


二.Part One写作(概述与方式)


●Write a Short Report

●Write 120-140 Words

●Describe the movements (Charts or graphs)

●At least one chart (Line, Bar and Pie)

解题总思路:(Accomplish In Four Steps)

I. Reading ...................................读题(归纳图表主要内容)

II. Organizing ...............................订框架(根据模板、例句完成文章主要部分)III. Conclusion ...............................客观总结(仅归纳最显而易见的客观联系)IV. Checking ..................................检查(拼写、语法及其他错误)

文章基本框架:(Basic Structure)

●Introduction ..............................简要介绍题目,归纳图表主要内容

●Findings ...................................说明图表中数据走势,趋势和变化

●Conclusion ...............................图表、数字简最客观联系










例:Book2,T est1,Part One (以下例题部分均为此题,简称如上题)Question1:

●The graphs below (Page 28) show the performance of a European

country’s manufacturing and agricultural sectors in terms of

exports and imports between 1991 and 2001.

●Using the information from the graphs, write a short report

describing the general movements in exports, imports and the

resulting balance of trade.

●Write 120-140 words.

1. 词语不多,难度不大,阅读时间尽量缩短

2. 斜体字部分基本为Part One惯例,可基本忽略阅读

3. 下划线部分为题目“不同内容”所在,亦是表格的主要内容

4. 根据题目要求和图表内容“再造”下划线部分


情况,而后将此句子翻译为英文即可。(The two charts describe one

European country’s manufacturing and agricultural performance

in exports and imports parts during 1991 and 2001.)

2.如何订框架:Basic Structure基本框架(见上页)

A. Introduction Part:简要介绍题目、图表内容,基本内容如上英文表达,



●The aim of the report is to summarize the changes of one European

country’s agricultural and manufacturing sectors’exports and

imports performance during 1991 and 2001.


●The …chart ( or graph ) shows \ displays \ outlines \

describes \ summaries \ indicates \ reflects … .

●This is a report about ….

●As we can see \ learn from the chart (or graph) ….

●The aim of the report is to summarize \ describe \

outline ….

●The report describes \ summaries \ outlines \ shows the

change of \ in ….

B. Findings Part:说明数字变化、走势及对比数据,该部分为第一部分写







1. 表示上升:Increase, go up, rise, gro w, jump, climb (动词);An

increase, a growth, a jump, an upward trend (名词词组)

2. 表示下降:fall, decrease, go down, slide, collapse, decline, drop

(动词);A collapse, a decrease, a fall, a decline, a drop (名词词


3. 表示波动:from…to…, betw een…and…(在......之间);at the start

of…, at the end of …,throughout (自始至终)…(时间);a

fluctuation from …to …, fluctuate …(波动,起伏)

4. 两个必记介词到某一点),涨了多少)

5. 最高,at the top (peak) of,最低,at the bottom of


行对比时必须是同类比同类,如上题中出现的可能对比的类型为工业VS 工业,农业VS农业;或进口VS进口,出口VS出口。



1. 描写程度大小:slightly, gradually, slowly, steadily(程度较小);

considerably, dramatically, greatly, markedly, obviously, quickly,

rapidly, sharply, significantly, suddenly(程度较大)

2. 表示顺序:first, firstly, initially, secondly, to begin with, then, next,

after, followed(-ing), at last, afterwards(以后、后来), first and


3. 表示时间:before, since, as, until, meanwhile, at the moment, when,

whenever, as soon as, just as…

4. 表示对比:however, on the other hand, whether, despite, in spite of,

though, although, but, otherwise, yet, instead of, rather, even

though, compared with, in contrast, nevertheless, alternatively(二


5. 表示强调:indeed, in fact, obviously, certainly, plainly, of course


A. 中文:工业在91-01年间进口与出口上升幅度均较大,但进口低于



英文:The performance of manufacturing sector during the decay is

more better than agricultural. Both exports and imports show

significant upward trends, and exports act better than imports, but

the distance between them is much less than the agricultural’s.

The fluctuations for both sectors are steadily. The bottoms for both

parts are in 1991, while the tops are in 2001.

B. 中文:农业在此区间内虽呈现上升态势,但速度没工业快,且进出



英文:On the other hand, the agricultural sectors show increased

slightly during the ten years. The same as manufacturing sectors,

agricultural’s exports also performed better than its imports and

the gap between them is at least 3 billion dollars. Both sectors

dropped during 1992 to 1994 and then rised again. The same

dropping situation appeared after 1999, which marked at the top of

both sectors are in 1999.








Both agricultural and manufacturing sectors show upward trends

during the decay.


