Pooling lead-time risk by order splitting A critical review Abstract

Pooling lead-time risk by order splitting A critical review Abstract
Pooling lead-time risk by order splitting A critical review Abstract

Pooling lead-time risk by order splitting:A critical review

Douglas J.Thomas,John E.Tyworth *

The Smeal College of Business,The Pennsylvania State University,509Business Administration Building,

University Park,PA 16802,USA

Received 10August 2004;received in revised form 11November 2004;accepted 19November 2004


After more than 20years of extensive study,the policy of pooling lead-time risk by simultaneously split-ting replenishment orders among several suppliers continues to attract the attention of researchers.A crit-ical review of the extant literature is conducted.Important and persistent limitations of current research are revealed that may make the policy uneconomical,in general,and more promising research directions are suggested.

ó2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.

Keywords:Risk pooling;Lead time;Sourcing;Supply;Inventory;Purchasing;Transportation


Pooling lead-time risk by splitting replenishment orders simultaneously among multiple suppli-ers is a sourcing policy that has attracted the attention of academic researchers for more than 20years.The policy is theoretically appealing for several reasons.First,pooling lead-time uncer-tainty among several suppliers is a way to reduce the safety stock needed to meet service targets or alternatively,the expected number of backorders for a prescribed level of safety stock.Second,successive deliveries of smaller ‘‘split’’orders will reduce cycle stock.Third,the incremental ordering cost of the second and subsequent orders may be relatively small in a variety of settings.1366-5545/$-see front matter ó2005Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.tre.2004.11.002

*Corresponding author.Tel.:+18148651866.

E-mail address:jet@https://www.360docs.net/doc/5e12751090.html, (J.E.Tyworth).


Transportation Research Part E 42(2006)245–257

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When using long-term contracts and blanket orders,for example,source-selection activities,such as quotations and bid evaluations,are sunk costs,while order processing activities,such as formal order releases,invoices,and acknowledgements,can be either simpli?ed or eliminated.

Thus,the value proposition is that the savings in both cycle and safety stock holding cost,as well as in shortage cost,may exceed the incremental ordering costs.The longevity of,as well as the continued interest in,this stream of research is testimony to the appeal of that proposition. Yet,despite the impressive amount of past and present work on pooling lead-time risk by order splitting,it is di?cult to?nd any substantive evidence of successful applications in academic or practitioner literature.This oddity provides the motivation to re-examine the research stream in the context of the real problem domain.A critical review and synthesis of the extant literature will reveal important gaps in the treatment of system inventories and transportation.In light of these gaps,a broader‘‘system’’view of the supply chain is https://www.360docs.net/doc/5e12751090.html,ing this wider lens, the reduction in cycle stock that is found in current theory vanishes,while potentially large in-creases in the incremental shipping costs appear.Both outcomes have the potential to make this approach to pooling lead-time risk uneconomical,in general.

The paper proceeds as follows:The second section of the paper presents an overview of the sali-ent research on order splitting to explain the scope and focus of the research reviewed.The third section examines the framework used by researchers for the economic analysis of order splitting.

A discussion of important gaps in that framework follows in section four.Finally,the paper closes with suggestions for some future research directions that are likely to have a visible impact on management practices.

2.Overview of the literature

The stream of research on order splitting follows two major tracks.The?rst focuses on statis-tical theory and methods for estimating the e?ect of splitting on the distribution of e?ective lead times and,in turn,on safety stock holding costs and shortage costs.The second track concentrates on economic analysis—or more speci?cally,on developing long run average cost models to assess the performance of split models in relation to non-split models under common conditions.As the discussion in the next section of the paper will demonstrate,the theory that order splitting reduces cycle stock has played an important role in the economic analysis.For the convenience of the reader,and to facilitate concise discussion,we have organized the relevant studies by track in Table1,listed them in chronological order,and included a third list that shows the studies that embrace elements of the cycle-stock reduction theory.

The potential area of application that is most often described in the studies listed in Table1is a ‘‘multiple-sourcing environment.’’Other proposed characteristics include a JIT philosophy and long-term contracts(see,for example,Pan and Liao,1989;Ramasesh,1990;Hong and Hayya, 1992;Kelle and Miller,2001;Ryu and Lee,2003).Upstream in the supply chain,the?ow of prod-ucts from suppliers to manufacturing plants might include(1)maintenance,repair,and operating (MRO)supplies(Pan,1990),(2)raw materials or component parts(Sedarage et al.,1999; Ghodsypour and O?Brien,2001),which may be strategic items procured worldwide(Kelle and Miller,2001),or(3)high value components such as jet engines(Hayya et al.,1987).Meanwhile, suggestions for the products?owing downstream from manufacturers or distribution centers to


E.Tyworth/Transportation Research Part E42(2006)245–257247 Table1

Literature review

Study e?ects of splitting on e?ective lead time Conduct total cost analysis Consider cycle stock reduction Kelle and Miller(2001)Ryu and Lee(2003)Ryu and Lee(2003)

Geetha and Achary(2000)Ghodsypour and O?Brien(2001)Ghodsypour and O?Brien(2001) Fong et al.(2000)Chiang(2001)Chiang(2001)

Fong and Gempeshaw(1996)Tyworth and Ruiz-Torres(2000)Hill(1996)

Guo and Ganeshan(1995)Sedarage et al.(1999)Ganeshan et al.(1999)

Fong and Ord(1993)Ganeshan et al.(1999)Chiang and Chiang(1996)

Fong(1992)Mohebbi and Posner(1998)Gupta and Kini(1995) Ramasesh(1991)Chiang and Chiang(1996)Lau and Zhao(1994)

Pan et al.(1991)Gupta and Kini(1995)Chiang and Benton(1994)

Sculli and Shum(1990)Lau and Zhao(1994)Ramasesh et al.(1993)

Kelle and Silver(1990)Lau and Lau(1994)Lau and Zhao(1993)

Kelle and Silver(1990b)Chiang and Benton(1994)Zhou and Lau(1992)

Hayya et al.(1987)Ramasesh et al.(1993)Hong and Hayya(1992)

Sculli and Wu(1981)Lau and Zhao(1993)Ramasesh et al.(1991)

Hong and Hayya(1992)Pan et al.(1991)

Ramasesh et al.(1991)Sculli and Shum(1990)


Pan and Liao(1989)

Moinzadeh and Nahmias(1988) retailers include clothing and textiles sourced globally(Chiang and Benton,1994),retail consum-ables(Mohebbi and Posner,1998),and auto parts(Chiang,2001).

The focus of the studies in Table1is predominately on a single-item,single echelon setting that encompasses uncertain lead times and continuous review inventory systems.Additionally,these studies cover a wide range of assumptions and conditions,including all the usual suspects such as(1)di?erent probability distributions for demand and lead time(2)dual or multiple sources, (3)equal or unequal splits,(4)service or shortage inventory control criteria,and(5)di?erent sup-plier prices.By contrast,several studies considered the deterministic lead-time setting and devel-oped adaptations of the EOQ model(Pan and Liao,1989;Ramasesh,1990;Gupta and Kini,1995).

3.Policy analysis framework

The studies that developed long run average total cost models are listed in the second column of Table1.Following basic inventory theory,the models include inventory holding cost,ordering cost,and shortage cost.The key issue is whether the savings in holding and shortage costs will outweigh the incremental costs of ordering.Although the issue is simple,the quanti?cation of sav-ings and incremental costs is not.

3.1.Savings in safety stock holding cost and shortage costs

The concept of e?ective lead time represents the heart of the work on pooling lead-time risk by splitting orders.In theory,this risk-pooling approach will reduce the mean and variance of

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e?ective lead time and thus the safety stock required for a pre-speci?ed service target or,alterna-tively,the expected total shortage cost for a?xed level of safety stock.Sculli and Wu(1981)ap-pear to be the?rst to present the concept of‘‘e?ective lead time,’’which they de?ned as the minimum lead time among the set of independent,random lead times of suppliers.Their study, as well as the others listed in the?rst column of Table1,indicated that a?rm can achieve higher service levels for any amount of safety stock when facing the e?ective lead-time distribution for several suppliers,rather than the lead-time distribution for an individual supplier.

The thought of improved service with less safety stock and reduced shortage costs led Hayya et al.(1987)to theorize that multiple sourcing could be grounded in total cost reduction,besides the mainstream reasons such as enhanced competition and relationship building.The theory gained momentum from two studies by Kelle and Silver(1990a,b),who concluded that order splitting could be bene?cial when the lead-time uncertainty is moderate-to-high and the order quantity is large relative to mean of e?ective lead-time demand.Shortly thereafter,Pan et al. (1991,p.4)observed that‘‘a large cost savings may be achieved by switching to a multiple-sourc-ing policy if lead time is volatile.’’Since then,many other studies considering total cost analysis (listed in the second column of Table1)have appeared and provide evidence that splitting orders can reduce total costs.

