

accredited journalist 特派记者

a joint communiqué联合公报

all-dimensional foreign policy 全方位的外交政策

allied powers 同盟国

ambassador extraordinary and pleni-potentiary 特命全权大使ambassador with special function 特任大使

a permanent ceasefire 永久停火协议

armed intervention 武装干涉

arms control 军控

arms race 军备竞赛

a treaty of arbitration 仲裁条约

bargaining agent 谈判代表

cat’s paw 傀儡

certificate of appointment 委任证书

circular note 通知照会

citizen treatment 国民待遇

cold war nentality 冷战思维

commercial attaché商务专员

commercial secretary 商务参赞

commit troops to 承诺派军

congratulatory message 贺电,贺信

consulate-general 总领事馆

cordial hospitality 盛情接待

de facto recognition 事实上承认

de jure recognition 法律承认

diplomatic bag; diplomatic pouch 外交邮袋

diplomatic courier 外交信使

diplomatic representative 外交代表during one’s absence 离任期间

European community 欧洲共同体(欧共体)

European Parliament 欧洲议会

European Union (EU) 欧盟

exective branch 执行机构

extra-affairs commissioner 外事专员

face-to-face talk 会晤

fence-mending visit 修好访问

first secretary 一等秘书

Foreign and Commonwealth Office 外交和联邦办公室

Front row seat 首席记者

G8 Summit 八国峰会

His Excellency Mr. President and Madam 总统先生阁下和夫人His (Her, Your) Excellency 阁下

His (Her, Your) Majesty 陛下

His (Her, Your) Royal Highness 殿下

honor guard 仪仗队

hot spot “热点”地区

humanitarian aid 人道主义援助

humanitarian mission 人道主义使命

human rights conventions 人权公约

integration process 一体化进程

international order and justice 国际秩序和正义

Japan-U. S. alliance 日美同盟

letter of appointment 委任书

letter of recall 召回公文

liaison office 联络处

member of the delegation 代表团成员

memorandum of understanding on 谅解备忘录memorial meeting 追悼会

message of condolence 唁电

military attaché武官

mutually beneficial cooperation 互利共赢的合作mutual recognition 互相承认

non-proliferation treaty 防扩散条约

non-traditional security issues 非传统安全问题normalized relations 关系正常化

nuclear weapons 核武器

occasional regional armed conflicts 局部武装冲突

on the happy occasion of… 欣逢

peace-keeping force 维和部队

permanent member (of the Security Council of the United Nations) (安理会)常任理事国

permanent president 常任主席

persona non grata 不受欢迎的人

political capital 政治资本

press section 新闻处

pro-American diplomacy 亲美外交

reciprocal banquet 答谢宴会

reciprocal visits 互访

red-carpet welcome 隆重欢迎

red-hot news 最新消息

regional cooperation 区域合作

review the guard of honour 检阅仪仗队

rotating EU presidency 欧盟轮值主席国

roving ambassador 巡回大使Schengen passport free zone 申根护照自由区

special envoy 特使

state banquet 国宴

the Bali Road Map 巴厘路线图

transatlantic divergence 大西洋两岸分歧transformational diplomacy 转型外交

turbulent political scene 政局动荡

UN General Assembly 联合国大会

unilateral action 单边行动

UN’s peacekeeping activities 联合国维和活动

verbal note 普通照会

weapons of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器widening income gaps 贫富加剧

国书letter of credence; credentials

“三通” “three direct links” of mail, trade, air and shipping services

外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)

中国通old China hand; Sinologist; China expert

弹性外交elastic diplomacy

等距离外交equidistant diplomacy

东海问题East China Sea issue

多边机构multilateral organs

多边机制multilateral mechanisms

多极世界multipolar world

巩固友谊cement friendship

国际惯例international practice

国际聚焦international spotlight

国际商会International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

国际社会international community

国际舞台international arena

国家主权national sovereignty

国事访问state visit

和而不同harmony in diversity

和谐共赢all-win harmony

和谐世界hanonious world

互不侵犯mutual non-aggression

环太平洋the Pacific Rim

恢复邦交resume diplomatic relations

军事集团military blocs

两岸包机the cross-straits charter fligh

落实共识implement the consensus

民间外交people-to-people diplomacy

南北对话South-North dialogue

南南合作South-South cooperation

平等互利equality and mutual benefit

强权外交power diplomacy

求同存异seek common ground while shelving differences 外交庇护diplomatic asylum

外交辞令diplomatic language; diplomatic parlance

外交惯例diplomatic practice

外交豁免diplomatic immunities

外交人员diplomatic personnel

外交思想thought on foreign affairs; diplomatic thinking 外交谈判diplomatic talks/negotiation

外交特权diplomatic privileges

外交途径diplomatic channels 外交斡旋diplomatic good offices

外交准则diplomatic norms

外交姿态diplomatic gesture

依照惯例according to the past practice

友好访问friendly/goodwill visit

战略利益strategic interests

正式访问official visit

政治大国major political power

边界争议区disputed border region

非正式访问informal visit

公平和公正fair and equitable

国际法准则norms of international law

领土管辖权territorial jurisdiction

全方位外交multi-faceted/multi-dimensional diplomacy

与国际接轨bring…in line with the international practice


保持高层接触maintain high-level contact

促进共同繁荣promote common prosperity

断绝外交关系sever diplomatic relations

多边外交活动multilateral diplomatic activities

国际反恐合作international anti-terrorism cooperation

国际风云变幻international vicissitudes

国际金融危机world financial crisis

国际决策机制international decision-making mechanism

坚持互助互利persist in mutual assistance and mutual benefit 建立外交关系establish diplomatic relations

