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口语交际——听话与说话(一) 【教学目标】理解听话和说话是进行信息交流的主要手段,培养良好的听说能力对于自己的学习、生活和将来的工作都有非常重要的意义。 【教学重点】掌握听话的基本要求,做到耐心专注地倾听,能理解对方说话的主要内容、观点和意图。 【教学难点】掌握说话的基本要求,能用普通话进行交流,字音清晰、语调得当、意思明白,能根据具体场合和要求,即时发表自己的意见,做到态度大方、用语得体。 课时安排:两课时 第一课时 一、导入语 日常生活当中,我们得讲究语言的艺术。今天,我们来学习口语交际之听话与说话,提升我们的语言能力。视频导入(《麦兜兜响当当》片段) 生活中有很多时候就像这个视频中的麦兜与老板一样,说话者没有看对象,听话者没有听懂言外之意。这样就形成了沟通的障碍。生活中的交际是很重要的,而交际的其中一种方式是通过对话完成的,这就要求我们在交际的时候要注意听话和说话,掌握听话与说话的技巧。 二、听话的要求 在接受信息、听人说话时,要做到九个字:听完整 ...。 ...,听深入 ...、听明白 (一)听完整 就是要耐心地听,要把说话者表达的内容从头至尾地听完,这样才能完整地把握信息。 在听别人大段叙说时,要有耐心,要高度集中注意力,一般不要打断别人的说话,为了防止听有疏漏,或者记忆有误,听的同时可以记下一些重要的内容。 (二)听明白

就是要仔细地听,把说话者表达的意思明白无误地接受下来。一是要抓住关键词语,二是要抓住说话者的说话意图,三是要抓住说话者所传递信息的内容主旨。 (三)听深入 就是对得到的话语信息既要能听出言外之意,话外之音,又要做出积极能动的心理反应。 三、说话的要求 说话,是一种艺术,说话能力是一种综合性的能力。要提高说话能力,可以从说得对、说得清、说得好这三点要求着手。 (一)说得对 就是指说话时语音要准确、语意要正确。 从语音方面来说,要求发音准确,不能让人听误会了。例如,“吃清炒猪肝”不能说成“吃青草竹竿”。 从语意方面来说,要求说出的话意思要明确,不能产生歧义。话语中有些语句从字面上看是完全相同的,但却有两种或两种以上的意思。在书面语言中,要正确加以理解,必须使用标点符号;在口语中,可以运用停顿的方式来避免歧义。 (二)说得清 就是指说话时思路要清晰,层次要分明。 说话前,要考虑说话的中心,并且围绕着中心,理清思路,考虑话怎样开头,怎样结尾,中间怎样展开,做到胸有全局,说话就会顺当得多。 说话时,要言之有序,就是说话者要注意说话有条理,有顺序,有层次。 说话的内容通常由开头、中间、结尾三个部分组成。开头部分可以引出话题,也可以阐明说话的主旨,或亮出自己的观点。中间部分围绕自己说话的目的进行阐述和分析。这一部分是说话的主体,说话时,要特别注意这一部分的条理化。这部分的条理可以用“打腹稿”的办法,说话前先理一理“序”,可以运用序码


英语口语考试通用语句 模板归纳(一):室外突发事件篇 日期或星期,天气,Tom正在做…..,突然,他听到或看到….,他迅速……,….. 感谢….(或道歉…..) Tom was lying on the beach. Suddenly, he heard a boy shouting for help. The boy was in the water. He quickly jumped into the water and saved the boy out of water. The boy was saved. His parents thanked him again and again. 模板归纳(二):室外平铺直叙篇: 日期或星期,天气,Tom 在做….,有人在做…. 有人…… It was Sunday. It was sunny. There are many people in a park. Tom was in the park. 模板归纳(三):室内突发事件篇 Tom was sleeping in bed Suddenly, he heard the fire alarm and saw a lot of smoke. There was a fire. He quickly jumped out of bed and dialled 119. The firemen arrived. He helped the firemen put out the fire.

模板归纳(四):室内平铺直叙篇: 例文1: He was looking for books. He found some books. He went to the librarian and borrowed them. She said he can keep them for 10 ten days. 例文2: He was doing his homework. His father was reading the newspaper. His mother was cooking. Dinner was almost ready. 模板归纳(五):描写人或物 It’s my bedroom.


