

标准海事通信用语--Part 1 Hold 货舱

Superstructure 上层建筑

Accommodation 舱室

Dangerous goods 危险货物

Power supply 供电

I am not under command 我船失控

I am making water 我船漏水

I am sinking 我船正在下沉

Foam extinguishers 泡沫灭火器

CO2 extinguishers 二氧化碳灭火器

Fire pump 消防泵

Medical assistance 医药援助

Fire fighting 消防,灭火

Fire fighting assistance 消防援助

Flooding 进水

I have leak below water line 我船水线下有渗漏

I have dangerous list 我有危险横顷

I am in critical condition 我处在危急状况中

I require escort 我需要护航

I have collided with… 我与……发生碰撞

Unknown vessel/object 不明船舶物体

Seamark 海上标志

Iceberg 冰上

I have minor/major damage above/below water line 水线以上/下有小/较大损坏Propeller/rudder damaged 推进器/舵损坏

Grounding 搁浅

On rocky/soft bottom 在岩石/软质海底上

Jettison cargo 抛弃货物

To refloat 重新浮起

List, danger of capsizing 横顷,倾覆危险|||

I am in danger of capsizing 我船有倾覆危险

Sinking 沉船

Disabled and adrift 丧失航行能力和漂流

I am adrift near position… 我船在……漂流

Armed attack/piracy 武装袭击/海盗抢劫

I am under attack of pirates 我船被海盗袭击

Pirate 海盗

Undesignated distress 未指明的遇险

I have probl ems with… 我的……有问题

I have problems with mass disease 我船发生集体患病

Abandoning vessel 弃船

Engine and equipment 机器和设备

Dangerous substance of IMO-Class… IMO 危规第……类危险品

Barrel 琵琶桶

Drum 桶

Oil clearance assistance 除油援助

Ice damage 冰损

Wind direction and force 风向和风力

Wind is backing/veering 风向逆转和顺转

Latest tropical storm warming 最新大风警报

Force Beaufort 蒲福氏风级

Hurricane 飓风

Tropical cyclone 热带气旋

Tornado 旋风

Willy-willy 威利-威利

Typhoon 台风

Barometric change 气压变化|||

Position, path and speed of advance of tropical storm

热带风暴的位置,路径和移动速度Within radius of …mails of center 距离风暴中心半径为……的范围内Safe/dangerous semicircle 安全/危险半圆

Sea state 海况

Sea/swell 浪/涌Tsunami/abnormal wave 海啸/异常浪

Restricted visibility due to mist/fog, precipitation 由于雾,降水能见度受限制

Due to mist/fog, precipitation 由于雾和降水

Ice expected to break up/to open 冰预计会破碎/解冻

To drift away 漂离

To freeze together 冻结

Floating ice 浮冰

Pack ice 浮冰群

Iceberg 冰山

Volcanic activities 火山活动

Earthquake 地震

Seaquake 海底地震

Abnormal tides 异常潮流

Charted depth of water 海图上标示的水深

Navigational warming 航行警告

Defect 缺陷

Unlit 熄灭的,未点亮的Off station 移位

Inoperative 不起作用

Alterative 变更

New and moved 新设和移动

Super buoy 大型浮标

Hazardous mine 危险水雷

Unlit derelict vessel 无灯的遗弃船

Off air 停止工作,关闭

Sea bottom characteristics, wrecks 海底特征,沉船

Reported 据报(当位置未经确定时使用)

Located 据测(当位置通过测量或用其他方法得到确定时使用)