局势趋向缓和ease tensions

历史遗留问题problems left over by history

民族分离主义ethnic separatism

深化全面任凭enhance cooperation at all fronts

实现双赢互利attain win-win progress and mutual benefit

推动和平解决push for a peaceful resolution

维护地区稳定preserve regional stability

维护国家主权safeguard state sovereignty

维护世界和平safeguard world peace

稳定国际局势stabilize the world situation

造福两国人民for the benefit of both peoples

抓住历史机遇seize the historical opportunity

中非合作论坛Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) 朝鲜半岛核问题Korean Peninsula nuclear issue

国际关系的准则norms of governing international relations

国际货币基金会International Monetary Fund (IMF)

加强磋商与合作strengthen consultations and cooperation

实现半岛无核化realize Korean Peninsula denuclearization

推进贸易自由化advance trade liberalization

致命性生化武器lethal bio-chemical arms

《中国联合公报》Sino-US Joint Communiqué

对外公布活动日程release the itinerary

建立友好城市关系establish sister city ties with

全面合作伙伴关系comprehensive and cooperative partnership 战略协作伙伴关系strategic partnership of cooperation

和平共处五项原则the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 促进国际关系民主化promote democracy in international relations

复杂多变的国际环境complex and volatile international environment 国际政治经济新秩序new internatitonal political and economic order

友好合作的伙伴关系friendly, cooperative partnership

从人民的根本利益出发proceed from the fundamental interests of the people

全方位的对外开放政策 a policy of all-dimensional opening up 独立自主的和平外交政策independent foreign policy of peace 符合两国人民的根本利益serve the fundamental interest of both peoples

实现“发展回合”的目标attain the objective as a “round development”

新的贸易壁垒和保护主义new trade barriers and protechtionism

《总理定期会晤联合公报》Regular Prime Ministers’ Talks

遵循国际惯例和市场准则base on international norms and market rules

共同维护发展中国家的权益make joint efforts to safeguard the rights

捍卫国家主权、领土完整和民族尊严safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity and national dignity

“和平统一,一国两制”的方针the principle of “peace reunification” and “one country, two systems”

Wish prosperity to your country and wellbeing to your people!


For diplomacy to be effective, words must be credible.


While traditional hot-spot issues remain unresolved, new conflicts break out from time to time.


Africa is now showing an encouraging momentum of accelerated development.


It is a time of ambitious plans and endless possibilities.


A stronger and more efficient United Nations that allows for diversified values, therefore, has been asked for to maintain a check-and-balance pattern for world political structure.


Recent years have witnessed a sound development momentum in bilateral ties with fruitful pragmatic cooperation in all areas.


The important point is that each side of the transatlantic partnership is capable of shouldering its part of the problems and is ready to act in close harmony with the other.


Despite some steps toward peace, the conflicts continue to play a significant role in regional and worldwide relations.


Our progess, prosperity, and peace are interlocked with the progress, prosperity and peace of all humanity. 我们的进步、繁荣与和平是同全人类的进步、繁荣与和平联结在一起的。

Today, world politics is shaped by two unprecedented phenomena that are in some tension with each other.


Globalization has unleashed economic, political, and social forces that are beyond the capacity of any country to control.


It is the policy of neutrality, rejecting any share in foreign broils and ambitions upon other continents and repelling their intrusion here.


Our diplomacy should seek nothing more and accept nothing less than is due to us.

我们的外交就是坚持自己的权利,多了不要,少了也不受。It will be our aim to pursue a firm and dignified foreign policy, which shall be just, impartial, ever watchful of our national honor, and always insisting upon the enforcement of the lawful rights.


We will meet aggression and bad faith with resolve and strength, 我们将用决心和实力,反对侵略和不守信用的行径。

We have become a great nation, forced by the fact of its greatness into relations with the other nations of the earth, and we must behave as beseems a people with such responsibilities.



We believe that people with different political and social systems should live side by side – not just in a passive way but as active friends.


Such non-typical security threats as raging terrorism, rampant transnational crimes, spread of deadly diseases and worsened pollution of the envrironment, are posing greater danger tto human development.

在新的形势下,我们的共同关切日益增多,在推动建立公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序方面有着共同的利益和目标。Against this backdrop, we have come to the share concerns and accordingly, more interests and objectives in facilitating the establishment of a new international economic and political order that is fair and equitable.


The Chinese Government strongly condemns and firmly opposes terrorism of all forms.

我们的目标的只有一个,就是希望大家能够根据事实进行客观、公正、真实的报道。The purpose is simple. We hope that the media could cover the incident fairly, objectively and faithfully.


A peaceful solution to the Taiwan question serves the interest of all Chinese people, including our compatriots in Taiwan.


We should rationally treat the economic and trade frictions between the two countries, so as to avoid developing such frictions into political ones.


In China’s approach to relations with other countries, there has always been an emphasis on the principles of the equality of states and respect for the rights and views of small- and medium-sized states.