初一英语口语试题(二):看图说话 1、Pretend that Helen is your friend,and say something about the picture(假装你是海伦的朋友,描述图画). Start like this(你可以这样开始): Helen studies at Zhaoqing Middle School. She gets up at 6 a.m. every day … 2、Pretend you are Jim or Kate, and say something about the picture(假装你是吉姆或 凯特,描述图画). Start like this(你可以这样开 始): This is a picture of my family. There are six people. The one…

3、Pretend you are David, and say something about the picture(假装你是大卫,描述图画)。Start like this(你可以这样开始): This is a picture of my family There are five people. The one in the middle is my grandpa… 4、Say something about the pictures: what’s the weather like there(描述图画,那里的天气怎样)? Start like this(你可以这样开始): In spring, the sun shines. It’s us ually warm and sunny……


英语口语考试看图说话通用语句 英语口语考试通用语句 (建议让口语考试不开口的学生背诵带下划线的基本语句,英语老师务必要求 平时不开口讲英语的学生在正式考试时一定要开口说。) 模板归纳(一):室外突发事件篇 日期或星期,天气,Tom正在做…..,突然,他听到或看到….,他迅速……,….. 感 谢….(或道歉…..) It was Sunday. It was fine. Tom was lying on the beach. Suddenly, he heard a boy shouting for help. The boy was in the water. He quickly jumped into the water and saved the boy out of water. The boy was saved. His parents thanked him again and again. Tom is a good boy. 模板归纳(二):室外平铺直叙篇: 日期或星期,天气,Tom 在做….,有人在做…. 有人…… It was Sunday. It was sunny. There are many people in a park. Tom was in the park. He was planting trees with his classmates. Some were digging holes. Others were carrying water. In the afternoon, they went home by bus. They were busy but they were very happy. 模板归纳(三):室内突发事件篇


2012级第3学期口语考试题签 1 Key words and expressions: air pollution sustainable development classified rubbish plant trees vehicle

Picture 1 In order to make the earth happy all the time, we should try our best to reduce the air pollution. It can be seen from the picture that in order to reduce the air pollution, we can do the following things. Firstly, plant trees to absorb the harmful air. Secondly, do our best to classify the rubbish. Thirdly, go out by bike instead of taking a vehicle. Fourthly, persuade more people to join the team of protecting the environment, we should start from the small things in our life, start form ourselves. What’s more, we should follow the way of sustainable development. All in all, I believe our life will become better and better and if we do the above things.


听话与说话教案 一:课程导入: A .古希腊有个年轻人,去向苏格拉底学习演讲术,他为了炫耀滔滔不绝将自己的见解,却忽略老师的讲话。结果,后来苏格拉底向那位年轻人收取了双倍学费,理由是苏格拉底认为他应该学习怎样闭嘴,另一门才是学习怎样演讲。(不善聆听的人要讲好话是不可能的)b.同学们我们在和人交往的过程中最重要的是什么?说话,最重要的就是把话说好。 “蛤蟆、青蛙,白天黑夜叫个不停,叫得口干舌疲,可是没有人去听它的叫声。再看那雄鸡,在黎明按时啼叫,天下振动。这告诉我们什么?话要说在有用的地方。 二.课程内容: (一)听话的要求:在接受信息、听人说话时,要做到:听完整、听明白,听深入 1、听完整:就是要耐心地听,要把说话者表达的内容从头至尾地听完,这样才能完整 地把握信息。在听别人大段叙说时,要有耐心,要高度集中注意力,一般不要打断别人 的说话,为了防止听有疏漏,或者记忆有误,听的同时可以记下一些重要的内容。 2、听明白:就是要仔细地听,把说话者表达的意思明白无误地接受下来。一是要抓住 关键词语,二是要抓住说话者的说话意图,三是要抓住说话者所传递信息的内容主旨。【案例】 在日本吉原市大野町的东海道线上,有位少年卧轨自杀经警署调查,死者是富士宫北高中二年级一位16岁的学生,死因是一句气话而引起的当夜死者因看电视而没有做功课,父亲知道后骂了他一句:“真是人头猪脑,还不如去死”不料,这句气话却导致了这场悲剧。评析:即使作为父亲,也要尊重自己的儿子;儿子应正确理解父亲的话 二)说话的要求:说话,是一种艺术,说话的能力是一种综合的能力。要提高说话能力,可以从说得对、说得清、说得好这三点要求着手。 1、说得对:就是指说话时语音要准确、语意要正确。从语音方面来说,要求发音准确,理清思路,不能使人产生误会。;在口语中,可以运用停顿的方式来避免歧义。这份报告我写∕不好。这份报告∕我写不好。 2.说得清。考虑话怎样开头,怎样结尾,中间怎样展开,做到胸有全局,说话就会顺当得多。说话时,要言之有序,就是说话者要注意说话有条理,有顺序,有层次。说话的内容通常由开头、中间、结尾三个部分组成开头部分可以引出话题,也可以阐明说话的主旨,或亮出自己的观点中间部分围绕自己说话的目的进行阐述和分析这一部分是说话的主体,说话时,要特别注意这一部分的条理化这部分的条理可以用“打腹稿”的办法,说话前先理一理“序”,可以运用序码提示法——第一,第二,第三……或者首先,其次,再次……同时,将各层次的主要意思概括成一句话这样,不仅便于记忆,而且说话时能把层次的内容凸显出来,既层次分明,又能让听者了然结尾部分总结自己说话的内容,突出主旨。安排好先后,处理好详略。 3、说得好:就是要讲究说话艺术,追求说话效果。说话不但要听人听清、听懂,还要使听话人产生共鸣,受到鼓舞这就要求说话者对说话的对象和评议的形式进行一定的研究,选择最佳的方案说话者要研究听你说话的对象,针对不同的对象,组织得体的话语。所谓得体,就是说话要适时、适情、适势,一切以适度、适当为原则。 案例:新年之前,几位干部带着两个青年工人去看望退休的老师傅,代表大家送温暖他来到一位退休20多年的老师傅家,两个青年工人格外热情,见面后便问:


1.教室喧闹~(清泉) Class is over, their teacher Mrs. li goes out of the classroom with her books. Just at the time the teacher out, the whole students begin to play and talk in the classroom. Some talk and laugh loudly, some try to make paper planes and fly them in the room. At this time, Xiao ming is sitting on the seat with his feet on his desk. The room is so noisy; everybody seems to be so happy and relaxing. Suddenly Xiao ming falls onto the floor, he is hurt.Xiao ming’ friends help him stand up. Their teacher who is in charge of the class comes into the classroom. Absolutely, he knows all what has happened. He just speak to all the students to take care of themselves and don’t playing in the classroom. At last, Xiao ming is sent to the school hospital and the next class begins. 2.小孩追车~(清泉) One day a young pioneer was on his way to school. A tractor came along, he saw tow naughty boys run behind it. The young pioneer shouted to them and asked the children to stop. He talked patiently to the children to let them known how dangerous to play after a moving tractor. The boy apologized for their behavior. Suddenly the young pioneer saw the tow boys run after a tractor again. No, it was not a tractor, it was a tricycle filled with goods, and the man on the tricycle seemed to be tired. The tow boys helped the man


精品文档 初一英语口语试题(二):看图说话 1、Pretend that Helen is your friend,and say something about the picture(假装你是海伦的朋友,描述图画). Start like this(你可以这样开始): Helen studies at Zhaoqing Middle School. She gets up at 6 a.m. every day …

Jim 2、Pretend you are say and or Kate, the about something (假装你是吉姆或pictureStart 凯特,描述图画). (你可以这样开thislike : 始)of a is picture This my family. There are six people. The one… 精品文档. 精品文档 3、Pretend you are David, and

the about say something 描述图(假装你是大卫,picture(你可以Start like this画)。 : 这样开始)my of a picture This is family There are five people. my middle is The one in the grandpa…

the something about Say 4、weather what's the pictures: 那里的天气描述图画,like there((你可以Start like this)? 怎样: 这样开始)shines. sun spring, In the It's usually warm and


《注意说话的语气》教学设计 大厂回族自治县城关小学崔丽华 一、教材分析 《语文课程标准》总目标明确提出:“具有日常口语交际的基本能力,在各种交际活动中,学会倾听、表达与交流,初步学会文明地进行人际沟通和社会交往,发展合作精神。”口语交际能力,究其实质就是听话和说话的能力。《注意说话的语气》是义务教育教科书语文二年级下册语文园地一中的口语交际。本节课让学生知道,在口语交际中,同样一句话,使用不同的语气,效果是不一样的,所以要学会根据不同的对象,不同的语言环境,选取合适的语气,这样可以增强表达效果,逐步养成良好的口语交际习惯。 二、学情分析 生活中,学生处处需要与人交流。说话人人都会,但是怎样说话,才能让听的人感到舒服,学生却很少考虑。因此,教师在本课教学中,让学生感受到恰当语气魅力的同时,要引导学生学会说话,学会用不同的语气说话,并能够在跟别人说话时用恰当的语气表达,从而提高口语交际能力,给对方留下良好的印象。 三、教学目标 知识与能力目标:能够在跟别人说话时使用恰当的语气,做到语气不生硬,交流中避免使用命令的语气。 过程与方法目标:敢于在同伴面前表演,语气得当,通过沟通,解决实际问题。