3.2.Savings in cycle stock holding cost

The notion that order splitting can reduce cycle stock was initially illustrated in the determin-istic lead-time setting by Pan and Liao(1989)and Ramasesh(1990)and later by Gupta and Kini (1995).These studies expanded the basic EOQ model to calculate the replenishment quantity(Q) and the number of deliveries from n suppliers of size Q/n to minimize total cost in a JIT environ-ment.Splitting orders equally among n suppliers reduced cycle stock from one half of the replen-ishment quantity(Q)to one half of the split quantity(Q/n).

Zhou and Lau(1992)presented evidence of cycle stock savings in the stochastic lead time set-ting,when they concluded that(1)‘‘another major bene?t is in the reduction of average inven-tory’’and(2)‘‘this bene?t can only be realized when one selects a second supplier with a larger average lead time than the?rst supplier.’’Similar conclusions appeared again in two of their subsequent studies(Lau and Zhao,1993,1994),where they indicated that the bene?t to cycle stock from order splitting would be much greater than the bene?t to safety stock or shortage costs.This theme also appears in Lau and Lau(1994),Chiang and Chiang(1996),and Chiang (2001).

3.3.Incremental ordering costs

During the early stages of research on order splitting,several researchers posited that the num-ber of deliveries should have little or no e?ect on aggregate order cost because the individual ele-ments—such as speci?cations,bid evaluations,and contract documentation—are largely?xed (Pan and Liao,1989;Sculli and Shum,1990).Thus a single parameter(A)was used for aggregate ordering cost in both non-splitting and splitting https://www.360docs.net/doc/5e12751090.html,rson(1989),however,noted that this approach e?ectively sets delivery cost to zero,so that‘‘inventory carrying cost can be minimized without impacting ordering cost by setting the number of deliveries equal to the blanket order


E.Tyworth/Transportation Research Part E42(2006)245–257249 quantity...’’Ramasesh(1990,p.73)subsequently defended the single parameter approach as follows:

While the freight and inspection costs increase with the number of shipments per order, opportunity costs and the costs associated with receiving,handling,and storage decrease.

The exact mathematical form of these changes is too complex to model.As a?rst-order approximation,assume that the changes in either direction balance out and treat the aggre-gate cost per shipment as constant.This assumption is defensible and useful for implemen-tation because it is much simpler for practitioners to come up with a reliable estimate of the aggregate cost per shipment rather than speculate on the mathematical form of the cost relationships.

Nevertheless,several studies appearing after1990,including two co-authored by Ramasesh (1991,1993),abandoned the‘‘no e?ect’’premise and began to use either multiplicative or additive models to determine how order costs respond to order splitting.

3.3.1.Multiplicative models

The general multiplicative model of aggregate order cost per replenishment cycle(A)for the dual-source setting is as follows:

A?a A se1T

where A s represents the aggregate order cost for a single source.Thus,a=1for a single source and16a62for two sources,which allows the incremental cost of ordering to possibly double. Studies taking this approach include Ramasesh et al.(1991),Ramasesh et al.(1993),Chiang and Benton(1994),Mohebbi and Posner(1998).

Meanwhile,Hong and Hayya(1992)o?ered a multiplicative formulation for n suppliers(or deliveries)by substituting a non-decreasing function a(n)for a in Eq.(1)as follows: A?aenTAe2T

Three shapes were considered:convex(exponential function),linear-step,and concave(logarith-mic).Ghodsypour and O?Brien(2001,p.21)used this approach with a linear step-function. 3.3.2.Additive models

The additive model of order cost divides aggregate ordering cost(A)into two components as follows:

A?OtnIe3TThe?rst(O)represents the?xed cost elements that do not change with the number of deliveries, such as the preparation of speci?cations and request for bids,the bid evaluations,the contract documents,the letters of credit.The second component(nI)captures the aggregate incremental costs of splitting orders,including shipping,receiving,handling,and inspection.This approach was used by Lau and Zhao(1993,1994),Chiang and Chiang(1996),Sedarage et al.(1999), Chiang(2001).Additionally,Gupta and Kini(1995)used a variation of Eq.(3)in which O was equal to the aggregate ordering cost A previously discussed,but I represented a?xed shipping cost only.

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4.Gaps in the framework

From the foregoing discussion,it can be seen that the studies reviewed have given little atten-tion to transportation economies of scale.Essentially,transportation has been treated nominally as part of the aggregate order cost that,with few exceptions,was assumed to increase proportion-ately with the number of splits(n).In other words,researchers assumed that the cost per shipment was constant and una?ected by the quantity or weight shipped,the length of supply lines,or the mode of transportation.This approach persists(see,for example,Ryu and Lee,2003),although it is well-established in the literature that weight,distance and mode heavily in?uence transportation costs,while the importance of transportation in JIT and other relevant settings has been discussed at length.Examples include Abdelwahab and Sargious(1990),and Evers(1996,1997,1999)in the logistics literature,Diaby and Martel(1993)and Sarmiento and Nagi(1999)in the industrial engi-neering/operations research literature,Campbell and Joshi(1991),Robinson et al.(1993),and Ghodsypour and O?Brien(2001)in the production-operations management literature,Schonber-ger and Gilbert(1985)in the management literature,and Zeng(1998)in the marketing literature. Only two of the studies listed in Table1consider transportation economies of scale.Ganeshan et al.(1999)treated transportation cost as a non-linear function of the order quantity for a given distance and mode.Likewise,Tyworth and Ruiz-Torres(2000)used a similar speci?cation to rep-licate the study by Chiang and Benton(1994)and found that transportation cost can strongly in?uence the single versus dual sourcing decision under a broad set of realistic conditions.

In addition,the studies appear to seriously underestimate the level of transportation costs.The parameter values assigned to the aggregate order costs for the single supplier,which include trans-portation costs,ranged from$30to$300dollars per order.By contrast,a well-known annual sur-vey of logistics costs and service by Davis and Drumm(2003)indicates that transportation cost comprised2.6%of sales for the average company in the manufacturing sector in2003,which is more than eight times the amount(0.3%of sales)for order entry,customer service,and order administration combined.

A similar transportation cost-to-order cost ratio,as well as the potential e?ects of splitting or-ders on transportation costs,can be demonstrated with real freight rates.For example,observe the rates in Fig.1,which increase disproportionately as the shipping weight decreases.Even with the typical mark down(50%)on the published rate that is often given important shippers,the cost of a20,000lb shipment over a500-mile lane would be$2475,or about eight times the maximum level assumed for aggregate order cost($300)in the studies reviewed.The cost of two10,000lb shipments,moreover,would increase the total shipping cost by about33%to$3303.This kind of rate structure,which is common in the less-than-truckload(LTL)market,would mean that aggregate order cost is likely to increase sharply after the?rst split.LTL shipments beyond 500miles would shift rates upward,making transportation more in?uential on order-splitting decisions.Additionally,the choice of mode would a?ect transportation costs considerably,espe-cially in the context of global sourcing where the choice might be between air and sea modes. It is appropriate now,perhaps,to revisit the proposition(Ramasesh,1990)that aggregate ordering cost will be una?ected by splitting,because the increases in transportation and inspection costs will be o?set by decreases in receiving,handling,and storage costs.This argument seems unrealistic for two reasons.First,the relative magnitude of transportation cost appears to be seri-ously understated,as the forgoing discussion clearly illustrates.Second,and more important,the

proposition that two or more small shipments are more e?cient to receive,handle,and store than one large shipment is untenable.Indeed,the cost per unit for either receiving or handling costs should remain constant at best and,perhaps,might even increase.

One way to capture the in?uence of weight,distance,and mode on transportation cost is to model freight rates as a function of the weight,or equivalently,order quantity for a given lane,class of freight,and mode (Langley,1981;Swanseth and Godfrey,1996;Tyworth and Zeng,1998).Another way is to calculate the ?xed shipment charge per order as a function of the order quantity in pounds (lb)and then calibrate the parameters of the non-decreasing function a (n )for the aggregate order cost shown in Eq.(2).As mentioned above,Hong and Hayya (1992)proposed this approach and tried several functional forms including logarithmic,linear step and exponen-tial,although it appears that transportation economies of scale would suggest a concave shape as illustrated in Fig.2.

