BEC高级口试 part1&part2题目

BEC高级口试 part1&part2题目
BEC高级口试 part1&part2题目

1) What you think have been the most significant changes recently in consumer behavior in your country?

2) To what extent you think consumers in your country are influenced by price levels of products?

3) How important you think English will be in the future for business in your country?

4) How important you chink English is in business life in your country?

5) How important you think manufacturing is to the economy of your country?

6) How you think career opportunities are likely to change in your country?

7) Whether you think more people will work from home in your country in the future?

8) Whether you think people in your country leave school and college sufficiently prepared for working life?

9) Which kinds of professions you think are becoming less important nowadays in your country?

10) Which business sectors you think are becoming most popular with job applicants in your country?

11) What influence you think globalization is having on business life in your country?

12) What improvements you think technology is bringing to the working lives of people in your country?

13) What effect you think the internet is having on business life in your country?

14) Which kinds of jobs you think will be the best paid in the future in your country?

15) What effect you think international communication is having on business life in your country?

16) What you think the advantages are for people in your country of spending some time working abroad?

17) How important you think imports or exports are to your country?

18) What effect you think advertising has on people in your country?

19) What influence you think the media has nowadays on business life in your country?

20) How you think working life is changing in your country?

21) Whether you think people will change jobs more often in the future in your country?

22) How important you think the tourist industry is to your country?






advertising media广告媒体affect 影响

apartment公寓住宅applicant 申请者





beat competition击败竞争



brand awareness品牌意识brand equity品牌权益business ethics企业伦理business practice商业惯例business sectors商业部门candidates候选人,投考者career职业,生涯

career counseling职业咨询career development职业发展

career opportunities职业发展机会career plan职业计划




communication交流,沟通company image公司形象company logo公司标志compensation补偿,赔偿competent有能力的,胜任的




consumer behavior消费者行为contact接触


corporate culture公司文化cost accountant成本会计师cost management成本管理cost reduction降低成本


cultural values文化价值观

customer service客户服务


demanding customer挑剔的顾客dimension尺度,准则


dress code着装要求



entertaining business clients招待客户evaluate评价


external recruitment外部招聘


financial incentives 金钱奖励

flat communication devices平面沟通手段flexible work hour弹性工作时间franchise特许

franchised business特许企业

global organizations跨国企业globalization全球化

go on holiday度假

heavy workload繁重的工作量ideal job理想工作

imports or exports进出口impress 留下印象impression印象



internal recruitment内部招聘internal sources内部来源involve包括,涉及

job mobility工作流动性

job rotation工作轮换

job security工作稳定性


latest technology最新技术




managing stress 缓解压力manufacturing制造业

marketing channels营销

marketing intermediaries 营销中间机构

mark sheet计分表






office automation办公自动化

on short-term contracts短期合同


overheads reduction project办公费用削减计划overworked工作过劳packaging包装

paid holidays带薪度假

panel interview小组面试


pay inequity不公平薪酬

peer appraisal同事间相互评估performance业绩,绩效

performance appraisal绩效评估periodic medical examinations定期体检permanent永久的

physical exercise锻炼身体

physically upset身体不适


place high priority on髙度优先重视


pose threats形成威胁



price discounting价格折让

product development strategy产品开发策略professions职业

quality product优质产品


recruiting employees员工招聘

regular meetings定期会议


relieve work stress缓解工作压力




restaurant 餐馆

retaining customers留住客户


salary based on a percentage of sales按销售额比例计薪,销售佣金

sales promotion促销

security 安全




1) In what ways are work patters changing in your country?

―I think working practices are changing a lot in China. People used to work in the same pattern from 8 to 5 in the same office. But now things are very different. For instance, flexible working styles are introduced, such as flexi time; compressed work wee k; permanent part― time; job― sharing; flexible place, etc.

―Working life is changing a lot in China. Computers are widely used in work and many people choose to work from home.

2) What effects does the tourism industry have on your country?

―China is a country with rich tourist resources and income from the tourism industry which accounts for a large portion of GDP. Tourism plays a very important role in China.

3) How important is English in your country?

―English is very important in today's China. With China's entry into the WTO, more and more Chinese companies are doing business with foreign companies. When they communicate, they need a common language and English is such a language that is most often used in international contacts.