A. 表示结果:as a result, as a consequence, thus, so, therefore, it

follows that, eventually, then, thereby

B. 表示总结:in conclusion, in summary, lastly, finally, to sum up, to

conclude, in short, in a word











标题式写作范文模板:Book 2 T est 2 Sample A


The aim of this report is to summarise the changes ... between....


Focusing our attention on ... rose steadily over the period. A general upward trend from ... in 1990 to ... is clearly recognisable.

On the other hand, the average price of ... totalled in 1990, but i n 1995 it increased repidly reaching a peak of ... In 2000, the price fell to ... however more than the minimum price in 1990.


As we can be seen from both graphs ... did not show the same characteristics as total....




四、Part Two写作(概述)


●200-250 words

●All report to a higher rank officer (managing director, head of department) ●All questions have at least 3 requests

●No more data



1. A business report(商业报告)

2. A business Letter(商业信函)

3. A business proposal(商业计划)


1. 综合管理类(General Management):主要涉及公司内部管理、协调、



例题如Book2 T est1

2. 人力资源(Human Resources):人所具有的脑力和体力劳动总合,包

括管理和协调其相关内容。题目一般包含公司内部员工情况、教育发展、晋级、士气等内容,例题如Book2 T est2

3. 市场类(Marketing):主要指商业活动中商业交易中的各项行为,如交


市场销售、分公司建设、会展、开拓业务等内容,例题如Book2 T est4 ●需要更加缜密的逻辑和商业思维,需要提出建议或者意见,并且可行


解题总思路:(Accomplish In Five Steps)

1. Reading 读题,根据自己实际能力进行三选一,归纳问题要点

2. Head&Feet First ................................根据模板或者问题归纳出的要点进


3. Organizing ..........................................框架制定,根据问题进行“矩阵”


4. Combining ..........................................灵活运用关联词或词组将各句子串


5. Checking .............................................检查,语法、单词拼写有无错误,



五、Part Two (Report写作方式)

Business Report:

1. T o give a description of the business activites, including buying, selling,

services and company’s functions or information about these to

someone or some groups.

2. Focus on summarizing the problems and giving solutions.

文章基本框架(Basic Structure):

1. Introduction ..................................同第一部分写作内容,归纳、总起全


2. Findings ........................................说明问题,阐明问题发生原因

3. Recommendations ........................分析问题解决方法,提出建议

4. Conclusion .....................................使用该建议的效果或其他可能性,归



1. 简洁明了,快速切入主题(同第一部分写作要求)

2. 制订框架尽快完善要点

3. 所提意见或建议必须可行性高






例:Book2,T est2,Part Two Report Part


●Y ou have recently attended the following one-day courses:

1. Developing Your Potential

2. Trends in Electronic Commerce

3. Managing People

4. Reducing Costs

Y our company’s Training Mnager has asked you to write a short

report about the training.

●Write the report for the Training Manager:

1. Describing the two courses which you found most useful

2. Explaining how you benefited from them

3. Outlining the specfic training courses you would like to attend next year

4. Giving reasons why these courses would be useful to you







英文:Summarizing the one-day training course you

have just attended and give advice or



2.如何定首尾:Basic Structure基本框架(见上页)

A. 先制定首尾有利于写作的大致方向,且在第一部分训练中关于


B. Introduction Part:归纳问题所提主要内容(如上黑体下划线句子,但必



1. 归纳总结培训课

2. 提出建议或意见

3. 将上黑体下划线表达进行修改

修改前:Summarizing the one-day training course you have

just attended and give advice or recommendations.

修改后:The report is about the one-day course I have

attended and raise some feasible recommendations for a

better training course. (斜体下划线部分为第一部分所用模板句型,后部分需要根据问题进行一定修改,但不需使用过多复杂单词,达意即


其他表达方式:The aim of the report is to summarize the one-day

course and recommend some more subjects for a better one.




The aim of the report is to....

The report is to summarize...


C. Ending Part(Conclusion):归纳文章,初步考虑所提建议或者意见会




1. 培训课不错,应该继续

2. 建议加入的新课程会增加培训课实用性,对员工和公司都有利


The training course should be continued, but it should

contain the recommend subjects which would benfit for

both the employee and company.