4.1.Cycle stock reduction and system inventory

As previously discussed,many studies have indicated that order splitting can reduce cycle stock.Recall that the assumption in the deterministic setting was that splitting an order of Q units equally among n suppliers would reduce cycle stock from Q /2to (Q /n )/2.The underlying theory in the stochastic setting is,perhaps,most easily understood by examining Fig.3.In this illustra-tion,orders are split equally between two suppliers having random lead times.The early arriving split (Q 1)increases average cycle inventory,while the late arriving split (Q 2)decreases average cycle inventory.If the expected lead times are the same,the expected area of these trapezoids would also be the same,and no cycle stock reduction would result.If one supplier ?s lead time was longer than the other ?s,however,the area of the ‘‘reduction’’parallelogram would exceed the area of the ‘‘increase’’trapezoid,and average cycle inventory would be reduced.It is worth repeating that this theory led Lau and Zhao (1993,1994)to declare that the bene?t to cycle stock from order splitting would be much greater than the bene?t to safety stock and Chiang and Chiang (1996)and Chiang (2001)to make similar observations.Additionally,Hill (1996)and Ganeshan et al.(1999)used a comparable framework for cycle stock in their analyses of order



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The gap in the theory is that it does not consider inventory in the pipeline despite the‘‘end-to-end’’system perspective underlying supply chain management thought and the treatment of in-transit inventories in the mainstream literature(see,for example,Leenders and Fearon,2002; Coyle et al.,2003;Bowersox et al.,2002).This is physical inventory in the system,regardless of the terms of sale.

Excluding in-transit inventory is an important omission,because simultaneously splitting an order among suppliers does not reduce the combined amount of in-transit stock and cycle stock in the system.As Fig.4illustrates,the increase in in-transit stock precisely o?sets the reduction in


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cycle stock.Of course,the shift of inventory from on-site to in-transit will provide a small system-cost bene?t when the holding cost per unit is less for goods in transit than for goods at a down-stream outlet,but this nuance might not survive Occam?s Razor.In addition,it is important to observe that the system-inventory perspective does not clash with JIT theory,for a reduction in the order quantity Q will still reduce cycle,and total system,inventory.By contrast,splitting Q simultaneously among suppliers does not reduce the amount of system inventory.Thus,for ?xed values of s and Q,the only important bene?t of such a risk pooling policy is a reduction in shortage(backorders or lost sales)cost.Nevertheless,this bene?t can still make the order-split-ting proposition worthwhile.As the ensuing discussion indicates,however,very high lead-time variation may be the requisite condition for successful applications.

4.2.Lead-time conditions

Most of the studies listed in Table1assumed extremely unreliable lead times conditions,which enhance the bene?ts to safety stock from pooling lead-time risk by order splitting.For example, Pan et al.(1991),Ramasesh et al.(1991),Lau and Zhao(1993,1994),Ramasesh et al.(1993), Chiang and Benton(1994),and Ghodsypour and O?Brien(2001)used exponential or uniform dis-tributions in their models,while other studies,such as Lau and Zhao(1993),Ganeshan et al. (1999),Sedarage et al.(1999),Kelle and Miller(2001),used gamma,Weibull,or beta distributions with relatively high coe?cients of variation.Several researchers have defended these conditions with the suggestion that splitting orders simultaneously in such purchasing environments might be useful as an‘‘interim’’or‘‘defensive’’strategy to mitigate stockout risk or reduce inventory system costs,while a company tries to?x the real problem—namely,the extremely unreliable lead times(see,for example,Ramasesh et al.,1993;Kelle and Miller,2001).

In addition,lead times with one order cycle are assumed to be independent.In a review of mul-tiple-supplier inventory models,Minner(2003,p.273)concluded that this assumption is a major shortcoming,because lead times of suppliers might be positively correlated.He suggested world-wide levels of demand for a product as a potential source.We would add two other likely

254 D.J.Thomas,J.E.Tyworth/Transportation Research Part E42(2006)245–257 sources—transportation system bottlenecks and freight consolidation at terminals—and observe that positively correlated lead times would not only complicate the analysis,but dilute the implied bene?ts to safety stock from pooling lead-time risk.

5.Conclusions and future directions

The economics of pooling lead-time risk by splitting orders simultaneously continues to interest academic researchers after more than20years of intensive study.The research has followed two major tracks.The?rst focuses on the statistical machinery for modeling e?ective lead-time de-mand under a variety of stochastic assumptions and enabling an assessment of the impact of pool-ing on reorder points,stockout risk,safety stock,and shortages.The second track concentrates on modeling cost tradeo?s and,ultimately,on a comparison of the long run average total costs for single-source versus dual-or multiple-source models under identical conditions.The research set-tings predominately encompass a single-item,single-stage,continuous-review inventory system and four cost elements:inventory holding cost,ordering cost,shortage cost,and purchase cost. Although studies in both tracks provide hypothetical evidence that pooling lead-time risk by splitting orders simultaneously may be worthwhile,it is di?cult,if not impossible,to?nd substan-tive empirical validation of the proposition.This paper presented a critical review and synthesis of the literature in light of the real problem domain that helps explain the apparent lack of impact of the research on management practice.The review revealed two important and persistent limitations.

First,the models do not give appropriate attention to transportation economies of scale.The research interest is overwhelmingly in the challenge of estimating average stock levels and short-ages in a stochastic lead-time setting.This is a complex task that requires complicated statistical machinery and produces a high degree of granularity in the safety stock component of the long-run average total cost model.By contrast,the aggregate order cost component has much less resolution than the safety stock cost component,which prevents the models from accurately capturing the important in?uence that transportation can have on the economics of order-split-ting.Speci?cally,there are important gaps with respect to the true magnitude of transportation cost,as well as the impact of order quantity(weight),supply lines(distance),and mode(especially air versus ocean shipments in a global setting)on transportation and incremental ordering costs. Second,the current theory that a reduction in average cycle stock is the key bene?t of splitting orders simultaneously considers only the buyer?s on-hand inventory in the supply chain.The absence of in-transit inventory,however,is an important limitation,because simultaneously split-ting an order among suppliers does not reduce the combined amount of in-transit stock and cycle stock in the system.Consequently,the only meaningful bene?t of pooling lead times is to safety stock from a total system-cost perspective.

In addition,other critics have observed that lead times within one order cycle may not be inde-pendent.If the lead times are positively correlated,the potential safety stock savings obtained from pooling lead times would be diluted.Likewise,the safety stock savings will decrease under less extreme lead-time conditions than found in most studies.

Collectively,these limitations make the value proposition rather dubious.Thus future research in this area should include case studies,simulations,and surveys to determine whether companies


E.Tyworth/Transportation Research Part E42(2006)245–257255 use such order splitting methods and the business setting where successful applications appear.In addition,future research e?orts should investigate other methods of splitting orders that o?er more promise.One approach suggested by Hill(1996)is for a single supplier to receive an order and then split it into smaller shipments released sequentially.One could then take advantage of actual information about future deliveries and reduce the variability of the demand process.Jans-sen et al.(2000)take this approach,shipping each order in several shipments.While this approach will tend to increase transportation costs,it may reduce system inventory by providing advance information to the producer about future production needs.

Another approach is to try to exploit the cost-performance di?erences in modes of transporta-tion.That is,by intelligently specifying a mixture of di?erent modes,a?rm may be able to receive the service bene?ts of a fast,reliable supplier,while enjoying some of the cost bene?ts of a more economical,but less reliable mode.Many of the studies pursuing this line of research,which have been reviewed elsewhere by Minner(2003),indicate that the di?erences in lead time performance across modes are large enough such that the probability of the slow mode arriving before the fast mode is very small or even zero.As such,the statistical machinery that is developed to?nd the e?ective lead time is unnecessary.

Finally,some researchers have investigated the policy of making?rm,periodic,long-term transportation commitments to absorb some of the demand variability at the consumer-facing point in the supply chain(see,for example,Thomas and Hackman,2003;Henig et al.,1997). The potential economic bene?t is the reduction in freight rates that carriers might o?er for the long-term commitment of tra?c and the reduction in variability in?icted on the transportation system.


