Unit 6

Unit 6
Unit 6

Unit 6

Text A


1.loss n.损失, 遗失, 失败, 输, 浪费, 错过, [军]伤亡, 降低

Have you reported the loss of the technical papers about the new product to the police?


Their company suffered loss on loss in business last year.


His unfortunate death was a great loss to the firm.


I am at a loss to understand those remarks.我不理解那些话(at a loss亏本;不知所措)

2.damage n.损害, 伤害v.招致损害-aged, -aging

损坏你的身体damage your body 损坏你的名誉damage your fame

The storm did a lot of damage to the crops.暴风雨使庄稼受到了很大损失。

The court awarded £500 in damages to the injured.


The earthquake damaged several buildings.地震使一些建筑受到了破坏。

3.balanced adj.平稳的,安定的, 和谐的

unbalanced adj. 不均衡的, 错乱的, 不稳定的, 收支不平衡的

均衡的饮食balanced diet 均衡的发展balanced development

4.avoid vt.避免, 消除

避免吃的太多avoid eating too much 避免喝太多酒avoid drinking too much

I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me.


To avoid confusion, the teams wore different colours.为避免混淆,两队着装颜色不同。

Are you trying to avoid me?你是不是想躲开我?

5.drive n.驾车, 驱动器, 快车道, 推进力, 驱使, 动力, 干劲, 击球drove, driven, driving

vt.开车, 驱赶, 推动、发动(机器等), 驾驶(马车,汽车等)vi.开车, 猛击, 飞跑

It is a short drive to the village.开车到那个村庄只要很短时间。

Drive with caution!小心驾驶。drove the lane and scored.冲过罚球区得分

“Every serious dancer is driven by notions of perfection—perfect expressiveness,

perfect technique”(Susan Sontag)“每个严肃的舞蹈者都为完美的信念——完美的表


I don't understand what you're driving at.我不明白您的意思

6.appearance n.出现, 露面, 外貌, 外观

His sudden appearance surprised her.他的突然到来使她很惊讶。

The author made a rare personal appearance.这位作者做了一次少有的个人公开露面

Don't judge by appearances.不能以貌取人。

7.actually adv.实际上, 事实上, 竟然, 居然, 如今

On the B.B.C. you can hear the clock when it is actually striking because microphones

are connected to the clock tower.当钟正在打点的时候,你能从英国广播公司的广播里


Actually, few of us admit that examinations can contribute anything really important to

the students' academic development.


8.properly adv.适当地, 完全地You haven't done the job properly — you'll have to do it again.


9.fuel n.燃料,刺激物vt.加燃料, 供以燃料vi.得到燃料

Gas and coal are fuels.煤气和煤都是燃料。

His insults were fuel to her hatred.他的侮辱更加强了她的恨。

Aircraft sometimes fuel while in the air.飞机有时在空中加油。

10.health n.健康, 健康状态, 兴旺, 为健康干杯Health is more important to most people than

money.对多数人来说健康比金钱更重要。Here's to your health!祝你健康!

concerned about the ecological health of the area.关心这个区域的生态状况

11.right n.正义, 公正, 正确, 权利, 右边, 右派

adj.正当的, 正确的, 对的, 合适的, 恰当的, 健康的, 健全的, 正面的

adv.正当地, 正确地, 一直地, 直接地, 完全地, 彻底地, 在右边

She was right! It was upside-down!她说得对!是挂倒了!

I read right to the end of the book.我一口气把这本书看完了。

The icy wind blew right through me.冰冷的风直吹向我

The accident happened right over there.事故正好发生在那里

It is not right to leave the party without saying goodbye.不说声再见就离开舞会不合适

“Certain rights can never be granted to the government, but must be kept in the hands

of the people”(Eleanor Roosevelt)


12.starvation n.饥饿, 饿死;挨饿状态

starvation wages不够维持基本生活的工资a starvation diet仅够存活的饮食


1.当今社会/当今世界society today/ today’s society/ world today/ today’s world

2.一个流行趋势an ongoing drive

一场正在进行的比赛an ongoing competition

3.模特般的身材/钢铁般的意志model type pf body / iron type of will

4.流行的方法/流行的做法popular method/ popular practice

5.减肥/增加体重lose weight/put on weight

6.健康的体重/健康的心理healthy weight/healthy mind

7.患有高血压/眼疾have trouble with high blood pressure/eyes

8.4客面包/2份水果 4 servings of bread/2 servings of fruit

9.从早餐开始/从“说”开始start with breakfast/ start with speaking

Page 85:

1.I like living on my own.

