
0)Stylistics is a discipline that studies the ways in which language is used,studies the styles of language in use. Two subdivisions:general stylistics and literary stylistics.

1)language functions:ideational or refrentional function--expressing the speaker's experience of the real world(inner world of his own consciousness); interpersonal or expressive/social function--social relations; textual function.

2)similar to modern linguistics, stylistics lays stress on the study of language functions and the different structures dictated by these fuctions.but linguistics stresses the description of linguistics structures while stylistics on the stylistic effects of different language structures.stylistics is the continuation and development of rhetoric.however,discarding the traditonal practices of rhetoric to establish norms for people to model on, stylistics turns to the presentation of the functional features of language--it is descriptive,not prescriptive.

3)linguistic choices--deviation,repetition. Deviation is the breaking of normal rules of linguistic structure. Repetition is the overuse of a particular linguistic feature. Foregrouning: both deviation and repetition produce a psychological effect on the mind of reader--they make a feature stand out.

4)stylistics tells us that all language have different varieties for different roles,translation must be adapted to the original in terms of language type and general effect.

5)two kinds of varieties of language:dialectal and diatypic.dialectal varieties also called dialects--user related;diatypic varieties also called registers--situational related, distinguished according to field, mode, tenor of discourse.

6)Social dialect is a variety associated with certain social group, just as oceans and mountains separate people and can lead eventually to distinct language habits, so social and political boundaries separate people and can be instrumental in promoting different speechways. Including status, ethnic, gender, age varieties.

7)registers:field of discourse is the subject matter,mode of discourse is the linguistic reflection of the relationship that the language user has to the medium of communication,tenor of discourse is the linguistic reflection of the personal relationships between speaker/writer and hearer/reader--called personal tenor.Registers are distinctive varieties of language used in different types of situation.

8)Aims at providing a methodology of analysis--a clear technique of description which, ideally, will allow any persons to cope with any text they want to study, a procedure that can ensure that no items of stylistic significance is overlooked.ordered approach:take the object of study-a text, work through the text carefully, note down its stylistic features, and discuss them in terms of a number of levels of language--substantial,formal and situational.

9)cohesion is the means of linking sentencestogether into large units. Coherence is nat

ural or reasonable connection in content. Three types of connectives:transitionalwords/phrases,showing time ,place, and causal relation,including conjunctions, adverbial conjunctions,prepositional phrases and other elements;grammatical devices--ellipsis,substitution and co-reference;lexial reiteration--a means of cohesion achieved through the repetition of key words, or through the use of synonyms ,near-synonyms,hyponyms and general words.

(1) Style
1.Style may refer to a person’s distinctive language habits, or the set of individual characteristics of language use.
2.Style may refer to a set of collective characteristics of language use, i.e. language shared by a group of people at a given time.
3.Style may refer to the effectiveness of a mode of expression, which is implied in the definition of style as ‘saying the right thing in the most effective way’ or ‘ good manners’, as a ‘clear’ or ‘refined’ style advocated in most books of composition.
4.Style may refer solely to a characteristic of ‘good’ or ‘beautiful’ literary writings.
To be exact, we shall regard style as the language habits of a person or group of persons in a given situation.

(2) Naming of Parts分析诗歌
Here no typographical devices the transition to and fro between what the army instructor is saying to the recruits and what the poet-recruit is thinking in his mind. All is done by the subtle change in varieties of language---monotonous clichés from the teaching manual, switching to the poetic language to be expected from an imaginative writer. The repetition of the dull phrases expresses the tedious, regimented life of the recruits who are preparing to kill and to be killed, whereas the beautiful lines about gardens present the free, joyous life of nature---everything that is missing from the lives of the recruits. The poet-recruit seems to at once love and hate some of the instructional items. He hates them for their association with a weapon. He loves them for their sexual image. This feeling points to a contrast between the sterile destructiveness of war and the dynamic natural force of life.

(3) The procedure of linguistic description
1. Work systematically through the text and note down points we feel of some stylistic significance respectively under the various headings.
2. Qualify the frequency of a linguistic feature.
3. Assess the importance of stylistic features.
4. Make statements about the overall linguistic picture of the text in question, bringing together diverse feature to show how they form a coherent, integrated pattern, and making judgements about or interpreting the significance of such patterns in relation to the context of the text as a whole. Statements about non-literary varieties of English are supposed to be all-round and comprehensve in terms of all linguistic levels.For literary texts, Text A is primarily marked by phonologiacal features, Text B by grammatical,etc.

(4) General fe

atures of conversation
1. It shows inexplicitness of language, …..
2. It shows randomness of subject-matter and lack of planning.
3. There is the phenomenon of normal non-fluency, as hesitation, slips of the tongue, overlapping or simultaneous speech.