The international community should reaffirm its commitment to multilateralism and give full play to the important role of the United Nations and its Secretary Council in mainting world peace and security.


China’s economy and its economic partners are now very closely integrated – by trade and by investment.


The comprehensive partnership will contribute to world peace and stability by promoting the process of multi-lateraliztion.


A developed, strong and prosperous China will pose no threat to anyone. It will only promote world peace, stability and development.


Every country, strong or weak, rich or poor, is an equal member of the international community and has the right to equal particaipation in intearnational affairs.


We should respect the national conditions of various countries and seek common ground while shelving difference.


Every country has the right to choose its own social system and road to development independently.


The wold is stitll fraught with discord and instability.


We should work together to promote multilateralism and democracy in internaitional relations, enhance the right of developing countries to participation and decision-making in international affairs and strive for more favorable external conditions for their growth.


Both countries would develop good-neighbor and friendly relations on the basis of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, non-aggression, non-interferecne in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and peaceful co-existence.


A harmonious world should be one of democracy, peace, justice and tolerance.

中国政府将坚定不移地贯彻“和平统一,一国两制”的方针。The Chinese government will continue to unswervingly pursue the principle of “peaceful reunificcation” and “one country, two systems.”

中国需要大力开展公共外交活动,把中国更好地介绍给世界。China needs a bigger public diplomacy campaign to better present the country to the world.


致力于、从事于:be committed to 、engage in、embark on We will work to、look to、seek to、endeavor to、strive to我们要努力…… We will adopt +n Bear :承担,具有,结果,支撑,向左(右)转,携带 Score:赢得,得分,二十,报复,了解 Mark:标志,庆祝,表明,评价 Boast:吹嘘,拥有 Endow:赋予,资助 Harness: 利用,马具 发展、提高、促进、增加等意思:develop, upgrade, enrich, improve, advance, pursue, move forward, forge ahead, enhance, sharpen, widen, broaden, quicken, accelerate, speed up, step up 减少裁员: slash, cut(down), shed, downsize, diminish, dwindle、eliminate 超过exceed 、surpass 、top、overtake、transcend、go beyond 保卫、支持: safeguard、uphold、support 利用maximize、fully leverage、fully unleash、give full play to、make best use of showcase appear emerge represent deliver:实现,履行,发表, represent: 代表,表现,象征,回忆 on the rise、on the decrease、on the decline(在衰退中) gear to 适应,配合 prevail: 战胜,盛行 embrace:包含,接受,拥抱 cherish seize、grasp、 grapple with burden、saddle with Difference、disparity明显差异、discrepancy差异矛盾 usher 引领,开辟 carve out 创业,开拓,雕刻 identify 发现,确认,标志,使易于辨认。 blaze 燃烧,公开宣告 channel 引导mobilize 动员 footage negotiate 越过 surge 激增,巨浪 do sb a good turn 对某人有益


翻译硕士之笔译词汇艺术类 汉赋poetry in the Han Dynasty 名嘴popular TV presenter 年画traditional Chinese Spring Festival paintings 细腻fine and smooth 相声cross-talk 韵味lingering charm 小品witty skits 宣纸xuan paper –high-quality rice paper good for traditional painting and calligraph 藏书票ex-libris 出场费performance fee 景泰蓝cloisonne 乐府诗folk-song-styled verse 朦胧诗misty poetry 唐三彩tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 玩票族amateur stage fever 艺术性artistry/artistic quality 中国结Chinese knot 民间工艺folk art 灵巧飘逸agile and elegant 表演艺术visual and performing arts 电视选秀talent show 发扬国粹carry forward the quintessence of Chinese culture 高雅艺术refined and elegant art 瑰丽多彩colorful patterns 华丽臻美gorgeous attire 皇家园林imperial gardens 京剧票友amateur performers of Peking Opera 京韵大鼓story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment 能工巧匠skilful craftsman; master artisan 培养创新develop originality 盆景艺术bonsai art 山水写生naturalistic landscape 通俗艺术popular art 文人风格literati style 四大名旦four great dan actors in Beijing Opera 提倡多样化encourage diversity


机场及海关 常用词汇 办理登机手续check-in行李托运check the luggage 安检security check登机门boarding gate _号航站楼terminal __护照passport 签证visa申报单declaration form 行李luggage随身包 /公文包bag / briefcase 寄存deposit超重overweight 免税店duty-free shop 常用语句 -May I have a seat next to the window / aisle please? 我能要一个靠窗 /靠过道的位置吗? -May I have a blanket / a cup of water please? 能给我拿张毯子 /拿杯水吗? -海关: May I see your passport please? 我可以看一下您的护照吗? 答: Sure, Here you are.当然,给您。 - 海关: What's the purpose of your visit?请问您此行的目的是什么? 答:It’sa business trip 。公务出差 -海关: How long will you be staying? 你打算待多长时间? 答: For ___ days. 待____ 天。 -海关: What do you have in the bag/luggage?请问您的包/行李里有些什么? 答:handphone, some clothes and some documents.手机,一些衣服和文件。