Uncharted reef/rock/shoal 海图上未标明的暗礁/礁石/浅滩|||

Dangerous wreck/obstruction 危险沉船/碍航物

Cable, pipeline and seismic/hydrographic operations


Survey vessel 测量船

Current meter 测速仪

Hydrographic instrument 水纹仪表

Dredging operation 疏浚作业

Off-shore installation 近岸装置

Diving operations, tows 潜水作业拖带

Tanker transshipment 油船转船作业

Rig 钻井

Gunnery exercises 射击演习

Rocked firing exercises 火箭发射演习

Missile ordnance exercises 导弹发射演习

Torpedo ordnance exercises 鱼雷发射演习

Underwater ordnance exercises 水下武器演习

Mine cleaning operation 扫雷作业

Fishing gear 鱼具

Fishing gear fouled my propeller(s) 鱼具缠绞我的螺旋桨

Environmental protection communications 环境保护通信

Located oil spill in your wake 发现你船航迹中有溢油

I require floating booms/oil dispersants 我需要围油拦/驱油剂

Locates vessel incinerating/dumping chemicals/waste in position


Pilotage 引航

I am holder of pilotage exemption Certificate 我有引航免除证书

Pilotage is compulsory 引航是强制的

Suspend/resum 暂停/恢复|||

Rig accommodation ladder in combination with pilot ladder


Pilot ladder has broken steps/loose steps/broken spreaders too short

引航员梯有损坏的梯板/松动的梯板/损坏的加长梯板/加长梯板太短Propulsion system 推进系统

Engine is diesel/turbine 主机是内燃机/透平机

Is engine-room manned or is engine on bridge control


Is extra power available in emergency 紧急时,有额外功率可用吗?

Controllable/fixed pitch propeller 可变螺距/固定螺距螺旋桨

Right-hand/left-hand propeller 右旋/左旋螺旋桨

Single propeller/twin propellers 单螺旋桨/双螺旋桨

Bow thruster/stern thruster 首侧推器/尾侧推器

Turn inward/outward 内旋/外旋

Maximum manoeuvring power/revolutions 最大操纵功率/转数

Helicopter and Ice-breaker operation Phrases直升机和破冰船作业用语

I require helicopter to pick up persons 我需要直升机进行人员救助

Are you ready for helicopter? 你准备好接应直升机吗?

Make identification signals 请发识别信号

Making identification signals by smoke (buoy) /search light/flags/signaling lamp

正在用烟雾(浮标)/探照灯/旗号/信号灯作为识别信号Relative wind direction 相对风向

Keep wind on starboard/port bow/quarter 保持右/左前/后舷迎风

Indicate landing area/pick-up area 指示降落区/起吊区

I will use hoist/rescue sling/rescue net/rescue litter/rescue seat/double lift

我将使用吊索/救生索/救生网/救生担架/救生椅/救生双吊索Ice-breaker operations 破冰船作业|||

Keep lookout for sound and visual signals. 注意声号和视觉信号

Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Standard Phrases 交管系统标准用语

Name, call sign /identification 船名,呼号/识别

Flag state 船旗国

Last port of call 上一个挂靠港

Deficiencies/restrictions 缺陷/限制

Be trimmed by the head/the stern 首倾/尾倾

Be on even keel 平吃水

Information Service (These phrases are normally transmitted from the shore)


Unlit derelict vessel 未点灯的被废弃船

Hazardous mine 危险水雷

Oil slick 浮油

Hampered vessel 碍航船

Shore based radar assistance 岸基雷达帮助

Cross-bearing 交叉方位

Astronomical observation 天文观测

Range scale (雷达)距离量程

Starboard/port limit of fairway 航道右/左界限

Way point 航路点

Is parallel with… 与……平行

Is diverging from/converging to 偏离/靠拢……

Traffic lane 通航分道

Emergency anchorage 应急锚地

To keep clear of… 让请……

Reporting Point 报告点

Tide with /against you 顺/逆流||| Enforcement 强制执行Comply with 遵守……International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 国际海上避碰规则Navigation lights 航行灯Navigate with caution 谨慎驾驶Outbound/inbound vessel 出口/进出船

Fog bank 雾障Bridge defective 桥损坏

An obscured area 遮蔽区Canal and lock operations 运河和船闸作业Close up on…/drop back from… 靠近……/ 离开……