3. 如何定框架:基本框架(Basic Structure)




a. 描述你认为最有用的两门学科

b. 解释你从这两门学科有何收益

c. 阐述明年你还想参加何种类型培训

d. 解释为何这些培训对你有帮助









务、员工管理、降低成本),我们将根据上一点内容(斜体下划线)进行表格制定(请注意,此处表格制定可以运用于今后Letter和Proposal 写作),根据斜体部分,可以制订出两个表格,one for Findings, the other for Recommendations



●Findings: (Sample)





According to the training course, Developing Potential

and Managing People are specific subjects of

Human-Resources which have little help for the

Marketing Department. But Electronic Commerce does

take me into a new world of selling products. As the

high-technology developing, we should study more in

this field, because it does stand for the trend of selling

and buying products in the future. Beisdes, since our

department’s cost keeps increasing in the last three

years, the Reducing Cost should be also kept in the

future. After taking the course, I have realized that some

of our cost subjects are really a waste of money. This

course will guide us into a systematically management of

the cost control.

a. 上述段落仅供参考

b. 文段包含两大部分内容,一是直接排出两门课程(因为不实用),



c. 注意表达中并无过多复杂词汇,但可以适当增加第一部分所提及








To earn more and take more market share, I recommend

Operation Management and Advertising instead of

Developing Potential and Managing People. Operation

Management should help in our production-line building,

which would help us to produce more effeciency and to

reduce maintain cost against the old production-line.

Adversting is focusing on our market share expansion. Our

formal adversting only published in the newspaper, which

cannot follow the new demand of our new product. We can

learn from the subject on how to expand our publishing

methods and should make a better profit from now.

a. 上述文段仅供参考

b. 文段主要内容为提出新课程,并且分析提出该课程原因及受益

c. 注意此部分提议内容必须可行,从公司出发,从个人出发

4. 组合成文章:







Report on Training Course


The report is about the one-day course I have attended and raise some feasible recommendations for a better training course.


According to the training course, Developing Potential and Managing People are specific subjects of Human-Resources which have little help for the Marketing Department. But Electronic Commerce does take me into a new world of selling products. As the high-technology developing, we should study more in this field, because it does stand for the trend of selling and buying products in the future. Beisdes, since our department’s cost keeps increasing in the last three years, the Reducing Cost should be also kept in the future. After taking the course, I have realized that some of our cost subjects are really a waste of money. This course will guide us into a systematically management of the cost control.


To earn more and take more market share, I recommend

Operation Management and Advertising instead of

Developing Potential and Managing People. Operation

Management should help in our production-line building,

which would help us to produce more effeciency and to

reduce maintain cost against the old production-line.

Adversting is focusing on our market share expansion. Our

formal adversting only published in the newspaper, which

cannot follow the new demand of our new product. We can

learn from the subject on how to expand our publishing

methods and should make a better profit from now.

Conclusion:The training course should be continued, but it

should contain the recommend subjects which would benfit

for both the employee and company.



可以直接强调新课程会对公司和员工都有益即可(The course should

help more after the adjustment, which would benfit for both the

employee and the company.)


4. 检查:







五.Part Two (Proposal写作方式)

Business Proposal:

1. Almost the same as the business report’s description, but proposal

focuses on more feasible recommendations

2. Basic Structure is acceptable, another structure called SWOT Analysis

is also recommended.

文章基本框架(Basic Structure):

1. Introduction

2. Findings

3. Recommendations

4. Conclusion

新框架(SWOT Analysis):

1. S:Strength

2. W:Weakness

3. O:Oppotunity

4. T:Threats

●S&W focus on the internal, while the others focus on the external

●Fashionable Structure in BEC and nowadays, focus on giving solutions

for the future

●Compared to Basic Structure, the new one would be much easier in

answering the quesions with four certained parts


1. 简洁明了(同第一部分及报告部分)

2. 段落清晰,方向明确

3. 需要更多商业思维及可行性意见

4. 问题中出现的人力或市场类题目居多,利用SWOT写作容易制定框架并



1. 如何读题:

如同Report,Proposal也有相同内容,如下题:(Book2,T est1,Part2)

●Your Managing Director has decided that the company’s

website should be improved and has asked you to consider

ways of going about this.

●Write a proposal for the Managing Director:

a) Summarising the strengths and weaknesses of the

current website

b) Suggesting new services and information to be provided

through the website

c) Explaining the benefits the improvements would bring





书“,则英文为:The proposal is about the website building.




2. 定首尾:






英文:The purpose of this proposal is to summarise

the situation of the current website and to give some

feasible recommendations for it.

1. 如上述英文部分(仅供参考),黑体下划线部分如同第一部分及报告



2. 文字依然趋向简单明了,不需过多华丽词语,达意即可







英文:After taking the recommendations, the websites

would operate more profitable.

