

Module 5

Unit 1 It’s big and light.


本课教学内容为小学新标准英语三年级起始第六册第五模块第一单元It’s big and light.本单元主要内容是玲玲的包坏了,Ms smart 与她一起去商店买新包,课文中涉及到很多描写事物特征的形容词,着重股份broken, light, heavy等词的学习及其用法。




(1)知识目标:能够听、说、读、写本课的重点单词:heavy, light, broken, pocket.掌握句型This black bag is nice. It’s big. This blue one is big and light . It’ll be easy for her .




(1).新授单词:light broken heavy pocket

(2).新授句型:This black bag is nice. It’s big. This blue one is big and light . It’ll be easy for her .




Step 1 Warming up 激发兴趣导入新课

1. T:Hello! Boys and girls. How are you?

Ss: I’m fine, thank you. And how are you?

T: What’s the weather like today?

Ss: …(学生根据实际情况回答)

T:I feel happy today. How do you feel?


2. T: Now boys and girls, let’s play a guessing game, OK?

Ss: OK!

T: Look! What’s this? (Show a black bag.)

Ss:It’s a bag.

T: Yes, it’s a bag. And what colour is it?

Ss:It’s black.

T: Yes, it’s a black bag. Guess! What’s in the black bag?

Step 2 Presetation 创设情景学习新知


1). S:(Touch(or Look) and act, the others guess.)Is it a…?

T: (Look! It’s a balloon. What colour is it? It’s red.) It’s a red balloon.

I t’s light. (Teaching light.)

2).(引出两个气球)把气球轻抛空中,引出单词light并学习,让学生感受light:轻的,I t’s big and light.不小心把一个气球弄爆,引出单词broken并学习,把破气球放入口袋中备用。

T:Now what’s in my black bag?

3). (引出一个铅球) 让学生感受它们的重量,引出单词heavy,教学单heavy. It’s small and heavy.对比两个球,体会light与heavy. The red balloon is light. But the ball is heavy.

4). (Find my broken balloon.)Where is my broken balloon ?

Look! It’s in my pocket. Teaching pocket.(引出并学习pocket)

5). Look at your books. Listen and repeat. Then recite them.(Y ou have three


(6).Show. Spell the new words in pairs. Then show.

Then say the sentences with these words. Work in groups, please.Then show.

7). Look at the big screen.

2.This bag is new and it’s got a pocket. Lingling has got a bag, too. Let’s listen to the tape. What is Lingling’s bag like?

1).Listen to the tape. Then repeat.

2). Read three times and answer the questions on the screen.

Step 3 Practise 精讲多练

Lingling’s bag is broken. But now she has got a new book. Have you got a bag?

Show your new bag. Now talk about your bag in groups. Then show. Show: T:Whose bag is this?

S: It’s my bag.

T: Come here and say your bag, please.

Step 4 Summary

What did you learn in this class?


Step 4 Test


1.The elephant is ___ and ______.

2.The balloon is _____and ______.

3.The book is ____and ________.

3.The bag is ____. And it’s got a ______.

B.Talk about somethings on the big screen.

Step 5 Home wrok

1.Read the new words five times and write.

2.Listen and read the test three times.

3.Write about your bag.


Unit 1 It’s big and light .

light heavy.

broken pocket

Module 5 Unit1 It’s big and light.