ABTabout大约 ABVabove以上 ACCTaccount由…承担,租船人,租家ADVadvise通知 ADDaddress地址 AFMTafterfixmainterms主要条款定下之后AGTagent代理 ARBIarbitration仲裁BBBbeforebreakingbulk开舱卸货前 B.DAYSbankingdays银行工作日 BENDS.BEbothends指装卸两头(港) BGDbagged袋装的 BLKbulk散装(货) BS/Lbillsoflading提单 BSS1/1bases以-个装港一个卸港为基准BWADbrackishwaterarrivaldraft船到卸港的吃水CHOPTcharterers'option租家选择CHRTScharterers租船人,租家COcharterersoption租家选择COMMcommission佣金 COUNTER还盘 CPcharterparty租约

C.Q.Dcustomaryquickdispatch按港口习惯速度尽快装卸CVSconsecutivevoyage DFDdemurrage/ dispatch 滞期/速遣DHDdemurragefreedespatch DOPdroppingoutwardpilot DRRKderrick吊杆 DwATdeadweightalltold DwCCdeadweightcargocapacity EIUevenifused即使使用 ETAexpectedtimeofarrival预抵时间ETDexpectedtimeofdeparture预离时间FHINCFridaysandholidaysincluded FIOfreein&freeout船东不负责装/卸费 FIOSTfreein,out, stowed(理舱) trimmed(平舱) FILOfreein,linerout船东不负责装,但负责卸FLTfulllinerterm全班轮条款,即船东负责装/卸费FLwSfollows下列 FRTfreight运费 FWADfreshwaterarrivaldraft GENCON,GCN金康合同


通信一班序号:28 姓名:粟清明学号:14102301239 JXTA is a crystallization by Sun company's chief scientist Bill Joy's more than twenty years of brewing."JXTA technology is a platform for Network programming and calculation.To solve the modern distribution calculation especially peer-to-peer (Peer to Peer, P2P) in the calculation of the problem". [1] JXTA research project,which will provide a new framework that make the user more convenient to access to connect on the Internet's personal computer resources, thus further expand Internet 's space. At the same time JXTA is also the Sun's "ONE Internet" strategic continuance, and will take a more positive attitude to compete with the .net strategy of Microsoft and Hailstorm plan . JXTA agreement defines a set of six agreement based on XML, the organization of node into node group, release and found some resources, communication and mutual monitoring provides standardized method. (Endpoint Routing Protocol,ERP) is used for node found routing.To send a message to other nodes, and through the potential firewall and connection. (Rendezvous Protocol,RVP) s used for the nodes in the group to spread information.(Peer Resolver Protocol,PRP) is Used to one or more points to send general inquiries, and receive the response of inquiries. (Peer Discovery Protocol, PDP) is used to release and found advertising resources. (Peer Information Protocol, PIP) used to get other nodes state Information. (Peer Binding Protocol, PBP), can let a node with another node or between more nodes to set up virtual communication channel or pipeline. Compared to the nowadays general communication mode .P2P has many advantages, but it also has a lot of problems waiting to be solved.Firstly, each Peer in P2P is an active participant,in order to make the network performance increase, they need more Peer's participation, so that will result in the network's huge, manage this network will is a complex project; Secondly, P2P agreement compares with traditional


船舶英語縮略詞 3-roller bending machine 三弯机abandon v.弃船 abolish v. 消除 ABS 美国船级社 acceleration n.加速度accelerometer n.加速度表accommodate v.容纳accommodation deck 起居(住舱)甲板 accuracy n.精度 accurate synchro device 准同步装置 acetylene cutter 气割机 acid-pickling n.酸洗 acoustics n.音响效果adhesiveness n.粘附力 adjacent a.相邻的 adjust v.调节 administration n.行政管理 admit v.接纳 adopt v.采纳,采用 affiliated factory 分厂,附属工厂aforementioned a.前述 aft a. adv. n.(在)船艉 aft peak 艉尖舱 after service 售后服务 ahead n.正车 air bottle 空气瓶 air compressor 空压机 air reservoir 气瓶 air siren 汽笛 air-tight test 气密实验 alarm bell 警铃 alignment n.找中 all waves 全波 allowance n.允值 allposition 全方位 alternating current (A.C.) 交流电ammonia n.氨 amplify v.放大 an automatic production line 自动生产线 analogous output 模拟输出analogue computer 模拟计算机




