模拟联合国background guide范本1

Enhancing Intellectual Property Rights to Attract Foreign Direct Investment


Foreign direct investment (FDI):

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is the act of establishing or acquiring a foreign subsidiary over which the investing firm has substantial management control. The location of a Multinational entrepreneur’s (MNE’s) headquarters is called the home or source country, in that the decision to invest is made there, while the location of the subsidiary is called the host or recipient country.

FDI is particularly important for host country because it is both a source of capital and a provider of knowledge about production techniques.

Foreign direct investment depends on many factors including macroeconomic factors, relative input costs, agglomeration effects, risk factors, and policy variables. Besides, recent studies and experiences tells that in addition to such factors mentioned above, intellectual property protection in host countries has taken on increasing role in attracting foreign direct investment.

Intellectual property rights (IPRs):

Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce. Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are important factors for multinational entrepreneurs (MNEs) on investment decisions because all forms of strong IPRs, such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, provide protection for exporting firms against local copying of the product.

Usually host country applying strong IPRs therefore provide favorable environment for multinational entrepreneurs to increase the market size facing exporters and boost sales. However, relationship between IPRs and FDI are highly debated in the professional field.

The global system of intellectual property rights (IPRs) went through profound changes in the late 20th century. Developed countries undertook many approaches to protect their intellectual property. Regional agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement and a series of Partnership Agreements under negotiation between the European Union and various Eastern European and Middle Eastern nations pay special attention to it. Globally, the multilateral agreement on trade-related intellectual property rights, or TRIPs, within the World Trade Organization (WTO) played crucial role to expand IPRs to greater significance.

The role of intellectual property rights in attracting foreign direct investment

Various studies give drastically different results on the relationship between IPR and FDI.

Two previous studies are more noteworthy. Lee and Mansfield (1996) used survey results to develop an index of perceived weakness of IPRs in destination countries on the part of U.S. firms. They find that weakness of IPRs has a significant negative impact on the location of American FDI. Further, in a sample of chemical firms the proportion of FDI devoted to final production or R&D facilities is negatively and significantly associated with weakness of protection. Overall, empirical evidence indicates that, other things equal, countries with stronger IPRs do attract more imports, though the effect varies across industries (Maskus and Penubarti, 1995). From these results, it appears that both the volume and quality of investment are diminished in countries with limited property rights.

However, studies by Teece in 1986 showed that firms would be more likely to engage in FDI in countries with weaker IPRs and contract-enforcement procedures. An implication is that as IPRs in a particular nation become stronger, firms would tend to choose more technology licensing and joint ventures and less FDI. This is the one identifiable theoretical case in which the strength of IPRs would be negatively associated with FDI flows.

Delegates should especially note that IPR take on different levels of importance with respect to attracting FDI. Investment in lower technology goods and services, such as textile and apparel, electronic assembly, distribution and hotels usually display little emphasize on IPR requirements during decision making. Investors with a product that is technologically advanced and hard to copy also shows l ittle interest in protection of IPR in host countries. However, companies with easy imitable products and technologies, such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, food additives, and software are more dependent on the local IPRs system for protection against imitation. Such firms considering investing in local market would pay special attention to local patent protection.

Therefore, in theory, considering other factors in making investment decisions, FDI does not necessarily increase with a strengthening of intellectual property rights, but there is emerging empirical evidence in favor of that hypothesis.

International frameworks and major actors

The WTO’s Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), negotiated in the 1986-94 Uruguay Round, introduced intellectual property rules into the multilateral trading system for the first time. The TRIPS Agreement has an additional important principle: intellectual property protection should contribute to technical innovation and the transfer of technology. Both producers and users should benefit, and economic and social welfare should be enhanced, the agreement says.

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a specialized agency of the United Nations is dedicated to developing a balanced and accessible international intellectual property system, which rewards creativity, stimulates innovation and contributes to economic development while safeguarding the public interest. WIPO was established in 1967 with a mandate from its Member States to promote the protection of IP throughout the world through cooperation among states and in collaboration with other international organizations.

The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, which adhering countries are committed to promote, stipulate that enterprises should adopt practices that “permit the transfer and rapid diffusion of technologies and know-how, with due regard to the protection of intellectual property rights”.------ The OECD Declaration and Decisions on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises, Annex I, Section VII.2.

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) established the Intellectual Property Programme Division on Investment and Enterprise which seeks to help developing countries participate effectively in international discussions on intellectual property rights and at the national level, to help ensure that their IP policies are consonant with development objectives.

Intellectual property rights in a broader context

Despite the narrow focus on IPR to facilitate trade and attract FDI, however, Many analysts claim that strong IPRs play a much larger role in signaling to potential investors that a particular country recognizes and protects the rights of foreign firms to make strategic business decisions with few government impediments (Sherwood, 1990) As intellectual property protection has taken on increasing importance to MNEs, the application of a strong IPRs for governments in emerging markets are regarded as way to achieve better investment friendly environment.

This explains why several poor countries with limited technical capabilities unilaterally have strengthened their IPRs laws and enforcement in the 1990s, despite serious questions about the wisdom of doing so. They prefer not to be left behind in the global competition for capital and technology. It also helps explain the universal acceptance of the TRIPs agreement.

Enforcing IPRs and dispute solutions

The agreements and laws are dimmed of their legal significance unless properly enforced. According to TRIPS, “governments have to ensure that intellectual property rights can be enforced under their laws, and that the penalties for infringement are tough enough to deter further violations. The procedures must be fair and equitable, and not unnecessarily complicated or costly. They should not entail unreasonable time-limits or unwarranted delays. People involved should be able to ask a court to review an administrative decision or to appeal a lower court’s ruling.”

The TRIPS also describes in detail how enforcement should be handled, including rules for obtaining evidence, provisional measures, injunctions, damages and other penalties. Willful trademark counterfeiting or copyright piracy on a commercial scale should be criminal offences. Governments should make sure that intellectual property rights owners can receive the assistance of customs authorities to prevent imports of counterfeit and pirated goods.

The WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center was established in 1994 to offer Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) options, in particular arbitration and mediation, for the resolution of international commercial disputes between private parties. Developed by leading experts in cross-border dispute settlement, the procedures offered by the Center are widely recognized as particularly appropriate for technology, entertainment and other disputes involving intellectual property.

Is IPR a way to secure monopoly?