新标准英语汉英对译 第六册

新标准英语汉英对译第六册 第一模块变化 第一单元我们过去住在小房子里。 1.看,听并学。 玲玲仍然和山姆和艾米一起呆在英国。艾米:看,玲玲!一个关于中国的节目。快过来看。 玲玲:我来了。 老奶奶:许多年以前,中国的生活有很大的差异。 采访记者:怎么不同? 老奶奶:过去没有公共汽车。没有电视。过去我们住小房子。过去我们没有足够的 食物。 采访记者:现在怎样? 老奶奶:现在有许多公共汽车和小轿车。现在我们住大房子了。我们有大量的食物。 现在我每天都看电视。昨天我还和我 的孙子们一起看电视。 采访记者:谢谢您和我们交谈。 艾米:中国正在变化之中。(中国真是日新月异呀。) 玲玲:我想念中国!我思念我的奶奶! 第二单元过去她没有电视机。 1.听和说。第二模块祖父母 第一单元她学过英语。 1.看,听并学。 山姆:玲玲,他们是谁? 玲玲:他们是我的祖父母。 山姆:这是谁? 玲玲:是我奶奶。 艾米:她为什么穿着这些服装? 玲玲:因为她过去是一个舞蹈演员。过去她在中国的许多城市里表演过舞蹈。 艾米:她学过外语吗? 玲玲:是的,她学过英语。 艾米:这是你的爷爷吗? 玲玲:是的。他是一位司机。 艾米:他也学过英语吗? 玲玲:不,他没有。但是他现在正在学英语。 第二单元过去李先生是一名教师。 1.听并说。 2.看并说。 1.(例)五年前,他走路上学。 现在他乘公共汽车上学。 2.Five years ago, he wrote a letter. 五年前,他写信。 Now he sends an E-mail. 现在他发电子邮件。 3.Five years ago, he lived in a small house. 五年前,他住小房子。


★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站:https://www.360docs.net/doc/523170529.html,/ 清华大学英语教授50年研究成果 新标准英语第七册Module1 Unit 1 The Great Wall 学习任务: These postcards are great! It‘s a picture of the Great Wall 功能: 讲述关于某个地方或某件事物的情况。 运用任务: 1.热身复习 老师热情地问候学生们,欢迎他们在暑假过后回到学校。老师可以询问学生们在假期里都去了哪些地方,做了哪些事情,有没有特别有趣的经历。建议他们通过展示图片和照片介绍相关的情况,可以使用句型?It’s a picture of.__It's very…?等。 2.活动一: 学习新词,并用新词造句。帮助学生了解新词的含义,及实际运用。 3.导入:

老师从学生的图片或照片中选取几张比较典型的并提问: ?Do you know this place?"引导全班学生自由回答,例如: T:Do you know this place? Ss:Yes.It’s… T:Can you tell me something about it? Ss:Yes, It's… T: Can you tell me more about it? Ss:... 问答完毕后,老师可以总结说:?These photos/pictures are great!?老师再拿出一张来自纽约的明信片,复习单词 ?postcard"。老师问:?Do you know this place??学生应该能够回答:?Yes,it’s New York.?老师引导学生说出:?It’s a picture of New York.? 告诉学生,在这个暑假里,Daming去了美国旅游,并在那里经历了很多有趣的事情。刚到表哥Simon家,行李还没有收拾好,Daming和Simon就迫不及待地聊开了。请学生们注意他们使用的语言。勾出学过的新词。 3.课文教学 将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音或动画,呈现SB活动1。请学生看图或动画,听听Daming和Simon的对话。听完以后,请学生说一说:Simon是谁? Daming在哪里?两人在做什么? 请学生翻开书,老师放录音,学生边听边看书,可以全班齐读,


新标准英语第七册重点短语和句型 Module 1 短语 1.read a letter 读信 2.live in London 住在伦敦 3.on Saturday 在星期天 4. a photo of me 一张我的照片 5.on my birthday 在我生日那天 6. a picture of Zara and me一张我和Zara的照片 7.at Buckingham Palace 在白金汉宫 8.write to me soon 尽快给我写信(见信速回) 9.tell me about China 给我讲讲有关中国的事 10.thank you for your letter 谢谢你的来信 11.happy birthday to you祝你生日快乐 12.in April在四月份 13.the weather in Beijing 北京的天气 14.a photo of Lingling and me 一张我和Lingling的照片 主要句型 1. Where does she live? 她住在哪儿? 2. She lives in London. 她住在伦敦。 3. It was my birthday on Saturday. 星期天是我的生日。(生日已过) 4. We were at Buckingham Palace. 我们在白金汉宫。 5. Children from China are Chinese. 来自中国的孩子是中国人。(歌曲中的歌词) 6. Children from England are English. 来自英国的孩子是英国人。(歌曲中的歌词) Module 2 短语 1.clean my room打扫房间 2.finish my homework完成作业 3.wash my trousers洗裤子 4.help my mum帮妈妈干活 5.cook noodles下面条 6.help him帮他忙 7.phone Grandma给奶奶打电话 8.watch TV看电视 9.paint a picture画画 10.play the flute吹笛子 11.play with me跟我玩