情感态度与价值观目标:初步学会文明地进行人际沟通和社会交往,发展合作精神。 四、教学重难点 重点:能够在跟别人说话时注意说话的语气,使用恰当的语气。 难点:说话时做到语气不生硬,交流中避免使用命令的语气。 五、教学策略与设计说明 《语文课程标准》倡导口语交际应重视学生的参与意识和情意态度。在本课设计中,我多次运用连结策略,联系学生生活经验,创设说话情境,鼓励他们想说就说,进行争论,为他们创设自由想象的空间。教学上我采用讨论谈话的方法,让学生动脑筋去思考如何解决问题,使学生在碰到类似的情况会表达会解决,提高学生的交际能力。整节课,我激发学生的参与兴趣,调动学生的情感投入,把话语权交到学生手上,让他们充分地说,充分地表达,使每个学生都全身心地投入到与别人的交流中去,提高了语言表达力、锻炼了学生的综合能力,达到对知识的理解和内化,为语言表达注入鲜活的内容,使整个过程体现自主、合作的学习方式,在并训练语言表达流畅性的同时,发展学生的创新思维培养学生表达能力。 六、教学用具 多媒体课件、树叶卡片 七、教学过程 (一)创设情境,感受语气的魅力。

英语口语 试卷A(8)

浙江万里学院继续教育学院2014学年第一学期 《英语口语》试卷(A卷) 考试时间:分钟闭卷任课老师: 班级:学号:姓名:成绩: 一、语音知识(共10小题;每题1分,共10分) 在下列每缉单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不 同,找出这个词。 ( ) 1.A. nurse B. thirsty C. universe D. surprise ( ) 2.A. belief B. niece C. field D. variety ( ) 3.A. surprised B. pleased C. refused D. increased ( ) 4.A. temperature B. change C. average D. surface ( ) 5.A. construction B. coral C. cross D. model ( ) 6.A. mental B. metal C. total D. metallic ( ) 7.A. detective B. decide C. nephew D. desire ( ) 8.A. determine B. demand C. medical D. belief ( ) 9.A. peasant B. present C. promise D. possession ( )10.A. speech B. stomach C. charge D. church 二、交际选择题(共20小题,每题1分,共20分) 从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。 1. “May I borrow your paper?” “____.” A. By all means B. Never mind C. You are welcome D. Don’t mention it 2. _____, Timmy, act like a big boy now. A. Come on B. Pardon me C. You are right D. Don’t mention it 3. He pushed his way through the crowd, saying “_____.” A. Never mind B. With pleasure C. Go ahead D. Excuse me 4. “I’d like to take a week’s holiday.” “_____, we’re just too busy.” A. Don’t worry B. Don’t mention it C. Forget it D. Pardon me 5. “I’m so sorry about that cup.” “Oh, _____ —I’ve got plenty.” A. that’s right B. bad luck C. sorry D. forget it 6.“Do you mind if I smoke?” “_____.” A. Yes,please B. Never mind C. Go ahead D. No,please don’t 7. “I’m going to have a job interview tomorrow.” “Oh, _____!” A. Cheers B. Good luck C. Come on D. Congratulations 8. “Might I have some more bread?” “_____!” A. How come B. Take your time C. Yes,go on D. Please help yourself 9. “Do you need any help with those heavy bags?” “No, thanks._____.” A. Never mind B. All right C. I can manage D. You are welcome 10. “The film is worth seeing twice.” “_____. It’s not at all interesting.” A. I couldn’t agree less B. I couldn’t agree more C. I’m afraid so D. Never mind 11. “I think it’s a bad idea.” “_____. I don’t like it either.” A. I couldn’t agree more B. I believe not C. I’m afraid not D. I don’t think so 12. “Have a drink?” “No thanks, _____.” A. I do mind B. I don’t like it C. Never mind D. I’d rather not 13. “I hear Johnson was badly injured in the accident.” “_____, let’s go and see him.” A. What’s more B. If so C. Where possible D. When necessary 14. “Can I come?” “_____; there might not be room in the car.” A. That’s OK B. Never mind C. That depends D. It doesn’t matter 15. “I’ve spilled some coffee on the carpet.” “_____” A. That’s right. B. It doesn’t matter. C. That’s rude. D. Please don’t. 16.A:You are thirsty? There are some cans of coke in the fridge. B:____________ A. Forget it. Is there any coffee? B. Well, I don’t like canned food. C. You know something, I’m hungry now. D. I forget. Is there any wine? 17. A:That’s the worst painting I have ever seen. B:__________ A. Oh, yours is worse than that. B. Take it easy. I can help you with it. C. Come on!It‘s not that bad. D. What a pity!I just had the walls painted last weekend. 18. A:How long can I keep the book? B:__________ A. Three weeks. You will be fined if it is overdue.