1. 将此句子暂时做部分关键词语记录即可,因为在正式描写主体部


2. 不管如何修改,一个企业的运转最终目的是为了追求效益最大


3. 如何定框架:






a. 根据上述观点(仅供参考),可以看出,本网站目前已有


b. 由上述中文归纳观点,已经基本包含问题内容,前两点


c. 在SWOT分析过程中,经常出现优势与劣势并存的状

态,在训练过程中注意将突出企业特有的优势部分。d. 将此部分翻译成英文大致为:


The staple of our website keeps the second place among all the websites. Beisdes, our web aims the E-commerce area, which should be a brand new

market in selling market, and we do strong in Garment (服装)online trading.


The profit of our business is over simplified since we only do well in Garment selling. We pay less attention to other areas of online selling, such as the high-technology products(高科技产品)or furnishings (服饰), which limited our revenue. The simplified selling mode is a vitally weakness that our competitors can defeat us if they take other areas earlier. Oppotunities

Since there are some products’ market still undeveloped, it is our chance to take the oppotunities to set specific targets for a multi-selling of online products, escpecially the furnishings, which relates to clothes. Besides, we have some cooperated webs or agencies which can help us to make better advertisments by cheaper price.


The entering level of online-selling web is so low that the new ones only need two progrmmars and couple computers. Furthermore, some of the big corporations

which we had already signed as our suppliers had

planned for their own online sellings wihch might

reduce our inventory and turnover.










4. 连接形成全文:






5. 检查:









六.Part Two(Letter写作部分)

Business Letter:

● A letter written in formal language, usually used when writing from one

business organization to another, or for correspondence between such

organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties.

The overall style of letter will depend on the relations hip between the

parties concerned.




●一般Business Letter包含:

1. Sender's address & contact information .............发信地址和联系


2. Date of writing ....................................................日期

3. Subject ...............................................................主题

4. Recipient's name, title, company, & address .......收信人地址、公


5. Salutation/greeting ..............................................问候语、敬语

6. Message (body of the letter) ..............................文段(主体)

7. Valediction/closing .............................................结尾

8. Sender's signature ............................................签名

9. Sender's name, title, company ..........................发信人公司名、级


1. 简洁明了,快速切入主题(同第一部分写作要求)


商务英语写作(2)(B卷) 考试有关事项说明 考试日期:年月日(星期) 答题时间:120分钟。 考试地点: 考试形式:闭卷 Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks. (15%, 1 point for each blank) (1) Technical writing is a form of , a type of , an interactive that involves writers and readers who response to one another. (2) Some reports might present the to solve a business problem; other reports might record that will be useful to assist in future decision making. Either way, is being “reported” that will be useful in making decisions. (3) Doing a business, it usually includes and replies, , orders and their fulfillment, terms of payment, and , etc. (4) A business report conveys information to assist in . It may be long or short, , public or private, or reported on special occasions. (5) Technical writing has many forms, including letters, , reports, , presentations, and . Ⅱ. Multiple choices (15%, 1.5 point for each one)


商务英语写作复习题 1.建立业务关系的信函 ●信息来源(告知对方你是从何渠道了解到对方的) ●对你的公司做简单介绍(公司的业务范围,稍稍“宣传”一下你公司的 产品和服务。 ●写信的目的(你想与对方做什么生意,比如,想购买对方的产品,推 销你自己的产品,想与对方建立合资公司等)。 ●表达与对方合作和早日收到回复的愿望。 Sample Letter May 10, 2003 Dear Sirs, We have obtai ned the name and address of your corporation from the Commercial Counselor’s Office of your Embassy in our country, through whom we learned that you are the manufacturers and exporters of bamboo products. We are very pleased to communicate you for the possibility of trading together. We have been in business as importers of general merchandise since 1965 and can particularly boast of having vast and wide experience in the business line of bamboo products. Our bankers are Guarantee Trust bank, Holland, from whom you will be able to get any information you may require concerning our business character and financial standing. We should appreciate it if you would let us know your trade terms and forward us copy of your catalogue or helpful literature and your latest price list. We look forward to the pleasure of hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully 2.订购函 你公司准备向某公司订购一批产品。请你写一封订购信,其内容应



商务英语写作期末考试模拟题 I. Multiple Choices (单选题). (30%, 2 point each) 1. John is fatter than __________ of the other boys in class. He is the fattest. A. some B. that C. any D. many 2. We ordered the above computers ______ 18 January, and they still have not arrived. A. in B. on C. for D. by 3. –Will you stay for lunch? --Sorry, _________. My brother is

coming to see me. A. I mustn’t B. I needn’t C. I can’t D. I won’t 4. Hundreds of jobs _________ if the factory closes. A. lose B. will be lost C. are lost D. will lose 5. Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasn’t stopped ringing. People ___________ to ask how I am going to spend the money. A. phone B. will phone C. were phoning D. are phoning 6. __________ still for a moment, please? I want to take a photograph of