Unit1 1)等我们终于找到8号房间的时候,妈妈已经涨红了脸,累得上气不接下气。我打开门锁,我们都走了进去。 2)她给我留下了深刻的印象,我觉得自己太无知了,甚至不配跟她呼吸同样的空气。 3)我不知道为什么我非得了解文学。可是招生办公室的那位女士说,虽然我读过陀思妥耶夫斯基和梅尔维尔的小说,虽然一个没上过高中的人能读这些书的确令人敬佩,但这门课是必修课。 4)我乐得飘飘然了,第一件事就是去买所需要的课本,然后用纽约大学紫白相间的护封把它们套起来,这样地铁里的乘客就会向我投来艳羡的目光了。 5)接着,教授告诉我们,观念并不是从天而降的现成品。从长远来看,清教徒是宗教改革运动的产物,他们继承了宗教改革运动的世界观,并且他们对孩子的态度也由此体现了宗教改革运动的思想。 1. Their introduction of Amateur Dramatics impressed Sophie so much that she signed up for it. 2.Online education provides those who work full time with opportunities to receive further education in their spare time. 3. When he first arrived at university, he was not sure whether he was supposed to scribble down every word out of the professor’s mouth. 4. No one detects his despair well hidden behind his smile. 5. Some students are easy about talking with strangers, while some others find it hard to do so. Unit 2 1. 外面,天空灰蒙蒙的,海面上刮来一阵强风。天气看起来和我的心情一样阴郁。 2.“好啦,别抱怨了,就给我尝一只牡蛎,然后你就可以吃些好吃的、顺口的东西,比如对 虾加黄油面包。”他提议说。吃了这么长时间的饭,他的话中第一次有了妥协的 意思。 3. 但是,虽然清晰地感觉到了他的妥协,——只有一个十岁的男孩才有这样的感觉,我仍然明白这妥协包含着吃掉那只牡蛎,那只放在我父亲盘子边上的牡蛎。 4.(添加了可可油后)巧克力凝固成易折断的条块,入口即化。 5. 但是,是什么原因使得巧克力出奇的畅销?有是什么原因导致了巧克力的上瘾特性,使 无数人承认自己是巧克力迷呢? 1. They don’t serve chips/French fries here. If you want them, you have to go to a KFC or McDonalds. 2. He picked up a walnut and tried to crack it with a hammer, but instead he crushed it. 3. When the gold was heated and melted, they poured it into a mould to form a gold bar. 4. He admitted to breaking the window of the classroom.


新标准英语三年级起点第四册教案 Module 1 Friends Unit 1 she‘s a nice teacher. Teaching objectives: 1. Words and phrases: nice \ a bit \ shy \ clever \ naughty 2. Sentences: This is Ms Smart. She is a nice teacher. 3. Grammar: Using adjectives to describe person. Teaching properties: cards \ pictures \ photo \ Tape-recorder \ CAI Teaching procedures: A: Song: There are twelve months in the year. B: Free talk: Talk about your holiday. C: New concepts: Step one: One :利用CAI课件, 出示本单元主人公的头像,介绍主人公, 以此引出本单元新单词:nice \ a bit \ shy \ clever \ naughty 出示卡片,学习新单词。 Two: Learn the new lesson. Listen to the tape .Try to read the text. Translate the sentences. Listen to the tape again, read follow the tape. Read the text, boys and girls. Step Two: Talk about the pictures. Close your books, show the pictures (parrot,Xiaoyong,Maomao,Ms Smart) Example :( 1) This is Parrot. Parrot is a very naughty bird. (2) This is Xiaoyong . He‘s a clever pupil. Step Three: Using adjectives to describe person. 利用实物投影展示学生带来的照片。(Describe the person using the adjectives Homework: Introduce your classmates to your family. Example: This is Xiaoyong. H e‘s a clever pupil. Game: 接龙游戏 Example: A: I‘m XiaoLan. I‘m a bit shy. B: XiaoLan is a bit shy. I‘m ZhangYong. I‘m very nayghty. C: ZhangYong is very naughty. I‘m Jim, I‘m a nice boy. … Designs: Module One: Friends 新标准英语三年级起点第四册教案 Module 1 Friends Unit 2 He‘s cool. Teaching objectives:


《英语》(新标准)一起第七册M2 Module 2 Unit 1 I helped my mum. 青岛台东六路小学郭瑛瑛 一、教学目标与要求 1.语言知识目标 (1)让学生初步感知过去时,了解过去时的基本特征,规则动词后面加“ed”的形式。 (2)能初步运用句型Yesterday I verb+ed ….作描述,并区分规则动词加“ed”之后的不同发音. 2.能力目标 能够描述自己昨天发生的事情或者他人发生的事情. 3.情感目标

培养学生良好的学习、生活习惯,乐于帮助父母做一些力所能及的家务活。 二、教学重点及难点 1.短语: cleaned my room washed my trousers finished my homework helped my mum 2.句型Yesterday I verb+ed … . 教学难点: 1.在表示过去时,规则动词后面加“ed”. 2. 动词过去时的不同发音. 三、课前准备 课件、CD-ROM、单词卡片。 四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1.Say and do the actions. 课件逐句出示以下短语,边做动作,边说短语 do my homework listen to music wash my socks play football play the violin wash my face clean my room play computer games watch TV b) Free talk (1) I watch TV every day. What do you do everyday? 与学生之间进行真实的表达。 (2) 通过今天与昨天的日期的对比,引出新单词“yesterday” T: What day is today? S: Today is Tuesday. 课件对比昨天与今天的日期 T: Yesterday was Monday. 引出新单词:yesterday Step 2 Presentation and practice 1. Yesterday I did many things. Do you want to know? 借助于课件展示3幅老师的照片,并且标注昨天的日期。先由教师描述这3幅图片,给学生对于过去时有一个初步的感知。 Yesterday I play ed the computer games. /d/ Yesterday I clean ed my room, /d/ Yesterday I wash ed my socks. /t/ Pay attention here. I add the letters “ed” 通常情况下,表示这件事情是发生在过去,需要在动词的后面加上ed. 学生跟读单词、短语以及句子,尤其提醒学生注意最后一组wash ed /t/,并及时纠正学生“ed”的发音。 Say the 3 sentences in pairs. 2. 运用课件将warm up 阶段出现过的动词短语后面加上ed,再呈现给学生,让学生尝试着读出来。Please read these phrases again, but pay attention the letters “ed” E.g.

新标准英语一起点第一册Module 9 Unit 1教学过程设计

新标准英语一起点第一册Module 9 Unit 1教学过程设计 Teaching Aims: 1. Learn to ask things with the sentence: How old are you? 2. Learn the new words: how old, happy, birthday, thank, for, welcome. Important and difficult points: 1. Learn to use the sentence to ask the age. Teaching materials: 2. Some cards with numbers. Teaching steps: I.Warmer Say the rhyme: A fox and a frog are good good friends. What’s in the box? What’s in the box? Is it a frog? Or is it a fox? II.Presentation (1). T: How are you today? (Write” How are you today?” on the blackboard, ask two or three students to answer the question ) T: How old are you? (Write the word old on the blackboard in different color) Today we will learn how to ask people’s age. S: How old are you? (2) Practice the phrases: I’m… T: I’m 23.How old are you? S: I’m… (3) Listen to the tape. Explain the text.


小学六年级新标准英语第七册(三年级起)阶段测试题xx.9.29 I. 找出每组不同类的单词。(10分) 1. ( ) A. China B. English C. American D. Canadian 2. ( ) A. collect B.from C. like D. talk 3. ( ) A. lovely B. famous C. beautiful D. letter 4. ( ) A. dancing B. something C. playing D. riding 5. ( ) A. near B. under C. in D. about II. 英汉互译。(10分) 1.多大____________ 2. a picture of the Great Wall_________________ 3. 我的爱好_______________ 4. Tell me more about China.____________ 5. in the east of American______________________ III. 选择填空。(20分) 1.( ) How ____is your father? He’s 182 cm . A. long B. high C. big D. tall 2.( ) The Changjiang River is about 6,300 kilometres _________ . A. tall B. long C. high D. big 3.( ) Tibet is in the _______ of China . A. east B. north C. west D. south 4.( ) I want ______ to the park tomorrow. A. to B. to go C. will go D. going 5.( ) There ______trees and flowers in the park . A. is lots of B. are lots of C. are lot of D. is a lot of