Unit1 图1 Mr.Dohert managed to spend some hours a week at the typewriter or doing reporting for the freelance articles. At the same time,in addition to her complete routine ,sandy oversees(照料)the garden and the rest。 图2 Recently, Sandy and I had to retile the back roof. Our two little sons will help me make some long-overdue improvements on the outdoor toilet 图3 None of us will ever forget our first winter. We were buried under five feet of snow from December through March. we kept warm inside burning our own wood, eating our own apples and loving every minute of it. 图4 For various stories of mine, I've crawl ed into black-bear dens for Sports Illustrated, hitch ed up(拉住)dogsled racing teams for Smithsonian magazine, checked out the Lake Champlain(尚普兰)"monster" for Science Digest. 图5 We continue to dine out once or twice a month, but now we patronize(经常光顾)local restaurants instead of more expensive places in the city. We still attend the opera and ballet but only a few times a year. We eat less meat, drink cheaper wine and see fewer movies. 图6 I suspect not everyone who loves the country would be happy living the way we do. It takes a couple of special qualities. One is a tolerance for solitude(荒僻的地方). And the other requirement is energy-a lot of it.


上海高考英语口语考试专项练习(三) 上海高中教研教学编写 看图说话 测量目标: 能在《课程标准》列出的话题范围内,对人物或事件进行口头描述、解释和评述。 答题提示: 此题考要求表现对叙述能力特征的控制。答题时,首先关法题目所提供的句子,这个句子是为了帮助和指引学生进入讲述的方向,避免产生不必要的理解错误,所以^定要用好。可以根据它的指引,纵观所有图片,形成一个总体框架。然后,试着一边看清每幅图片中场景的主要事件和人物的相互关系,一边按顺序连续地试着讲述图片内容。讲述过程中依据个人琿解程度和语言表达能力的不同,会产生不同的答案,但要注意描述的连贯性,能自圆其说,对于有些图片,在描述结束时,加上一句画龙点睛的评价或总结也是可以的,但重点还是描述图画。 3-1 图画 Directions: You will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk in at least five sentences about the following pictures. Begin your talk with the sentence given: 图1 My mother has just got a call from East-China Hospital. 图2. I cannot tolerate some of the behaviors that I see in Zhongshan Park on a sunny day.

图3. I am going to tell you a funny thing I saw in a supermarket.



2012级第3学期口语考试题签 1 Key words and expressions: air pollution sustainable development classified rubbish plant trees vehicle

Picture 1 In order to make the earth happy all the time, we should try our best to reduce the air pollution. It can be seen from the picture that in order to reduce the air pollution, we can do the following things. Firstly, plant trees to absorb the harmful air. Secondly, do our best to classify the rubbish. Thirdly, go out by bike instead of taking a vehicle. Fourthly, persuade more people to join the team of protecting the environment, we should start from the small things in our life, start form ourselves. What’s more, we should follow the way of sustainable development. All in all, I believe our life will become better and better and if we do the above things.


英语口语考试通用语句 (建议让口语考试不开口的学生背诵带下划线的基本语句,英语老师务必要求平时不开口讲英语的学生在正式考试时一定要开口说。) 模板归纳(一):室外突发事件篇 日期或星期,天气,Tom正在做…..,突然,他听到或看到….,他迅速……,….. 感 Suddenly, he heard a boy shouting for help. The boy was in the water. He quickly jumped into the water and saved the boy out of water. 模板归纳(二):室外平铺直叙篇: 日期或星期,天气,Tom 在做….,有人在做…. 有人…… It was Sunday. It was sunny. There are many people in a park. Tom was in the park. He was planting trees with his classmates. Some were digging holes. Tom was sleeping in bed Suddenly, he heard the fire alarm and saw a lot of smoke. There was a fire. He quickly jumped out of bed and dialled 119. The firemen arrived. 模板归纳(四):室内平铺直叙篇: He found some books. He went to the librarian and borrowed them.