2.Thank you, your generations donation will go a long way towards helping to build the children’s hospital.

3. A sense of humor enabled him to get along well with others.

4.He’s trying to figure out a better way to solve the problem.

5.We don’t have enough evidence to prove that he stole the wallet, we will give him the benefit of the


Page 86

1.There are many people in the meeting room.

2.There happened to be nobody in the room.

3.There seems to be no solution to this problem.

4.There used to be a cinema here.

5.There must be something wrong with the machine.

6.There is going to be an English evening show tomorrow.

Text B


1.overwork n.过度操劳, 过度工作v.(使)工作过度

ill through overwork积劳成疾stress caused by overwork工作过来造成的紧张

You’ll become ill if you continue to overwork. 你这样劳累下去就要病了。

overwork a speech.过分地修改演说词

2.gradually adv.渐渐地,逐渐地Things gradually improved.情况已逐渐改善。

3.lifelong adj. extending throughout one’s life.毕生的,终身的

a lifelong interest, friendship, wish终身的权益、友谊、愿望

4.threat n.恐吓, 凶兆, 威胁

The threat of war has depressed business activity.战争的危胁使商业变得不景气。

He took not notice of his father's threat.他不理会他父亲的恐吓。

5.strength n.力, 力量, 力气, 实力, 兵力, 浓度

I haven't the strength to lift this table.我没有力气抬这张桌子。

an army of fearsome strength.一支有着令人害怕之实力的军队

She was hired on the strength of her computer skills.


“enough work to do, and strength enough to do the work” (Rudyard Kipling).


“We are of course a nation of differences. Those differences don't make us weak.

They're the source of our strength” (Jimmy Carter). “当然,我们是一个有着许多不


6.routine n.例行公事, 常规, 日常事务, 程序

a routine check of passports.检查护照的惯例

a routine medical examination常规的体检a routine job乏味的工作

I arrive at nine o'clock, teach until twelve thirty and then have a meal; that is my

morning routine.我九点到,教课教到十二点半,然后吃饭;那是我上午的例行作法。

Will you go to the routine meeting instead of me?你代我去参加这次例会好吗?

7.increase n.增加, 增大, 增长vt.增加, 加大vi.增加, 繁殖

a steady increase in temperature.气温持续增高

a tax increase of 15 percent.百分之十五的税收增长

Crime is on the increase.犯罪率在不断上升

His employer has increased his wages.他的雇主增加了他的工资。

“Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones” (La Rochefoucauld)


The mayor's political influence rapidly increased. 市长的政治影响迅速扩大。

8.ignore vt.不理睬, 忽视, [律](因证据不足而)驳回诉讼

I tried to tell her but she ignored me.我打算告诉她,可是她不理睬我。

"Ignore the child if he misbehaves, and he'll soon stop."


9.muscle n.肌肉, 臂力, (可供食用的)瘦肉the muscles of the arm.手臂肌肉

enough muscle to be a high jumper.成为跳高运动员的足够的肌力

put some muscle into law enforcement.强力执法

10.recommend vt.推荐, 介绍, 劝告, 使受欢迎, 托付, 使...受欢迎, 使...可取

Can you recommend a good dictionary?你能介绍一本好词典吗?