新标准英语(三年级起点)第六册Moudle8 Unit1教案

外研社小学新标准英语(三年级起点)第六册Moudle8 Unit1 What do you suggest? 教学设计山东省茌平县实验小学新校区(252100)赵波 Ⅰ. Teaching aims. 1、知识目标 1)掌握词汇:suggest quickly excited America 2)掌握并熟练运用本课重点句型What do you suggest? What about…? Why don’t you…? How about…? 2、能力目标 1)学会如何给别人提建议; 2)通过创设情景,综合运用所学语言进行交流,培养学生在实际生活中综合运用语言 的交际能力和对语言的应变能力。 3、情感目标 1)让学生乐于模仿、积极开口、积极参与。 2)培养学生合作学习的精神和善于表达自己看法 的能力。 3)教育孩子不要盲目攀比和乱花钱,而应从实际 出发,用自己的劳动、用自己的成绩等作为给父 母的礼物。 Ⅱ. Key Points and difficult points.

1、教学重点:掌握并熟练运用本课重点句型What do you suggest? What about…? Why don’t you…? H ow about…? 2、教学难点:在真实的情境中运用重点句型进行口语交际。 Ⅲ. Teaching aids. 课件,单词卡片 Ⅳ. Procedure: Step 1. Organization of teaching. T: Good morning, class! Ss: Good morning, Mr Zhao! Step 2. Revision. T: Boys and girls, today I’m very excited(用表情展现, 教授新词)because so many teachers come here.What about you? Are you feeling excited? Ss:…… T:now I’m very happy, too. May 13 is Mother’s Day. I want to buy a present for mum. So let’s go to the supermarket and buy a present. Do you agree? Ss: Yes, I do. I agree. T: Look, here we are. What can you see in the supermarket? S: I can see a bag/a pencil/ a book/ a cake…(课件出示一个 超市的情景,让孩子们自由谈论.)


Instructional Design for Module 5 Unit2&3 of NSE 3A Topic: Eleven. Stand up! Grade: 三年级 I. 教材分析 1、知识目标:1)能掌握本课单词 eleven, twelve 和句型 How many…?教学目标 2)能认读数字并运用数字描述物品的数量。 2、技能目标: 通过网络收集有关数字运用的资料,让学生了解数字在生活中的运用。 3、学习策略:1) 通过四人小组和同桌学习的方式,培养学生合作学习的精神。2) 对所学的数字和句型能主动练习、运用。教学重点教学难点任务设计教具板书设计 11 Designer: 松柏第二小学邱慧敏 1、能较好掌握本课单词。 2、能掌握和运用本课所学句型。 1、能灵活认读数字并运用数字数数。 2、能运用所学的数字和句型完成数数、统计等任务。同学们可通过校园网查找有关数字在生活中的运用的例子,小组成员一起讨论,总结数字应用的例子。 CAI, a recorder, some pictures 3A Module5 Unit2&3 Eleven. Stand up! 12 Room/ Tel. Number Reckon Monkey Time Count II. 教学过程结构流程图 Beginning CAI 1.Warm-up Say the chant and sing CAI 2.Show the topic 1 Know about the task CAI https://www.360docs.net/doc/523170529.html,anization Look for the numbers on net 4.Discuss Discuss together CAI https://www.360docs.net/doc/523170529.html,anization Have a competition 6.Sum-up Communication CAI 7.Showsomeexercises Do some reckon CAI 8Talkaboutthecarnumbers Learn to say CAI 9. Talk about the tel.


《新标准英语》(一年级起点)第一册 教材分析和教学建议 一、教材整体结构与内容安排 由于一年级的英语教学是起始阶段的教学,因此教材注意选取了一些日常生活中学生熟悉、相对简单和容易理解的话题,主要包括以下内容:问候及回应;数字1-10;询问和说明颜色、询问姓名、年龄、地点、物品的名称、祝贺生日等. 以上共计10个话题中包含有32个核心句子。129单词。5首歌曲,6首歌谣。 在教学中,我们应该根据教材各个模块的难易程度,合理安排课时。一般情况下,三个课时完成一个模块的教学。即每个单元用一个课时完成。第三个课时用于完成活动用书、或进行其他拓展、巩固性的教学。 如果时间较为充裕,学生的基础比较好,我们可以在学生的认读、对话的掌握方面提高要求,或根据学生实际情况补充部分内容。 二、总体教学目标 《课程标准》中没有特别制定一年级的教学目标,我们可以在一级要求的基础上适当降低。起始阶段英语教学的主要任务在于:把学生领进英语学习的殿堂,培养学生学习兴趣,掌握正确的语音,语调,形成良好的学习策略和习惯。这应该是一年级教学的重点。 三、具体教学建议 (一)对话教学基本要求 每个模块第一单元的教学内容是以对话或情景表演的形式来呈现本模块所要学习的语言内容。这也是每个模块的教学重点。其编写目的是:在语境中理解意思,然后在后面的活动中重点学习对话或故事中的部分重点项目。在对话和故事的教学上,我们提出如下的要求: 1.学生能准确分角色朗读对话; 2.学生能正确理解对话内容(可以用提问、让学生判断、教师用肢体语言或者翻译的方式帮助并检查学生是否正确理解对话内容); 3.学生能听、说、读、认对话中的单词; 4.在本模块学习结束时,部分学生能够背诵对话。 关于对话的教学的步骤,一般可采用“热身活动—导入和呈现—对话学习—巩固和训练”的程序进行。这和任务型课堂教学的“任务呈现-任务准备(语言学习)-任务完成”的程序是基本吻合的。具体到每个环节我们还应该注意把握一些原则: 1、热身活动。以学生的兴趣为出发点,注意调动学生的学习积极性。要能激活学生已有的知识、技能、能力为新知识、新技能做必要的准备。要为新知识、新能力、新技能的教学做必要的准备。前后环节衔接要自然,与后面的语言呈现应有一定的联系。当然在这一点上我们也不能太过强求,有联系更好,上下联系不上,就主要以学生感兴趣的活动为主。这要比绕很多弯子,生搬硬套地衔接效果好。 2、导入和呈现:在这一环节中要让学生认真观察对话的场景。教师通过适当的问题引导学生的观察和讨论。无论利用什么呈现方式不要有过多的背景语言,要精于表达,言辞要准确,条理具有启发性。要强调对语言的整体呈现。整


新标准英语第六册复习重点内容 重点词组: live in居住enough food足够的事物in China在中国how about关于lots of 许多watch TV 看电视talk about谈论关于in the field在田地里last night 昨晚at school在学校give….. to把。。。给。。。be(am,is are) going to 打算want to 想去be good at 擅长于Excuse me.打扰了on shelf C在C架子上here you are 给你bring back 带回It’s broken.它坏了Look at看。。。 10..I’m not good______ it. 11.A: Where are the books ______ computers,please? B: They are ______ shelf C. 12.Please bring back the book ______ two week’s time 13.It’s easy ______ a computer. 14.You can find ______ about train information _______ this timetable. 15.You can’t take it_______ China. 16.It’ll be easy _____ you. 17.Look _____ this blue T-shirt. It’s too big_____ you. 18.They are photos______ China. It’s ______ the west ______ China.


新标准英语第七册 Module 1---Module 6 一、补全单词并译成汉语(20分) 1、ch pst cks 2、s n 3、kn f 4、f k 5、s m day 6、p stc rd 7、fr m 8、fr nd 9、s nd 10、Am r ca 二、从II栏中找出A栏中词组的汉语意思,并将其字母代号填入题前括号(20分) ()1、a Chinese kite A、要成为 ()2、live in New York B、一个中国风筝 ()3、want to be C、给我写信 ()4、write to me D、住在纽约 ()5、want to visit china E、我的朋友 ()6、a postcard from Canada F、笔友 ()7、my friend G、一个关于美国的书 ()8、a book about America H、在英国 ()9、in England I、一张加拿大明信片 ()10、pen friends J、要访问中国 三、选词填写,并将代号填入句首括号内(20分) ()1、you got a kite? (A、Have B、Has) ()2、She a postcard. (A、have got B、has got) ()3、Amy’s father three brothers. (A、have got B、has got) ()4、Daming’s mother has brothers.(A、a B、two) ()5、I some chopsticks.(A、have got B、has got)

()6、We fly the kites the park. (A、in B、on) ()7、Daming my friend. (A、is B、are) ()8、She’s got email. (A、a B、an) ()9、I got a football. (A、haven’t B、hasn’t) ()10、Chopsticks difficult. (A、is B、are) 四、用“and”或“but”连接句子(20分) 1、Tom has got a book it’s about America. 2、Daming got a letter from French he can’t read it. 3、I’ve got a ruler I’m using it. 4、Sam lives in Beijing he’s not Chinese. 5、I’ve got a chopsticks they are difficult. 五、给你的朋友写一张明信片(20分)


六年级英语下册测试题 一、单项填空 ()1.一 How to send an email? 一Click _______ “write” and write your message. A.to B.in C.on ()2.An email goes from one computer to _______ computer. A.other B.another C.one ()3.—Where did you go_______ your holiday? —Yinchuan. A.of B.for C.to ()4.I think Alice is_______ than Mary. A.shorter B.fat C.thin ()5.Everyone in New York_______ English. A.says B.speaks C.tells ()6.Where are you going to go _______ weekend? —To the museum. A.it B./ C.this ()7.Yesterday the men wore _______ clothes. A.woman B.women C.women’s ()8.Please write the word “English” _______ the blackboard· A.on B.in C.at ()9.The little boy can _______ chopsticks now. A.uses B.use C.using ()10.Try this jacket _______ yellow. A.on B.with C.in ( ) 11.I will be home ____ seven o'clock. A. on B. at C. in ( ) 12. Thank you _____talking to us. A. for B. to C. on ( ) 13. This bag is light. It'll be easy for ______ A. his B. him C. he ( ) 14. The ___ are funny.


第一册一 bye [bai] 再见(口语)goodbye [?gud'ba?] 再见 hello ['hel?u? he'l?u] 你好hi [hai] 你好,嗨 I'm 我是 二 a [ei] 一(个、件)afternoon ['a:ft?'nu:n] 下午bird [b?:d] 鸟 boy [b?i] 男孩 girl [g?:l] 女孩 good [gud] 好 morning ['m?:ni?] 早晨,上午my [mai; mi] 我的 name [neim] 名字 panda ['p?nd?] 熊猫 What's 是什么 三 eight [e?t] 八 five [faiv] 五 four [f?:] 四nine [nain] 九 no [n?u] 不,不是one [w?n] 一 seven ['sev?n] 七 six [siks] 六 ten [ten] 十 three [θri:] 三 two [tu:] 二 yes [jes] 是 四 ball [b?:l] 球 black [bl?k] 黑色blue [blu:] 蓝色colour ['k?l?] 颜色green [gri:n] 绿色的red [red] 红色 white [(h)wait] 白色yellow ['jel?u] 黄色五 door [d?:? d??] 门down [daun] 向下 up 向上 it's 它是

Ms 女士 open ['?up?n] 打开 point [p??nt] 指,指向 sit [sit] 坐下 s tand [st?nd] 站 to [tu:; t?? tu] 去、到、向window 窗 六 and [?nd; ?nd? nd] [?nd] 和cat [k?t] 猫 classroom ['kla:srum] 教室desk [desk] 书桌 dog [d?g] 狗 our ['au?] 我们的 seat [si:t] 座位 teacher ['ti:t??] 教师 that [e?t] 那个 this [eis] 这个 七 book [buk] 书 crayon ['krei?n] 蜡笔eraser [i'reiz?] 橡皮擦 pen [pen] 钢笔pencil ['pensl] 铅笔 pencil box 铅笔盒 ruler ['ru:l?] 尺 school bag [sku:l] 书包 八 box [b?ks] 盒子 fox [f?:ks] 狐狸 house [haus] 房子 kite [kait] 风筝 look [luk] 看 九 birthday ['b:θde?] 生日 for [f?:; f?] 为了……happy ['h?pi] 幸福的;高兴地how old 几岁 thank [θ??k] 感; welcome ['welk?m] 欢迎 you're 你是 十 balloon [b?'lu:n] 气球 bear [b??] 熊 bed [bed] 床 doll [d?l] 玩偶,娃娃


第一模块changing 变化 It’s a programme about China. 这是一个关于中国的节目。 Come and watch.过来看看! I’m coming.我就来。 Life was very different in China many years ago. 许多年前中国的生活非常不同。 How was it different? 过去是怎样的? There weren’t any buses. 没有公共汽车。 There weren’t any televisions. 没有电视机。 We lived in a small house. 我们住在一个很小的房子里。We didn’t have enough food.我们没有足够的食物。How about now? 现在呢? There are a lot of buses and cars 有许多公共汽车和小轿车。 We live in a big house. 我们住在大房子里。 We have got lots of food. 我们有很多的食物。 I watch TV every day. 我每天看电视。 Y esterday I watched TV with my grandchildren. 昨天我和我的孙子们一起看电视。 Thank you for talking to us.谢谢您给我们讨论这些。China is changing.中国正在变化。 She didn’t have a television.她没有电视机。 I watched a television programme about China. 我看了一个关于中国的电视节目。 An old lady talked about her life many years ago. 一位老夫人讨论了她很多年前的生活。 She cooked on a fire. 她在炉火上做饭。 She worked in the fields. 她在地里干活。 She couldn’t read or write. 她不会读书、写字。Changes,changes everywhere. 到处都是变化。 Nothing stays the same. 没有什么保持原样。 The world goes round in circles, 这个世界在转圆圈。 Nothing stays the same. 没有什么保持原样。 There were no cars or aeroplanes, 过去没有小轿车和飞机, There were only bikes. 过去只有自行车 Some changes I don’t like at all, others I really like. 有些改变我根本不喜欢, 有些我很喜欢。 Where were you three days ago? 三天前你在哪里? What did you do there? 你在那做什么?第二模块grandparents She learnt English. 她学过英语。 Who are they? 他们是谁? They’ re my grandparents. 他们是我的祖父母。 Who’s this?这位是谁? It’s my grandma. 是我祖母。 Why is she wearing these clothes?她为什么穿这些衣服?Because she was a dancer. 因为她是个舞蹈家。 She danced in a lot of Chinese cities. 她在中国的很多城市跳过舞。 Did she learn any foreign languages?她学外语了吗? Y es,she learn English. 是的,她学了英语。 Is this your grandpa? 这是你的祖父吗? Y es, it is. 是的 He was a driver 他是个司机。. Did he learn English,too? 他也学英语了吗? No, he didn’t. 没有,他没学。 But he’s learning English now. 但是他现在学英语了。What did she do yesterday? 她昨天干什么了? She made a cake. 她做了个蛋糕。 Ten years ago, Mr Li was a teacher. 十年前,李先生是个教师。 He taught Chinese. 他教语文。 Chen Hai was in his class. 陈海就在他的班里。 He was a good pupil. 他是个好学生。 He studied very hard. 他学习非常刻苦。 Now, Mr Li is retired. 现在,李先生退休了。 He’s learning English. 他正在学英语。 Chen Hai is an English teacher. 陈海是个英语老师。He’s teaching Mr Li. 他正在教李先生。 Five years ago, he walked to school. 五年前,我们走着去上学。 Now he goes to school by school bus. 现在他乘校车去学校。 Who saw the wind? 谁看见过风? Not I or you. 我们都没看过。 But when the leaves are moving ,但是当叶子在动, The wind is passing through.那是风正在穿过。 But when the trees put down their heads,但是当树低下了头The wind is passing by. 那是风正在经过。 What did he do? 他做了什么? He read a book. 他读了一本书。 What did she do? 她做了什么? She danced. 她跳舞。
