. He has caught a bad cold. (2)由系动词加表语构成。如:We are students. (四)表语:表语用以说明主语的身份、特征和状态,它一般位于系动词(如be, become, get, look, grow, turn, seem等)之后。表语一般由名词、代词、形容词、分词、数词、不定式、动名词、介词短语、副词及表语从句表示。例如: Our teacher of English is an American.(名词)


高中英语句子成分超级大汇总 高中英语句子成分超级大汇总 英语句子的基本结构可以归纳成五种基本句型及其扩大、组合、省略或倒装。掌握这五种基本句型,是掌握各种英语句子结构的基础。 英语五种基本句型列式如下: 一:S V (主+谓) 二:S V P (主+系+表) 三:S V O (主+谓+宾) 四:S V o O (主+谓+间宾+直宾) 五:S V O C (主+谓+宾+宾补) 基本句型一:S V(主+谓) 主语:可以作主语的成分有名词(如boy),主格代词(如you),动词不定式,动名词等。主语一般在句首。注意名词单数形式常和冠词不分家! 谓语:谓语由动词构成,是英语时态、语态变化的主角,一般在主语之后。不及物动词(vi.)没有宾语,形成主谓结构,如:We come. 此句型的句子有一个共同特点,即句子的谓语动词都能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做不及物动词,后面可以跟副词、介词短语、状语从句等。 S │V (不及物动词) 1. The sun │was shining.太阳在照耀着。 2. The moon │rose. 月亮升起了。 3. The universe │remains. 宇宙长存。 4. We all │breathe, eat, and drink. 我们大家都呼吸、吃和喝。

5. Who │cares? 管它呢? 6. What he said │does not matter. 他所讲的没有什么关系。 7. They │talked for half an hour. 他们谈了半个小时。 8. The pen │writes smoothly 这支笔书写流利。 基本句型二:S V P(主+系+表) 此句型的句子有一个共同的特点:句子谓语动词都不能表达一个完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语身份或状态的表语构成复合谓语,才能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做连系动词。系动词分两类:be, look, keep, seem等属一类,表示情况;get, grow, become, turn等属另一类,表示变化。be 本身没有什么意义,只起连系主语和表语的作用。其它系动词仍保持其部分词义。感官动词多可用作联系动词:look well/面色好,sound nice/听起来不错,feel good/感觉好,smell bad/难闻 S │V(是系动词)│P 1. This │is │an English-Chinese dictionary.这是本英汉辞典。 2. The dinner │smells │good. 午餐的气味很好。 3. He │fell │in love. 他堕入了情网。 4. Everything │looks │different. 一切看来都不同了。 5. He │is growing │tall and strong. 他长得又高又壮 6. The trouble│is │that they are short of money. 麻烦的是他们缺少钱。 7. Our well │has gone │dry. 我们井干枯了。 8. His face │turned │red. 他的脸红了。


To wear a flower is to say I ' m poor, I can t buy a ring. (不定式) The question is whether they will come. (常见的系 动词有 : be, sound (听起来)起来) , taste (尝, lo 、ok (表语从句) 起来),feel (摸起来, 看 smell (闻 吃起来) , remain (保持,仍是) , feel ( It sounds a good idea. Her voice sounds sweet. The food smells delicious. The door remains open. 宾语: 1)动作的承受者 动宾 I like China. (名词) How many do you need? We need two. We should help the old and the poor. 词) I hope to see you again. (语从句) 2 )介词后的名词、代词和动名词 Are you afraid of the snake? 不定式) rocks. 感觉) The sound sounds strange. Tom looks thin. The food tastes good. Now I feel tired. He hates you. (代词)数 词) I enjoy working with you. Did you write down what he said? 动名 3 )双宾语 - --------- 间宾(指人)和直宾(指物)介宾 He gave me a book yesterday. 宾补:对宾语的补充, 全 称为宾语补足语。 Under the snow, there are many 名词) Give the poor man some money. We elected him monitor. come here. (名) We will make them happy. Please make yourself at home. 定 We all think it a pity that she didn ' t 形容词) We found nobody in. ( 副词) 介词短语) Don ' t let him do that. (省 to 不 句子成分和句子结构讲解及练 句 习子成分 主语( subject ) : 句子说明的人或事物。 The sun rises in the east. (代词) Twenty years is a short time in history. ( (动名词) To see is to believe. 名词) He likes dancing. 数词) Seeing is believing. 不定式) What he needs is a book. 主语从句) It is very clear that the elephant is round and tall like a tree. It 形式主 语,主语从句是真正主语) 谓语 ( predicate ) : 说明主语的动作、 状态和特征。 We study English. 表语( predicative ) : He is asleep. 系动词之 He is a teacher. 后的成分,表示主语的性质、状态和特征。 代词) (名词) Five and five is ten. 容词) His father is in. 数词) 介词短语) 副词) Seventy- four! You don He is asleep. The picture is on t look it. the wall. My watch is gone / missing / lost. 形容词化的分词)