一、二、 十一、汉译英时分多址:TDMA (Time Division Multiple Address/ Time Division Multiple Access)2、通用无线分组业务:GPRS General Packet Radio Service 3、国际电报电话咨询委员会:CCITT 4、同步数字体系:SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (同步数字序列) 5、跳频扩频:FHSS frequency hopping spread spectrum 6、同步转移模块:STM synchronous transfer module 7、综合业务数字网:ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 8、城域网:MAN Metropolitan Area Network 9、传输控制协议/互联网协议:TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol 10、服务质量:QOS Quality of Service 11、中继线:trunk line 12、传输速率:transmission rate 13、网络管理:network management 14、帧结构:frame structure 15、移动手机:Mobile Phone 手机 Handset 16、蜂窝交换机:(Cellular switches)(电池开关cell switch)(cell 蜂房) 17、天线:Antenna 18、微处理器:microprocessor 19、国际漫游:International roaming 20、短消息:short message 21、信噪比:SNR(Signal to Noise Ratio) 22、数字通信:Digital communication 23、系统容量:system capacity 24、蜂窝网:cell network(cellular network)(Honeycomb nets) 25、越区切换:Handover 26、互联网:internet 27、调制解调器:modem 28、频谱:spectrum 29、鼠标:Mouse 30、电子邮件:electronic mail E-mail 31、子网:subnet 32、软件无线电:software defined radios 33、网络资源:network resources 十二、英译汉 1、mobile communication:移动通信 2、Computer user:计算机用户 3、Frame format:帧格式 4、WLAN:wireless local area network 无线局域网络 5、Communication protocol:通信协议 6、Transmission quality:传输质量 7、Remote terminal:远程终端 8、International standard:国际标准 9、GSM:全球移动通信系统 Global System for Mobile Communications 10、CDMA:码分多址Code Division Multiple Access 11、ITU:国际电信联盟 International Telecommunication Union 12、PCM:pulse code modulation 脉冲编码调制 13、WDM:波分复用Wavelength Division Multiplex 14、FCC:联邦通信委员会 Federal communications commission 15、PSTN:公用电话交换网 Public Switched Telephone Network 16、NNI:网络节点借口Network Node Interface 17、WWW:万维网World Wide Web 18、VOD:视频点播Video-On-Demand 19、VLR:访问位置寄存器 Visitor Location Register 20、MSC:移动交换中心Mobile Switching Centre 21、HLR:原籍位置寄存器Home Location Register 22、VLSI:超大规模集成电路 Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits 23、Bluetooth technology:蓝牙技术 24、Matched filter:匹配滤波器 25、ADSL:非对称数字用户环路Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop非对称数字用户线路(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) 26、GPS:全球定位系统Global Position System 27、ATM:异步传输模式Asynchronous Transfer Mode