商务英语复习题 1、What information should be contained in the first information section of a resume? A、the job objective B、family history and gender identification C、the date D、contect information 2、Which of the following is a “6C”? A、Colorfulness B、Concreteness C、Comfortability D、Compatibility 3、What is the first thing to appear on a bussiness letter ? A、the date B、the letterhead C、the inside address D、the attention line 4、When writing the date on a business letter you should take care to do what? A、make sure you always put the year first before the month and day B、always use only numbers in the date field C、make sure you always put the month first before the date and year D、spell out the month 5、How many spaces are needed between the complimentary close of a letter and the typed name of the person writing the letter? A、3 B、2 C、4 D、 as many as needed 6、What should you do if you are worried that the reader of a request you are asking will not honor your request? A、write the letter in an indirect style B、write the letter in a direct style C、ask them to please grant your request D、be forceful and demand they honor your request 7、When writing a letter of reply it should not be A、prompt B、direct C、elaborate D、accurate


大学商务英语写作考试 复习题,work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR

商务英语复习题 1.What information should be contained in the first information section of a resume? A.the job objective history and gender identification C.the date D.contect information 2.Which of the following is a “6C” A.Colorfulness B.Concreteness,fortability,patibility 3.What is the first thing to appear on a bussiness letter A.the date B.the letterhead C.the inside address D.the attention line 4.When writing the date on a business letter you should take care to do what? A.make sure you always put the year first before the month and day B.always use only numbers in the date field C.make sure you always put the month first before the date and year D.spell out the month 5.How many spaces are needed between the complimentary close of a letter and the typed name of the person writing the letter? A.3 B.2 C.4 D. as many as needed 6.What should you do if you are worried that the reader of a request you are asking will not honor your request? A.write the letter in an indirect style B.write the letter in a direct style C.ask them to please grant your request forceful and demand they honor your request


机密★启用前 大连理工大学网络教育学院 大工20春《商务英语写作-精品课程》课程考试 期末考试复习题 ☆注意事项:本复习题满分共:400分 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分) 1.Please let us know which of our products _______. A. you are interested B. are you interested C. they are interested D. you are interested in 2.We ______ your name and address _______ the Chinese Embassy in Bonn. A. are learning….from B. have learned ….from C. have come to know….of D. have been given ….from 3.We are now enclosing a price list for all the items you _______ in your letter under reply. A. required B. inquired about C. said D. informed 4.If you are prepared to increase your ______ to 15%, we shall be pleased to purchase the complete stock. A. price B. discount C. sales volume D. cost 5. A recent market survey reveals that such articles are no longer __________. A. in demand B. demanded C. on demand D. for demand 6. We will do our best to _______ shipment to meet your requirements in time. A. comply B. make C. expediting D. arranged 7. Any loss or damage noticed when the goods are delivered must be reported to the ______ at the time, otherwise he will not be responsible for it. A. consignor B. consignee C. shipper D. carrier 8. For all the remaining items the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but _______ would these dates be exceeded by more that ten days. A. in no case B. in any case C. by all means D. under any circumstances 9. Your failure to open the L/C in time will ________impossible for us to deliver goods within the


商务英语写作复习资料 Ⅰ. Choose the Best Answer. 1. We ______ be glad if you could send us samples and quotations. A. shall B. will C. should D. could 2. If you find our price ______, please send us an email for our final confirmation. A. acceptance B. accepted C. accepting D. acceptable 3. By joint efforts we can _____ both friendship and business. A. increase B. promote C. expand D. extend 4. The sugar was dispatched two weeks ago and __________ you by now. A. should have reached B. should reach C. have reached D. reach 5. We wish to establish direct business relations __________ you. A. for B. with C. from D. to 6. Please send us your ___________catalogue together with samples you can let us have. A. illustrate B. illustrated C. illustrating D. illustration 7. We shall appreciate it if you will see to it that amendment is cabled _________ delay. A. in B. out of C. within D. without 8. We are unable to _______ with your request in your letter of Jan. 31, 2002. A. compose B. confirm C. conform D. comply 9. We offer these goods subject ___________their being unsold on receipt of your order. A. in B. with C. on D. to 10. _________, we are interested in building business trade relations throughout the world. A. As your request B. For your confirmation C. You informed D. For your information 11. _______ you can reduce your quotations, we shall have to buy elsewhere. A. Before B. After