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一年级数学分析报告 一、考试情况概述: 一年级数学分析报告.整个试卷注重了基础知识的训练,体现“数学即生活”的理念,让学生用学到的数学知识,去解决生活中的各种数学问题.本次质量检测试卷注重人文性,体现数学与生活的实际联系.避免非知识非智慧非数学错误的产生,还体现在试卷的图文并茂、生动活泼,给学生以亲切感. 二、对试卷习题及考试成绩的分析: 本次期中质量检测,应考人数5人,实考人数6人.100-95分5人,1人是93分.平均成绩达到93分,及格率100%,优秀率100%.从学生做题情况来看,学生的基础知识掌握的比较好,基本功扎实,形成了一定的基本技能. 试卷难易程度总体适中,基础题考核全面,呈现的基础性强,后部分应用题,稍有偏难,一年级部分学生达不到那种审题能力.从本次考试的难易程度和所取得的成绩来看,大部分小朋友都有所进步. 第一题,请同学们先数一数,再连一连.共有9/3/4/2/8等5个图形和5个数字,让学生看图数数,再和相应的数字连线.由于对此类题型教师注重训练,学生基础知识扎实,准确率达100%. 第二题,我会看图写数,考查学生对图形的认识和能否数出图形中物体的个数,并写数,此题图文并茂,通俗易懂,准确率达到100%. 第三题,想一想,画一画,包括三个小题.考查学生的逻辑思维能力,对前后、左右和数序这个知识点的掌握情况,多数学生都对,个别学生由于审

题不认真,出现错误.在今后的教学中要加强培养学生读题和审题的能力训练. 第四题,我会比较.考查学生会用认识大于、小于、等于这个知识点的掌握情况.个别学生认识把大于误写成了小于出现错误. 第五题,看一看、数一数、填一填,要求学生根据小狗、小兔、小牛、小象四个小动物的排列顺序,让学生掌握数列和数序,学生答题的准确率是100%. 第六题,在方框里填上合适的数,让学生根据数的组成,数的分解完成练习,大部分学生都对,也有个别学生出现错误. 第七题,画一画,比一比,学生通过动手操作,画图并比较,培养学生的动手操作能力和逻辑思维能力,通过画图和比较,学生知道了多几个和少几个的关系,能够正确的进行解答. 第八题,比一比、填一填,学生通过比较两种图形的多和少,知道哪个比哪个多,哪个比哪个少的关系,能够用数学解决问题. 第九题,看谁算的又对又快,本题是一年级数学教学的重点,我在平时的教学中,注重培养学生的计算方法和计算能力,学生在答卷时速度快、准确率高,失分较少. 第十题,数一数、填一填,本题是让学生分别数出长方体、圆柱、正方体、球各有几个,在相应的括号里填数,准确率达到100%. 第十一题,根据图意,列算式并计算,共6个小题,实际上是要求学生看图列式,要求学生仔细观察图,明白图意,然后根据图意列式计算.由于图意简单醒目,前四小题学生看图后就能理解,所以全对.最后两个小题,


英雄联盟LOL全攻略英雄出装介绍 打法教学 超级菜鸟玩《英雄联盟》心得 本文由英雄联盟LOL QQ军团魔鬼(31 ***56) 独家撰写首发转载请注明作者与出处。 文章开篇之前,先讲讲我所认为的英雄联盟新手是什么样的。 Λ没有玩过美服的英雄联盟; 2、没玩过DOTA,魔兽争霸,魔兽世界?星际争霸等竞技类游戏; 3、曾经尝试过接触这些游戏但是因为无法理解游戏内容上不了手而不得不放弃; 4、懂基本的电脑基础和有其他类网络游戏经历。

如果你不属于新手,不属于上面几条内,请果断 绕过此文。 我就属于这样一个新手,一直以来,曾无数次的 尝试过玩星际,魔兽。对于我而言,最大的原因不 是语言障碍,而是对这类游戏背景、操作、玩法等内 容的态度和观念。我玩的网游基本上都是象传奇、 奇迹这种练级-装备-PK的RPG游戏。 市面上大多数网游也是这种模式。以前有朋友告诉我,玩匹和传奇一样的都是练级打怪买装备PK O每次按照传统网游那样去体验LoL兽,第一感觉是:好多角色,我该怎么选?这些角色怎么分类?什么样的是战士型的,什么样的是法师型的?而且名字都是外国人的名字,似乎天生对这种名字有一种莫名的抵触。好不容易选了一个角色,上去玩了几下,只是打小兵玩而已?于是顿生无趣,颓然放弃。 直到现在坚持玩了LOL之后,我才发现,我 一直在被这种想法禁锢着,如果想用玩传奇的想法来玩LOL的话,那绝对是大错特错。 如果想上手LOL,我觉得要从以下几点出发: 1:多学习。

现在网络上很多的LOL的新手教程或者游戏攻略,视频,心情等。都是前辈高手们总结出的很重要的经验,对新手有莫大的帮助。任何时候, 想要发挥的更好,基础的知识的一定不能漏掉的,比如每个英雄擅长的技能,该买什么样的装


山东焦化集团有限公司 项目管理信息化初步设计方案 济南普华春天应用软件有限公司 中国 济南 二零一四年四月 文件编号:SHPOWER-DOC-201404-014


目录 第一章背景综述 (7) 1.1.公司简介 (7) 1.2.项目管理系统的现状与发展趋势 (10) 1.3.集团级项目管理信息化的建设思路 (12) 第二章系统总体设计思路 (15) 2.1.系统总体目标 (15) 2.2.项目管理框架体系规划 (15) 2.3.业务处理思路 (16) 2.4.信息和数据收集、处理及流程控制 (16) 第三章系统应用设计方案 (18) 3.1.系统总体架构设计 (18) 3.2.系统技术架构设计 (19) 3.3.系统应用框架设计 (21) 3.3.1.项目与组织 (21) 3.3.2.集团总部应用方案 (23) 3.3.3.项目公司应用方案 (31) 第四章系统业务方案 (44) 4.1.多层级、多项目并行管理 (44) 4.1.1.统一的项目管理体系 (44) 4.1.2.统一的责任范围体系 (44) 4.1.3.统一的计划协调体系 (44) 4.1.4.统一的流程管理体系 (44) 4.1.5.统一的信息发布与交流体系 (45) 4.1.6.统一的知识管理体系 (45) 4.2.项目管理业务功能 (45) 4.2.1.项目与组织 (46)项目体系 (46)组织体系 (46)责任体系 (46) 4.2.2.战略规划 (47)规划修编 (47)潜在项目库 (48) 4.2.3.前期管理 (48)前期准备 (49)


一年级数学试卷分析报告新版 学期已结束了,我以诚恳的工作态度完成了期末的数学检测工作.现将年级本期的数学检测卷面评析简析如下: 一.基本情况 本套数学试卷题型多样,内容覆盖面广,题量恰当,对于本学期所学知识点均有安排,而且抓住了重点.本次期末考试共有39人参加, 及格率92.11%,优秀率92.11%,全班最高分100分,平均分82.92分. 二.学生答题分析 1.学生答题的总体情况 对学生的成绩统计过程中,大部分学生基础知识扎实,学习效果 较好,特别是在计算部分.图形的认识,这部分丢分较少.同时,从学生的答卷中也反映出了教学中存在的问题,如何让学生学会提出问题. 分析问题.并解决问题,如何让我们的教育教学走上良性轨道,应当引起重视.从他们的差异性来分析,班级学生整体差距比较大的,说明同学之间还存在较大的差距,如何扎实做好培优辅差工作,如何加强班 级管理,提高学习风气,在今后教育教学工作中应该引起足够的重视.本次检测结合试卷剖析,学生主要存在以下几个方面的普遍错误类型:

第一.不良习惯造成错误.学生在答题过程中,认为试题简单,而产生麻痹思想,结果造成抄写数字错误.加减号看错等. 第二.审题不认真造成错误.学生在答题过程中,审题存在较大的问题,有的题目需要学生在审题时必须注意力集中才能找出问题,但学生经常大意. 2.典型题情况分析 (1)填空题:学生对填数和数物体掌握较好,但在第4小题找规律填数.第7小题59.90元表示()元()角这几道题失分较多,学生在理解59.90元表示什么的这方面还有一定的困难. (2)算一算:有20以内的退位减法.两位数加减整十数.两位数加.减一位数(进位加.减),还有小括号的认识,这部分计算学生能够有效掌握计算方法,总体失分在2分左右,一小部分同学在这一块失分主要是马虎大意,看错+.-符号,另外还有个别同学在计算技能上稍有欠缺. (3)比一比:主要是考查两位数比较大小,此外还对人民币的认识知识略有涉及,考查了人民币单位换算及大小比较,学生基本上都能够正确解答,这部分失分较少. (4)选一选:在合适的答案下面打“√”,这一题考查学生对“多一些”“多得多”“少一些”“少得多”之间的理解,试卷上出现“接