The global harmonisation of intellectual property legislation under the World Trade Organization (WTO) has also been criticized, for example by the alter-globalisation movement. It argued that the exclusive rights granted by intellectual property laws are generally negative in nature, and therefore only grant the holder of IP the ability to exclude third parties from infringing on their monopoly.

On October 4, 2004, the General Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization agreed to adopt a proposal offered by Argentina and Brazil, the "Proposal for the Establishment of a Development Agenda for WIPO". This proposal was strongly supported by developing countries, as well as by a large contingent of civil society. Prior to the General Assembly meeting, hundreds of nonprofits, scientists, academics and other individuals had signed the "Geneva Declaration on the Future of WIPO," which calls on WIPO to focus more on the needs of developing countries, and to view IP as one of many tools for development - not as an end in itself.

Case study: intellectual property rights in China:

As cited above, policymakers in both the developed and less developed worlds have increasingly considered intellectual property protection as a major means to attract foreign direct investment. However, stronger intellectual property protection is not always needed to attract such investment. In the case of China, foreign investors were not attracted by the strong intellectual property protection the country offers. Rather, they entered the Chinese market because of “the drastically lower production costs, the country’s enormous market, its inefficient economic system and the preferential treatment of foreign investors”.

‘Since 1983, FDI [in China] has grown from less than $1 billion a year to more than $60 billion, and it is projected to soon reach $100 billion annually’ (Navarro, 2007, p. 13). Today, China is one

of the world’s largest recipients of FDI with capital inflows of ab out $50 billion, behind the United States and the United Kingdom (Chow, 2007, p. 198). Such an influx of FDI not only provides China with the foreign capital needed for economic modernization, but also results in technology transfer, job creation, development of human capital and generation of tax revenues (Sherwood, 1990, pp. 191–199).

As pointed out earlier, strong intellectual property protection is not always needed for attracting FDI. In fact, stronger protection may reduce investment by encouraging investors to conduct arm’s-length transactions by licensing their products. Such protection would also reduce the net gains in economic welfare from increased FDI by incurring significant costs, such as administrative and enforcement costs, adjustment costs due to labor displacement, social costs associated with monopoly pricing, higher imitation and innovation costs and potential costs resulting from the abuse of intellectual property rights (Maskus, Dougherty and Mertha, 2005, pp. 302–306).

the drasticall y lower production costs, the country’s enormous market, its inefficient economic system and the preferential treatment of foreign investors have all helped to attract FDI in China. Because these factors more than compensate for the country’s weak intellec tual property protection, FDI in China increased substantially despite limited intellectual property protection in the country. China therefore is not an exception to the causal relationship between intellectual property protection and FDI, but an ideal case study to illustrate the ambiguity of this relationship and the complex interactions between the many location advantages that affect private investment decisions. After all, as Keith Maskus pointed out, if stronger intellectual property protection alway s led to more FDI, ‘recent FDI flows to developing economies would have gone largely to sub-Saharan Africa and Eastern Europe . . . [rather than] China, Brazil, and other high-growth, large-market developing economies with weak IPRs’ (Maskus, 1998, p. 129).

Although the piracy and counterfeiting problems in China have been widely reported in the media in the past decade, the protection of intellectual property rights took a giant leap in recent years.

At present, China is a proud member of many multilateral intellectual property agreements, including the Berne Convention, Geneva Convention, Paris Convention, the Patent Cooperation Treaty and UPOV (International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants).

In November 2001, China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO). Since joining the WTO, China has further strengthened its legal framework and amended its IPR laws and regulations in compliance with the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).

China made such progress not only to respond to external pressure, but also because IPR protection becomes more and more important for its self-interest. Compared to a decade ago, a number of Chinese companies have now achieved prominence in the international market, with their trademarks being recognized as well-known outside China (Sull with Wang, 2005). Examples of these famous local brands include Galanz (for microwave ovens), Haier (for household appliances), Huawei Technologies (for telecommunications equipment), Konka (for televisions)

and TCL (for televisions). As China increases its exports of goods branded with globally recognized local trademarks, the importance of intellectual property protection to the country’s future economic development cannot be ignored.

similar transformations occurred in Japan in the 1970s and in Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan in the 1980s—and even in Germany and the United States many decades ago (Assafa, 1996, p. 120; Kingston, 2005, p. 658). It is only a matter of time before China joins its more developed neighbors in championing the cause for stronger intellectual property protection.

Conclusion and questions to consider

What kind of FDI is prevalent in your country and is IPR important in protecting the FDI?

What are the consequences if your country apply strong IPR?

What are its affects on developing countries and least developed countries?









The Role of Intellectual Property in Promoting International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment, Chow, Daniel C. K. (2007)

How Trade-Related Are Intellectual Property Rights?, Maskus, Keith E. and Mohan Penubarti (1995)

Intellectual Property and Economic Development, Sherwood, Robert M. (1990)

Intellectual Property, Foreign Direct Investment and the China Exception, Peter K. Yu (2009)

Intellectual Property Policy for Non-industrial Countries, Assafa, Endeshaw (1996),

Intellectual Property Protection and U.S. Foreign Direct Investment, Lee, Jeong-Yeon and Mansfield, Edwin (1996),

The Coming China Wars: Where They Will Be Fought and How They Can Be Won, Navarro, Peter (2007)

The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Encouraging Foreign Direct Investment and Technology Transfer, Keith E. Maskus