听话与说话 ——听是说的前提,说是听的升华。 教学目标: 1、培养最基本的听话方法,养成良好的听话习惯。 2、掌握说话的几个基本要领,养成良好的说话习惯。 3、培养学语文、用语文的好习惯,增强学生的应试能力。 教学重难点: 培养、提高学生应试中说话题的解答能力与水平。 教学时数:2课时 教学进程: 一、导入 听、读→接受信息的能力 重要生存的需要 说、写→发表信息的能力 在人们沟通的过程中,把话讲好固然重要,但把话听好是把话讲好的前提。要把话讲好,首先要能够充分理解对方话中的真实意图。中国话较之其他一些语种,比较独特和复杂。所以学会听话有时比学会说话更重要。 造物主早有先见之明,他赐予了我们每个人一张嘴,两只耳朵,就是因为他想让我们少说多听。谁都没有责任把知识放进你的脑子里,你应当用自己的耳朵从教授那里搜索、捕捉知识。在日常交际中,我们经常能听到有人在反思自己“说过了头”,却很少有人会说“听过了头”。这是为什么?说出去的话泼出去的水,很难收回,而听进来的话则可以选择性地遗忘,留下对自己有益的,摈弃对自己不利的。我们很多人不会说话,根源在于不会听话,中国人说话有太多的玄机与微妙,有太多的话中话、话外音、潜台词……俗话说的“听话听音儿,锣鼓听声儿”就是这个意思。真正听明白别人说话,是生活中十分有趣的艺术。所以要学会说话,先要学会听话。所以,无论从哪个方面来说,都证明了一个道理:听,有时比说来得重要。 二、听话 (一)听错话的例子 1、那就是约翰·维尔克思·布思于1865年4月14日在福特剧院刺杀林肯总统之后所喊的话。后来证明他的原话是:“这就是独裁者的下场”,这是弗吉尼亚州的名言。但是一位铁路工人却把它听成另外一句话,他说:“那个布思开枪刺杀了总统,然后跳到台上喊道:‘我病了,快找麦克吉尼思医生去!’” 2、家住南京下关的一对兄弟在一起喝酒,两人都喝得有些多了,哥哥说了一句“不喝了”,弟弟误听成“不活了”,立即砸破酒瓶,响应哥哥“号召”,割腕自杀。幸好哥哥头脑还算清醒,立即配合民警将弟弟送到医院治疗,避免了意外发生。 (二)同学们,请你们讨论一下:在生活中你们应该去听哪些内容,才能促进你们的听话能力? 请同学们听清下面一段话语(《壹周立波秀》中的片段),听完后请同学回答听到了些什么。 教师补充其潜台词。 有目的听清话语的能力 听→博采众家之长有用心听、记、思理解话语的能力 有礼貌品评话语的能力 (三)“听话的艺术”


第一部分:背景介绍 1.环境类 Nowadays,with the development of economy, pollution is more and more serious, just as the description as follows: 2.就业类nowadays,more and more college students stepped into the society, and it is harder and harder for them to have a good job. just as the description as follows: 3.节日/旅游with the development of economy, the life is becoming better and better. In holidays, more people won’t stay at home, and they usually make plans to go out to enjoy beautiful nature.just as the description as follows: 4.校园生活what’s the school life? Studying? That is not all. The school life should be colourful, just as the description as follows: 5.网络/.购物with the development of the internet, surfing/shopping on the line is more and more popular, especially for the youth. They like chatting through qq, msn, or other electric ways. 6.商店购物with the improvement of the people’s life level, more and more people like go shopping in their spare time. 7.健康with the improvement of the people’s life level, more an d more people pay more attention to their health.. (but, air pollution, water pollution do great harm to us. ) 第二部分:描述图片主题 In the first picture……in the second p icture……last but not least….. 第三部分:我的观点 As far as I’m concerned, /in my opinion/ from wher e I stand, I am fully concerned that…… 第四部分:总结 To sum up, /all in all