6月中旬,TGA在北京GTV直播间举行。与前两年不同,英雄联盟项目,已经从一个腾讯游戏的“小弟弟”,成长为真正的大哥大了。无论是比赛奖金,观众支持,现场表演,无不展现出一款世界级竞技游戏的风范。最后是由国内最为知名的队伍WE,经过一系列的战斗,以全胜的姿态取得了冠军并抱走了20W的巨额奖金。可以说,WE在国内英雄联盟界的地位,已经不可动摇。 而7月底,由游戏风云在CHINAJOY主办的s2世界总决赛选拔赛,也是画下了一个圆满的句号。形势如出一辙,重新组建的IG战队,同样的以全胜的战绩夺得了桂冠。 本文将重点分析下,这2届比赛笔者所看到的,国内英雄联盟职业界的变化。通过2届比赛的整体阵容选择,对线英雄克制,到战术细节变化,用笔者在英雄联盟这款游戏上的经验,帮助读者们理解在当前的英雄联盟界队伍的实力对比,以及游戏技战术的更新换代。 首先介绍一下TGA的队伍们。 WE WE.国内的成绩不用多讲,而在国际比赛中,WE也曾在IEM广州站上力克世界顶尖强队CLG取得冠军,加上韩国OGN小组赛成功出线,国际上也是有了不错的名气。

中单若风既是队长也是队中元老,实力强劲发挥稳定,正在朝心目中世界最强apc的位置奋力前进。 队伍王牌ADC微笑,被以前CLG打野Saintvious为代表的部分外国选手也公认为最强的ADC。 辅助IF与微笑配合默契娴熟,且最大优点是性格老实沉稳,从Dota时期就以擅长辅助著称。上单草莓是前国服路人王,电一SOLO排位分数长期保持前列,加入WE后从ADC位置换到了上单位置,进步相当的明显,如今已经成为了队伍信任而不可或缺的一份战力。 打野夜尽天明外号刀哥,打法稳健保守,对于坦克类打野的理解尤为出众。 EHMOE EHOME.国内传统三强之一,成立很早,曾经拿到第一届TGA英雄联盟项目的冠军。但之后因为人员不断变更等因素,往往在大赛中未能杀人决赛。 中单梦梦贝利亚是国服高分中单玩家,特点是擅长的英雄不算最热门,比如凤凰,在当时的TGA只有他是把凤凰拿上了比赛并取得了不俗的效果。


世界顶级奢侈品100品牌排行 ——吕润整理 1.Bentley宾利/主要产品:车 2.BurjAl-Arab伯瓷/主要产品:酒店 3.Rolex劳力士/主要产品:腕表 4.Chanel香奈尔(夏奈尔)/主要产品:时装、香水 5.EsteeLauder雅诗兰黛/主要产品:化妆品 6.Tiffany蒂芬尼/主要产品:珠宝 7.Mercedes梅塞德斯(奔驰)/主要产品:轿车 8.Gianniversace范思哲/主要产品:时装 9.LouisVuitton路易威登/主要产品:皮具、箱包 10.Hennessy轩尼诗/主要产品:高级干邑 11.AmericanExpress美国运通/主要产品:旅行信用卡 12.JohnnieWalker尊尼获加/主要产品:威士忌 13.Prada普拉达/主要产品:时装、眼镜 https://www.360docs.net/doc/5e12751090.html,ncome兰蔻/主要产品:化妆品 15.Chivas芝华士/主要产品:威士忌 16.FourSeasons四季酒店/主要产品:酒店 17.FERRARI法拉利/主要产品:车 18.Bose博士/主要产品:音响 19.BMW宝马/主要产品:轿车、摩托 20.Armani阿玛尼/主要产品:时装 21.Moet&Chandon酩悦香槟/主要产品:香槟酒 22.CalvinKlein卡尔文.克莱恩/主要产品:内衣、香水 23.Rolls-Royce劳斯莱斯/主要产品:名车 24.TagHeuer豪雅表/主要产品:腕表 25.Harley.Davidson哈雷戴维森/主要产品:摩托 26.RalphLauren拉尔夫劳伦/主要产品:时装 27.EmiratesPalace酋长宫殿/主要产品:酒店 28.HiltonGroup希尔顿集团/主要产品:酒店 29.RemyMartin人头马/主要产品:名酒 30.Absolut绝对伏特加/主要产品:伏特加


2016小学一年级数学下册期末试卷质量分析报告 2016小学一年级数学下册期末试卷质量分析报告 一年级数学期末试卷分析 一、试题情况分析 数学题量适中,题型多样化,知识面广,接近生活,尤其是个别试题特别灵活,可多种方法操作,适合中上等生。偏难。 二、错题情况分析 第一题,填空 (1)“一个两位数,十位上的数比个位上的数小4,这个数可能是、。”这道题错的特别多。大部分同学不理解题意,不知从何入手。 (2)“把58、79、12、33、95、80从小到大排列。”数字多,括号小,同学们答的乱。 (3)“正方形的四条边,长方形的对边。”同学们看图形能分辨两种图形,但是叙述图形特点不准确。对于这类题不理解,不知怎样表达。 (4)“3张1元,2张5角,5张1角组成。”这道题数字多,学生思考不能周全,大部分学生心里糊涂,不知是多少钱了。 第二题,写出钟面表示的时刻。也有很多学生错。有的是学生答题不认真,有的是学生没有答题方法。 第三题,计算。加减混合错的多。大部分学生是马虎,个别学生是基础差,根本就不会算。 第四天,填符号“25角2元6分”由于“分”这个单位在生活中不常用,孩子接触少,有的甚至没有“分”

这个概念,不知“分”到底有多大,所以不会比较。“34=81”思维不灵活的学生符号填错。 第五题解决问题,条件,问题对于一年级下等孩子来说给的太多,孩子们的思维还达不到这个清晰度,有的计算出现错误。还有就是提出问题,许多孩子提出问题的语言不准确,没有标点符号。平时训练不到位。 第六题,统计的第5小题错的多,有的学生没读通题,只提问,不解答。 第七题,画一画的第2小题,画四种不同的图形,属于奥数问题,对于中下等生来说偏难,不会全面思维。 三、改进措施 (1)要加强基础知识的教学,培养学生灵活计算的能力。 (2)平时要注意引导孩子知识与生活实际相结合,让知识给生活服务。 (3)培养孩子的创新思维,一题多解或一题多变,能从不同角度把握知识、运用知识。 (4)注重孩子学习习惯的培养,说完整话,书写工整。 绿色圃中小学教育网免费提供新课标人教版北师大版苏教版试卷课件教案作文,右边中间有分享按钮,喜欢本站,请点右边分享到自己的博客空间微博等。 一、试题整体情况: 本次期末考试试卷从总体来看试卷抓住了本年级本册书的重点、难点、关键点。整个试卷注重了基础知识的训练,体现"数学即生活"的理念,让学生用学到的数学知识,去解决生活中的各种数学问题。 本次试卷共有十二大题,不仅考查了学生对基本知识的掌握,而且考查了学生的数学学习技能,还对数学思想进行了渗透。 二、学生答题情况:


治疗宝珠+5生命回复/5秒巨人腰带 +400生命值 红水晶 +180生命值 布甲 +15护甲 锁子甲 +40护甲 抗魔斗篷 +20魔法抗性 多兰之盾+100生命值 +5护甲 +5生命回复/5秒唯一被动:格挡6点来自敌方英雄的普攻伤害。 多兰之刃+80生命值 +10攻击力被动:你的普通攻击在每次命中敌人后,都会为你回复5点生命值。

多兰之戒+80生命值 +15法术强度 +3法力回复/5秒被动:每击杀一名敌方单位,你的法力值就会回复5点。 负极斗篷 +45魔法抗性 勘探者之刃+20攻击力 +5%生命偷取唯一被动—勘探者:+200生命值。(同名的唯一被动效果不叠加。) 勘探者之戒+40法术强度 +10法力回复/5秒唯一被动—勘探者:+200生命值(同名的唯一被动效果不叠加。) 精魄之石+14生命回复/5秒 +7法力回复/5秒唯一被动—屠夫:对野怪造成的伤害提升20%。唯一被动—撕裂:普通攻击会对野怪造成10点额外真实伤害。(同名的唯一被动效果不叠加。) 坚韧合剂点击使用:增加120—235生命值(基于英雄等级),和15攻击力,持续3分钟。装备栏已满后购买将自动使用。 水晶瓶唯一主动:消耗一个充能,以在10秒里持续地回复总共100生命值和40法力值。唯一被动:有3个初始充能,并且每当你靠近商店时,都会重新将充能数充满。