模拟联合国大会基本用语 开头: 1、请大会主席团成员和工作小组成员就位。 2、Distinguished delegates, now we’re going to have the roll call. Please raise you placard and answer ‘present!’(现在大会开始点名) 3、 There are [A] delegates present, the Simple Majority is [B], the two-thirds Majority is [C] and 20% of All is [D]. 名结束,本会场本分组会议共有[A]位代表出席,简单多数为[B],2/3多数为[C],20%数为[D]。 4、现在我宣布首届模拟联合国大会正式开会。 5、大会首先对叙利亚问题进行讨论,需要发言的国家请举牌。 6、现在请X国代表上台对本国立场进行2分钟的陈述。 (正式辩论): 1、下面有请X国代表上台发言,时间60秒。 2、Now the Speakers’ List is open. Delegates, who want to be added in the Speakers’ Lis t, please raise your placards. 现在开启正式辩论发言名单,请希望被列入主发言名单的国家高举国家牌。注意点国家名时注意速度,以便主席助理记录 3让渡时间 3.1让渡给主席 The Chair: Thank you, delegate. You have X seconds left. Would you like to yield your time? 主席:谢谢X国代表,您还有__秒的发言时间。请问是否愿意让渡你的发言时间? 代表:让渡给主席。 The Chair: Thank you.(主席:谢谢) 3.2让渡给其他代表 The Chair: Thank you, delegate. You have X seconds left. Would you like to yield your time? 主席:谢谢X国代表,您还有__秒的发言时间。请问是否愿意让渡你的发言时间?Delegate: I would like to yield my time to (India) 代表:让渡给印度代表 The Chair: Thank you. Delegate of India, now you have X seconds. 主席:谢谢。印度代表,现在您有X秒的发言时间。 3.3让渡给问题 The Chair: Thank you, delegate. You have X seconds left. Would you like to yield your time? 主席:谢谢X国代表,您还有__秒的发言时间。请问是否愿意让渡你的发言时间?Delegate: I would like to yield my time to question. 代表:让渡给问题。 The Chair: Thank you. All those delegates who want to ask questions to X国, please raise your placards. 主席:谢谢。下面代表们可以就X国代表发言提问,希望提问的代表请举牌。 The Chair: Thank you, dear delegate. Your time is up. 主席:谢谢x国代表,您的发言时间结束。


Distinguisheddelegates, ladies and gentlemen, thanks for giving me the privilege to be the firs t speaker. I cannot begin today’s speech without reflecting on the criminal challenge so brutally thrown in our faces 28 days ago and on the severe threat of the Kilo virus to Germany and to the whole world. 尊敬的代表,女士们先生们,非常感谢得此机会成为第一位讲者。在开始今天的讲话之前,我无法不回想起28天前我们所遭遇的暴行,更不得不香气Kilo 病毒对德国乃至对全世界的严重威胁。 Today, 1167 Germans are dead or dying; infected people are estimated to be more than half a million. Today, the whole Germany has fallen into the desperation of fighting against the virus. Today is the 28th day after the Braunschweig crisis. 今天,1167为德国公民丧命或病危,染病人数预估超过超过50万。 今天,全德国已经陷入对抗疾病的境遇。 今天,是布伦瑞克遇袭的28天之后。 Twenty-eight days ago, more than 500 terrorists attacked Brauschweig. 37 policemen and 51 citizens died in this riot; thousands of people were wounded; buildings were burnt down; and the city was packed with tears, sadness and sorrows. Thanks to the brave men and women, it was their dedication and sacrifices that defended against the attack and protected the city. However, the situation became even worse after the attack.On that day, the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research also fell into ruins. Important experiments were disturbed and valuable documents were damaged. In the center, one of the most significant experiments was to modify the RNA sequence of the Kilo virus, which was designed to produce the vaccine. Nevertheless, our first experiment failed. What we got was merely a virus with longer incubation (5 days) and more aggressive behaviors of the patients. What’s worse, receptors of the new Kilo virus, namely 3 chimpanzees, which were supposed to be killed on the crisis day, disappeared in the fire. 35% of the research materials were burnt.It was believed that it was these chimpanzees that spread the virus to wounded citizens via blood. Since the Kilo carrier behaved absolutely normal during the incubation period, it was too late when we realized the situation and took corresponding measures. 28天前,逾500名恐怖分子袭击了布伦瑞克,37名警员及51位市民在暴动中丧命,数千名民众受伤,建筑物被烧毁:整个城市都充斥着泪水与悲伤。感谢英勇的人们,是你们的风险与牺牲守护了城市地月利息及。然而,袭击之后,情况仍旧愈演愈烈。在恐怖袭击当天,亥姆霍兹感染研究中心也沦为一片废墟:重要试验被迫打断,珍贵文书遭到摧毁。而该中心最为重要的一个实验则是通过修改Kilo病毒的RNA序列研制相应疫苗。然而,初次实验以失败告终。改变序列后的病毒只是潜伏期变为5天,患者发病后会变得更为残暴。更可怕的是,变异Kilo 病毒的接种实验体,也就是三只猩猩,原本应在布伦瑞克遇袭当天被处理掉,但却在大火中失去踪迹。不仅如此,研究文件仅剩65%。据悉,三只猩猩很可能是病毒传染源,通过血液传染给受伤的市民。由于Kilo病毒的携带者在潜伏期表现得与常人无异,当我们意识到形势之严峻时,采取相应举措为时已晚。


模拟联合国重要词汇(部分含中英对照) 代表,delegate ; 代表团,delegation ; 委员会,committee ; 演讲,public speaking ; 辩论,debate ; 协商,negotiation ; 合作,collaboration ; 正式辩论,formal debate ; 非正式辩论,informal debate ; 简单多数,simple majority 三分之二多数,Two-thirds majority 主席团,Members of the Dais ; 主席,Chair ; 会议指导,Director ; 主席助理,Rapporteur ; 发言人名单,Speakers' list 流程规则,Rules of procedure 点名,Roll call 确定议题,Setting the agenda 让渡Yield Yield time to another delegate / comments / questions / the Chair 动议,Motion ; Motion to set speaking time(更改发言时间) /suspend the meeting(暂时中断正式辩论) /close debate (结束辩论) 问题,Point ; Point of order(组织性问题)/inquiry(咨询性问题)/ Personal privilege(个人特权) 有主持核心磋商,Moderated Caucus 自由磋商,Unmoderated Caucus 立场文件,Position paper ; 工作文件,working paper 决议草案,Resolution ; 修正案,Amendment ; 友好修正案,friendly amendment ; 非友好修正案,unfriendly amendment 游说,lobby ; 国家牌Placard; 起草国,Sponsors; 复议国,Signature 到场,Present ; 缺席,Absent 弃权,Abstain;赞成,Yes ; 反对,No 序言性条款开头动词的一些积极词汇 Affirming Alarmed by Approving Aware of Bearing in mind Believing


( 演讲稿 ) 单位:_________________________姓名:_________________________日期:_________________________ 精品文档 / Word文档 / 文字可改 模拟联合国发言稿范文 Model UN statement