华北电力大学考博经验:考博英语有多难 考博竞争日益激烈,英语成绩的高低往往具有“决定”意义,因为专业课很难拉开分数。联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八 那么考博英语到底如何复习准备呢? 1题型 由于考博英语试题由各招生单位自己独立命题,所以不同院校的考博英语试题题型风格不尽相同。 就题型而言,一般都含有词汇结构、完形填空、阅读理解、汉英互译、作文题。 很多院校初试不再考听力,而在复试通过口语形式考查。但有些院校仍在初试考查听力,甚至很重视听力分数。 有些学校还有改错题,应用文,甚至其他题型。 少数院校不考作文,但翻译比较长。 很多院校主观题的分数所占比重都较高,占1/3甚至1/2比重。 2难度考博英语重视考查翻译、写作等与攻读博士学位相关的应用能力,所以其难度不能简单与其他考试比较。 但一般来说,考博英语试题的难度约相当于大学英语六级,但少数院校比六级难,有些院校甚至只相当于四级水平,甚至同一院校不同年份的难易程度也迥异。这是由于考博英语试题的命制没有其他英语水平考试、选拔考试规范,往往因出题人不同而有区别。所以,报考相应院校的考生一定要看一看该院校近年的考博英语真题。 3词汇 保守估计,考博英语需要掌握7000~8000单词,900常用动词短语。

当然,一般掌握了六级及硕士研究生入学考试的词汇,通过考博英语也没有多大问题,只是词汇题可能失去少数分数。 长期关注和研究考博英语试题,反对有些所谓考博英语词汇书所讲的考博需要掌握1万甚至1万以上词汇的观点。 事实上,背诵那么多词汇是没有多大意义的,考博英语考查的重点不是考生掌握了多少词汇,而如上文所述,是阅读、翻译、写作能力。 所以,词汇够用即可,建议复习自己当年很熟悉的考研词汇、六级词汇,然后略加拓展,如可看看公共英语等级考试五级词汇、新托福词汇、部分GRE词汇。有些院校公布了词汇表或参考词汇表,但实际出题人并不怎么按大纲出题。英语说到底还是个水平问题。 4语法 大部分院校考博英语试题都不直接考查语法,但语法有必要全面复习一下。这也不怎么花费时间。 5阅读 可以做一做对应院校的考题,也可做一做考研阅读真题、大学英语六级真题,有些院校考博英语试题选自考研真题原题、六级真题原题。 6翻译 英译汉相对来说比较好做,但不好得分。相反,汉译英虽然看起来难,但往往容易得分。所以应该多准备。 7作文一般都是命题作文,即给定题目写一篇200~250词的议论文。 作文应当认真准备。这是容易得分也容易失分的项目。 本文由“育明考博”整理编辑