metacenter 稳心 metacentric height 稳心高 metal plate path 金属板电镀槽 metal worker 金属工 metric unit 公制单位 middle line plane 中线面 midship section 舯横剖面 midship section coefficient 中横剖面系数 ML 物资清单,物料表 model tank 船模试验水池 monitoring desk of main engine operation 主机操作监视台 monitoring screen of screw working condition 螺旋桨运转监视屏 more shape to the shell 船壳板的形状复杂 mould loft 放样间 multihull vessel 多体船 multi-purpose carrier 多用途船 multi-ship program 多种船型建造规划mushroom ventilator 蘑菇形通风桶mutually exclusive attribute 相互排它性的属性 N/C 数值控制 nautical mile 海里 naval architecture 造船学 navigation area 航区 navigation deck 航海甲板 near-universal gear 准万向舵机,准万向齿轮 net-load curve 静载荷曲线 neutral axis 中性轴,中和轴 neutral equilibrium 中性平衡 non-retractable fin stabilizer 不可收放式减摇鳍 normal 法向的,正交的 normal operating condition 常规运作状况 nose cone 螺旋桨整流帽 notch 开槽,开凹口 oar 橹,桨 oblique bitts 斜式双柱系缆桩 ocean going ship 远洋船 off-center loading 偏离中心的装载offsets 型值 offshore drilling 离岸钻井offshore structure 离岸工程结构物 oil filler 加油点 oil skimmer 浮油回收船 oil-rig 钻油架 on-deck girder 甲板上桁架 open water 敞水 optimality criterion 最优性准则 ore carrier 矿砂船 orthogonal 矩形的 orthogonal 正交的 out strake 外列板 outboard motor 舷外机 outboard profile 侧视图 outer jib 外首帆 outfit 舾装 outfitter 舾装工 outrigger 舷外吊杆叉头 overall stability 总体稳性 overhang 外悬 paddle 桨 paddle-wheel-propelled 明轮推进的Panama Canal 巴拿马运河 panting arrangement 强胸结构,抗拍击结构 panting beam 强胸横梁 panting stringer 抗拍击纵材 parallel middle body 平行中体 partial bulkhead 局部舱壁 payload 有效载荷 perpendicular 柱,垂直的,正交的photogrammetry 投影照相测量法 pile driving barge 打桩船 pillar 支柱 pin jig 限位胎架 pintle 销,枢轴 pipe fitter 管装工 pipe laying barge 铺管驳船 piston 活塞 pitch 螺距 pitch 纵摇 plan views 设计图 planning hull 滑行船体 Plimsoll line 普林索尔载重线 polar-exploration craft 极地考察船poop 尾楼 port 左舷 port call 沿途到港停靠 positive righting moment 正扶正力矩


船舶航海英语词汇中国外轮代理公司fork - lift 铲车,叉车 Ranks of ship' s crew(船员职务) china ocean shipping company (cosco) funnel 漏斗crew 船员中国远洋运输公司gangboard 跳板captain(master) 船长china ocean shipping company gantry crane 龙门吊chief officer 大副chartering department(coschard) garbage(sludge,sewage) boat 垃圾船 or chief mate(first mate)中国远洋轮船公司租船部(“中grab 抓斗second chief 二副远租” )grain elevator 吸粮机or second mate chian ocean shipping tally company hammer 铁锤third officer 三副中国外轮理货公司handcart 手推车or third mate china ocean shipping supply harbour light 港口灯标 assistant officer 驾助corporation(supco.)中国外轮供应公司iron nail 铁钉radio officer ( radio 报务员the ~ office of the register of shipping of landing pier 登岸码头operator, wireless operator)the people' s republic of china 中华人lifting maget 西铁吊具 purser (chief purser) 管事,事物长民共和国船舶检验局~办事处lighter 驳船clerk 事务员joint inspection party 联检小组light house 灯塔boatswain or bosun 水手长customs officer 海关官员light ship 灯船cassab 副水手长harbour officer 港务监督员manila rope 白棕绳quartermaster 舵工frontier defence officer (inspector ,guard) mat 席子coxswain 舵工,艇长边防检查组mobile crane 流动吊车 able seaman 全能水手,一水Quarantine officer(dotor) 卫生检疫员mooring anchorage 系泊锚地 ab(able bodied seaman全能水手customs boarding office 登轮官员mooring buoy 系泊浮筒 e. D.h. , d.h.u. 