模拟联合国发言稿范文 1.首先说你的国家或你所在的国家联盟是否支持中亚无核区的建立; 2.再简要追溯核武器对中亚各国经济、政治、文化、人权等的影响; 3.强调核武器对中亚乃至世界各国的潜在威胁; 4.最后再次重申自己的立场。 (建议:1.语言简洁、官方。2.多查背景资料,发言时尽量用资料上的语言。 3.把发言稿背下来,脱稿发言。 4.多练几次,把握好时间,不多不少。) 尊敬的主席,

各位女士们,先生们。 21世纪是知识经济时代,而知识产权是知识经济的支柱之一。为了使知识产权更好地为本国经济发展服务,一方面不断完善知识产权法律体系,另一方面不断提高服务质量,争取国内国际的知识产权政策都能限度地维护本国利益。 一是尽快完善知识产权法律体系,使它更能满足国家经济发展的需要。因为我国多为中小型企业,中小企业管理知识产权资产水平不足,企业内部未形成一套高效的管理体制,如未定期对知识产权资产进行规整,将对企业发展非常不利。 其次要尽快统一各国专利法,实施产权共享。但我建议进行分化统一。即在发展中国家中制定一个方案,在发达国家中指定一个方案,这样两类国家互不干扰。 再者是加强国际合作,在全球知识产权保护政策中争取自己的利益。我国在国际合作中的行动原则,是维持自己在国际上的声誉,加强我国作为中等知识产权国家的影响力,积极参与多边合作,争取利益。


立场文件 立场文件的英文是Position Paper,可定义为“表明一国在某一个问题上的基本观点和立场的文件”。立场文件反映了一个国家对特定话题的立场和解决建议,许多代表也会用立场文件作为大会中第一次发言的发言稿,由此可见其重要性。一篇立场文件只阐述对于一个议题的国家立场观点,如果一个委员会的议题有两个,那么就需要提交两份立场文件。一份立场文件的篇幅应尽量控制在一到两页。立场文件作用其他国家可以通过一国的立场文件来了解该国在这一议题上的基本立场,确定该国是否与自己的国家具有共同的目标和利益等等,这样便于各国协会协商和合作。也可以提醒本国代表自己的底线。立场文件同时也是会议开始阶段各国陈述观点的主要参照发言材料,但它并不是发言稿。立场文件的 格式和要点1)开头立场文件的开头应该包括以下部分:代表姓名(delegates) 代表来自的学校(schools)国家(country)委员会(committee)议题(topic)2)正文正文的内容一般安排如下:背景介绍:简要陈述议题。这一部分所占篇幅最小,只需简单概括该问题的历史,并提出讨论解决该问题的重要性即可。 过去的行动:这部分包括联合国在该问题上的决议或行动及本国在该问题上已经作出的 行动和决议等。本国的立场/政策/解决措施:这部分主要表明本国的立场,提供本国对于该问题的解决办法和措施,并提供理由等。3)篇幅书写语言为中文,字体用宋体,5号字,单倍行距。篇幅尽量控制在一到两页左右。4)充实内容前面介绍的正文内容安排只是一种参考。立场文件不是考试作文的八股文,其内容的安排顺序和文章结 构都可以根据代表国的实际情况调整。还可以从以下很多方面充实立场文件的内容: 对该国在这个议题上的立场的总体概括和对该国在此问题上的历史介绍该问题是怎样影响该国的该国在此问题上的政策和实施相关政策的理由 该国在此问题上签署的协议或批准的决议在此问题上别国的立场怎样影响该国 的立场国家领导在相关问题上发言的引言为支持该国在此问题上的对策的相关数据5)写作中需要注意的问题如非必要不需要陈述这个国家的详细信息(GDP、 人口、资源等)尽量使文体显得官方和正式,写作的时候再选词方面要特别注意 举出实例,而不是空讲政策和态度用脚注或尾注来表明所引用的资料(不强求) 立场文件作为会议要求的正式文件,在用词方面也有固定的要求。用词要求正式,避免口语化的表达。一般,立场文件都采用第三人称“中国认为(China thinks)、美国代表团相信(the US Delegation believes)”等等,而不用“你、我、他”。同时立场文件的表达应当简洁明了,尽量不要采用修辞、排比等过于文学的表达方式。由于篇幅有限,立场文件应该围绕议题和国家立场展开,确保每一句话都是为了表达国家立场服务。我们建议代表使用一个简明的架构来书写立场文件。你的工作不是把你所收集的大量信息填充到结构中,而是把你的观点、建议以及解决办法等等信息融合起来加以整理,使他们能够很好的融合到你的立场文件结构中,让你的立场文件更有建设性。一篇好的立场文件应包括以下几个方面:简要阐述议题,并说明代表国认为对这个议题对于其本国以及整个国际社会所具有的重要性。代表国所持有的立场、态度。可包括该国与此相关的国内事务及外交政策,以及过去在国际工作中所支持过的决议等等。对于联合国所采取过的主要措施代表国持怎样的态度。代表国对委员会的建议。可包括代表国认为有效可行的解决措施,以及国际社会应承当的角色。所以确切的说,立场文件更接近说明文,而不是一般认为的议论文或者辩论陈词。后者往往要求先明确表达观点(比如托福作文或GRE的Argument部分),然后旁征博引来证明观点的正确正当。但是立场文件的写作不是要通过具有冲击力的词汇说服阅读者,而是要通过合理引用客观资料说明问题,并在此基础上得出结论,更强调体现出一种分析的过程。换


模联德国发言稿 立场发言稿 尊敬的主席,尊敬的各国代表,下面我谨代表德国政府陈述我国对待叙利亚化学武器危机的立场。 叙利亚是连接中东各国的纽带,并且其周边国家都是非常敏感的国家,包括伊拉克、约旦、以色列、黎巴嫩,以及北部的土耳其和隔着伊拉克的伊朗。同时,中东地区的若干重大热点问题,如阿以和谈、伊拉克问题、反恐问题、以伊朗核问题为中心的核不扩散问题、库尔德民族问题等,都与叙利亚息息相关。可以这样说,叙利亚才是中东冲突的核心,作为中东战略链中举足轻重一环的叙利亚一旦生变,势必在中东地区引发更为剧烈的动荡。 自2011年开始,叙利亚政府军与反对派武装的冲突已持续了两年多,地区与全球角力已把叙利亚酿成了一杯毒酒。2013年8月,叙利亚平民在内战中遭受到来自化学武器沙林的攻击,叙利亚反对派(叙利亚自由军)指责巴尔沙政府在大马士革附近使用化学武器,造成超过1300人死亡。叙利亚政府否认这一指控,并坚称是反对派对民众施以毒手。 在叙利亚化学武器问题上,德国的立场与世界大多数爱好和平的国家保持一致,即:坚决反对叙利亚以任何形式、任何名义使用化学武器,对于任何试图借助化学武器威胁地区稳定与世界和平的行为予以谴责,强烈要求叙利亚以公开、透明、坦诚的态度接受联合国相关机构的核查,鼓励并建议包括叙利亚在内的世界各国为中东地区的和平与稳定作出努力。德国政府认为,实施化学武器攻击严重违反国际法,如果联合国调查组证实叙利亚政府使用了化学武器,国际社会必须采取行动,德国将是这些行动的支持者。

