Unit 8 Honesty Is It Going Out of Style Teaching plan大学英语二

Unit 8 Honesty Is It Going Out of Style Teaching plan大学英语二
Unit 8 Honesty Is It Going Out of Style Teaching plan大学英语二


Teaching material: College English for Intensive Reading (Book 2)

Teaching content: Unit 8 Text A

Teaching objective:

Help students to:

1. be honest.

2. understand the main idea and structure of this text.

3. grasp the language points and grammatical structures in this unit.

4. appreciate the difference between formal language and colloquial (spoken) language. Important points:

New words and expressions

Text structure analysis

Structured writing

Listening and speaking

Teaching method:

Explanation; discussion; exemplification.

Teaching time: 8 hours

Text A: 4 Text B: 2 Listening an speaking: 2

Teaching steps

1. Lead in to Text A.

2. Ask students to read the text quickly and then do a True/False exercise.

3. Get students actively involved in analyzing and explaining the text.

4. Introduce vocabulary items in the text and assign vocabulary exercises as a follow-up.

5. Set aside about 25 minutes for a speaking task.

6. Offer a summary of the text.

7. Ask students to read Text B and guide them through the exercises following the text.


Warm-up Questions

1.What does the video clip describe? Do you think it funny? Why?

2.Have you ever cheated on exams or thought of cheating on exams? What are the


3.What do you think of cheating on exams?

4.Do you think we can stop cheating? If yes, how? If no, why?

5.Can you imagine what would happen if there were no exams?

Background Information

1. Polls of public opinion

1) Public opinion poll: a method of learning what people think and how they feel about

a wide variety of subjects

2) The first public poll: in 1824, in the US, one of the best-known the Gallup Poll

3) Two sampling methods: random and quota sampling

Global Reading

Part Lines Main idea

1 1-18 Cheating may be on the rise.

2 19-32 Actions taken and reaction.

3 33-67 Reactions: Why there was less cheating in the good old days ?

4 68-end Suggestions: Ways to help students gain confidence.

Discourse Analysis

The text is an argumentative writing in style. The author presents sufficient evidence of valid reasons, examples, strong contrasts, etc. to support his idea that dishonesty is increasing in America, but honesty is still an important part of the national character. 1. How to support a statement?

statistics, examples, analysis, counter-argument, analogy, etc.

2. Find the supporting sentences in each part according to the topic sentences given.

For Part 1:

Topic Sentence

There are other indications that high school cheating may be on the rise. (L8 9) Supporting Sentences

Recent poll: 61% American high school students ever cheated.

A case in point: New York State charge.

Students buy prewritten term papers.

For Part 2:

Topic Sentence

Colleges and universities across the nation have decided to do more than talk about the rise in student cheating. (L19-20)

Supporting Sentence

campaign at the University of Maryland.

For Part 3:

Topic Sentence

But were they more honest? Maybe yes, a long time ago when life was very different from what it is today. (L34 35)

Supporting Sentences

George Washington’s cherry tree honesty was seen as an important part of the American character.

No fun stories, but ones about morality.

Abe Lincoln’s penny small social circle.

More signs today more likely to reveal dishonesty.

For Part 4:

Topic Sentence

There is some evidence that dishonesty may ebb and flow. (L68 69)

Supporting Sentences

Theft and cheating.

Educators finding.

Defiant students.


Skim the passage and find the information about the good old days . Characteristics:

People were better, happier and more honest


The stories of Lincoln and Washington.


Education virtues are emphasized in schools.

Life style life is less complicated. (no income taxes)

Better communication people know each other better.

Comparatively low ability in revealing dishonesty.

Economic conditions.

Detailed Reading

1. It can be argued such a response may not mean much.

Some people may have a good reason to say that such a response from high school students may not be significant.


2. Colleges and universities across the nation have decided to do more than talk about the rise in student cheating.

How do you understand “across the nation” and “to do more than talk”?

T he first one means “throughout the country.” The second one means to do something instead of talking.”

3. For instance, the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland launched a campaign to stop one form of cheating.

1. What did the Department of Psychology do?

It started a series of activities to stop cheating.

2. What can be inferred from this sentence as to the cheating on campus?

It has become a very serious problem and challenge to the university, therefore actions should be taken.

4. As 409 students filed out of their exam, they found all but one exit blocked.

1. How did the students leave?

They left the exam hall or room in a single file, i.e., one by one.

5. Students who said they left theirs in the dorm or at home had a mug shot taken.

1. What does mug mean?

mug is a slangy word for face , as in the sentence you have got an ugly mug.”

2. Where is mug shot used?

It is used on the driver’s license, university ID card, etc. It may be taken by police for purposes of identification.

6. like police arresting speeders, the intent is not to catch everyone but rather to catch enough to spread the word.”

1. Who are speeders ?

speeders are those who drive faster than the posted speed limit.

2. As far as you know, when will police arrest speeders?

If a person were driving in great excess of the speed limit, the police might arrest him and put him in jail. Generally the police do not arrest speeders; they are given traffic tickets which require the speeding offenders to pay a fine.

3. How do you understand this part?

the intention is not to catch all of the cheats, but to catch a sufficient number of them for the purpose of giving a warning to other students: if a few are caught, the other students will hear about it and be deterred from cheating.


7. Students in the last century usually didn’t read fun stories.

1. What are fun stories?

They are humorous stories read for amusement.

2. What is the intent of fun stories?

The intent is usually to entertain rather than to educate.

8. Perhaps this tells us that people need to know one another to be at their honest best.

1. What does the phrase at their honest best mean?

It means at their best as far as honesty is concerned .

2. How do you understand this sentence?

People need to know one another well if they are to treat one another as honestly as possible.

9. a person may feel they don’t trust me anyway, and be tempted to beat the system .

1. What does beat the system mean?

It means to defeat or get the upper hand of the system.

2. What does the system refer to?

It refers loosely to any organized society or social institutions such as the tax system, the educational system, and the political system. In our text the system refers to the educational system, or more specifically to the way in which one earns grades.

3. When can a person beat the system ?

If one cheats and receives a good grade without doing the work required for it, one can beat the system .

Writing Practice---A Brief Introduction

Transition is the movement from one sentence to the next. Smooth and logical transition connects sentences in meaningful ways and makes clear the relationship between ideas, thus giving coherence to the paragraph and making it easier for the reader to follow the author’s line of thought from one sentence to the next.

Altogether, there are four basic ways to achieve good transition in a paragraph. In this part, three of them are introduced:



1. Use a pronoun to refer to a person, idea or thing just mentioned in the preceding sentence.

Of all figures from America’s past, Abraham Lincoln is In fact, the admiration they have for him borders on worship.

2. Repeat a key word or phrase in the preceding sentence.

After all, most students have been faced with the tem ptation to peek at a neighbor’s test

paper. And students can be hard on themselves in judging such behavior…

3. Use a synonym, a different word of much preceding sentence.

Of all Jefferson’s many talents, one is central. He was above all a good and tireless writer His talent as an author was soon discovered, and when …

Proverbs and Quotations

1. Honesty is the best policy.

2. Honesty may be dear bought, but can never be an ill penny worth.

3. Don’t bury your head in the sand. 不要自欺欺人。

4. Nothing is easier than to deceive oneself.

— Demothenes, ancient Greek statesman

5. Honesty and diligence should be your eternal mates.

— Benjamin Franklin, American President

Exercise and homework