4) What impact does technology have on business in your country?

―Technology is having a great impact on business in China. For instance, with the growth of the Internet, companies are facing great changes in the way they conduct business.

―IT is now widely used in our life, especially in business activities. The Internet is making it possible to do business online which is more speedy and cost―effective.

―The technology of videoconferencing is having great impacts on business in China and has reduced greatly the costs for business travel.

―More and more companies are relying on technology to help increase production, push forward and remain competitive.

―New technology is being introduced at an alarming speed and is affecting the ways in which businesses operate and compete.

5) How important is international trade to your country?

―It's very important. It can help boost the economy and increase job opportunities and relieve the pressure on employment.

6) What impact does advertising have on consumers in your country?

―Advertising has a great impact on consumers. Successful ads help customers better understand the product and stimulate consumption,

―At many times, ads have negative impacts on consumers. They arouse people's desire to buy and make them overspend



真题3阅读和写作答案 VANTAGE3 KEY TO READING & WRITING TEST 1 Reading Part 1 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 C 7 A Part 2 8 B 9 A 10F 11 D 12 E Part 3 13 A 14 B 15 C 16 B 17 A 18 D Part 4 19 A 20 C 21 D 22 D 23 A 24 C 25 B 26 D 27 C 28 D 29 C 30 A 31 B 32 D 33 C Part 5 34 WITH 35 CORRECT 36 TO 37 CORRECT 38 SO 39 THESE 40 ABOUT 41 ALTHOUGH 42 HA VING 43 CORRECT 44 TOO 45 THAT Writing Part 1 From: Petar Koev T o: All Staff Date: 27 March 2004 Subject: Computer System I want to inform you that the computer system will be closed next Wednesday at 12 o'clock. The system will be down for at least two hours, please make sure that you have saved all your work. The whole system will ran on a new server which is faster. Thank vou. Band 5


模考吧网提供最优质的模拟试题,最全的历年真题,最精准的预测押题! 剑桥商务英语初级考试试题及答案解析(二十) 一、READING (PART ONE )(本大题5小题.每题1.0分,共5.0分。 ● Look at the questions 1--5. ● In each question, which sentence is correct? ● For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. ) 第1题 Our highly trained unemployment insurance specialists are available 9:00-20:00 Monday to Friday & 10:00-18:00 Saturday. Online quotes available 24/7. A. The information about prices can be found on the Internet anytime. B. You could consult the professionals of the company on Sundays. C. You will be offered some training by the company if you are out of work. 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 “可以在网上随时找到关于价格的信息。” 从原文第一句可知,星期日是不接受咨询的,所以B 项应排除。C 项文中未提及,虽然“train”一词出现了,但“You will be offered some training…”(将给你提供培训……)中的training 与在“Our highly trained unemployment insurance specialists…”(我们训练有素的失业保险专员……)中的trained 意思完全不同,后者是“受过训练的”。从原文第二句“Online quotes available 24/7.”(7天,每天24小时都可以在网上找到报价。)可知A 项正确。 第2题 MRK Consulting Ltd has been operating in the global market since 1988. We have successfully placed hundreds of IT & Banking professionals in leading companies in the Finance, Banking and IT industries. A. MRK is a leading company in Finance and IT Industries. B. There are many IT and Banking talents working with MRK. C. MRK has helped many people found good jobs. 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 “MRK 已经帮助很多人找到了好工作。” 从公司的名称“MRK Consulting Ltd”(MRK 咨询公司)可以排除选项A 。从文中第二句中的“…placed hundreds of IT & Banking professionals in leading companies”可知MRK