德国政府强调,各方应冷静应对以避免加剧中东地区局势不稳,现在的目标应是通过政治途径结束叙利亚危机。德国鼓励和支持通过对话和增进互信的方式解决地区和国际问题,实现地区稳定。德国政府对参与可能对叙利亚采取的军事行动持最大的克制态度,德国政府始终认为,军事干预往往可能使局势进一步恶化。叙利亚是一个多文化、多民族、多宗教的国家,并且当前局势非常复杂,各种冲突汇聚在这里,任何军事干预都不能收到立竿见影的效果,反而可能使相关国家卷入其中不能自拔。 德方恪守《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则及国际关系基本准则,致力于维护叙利亚的独立、主权、统一和领土完整,维护中东地区的和平、稳定,维护世界的和平与安宁。为了早日解决叙利亚问题,德方主张和呼吁: 一、叙利亚政府及有关各方应立即、全面、无条件停止一切暴力行动,特别是针对无辜平民的暴力行动。叙利亚各派别应通过非暴力途径表达政治意愿。 二、叙利亚政府和各派别要从维护国家和人民长远和根本利益出发,在联合国-阿盟叙利亚危机联合特使的公正斡旋下,立即开启不附带先决条件、不预设结果的包容性政治对话,通过协商一致达成全面、详尽的改革路线图和时间表并尽快予以实施,以恢复国家稳定和社会正常秩序。 三、德方支持联合国发挥主导作用,协调人道主义救援努力。联合国安理会于2013年10月2日就人道援助发表的主席声明必须立刻执行和生效。同时呼吁大马士革当局、反对派组织和在这场冲突中具有影响力的国家,应确保人道救援人员可以安全和畅通无阻地的开展工作,德方愿向叙利亚人民提供人道主义援助。我们反对任何人借“人道主义”问题之名行干涉叙利亚内部事务之实。 四、国际社会应尽快在安理会2013年9月通过的授权对叙利亚存在的化学武器进行核查和销毁的决议草案框架下推进叙利亚化学武器的销毁进程,同时敦促叙


模拟联合国大会优秀立 场文件范例 WEIHUA system office room 【WEIHUA 16H-WEIHUA WEIHUA8Q8-

模拟联合国大会优秀立场文件范例 (2011-09-07 17:31:53) 标签: 这是两篇很好的立场文件,大家可以参考~ ? ? 范文一 代表:陈卫杰 学校:向明中学 国家:马达加斯加共和国 委员会:联合国经济和社会发展理事会 议题:国际移民和城市发展 ? 现今,世界上很多国家都面对着国际移民与城市发展的问题。由于世界经济全球化,地缘政治发展,通讯技术革命,低价商业运输和人口结构变动等原因,国际移民的数量正在不断地增长中。国际移民很大程度上影响了各国城市发展,对目的国的城市经济、社会、环境、文化诸方面发展产生越来越显着的影响,有积极的一面,也有消极的一面。移徙与发展有着千丝万缕的联系,发展主导移徙,移徙反过来又影响发展。所以,如何使国际移民规范化,对城市发展起到积极作用,成了一个需要我们共同探讨的问题。

? 联合国《国际移徙与发展》报告指出:“在最理想的情况下,移民可以使接受国、原籍国和移徙者本人都得到好处。向外移徙与许多人最终回归一样,对于振兴国家经济发挥了决定性的作用。”为达到这种最理想的情况,国际社会都做出了很大的努力。1946年通过的《世界人权宣言》和1990年通过的《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》为移徙者的人权保护奠定了基础。国际移民组织也通过与各国合作处理移民问题,确保移民有秩序地移居接收国。国际移徙问题全球委员会在2005年10月发布的报告中提出33条建议,旨在加强对国际移徙问题的国家、区域和全球治理。欧盟等区域集团提出了区域性倡议,有些国家制定了双边协定,来确保移民流动在有关国家互惠的情况下进行。 ? 作为一个非洲的发展中国家,马达加斯加在国际移民与城市发展问题上做出了巨大的努力。我们主张充分发挥移徙者与本地工人的互补性,促进接受国的经济。通过立法来消除种族歧视、歧视妇女、歧视移徙工人。必要时,我们创建特别移民区来保护文化多样性发展。同时,我们也设法克服与其他国家的分歧并改变外交政策的战略。 ? 马达加斯加政府提倡发达国家采取更加宽松的移民政策,这样一方面使得发展中国家可以通过侨汇增加本国的外汇收入,同时学习和引进发达国家先进的科学技术,另一方面也使得发达国家的劳工市场得到有效的补充。我们建议发达国家应该消除移民人数增加会导致目的国失业率增加的这一顾虑。在目的地国,多数不同背景的研究都表明,国际移徙的增加对总体工资水平和失业影响甚微。移徙者的职业分布与非移徙者迥异,也充分表明两者的互补性,而不是竞争性。我们也提倡发展中国家放宽投资移民的政策,这样可以实现较好的招商引资,加快目的国的城市经济发展。同时,也为发达国家拓宽全球市场提供了绝好的商机。我们同样不能忽视一个问题,无论是发达国家还是发展中国