《商务英语写作》教学大纲 一、课程性质、任务和基本要求 1.课程性质 《商务英语写作》是商务英语专业的专业核心课程,也是文秘、国贸等涉外专业的重要选修课程,旨在培养学生英语五项技能中的英语写作能力。此课程涵盖了商务英语基本写作类型、写作规、写作格式和写作方法,课程容与现实商务生活紧密结合,既提供各种实例,又设计了一体化的实训,训练学生用英语有条理地组织商务信息,起草规得体、条理清晰的商务文书,合理利用商务交流中的礼节和技巧,建立有效的商务沟通。 2.课程任务 开设本课程旨在使学生对商务情景中最常见和最常用的各种应用文的用途及格式有一个总的了解,使其不仅能熟悉商务文体的各种惯用英文表达法,而且能广泛增加有关商务知识,并在模拟及实景中运用这些知识进行商务交际。 3.基本要求: 充分利用教材中的商务材料以及老师所给的案例,并结合所学商务知识,与现实商务活动进行多种形式的联系,提高学生对各种商务写作材料的准确理解和把握。经过反复学习、模仿和套用,掌握商务应用文的书写规律和方法,逐渐学会撰写各类商务应用文,力求语言正确,表达得体,在实际操作中活学活用。 二、学时分配建议 本课程教学总时数为66课时,具体学时分配可参见下表。 学时分配建议表

三、教学目标: 1.课程能力目标: (1)能够根据招聘广告并结合个人实际情况,熟练撰写英语求职信、应聘信、求职追踪信和个人简历等求职类文书 (2)能够运用商务交际中的礼节和技巧,撰写英语邀请函、感信、祝贺信等常见社交类文书 (3)能够规地起草英语启示、通知、备忘录、商务报告、会议纪要等常用公务文书(4)能够比较规地撰写英语名片、简章、商品使用说明书、推销函等主要商务宣传文书 (5)能够正确、得体地处理询盘信、发盘信、还盘信、订单与合同等常规外贸商务函电。 2.课程知识目标 (1)掌握英文求职信、应聘信和个人简历的基本格式和主要容; (2)了解英文书信的基本格式和不同书信类型的写作特点;


商务英语写作学位考复习题 Part I.Multiple choice() Directions: There are 10 questions below. Please read them and choose one correct answer to each of them 1. A thorough examination showed that the broken bags were due to improper packing _____ which the suppliers are definitely responsible. a) to b) on c) for d) by 2. We propose to have the goods inspected immediately. If the inspection confirms the accuracy of your estimate, _____ will be allowed at once. a) compensation b) payment c) order d) invoice 3. We are ready, however, to compromise by replacing them at a _____ price of 8 cents each. a) discount b) reduced c) lower d) deduced 4. It was found upon examination that nearly 40% of the packages had been broken, obviously attributed _____ improper packing. a) to b) on c) in d) by 5. Your shipment of our order has been found shortweight _____ 80 kilograms. a) to b) on c) in d) by 6. We have the items in _____ and can deliver as soon as we receive your order. a) stock b) stick c) spite d) spot 7. We accept your justified complaint for improper packing and agree to_____ the damaged pieces. a) delay b) place c) replace d) repay 8. We regret having received your offer too late. We have already ____ our needs elsewhere. a) served b) covered c) satisfied d) met


一、单项选择题 ( )1. What do you have ____________ supper? A. for B. at C. with D. on ( )2. She isn' t good ___________ maths. Could you help her __________ her maths? A. with, with B. at, at C. with, at D. at, with ( )3. We should learn ____________ each other. A. to B. with C. from D. for ' ( )4. Are you ____________ music? A. listen to B. listening to C. listening D. listen at ( )5. When ____________ Mary ____________ to school? A. is, go B. do, go C. do, goes D. does, go ( )6.What do you often do ____________ Sunday morning? A. on B. in C. at D. for ( )7. There ____________ a lot of food at home A. are B. is C. have D. has ( )8. Do you have ____________ to buy a computer? A. many money B. enough money C. money enough D. a lot money ( )9. What about ____________ computer games. A. to play B. to playing C. playing D. play ( )10.Excuse me, we can't ____________ our tickets. A. look for B. find C. to look for D. to find ( )11. _____ are Young Pioneers. A. All student B. All of students C. All of the students D. All students ( )12. The birds are singing ____________ the tree.