外出用餐 常用词语 餐厅restaurant中餐店 Chinese food restaurant 快餐店fast-food outlet麦当劳Macdonald 酒吧bar (一般指清吧)夜总会 club (一般指闹吧) 菜单menu价格price 埋单pay the bill收据Receipt 米饭 /面包rice / bread肉扒steak 辣椒酱chilli sauce / pepper sauce番茄酱 ketchup 醋/酱油vinegar / soy sauce盐/糖salt / sugar 蔬菜 /菇类vegetable / mushroom汤/沙拉soup / salad 饮料(泛指)beverage矿泉水 mineral water 可乐 /苏打水coke / soda果汁 /橙汁 juice / orange juice 咖啡 /茶coffee tea啤酒 /红酒 beer / wine 勺子 /筷子spoon / chop sticks刀/叉子 knife/fork 茶杯 /酒杯cup / glass碗/盘子 bowl / plate 服务员 /女服务员waiter / waitress小费tip 饭后甜点 /冰淇淋dessert / ice-cream 餐巾纸 /卫生纸paper napkin / tissue paper 肉/猪肉 /牛肉 /羊肉 /鸡肉 /鱼肉 meat / pork / beef / mutton / chicken / fish 汉堡 /三明治 /鸡翅 /薯条hamburger / sandwich / chicken wings / French fries 牛奶 /豆浆 /鸡蛋milk / soya bean milk / egg 常用语句 - May I have a table for __?可以给我找一张__个人的桌吗?


翻译硕士(MTI)(英语笔译)(学科专业代码:580100) 一、学位名称 翻译硕士专业学位(英语笔译) 二、培养目标 1.培养德智体全面发展的人才。要求学生有坚定正确的政治方向,热爱祖国,有理想,遵纪守法,有敬业精神,有职业道德,有团队合作精神,有健康的体魄和心智。 2.掌握一门第二外国语;培养有国际视野、交流才能和创新意识的具有坚实的双语基础、专业知识和口笔译技能,适应国家经济、文化、社会发展需要的高层次、应用型、专业性笔译人才。 三、学习年限 2年 四、培养方式 1.实行学分制。学生须通过学校规定课程的考试,成绩及格即取得相应学分;修满规定学分后可撰写学位论文;学位论文经答辩通过可申请翻译硕士专业学位。 2.实行导师组集体指导制。导师组由校内导师及社会翻译专家共同构成。 3.试行课内教学与课外实践相结合的培养模式。学生在完成规定课程学习的基础上,还应充分利用寒、暑假及课余完成大约十万字的笔译实践。 五、课程类型及学分 总学分:30 学分 其中,学位基础课: 3门课 6学分 专业必修程: 4门课 8学分 专业选修课: 7门课 14学分 社会实践与学术会议:提交4篇相关论文 2学分鼓励学生参加国家人事部II级或教育部中级笔译资格证书考试,获证书者计2学分。 六、学位论文及学位授予 学生修满规定学分,各科成绩合格,在导师指导下撰写出学位论文并通过答辩,准予毕业

并发给翻译硕士专业学位研究生毕业证书,符合《中华人民共和国学位条例》者,授予翻译硕士专业学位。论文形式二选一:研究论文或实践报告,二者均要求用英语写作,前者字数一万至一万五,后者八千左右。 七、学位论文撰写时间安排 6月答辩时间安排 12月答辩时间安排 八、课程设置


CATTI 笔译常用词汇(国情<英译汉>) acculturated worker 接受了新文化的工人 aged poor relief 贫老救济 amelioration of poverty 改良贫困状况 ant tribe 蚁族 baby boom 婴儿潮 baby break 停职育婴期 baby bust 生育低谷(期) bingo part or game (为了很快地认识来参加聚会的人们而设计的)配对游戏black ball 秘密反对票 black power 黑人人权(运动) bottom dregs 社会渣滓 career exploration <美>(六至十年级学生)就业教育car pool 拼车certificate of naturalization 入籍证明 charity visitor 慈善事业观察员 child benefit (英国的)儿童津贴 civic responsibilities 公民责任 community automatic exchange 乡村自动电话局 community charge (英国的)人头税

community chest 社会福利基金 community consumption function 社会消费函数community coordinated child care 社会联合儿童监护站concurrent resolution (美国国会两院)共同决议corrupt administration 腐败的行政管理 December-May marriage “老夫少妻”式婚姻demographic factors 人口因素 diminishing return 报酬渐减 dink family 丁克家庭 dire poverty 赤贫 displaced person 流离失所者 division of labour 分工 dog packs 狗仔队 drug smuggling 毒品走私 dwelling narrowness 蜗居 e-government; e-administration 电子政务 empty-nest syndrome 空巢孤独综合症 enhance the sense of urgency 增强忧患意识 fiscal conservatism 财政保守主义