I recommend you to wait.我劝你等一等。

This hotel has nothing to recommend it.这家旅馆没有什么可吸引人的。

Honesty recommends any person.任何一个人都欢迎诚实的品质

The dying man recommended his soul to God.这垂危病人把灵魂交付上帝。

“recommended against signing an international agreement”(Time)



1.对健康/生命的威胁threats to good health/life

2.持之以恒的锻炼/一贯的做法consistent exercise/ consistent practice

3.塑造/保持体型get in shape/stay in shape

4.日常生活/现代社会的重要部分 a key part of daily life/modern society

5.两种基本的锻炼/培训two basic kinds of exercise/training

6.有氧运动的/生活的目的two goal of aerobic exercise/life

7.有助于强健心脏/提高英语水平help to strengthen your heart/improve your English

8.练肌肉/增进健康build muscle/build health

9.一周三到五天/一天三到四小时three to five days a week/three to four hours a day

10.对锻炼日程感到厌烦be bored with the exercise routine

对开会感到厌烦be bored with the meeting

11.使锻炼/英语学习变得有意思make exercise/English study fun

12.养成终身锻炼的习惯develop a life-long habit of exercise

养成阅读的好习惯develop a good habit of reading

13.几天/几个人 a couple of days/a couple of people


1.Our opinion is at one.我们的意见一致。

2.My key was lost in two twos.我的钥匙一转眼就不见了。

3.He is a three-bottle man.他是个大酒徒。

4.The baby goes on all fours.婴儿在地上爬行。

5.I asked him many questions, but he took the fifth.我问了他很多问题,可他拒绝回答。

6.He knocked the glass for six.他将玻璃杯打碎了。

7.The children were in their seventh heaven, playing with water on the beach.


8.The boss is a miser, chasing eight and quarters.老板是个追求名利的吝啬鬼。

9.Dad bought me a bike, and I was on cloud nine.爸爸给我买了辆自行车,我万分高兴。

10.I took ten and went on working.我小憩片刻后继续工作。


1 Resolutions are promises to yourself. They may help to make you a better person and to make your life easier. I am going to make four resolutions. The first resolution is about my own personal improvement. Next year, or maybe sooner, I am going to take up a new hobby. I think singing is a great activity so I am going to learn to sing. I think this will also make my family happy because they love to listen to music and sing together. The second resolution is about improving my physical health. I am going to try a new sport such as ping pong and play it two or three times a week. Playing more sports will help me to become healthier and I will not fall ill so often. The third resolution is about improving my relationships with my family and friends. I am going to spend more time with my family. Maybe we can take up a new hobby together! Doing more things together with my family will make my family happy. I am also going to help my friends more. For example, I can help them with their English homework if there is anything they don’t understand. Helping my friends will show them that I care about them and that they are important to me. The last resolution is about how to do better at school. I am going to read more books in English. That is going to help me learn more English words. I know I can keep this resolution because reading is fun. 2. My New Year’s Resolutions The new year is coming, I’m making a new resolutions. Next year I’m going to improve my physical health. At first I am going to exercise an hour every day and eat less junk food. Second, we’re going to talk with my parents and help them do housework to improve our relationship. Third I am going to make a plan and work hard. My Dream 3 I have a dream. I’m going to be a writer when I grow up, because I heard Mo Yan won the Nobel Literature Prize. I’m excited about it. How am I going to do that? First, I’m going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. Second, I’m going to read more famous books about literature 4 When I grow up, I’m going to be a reporter. Next year, I’m going to write articles for magazines and newspapers. I’m going to a university in Beijing after I graduate from high school. Maybe I’m going to find a part-time job and save some money. Next, I’m going to work for a TV station as a journalist. Then I’m going to travel all over the world. 5 I want to be a writer when I grow up. I like writing stories in my free time. Writing is an important part of my life. Through writing I am able to share my ideas and make friends with others. I can achieve my dream by reading widely and by working hard at school to learn as much as possible. It’s also important to learn from successful people. I will hold on to my dream until it comes true.