111The Principles of Business Writing Consideration: You-Attitude Conciseness Correctness Courtesy Clarity Completeness Concreteness Credibility Pragmatic Analysis of the Principles of Business Writing Cooperative Principle Politeness Principle The Theory of Face-work Face-Threatening Acts Principle of Least Effort Principle of Economy Consideration: Consideration focuses on “you”(the reader) instead of “I”or “we”(the writer). You-Attitude emphasizes reader benefit ,The You Attitude is positive ,You-Attitude protects the reader’s ego (use an impersonal expression or a passive verb to avoid assigning blame)You-Attitude expresses appreciation for (not annoyance with) your readers,You-Attitude applies psychology to humanize our messages (You can buy in your own language, but you have to sell in the language of the customer) 1Conciseness:Conciseness means omitting unnecessary words and expressions so that your writing gets to the point, avoiding unnecessary repetition and wordy expression, including only relevant facts (with courtesy), and organizing effectively. 2 avoid Wordiness:Avoid redundancy(unnecessary repetition. ),,Avoid awkward repetition,Avoid complicated word choice by using plain language Correctness Correctness means giving accurate facts and figures and using the correct level of language including only accurate facts, words, and figures using acceptable writing mechanics Correctness is achieved by using formal language for scholarly works, top level government documents and legal documents. Correctness is achieved by Avoid using words that you feel will impress the reader,avoiding substandard, ungrammatical words and spellings, using accurate facts and figures, using the correct word, using correct sentence-level grammar avoiding discriminatory expressions - sexism, race, and personal characteristics.


《商务英语写作》课程教学大纲 课程名称:商务英语写作(英文) Business English Writing 课程性质:必修课适用层次:专升本 学时:80 学分:5 一、课程的作用、地位和任务 1、课程作用 本课程是商务英语/英语(方向:外贸英语)专业的一门重要课程.培养学生掌握商务英语写作的基础知识,商务英语书信的基本格式和写作技能,了解主要的商务英 语写作类型, 提高商务英语书面表达能力, 为毕业后成为适应社会需要的应用型涉 外商务工作者打下良好的基础。 2、教学方法 以课程讲授、案例分析法和课堂训练法为主, 辅以大量的课外练习。 3、课程学习目标和基本要求 1)学习目标 通过学习商务英语写作, 学生应能独立撰写一般的英语商务函件(包括电子邮件)和简单的业务报告等,意思表达清楚,用词恰当,无重大语法错误。 2)基本要求 能够熟练使用基本的商务英语写作方法和技巧, 在规定时间内写出语法无重大 问题、用词恰当、条理清楚、符合国际标准的商务英语信函和业务报告等。 4、课程类型:专业课 二、课程内容和要求 第一部分英语写作基础 教学要求:英语的基本写作知识和写作要求 第二部分商务书信写作 教学要求: 各种商业书信和业务报告的写法和形式, 重要的表达形式, 内容及格式等 教学内容: 第1章查询信 第2章复查询信 第3章销售信 第4章订购信 第5章催款信 第6章付款信 第7章投诉信 第8章复投诉信 第9章求职信 第10章查证信 第11章证明信 第12章社交信:便签和电子邮件 第13章会议记录 第14章通告 第15章业务报告

第16章年度报告 第17章业务建议及方案 第18章合同 第19章说明书 三、学时分配表 四、考核内容及要求 1. 考试形式:闭卷笔试 2. 考试内容:考核学期所教内容,包括英语写作基础知识和商业信函、业务报告等的写作知识及其格式等。要求在规定时间内写出语法无重大问题、用词恰当、条理清楚、符合国际商务标准的商务英语信函和业务报告等。 3.考试题型:填空(例如表格填空)题、选择题、信函写作、说明书写作、业务报告写作等等中短篇的商务文本的写作题型。难度从易到难,分值随之提高。 五、课程参考资料 1、教材:《新编商务英语写作》(一、二)总主编:虞苏美主编:张春柏,高等教 育出版社(2005.2) 2、参考书: (1)《英语写作手册》,丁往道等编写,外语与研究出版社 (2)《商务英语写作》,羡锡彪主编,高等教育出版社,2009