洞察红宝石+300生命值唯一被动—守卫刷新:初始就有5个充能,并且会在每次你造访商店时充满。唯一主动—幽灵守卫:消耗一层充能来放置一个隐形的守卫,持续3分钟。你一次最多能放置3个来自该物品的守卫。 洞察之石+100生命值唯一被动—守卫刷新:初始就有4个充能,并且会在每次你造访商店时充满。唯一主动—幽灵守卫:消耗一层充能来放置一个隐形的守卫,持续3分钟。你一次最多能放置2个来自该物品的守卫。 深渊权杖+70法术强度 +45魔法抗性唯一光环:降低周围敌人20魔法抗性。 阿塔玛之戟+45护甲 +15%暴击几率唯一被动:增加相当于你最大生命值1.5%的攻击力 催化神石+200生命值 +300法力值唯一被动—成长之力:升级时,英雄会在8秒的持续时间里回复总共150点生命值和200点法力值。(同名的唯一被动效果不叠加。) 冰霜之锤+700生命值 +20攻击力唯一被动—钻石星辰击:物理攻击将降低目标40%的移动速度,持续1.5秒(远程攻击的减速效果为30%)。 双生暗影+50法术强度 +30魔法抗性 +5%移动速度唯一主动:狩猎召唤2个免疫伤害、持续6秒的幽灵,来寻找最近的2名敌方英雄。如果它们触碰到了一名敌方英雄,那么会将该英雄的移动速度减少40%,并使他暴露2.5秒。冷却时间120秒。


世界著名奢侈品大全 路易威登:Louis Vuitton,简称LV,创始于1854年,以做工精细华美的旅行箱包闻名于世,产品包括皮件、皮箱、旅行用品、男装女装、笔、手表等。一百五十余年来,路易威登精致、品质、舒适的“旅行哲学”广受推崇,深得各国名流喜爱。2004年LV在香港举办新产品发布会,模特章子仪一身服饰价值76万美元,合人民币六百余万元。在中国大陆专卖店中,一只拉杆旅行箱售价超过人民币18000元,如果买普通旅行箱,可以买两百个如果,买成大米,可以买八吨 万宝龙:Mont Blanc,又译作蒙邦、勃朗峰,经典书写工具的代名词,与奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)、马克(Mark)共称为德国“3M”。 品牌创始于1906年,产品包括名贵腕表、优质皮具、男士时尚配饰等,用户包括伊丽莎白女王、肯尼迪总统、罗马教皇和大作家海明威等社会名流。该公司有一款皇家钻石墨水笔,镶有4810颗碎钻,售价人民币约120万元。普通款的圆珠笔售价2300余元,如果买普通的圆珠笔,可以买4000支;如果买面包,

可以买3000个。 罗特斯:Lotos,全球最贵的眼镜供应商,品牌创始于1872年,产品包括手表、眼镜和珠宝等。该公司的眼镜全部由手工制作,一般只为订单生产。最贵的一副眼镜上镶了44颗钻石,售价约50万欧元,合人民币500余万元,买主为瑞士的一名女士。除此之外,还有售价约10万、20万欧元不等的高价眼镜。在北京一家眼镜店的柜台上,该公司的产品极受欢迎,最便宜的一副眼镜标价35000元,相当于30台24寸国产彩电,如果买成猪肉,可以买7000余斤。 宾利:Bentley,又译作本特利,以豪华、奢侈闻名的富豪概念车,英国女王指定御驾。宾利轿车最为人称道的是其出色的手工艺和苛刻的选材,每辆轿车至少需用400张优质牛皮,约合15头牛,所需木材均选用上等胡桃木树瘤。宾利728加长版售价888万元,旗舰版的雅致Mulliner728售价1188万元,这款车在中国的销量居全球第一,仅购置税就相当于一辆奔驰S320,车上的一副手动窗帘的价值约人民币17万元,如果买普通窗帘,可以买17000米,相当于两座珠穆朗玛峰;如果买棉衣,可以买4000件。


XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX投资集团基建项目管理信息平台 上海普华科技发展有限公司

目录 第三部分技术部分 ............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 第一章具体技术方案 (3) 2.1 综述 (3) 2.1.1硬件与软件建议 (4) 2.2公司本部解决方案 (5) 2.2.1 项目与组织 (5) 2.2.2 模板与标准 (8) 2.2.3 数据汇总 (10) 2.2.4前期管理 (11) 2.2.5 质量控制 (11) 2.2.6 HSE管理 (14) 2.2.7 合同管理 (19) 2.2.8 调试管理 (20) 2.2.9 招投标管理 (24) 2.2.10 个人中心 (25) 2.2.11 工程项目综合信息查询 (25) 2.2.12 决策支持 (31) 2.2.13 系统管理 (36) 2.3基建项目单位解决方案 (40) 2.3.1 OA办公管理 (40) 协同办公 (41)沟通管理 (51) 2.3.2 费用控制管理 (56) 功能组成及其描述 (56) 概算管理 (58) 合同管理 (66) 投资计划管理 (75) 统计管理 (78) 2.3.3 工程管理 (80) 功能组成及其描述 (80) 工程进度管理 (80) 工程质量管理 (90) 工程安全管理 (104)工程信息管理 (113)资料档案管理 (113) 2.3.4 物资管理 (122) 设备管理 (122) 材料管理 (138) 2.3.5 系统维护管理与综合查询 (159) 维护管理 (159) 决策分析 (168)项目部信息网站 (172) 2.3.6 生产准备管理 (173) 调试管理 (173)


一年级数学试卷分析报 告新编 TYYGROUP system office room 【TYYUA16H-TYY-TYYYUA8Q8-

何寨中心小学一年级数学期末试卷分析学期已结束了,我以诚恳的工作态度完成了期末的数学检测工作。现将年级本期的数学检测卷面评析简析如下: 一、基本情况 本套数学试卷题型多样,内容覆盖面广,题量恰当,对于本学期所学知识点均有安排,而且抓住了重点。本次期末考试共有39人参加,及格率%,优秀率%,全班最高分100分,平均分分。 二、学生答题分析 1、学生答题的总体情况 对学生的成绩统计过程中,大部分学生基础知识扎实,学习效果较好,特别是在计算部分、图形的认识,这部分丢分较少。同时,从学生的答卷中也反映出了教学中存在的问题,如何让学生学会提出问题、分析问题、并解决问题,如何让我们的教育教学走上良性轨道,应当引起重视。从他们的差异性来分析,班级学生整体差距比较大的,说明同学之间还存在较大的差距,如何扎实做好培优辅差工作,如何加强班级管理,提高学习风气,在今后教育教学工作中应该引起足够的重视。本次检测结合试卷剖析,学生主要存在以下几个方面的普遍错误类型:第一、不良习惯造成错误。学生在答题过程中,认为试题简单,而产生麻痹思想,结果造成抄写数字错误、加减号看错等。 第二、审题不认真造成错误。学生在答题过程中,审题存在较大的问题,有的题目需要学生在审题时必须注意力集中才能找出问题,但学生经常大意。 2、典型题情况分析

(1)填空题:学生对填数和数物体掌握较好,但在第4小题找规律填数、第7小题元表示()元()角这几道题失分较多,学生在理解元表示什么的这方面还有一定的困难。 (2)算一算:有20以内的退位减法、两位数加减整十数、两位数加、减一位数(进位加、减),还有小括号的认识,这部分计算学生能够有效掌握计算方法,总体失分在2分左右,一小部分同学在这一块失分主要是马虎大意,看错+、-符号,另外还有个别同学在计算技能上稍有欠缺。 (3)比一比:主要是考查两位数比较大小,此外还对人民币的认识知识略有涉及,考查了人民币单位换算及大小比较,学生基本上都能够正确解答,这部分失分较少。 (4)选一选:在合适的答案下面打“√”,这一题考查学生对“多一些”“多得多”“少一些”“少得多”之间的理解,试卷上出现“接近”这个词语时,部分同学不能够理解这个词语的意思,导致失分,看来学生思维还不够灵活,平时还应做到举一反三。 (5)做一做:这部分有5道小题,考查学生的解决问题的能力。第1小题帮妈妈购物,学生失分较多的在④题,在理解题目意思上还有一定的困难。第2、3题看图列式,第5题解决问题,这3道题考查两位数加两位数进位加属于二年级学习的内容,导致学生失分较多。 三、问题与分析 (一)存在问题 根据以上分析,主要存在的问题有: 1.学生整体观察题目的意识和习惯不够,对题的特征缺乏敏感性。


福建省高等教育自学考试应用心理学专业(独立本科段) 《心理学研究方法》课程考试大纲 第一部分课程性质与目标《心理学研究方法》是福建省高等教育自学考试应用心理学专业(独立本科段)的一门专业基础必修课程,目的在于帮助考生了解和掌握心理学研究的理论基础和主要方法,检验考生对心理学研究理论基础与主要方法,检验考生对心理学研究方法的基本知识和主要内容的掌握水平与应用能力。 心理学研究的对象是心理现象。它的研究主题十分广泛:即涉及人的心理也涉及动物的心理;即涉及个体的心理也涉及群体的心理;即涉及有意识的心理也涉及潜意识的心理;即涉及与生理过程密切相关的心理也涉及与社会文化密切相关的心理。心理学研究是一种以经验的方式对心理现象进行科学探究的活动。由于心理学的研究方法是以经验的或实证的资料为依据的,因而使心理学与哲学相区别,也与人文学科相区别。 设置本课程的具体目的要求是,学习和掌握心理学研究方法的基本理论和基本技能,将有助于学生们理解心理学的基本概念、基本原理和基本理论。理解心理学家在探索心理与行动时所做的一切,有助于考生将来为心理学的发展做出有益的贡献。 第二部分考核内容与考核目标 第一编心理学研究基础 第一章心理学与科学 一、学习目的与要求 通过本章学习,要求考生了解心理学的性质,了解心理学科学研究的方法、特征及基本步骤,理解心理学研究的伦理问题和伦理规范。 二、考核知识点与考核目标 1、识记: (1)心理学的含义; (2)心理学科学研究的特征:系统性、重复性、可证伪性和开放性; (3)知情同意。 2、领会: (1)一般人探索世界的常用方法; (2)心理学研究主要包含哪几个步骤; (3)科学研究的开放性主要表现在哪几方面; 3、应用: (1)根据科学研究的特征来分析某些心理学的研究; (2)心理学研究的伦理问题及以人为被试的研究的伦理规范来分析是否可以在心理学研究中使用欺骗的方法。


《英雄联盟(LOL》游戏数据计算大全 1.物品与光环 Q: 物品的叠加原理是怎么样的? A: 所有物品增加的属性都可以叠加,除了唯一被动的效果。比如当你拥有2把Infinity Edge时, 那么一把的效果是: +80 伤害 +20% 暴击 唯一被动: 暴击现在为250%的伤害,而不是200% 。 2把的效果就是: +160 伤害 +40% 暴击 唯一被动: 暴击现在为250%的伤害,而不是200% (这个不叠加 Q: 光环是如何作用的? A: 环效果是最多可以拥有2个的。比如如果你有一个Mana Manipulator(唯一被动:对友军恢复 7.2 Mana每 5 秒,然后你的盟友也合了一个。那么你和盟友自己将获得2个光环的效果!而没有合成的人则只拥有一个光环的效果。但是同样的光环效果最多不超过2个。 Q: 减少cd的物品如何叠加。

A: 此类物品直接叠加。如果你有一个减少9%cd的物品,又合了一个减少 10%cd的物品,那么你将减少19%的cd。但是上限为40%。 2.游戏计算公式 Q: 躲闪是如何计算的。 A: 躲闪增加的效果递减。(这个计算方式和war3一样的就相当于算概率,A发生B 不发生 A不发生B发生 AB一起发生。比如你有10%的躲闪了,又合了忍者鞋11%的躲闪。那么你的躲闪将是10%+11%- 10%*11*=19.9% Q: 可以躲闪掉魔法么? A: 不可以躲闪魔法,唯一的办法是通过某些特定物品。比如- Banshee's Veil (每30秒低档一次魔法攻击 Q: 吸血如何计算。 A: 吸血受护甲的影响。比如你造成100伤害,对方护甲有20%减成,那么你的攻击将造成80伤害。如果此时你的吸血效果为10%,那么你将吸取8点血。吸血效果可以叠加,并且没有上限没,也就是说你可能会获得超过100%的吸血。 Q: 护甲和魔防是如何计算的? A:每一点护甲意味着对方要杀死你将需要多造成你生命1%的攻击。比如当你有100护甲时,对方需要多造成100%伤害才能杀死你,也就是说你减少了一半的攻击。再比如你有300护甲时,对方需要多打300%,也就是总共需要造成400%你生命值的攻击力,也就是你只承受了25%伤害并且这种关系没有收益递减。也就是说为线性关系。如果你有1000血,那么每点护甲可以看成给你多提供了10点血。 魔法防御也是同样的道理。要注意的是魔防只防御魔法,物力防御只防御物力(废话?呵呵


小学一年级数学上册期末质量分析报告 本次期末考试试卷从总体来说抓住了本年级本册书的重点、难点、关键点。整个试卷注重了基础知识的训练,体现“数学即生活” 的理念,让学生用学到的数学知识,去解决生活中的各种数学问题。本次试卷不仅考查了学生对基本知识的掌握,而且考查了学生的数学学习技能。从学生做题情况来看,学生的基础知识掌握的还可以,但基本功不是十分扎实,如书写水平,计算能力等基本技能还有待进一步提高,灵活解决数学问题的能力也有待进一步的提高。 学生各大题得、失分及成因情况分析 一、算一算,你真棒,四、投篮(连一连): 这部分主要查学生的计算掌握情况,有一部分学生粗心大意,有一部分学生的计算能力较弱,没能熟练掌握计算技巧,因此没有百分百全对。 二、填一填,你能行: 第 1 小题,考查了数的认识,数的顺序,要求学生能按照数的顺序填数,中下学生对相邻两数不是相差 1 的数列掌握得不熟练,错误率较高,是整张试卷中失分最多的地方之一。 第 2、 3 小题考查了数的组成和比较数的大小,这道题学生得分率较高。但第三小题“8 和 3 的和是(),差是多少

()” ,在上册还没有提到“和”和“差” 这两个概念,学生有一定的失分率。 第 4 小题,考察学生对“﹤,﹥,﹦” 的认识和使用,大部分学生能掌握这三个符号的使用,得分较高。 第 5 小题() +5=12,考察学生对加减法逆运算的认识和掌握情况,中下生对这部分知识掌握较差。 第 6 小题,出现一组数,考察学生对位置与顺序的分辨水平,学生能较好地完成,但部分学生做题不认真,在给数字排序的时候没有按照要求的“从大到小” 的顺序排列,而是“从小到大” ,有不必要的失分。 三、照样子写时间。 调整后的第一册数学在认识时钟上只要求学生会辨认整时和半时,减少了认识快几时了和几时刚过,减轻了学生的负担。因此大部分学生懂得根据时针和分针的位置顺利写出整时和半时,但有些学困生对半时的认识一知半解,作答情况不好。 四、把不同类的圈起来: 该题是整张考卷中失分最严重的地方,有两个小题,第一小题是文具和玩具,应将铅笔圈出来,但学生审题不认真,把他们看成了交通工具和动物,把玩具鱼错圈。第二小题是平面图形和几何图形,应将平面图形三角形圈出来,但学生没有这方面知识的认识,平时教学也没有涉及这方面的知识,因此,学生将这些图形分为有角的和没有角的,将立体图形的球体错圈。


《英雄联盟(LOL)》游戏数据计算大全 1.物品与光环 Q: 物品的叠加原理是怎么样的? A: 所有物品增加的属性都可以叠加,除了唯一被动的效果。比如当你拥有2把Infinity Edge时, 那么一把的效果是: +80 伤害 +20% 暴击 唯一被动: 暴击现在为250%的伤害,而不是200% 。 2把的效果就是: +160 伤害 +40% 暴击 唯一被动: 暴击现在为250%的伤害,而不是200% (这个不叠加) Q: 光环是如何作用的? A: 环效果是最多可以拥有2个的。比如如果你有一个Mana Manipulator(唯一被动:对友军恢复 7.2 Mana每 5 秒),然后你的盟友也合了一个。那么你和盟友自己将获得2个光环的效果!而没有合成的人则只拥有一个光环的效果。但是同样的光环效果最多不超过2个。 Q: 减少cd的物品如何叠加。 A: 此类物品直接叠加。如果你有一个减少9%cd的物品,又合了一个减少10%cd的物品,那么你将减少19%的cd。但是上限为40%。 2.游戏计算公式 Q: 躲闪是如何计算的。 A: 躲闪增加的效果递减。(这个计算方式和war3一样的)就相当于算概率,A发生B 不发生 A不发生B发生 AB一起发生。比如你有10%的躲闪了,又合了忍者鞋11%的躲闪。那么你的躲闪将是10%+11%- 10%*11*=19.9% Q: 可以躲闪掉魔法么? A: 不可以躲闪魔法,唯一的办法是通过某些特定物品。比如- Banshee's Veil (每30秒低档一次魔法攻击) Q: 吸血如何计算。

A: 吸血受护甲的影响。比如你造成100伤害,对方护甲有20%减成,那么你的攻击将造成80伤害。如果此时你的吸血效果为10%,那么你将吸取8点血。吸血效果可以叠加,并且没有上限没,也就是说你可能会获得超过100%的吸血。 Q: 护甲和魔防是如何计算的? A:每一点护甲意味着对方要杀死你将需要多造成你生命1%的攻击。比如当你有100护甲时,对方需要多造成100%伤害才能杀死你,也就是说你减少了一半的攻击。再比如你有300护甲时,对方需要多打300%,也就是总共需要造成400%你生命值的攻击力,也就是你只承受了25%伤害并且这种关系没有收益递减。也就是说为线性关系。如果你有1000血,那么每点护甲可以看成给你多提供了10点血。 魔法防御也是同样的道理。要注意的是魔防只防御魔法,物力防御只防御物力(废话?呵呵) Q: 我怎么看到我人物的属性。 A: 在游戏里,左下角可以看见人物的攻击,AP,移动速度,护甲,魔防。如果要看到其他属性,请按C键,或者点击人物头像。 3. 移动速度 Q: 不同的鞋子增加了多少移动速度 A: 1级增加50,2级70,3级90。 Q: 移动速度如果计算? A: 首先每个英雄有一个初始移动值,假如为300。当你穿上2级鞋子,那么你拥有370的移动效果。如果此时你获得一个+35%移动效果的buff。那么就是370 * 1.35,你将有499.5的移动速度。要注意的是这里只是理论竖直,移动效果将符合收益递减规则(下面一个问题会详细解释)这里我们先忽略。现在在前面的例子上如果你中了ashe的减速箭,将减少38%的移动速度。本来是499.5,现在将为499.5 *(1-38%) =309.69 Q: 移动速度的收益递减如何计算 A: 当你人物移动速度超过490后,每一点增加将只收益50%。所以假如你最后理论移动数值为748,那么你的速度为:490+(748-490)*0.5= 604的移动速度。当速度超过415 时候,每点收益为80%。所以假如你的人物速度在所有调整后为445,那么你实际的速度为,415+(445-415 )* 0.8=439。 Q: 减速叠加么? A:不叠加。当你受到2个减速时候,减速减的多的那个将起作用。如果这个效果结束了,并且你还有另一个减速效果,那么另一个将继续起作用。 比如你受到2个debuff:5秒减少30%速度,3秒减少50%。那么前3秒你身上的减速效果为50% ,最后2秒为30% 。


世界十大奢侈品牌标志LOGO欣赏 品牌一: 十大奢侈品LOGO之--FENDI芬迪 创始人:Adele Fendi,设计师:Karl Lagerfeld,发源地:意大利 成立年份: 1925年,产品线:皮具、时装、鞋履、香水、珠宝首饰 品牌故事:芬迪是在一战后以皮草起家的,以一流的毛皮类服装而著名。作为一个苦心经营的家族企业,芬迪是唯一不由男性经营的公司。Karl Lagerfeld是该家族的好朋友,曾以戏剧性的毛皮时装设计为FENDI赢得全球声誉使FENDI成为奢侈品的代名词。

GUCCI 古琦 创始人:Guccio Gucci,设计师:Guccio Gucci 发源地:意大利,成立年份: 1923年 产品线:服饰、泳装、成衣、服装鞋帽、时装、珠宝首饰、香水 品牌故事:GUCCI的创始人是一位叫做GUCCIO GUCCI的意大利青年。1994年Tom Ford上任创意总监后,将传统品牌改变为崭新的摩登形象,将这个百年历史的米兰品牌推向另一个高峰,成为年轻一族时尚的经典代表。 1. 竹节手柄:GUCCI的竹节包取材于大自然,所有的竹子都从中国及越南进口,大自然材料以及手工烧烤技术成就其不易断裂的特点。2. 马术链:在20世纪初的意大利马匹是主要代步工具,因此制造马具的人比较多,GUCCI是其中的佼佼者。系着马匹的马术链也是GUCCI的发明。这个著名的细节设计,除了因为美观,也是对过去马术时代的一个缅怀。GUCCI镶有马术链的麂皮休闲鞋已是鞋类历史上的一个典范,连美国的大都会博物馆都收藏了一双呢。

十大奢侈品LOGO之--CELINE赛琳 CELINE赛琳,创始人:Michael kors 发源地:法国,成立年份:1945年,产品线:服饰、成衣 品牌故事:要为豪华与奢侈找一个踏实的根据地,CELINE就可以。从40年代创立品牌到90年代由MICHAEL KORS执掌设计,不论潮流如何变化,实用,一直是CELINE的座右铭。CELINE的服装华丽又实用,单品本身的质感符合“休闲华丽”这个看似矛盾的风格,而其皮件及配件从皮包、皮鞋到领带丝巾都在奢华的基础上突出实用主义。 1.“c”标志以及链状图案:一直是CELINE品牌的经典图案,在皮件的皮面图案或金属扣头以及丝巾、领带的图案织纹上都可以看到,也可以容易地帮助我们辩识LOGO。 2.“单座双轮马车”标志:是CELINE如马具般精致品质的象征,经常成为皮件与皮鞋上的金属装饰。

普华永道_富大集团SAP实施项目_072蓝图设计_物资管理MM_PFMM120_MM_Material master物料主数据_V01

富大集团物料主数据模块 : MM 作者: XX 日期 : 2002/1/16 业务蓝图确认签署 该文件定义了未来富大如何利用SAP R/3系统实现本业务操作。 项目小组参与讨论人员 参与部门参与人签字 信息系统管理部(IA) XXX 信息系统管理部(IA) XXX 信息系统开发部XXX 正大工业(IT) XXX 富大XXX 普华永道 ______________ 流程确认富大集团 签署: ___________________________________________________ 项目管理富大集团普华永道 项目经理项目经理 签署: __________________ ____________________

富大集团物料主数据模块 : MM 作者: XX 日期 : 2002/1/16 参考文件: 作者日期备注张碧波2002/1/16 创建

富大集团物料主数据模块 : MM 作者: XX 日期 : 2002/1/16 流程说明: 1.富大集团目前需进入MM管理的物料分以下几种: a.原材料 b.包装物 c.备品备件 d.固定资产 e.产成品 f.半成品 2.富大集团的成品分类有以下几种,新的SAP系统的编码应包含以下信 息,以方便信息的使用和汇总. a.料别:粉料、颗粒料、膨化料等 b.畜禽别:猪料、鸡料、鱼料等 c.配方别:预混料、浓缩料、全价料等 d.品牌别:富大牌等 e.包装别:40Kg、20Kg、10Kg、5x8=40Kg、1x4=4Kg等. 类别的精确名称以富大以后确认的为准. 实施要点: 1.每种原料设一个料号(即使原料的成分含量不同)收货时由品管部在批 号中记录其属性。料号的编码位数待定,具体结构由富大集团跟品管 部商定后确认,确认后的详细资料将由富大交给普华永道的顾问. 2.今后的报表提供和汇总是基于批次的属性而做的. 3.物料管理模块中按以上成品分类的字段名和属性分别加以定义,再进 行组合,然后利用属性生成汇总报表. 4.财务负责维护和协调备件的物料主数维护及相应的协调工作. 5.QA部门负责维护和协调生产用材料的物料主数维护及相应的协调工作. 6.备件分两类, 一类是生产燃料, 另一类是生产燃料以外的备件.


一年级数学期末测试质量分析报告 万家镇宅科小学 一、试题分析 本次试卷具有以下几项特点: 1、适合新课标理念,难易程度适中,内容全面,注重能力培养。 2、考核学生的基础知识、基本技能的同时,注重了对学生综合能力的考查。 3、题目注重对学生双向思维的考核,有利于学生思维的灵活性和创造 二、学生错误分析 结合试卷分析,我班学生答题主要存在以下几个方面的普遍错误类型。 1、不良习惯造成错误 学生在答题过程中,认为试题简单,而产生麻痹思想,结果造成抄写数字错误。 2、审题不认真造成错误 学生在答题过程中,审题存在较大的问题,有的题目需要学生在审题时必须注意力集中才能找出问题,但学生经常大意。例如:第一题第9小题,5依次往后算,学生没有仔细看题。 3、收集、处理信息和分析、解决问题的能力不强造成错误。 例如第三题(2小题)学生数圆出现问题特多。第六题(2小题)让学生提出问题并回答,属于开放性的题目,教材中有类似的练习,这里只是改变一下内容的呈现方式,目的是考查学生分析解决实际问题的能力,但学生失分严重,可见学生理解分析问题的能力较差。 三、对今后教学改进意见 1、注重良好习惯的培养。 从卷面上看,学生的审题不够认真,抄错数字,看错题目要求,计算粗心马虎等,是导致失分的一个重要原因。这些是长期不良习惯养成的后果,应当引起高度重视。其实养成良好的学习习惯,也是学生的一个基本的素质,它将使学生受益终生。 2、注重开放题教学,引导学生在创新中学习。 小学数学开放题,因其开放性、多变性、灵活性给学生的思维创设了一个广阔的空间,有助于激发学生创新意识,养成创新习惯,发展思维的创造性,提高学生的实践能力。平时除了教学书本上的基础知识外,还要注意开放性题目的设计和训练,为不同层次的学生学好数学提供机会,不断实现学生创新能力与实践水平的发展。