九年级英语Unit 6测试题

九年级英语单元测试题 Unit 6 When was it invented? (试题总分100 分测试时间45 分钟) 一. 单项选择(每小题 1 分,共15 分) 从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 1. Mr. Yang divided us four groups to practice the conversation. A. among B. into C. from D. by ( ) 2. The shoes with high heels are in the newest . Many girls wear them. A. brand B. trade C. style D. product ( ) 3. The milk has turned . If you drink it, you will have a stomachache. A. sour B. delicious C. crispy D. fresh ( ) 4. Grandmother likes to go to the garden and _ the flowers on the spring morning. A. polish B. smell C. taste D. mention ( ) 5. This kind of machine cutting meat in big restaurants. A. is used to B. is made from C. is made into D. is used for ( ) 6. The article told us to get good scores in the exams. A. where B. what C. who D. how ( ) 7. is said that our history teacher often does volunteer work on weekends. A. One B. It C. This D. That ( ) 8. —How delicious these bananas are. —Yeah. They here from Hainan yesterday. A. are brought B. brought C. were brought D. have brought ( ) 9. Ruth’s friends are all girls. Jack is the only boy. A. nearly B. completely C. specially D. truly


八年级英语下第六单元试题 一、英汉短语互译 1. a little bit ____________ 2. once upon a time____________ 3.instead of ____________ 4.turn……into ____________ 5.fall in love ____________ 6.get married ____________ 7.continue to____________ 8.work on ____________ 9.make 72 changes to his shape and size_____________ 10.在月光下____________ 11.在屋子里____________ 12.带领我们去哪所漂亮的房子____________ 13.西游记____________ 14.愚公移山_____________ 15. 只要____________ 16.制定一个计划____________ 17.在森林里____________ 18.在其他时候____________ 19.出生____________ 20.生孩子;产仔_____________ 二、词汇A)根据所给中文完成下列句子。 1.The young ____________(夫妻)decided to move to Shanghai. 2.His mother bought a_____________(金的)ring. 3.The king has many____________ (妻子),but he likes Mary best. 4.The boy thought the emperor was very ____________(愚蠢的). 5.The sun is ____________(照耀) bright. Let’s go to the beach to have a sunbath. 6.Wu Song is so ____________(勇敢)that he can beat the tiger. 7.David is her ____________(丈夫).They married 2 years ago. 8.The teacher____________(提醒)me to take my ID card to school tomorrow. 9.He did his homework the ____________day(一整天). 10.He speaks in a low____________(嗓音). B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Why do you keep____________(laugh) all the time. 2. I can’t seem____________(get) the story straight. 3. You should go shopping instead of____________ (stay) at home. 4. He continued____________ (work) when he was ill. 5. Yu Gong found a good way____________ (solve ) his problem 6. They plan ____________ (climb) the mountain this weekend. 7. I heard them____________ (laugh) when I pass his house. 8. Guo Jingming began ____________ (write) novels when he was 16 years old.. 9. In England ,pupils____________ (be) able to watch a new TV program called Monkey. https://www.360docs.net/doc/5711909758.html,st year I went to Qingdao and _____________( fall) in love with it. 三、单项选择。 1. Its raining outside, please don’t leave____________ it stops. A. since B. until C. while D. when 2. Boys and girls, calm down and focus on the test paper ____________ you begin to think about the answers. A. as soon as B. while C. as if D. although 3. You can save money ____________ you buy cheaper things. A. if B. before C. but D. until 4. We will go to the square to watch the raising of the national flag____________ rains tomorrow. A. when B. if C.since D. unless 5. You will be late for school____________ you don’t get up early A.but B. if C.and D. or 6. He has ____________ much money____________he can build a big house. . A. such; that B. so; that C. Such a; that D.so a that 7.She worked so quietly ____________ no one knew she was there. A. which B.after C. as D.that 8. Please remind me____________that letter.

人教版七年级上册英语Unit 6阅读与写作

Unit 6阅读与写作 一、完形填空。 Tomorrow is Sandy’s birthday . He 1 to have a football . His mother asks(问)him , “ What do you want as your birthday present (礼物) , my dear son ? ” He says to his mother , “ I want to know whether (是否) you can buy me what I want . ” Later (过后) ,his mother and his father talk with each other (彼此谈论) about their son’s wish (愿望) . 2 Sandy’s birthday , there are 3 delicious food 4 the table , such as (例如) bananas , oranges , strawberries , apples and pizzas . His mother invites all the friends to celebrate (庆祝) his son’s birthday . Everyone 5 a present . When Sandy opens the presents , he finds that all of them give him a book . His mother says , “ 6 you like it ? Last year you told me you wanted to study hard and become (成为) a writer (作家) . That’s why I ask (请求) everyone to buy you a book to realize your dream (实现你的梦想). ” his mother says 7 a smile . 1. A. like B. want C. to like D. wants 2. A. On B. Of C. With D. In 3. A. many B. lot C. any D. lots of 4. A. in B. on C. under D. near 5. A. brings B. takes C. goes D. likes 6. A. Does B. Do C. Can D. Shall 7. A. take B. with C. and D. as 二、阅读理解A In America , many children eat too much food every day . They eat too much meat , chocolate(巧克力)and ice cream . But they do not do enough exercise (足够的锻炼) . Some children never (从不) walk or run . They come to school in cars or buses . They don’t play games at the school . And after school they just watch TV or play computer games . The doctor says it is good for all children to eat more vegetables and fruit , do more exercise and go to bed early . 1.Who eat too much food in America ? A. Women B. Men C. Old people D. Children 2. What do children eat ? A. Meat B. Chocolate C. Ice cream D. A , B and C 3. Do they do enough exercise ? A. Yes , they do . B. No , they don’t . C. Yes , they are . D. No ,they aren’t .

Unit 6 单元测试题

Unit 6单元测试题 Written test part (共95分) Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )21. Mr. Green is a kind man. He always tries his best to help ______ weak. A. a B. the C. an D. 不填 ( )22. We have different opinions ______ the matter. A. about B. of C. in D. at ( )23. We won’t put off having the sports meeting ______ it rains. A. if B. unless C. as soon as D. so that ( )24. —Mom, I want to drive to my grandparents’ home. —Don’t be ______. You are too young to drive. A. silly B. noisy C. nervous D. sad ( )25. Susan, come on! Keep ______. You will be the winner! A. to run B. to running C. run D. running ( )26. The letter was personal, so he ______ it in the drawer. A. used B. shared C. hid D. swung ( )27. —The math problem is too difficult. —Don’t worry! Let’s find a good way ______ it. A. to solve B. solve C. solving D. to solving ( )28. I’ll visit her as soon as she ______ to her city. A. returned B. returns C. was returning D. will return ( )29. My grandmother’s ______ is my grandfather. A. brother B. uncle C. husband D. father ( )30. Jim made a plan ______ the Great Wall this summer. A. visited B. visiting C. to visit D. visits ( )31. Alex is ill, so I volunteer to water the trees ______ him. A. instead of B. instead C. because D. because of ( )32. Dale, please remind me ______ the windows after school.


13-14新目标八年级下Unit6试题 Class: Name: Marks:(满分100分) Ⅰ. 选择填空(15分) ( ) 1.— I read story about Shennong. Do you know who he was, Tony? — He was emperor in ancient (古代的) China. A. a; / B. a; an C. an; a D. an; / ( ) 2.— Why do you like the music? — Because it reminds me my best friend. A. with B. for C. to D. of ( ) 3.—Don’t give up. Things will be fine soon. — Yes. We should learn to be when we are in trouble. A. brave B. quiet C. sad D. angry ( ) 4.—I’m a little these days. — I think you should eat more healthy food and do more exercise. A. silly B. weak C. careful D. smart ( ) 5. Have a cup of tea you like a cold drink. A. since B. if C. unless D. because ( ) 6. The medicine is dangerous. You must it from the children. A. buy B. hide C. bring D. carry ( ) 7.— Does that sweater her? — Sure. She is really beautiful in it. A. hit B. keep C. fix D. fit ( ) 8.— I really want to get into that school. — But I think is not right. You should work hard. A. cheating B. telling C. providing D. giving ( ) 9.— Must I give up , Doctor? — For your health, you have to. A. smoke B. smoking C. smokes D. to smoke ( )10.—Tan Jing’s is so sweet. — Yes. Her songs very beautiful. A. sound; taste B. voice; smell C. voice; sound D. noise; sound ( )11.— Do you know they found their way to the village? — By following the bird. A. what B. why C. where D. how ( )12. This is difficult problem that few students can work it out. A. so B. so a C. such D. such a ( )13.— Wow! How cool your cup is! — Really? I it when it was on sale yesterday. A. buy B. will buy C. bought D. am buying ( )14.— When will we start? — As soon as your uncle . A. arrives B. will arrive C. was arriving D. to arrive ( )15.— What do you think of this book? —. A. It’s ten yuan B. It’s my brother’s C. It’s interesting D. It’s a gift for me Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分) When you’re thirsty, what do you like to drink? Coca-Cola maybe? People have been drinking it 16 1886, when Dr. Pemberton sold the first Coca-Cola in America.


Unit 6 单元重点测试 总分:100分答题时间:60分钟得分:__________ 词汇测试 一、根据音标写出本单元学过的单词,并写出其汉语意思。(10分) 1. /'??gr?/__________ __________ 2. /s?d/ __________ __________ 3. /m?:/ __________ __________ 4. /di:p/ __________ __________ 5. /we?/ __________ __________ 二、按要求完成下列各题。(10分) 6. sad(反义词)______________________ 7. mouse(复数)______________________ 8. hear(同音异义词)______________________ 10. good(反义词)______________________ 三、英汉互译。(10分) 11. 看病______________________ 12. take a deep breath ______________________ 13. 做更多的运动______________________ 14. wait for ______________________ 15. 穿暖和的衣服______________________ 句型语法 四、根据首字母提示补全句子。 16. You should c_________ to ten. 17. Maybe our cat is chasing m________ now! 18. ---What’s w_________? ---Your father is ill. 19. How do you f__________? 20. You should take a deep b_________. 五、单项选择。(10分) ( ) 21. What should I do__________ I feel angry?


Unit 6 测试卷 I.词汇:根据汉语或首字母提示写单词,补全句子。 1. The Spring Festival is a__________ (传统的) festival of China. 2. He has __________ (现代的) ideas though he is 80 years old. 3. There’s a Chinese takeaway (外卖餐馆) in the __________ (中心) of the town. 4. ---- Where is your classroom? ---- My classroom is in a low __________ (建筑). 5. When he runs the marathon (马拉松), he goes in the wrong __________ (方向). 6. The driver wants to pass the long b __________. 7. "Sleeping b________" is written by Charles Perrault. 8. Everyone shouts "Kill it!" when a rat is seen to run a__________ the street. 9. O _________ the window, it is a wonderful spring morning. 10. After graduation (毕业), I want to work as a tourist g__________. II.句子:根据汉语提示,补全句子。每空一词。 11.目前在中国你游览过多少处名胜古迹了? How many __________ __________ __________ have you visited in China so far? 12.春节,广州市中心很多的商店都关门。 A lot of shops__________ __________ __________ __________ Guangzhou are closed during the Spring Festival. 13.乌鲁木齐在中国的西北部。它是一个美丽的地方。 Urumqi is __________ __________ __________ __________ China. It is a beautiful place. 14.当我们在黑暗的房间里打开电灯时,房间里的一切都会立即亮起来。 When we turn on a lamp in a dark room, everything in the room __________ __________ __________ at once. 15.做个旅游手册,向你的朋友们介绍些有趣的地方吧! Make a__________ __________ to introduce some interesting places to your friends! 16.如果我有足够的钱,我打算去周游世界。 If I have enough money, I am going to__________ __________ __________ __________. 17.蒂娜如果通过了测试,她就会去欧洲。 Dina will go to Europe __________ __________ __________ the exams. 18. ---- 露西,昨晚过得怎样?---- 玩得很开心。 ---- Lucy, how was your last night? ---- Well, I _________ __________ __________ __________. 19.请沿着这条路一直走下去,你会发现图书馆在你的右手边。 Please __________ __________ this road and you will find the library on your right. 20.当我走上舞台时,四面八方的灯射向我。 When I went onto the stage, all lights__________ __________ __________ shoot at me. III.单项选择。 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 21. She is one of __________ in the club. A. the younger singers B. the youngest singers C. youngest singers D. the youngest singer ( ) 22. If it __________ fine tomorrow, we __________ to the park together. A. is; go B. will be; go C. will be; will go D. is; will go ( ) 23. __________ a waste of time talking to her any more. A. It's B. That's C. It D. What is ( ) 24. What __________ they do if they __________ the meeting? A. do; will miss B. will; misses C. will; miss D. will; will miss