2019年商务英语考试BEC中级试题 单项选择题1、根据下面资料,回答题 Business Meetings It is important that ideas anD suggestions tableD at formal meetings are voiceD at the (0)..D...time.This is achieveD by keeping to the (19)...... shown on the agenda.For example, there is no (20)...... in discussing ideas to do with Item Six on the agendA.when Item Two has not yet been (21)...... Such deviations from the agendA.may (22)....... in confusion among the people at the meeting; they may also (23)...... concentration if they see something as irrelevant. To make certain that the meeting proceeds in an orderly fashion, it is therefore useful to(24) ......some grounD rules.First, everyone will neeD to understanD that they must(25) ......their comments to the topiC.under discussion.The Chair can then encourage one person to speak at A.(26) that any ideas offereD can be discusseD anD (27)Once that person has finished, someone else can put (28)..... their ideas anD so on.If this procedure is adopted, the participants will be able to follow the various issues in A.consistent manner, which will help with the decision-making (29)..... later on.It will also (30).....that the quiet people at meetings get A.chance to (31)..... their say, rather than just their more outspoken colleagues.In (32)...... it is often the quiet people at meetings who generate the best ideas, because they are in the (33)...... of thinking before they speak. (19)应选A.structureB.directionC.orderD.arrangemer 2、根据下面资料,回答题 Buffet Zone Lucy Robertson starteD working at A.take-away fooD business to supplement her income during her

商务英语 BEC初级口语(超详细讲义)

BEC初级口语电子讲义 第一课时 BEC Preliminary介绍 Ⅰ BP Introduction BEC初级介绍 (ⅰ)Why take BEC exams? * strong growth * rigorous quality control * wide suitability * wide business context * value for study and business career * international recognition for work and study (ⅱ) BP Content BP包含的内容 BP考试主要是考学生的语言能力,包括听、说、读、写四个方面。试卷所设计的语言文字基本上都与商务有关。另外,还考学生的英语语法、结构等内容。 BP考试分笔试和口试两大部分。笔试包括阅读、写作和听力。 听说读写 听力:电话、面谈、问路、讨论等 阅读:来往函电、表格、会议记录(memorandum)、广告(advertisement)、通知(announcement)、日程安排(business schedule)、电话留言、简历(resume/CV)、商业文章、信息转换、产品目录(product catalog) 写作:写短文、商务信函(查询信、复查询信、抱怨信、图表描述) 口语:日常会话(daily conversation)、简单陈述(mainly presentation)、讨论问题 (ⅲ) Papers 试卷 Preliminary V antage Advanced Reading 1 hr 30 mins ﹡ 1 hr 1 hr Writing45 mins 1 hr 10 mins Listening40 mins40 mins40 mins Speaking 12 mins ﹡﹡14 mins ﹡﹡16 mins ﹡﹡ ( 2 candidates)


最新商务英语(BEC)中级考试真题及答案 THE ART OF PERSUASION 'Let me send you our brochure'is probably the most commonly used phrase in business.But all too often,it can spell the end of a customer enquiry because many brochures appear to be produced not to clarify and to excite but to confuse.So what goes wrong and how can it be put right?Too often,businesses fail to ask themselves critical questions like,'Who will the brochure be sent to?''What do we want to achieve with it?'The truth is that a brochure has usually been produced for no other reason than that the competition has one. However,with a little research,it often transpires that what the client wants is a mixture:part mail shot,part glossy corporate brochure and part product catalogue-a combination rarely found. Having said that,the budget is likely to be finite.There may not be enough money to meet all three marketing needs,so the first task is to plan the brochure,taking into account the most significant of these.The other requirements will have to be met in a different way. After all,introducing the company's product range to new customers by mail is a different task from selling a new season's collection to existing customers.


BEC商务英语初级口语考试短语 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家BEC商务英语初级口语考试短语,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 1. We’d like to express out desire to establish business relations with you on the basis of equally, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods. 我方希望能在平等、互利、互通有无的基础上与贵司建立业务关系。 2. In order to extend our export business to your country, we wish to enter into direct business relations with you. 为了能在贵国拓宽我方的出口业务,我们希望能与你们直接建立业务关系。 3. Our hope is to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between us. 我们希望双方能建立互惠的贸易关系。

4. We look forward to a further extension of pleasant business relations. 希望我们之间友好的业务关系得到进一步的发展。 5. It’s our hope to continue with considerable business dealing with you. 我方希望能够继续同贵方保持大量的业务往来。 6. We look forward to receiving your quotation very soon. 我方期待着尽快收到贵方的报价。 7. I hope you’ll see from the reduction that we are really doing our utmost. 希望贵方能从这一降价中看出我方真的在尽最大的努力。 8. We hope to discuss business with you at your earliest convenience.