跨考独家整理最全翻硕考研知识资料库,您可以在这里查阅历年翻译硕士考研真题和知识点等内容,加入我们的翻硕考研交流群还可以获得翻硕学长免费答疑服务,帮你度过最艰难的考研年。 以下内容为跨考网整理,如您还需更多考研资料,可选择翻硕考研一对一咨询进行解答。 2016北语翻硕英语笔译经验教训 今天是4月6号,清明假后第二个工作日,中午11点半左右,北语官网发布拟录取名单,考研正式画上句点。个人感觉,北语应该是所有MTI学校中最后发布结果的。考北语的童鞋一定要做好心理准备,这个学校出分晚,复试晚,出结果也晚,可能会断了你其他后路。如果你决定考了,那就一条道走到黑吧。 先说说选北语的原因。就我个人而言,我考虑了三点因素:1.在语言类学校学语言比较有说服力;2. 北京实习机会多,教育资源丰富;3. 学费便宜,比起其他学校动辄好几万的学费,北语一年9000真的算是接济贫苦大众了。 楼主是英语专业考生,不存在跨考问题。去年三四月份选定的学校,七月份才开始正式复习。当然,七月之前也在复习,不过只是上课偷偷摸摸自己看,效率不是很高。而且之后进入考试月,花了十几天复习期末考试内容,不知道算不算耽误。 先说说背单词。楼主刚开始自不量力地买了一本刘毅10000,背了一段时间发现好像没有什么卵用,背了前面忘后面,于是开始转战网课。一个偶然的机会,楼主从群里的其他小伙伴手里买到了一大包百度云文件,里面有新东方翻硕词汇讲解,曲根老师主讲,主要是从词根词缀的角度讲解记单词方法,很合楼主胃口。后面因为时间有限,楼主也没怎么正儿八经地背单词。所以希望有志考研的同学趁早准备,免得到后面什么都来不及。 再来说说阅读。北语考研的阅读很长,大概每个学校都这样吧。楼主练习时买的华研专八阅读,带翻译那种,感觉难度不是很大,跟考研有差距。星火的专八相对难一些,大家可以拿来练练。真题里面有很多是要自己写答案的,楼主这科得分很低,大概是阅读做的不好,简答题的概括性不强,望大家吸取教训。 接下来是翻译。今年翻译词汇部分基本都是时事热词,大家可以关注一下“鞋却反穿”微博,博主每天总结China daily热词,大家可以每天花十分钟摘录一下,真的很有用。再者就是往年考过的词汇,可以买一本跨考出的真题集,里面都有。楼主是后期才发现这一点,走了很多弯路。今年的篇章翻译总体比较简单,然而楼主没有做完!!!知道为什么吗?打草稿!楼主不习惯一遍成型,翻译速度又慢,时间还剩20分钟的时候楼主还有两大段英译汉没有读,不是没有誊写,是没有读!!!当时真是死的心都有啊,恨不得哭出声来。后来几乎是词对词地译完了中间一段,最后一段译没译完已经不记得了。只记得中间漏掉不少词,意思也差不多是瞎猜。不过最后成绩还是蛮正常的,121,好像努力翻翻也就这个分,对此楼主表示很不解,改卷老师真的太仁慈了。也有可能是楼主前面词汇部分做的比较好,还是要感谢前面提到的那位博主,有好多词汇他都总结过。大家平时练习的时候一定要提高速度,考前


俄语出国旅游词汇 出境旅客 транзитный пассажир;транзитник 旅游小册子 туристическая брошюра 免费行李重量限额 норма веса бесплатного багажа 行李超过规定重量 .... 公斤 багаж превышает норму на ...килограммов 超重行李费 доплата за лишний вес багажа(за багаж выше нормы) 手提行李 ручная кладь 随身行李 личный багаж 托运行李 сданный багаж;сдавать вещи в багаж 行李标签 бирка 先送交行李 сначала сдать что - л. в багаж;отправить что - л. багажом 两张到 .... 的票 два билета до... 开车(船)的时间是 .... время отхода(отправления)поезда(парохода...) 赶(火车、汽车 .... ) спешить(на поезд,автобус...) 误(车、船、飞机) опаздывать(на поезд,пароход,самолет) 接某人 встречатького 送某人провожатького 晕船 морская болезнь;головокружение при плавании на пароходе 晕机 головокружение при полете на самолете 晕车 головокружение при езде на автобусе 晕火车 головокружение при езде на поезде 旅游事业 туристическое дело 旅游旺季 сезон туризма;туристический сезон 旅游淡季 туристический мертвый сезон;время затишья 过境旅客 проезжий 过往旅客 спутник;попутчик 旅伴 путь;дорога;маршрут 出境旅客 транзитный пассажир;транзитник 旅游小册子 туристическая брошюра 免费行李重量限额 норма веса бесплатного багажа 行李超过规定重量 .... 公斤 багаж превышает норму на ...килограммов 超重行李费 доплата за лишний вес багажа(за багаж выше нормы) 手提行李 ручная кладь 随身行李 личный багаж 托运行李 сданный багаж;сдавать вещи в багаж 行李标签 бирка 先送交行李


翻译硕士之笔译词汇经济类 accumulated earnings 积累收益 a circular economy 循环经济 a convenient method of payment 方便的付款方式 an economic boom 经济兴旺 an economic depression (slump, recession) 经济萎缩 an economic takeoff 经济起飞 anti-dumping measures 反倾销措施 assets depreciation range 资产折旧幅度 balance the two-way trade 保持双边贸易的平衡 bonded/free trade area 保税区 bonded warehouse 保税仓库 bottleneck restrictions 瓶颈制约 break regional blockades and trade monopolies 打破地区封锁和待业垄断capital market 资本市场 cargo handling capacity 货物吞吐量 commission/brokerage 佣金 commodity economy 商品经济 confessional/favorable terms 优惠条件 cost and benefit analysis 成本收益分析 cost-of-living index 生活费指数 cross-border takeover 跨国并购 currency depreciation/appreciation 通货贬值/升值 current account balance sheet 流动资产负债表 current asset losses in suspense 待处理流动资产损失 current debt ratio 流动负债比率 current fund employment rate 流动资金占有率 current liability 流动负债 current tangible assets 有形流动资产 domestic funds 国内配套资金 earning capacity 盈利能力 E-commerce/E-business 电子商务 economic aggregate 经济总量 economic efficiency 经济效益 economic growth point 经济增长点 economic indicators 经济指标 economic measure 经济手段 economic strength 经济实力 economy of scale 规模经济


订票 常用词汇 预定book/booking 机票flight ticket 护照passport 登机牌boarding pass/boarding card 出发/离开departure 到达arrive 税tax 经济舱economy class 商务舱business class 头等舱first-class 行李 常用词汇 行李baggage、luggage 托运的行李checked baggage 行李领取处baggage claim area 随身行李carry-on baggage 行李牌baggage tag 行李推车luggage cart 行李暂存箱luggage locker 乘机 常用词汇 座位号seat number 后倾座椅recline the seat 起飞时间departure time 上飞机board a plane,get into a plane 下飞机get off a plane,alight from a plane 男(女)空服员steward(stewardess) 晕机airsick 盥洗室lavatory,washroom,toilet,W.C.(water closet),rest room 男厕女厕Men’s,Gent’s,Gentlemen’s,Women’s,Lady’s 使用中Occupied 毯子blanket 枕头pillow 入境 常用词汇 姓family name/surname 名frst(given)Name 性别gender

国籍nationality,country of citizenship 护照号passport No. 原住地country of origin 前往目的地国destination country 登机城市city where you boarded 签证签发地city where visa was Issued 签发日期date issue 同行人数accompanying number 职业occupation 专业技术人员professionals&technical 行政管理人员legislators&administrators 办事员clerk 商业人员commerce(Business People) 交通 常用词汇 双层巴士double-decker bus 脚踏车/自行车bicycle 地铁subway 观光巴士tour bus 交通信号灯traffic light 人行道sidewalk 公交车站bus stop 地铁入口subway entrance 人行横道crosswalk 停车位parking space 住宿 常用词汇 入住登记check in 族馆地址hotel’s address 退房check out 客房服务room service 前台/接待处front desk/reception 酒店大堂lobby 餐厅dining room 发票receipt 账单bill 电话叫醒服务wake-up call,morning call 外线电话outside call 内线电话house phone 楼面服务员floor attendant


笔译综合词汇练习(1) 1.The chairman wanted to adjourn the meeting. A. dissolve B. admit C. adjoin D. adverse 2. C. ravine D. rapture 3.He is ordered to hoist the flag in the morning. A. rise B. lift C. exalt D. flow 4. A. stop C. close D. limit 5.We saw a group of flies on the table. A. flock B. herd C. swarm D. drove 6. C. smashed D. started 7. A. lost C. wasted D. finished 8. A. deception B. derision D. animation 9.Everyone seems to feel that he is one not acting rashly. A. inimitable B. prudent C. tenuous D. erudite 10.He claimed that he was right. A. adulated B. feuded C. alleged D. fumed 11.Don’t eat anything causing great harm to keep yourself healthy. A. precocious B. capricious C. sagacious D. pernicious 12.I cannot agree with you on this point. A. allure B. assert C. assent D. award 13.Her dog went lost and hasn’t come home for two days. A. astray B. wade C. aggravate D. reconcile 14.The city officials called for an immediate investigation to determine the causes of the accident. A. scrutiny B. transportation C. communication D. obligation 15.All day we could hear the bees buzzing around the roses in our garden. A. growling B. tenant C. hissing D. humming 16. C. prevalent D. refined 17.Old John is poor but respectable. A. amiable B. charitable C. reliable D. venerable 18. A. muzzled D. braided 19.We’ A. transmits B. distorts 20.Mrs. Brown bought the other table instead of this one, which has a blemish here in the corner. A. smudge B. bolster C. blotter D. blizzard

CATTI 笔译常用词汇(中国外交政策和国际关系)

CATTI 笔译常用词汇(中国外交政策和国际关系) 概述General Terms 安全考虑security consideration 傲慢行为arrogant behavior 把自己的意志强加于人impose one’s own will on others 霸权主义和强权政治hegemonism and power politics 保卫国家主权和民族资源safeguard national sovereignty and national resources 边界谈判boundary negotiation 边界现状status quo of the boundary 不附带任何条件never to attach any conditions 不结盟国家/政策non-aligned countries / policy 不受欢迎的人persona non grata 采取惩罚行动take punitive actions 采取高姿态show magnanimity 采取协调行动take concerted steps 常驻代表permanent representative 弹性外交elastic diplomacy 邓小平外交思想Deng Xiaoping’s diplomatic thoughts 低调low keyed (a metaphor for taking a cautious and slow approach) 电话协商telephone negotiations 独联体国家Commonwealth of Independent States(CIS) “渡假外交” holiday-making diplomacy 对无核区承担义务undertake obligations in respect of the nuclear-free zone 发展和平友好、平等互利、长期稳定的关系develop relations of peace and friendship, equality and mutual benefit, and prolonged stability 附庸国dependency 高层次、全方位的对话high-level and all-directional dialogue


出国常用词汇 company 陪伴,同伴 single room 单人房 double room 双人房 intend 想要,打算 party (参加共同活动的)一批,一组,一组人date 日期,日子 kind 种,类 bathroom 浴室 shower 淋浴 bathtub 浴缸 suite (一套)房间 deluxe 豪华的 presidential 总统的,总统职务的 available 可用的,合用的,可得到的,可到达的fully 完全地,彻底地 name 名字,姓,姓名,名称 address 地址 the phone number 电话号码 be able to 能,会 guarantee 保证,担保,包,管 occupancy 占有,占用 peak 最高的,高峰的 arrival 到来,到达 departure 启程,离开,出发 book 预定,定 hotel 旅馆 offer 提出,提供 discount 折扣 vacancy 空,空房间 solid 全部地 be full up 全满 include 包括,包含 major 较大范围的,主要的 international 国际的,世界的 provide with 提供 bar-fridge 小冰柜 sort 种类,类别 price 价格,价钱 dollar 美元 service 服务,服侍 of course 当然 rate 价格,费用

tax extra 另加税金 look(ing) forward to 期待,希望receive 接待,接见,欢迎 guest 旅客,宿客 welcome to 欢迎到来 bellboy 行李员,旅客服务员madam 夫人,女士,太太 trip 旅行,旅程 take care of管理,照看baggage 行李, carry 运送,手提 suitcase 手提箱,衣箱 show 带领,指引,给看 lead 带领,引领,领路 give sb.a hand帮...的忙 allow 允许,准许 wish 愿,希望 pleasant 令人愉快的,舒适的enjoy 享受 a good time 快乐时光 pleasure 快乐,愉快,高兴 not at all 不用谢,没关系mention 提及,提到 registration登记,注册 at one's service 为...服务behind 在后面,在...背后remember 记住,记得 return 送还,还归 firmly 稳固地 go to bed 上床睡觉 check 检查,核对 list 名单,一览表 fill to 填写 form 表格 have a look 看一看 passport 护照 mind 介意,反对 fill out 填写 prepare 准备,预备 key card 出入证 seat 座位 file 档案 identification (ID)身分的证明straight 马上,立刻


翻译硕士(MTI)考研必备:常见词汇表 -P 小编网上查找中国日报常用词汇表A-Z,希望对大家词汇掌握有所帮助。以下为汉语P开头的单词,希望大家认真记忆。 帕金森症parkinsonism派出所local police station 排华政策policy of discrimination against the Chinese/ 排外主义exclusivism 潘多拉魔盒Pandora's box/ 攀比银行存款bankification 盘点stock count; take stock of/ 盘活存量资产liquidize remnant assets 抛砖引玉a modest spur to induce others to come forward with valuable contributions; throw a sprat to catch a whale/ 跑龙套utility man, play a bit role, general handyman 泡沫经济bubble economy 泡妞chase after the girls 赔了夫人又折兵, 花钱填无底洞throw good money after bad/ 配股allotment of shares;rationed shares 配件accessories 配套政策supporting policies 棚户shacks; family that live in shacks 碰钉子get snubbed 碰头会brief meeting ( A brief, small-scale, informal meeting with no fixed agenda, the main purpose of which is to exchange information.) 碰一鼻子灰be sent off with a flea in one's ear; be snubbedd; get a rebuff/ 批发市场wholesale market/ 皮包公司bogus company 疲软股票soft stock 啤酒肚beer belly 片面追求升学率place undue emphasis on the proportion of students entering schools of a higher level/ 骗汇、逃汇、套汇obtain foreign currency and false pretenses, not turn over foreign currency owed to the government and illegal arbitrage / 票贩子scalper, ticket tout 票房box office

CATTI 笔译常用词汇(国情)

CATTI 笔译常用词汇(国情<汉译英>)户口registered permanent residence 民生people’s wellbeing 团购group buying 乡长township head 城管urban management officers 恶搞video spoof 房奴mortgage slave 黑车unlicensed cab 毕婚族marry-upon-graduation 安家费settling-in allowance 代排族hired queuers 短租房short-term housing/accommodation 二手房pre-owned house; second-hand house 封口费hush money 个体户the self-employed 公务车state-financed vehicle 公务员civil/public servant 假文凭fake diplomas 开瓶费corkage fee 两限房house of two limits; house with limited price and habitable area 廉租房low-rent housing 农民工migrant worker 农业税agricultural tax 泡网吧hit the Internet bar 双休日two-day weekend 双职工working couple 群租客tenant groups

入住率occupancy rate 潜规则casting couch 闪跳族habitual job hopper 筒子楼tube-shaped apartment building 学区房school-nearby house 暂住证temporary residence permit 安居工程Comfortable/Affordable Housing Project 城市补丁run-down neighborhoods 低保制度subsistence security system 恶性循环vicious circle 法治政府law-based government (非法)传销pyramid schemes; multi-level marketing 非法收入illegal earnings; illicit income 福利彩票welfare lottery 改革攻坚further reform in difficult areas; tackle hard issues in the reform 改革试点pilot reform program 公共参与public/communal participation 和谐社会harmonious society 黑恶势力Mafia-like gangs 基层社区grassroots community 减员增效downsize the staff to improve efficiency 空巢家庭empty-nest/childless family 就业指导employment guidance 面子工程vanity/image project 民族团结ethnic unity 南水北调South-to-North water diversion 贫富差距disparity in wealth distribution 贫困人口impoverished people 权力下放shift of power to the grassroots; delegate power to the lower levels


翻译硕士笔译两年都在学什么 翻译硕士(MTI)是我国专业硕士的一种,一般学制为2年,很多同学想要报考MTI,但不知道所谓的翻译专业硕士到底在学什么,其实每个开办MTI的学校在2年的学期内开设的课程都会稍有不同,但大体上还是在规定的范围内的,笔者结合大部分学校情况给予总结笔译方向的,以帮助好奇的同学们。 翻译硕士(笔译)一般高校开设课程(包含实践)为五个部分: 一是专业必修课(通常为5门)。 常见的开设的课程有文献查找与论文写作、英汉文本编译、近代翻译史与翻译理论、宏观经济学概论、语言服务项目管理; 二是限制性选修课(常见8门选择4门)。 常见的开设课程有译本比较与正误、翻译实践I:英汉笔译、翻译实践II:汉英笔译、企业社会责任及伦理管理、人力资源管理、人力资源管理、古汉语阅读、英语口译基础等; 三是非限制性选修课(任选其中7门)。 常见的开设课程有本地化与国际化工程、西方文化入门(英语口语)、应用语言学、英语语言史、研究生第二外语、文化心理学、联合国与国际组织、语言与文化、国际贸易、国际法基础; 四是翻译实践IV(课程外英译汉翻译实践作业)。 五是综合实践(专业实习)。 综合实践一般要求选择撰写“项目研究报告”的研究生,要完成不少于20周的专业实习任务。选择撰写“翻译研究报告”的研究生,要完成不少于12周的专业实习任务。研究生通常经自己联系或中心安排,于第二学年到一家管理规范的大中型语言服务企业或本中心的语言服务机构,参加一项有一定规模的翻译项目的管理及部分翻译工作,并在完成实习任务后向中心提交一份2,000字左右的实习报告,对实习内容及工作量做出具体描述,并对实习收获做出简单的总结。实习报告后面须附上实习单位指导教师对实习报告的真实性及研究生实习表现的评语。目前来看,由于项目研究报告要求太高(通常要满足三个主要条件:1、语言服务企业的运营与管理经验;2、独立或同企业项目经理共同完成20-30万字(以汉字计)的翻译项目;3、在全国范围内,或某一特定区域、领域内,通过互联网或实地作业等等)多数学校对此不做硬性要求,多数同学选择完成“翻译研究报告”。(一般要求万字以上,并要求翻译别人未曾翻译过的文章,以汉字书写) 六是政治理论(公共必修课)。


A Academic year:组成学年的单位,如:学期、学季等。 Academic advisor:由学校中之教授或职员担任,帮助学生学业问题之顾问。 Accreditation:资格认可。申请学校时应特别注意所申请的学校是否被有关机关认可。 Admission:入学许可。 Advanced placement:申请美国大学时,可经由考试或转学分(transfer credit)而直接进入大一、大二、大三或大四。 Advanced standing:同Advanced placement。 Associate degree:副学士学位。为高中毕业后所上的两年制社区大学(Community College)或两年制学院(Two-year College)所发给的学位。 Audit:旁听。没有学分、考试,但要求费用与正式生相同。 B Bachelor's degree:学士学位。由四年制大学毕业所取得的学位。 Baccalaureate degree:学士学位。由四年制大学毕业所取得的学位。 Bursar:学校之财务及会计部门。 Bulletin:布告、公告。通常学校课程介绍目录也叫bulletin. C Campus:校园,校区 Candidate notification date:学校公布其对于学生申请结果的决定的日期。 Candidate reply date:回函期限。大部份学校会指定的一个日期,此日之前学生必须通知学校是否要入学。 College catalog:学校介绍目录。 Community college:两年制的社区大学。 Competitiveness:学校的竞争性;越有竞争性的学校代表申请的困难度越高。 Conditional Admission:即条件式入学;有些学校会给条件不合(通常是英文能力未达标准)的学生条件式许可,待其修完所需之课程始可正式开始修学位。Cooperative Education Plan:建教合作计划;学生可一边上学一边从事相关工作,或是课程、工作轮流,或是课程、工作同时进行。一般这类计划要花五年取得学士学位。然因移民局之规订,所以外国学生较少有这类机会。 Core Course:是取得大学学位之必修通识科目,只有少数学校无此要求。通常必修科目分三大类:自然、社会、和人文科学,在毕业前每大类需修满一定的学分数,一般多半在大一或大二修这类的课程。 Credit或Credit Hour或unit:学分。 Curriculum vitae或vitae或CV:将自己的学历、研究经验、专业经验等总合起来以有结构的方式呈现出来,和履历表类似。此表等于学术界使用的履历表。 D Dean:学院院长。 Degree:学位。 Deferred Admission:延迟入学;准许学生在被接受后延迟一定时间入学,例如延后一年。 Dissertation:论文,一般指博士论文。 Distribution Requirement:同Core Course。