全能水手customs searching party 海关检查组motor launch 小汽艇 o.s.(ordinary seaman普通水手,二水docker 码头工人(广义)nylon rope 尼龙绳 seaman, mariner普通水手,海员longshoreman 码头工人(在岸上装卸)oil hose 输油软管 deck boy 甲板员stevedore 码头工人(在船上装卸)open yard 露天货场 engineer 轮机员foreman 装卸队长personnelboat 交通艇 chief engineer 轮机长,大车,老轨pilot 引水员pilot boat 引水船 second engineer大管轮,二车,二轨cargo surveyor 商品检验员plate hook 钢板吊钩 third engineer 二管轮,三车,三轨marine or ship surveyor 验船师pontoon 浮码头 fourth engineer 三管轮,四车,四轨chief tallyman 理货员pontoon bridge 浮桥assistant engineer 轮助waterman 加水工人quarantine anchorage 检疫锚地mechanic 机工agent 代理quarantine vessel 检疫船 fireman 生火Marine loading and discharging gear refrigerator car 冷藏车 cleaner or wiper 清洁工and harbour facilities rope sling 绳吊索 chief steward 大管事(海运装卸机械工具和港口设施)saw 锯 (or catering officer) barge 驳船semi-portal crane 半门吊 second steward 二管事beacon 航标灯shifting board 防动板 chief cook 大厨belt conveyor 皮带运输机signal tower 信号台 second cook 二厨board palnk 木版steam launch 小汽艇 supernumerary 额外人员bridge crane 桥吊,装卸桥steel wire 钢丝绳 ship' scomplement船上的定员bunkering tanker 供燃料船tower crane 塔吊 deck serang 水手长buoy 浮筒,浮标tractor 牵引车 deck tindal 副水手长can hook,barrel sling 吊桶钩traffic boat 交通艇 seacunny 舵工canvas 帆布tug boat(motor tug) 拖轮Names of marine organizations and canvas sling 吊货帆布袋warehouse 仓库their(船务机关名称及工作人员)cargo tray 吊货盘water boat 供水船 harbour administration bureau (or cargo runner 吊货钢丝绳watr lever indicator 水深标尺 harbour bureau)港务局chafing plate 防擦板wire cargo net 钢丝网络 the joint inspection party-inward and chafing mat 防擦席wire sling 钢丝吊索 outward 进口联合检查组chain sling 链条吊索various kind of vessels (各种船舶) harbour supervision office 港务监督crane 吊车air cushion craft 气垫船the customs 海关cold storage 冷藏仓库bage-carrier 载驳货船 frontier inspection station 边防检查站conveyor belt 传送带bulb-bowed ship 球鼻首船 quarantine office (s0ervice) 卫生检疫所crowbar 撬杠bulk-carrier 散货船animal and plant quarantine service 动customs launch 海关关艇cargo liner 定期货船 植物检疫所dolphin 系缆桩collier 散货船china commodity inspection and testing dunnage 垫仓物料crew boat (船员)联络船 bureau(ccitb)中国商品检验局electric crane 电吊diesel boat 柴油机船 china marine bunker supply corporation elevator 升降机dry cargo ship 干货船中国船舶燃料供应公司ferry boat 轮渡船dumb lighter 驳船(没有机器的)china national chartering fire boat 消防船freighter 货船corporation(zhongzu) 租船公司floating crane 浮吊oil barge 油驳china ocean shipping agency footboard 踏板ore carrier( ore ship)矿砂船