剑桥BEC真题集第四辑(中级)口语修正版答案 What is important when Planning a presentation? ●Audience ●Equipment needed Firstly,You need to know who is going to be the target audience. Whether the audience know anything about the topic of your presentation, What they are interested in, and Why they come to your presentation. Once you have found out something about the target audience, you need to keep in mind their interests and needs so as to make your presentation interesting and meaningful for the target audience. Secondly, you need to decide what kind of equipment will be needed for the presentation, e.g. over-head projector; clear transparencies; computer; microphone, acoustic for the venue where the presentation will take place. Also,You need to make sure that the equipment needed will be available on the day when the presentation will take place. what’s more, you need to check that all the equipment is in good condition and works well. What is important when selecting an interpreter for a meeting with foreign clients ●Experience ●Reliability Firstly, you need to select an interpreter who is experienced in interpreting for such meetings, the interpreter should have a wide knowledge about business management and familiar with the special terms and jargons for commercial negotiations, finance, law, etc. in addition, a background knowledge about the target country is also important too. Secondly, the interpreter for a meeting with foreign clients should be reliable in the following aspects: being punctual for the meetings,keeping information learned at the meetings confidential and interpreting accurately what is being discussed What is important when introducing a new product range onto the market ●Timing ●advance publicity Firstly ,the introduction should be made at an appropriate time, i.e. when the market is matured for having this new product range, in other words, there will be prospective customers to buy the products. If there are any competitors who are planning to introduce similar products onto the market, then it is necessary that the introduction should be made ahead of their introduction so as to grab as much market share as possible. Secondly, advance publicity is important in that it will pave the way for the introduction, i.e. to make it known to the general public. There are different ways to implement advance publicity. -- to have a news conference to declare the introduction --to advertise on TV/radio, in newspaper/magazines --to deliver samples of the new product (delivery can be made in the streets, in


1 2

3 4 5

6 Mesut Akman runs a successful cycle-manufacturing business and wants to sell some established product lines to overseas markets. 7 Lena Feldt needs to pay off debts and cut costs at the executive employment agency where she is a senior manager. 8 Janice Carter, PA, to the Chief Executive at Central Bank, is looking for an insurance deal to cover company property.

9 Michael Kaminski wants to organise pensions for part-time employees in the advertising company where he is Head of Human Resources. 10 Nicolas Perez, owner of an insurance company, wants to change his company's image to attract more customers in the domestic market. 11 A drop in expenditure on both recruitment and training resulted in a decline in the number of units produced. 12 Production dropped sharply this year, even though the training budget saw an increase on the previous year. 13 Despite the fact that spending on recruitment and training increased only slightly, output experienced a significant upturn. 14 Fewer units were produced than the previous year, even though levels of recruitment spending were maintained, and the training budget was only slightly cut. 15 In this year, the amount spent on training went up again, and production rose more steeply than at any other time during the period.


BEC 剑桥商务英语中级考试真题 为了让大家更好的学习商务英语BEC 考试,小编给大家整理了BEC 商务英语中级考 试真题 ,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 真题一 When to Recruit? 0 In a small business, deciding when to take on new staff is a delicate calculation. On 00 the one hand, if you are increase your workforce, you might find it difficult to cover 34 for the increased costs straight away. On the other hand, extra staff could 35 enable you to spend more time on activities such as marketing, which in the 36 end should meanthe increased profits. A useful way of deciding when to increase 37 your workforce is to ask yourself if you can make enough of extra sales to meet 38 the cost of taking on with an extra employee. But even if you are not able to 39 increase your sales immediately you may still be able to employ someone. 40 In this such case, however, you must keep your business going until you have built 41 your sales up to the new level you need. If in the end you are clever enough to 42 get your timing so right, you will not want to throw away your advantage by 43 employing the wrong type person. The whole process of advertising and 44 interviewing can take around many months, so finding you made a mistake and 45 need to recruit again it can have a very serious impact on the future of your business. 《When to recruit? 》,何时招人 ?文章是讲的小公司招人的一些注意事项,应该如何 判断招人的时机。 34 题, cover 是及物动词,后面直接接宾语,不需要用for 。cover 在此处的含义是“ to be enough money to pay for something 。” 35 题,正确的。 36 题,这句的意思是说招人可以反过来增加收益。mean (the) increased profits ,意 味着增加的收益。并不是特别指代,不需要使用定冠词the 。 37 题, make 是及物动词,直接后面接名词, make enough extra sales ,不需要 of 。


BEC商务英语初级口语词汇(1) 1.The price for food are subject to variation. 食品的价格可能变更。 重点词语:variation n.变化,变更 商务用语:the variation of opinion 意见的改变 2.The shopping-center sells a variety of goods. 这个购物中心出售许多种商品。 重点词语:variety n. 多样化 商务用语:a variety of 多种做样的 3.She looked at the vendor who cheated her the other day with distaste. 她厌恶地望着那个前几天曾经欺骗过她的小贩。 重点词语:vendor n. 卖主(公司或个人) 商务用语:a news vendor 报贩 4.He ventured all his assets in the new business. 他把所有资产投放在新的企业。

重点词语:venture n. ①企业②商业冒险v.①冒险②投机 商务用语:joint venture 合资企业 venture capital 风险资本 5.Teaching is my vocation and writing is my avocation. 教书是我的职业,写作是我的副业。 重点词语:vocation n. ①行业②职业③胜任,适合 商务用语:agricultural vocations 农务 commercial vocation 商务行业 have no vocation for arts 不适合搞文艺 6.Her position has been upgraded to executive level. 她的职位已提高到经理级。 重点词语:upgrade n./v. 升级,提升 商务用语:on the upgrade 改善的,进步的 7.Her retirement has left the position of company manager vacant. 她退休后,公司经理一职空缺。 重点词语:vacant adj. 空缺的 商务用语:apply for a vacant position in an office 申请一个空


Test 1 1.Coaching CABDABC 2.buffet zone DCEBF to market yourself DACBBC 4.planning 19-23 BADAC 24-28 CDABC 29-33 DBCBB 5.customer services director: itself in c while seen from c those for with that c Test 2 1.good listener, better manager BCADDBC 2.finding the right people CBEAD 3.department store magic DCAACB 4.managing upwards 19-23DDACA 24-28CBAAD 29-33 CACDB 5.personal assistant of the year: that c only so c the how c out c will be Test 3 1.manage your boss CDABABC 2.sell,sell,sell DFCEA 3.trouble with teamwork DBCABC 4.human resources policy 19-23 DCACD 24-28 CACAB 29-33 DAABB 5.meetings that work: too c results by c so concerning c ones that about

c Test 4 1.T he Birmingham Alliance CABDABD 2.S taff apperaisals a director DFBAC 3.M arket entry-the pioneer AABCCB 4.B usiness meetings 19-23 CABDA 24-28 BDBAD 29-33 CACBD 5.W hen to recruit for c the of with c such c so type around it Test1 1.flacks is a UK-based BDCABCA 2.evaluating the performance of the board BAFDE 3.british companies cross the atlantic ABCBAD 4.promise of jobs 19-23 ACDDA 24-28 CBDCD 29-33 CCABDC 5.consumer behaviour :with c to c so these about although having c too that Test2 1.Successful time management CBACDBD 2.staff appraisals good preparations CFAED 3.problems in the it industry ABBACD 4.chairman’s report 19-23 CDACD 24-28 DBADC 29-33 DAACB


剑桥商务英语(BEC)初级考试题型分析 一、阅读 初级阅读材料由句子或短小段落组成,考试题型主要是:搭配题,选择题,填空题;共分7个部分,以下分别讲解。 (一)阅读的第一部分主要测试考生的理解、判断能力。该部分由五个简短的句子构成(有时后设一问题)和三个选项,要求找出与原句含义相同的选项或选出对原句的正确解释及说明。这部分出现的句子一般都是比较常用的商务用语,内容涉及时间、日程安排、商品订单等一些常见的商务情境。因此,考生应记忆并掌握一些相关的词汇及商务用语。答题时,尽可能仔细地阅读这些句子与其三个选项,抓住关键词,做出正确选择,不被似是而非的各种选择项所误导。 (二)这部分配对题由一组词组和五个句子组成。考生须把每个词组和标有A到H的各个句子进行相应的配对。由于只有五个句子,并非每个词组都能得到配对。此项考题的测试重点是考生的词汇量,包括一部分商务词汇。考生应熟悉以列表、内容提要、目录等形式出现的各类阅读材料,例如:姓名、地址或书籍的目录,办公室计划,公司或商店的各个部门,商品目录的各个条目,尤其要注意公司内部结构及工作人员与其工作职责的表达。 (三)该部分一般由八个图表(或者一张图表带有八个不同部分)与五个句子组成。每个句子都是对特定的图表或图表的某一部分的描述。考生需要将问题和标有A到H的图表部分进行相应的配对。这部分考题主要测试考生理解、分析图表的能力。考生应该能够分析图表数据,了解图表之间细微的差别,同时理解各句子的准确含义,尤其是某些描述图表走势的动词短语,例如:“rose steadily”(稳定上升),“remained stable”(保持稳定),“decreased slowly”(缓慢减少),“reached a peak”(达到最高点)等描述图表用语。 (四)此部分的阅读材料是一篇100-150字的短文,主要测试考生对阅读材料细节的理解能力。这部分选择题的三个选项是固定的(A.Right, B.Wrong, C.Doesn’t say)。题目


第二辑Test 1 Topic A: WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN ……? Entertaining clients ●Types of activities ●Cost [思路点拨] 【词汇&短语】 促销赠品Complimentary presents 迎宾室Hospitality room 招待费Entertainment allowance 定制Customize 针对个人Personalize 有目的的Purposeful 商业目的Business objectives 客户需求Customer demand 包间Compartment 舒适的Cozy 【句型点击】 ●间歇、停顿 How shall I put it? 怎么说呢? Well, what I trying to say is…….. 我想说的是…….. I’d like to begin by…… ●个人想法 In my opinion, I’d say that….. The point is that……. Well, we should…. 【参考范例】 Entertaining clients is not an easy job and should be handling appropriately and enjoyably. It contains more than just a wonderful meal, a sightseeing tour or a shopping trip. Good hospitality events can impress clients in a unique manner in and outside of the office. When entertaining clients, we should decide the types of activities according to their interest and favorites. Moreover, these activities should help us achieve our business objectives, for example, we can

商务英语(BEC) 初级口试指导:人力资源

商务英语(BEC) 初级口试指导:人力资源 1.Asset 财富,资产,重要资源,重要人才 A: Mike is really an asset of our company. B: I agree. We need to have an retain plan for him. A:迈克真是我们公司的重要人才。 B:我同意,我们要有个留住他的计划。 2.Business card 名片 A: May I have your business card? B: Sure, my pleasure. A:可以给我一张你的名片吗? B:当然,我很荣幸。,pany culture 企业文化 A: What forms company culture? B: Values, beliefs and behaviors inherent in a company. A:企业文化由什么因素构成? B:企业文化就是一个公司的价值观、信仰和固有的行为方式。

4.Job offer 工作聘任,聘任书 A: How many job offers have you got? B: I got only two offers. Not like you, offers are lining up. A:你拿到多少工作聘任书了? B:只有两个,不像你,聘任书排长队了。 5.Job fair 招聘会 A: How did you find our company? B: I met your HR representative at a job fair. A:你是怎么发现我们公司的? B:我在一次招聘会上见到了你们的人事代表? 6.Notice 通知 A: If you want to resign, how long of a notice you need to give the company? B: Four weeks of notice. A:要是想辞职,要提前多少时间告诉公司? B:提前四周。 7 .Pay raise 涨工资,工资增长比例 A: How much was your pay raise last year? B: I’m sorry. I can’t tell you. A:去年你工资涨了多少? B:对不起,我不能告诉你。


BEC中级口试全真试题Part Ⅱ 1.What is important when planning a presentation? Finding out about the audience Researching the topic 2.What is important when aiming to improve customer service? Staff Training Customer Satisfaction Surveys 3.What is important when managing a project? Encouraging Teamwork Keeping to schedule 4.What is important when motivating staff? Financial benefits Career development Opportunities 5.What is important when dealing with competition? Pricing policies Advertising strategies 6.What is important when planning health and safety training? Selecting topics Selecting staff to attend 7:What is important when choosing new office equipment? Prices and discounts Brand names 8.What is important when entertaining foreign business clients? Venue for entertainment Cultural Differences 9.What is important when aiming to reach new markets? Market research Advertising 10.What is important when choosing a management training course to attend? Program Contents Length of course