教学 点 (函 授站 ): 专 业: 年级: 学 号 : 姓 名: 密 封 线 内 严 禁 答 题 试卷号: *********学院2015学年度第1学期 期末考试试卷 考试年级 13.14.15 专业 商务英语 科目 商务英语习作 出卷老师 ***** 商务英语写作 I. Complete the letters with the words given. Change the word forms where necessary. (10points) popular , inquiry, hire, volume, assign, instead of, recommend, cooperation, responsible, branch (1) Dear Sir Owing to the large increase in the ___1___ of our trade with this country, we have decided to open a(n) ____2____here,with Mr. Jackie Black as manager. The new branch will open on 1st July and from that date all orders and ___3____ should be sent to Mr. Black at the above address, ___4___to our London office. We take this opportunity to express our thanks for your ____5____ in the past. We hope the new arrangements will lead to even better results. Y ours faithfully (2) Dear Sir This letter is to ___6___ Tim Steven as an outstanding salesperson. I have known and worked with Tim for more than three years. He is a highly __7____ and creative individual. Form the day he came to work for us, he was a welcome member of our sales team. He willingly undertook any task___8___ to him, whether it involved direct sales or not, and his enthusiastic manner made him____9___with all our customers. I am sorry to lose Tim, but his educational plans call for him to move outside our city . I believe anyone who____10___ him will be truly fortunate. Y ours sincerely II. Choose the best answer for each question. (10 points) 11. After checking the goods against your invoice, we discovered a considerable shortage ______ number. A. of B. in C. for 12. As soon as we receive the signed form, we will add your name to the list of people _______ snow shoveling. A. requiring B. require C. required 13. The report is to be _______ to the Directors as soon as possible. A. prepared B. promoted C. presented 14. I am glad that I feel quite _______ for the position you advertised.


《商务英语写作》 作业设计 课程名称商务英语写作 课程代码 04 授课专业、班级商务英语专业二年级 总学分 4 总学时64 2013年12月30日

《商务英语写作》学生作业方案 一、作业设计思路 1、作业目标: 《商务英语写作》课程根据涉外商务助理和外贸业务员两大岗位的工作任务设计教学项目,训练学生用英语有条理地组织商务信息,起草规范得体、条理清晰的商务文书,合理利用商务交流中的礼节和技巧,建立有效的商务沟通的能力。具体训练目标如下: (1)能够根据招聘广告并结合个人实际情况,熟练撰写英语求职信、应聘信、求职追踪信和个人简历等求职类文书 (2)能够运用商务交际中的礼节和技巧,撰写英语邀请函、感谢信、祝贺信等常见社交类文书 (3)能够规范地起草英语启示、通知、备忘录、商务报告、会议纪要等常用公务文书 (4)能够比较规范地撰写英语名片、简章、推销函等主要商务宣传文书 (5)能够正确、得体地处理询盘信、发盘信、还盘信、订单与合同等常规外贸商务函电。 2、作业的次数: 本课程分五个单元15个模块,以某大学毕业生从商务助理到外贸业务员的经历为中心,每个单元均采用项目化教学,采用课内课外双线并行的训练模式。 (1)本学期课堂作业: 课堂内完成与15个模块主题相关的课内写作项目,同时训练学生口头表达、团队协助等综合素质。 (2)本学期课外作业: 小项目作业5次,分别为学习规划及邀请函、通知、备忘录和名片等主题; 论坛作业3次,分别为电子邮件、会议纪要和学习反馈等,另要求在线讨论与答疑,次数不定。 (3)综合性大作业:4次,分别为来自企业具体情景下的求职信与个人简历、商务报告、销售函和询盘信。 3、作业项目来源: 作业来自于密切合作企业的实例,主要合作企业为湖州瑞丰纺织印染有限公司、湖州德马物流系统工程有限公司、湖州米皇羊绒制品有限公司、湖州三鑫纺


《商务英语写作教程》期末考试复习资料 I. Short Questions: 1.The principles of business English writing: ①To be clear: Good business writing is clear. It has a definite message, with no confusion about what each sentence is trying to communicate. ②To be concise: Properly written business papers are concise, expressing ideas in just enough words as is necessary. There’s no unn ecessary long-windedness and beating around the bush. ③To be complete: A good business paper should be complete, containing all the information the recipients will need in order to effectively understand it. ④To be considerate: Keep your reader's needs in mind as you write. Ask yourself, 'Why should my reader spend time reading this?' Make it worthwhile for them to do so! We were motivated to survive, to listen and to act. Keep in mind your audience or reader might not be as receptive. ⑤To be correct: Successfully communicate your message because all mistakes, whether mechanical or factual, have been sufficiently addressed by checking all your information is accurate and timely. Proof read it before you send it! We couldn't afford to make mistakes, our lives depended on it! ⑥To be courteous: Good business writing takes people into account, so it’s neither callous nor insensitive. There’s a prevailing air of courtesy to everyone addressed, regardless of how high or low their job titles may be. ⑦To be concrete: Convey your massages concretely, and they should not be abstract. ⑧To be creative: Use different formats to communicate your message. Q & A format, graphics, Idea lists, etc. ⑨To be credible: Strive to present yourself from a position of reliability and competence. Write to reinforce your message and make it more believable. 2.The functions of business English writing: ①to promote sales and services ②to handle routine business ③to establish good will ④to respond to complaints ⑤to collect money ⑥to place orders ⑦to make announcement 3. The purposes of business English writing:
