Object-based Multiple Foreground Video Co-segmentation

Object-based Multiple Foreground Video Co-segmentation
Object-based Multiple Foreground Video Co-segmentation

Object-based Multiple Foreground Video Co-segmentation

Huazhu Fu,Dong Xu Nanyang Technological University

Bao Zhang

Tianjin University

Stephen Lin

Microsoft Research


We present a video co-segmentation method that uses category-independent object proposals as its basic element and can extract multiple foreground objects in a video set. The use of object elements overcomes limitations of low-level feature representations in separating complex fore-grounds and backgrounds.We formulate object-based co-segmentation as a co-selection graph in which regions with foreground-like characteristics are favored while also ac-counting for intra-video and inter-video foreground coher-ence.To handle multiple foreground objects,we expand the

co-selection graph model into a proposed multi-state selec-tion graph model(MSG)that optimizes the segmentation-s of different objects jointly.This extension into the MSG can be applied not only to our co-selection graph,but al-so can be used to turn any standard graph model into a multi-state selection solution that can be optimized directly by the existing energy minimization techniques.Our experi-ments show that our object-based multiple foreground video co-segmentation method(ObMiC)compares well to related techniques on both single and multiple foreground cases.


The goal of video foreground co-segmentation is to joint-ly extract the main common object from a set of videos. In contrast to the unsupervised problem of foreground seg-mentation for a single video[16,22,23],the task of video co-segmentation is considered to be weakly supervised, since the presence of the foreground object in multiple videos provides some indication of what it is.Despite this additional information,there can still remain much ambi-guity in the co-segmentation of general videos,which of-ten contain multiple foreground objects and/or low contrast between foreground and background.Taking the pair of videos in Fig.1(a)as an example,it can be seen in(b) that co-segmentation methods based on low-level appear-ance features may not adequately discriminate between the foreground and background.Also,object-based methods designed for single video segmentation do not take advan-tage of the joint information between the videos,and con-

(a)(b)(c)(d) Figure1.Video co-segmentation example for the case of a s-ingle foreground object.(a)Two related video clips.(b)Co-segmentation results from[3]based on low-level appearance fea-tures.(c)Results from object-based video segmentation[23]that does not consider the two videos jointly.(d)Results of our object-based video co-segmentation method.

sequently may extract different objects as shown in(c).

In this paper,we present a general technique for video co-segmentation that is formulated with object proposals as the basic element of processing,and that can readily han-dle single or multiple foreground objects in single or mul-tiple videos.Our Ob ject-based M ultiple foreground V i deo C o-segmentation method(ObMiC)is developed from two main technical contributions.The?rst is an object-based framework in which a co-selection graph is constructed to connect each foreground candidate in multiple videos. The foreground candidates in each frame are category-independent object proposals that represent regions likely to encompass an object according to the structured learn-ing method of[6].This mid-level representation of regions has been shown to more robustly and meaningfully separate foreground and background regions in images and individ-ual videos[21,14,16,22,23].We introduce them into the video co-segmentation problem,and propose compat-ible constraints that assist in foreground identi?cation and promote foreground consistency among the videos.

The second technical contribution is a method for ex-tending the graph models such as the aforementioned co-selection graph to allow selection of multiple states in each

2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

node.In the context of video co-segmentation,we apply this method to expand the co-selection graph into a m ulti-state s election g raph(MSG)in which multiple foreground objects can be dealt with in our object-based framework. The MSG is additionally able to accommodate the cases of a single foreground and/or a single video,and can be op-timized by existing energy minimization techniques.Our ObMiC method yields co-segmentation results that surpass related techniques as shown in Fig.1(d).For evaluation of multiple foreground video co-segmentations,we have constructed a new dataset with ground truth,which will be made publicly available upon publication of this work. 2.Related Works

Video Co-segmentation:Only a few methods have been proposed for video co-segmentation,and they all base their processing on low-level features.Chen et al.[2]identi?ed regions with coherent motion in the videos and then?nd a common foreground based on similar chroma and texture feature distributions.Rubio et al.[19]presented an iterative process for foreground/background separation based on fea-ture matching among video frame regions and spatiotempo-ral tubes.The low-level appearance models in these meth-ods,however,are often not discriminative enough to ac-curately distinguish complex foregrounds and background-s.Guo et al.[9]employed trajectory co-saliency to match the action form the video pair.However,this method on-ly focuses on the common action extraction rather than the foreground object segmentation.In[3],the Bag-of-Words representation was used within a multi-class video co-segmentation method based on distant-dependent Chi-nese Restaurant Processes.While BoW features provide more discriminative ability than basic color and texture fea-tures,they may not be robust to appearance variations of a foreground object in different videos,due to factors such as pose change.Fig.1(b)shows co-segmentation results of[3],where the pixel-level features do not provide a rep-resentation suf?cient for relating corresponding regions be-tween the input videos.By contrast,our method uses an object-based representation that provides greater discrim-inability and robustness,as shown in Fig.1(d).

Object-based Segmentation:In contrast to the meth-ods based on low-level descriptors,object-based techniques make use of a mid-level representation that aims to delineate an object’s entirety.Vicente et al.[21]introduced the use of object proposals for co-segmentation of images.Meng et al.[17]employed the shortest path algorithm to select a common foreground from object proposals in multiple im-ages.Lee et al.[14]utilized object proposal regions as fore-ground candidates in the context of single video segmen-tation,with the objectness measure used in ranking fore-ground hypotheses.More recent works[16,22,23]on s-ingle video segmentation have extended this object-based approach and incorporated a common constraint that the foreground should appear in every frame.This constraint is formulated within a weighted graph model,with the so-lution optimized via maximum weight cliques[16],short-est path algorithm[22],or dynamic programming[23].As these single video segmentation methods do not address the co-segmentation problem,they do not account for the infor-mation within other videos.Moreover,they do not present a way to deal with multiple foreground objects.In our work, we present a more general co-selection graph to formulate correspondences between different videos,and extend this framework to handle both single and multiple foreground objects using the MSG model.

Multiple foreground co-segmentation:Some co-segmentation methods can handle multiple objects.Kim et al.[11]employed an anisotropic diffusion method to?nd out multiple object classes from multiple images.They al-so presented a different approach for multiple foreground co-segmentation in images[12],which builds on an iter-ative framework that alternates between foreground mod-eling and region assignment.Joulin et al.[10]proposed an energy-based image co-segmentation method that com-bines spectral and discriminative clustering terms.Mukher-jee et al.[18]segmented multiple objects from image col-lections,by analyzing and exploiting their shared subspace structure.The video co-segmentation method in[3]can also deal with multiple foreground extraction,which uses a non-parametric Bayesian model to learn a global appearance model that connects the segments of the same class.How-ever,all of these methods are based on low-level feature rep-resentations for clustering the foregrounds into classes.On the other hand,object-based techniques operate on a mid-level representation of object proposals but lack an effective way to deal with multiple foregrounds.In our work,we ex-tend the object-based co-segmentation approach to handle multiple foregrounds using the MSG model,where multi-ple foreground objects can be segmented jointly in multiple videos via the existing energy minimization method.

3.Our Approach

We present our object-based video co-segmentation al-gorithm by?rst describing it for the case of a single fore-ground object,and then extending this approach to handle multiple foreground objects using the MSG model.

3.1.Single object co-segmentation

We denote the set of videos as{V1,...,V N},where each video V n consists of T n frames denoted by{F n1,...,F n T


}. In each frame,a set of object-based candidates is obtained using the category-independent object proposals method [6],from which the generated candidates may possibly have some overlapping areas.To identify the foreground objec-t in each frame,we consider various object characteristic-






Figure 2.Unary energy factors in foreground detection.(a)Two input frames from a video.(b)Top three proposal regions generated from [6],where the candidates are ranked by their objectness scores.(c)Optical ?ow maps by [15],which detects dynamic objects and ignores static objects.(d)Co-saliency maps by [8],which indicate common salient regions among the video.(e)Our selected candidates determined from the co-selection graph,which extracts the common foreground (giraffe)and removes background objects (elephant).

s that are indicative of foregrounds,while accounting for intra-video coherence of the foreground as well as fore-ground coherence among the different videos.

We formulate this problem as a co-selection graph in the form of a conditional random ?eld (CRF).As illustrated in Fig.3,each video is modeled by a sequence of nodes.Each node represents a frame in the video,and the possible states of a node are comprised of the foreground object candidates in the frame.For the case of a single foreground object,we seek for each node the selected candidate u n t that corre-sponds to it.By concatenating the selected candidates from all the frames of the video set,we obtain a candidate se-ries u ={u n t |n =1,...,N ;t =1,...,T n }.For each video,intra-video edges are placed between the nodes of adjacent frames.The nodes of different videos are fully connected with each other by inter-video edges.

For this co-selection graph,we express its energy func-tion E cs (u )as follows:

E cs (u )


N n =1T n t =1

Ψ(u n t )+Φα(u n t ,u n

t +1)


N n,m =1,n =m

T n t =1T m s =1

Φβ(u n t ,u m

s ),


where Ψ,Φαand Φβrepresent unary,intra-video and inter-video energy,respectively.

Unary energy combines three factors in determining how likely an object candidate is to be the foreground:

Ψ(u n t )=?log [O (u n t )·max (M (u n t ),S (u n

t ))].


The factors that in?uence this energy are the objectness s-core O (u ),motion score M (u ),and saliency score S (u )of the candidate u .The objectness score O (u )provides a mea-sure of how likely the candidate is to be a whole object.For this,we take the value returned in the candidate generation process [6].The motion score M (u )measures the con?-dence that candidate u corresponds to a coherently moving object in the video.We de?ne the motion score using the

Figure 3.Our co-selection graph is formulated as a CRF mod-el.Each frame of a video is a node,and the foreground object

candidates of the frame are the states a node can take.The nodes (frames)from different videos are fully connected by inter-video terms.Within a given video,only adjacent nodes (frames)are con-nected by intra-video terms.

de?nition in [14]:

M (u n t )=1?exp

?1M m

χ2flow (u n

t ,ˉu n t )


where ˉu n t denotes the pixels around the candidate u n

t with-in a minimum bounding box enclosing the candidate,and

χ2flow is the χ2

-distance between the normalized optical ?ow histograms with M m denoting the mean of the χ2-distances.In our work,the optical ?ow is computed by using the method in [15].

Most video segmentation methods [14,16,22,23]aim to ?nd a coherently moving foreground object based on its motion score.However,in practice a foreground object may not always be moving in the video,so we additionally con-sider a static saliency cue and take the maximum between the dynamic motion and static saliency cues in Eq.(2).D-ifferent from the objectness score O (u ),which is designed to identify extracted regions that are object-like and whole,the saliency score S (u )relates to visually salient stimuli,which has often been used to ?nd regions of interest.For this,rather than performing saliency detection for single im-ages,we compute the co-saliency map on multiple images as described in [8],which takes consistency throughout the video into account.

The differences among the three factors in the unary ter-m are illustrated in Fig.2.For the input frames in (a),the top proposals ranked only by objectness scores [6]do not

accurately represent the foreground in the video.For exam-ple,the actual foreground in the?rst frame of(b)is ranked third,while in the second frame the correct foreground ob-ject is not even among the top three.On the other hand, the optical?ow map of[15]in(c)highlights the primary object(giraffe)in the?rst frame,but instead?nds the sec-ondary object(elephant)in the second frame due to its high-er motion score.The co-saliency map of[8]in(d)detects a common foreground,but may also give high scores to other regions.Jointly considering these disparate factors leads to more reliable estimates of the foreground,as shown in(e).

Intra-video energy provides a spatiotemporal smooth-ness constraint between neighboring frames in an individu-al video.It is commonly used in single video segmentation [16,22,23],and we de?ne this term as follows:

Φα(u n t,u n t+1)=γ1·D c(u n t,u n t+1)·D f(u n t,u n t+1),(4) whereγ1is a weighting coef?cient,D c represents the color histogram similarity between two candidates as

D c(u n t,u n t+1)=


M c

χ2color(u n t,u n t+1),(5)

whereχ2color is theχ2-distance between unnormalized color histograms with M c denoting the mean of theχ2-distances among all candidates in all the videos,and D f represents the overlap between the two candidates in the adjacen-

t frames:

D f(u n t,u n t+1)=?log

|u n t∩W arp(u n t+1)|

|u n t∪W arp(u n t+1)|


where W arp(u n t+1)transforms the candidate region u n t+1 from frame t+1to t based on optical?ow mapping[15].

Inter-video energy measures foreground consistency a-mong the different videos.In the co-selection graph,can-didates from one video are connected to those in the other videos.We de?ne the inter-video energy as follows:Φβ(u n t,u m s)=γ2·D c(u n t,u m s)·D s(u n t,u m s),(7) whereγ2is a weighting coef?cient,D c denotes color his-togram similarity computed as in Eq.(5),and D s measures shape similarity between the two candidates.In our work, shape is represented in terms of the HOG descriptor[4] within a minimum bounding box enclosing the candidate. We de?ne D s as

D s(u n t,u m s)=


M s

χ2shape(u n t,u m s),(8)

whereχ2shape is theχ2-distance between unnormalized HOGs with M s denoting the mean of theχ2-distances.

Inference:To solve the co-selection graph,we seek the labeling u?that minimizes its energy function:

u?=arg min

u E cs(u).(9)





Figure4.Our MSG model,illustrated for K=3.For K-state se-

lection,our method replicates the co-selection graph K?1times

to form K subgraphs,and connects the corresponding nodes of

different subgraphs with the candidate overlap term.Each sub-

graph outputs its corresponding candidate series.The smoothness

terms include the inter-video terms and intra-video terms in our

co-selection graph.

In contrast to the directed graph used in[22,23],our co-

selection graph is a cycle graph that connects candidates

among multiple videos.Optimizing a cycle graph is a NP-

hard problem.We employ TRW-S[13]to obtain a good

approximated solution as in[5].

Since object candidates generated by[6]are only rough-

ly segmented,we re?ne the results as in[14,23]with a

pixel-level spatiotemporal graph-based segmentation.

3.2.Multiple foreground co-segmentation

In this section,we extend our single object video co-

segmentation approach to handle multiple foregrounds us-

ing a multi-state selection graph model(MSG).With MSG,

multiple foregrounds can be solved jointly in the multiple

videos via existing energy minimization methods.

3.2.1Multiple foreground selection energy

For the case of multiple foregrounds,K different candidates

are to be found in each frame.We refer to the set of selected

candidates throughout the videos for the k th foreground ob-

ject as the candidate series u(k).In solving for the multiple

foreground co-segmentation,we account for the indepen-

dent co-segmentation energies E cs(u(k))of each of the K

candidate series.In addition,it must be ensured that the

K candidate regions have minimal overlap throughout the

videos,since an area in a video frame cannot belong to two

or more foreground objects.We model this constraint by

introducing the candidate overlap penalty E ov(u(k),u(j))

between different candidate series,and de?ne the multiple

foreground selection problem as follows:

De?nition:Let G= V,E be an undirected graph with

the set of vertices V and the set of edges E.By concatenat-

ing the variables from all the nodes,we obtain a candidate

series u.The multiple foreground selection solves for K

different candidate series{u(1),...,u(K)}in G according to

min u(1),...,u(K)



E cs(u(k))+



E ov(u(k),u(j)),(10)

where E cs(·)denotes independent co-selection graph ener-gies and E ov(·,·)represents the candidate overlap penalty.

Incorporating Eq.(1)into the multiple foreground selec-tion energy function in Eq.(10),we obtain

E msg=



E cs(u(k))+



E ov(u(k),u(j))













T n


Ψ(u n,(k)


)+Φα(u n,(k)


,u n,(k)







T n


T m


Φβ(u n,(k)


,u m,(k)















T n


Δ(u n,(k)


,u n,(j)



where u n,(k)

t denotes the k th selected candidate in frame

F n t,andΔ(·,·)is the candidate overlap term.In our co-segmentation method,the candidate overlap term is de?ned as the intersection-over-union metric between two candi-dates:

Δ(u n,(k)

t ,u n,(j)



|u n,(k)


∩u n,(j)



|u n,(k)


∪u n,(j)




whereγ3is a scale parameter.

3.2.2Multi-state selection graph model

To optimize the multiple foreground selection energy in E-

q.(11),we propose the multi-state selection graph model

(MSG).In MSG,the co-selection graph for single objec-

t co-segmentation is replicated K?1times to produce K

subgraphs in total,one for each candidate series.We ob-

serve that the candidate overlap penaltyΔ(·,·)in Eq.(11)

can be treated as edges between corresponding nodes in the

subgraphs,as illustrated in Fig.4.Linking the subgraphs in

this way combines the subgraphs into a uni?ed MSG,such

that the single foreground co-selection graph G= V,E is

extended into the multi-state selection graph G = V ,E , where the vertex set V is composed of the vertices from the K subgraphs,and edge set E includes the edges in the K subgraphs as well as the edges between the subgraphs for

the candidate overlap term.

With the MSG model,we can express the multiple

foreground selection energy of Eq.(11)as follows:

E msg=







Ψ(u q)+


Φ(u q,u r)






Δ(u q,u r)(13) =


Ψ(u q)+


Θ(u q,u r),(14)

where(q,r)denotes the edge between nodes q and r,VΔdenotes the edge set for the candidate overlap term in multi-state selection,andΘis the combination of the smoothness termΦand the candidate overlap termΔ.Note thatΦ(·) in Eq.(13)encompasses the intra-video termsΦα(·)and inter-video termsΦβ(·)in Eq.(11).

Our MSG energy in Eq.(14)can be derived in the context of Markov Random Fields:A minimum of E msg corresponds to a maximum a posteriori(MAP)labeling {u(1),...,u(K)}.Thus,our MSG can be solved direct-ly by the existing energy minimization method(e.g.,A?search[1]and belief propagation[7]),yielding the multi-ple foreground objects in one shot.Moreover,our MSG can be applied not only to extend our co-selection graph,but also to turn any standard graph model into a multi-state s-election solution.In this paper,we employ TRW-S[13]to obtain the approximated solution.


The ObMiC method is general enough to handle sin-gle/multiple videos and single/multiple foreground segmen-tation.In our experiments,we test our method in the t-wo video co-segmentation cases,with a single foreground and with multiple foregrounds.We employ two metrics for the evaluation.The?rst is the average per-frame pixel er-

ror[20]de?ned as|XOR(R,GT)|


,where R is the segmenta-tion result of each method,GT is the ground truth,and F is the total number of frames.The second measure is the

intersection-over-union metric[3]de?ned as R∩GT



4.1.Single foreground video co-segmentation

In evaluating for the single foreground case,we employ the MOViCS dataset[3],which includes four video set-s in total with?ve frames of each video labeled with the ground truth.The foregrounds in these video sets are tak-en to be the primary objects,namely the Chicken,Giraffe, Lion and https://www.360docs.net/doc/681062614.html,ing the codes obtained from the cor-responding authors,we compare our ObMiC algorithm to six state-of-the-art methods that are the most closely related works published in recent years:(1)Co-saliency detection (CoSal)in[8],which is based on bottom-up saliency cues and employs a global coherence cue to detect the common saliency region in multiple images.CoSal[8]can also pro-duce the co-segmentation results via a binary segmentation.

Chicken Giraffe Lion Tiger

Figure5.Single object segmentation results on the MOViCS dataset,where the displayed video frames are from different videos.From top to bottom:input videos,MIC[10],MVC[3],OIC[17],OVS[23],and our ObMiC method.(Best viewed in color.) Methods Chicken Giraffe Lion Tiger Avg.







Our SeC245039533058241478402

Our ObMiC156729381598210056726

Table1.The average per-frame pixel errors on MOViCS dataset.

(2)Object-based proposals(ObjPro)in[6],which generates

a set of object candidates in each frame based on a category independent generic object model.We use the top-ranked proposals as the result in[6].(3)Object-based image co-segmentation(OIC)in[17],which selects a common object from the multiple images via the shortest path algorithm.

(4)Object-based video segmentation(OVS)in[23],which employs a directed acyclic graph based framework to select the primary object in a single video.(5)Multi-class image co-segmentation(MIC)in[10],which segments the multi-ple images into regions of multiple classes.We select the class that has the most overlap with the ground truth over the video set as its foreground segmentation result.Since the number of clusters K needs to be prede?ned in MIC, we sample values of K between5and8,and choose the value that yields the best performance for each video set.

(6)Multi-class video co-segmentation(MVC)in[3],which produces a segmentation of multiple classes from the mul-tiple videos.As with MIC[10],we select the class that has the most overlap with the ground truth over the entire video set as its segmentation result.(7)We also present an inter-mediate result of our method:the selected candidates(SeC) from Eq.(1),i.e.,our ObMiC results prior to pixel-level re-?nement.The segmentation results are shown in Fig.5,and quantitative errors are given in Table1and Fig.6.

ObjPro[6]does not perform well,because it lacks intra-video and inter-video constraints.Slightly better perfor-






































CoSal ObjPro OIC OVS

Figure6.The intersection-over-union metric on MOViCS dataset. mance is obtained by CoSal[8],as it employs inter-video cues.However,the bottom-up saliency cue used in[8]can become less effective in complex videos(e.g.,Tiger),as al-so mentioned in[8].Our SeC integrates objectness,mo-tion,and co-saliency related cues in the unary term,which together with the additional inter-video and intra-video con-straints leads to signi?cant improvements over ObjPro and CoSal on average.

OIC[17]is an object-based co-segmentation method for multiple images.Image co-segmentation methods of-ten make use of the assumption that the multiple images have different backgrounds.However,the backgrounds of a video are temporally continuous and similar in content, which leads to incorrect foregrounds from OIC as seen in the videos of Giraffe and Tiger.In video segmentation methods,the use of motion cues and intra-video smooth-ness provides powerful constraints that help to avoid this issue.

OVS[23],which is designed for single video segmenta-tion,extracts the foreground without considering the oth-er videos.As a result,the segmented foreground might not be the same among the videos in the set.For exam-ple,it extracts both the lion and zebra together as the fore-

ground region in the third video of Lion,since they both have foreground-like characteristics and appear connected through most of the video.

MIC[10]combines local appearance and spatial consis-tency terms with class-level discrimination.However,as an image co-segmentation method,it does not include a tem-poral smoothness constraint for video co-segmentation.The low-level representation in MIC without an objectness con-straint may lead to fragmentary segmentation,as seen in the second video of Lion and the third video of Tiger.

Inter-video constraints are incorporated in MVC[3]. However,its segmentation with pixel-level features often does not capture the foreground object in its entirety,as shown for the videos of Chicken and Tiger.The use of pixel-level features can also affect its class labeling,as seen in the third video of Tiger,though this problem is not penal-ized in this comparison since the region that has the maxi-mum overlap with the ground truth is taken as the segmen-tation result of MVC.By contrast,the use of objectness and intra-video smoothness constraints in our ObMiC method helps to avoid these issues and provides more meaning-ful foreground co-segmentation results.ObMiC obtains the best results on the four video sets.

4.2.Multiple foreground video co-segmentation

Since there are no datasets for multiple foreground video co-segmentation,we have collected our own,consisting of four sets,each with a video pair and two foreground ob-jects in common.The dataset includes ground truth manu-ally obtained for each frame.With these videos,we com-pare our method to two multi-class co-segmentation meth-ods:MIC[10]and MVC[3].We also provide two other baselines:selected candidates via our MSG,and iterative selection(IterSel)which solves for the foreground object-s one at a time from Eq.(11).IterSel?rst computes one candidate series based on single object co-selection,then updates the unary term of each node by adding the candi-date overlay term in Eq.(12)for the selected candidate to prevent re-selection of its associated states in subsequent iterations.These two steps are repeated until K state se-ries are selected.The total energy function of IterSel thus becomes equivalent to Eq.(11)after selecting all the state series.For most object-based segmentation methods,the number of foregrounds(i.e.,K)needs to be prede?ned.In this experiment,we set K=2.Fig.8displays multiple foreground segmentation results with our dataset,and quan-titative errors are given in Table2and Fig.7.

MIC[10]employs a global constraint to group similar regions from different images.It also classi?es pixels based on a low-level representation without an objectness con-straint,which may result in wrongly merged object class-es from the foreground and background.For example,the black dog in the?rst video of the Dog set is wrongly classi-

Methods Dog Person Monster Skating Avg.




Our MSG120912120569934555621

Our ObMiC11159321355132744315 Table2.The average per-frame pixel errors on our multiple fore-ground video dataset.






























Figure7.The intersection-over-union metric on our multiple fore-ground video dataset.

?ed together with the background tree shadows in the sec-ond video.Also,for the complex foreground(e.g,the big-ger monster)in the Monster set,MIC produces a fragmen-tary segmentation from the low-level features.

MVC[3]includes a temporal smoothness constraint and obtains better performance than MIC.However,as with the single foreground segmentation,the pixel-level processing of MVC leads to some errors in class labeling and hence to some incorrect correspondence of objects(e.g.,the chang-ing of the bigger monster classes in the Monster set).Even though our comparison does not penalize these class switch-es in MVC(by taking the region with the maximum overlap with the ground truth),our ObMiC still outperforms both MVC and MIC on all the videos.

Since IterSel and MSG both generate results direct-ly from the object proposals of[6]without using pixel-level re?nement,their segmentation results are coarse and have greater error than those with pixel-level segmentation. IterSel is similar to a greedy process that sequentially ob-tains a local optimum for each candidate series.By contrast, our MSG method optimizes this multi-state problem jointly via a single global energy function,which leads to less error than IterSel(see Table2).

We note that our method assumes the existence of a com-mon object proposal among the videos,which is a standard assumption among object-based co-segmentation methods (e.g.,[17,21]).When common objects exist,but not in all the videos,our method can still extract them,but will also extract an unrelated region in videos where the common ob-ject is missing.How to deal with missing common objects is a direction for future work.





V i d e o


M V C O u r s V i d e o


M V C O u r s Figure 8.Segmentation results on our newly collected multiple foreground video dataset,where different videos in a set are separated by a line.From top to bottom:input videos,MIC [10],MVC [3],and our ObMiC method.(Best viewed in color.)


We proposed an object-based multiple foreground video co-segmentation method,whose key components are the use of object proposals as the basic element of process-ing,with a corresponding co-selection graph that places constraints among objects in the videos,and the multi-state selection graph for addressing the problem of multi-ple foreground objects.Our MSG,which can handle sin-gle/multiple videos with single/multiple foregrounds,pro-vides a general and global framework that can be used to extend any standard graph model to handle multi-state se-lection while still allowing optimization by existing energy minimization techniques.

Acknowledgements:This work is supported by the Sin-gapore A*STAR SERC Grant (112-148-0003).


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电缆电压降 对于动力装置,例如发电机、变压器等配置的电力电缆,当传输距离较远时,例如900m,就应考虑电缆电压的“压降”问题,否则电缆采购、安装以后,方才发觉因未考虑压降,导致设备无常启动,而因此造成工程损失。 一.电力线路为何会产生“电压降”? 电力线路的电压降是因为导体存在电阻。正因为此,所以不管导体采用哪种材料(铜,铝)都会造成线路一定的电压损耗,而这种损耗(压降)不大于本身电压的10%时一般是不会对线路的电力驱动产生后果的。 二.在哪些场合需要考虑电压降? 一般来说,线路长度不很长的场合,由于电压降非常有限,往往可以忽略“压降”的问题,例如线路只有几十米。但是,在一些较长的电力线路上如果忽略了电缆压降,电缆敷设后在启动设备可能会因电压太低,根本启动不了设备;或设备虽能启动,但处于低电压运行状态,时间长了损坏设备。 较长电力线路需要考虑压降的问题。所谓“长线路”一般是指电缆线路大于500米。 对电压精度要求较高的场合也要考虑压降。 三.如何计算电力线路的压降? 一般来说,计算线路的压降并不复杂,可按以下步骤: 1.计算线路电流I 公式:I= P/1.732×U×cosθ 其中:P—功率,用“千瓦” U—电压,单位kV cosθ—功率因素,用0.8~0.85 2 .计算线路电阻R 公式:R=ρ×L/S 其中:ρ—导体电阻率,铜芯电缆用0.01740代入,铝导体用0.0283代入 L—线路长度,用“米”代入 S—电缆的标称截面 3.计算线路压降 公式:ΔU=I×R 举例说明: 某电力线路长度为600m,电机功率90kW,工作电压380v,电缆是70mm2铜芯电缆,试求电压降。


一般来说,计算线路的压降并不复杂,可按以下步骤: 1.计算线路电流I 公式:I= P/1.732×U×cosθ 其中:P—功率,用“千瓦”U—电压,单位kV cosθ—功率因素,用0.8~0.85 2 .计算线路电阻R 公式:R=ρ×L/S 其中:ρ—导体电阻率,铜芯电缆用0.01740代入,铝导体用0.0283代入 L—线路长度,用“米”代入 S—电缆的标称截面 3.计算线路压降 公式:ΔU=I×R 线路电压降最简单最实用计算方式线路压降计算公式:△U=2*I*R I:线路电流 L:线路长度。 1、电阻率ρ铜为0.018欧*㎜2/米 铝为0.028欧*㎜3/米 2、I=P/1.732*U*COS? 3、电阻R=ρ*l/s(电缆截面mm2) 4、电压降△U=IR<5%U就达到要求了。

例:在800米外有30KW负荷,用70㎜2电缆看是否符合要 求?I=P/1.732*U*COS?=30/1.732*0.38*0.8=56.98A R=Ρl/电缆截面 =0.018*800/70=0.206欧 △U=2*IR=2*56.98*0.206=23.44>19V (5%U=0.05*380=19) 不符合要求。 2、单相电源为零、火线(2根线)才能构成电压差,三相电源是以线电压为标的,所以也为2根线。电压降可以是单根电线导体的损耗,但以前端线电压380V(线与线电压为2根线)为例,末端的电压是以前端线与线电压减末端线与线(2根线)电压降,所以,不论单相或三相,电压降计算均为2根线的 就是欧姆定律:U=R*I 但必须要有负载电流数据、导线电阻值才能运算。铜线电阻率:ρ=0.0172,铝线电阻率:ρ=0.0283 例: 单相供电线路长度为100米,采用铜芯10平方电线负载功率10KW,电流约46A,求末端电压降。求单根线阻: R=ρ×L/S=0.0172×100/10≈0.17(Ω) 求单根线末端电压降: U=RI=0.17×46≈ 7.8(V) 单相供电为零、火2根导线,末端总电压降: 7.8×2=15.6(V)


压降计算公式 在计算压降时,请确保参数正确,不鞥混淆电压降和电压差。考虑电压Vs处的源极上的母线和负载下的电压为V1。线路阻抗上的电压降是deltaV,等于电流和线路阻抗乘积的矢量。然后,源极电压等于负载电压加上向量加法线上的电压降。源极和负载之间的电压差等于模数| Vs |的差值 - | Vl |。这不一定等于线路上的电压降。

近似公式为:DV = K [r.cos(FI)+ x.sen(FI)]。 电缆的R和X(欧姆/公里),长度(km);I(A)。 对于3相,K = sqrt(3)或具有2个导体的单相的K = 2。 但是如果用负载流研究计算两点的电压,则可以获得电压降的精确值,并使两个电压值

的模块的差值| V1 |在入口处和| V2 |输出。 注意,相量方程V1-V2 = Z.I,它是AC的直接OHM定律,其中Z = R + JX不提供值,由因为重要的差异通常是模块的差异dV = | V1 | - | V2 |而不是| V1-V2 | = | Z.I |这个方程式提供。 电压表连接在V1和V2会读| V1-V2 | = | Z.I |,入口处电压表的测量| V1 |和输出的测量值V2 |,即dV = | V1 | - | V2 |。 最后有这些概念: 电压降可以理解为电路(例如母线)的一个点的电压差,但对于两种不同的负载情况。事实是,在无负载的情况下,输出电压等于输入,从而计算出无负载状态下输出的电压降,而负载下的情况对应于计算模块之间的差值|输入电压|和|负载输出电压|其中Z = R + jX 是输入(源)和输出(母线)之间的阻抗。


电缆电压降对于动力装置,例如发电机、变压器等配置的电力电缆,当传输距离较远时,例如900m,就应考虑电缆电压的压降”问题,否则电缆采购、安装以后,方才发觉因未考虑压降,导致设备无法正常启动,而因此造成工程损失。 一?电力线路为何会产生电压降”? 电力线路的电压降是因为导体存在电阻。正因为此,所以不管导体采用哪种材料 (铜,铝)都会造成线路一定的电压损耗,而这种损耗(压降)不大于本身电压的 10%时一般是不会对线路的电力驱动产生后果的。 二.在哪些场合需要考虑电压降? 一般来说,线路长度不很长的场合,由于电压降非常有限,往往可以忽略压降”的问题,例如线路只有几十米。但是,在一些较长的电力线路上如果忽略了电缆压降,电缆敷设后在启动设备可能会因电压太低,根本启动不了设备;或设备虽能启动,但处于低电压运行状态,时间长了损坏设备。 较长电力线路需要考虑压降的问题。所谓长线路”一般是指电缆线路大于500米。 对电压精度要求较高的场合也要考虑压降。 三?如何计算电力线路的压降? 一般来说,计算线路的压降并不复杂,可按以下步骤: 1?计算线路电流I 公式:1= P/1.732 X U X cos 9 其中:P—功率,用千瓦” U—电压,单位kV cos 9—功率因素,用0.8?0.85 2 .计算线路电阻R 公式:R=pX L/S 其中:p—导体电阻率,铜芯电缆用0.01740代入,铝导体用0.0283代入 L—线路长度,用米”代入

S —电缆的标称截面 3?计算线路压降 公式:△U=I XR 举例说明: 某电力线路长度为600m,电机功率90kW,工作电压380v,电缆是70mm 2铜芯电缆,试求电压降。 解:先求线路电流I 匸P/1.732 X U X cos 9 =97J32r 关 0.380 X 0=861)) 再求线路电阻R R= pX L/S=0.01740 X 600 - 70=0.149( Q) 现在可以求线路压降了: △U=I X R =161 X 0.149=23.V9 ( 由于△ U=23.99V,已经超出电压380V的5% (23.99 -380=6.3% ,因此无法满足电压的要求。解决方案:增大电缆截面或缩短线路长度。读者可以自行计算验正。 例:在800米外有30KW负荷,用70伽2电缆看是否符合要求? 匸P/1.732*U*COS?=30/1.732*0.38* 0.8=56.98A R= pL/S=0.018*800/70=0.206 欧 △ U=IR=56.98*0.206=11.72<19V (5%U=0.05*380=19) 符合要求。 电压降的估算 根据线路上的负荷矩,估算供电线路上的电压损失,检查线路的供电质量 2. 口诀


导线压降如何计算导线压降如何计算导线压降如何计算导线压降如何计算解决思路: 1、已知电缆电阻率,长度,横截面积,可求出电缆电阻 2、已知电缆电阻,供电电压,可求出电缆额定电流 3、已知设备工作电流,电缆额定电流,可求出线路总电流 4、已知线路总电流,电缆电阻,可求出电缆压降 5、推导电缆压降计算总公式 详细分析: 1、电缆电阻计算根据电阻公式:R=ρ×l/s. 其中ρ为电阻率,l为长度,s为横截面积.由此便可求铜导线得电阻.注意,电阻与温度也有关系,不过这里我们一般都认为是常温.故暂不考虑温度影响. 铜的电阻率ρ=0.01851 .mm2/m,这个是常数. 物体电阻公式:R=ρL/S 式中:  。 R为物体的电阻(欧姆);ρ为物质的电阻率,单位为欧姆米(. mm2/m) L为长度,单位为米(m)S为截面积,单位为平方米(mm2)这样距离是L(米)的单条线缆的电阻为R(导线)=ρ*L /S 2、电流计算公式I=U/R(I表示电流、U代表电压、R代表电阻) 已知导线电阻,供电电压,求导线额定电流--I(导线)=U(12V)/R(导线)3、集中供电各设备为并联关系,并联电路总电流等于各支路电流之和 线路总电流I(总)=I(设备1)+I(设备N)+I(导线) 4、电压计算公式U=IR 电线上的电压降等于电线中的电流与电线电阻的乘积 U(导线)=I(总)*R(导线) 5、电缆压降计算总公式推导U(导线)=I(总)*R(导线)=【I(设备1)+I(设备N)+I(导线)】*【ρ*L/S】=【I(设备1)+I(设备N)+U(12V)/R (导线)】*【ρ*L/S】={I(设备1)+I(设备N)+U(12V)/【ρ*L/S】}*【ρ*L/S】最后结论U(导线)={I(设备1)+I(设备N)+U(12V)/【ρ*L/S】}*【ρ*L/S】考虑供电构成回路,使用的是相同的线缆。对于两条电缆来说在线路中的电压损耗是U(导线)=I(总)*R(导线),再乘以2就是实际压降。 125mV就是USB2.0的最大压降标准啊,125/500=0.25 OHM,也就是说,不管你用的导体是多大的,也无论你的线材是多长的,只要你的红黑导体电阻不要超过0.25 OHM就OK了。 例如,假设你的28#导体电阻量测出来是230 OHM/km,即0.23 OHM/M,那么压降方面的长度限制就是0.25/0.23=1.08米!! 大功告成!!


电压降怎么计算测量_电压降计算公式介绍 什么是电压降电压降又称为电压或电位差,表示为U,单位伏特(V),是描述电场力移动电荷做功本领的物理量。 电荷流动时,电荷所具有的能量在电路中释放,电路及电路中所连接的元件将吸收电荷的能量。经过能量吸收,电荷释放能量其本身所含的能量后变小,人们用电压降落来衡量电荷在电路中释放能量的能力大小。当电流流过电路时,将在电路的每一小段中产生一定的电压降落,电压降来表示电荷流过该小段释放(或表述成该小段电路吸收)的电能的大小。电压降怎么测量与计算一个电源的电压经过一段线路或其他部件的传送电压有一部分就会被消耗从而降低,这降低的部分就是这段线路的电压降,测量电源起点处的电压与终点处的电压,两者之差就是电压降。 举个简单的例子,例如变电站的输出电压是220V,而你家的电压是215V,那么从变电站到你家的这段电路的电压降就是220V-215V=5V。 首先计算线路的阻值R。U损=I*R。I就是所带负荷的电流。 哪些场合需要考虑电压降一般来说,线路长度不很长的场合,由于电压降非常有限,往往可以忽略“压降”的问题,例如线路只有几十米。但是,在一些较长的电力线路上如果忽略了电缆压降,电缆敷设后在启动设备可能会因电压太低,根本启动不了设备;或设备虽能启动,但处于低电压运行状态,时间长了损坏设备。 较长电力线路需要考虑压降的问题。所谓“长线路”一般是指电缆线路大于500米。对电压精度要求较高的场合也要考虑压降。 电压降产生原因对于动力装置,例如发电机、变压器等配置的电力电缆,当传输距离较远时,例如900m,就应考虑电缆第一文库网电压的“压降”问题,否则电缆采购、安装以后,方才发觉因未考虑压降,导致设备无法正常启动,而因此造成工程损失, 电力线路的电压降是因为导体存在电阻。正因为此,所以不管导体采用哪种材料(铜,铝)都会造成线路一定的电压损耗,而这种损耗(压降)不大于本身电压的5%时一般是不会