联合国日国旗下讲话稿精选3篇 联合国日,倡导的是和平,自由,共同进展的理念精神。下面是小编整理的联合国日国旗下说话稿,希翼对大伙儿有所帮助。 【1】联合国日国旗下说话稿 恭敬的老师、友爱的同学们: 今天是联合国日。XX年前,也算是1945年10月24日,联合国在世界反法西斯战争胜利的凯歌声中正式成立。 联合国是一具统一的世界性综合性的政府间国际组织,截止今年有193个会员国。联合国大会总部所在地是美国纽约、瑞士日内瓦、奥地利维也纳、肯尼亚内罗毕。联合国作为当今世界最大、最重要、最具代表性和权威的国际组织,其国际集体安全机制的功能差不多得到国际社会的普遍认可。中国是安理会的五个常任理事国之一。 联合国的宗旨是:维护国际和平与安全;进展国际间以尊重各国人们平等权利及自觉原则为基础的友好关系;进行国际合作,以解决国际间经济、社会、文化和人道主义性质的咨询题,促进对全人类的人权和基本自由的尊重。 模拟联合国活动如今差不多风靡全世界。参与者有大学生、高中生,乃至初中生。大伙儿就和平与安全、恐惧主义、人权、环境、贫穷与进展、货币政策、石油危机、全球化、公共卫生等各国普遍关注的难点、热点话题展开积极的讨论。这是一种体验式的活动,代表们融入了外交情境,阅读背景资料、会场上书写大量文件、听取发言、阐述观点这些都对学生的英语水平提出了很高的要求。涉及历史、地理、数学、文化、经济、军事、自然科学等知识,并与大会要讨论的咨询题密切结合,考虑各个要素之间的联系。如此就打破了学科间的壁垒,形成了丰满完整的知识体系。 原联合国秘书长安南说:联合国依赖世界上每个人的努力而存在,尤其是像你们如此的少年。那个世纪,别久就会是你们的。当今的年轻人将是以后决策的制定者。模拟联合国活动让少年人的首领才干得到锻炼。中国的年轻人应该为迎接国际化的挑战做好充分的预备。 在我市,舟山中学先行实施了模拟联合国活动,我校也派出代表团进行了观摩学习。目前我校也差不多把模拟联合国活动提到议事日程上。今日一中,学生利用寒暑假去过英国、美国,香港等地的学校交流拜访,高二的代表团现正在日本做拜访。今年春节过后本届高一学生代表团还将赴香港结对学校交流,明年暑假有更大的挑选余地去美国、英国或澳大利亚等国家拜访。 读万卷书,行万里路。打开一扇窗,提供一具舞台,愿大伙儿关怀世界,拥有国际视野。 【2】联合国日国旗下说话稿 恭敬的老师、友爱的同学们: 今天,我们迎来了联合国日。在世界大伙儿庭中,联合国扮演着极其重要的角色。维持国际和平与安全,进展国际间友好关系,促进经济、社会、文化及人类福利等方面的国际合作是联合国的宗旨。在联合国徽章图案中,两根橄榄枝衬托着整个地球,意味着争取世界和平。 中国是联合国安理会五大常任理事国之一,但中国恢复在联合国的合法席位,却记忆了一段蜿蜒的过程。早在1945年4月,中国就派代表团参加了旧金山会议,并在《联合国宪章》上签字。1949年新中国成立后,由于美国政府的阻止,台湾当局非法占领着中国在联合国的席位。1971年10月25日,联合国大会经过了恢复中华人民共和国在联合国的一切合法权利的提案,新中国在联合国和安理会中被非法剥夺了20多年的席位得到恢复。 因为有了联合国,世界才干更加和谐安定;因为有了联合国,世界才更像一具大伙儿庭。同学们,让我们一起在联合国日里,宣传团结、友好、和平、和谐的联合国精神,让地


决议草案 决议草案(Draft Resolution)是在一份或多份工作文件的基础上形成的包含对于所讨论议题的实质性解决方案与具体措施的书面提案。在会议中,决议草案的赞成票如果达到或超过全部有效票数的三分之二,即意味着决议草案得到通过而成为了正式的决议。在真正的联合国中,一些决议草案如果得到通过而成为了联合国决议,则意味着它有了法律效力和实际的约束力。因此,决议是一次联合国会议的最终成果,是各国对议题基本达成一致的体现。 在模拟联合国会议中,决议草案在会议指导审核通过后印发全场。在接下来的进程中,代表们要对决议草案进行深入地讨论。当有修改的必要时各国代表可以提出修正案予以修改。当有代表提出动议结束辩论并对决议草案进行投票时,如果此动议得到通过,即结束辩论程序而对决议草案进行唱名表决。如果决议草案的赞成票如果达到或超过全部有效票数的三分之二,即意味着决议草案得到通过而成为了正式的决议。反之,则意味着决议草案未获通过。 决议草案是模拟联合国会议中最重要的文件,决议草案的写作在语言、结构和内容等方面有着严格的要求。模拟联合国中的各位代表在撰写决议草案是应该严格遵守相关的要求和规范。决议草案的条款分为序言性条款 (Perambulatory Clauses)和行动性条款(Operative Clauses)两类: 在序言性条款中,每一条款要以动名词形式开头,动名次下加下划线,同时每一条款以逗号结束;在行动性条款中,每一条款要以动词第三人称单数开头,同时该动词应以斜体显示,每一条款以分号结束,最后一个条款以句号结束。 行动性条款是决议草案最重要的部分,决议草案行动性条款的语言也有如下一些特点:首先,每一条款都表达一个单独且完整的意思;其次,每一条款以动词第三人称单数开头,条款的主语是该委员会,如联合国安全理事会(UNSC);再次,决议草案行动性条款的句型主要有两种,一种是“动词第三人称单数形式+由that引导的宾语从句”,另一种是“动词第三人称单数形式+国家+to do(动词不定式)”。 决议草案通常由一个或几个国家起草,并需要经过一定数量其他国家的签字认可,才可提交大会进行讨论。针对同一个议题,可以有由不同国家或国家集团提出的观点和立场不同的多份决议草案,最终采用全体投票的方式决定哪份决议草案最终成为决议,一份决议草案须在得到大会全体成员国2/3多数同意后方可通过。以下为一篇决议草案范例:


模联发言稿(一)亲爱的模联社团的老师们、亲爱同学们:谢谢朱老师和赵老师给我提供这样一个机会,让我跟学弟学妹们交流参加模联活动的一些心得和体会。一年前,我和你们一样,对模联是陌生的。模拟联合国是怎么回事,说简单了就是由学生扮演外交官代表不同国家的立场,出席联合国会议,探讨国际问题。模联活动说白了就是按部就班的流程,首先确定议题,各国写出立场文件,阐述立场,由此写出决议草案,再讨论决议草案通过不通过。关于模联详细的流程和规则,模联社团的老师在随后的培训中会给大家解释。我在这里不再展开。我想给大家交流的是我参加模联培训过程中的一些感受。我要告诉大家的第一点是一定要学好英语。我们学英语不只是为了在试卷上选 abc, 从而取得高分,如果只是这样的话,那我们花费大量的时间来学英语,岂不是太浪费了。在美国有一个着名的脱口秀演员叫黄西,曾经说过一个段子:儿子问他为什么要学中英文这两种语言,他对儿子讲,等你将来成为美国总统时,需要用英文来签署法律文件,用中文来和你的债权人沟通。(因为中国是美国最大的债权国)。这当然是一个笑话,可是今天,世界正在一体化,英语作为最发达国家的官方语言,作为联合国的主要工作语言,我们作为某国驻联合国代表要用英语来阐述自己的立场,签署文件,这就决定了英语学习对我们新世纪新新人类的意义。因此学英语要学活的英语,要练听、说、读、写,而模联社团就给你提供了这样一个平台和机会。我们作为英语的初学者,最重要的方法就是模仿,要反复跟着磁带模仿发音,模仿语音和语调,长期坚持,你会讲一口漂亮的英语,我希望每一个学弟学妹们都有机会站在联大的讲台上用漂亮的英文发言。第二点体会:克服困难,挑战自我。模联只是一个活动,是学有余力的同学锻炼自己的平台,它不可能代替小升初考试,代替中考和高考,因此不要带着功利的目标来模联。我希望同学们能有心理准备,模联训练是一个艰苦而长期的训练,你将要牺牲很多休息和娱乐的时间来读懂生词连篇的背景文件;用中文都很难写成的立场文件,需要你用英文写出来;你可能带稿子发言都会紧张、发抖,可能你经过一段时间的培训后,依旧会觉得很困难,甚至想退出。这时候一定要坚持,要顶住压力。支持我们坚持下去的动力是什么?通过模联活动,你的演讲能力,沟通交流的能力都会得到很大的提升,经过培训你会从发言紧张到在众人的注视下从容镇定。而这些能力是一个 leader 即领导者应当具备的基本素质。想一想在这个世界上还有很多儿童生活在贫困线下,还有很多人因肤色而被歧视,还有很多人生活在战争的阴影之下,学弟学妹们,你们想改变现状吗?你们想为世界变得更公平、美好、和平而贡献一份力量吗?你们想成为一个关注世界、影响世界的人吗?你们想成为一个领导者吗?那就来模联吧!今天你在模联的讲台上锻炼自己,明天就会站在真实联大的舞台上。我觉得有一句话说得很好:心有多大,舞台就有多大!希望学弟学妹们坚持不懈,通过长期培训,在模联活动中取得好成绩,展示我们河南省实验小学学生的风采。谢谢大家 ! 模联发言稿(二)尊敬的icu执行团队成员,尊敬的六校模联代表,各位来宾:下午好!首先,我谨代表东北师范大学代表团和东北师大模拟联合国协会,向吉林大学首届模拟联合国大会的成功举办表示热烈的祝贺!接下来,我想对于什么是模联这个问题说说我的想法,并愿与大家共勉。在我看来,模联是一个过程,它是一个让代表们开阔眼界、广交朋友、锻炼口才、训练思维和培养团队意识的过程,在会议期间,我看到了代表们在台上侃侃而谈,尽情的展示着自己的风采,不同立场之间的碰撞又在无形之中开阔了我们的视野,训练了我们快速反应的能力,但更让我看到了代表们在一起的团队合作精神,因为模联不仅仅需要有扞卫自己利益立场的勇气,更要有相互间合作和妥协的精神。而在合作和妥协之中,我们又结成了深厚的友谊,这实在是一举五得,而似乎也只有模联才能同时给予我们这些。


模拟联合国用语范例 Revised final draft November 26, 2020

立场文件格式P P 立场文件格式: 代表: (学校:) 国家: 部门:(,ECOSOC等) 议题: 正文:第一段对议题的概述。 第二段国际其他组织或以前出过什么决议等,采取过什么措施。 第三段自己国家的立场,观点,以及针对议题采取了什么措施,将要采取什么措施。 第四段希望与什么国家或组织合作,怎样合作,达到什么目的,并简短总结。 模拟联合国用语范例 1.主席团介绍 The Chair: Ladies and Gentlemen, My name is …, the Chair of today’s conference.(welcome). I would like to introduce the secretariat’s member of the …commission. To my left, is the Director……To my right is the Rapporteur… 主席:各位代表,我是今天的会议主席××。欢迎大家参加大会,在此对诸位代表的到来表示衷心的欢迎。现在我将先介绍主席团成员。在我左边的是会议指导××,右边的是主席助理××。 The Director: I’m…, the Director of today’s conference. All the files, including working papers, draft resolutions, amendments will directly come to me and any other questions are welcome. 会议指导:大家好,我是今天会议的会议指导××。会议中的所有文件,包括工作文件、决议草案、修正案都应提交给我。同时也欢迎大家提问。 The Rapporteur: Good afternoon, I’m…, the Rapporteur of today’s conference. 主席助理:大家好,我是今天的主席助理××。 2.点名 Roll Call The Chair: Now the rapporteur will do the roll call. All delegates please raise your placard and say ‘present’ when your nation’s name is called. 主席:下面进行点名。被点到国家名的代表请举牌并答“到”。 The Rapporteur: Afghanistan. Delegate of Afghanistan: Present. The Rapporteur: Afghanistan is present. 主席助理:阿富汗。 阿富汗代表:到。 主席助理:阿富汗代表到场。 *点名结束之后,主席助理需要申明出席代表数目,是否符合召开会议的要求,简单多数、三分之二多数、百分之二十的代表数。并重申迟到的国家需要向主席团提交意象条,并随时更新相应代表数。 *正式辩论之前重申相应规则,如上台发言,正式辩论不可二次让渡时间等等。