通信工程专业英语翻译 JXTA is a crystallization by Sun company's chief scientist Bill Joy's more than twenty years of brewing."JXTA technology is a platform for Network programming and calculation.To solve the modern distribution calculation especially peer-to-peer (Peer to Peer, P2P) in the calculation of the problem".[1] JXTA research project,which will provide a new framework that make the user more convenient to access to connect on the Internet's personal computer resources, thus further expand Internet 's space. At the same time JXTA is also the Sun's "ONE Internet" strategic continuance, and will take a more positive attitude to compete with the .net strategy of Microsoft and Hailstorm plan . JXTA agreement defines a set of six agreement based on XML, the organization of node into node group, release and found some resources, communication and mutual monitoring provides standardized method.(Endpoint Routing Protocol,ERP) is used for node found routing.To send a message to other nodes, and through the potential firewall and connection.(Rendezvous Protocol,RVP) s used for the nodes in the group to spread information.(Peer Resolver Protocol,PRP) is Used to one or more points to send general inquiries, and receive the response of inquiries.


中国联通China Unicom 中国移动China Mobile 网络容量network capacity 交换容量exchange capacity 扩容Capacity Expansion 平滑升级smooth upgrade 射频Radio Frequencies 接收灵敏度Receive Sensitivity: 数据Data Options 传输速率Data Rate 电源部分Power supply 数据接口Data Interface 天线接口Antenna Interface 传输速率Baud Rate 用户交互界面User Interface 认证Certifications 网络数据传输数率net data transfer rate 联通无限U-Max 旗下subordinate] 品牌trademark U-Info 互动视界U-Magic 神奇宝典 U-Net 掌中宽带 U-Mail 彩e U-Map 定位之星 U-Sms 联通在信 应用服务Application Service 产业价值链industrial value chain 战略目标strategic objective 渠道channel 转型transition/Transformation 推广extension 针对aim at 电信telecommunication 整合conformity 市场渗透率market penetration factor 微观的microcosmic 科学技术science and technology 地理环境geographic environment 宏观的macroscopical 供应链supply chain 产品种类product variety


[收藏] 00 送花/扔蛋 281. 桨oar 282. 桨柄loom 283. 桨手坐板thwart 284. 橹scull 285. 撑篙pole 286. 锚anchor 287. 船首中锚stem anchor 288. 首锚bower 289. 小锚kedge anchor 290. 三爪锚triple fluke anchor 291. 四爪锚garpnel 292. 无杆锚stockless anchor 293. 有杆锚stocked anchor 294. 整体锚solid anchor 295. 轻便小锚portable anchor 296. 锚干anchor shank 297. 锚嘴anchor bill 298. 抛锚anchorage 299. 起锚weigh anchor 300. 起锚机windlass 301. 铰盘capstan 302. 链chain 303. 锚链孔hawse-hole 304. 链缠的锚foul anchor 305. 船首缆headfast 306. 缆绳rigging 307. 大索hawser 308. 纤维绳cordage 309. 钢缆seven by nineteen cable 310. 绳索一股strand 311. 一卷绳索fake 312. 活套索lasso 313. 撇缆heaving line 314. 应急帆jury rig 315. 浮筒卸扣buoy shackle 316. 系索栓belaying pin 317. 系缆桩bollard

318. 防撞prevention of collision 319. 碰垫fender 320. 船梯gangway ladder 321. 可折叠梯folding ladder 322. 软梯rope ladder 323. 踏板treadle 324. 跳板gangplank 325. 舷梯gangway 326. 起重机crane 327. 浮吊floating crane 328. 升降机elevator 329. 吊杆derrick 330. 单饼铁滑车gin block 331. 滑轮pulley 332. 吊货网兜cargo net 333. 装货loading 334. 卸货unloading 335. 信号塔semaphore 336. 灯塔beacon 337. 信号灯signal light 338. 探照灯search light 339. 锚标anchor-buoy 340. 系泊浮筒mooring buoy 341. 圆筒浮标cylindroid buoy 342. 声纳浮标sonar buoy 343. 发光浮标luminous buoy 344. 船长captain 345. 小船船长skipper 346. 艇长coxswain 347. 大副chief mate ; first mate 348. 二副second mate 349. 助理二副junior second officer 350. 领航员navigator 351. 领港员harbour pilot 352. 轮机长chief engineer 353. 大管轮first engineer 354. 舵手helmsman 355. 报务员wireless operator 356. 船员crew 357. 走私船员barrator 358. 押解船员prizecrew 359. 管事steward 360. 事务长purser 361. 押运员supercargo


A A&C.P.=anchors and chains 锚与锚链试验合格 a.a.r.=against all risks 综合险,保全险 AB=anchor bolt 锚栓,系紧螺栓 ab- (前缀)(厘米-克-秒CGS电磁制单位)绝对,电磁 abac 坐标网,列线图 aback 1.向后2.逆帆.3.停船4.使船向后退 abacus 1.顶板,冠板2.算盘3.列线图 abaft在船尾部,在---后面,向船尾;~the beam在船正横以后(的方向) abampere (A)电磁安培(CGS电磁制电流单位,=10安培=1毕奥) abandoner 放弃者,弃船者;SHIP~弃船船员, abandonment 1.弃船,放弃.2.(商)委付(将残余保险物权转移给保险人以领取全部赔偿金额)3.放弃货载4.(油)废井 abase 1.落帆.2.降旗 abate 1.减退(指潮或水位),缓和(指风)2.废除,撤消3.减价,还价 abatement 1.减退(指潮或水位),缓和(指风) ,抑制2.作废,撤消3.减价,减税;NOISE ~噪声抑制,消声;~OF TAXES 减税 A-battery 丝极电池,甲电池 ABB=air-blast circuit breaker 空气吹弧断路器 ABB=automatic back bias 自动反馈偏压 abbreviation 缩写,略语,简号2.(数)约分,简化 ABC=automatic bandwidth control 自动带宽控制 ABC=automatic bias compensation 自动偏压补偿 ABC=automatic bias control 自动偏压控制 ABC=automatic binary computer 自动二进制电子计算机,自动二进制电脑 ABC=automatic boiler control 锅炉自动控制 ABC=automatic brightness control 自动亮度控制 ABCC=automatic brightness contrast control 自动亮度对比控制,自动亮度反差调整abcoulomb 电磁库仑(CGS电磁制电荷单位,=10库仑=1毕奥秒) ABCU=automatic bridge control system for unattended engine room (ABS) (美国船级社船级标志)驾驶室遥控无人机舱(注明无人时限) ABD=advance base dock (美)前沿基地浮船坞 abd=aboard 在船上,去船上 ABDC=after bottom dead center 下死点后 abeam 正横(与船的中线面成直角),横向;OBJECT~物标正横;WIND~横风 aberration 1.像差2.光行差3.偏差,反常 abfarad 电磁法拉(CGS电磁制电容单位=10-9法拉) abhenry 电磁亨利(CGS电磁制电感单位=10-9亨利) abide 1.忍受(风浪),坚持顶浪2.等待(其它船)3.(商行船被风浪所阻(海损用词) ability 性能,能力 ability ~of righting(船舶)扶正能力,复原能力;~to deposit weld熔敷焊接能力;~to self-stow自收藏能力(的); ability absorbing~吸收能力;accelerating~加速性能; ability adaptive~自适应能力;adhesive~粘着性;


AIS(Automatic Identification System)自动识别系统 COW(Crude Oil Washing)原油洗舱 CSO (Company Security Officer)公司保安员 CSR (Continuous Synopsis Record)连续概要记录 DOC (Document Of Compliance)符合证明 DPA (Designated Person Ashore) 岸上指定人员 DOS (Declaration Of Security) 保安声明 EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) 应急无线电示位标 ETA (Estimated Time Of Arrival)预计到港时间 ETD (Estimated Time Of Departure)预计离港时间 ISPS (International Ship And Port Facility Security Code) 国际船舶保安和港口设备保安规则 ISSC (International Ship Security Certificate)国际船舶保安证书INMARSAT (International Maritime Satellite Organization) 国际海事卫星组织 LOA (Length Overall)总长 MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service Identity)海上移动通信识别 MRCC (Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Center) 海上救助协调中心 OOW (Officer On Watch) 值班驾驶员 OSC (On-scene Co-ordinator) 现场协调员 PSC (Port State Control)港口国监督 PSCO (Port State Control Officer)港口国监督员 RCC (Rescue Coordinated Center)搜索救助协调中心 SAR (Search And Rescue) 搜索和救助 SART (Search And Rescue Transponder) 搜索救助应答器 SWL (Safe Working Lload) 安全工作荷载 SMC (Ship Management Certificate)船舶管理证书 SSP (Ship Security Plan)船舶保安计划 SSA (Ship Security Alert)船舶保安报警 SSAS (Ship Security Alert System)船舶保安报警系统 SSA (Ship Security Assessment)船舶保安评估 SOPEP (Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan) 船舶油污染应急计划 SART (Search And Rescue Transponder) 搜索救助应答器 TEUS (Twentyfoot Equivalent Unit) 20英尺标准集装箱 UTC (Universal Time Coordinated)协调世界时间 VHF (Very High Frequency)甚高频 VTS (Vessel Traffic Service)船舶交通系统 CCS (China Classification Society)中国船级社 Lloyd’s (Lloyd’s register of shipping)英国船级社 NKK (Nippon Kaizi Kyokai )日本船级社 B.V. (Bureau Veritas)法国船级社