Unit6作文训练 My Saturday weekends My name is Becky, I remember this is one of my happy weekends. It’s now 7 o’clock in the evening. My family are at home. In the living room, I am eating some of my mom’s delicious food. I really like it. And now I am also watching my favorite sports game on TV. My brother Jim is unhappy, because he is doing his homework. My grandmother is talking to my mom, I think they are talking about the sports game because they look excited. It is happy to be at home with my family, there is still “no place like home”. 以上述“长江作业本UNIT6作文“为参考,请完成如下作文 1.假如你是Jenny,你现在正在英国学习,你给你的朋友Tom寄了一张明信片,并附上了三张照 片,下面的表格中记录了这三张照片的情景,请根据表格中所提供的信息给你的朋友写信详细描述一下这三张照片。信的开头已给出。 Dear Tom, How are you doing? I am studying English in the UK and I am learning a lot. I am so happy here. On school days, I usually study very hard. But, on weekends, I have a lot of things to do. Here are three photos. In the first photo,the weather is so hot. And I am playing beach volleyball with my friends at the beach. There is another photo, I am reading books in the school library. I really enjoying reading there, because it’s really quiet. It’s a good place to read my favorite books. And I am also doing my homework with one of my classmates right now. Oh! In the last picture, it’s like any other school day, I am sitting in the classroom as a student. And I am listening to the teacher and learning to speak English. I wish to pass my English test and come back to China quickly. I miss you so much, I would like to see you soon. Jenny Dear friend, Now I'm studying in the United Kingdom. Here are some of my photos. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Jenny


八年级下册英语Unit6单元测试卷 一.单项选择。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) ( )1. -Keep working hard, Paul. You will surely realize your dream of being a writer you give it up halfway. -I will, thank you, Miss Rowling. A. unless B. if C. though D. as soon as ( )2. -Who lives together with your grandmother? - .She lives alone. I often go to see her. A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Everybody 3. It's wrong for the salesman to the old man of some money. A. remind B. cheat C. shout D. hide 4. Get around the beautiful town when you are free, and you will soon it. A.take care of B. come up with C.run out D. fall in love with 5. It was snowy yesterday. They stayed at home instead of football outside. A.play B. to play C. playing D. plays 6. She was stupid I didn’t want to explain it to her again. A. such; that B. so; that C. too; to D. enough; to 7. Sally wanted to Bob, so she went to the country with him. A.get married B. marry with C. marry D. marry to 8. Finally, a god was so by Yu Gong that he sent gods to take the mountains . A. moving; away B. moved; off C. moved; away D. moving; off 9. bad people, the Monkey King uses a magic stick. A.To fight B. Fighting C. Fought D. Fight 10. -We lost the match. - .Better luck next time A. No problem B. Hope things work out i C. Never mind D. Have a good day 二、完形填空。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) Today I’d like to tell you a story about the ten suns. Long time ago, 1 were ten suns. They appeared in turn(逐个)in the 2 every day. Each 3 the ten suns and their mother washed in a lake in the east. Then only one sun would move off 4 the sky. It would have a lone-day journey to 5 a mountain in the west. One day,the ten suns decided to take the journey 6 .They had a good time, but it was so hot on the earth that people couldn't 7 it. The suns father, Di Jun, tried to ask his children to appear in turn. 8 , they didn't listen to him, So Di Jun asked Yi to frighten(吓唬)them. To his surprise,Yi 9 nine suns, leaving only one in the sky, Di Jun was so 10 that he turned Yi into a common person. ( )1. A. there B. those C. they D. we ( )2. A. mountain B.ground C. sky D. sea ( )3.A. year B. month C. day D.hour ( )4.A.to B. from C. with D. upon ( )5.A.go B. get C. arrive D. reach