许吉如,南外2010届毕业生,当年保送清华大学法学院,本科毕业后入读哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院研究生。她曾是南京申办2014年青奥会形象大使,2010年2月随中国代表团赴温哥华申奥。曾获全国优秀团员、江苏省十佳青年学生、“希望之星”英语风采大赛高中组冠军、全国英语演讲比赛冠军、2008年北京大学模拟联合国最高奖最佳代表奖和单项奖最佳口语奖等。 国家赋予年轻人最好的礼物是什么 演讲时间:2016年7月8日 ——哈佛毕业生许吉如在《我是演说家第三季》第1期的励志演讲稿 我想请现场的男生去设想或者去回忆一个场景:你的女朋友板着脸站在一边,忽然很委屈地哭出来了。你问她什么她都不开口,“宝宝心里苦,但是宝宝不说”。这个时候你心里很慌张,你想:“不对啊,怎么回事呢?上个月看中的包我买了呀,昨天的朋友圈我点赞了的呀,前天前女友发过来的短信我删掉了的呀。”这个时候大小姐终于开口了,她说:“我也不知道为什么,就是没有安全感了。” 这个时候你的内心是崩溃的,因为这是她第101次跟你提出“安全感”的概念。鼓掌的那个哥们儿,可能你女朋友跟你提了200次。 这个时候男生会很沉默,对吧?你女朋友看你不说话她

很慌啊,她就跑到网上去发帖子,叫《跟男朋友说没有安全感,男朋友不理我了。姐妹们我该怎么办?在线等,挺急的。》这种帖子底下,一般回应也不会太多的。但通常会有一个饱经沧桑的老司机说一句废话,而这个废话被你的妹子誉为真理。 这个老司机说:“妹子,安全感不是男朋友给的。安全感是我们自己给自己的喔!”这个老司机说的其实没有错,生活中的安全感是我们自己给自己的。好好工作,会有物质上的安全感;好好学习,会有期末考试的安全感;“不作死就不会死”,会有爱情的安全感。 安全感的本质是我们用自己的努力和生活进行的一场等价交换。但是今天我想说的,是一份不基于任何条件,不需要努力,我们往往“身在福中而不知福”的安全感。 今年春天,我们学院组织学生去各个国家实地调研。我选择了去位于中东地区的以色列。这个国家多灾多难,但又是国际强国,所以我对它充满了兴趣。有两个细节奠定了我对于这个国家的看法:第一个细节发生在机场,当时我托运行李。大家都知道托运行李一般只需要5——10分钟,不会问你太多问题,对吗?但是那一天,以色列的安检人员对我进行了足足半个小时的盘问,“你叫什么?姓什么?从哪里来到哪里去?念过什么学校?做过什么工作?写过什么论文?去过哪些国家?有过什么梦想?爱过谁?”全部都要


Badge 胸卡 Deprive the right to vote 取消表决权 Close the debate 结束辩论 Director 会议指导 Deputy 副代表 Head delegate 代表团团长,领队 Head of delegation 代表团团长 Faculty advisor 代表团指导 Delegation bloc 代表团 Distribution 分发 Document officer 文件分发人员 Drafting committee 起草委员会 Draw lots 抽签 Elect by an absolute (a simple) majority 以绝对(简单)多数选出Enjoy privileges 享受特权 Entry into force 开始生效 Executive secretary 执行秘书 Exercise the right of vote 行使表决权 Explain one’s rote 对所投的票加以说明 Extend the term of office 延长任期 Extraodinary session 特别会议 Fill a vacancy 补缺

Final report 最后报告 First ballot 第一次投票表决 First priority 最优先项目 Fix the timetable of the settings 安排各次会议的时间表 Foot-note 脚注 Gallery 旁听席 General committee 总务委员会 General debate 一般性辩论 Geographical distribution 按地域分配 Give a ruling 作出裁定 Give up one’s turn to speak in favour of 把自己的发言机会让给Give up the office to chair man 放弃主席的职务 Go back upon a vote 重新表决 Governing body 执行机构 Hand over the chair to the vice-chairman 让副主席担任主席Have priority 有优先权 Have the initiative 有倡议权 Heading 标题 Honorary president 名誉主席(会长) Host country 东道国 I am authorized by my government 我受本国政府授权 I ask for the floor 我请求发言


立场发言稿 谢谢主席。 Thank you for the chair. 尊敬的主席,尊敬的各国代表,下面我谨代表菲律宾政府陈述我国对待如何应对全球气候变化的建议。 Honerable chair and dear delegate ,this is the representative of Phillipine,here is my brief speech 近些年来全球气候异常,各国对于气候变化愈加关注。在多国的努力下,达成了京都议定书等公约。然而公约的执行并不如人意,应对气候变化仍是当前迫在眉睫的问题。菲律宾作为一个负责任的国家,一直以来密切关注着气候变化问题,积极参与关于气候变化的各个国际会议,是京都议定书缔约国之一。与此同时,在国内,菲律宾政府也积极推动低碳环保政策,并于2009年颁布了气候变化法。 During recent years, the world’s climate changes abnormally,every country pays more and more attention to climate efforts of many countries,Kyoto Protocal has been ,the implementation is below with climate changes staring us in the a responsible country,Philippine has been keeping an eye on climate changes and taking an active part in many meetings on climate the same time,we enact Climate Change Law in 2009 and promote low-carbon enviromental friendly policy. 关于应对全球气候变化,菲律宾有如下建议: About how to deal with global climate changes,Philippine has following suggestions: 1、建立双赢的技术推广机制和互利技术合作。发达国家应更加积极地兑现承诺;发展中国家应更加主动地承担减排责任。例如我们可以制定一个类似于分期付款的制度。稍后我将详细解释; Firstly, win-win mechanism should be set can set up a win-win mechanism popularizing techinology and improving mutual-beneficial cooperation with which developed countries can make good on the promise and developing countries can play a more important role in carbon dioxide emission. 2、在联合国框架之下,建立一个全球性的关于温室气体回收存储技术的研究机构。向全世界征集关于该问题有所研究的权威专家,建立人才库,每年向其提供一定的科研资金。其研究成果归全人类共享。 We can set up a research institution on the techonology of recovery and storing of GHG. under the framework of UN and set up a talent pool by calling together the scientists who do research on it all around the year,UN give a fund to it for the achievements of it will be shared by all people around the world. 3、建立一个类似于国际红十字会的组织,为气候变化建立一个基金会组织。该基金会组织在各缔约国均设有分部,由各国政府直接领导。 A fund organization similar to International Red Cross should be set up to give support to climate organization sets branch in every country leading by the government. 4、在联合国框架下建立监督机制,监督各缔约国义务履行。 A monitoring mechanism should be set up under the framework of the United Nations,monitoring each party’s implemention.