(5) How is it that in public speech there is sharp variation in sentence length and much use of nominal groups with postmodification?
We know that casual speech tends to use short sentences. But a glance at Churchill’s speech reveals that its sentences vary much in length. Sharp variation in length reflects the emotional state of mind of the speaker and his/her effort to evoke an active response from the audience. and much use of nominal groups with postmodification is necessary for more and accurate information, and at the same time is not likely to pose much difficulty on the audience's receivingprocess.Also it adds to the solemnity of the oration.

(0)News reporting needs to be compact. tell in what way compactness is best achieved in news reporting.
1.short paragraph.2.dash.3.inverted structure and expanded simple sentences.4.simple verbal groups.5.wide use of neologisms, abbreviations.6.simple way of transition.7.prefix.8.glossary,sentences.

(6) Tell how and why EST prefers impersonal sentence patterns?
1)This is shown in the use of sentences introduced by an anticipatory;in the use of passive structure (with predicator in the passive voice or with passive infinitive) in narrating.
2)It adds sense of impersonality and formalities; scientists are more interested in the action or facts rather than the agent, concise than active on, more objective.

(7) Semantically, legal English shows its tendency to lexical repetition, conjunctional phrases, parallel structures, and meticulous ways of expression. How do you account for this?
1.extremely conservative or out of date or old fashioned oddities in form and wording/formal/serious matters, for uglexports professional , long tradition; extremely precise way to aviod any misinterpretion and ambiguity , loophole, addition ,deletion.
2. Preference for lexical repetition to pronoun reference.
In order to achieve exactness of reference, leaving no loopholes whatsoever, legal documents tend to use lexical repetition as the formal device to link their long and self-contained sentences.
2. Wide use of conjunctional phrases and parallel structure
Some of the conjunctional phrases are conventional while others are made for exact and indisputable wording.
Parallel structure is prominent in enumerating concrete terms and conditions of a policy or contract.
3. Tendency to meticulous way of expression
Another way to achieve exactness of reference and to evade any possible misinterpretation is to be extremely detailed in expression lest there should arise anything disputable concerning the stipulations on rights or obligations.

(8) What function does imagery/symbol play in novels?
1. Images, or imagery means images taken collec

In literature imagery is used to signify all the objects and qualities of sense perception referred to in a work, whether by literary description, by allusion, or in the analogues used in its metaphors and similes, which is, however, not simply decorative but serves to reveal aspects of experience in a new light; or to reinforce theme, setting or characterization.
2. A symbol is something that casts meanings beyond its factual reality----as , for instance the color of white may be symbolic of purity in one story and sterility in another.
In novels symbols may be more diffuse: almost anything in the story---action, setting, particular objects---may be endowed with a more abstract or generalized significance, and so help towards an understanding of the theme of the work as a whole.

(9) 广告或新闻的特点。(论述题,自己分析是属于压缩、吸引人还是易懂)(simple,compression and vivid or attractive)
1. Advertising
1) Graphological features
a. Full use of graphological contrasts
b. Prominent use of pictures
c. Clear identification of the advertiser
2). Grammatical features
a. Preference for short sentences
b. Combined use of various types of sentences
c. Use of simple verbal groups
d. Use of heavily modified nominal groups
3). Lexical features
a. Wide use of affirmative and commendatory words and expressions.
b. Frequent use of personal pronouns
c. Extensive use of neologism
4). Semantic features
a. Heavy reliance on overall layout
b. High attention to positioning and theme
c. Use of rhetorical devices
2. News reporting
1).Graphological features
2). Grammatical features
a. Alternating use of long and short statement-type sentences
b. Frequent use of inverted sentence structure and expanded simple sentences
c. Use of heavily modified nominal groups
d. Use of simple verbal groups
3). Lexical features
a. Preference for journalistic words and set expressions.
b. Wide use of neologisms
c. Extensive use of abbreviations
d. Avoidance of superlative and tarnished word ornaments
e. Avoidance of unobjective wording
4). Semantic features
a. Distinctive discourse pattern
b. Simple way of transition
c. Skillful headlining

(10)Advertising is the non-personal communication of information, usually paid for and persuasive in nature,about products and ideas by identified sponsors through various media.Its functions:marketing role--helping companies sell their products or services; educational role--helping people learn about new products and services; economic role--encouragong competition in product improvements and lower price; social role--helping increase productivity and raise the standard of living.

11)Hi, how y'all doing ?
Any text is likely to convey many other kinds of information besides the message being communicated, such as
1)the period of development of the language in which the speaker/writer spoke or wrote it(temporal dialect);2)the geographical area he or she

is from(regional dialect);3)the social group he or she belongs to(social dialect);4)the range of intelligibility of his or her language(stangdaed or non-standard dialect);5)the activity he or she is engaged in (field);6)the medium he or she is using(mode);7)the social relationship existing between him or her and his or her addressees(personal tenor);8)the intention in his or her mind in conveying the message(functional tenor);9)the distinctive language habits he or she has shown(idiolect).