专题一分析句子成分 简单句的句子成份分析(主语、谓语、宾语、定语) 一.句子的主要成份与次要成份 句子成分是句子中起一定功用的组成部分。句子的主要成份由主语和谓语部分部分组成。句子的次要成分有宾语、定语、状语、表语、补语、同位语等。其中,补语与同位语在高中阶段较常见。例如: The trees on the mountain grow green in the spring (主语) (系动词) (表语) (状语) Who left the guest waiting in the meeting so long.? (主语) (谓语) (宾语) (补语) (状语) [练习] 在括号内写出以下句子划线部分的基本成份 1.They are workers from China. ()( ) ( ) ( ) 2. The singer made himself known. ()( ) ( ) ( ) 3.My classmates sent their best wishes to me. ()( ) ( ) ( ) ()( ) ( ) 二、主语及充当主语的词性、形式、短语或句子 Deer are animals. Everything goes well. 99 is larger than 98. To say is one thing and to do is another To host a party is not an easy thing. Swimming does good to one’s health. Walking his pet dog every day is his favorite. What he said hurt me greatly [练习] 在以下句子的主语部分加下划线并在括号内写出充当主语的词性、形式、短语或句子。 You, he and I are all senior school students.( ) Nothing is more important than EQ.( ) To learn a foreign language calls for patiences.( ) Being honest will pay.( ) Where his mother will go is a secret.( ) 三、谓语以及充当谓语的动词 [讲解]谓语说明主语的的动作、行为、特征或状态,谓语动词说明主语所表示的人物“干什么”或“怎么样”。谓语动词有不及物动词、系动词和及物动词三大类。

【经典高考】高考英语 专题练习——英语句子成分的划分及练习

【经典高考】 句子成分(Members of a Sentence) 什么叫句子成分呢?句子的组成成分叫句子成分。在句子中,词与词之间有一定的组合关系,按照不同的关系,可以把句子分为不同的组成成分。句子成分由词或词组充当。现代汉语里一般的句子成分有六种,即主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语和补语。英语的基本成分有七种:主语(subject)、谓语(predicate)、表语(predicative)、宾语(object)、定语(attribute)、状语(adverbial) 和补语(complement)。 英语句子的基本结构可以归纳成五种基本句型及其扩大、组合、省略或倒装。掌握这五种基本句型,是掌握各种英语句子结构的基础。 英语五种基本句型列式如下: 一:SV(主+谓) 二:SVP(主+系+表) 三:SVO(主+谓+宾) 四:SVoO(主+谓+间宾+直宾) 五:SVOC(主+谓+宾+宾补) 基本句型一:SV(主+谓) 主语:可以作主语的成分有名词(如boy),主格代词(如you),动词不定式,动名词等。主语一般在句首。注意名词单数形式常和冠词不分家! 谓语:谓语由动词构成,是英语时态、语态变化的主角,一般在主语之后。不及物动词(vi.)没有宾语,形成主谓结构,如:We come. 此句型的句子有一个共同特点,即句子的谓语动词都能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做不及物动词,后面可以跟副词、介词短语、状语从句等。 S│V(不及物动词) 1. The sun │was shining. 太阳在照耀着。 2. The moon │rose. 月亮升起了。 3. The universe │remains. 宇宙长存。 4. We all │breathe, eat, and drink. 我们大家都呼吸、吃和喝。 5. Who │cares? 管它呢? 6. What he said │does not matter. 他所讲的没有什么关系。 7. They │talked for half an hour. 他们谈了半个小时。 8. The pen │writes smoothly 这支笔书写流利。 基本句型二:SVP(主+系+表) 此句型的句子有一个共同的特点:句子谓语动词都不能表达一个完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语身份或状态的表语构成复合谓语,才能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫做连系动词。系动词分两类:be, look, keep, seem等属一类,表示情况;get, grow, become, turn等属另一类,表示变化。be 本身没有什么意义,只起连系主语和表语的作用。其它系动词仍保持其部分词义。感官动词多可用作联系动词:look well/面色好,sound nice/听起来不错,feel good/感觉好,smell bad/难闻 S│V(是系动词)│P 1. This │is │an English-Chinese dictionary. 这是本英汉辞典。 2. The dinner │smells │good. 午餐的气味很好。 3. He │fell │in love. 他堕入了情网。 4. Everything │looks │different. 一切看来都不同了。 5. He │is growing │tall and strong. 他长得又高又壮 6. The trouble│is │that they are short of money. 麻烦的是他们缺少钱。 7. Our well │has gone │dry. 我们井干枯了。 8. His face │turned │red. 他的脸红了。 There be 结构:There be 表示‘存在有’。这里的there没有实际意义,不可与副词‘there那里’混淆。 此结构后跟名词,表示‘(存在)有某事物’ 试比较:There is a boy there.(那儿有一个男孩。)/前一个there无
