
Food politics in America




Soda Politics: Taking on Big Soda (and Winning). By Marion Nestle. Oxford University Press; 508 pages; $29.95 and £19.99.


MARION NESTLE’S heavyweight polemic against Coca-Cola and PepsiCo comes at an odd moment for the industry. Americans are drinking fewer sugary sodas—in 2012 production was 23% below what it had been a decade earlier. Even sales of diet drinks are losing their fizz, as consumers question the merits of artificial sweeteners. From one angle, it would seem that health advocates such as Ms Nestle have won. Yet in America companies still produce 30 gallons of regular (not diet) fizzy drinks per person per year. In many countries, particularly developing ones, consumption is on the rise.


Ms Nestle, a professor at New York University, is both heartened by recent progress and dissatisfied with it. That is no surprise. Her first book, “Food Politics” (2002), remains a bible for those who bewail the power of food comp anies. In her new book she attacks the industry’s most widely consumed, least healthy product. “Soda Politics”, she says, is a book “to inspire readers to action”. As a rallying cry, it is verbose. When readers learn on page 238 that she will pick up a particular subject in chapter 25, it is with no little dismay that they realize they are only on chapter 17. But what the author wants most is to craft a meticulous guide to the producers’ alleged transgressions, and how to stop them.


Ms Nestle says she would have no quibbles with sweet fizzy drinks if they were sipped occasionally, as a treat. However, for millions of people in many countries, they are not. In Mexico companies sold 372 cans of fizzy drinks per person in 2012. About half of Americans do not drink them regularly, but those who do are disproportionately poor, less educated, male, Hispanic or black. Ten per cent of Americans down more than four cans a day.


Drinking a lot of sweet fizzy drinks is plainly unhealthy. Unlike a Big Mac, they have no nutritional value; nor do their calories satisfy hunger. One large study found that for each can added to a person’s daily diet, the risk of diabetes jumped by 22%. There are also links between sugar and heart disease, stroke and

cancer. Drinking lots of sodas imposes clear costs on individuals, Ms Nestle argues, but it has a broader cost, too. American taxpayers subsidise corn production (and thereby corn syrup) and let the poor use government food vouchers to buy fizzy drinks. More important, taxpayers foot the health bill for those who develop chronic disease.


Encouraging people to drink fewer fizzy drinks, however, is fiendishly difficult. Soda companies spend billions on marketing; it is a tribute to the admen that Coca-Cola is one of the world’s best-loved brands, despite selling what is essentially fattening sugar-water. (Think of Coca-Cola’s encouragements to “open happiness” and PepsiCo’s exuberant spokeswoman, Beyoncé Knowles.) Once people get used to consuming sugary drinks, they are loth to give them up. There is evidence suggesting that sugar is addictive—some laboratory animals prefer sugar to cocaine.


Most interesting, fizzy-drink companies are skilled at swatting away attempts at regulation. Ms Nestle describes an extraordinarily broad team of allies. That includes obvious friends, such as employees, bottlers and distributors, as well as the restaurants, cinemas, shops and sports stadiums that sell their products. But the companies are also astute philanthropists. When Michael Bloomberg, then mayor of New York, tried to block the use of government vouchers to buy sodas in 2010, the congressional black caucus was among those to lob by against it. The caucus’s foundation has received money from both Coke and Pepsi. In 2011 Philadelphia was considering a soda tax. After the soda lobby offered a big donation to the city’s children’s hospital, the idea fizzled out.


Coca-Cola and PepsiCo do have a few notable adversaries. Mr Bloomberg, a billionaire, remains their single biggest foe. It is telling that in two rare instances when a soda tax has been passed—in Berkeley, California and in Mexico—it was with the help of cash from Mr Bloomberg. Drinks companies must also reckon with a small army of health advocates, among which Ms Nestle is a major-general.


With the slow decline of soda in America, she and her allies are advancing. Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are peddling healthier drinks, such as bottled water. However, as they try to face down a long-term

threatwhile maintaining near-term profits, they are still pushing their syrupy fare.


Ms Nestle is impatient. To the casual reader, her suggestions can seem extreme. She writes enthusiastically about adorning soda cans with warning labels, such as pictures of a diabetic’s foot ulcer. She suggests that parents should teach their children about fizzy drinks by gently boiling down a Coke or a Pepsi into sludge, which sounds rather fun, and asking them to calculate the precise length of grocery shelves bearing sodas, which sounds less so. This zeal threatens to overshadow her stronger points: fizzy drinks offer no nutritional benefit and impose clear costs—on individuals’ health and on society.


Luxury goods 奢侈品

Million dollar mastiffs


1 CHEN BINQI grows and sells abalone, adelicious kind of mollusc, in Dongshan, a seaside resort in the southern province of Fujian. He says that from 2010 to 201

2 the price never dropped below 50 yuan ($7.7) for 500 grams on tomb-sweeping day, a public holiday and one of the busiest days for tourists. In 201

3 it fell to 40 yuan, which meant most breeders were selling below cost. “Now it’s down to 30-something, which isunbearable.”


2 In the neighbouring province of Guangdong, Lin Gongxi has been carving jade for 50 years in Jieyang, China’s jade capital.When business was good, he told Southern Metropolis Daily, he used to go to bed at 2am and get up at 6am. Now he often has no work for eight days out of ten. Half the shops at Jieyang’s jade-trading centre are empty. Rents have fallen by three-quarters. 在邻省广东素有“中国翡翠之都”之称的揭阳市,林恭喜(音译)已经从事翡翠雕刻工作长达50年。他告诉南方都市报记者,当行业景气时,他每天深夜两点睡觉,早上六点就要起床。而现在,十天中的八天他都没有工作可做。揭阳翡翠交易中心近半数的商铺都已经人去楼空,而店铺的租金已经下降了四分之三。

3 In Beijing’s Panjiayuan market, Wang Lin sells copies of Ming and Qing dynasty carved furniture. Same story. Businesspeople used to order ten-piece suites of office furniture; he sold them as fast as his carpenters could make them, sometimes faster (there was a waiting list). Now, prices have halved and he “can shift maybe a couple of chairs out of ten”.


4 China is the world’s biggest market forluxury goods, accounting (by some measures) for half of all luxury spending.The slowdown in the growth of China’s economy and househo ld incomes is usually seen as bad for rich-country purveyors of luxuries such as perfumes, golfclubs, art and

the like. Which it is: LVMH, a producer of champagne and handbags, recently closed three shops in China, while Christie’s annual auctionof Asian 20th-century and contemporary art in Hong Kong earned only HK$508m($66m) in November, down from HK$935m in 2013.


5 But the woes of Western vanitymongers aretrifling compared with those of their Chinese counterparts. Prices of jade and Tibetan mastiffs, for example, have dropped by half or more. Hundreds of businesses have gone bust. This owes as much to politics as economics.

但这些外国虚荣贩子的遭遇相比他们的中国同行来说就太轻微了。举个例子,翡翠和藏獒的价格已经下降了一半或者更多。过百数相关企业倒闭。但在此之中,除了经济因素,政治因素也发挥着一样重要的作用。That doggy in the window 橱窗里的狗狗

6 Take Tibetan mastiffs, a breed of enormous sheep-guarding dog (one is pictured above, on sale). These were the must-have status symbol for China’s new billionaires in the late 2000s. Three years ago ordinary Tibetan mastiffs could fetch around $20,000. Now they sell for a tenth of that. Earlier this year an animal-welfare group rescued 20 abandoned mastiffs from the back of a lorry, which was taking them to a slaughter house to be sold for leather and meat—for a mere $5 each.藏獒是一种体型庞大的牧羊犬(如上图所示,该藏獒被低价出售)。在新世纪前十年的后半段,藏獒对于中国新晋的亿万富豪们来说是必须拥有的身份象征。3年前,一只普通的藏獒价格能够高达20000美元。而现在价格仅为当时的十分之一。今年早些时候,一个动物关爱组织在通往屠宰场的路上从货车车厢中救下了20只被遗弃的藏獒,原本等待他们的是被宰杀后分解为毛皮和狗肉出售,而售价仅为每只5美元。

7 Tibetan mastiffs were a fad for plutocrats,usually bought as status-enhancing guard dogs. But demand for most other Chinese luxuries depends on a culture of gift-giving. Every transaction must bemarked by a present: jade, tea, a meal. One billionaire, Hong Weihua, even paid for a delegation of officials from his hometown to visit America (quitelegally).藏獒通常作为提升身份地位的看门犬,是富豪兴起时的玩物。但对于其他大多数中国人来说,对于奢侈品的需求源于中国特有的送礼文化。每项交易都以送礼为特征,包括翡翠、茶叶或者饭局。亿万富翁洪维华甚至出资资助家乡的官员代表团到美国考察(但这是合法行为)。

8 Since 2013 the anti-corruption campaign ofXi Jinping, China’s president, has made conspicuous consumption politicallysuspect and reined in the practice of lavishing gifts on officials. Tea used tobe a favourite present, especially Pu’er, a fermented and aged variety from

thesouth-western province of Yunnan. The price of top-of-the-line Golden tea fromthe Tae tea company, the world’s largest Pu’er maker, fell from 917 yuan per357 grams in March 2014 to 512 yuan, before rallying a bit (see chart). Thepresident of the Yunnan Tea Association told the Kunming Daily that, after a boom and bust, the teabusiness was entering “a new normal” (a term popularised by Mr Xi, who uses itto describe slower growth of the economy as a whole). This means lower pricesand more modest sales.


9 The abalone business shows that it is Mr Xi’s rule against “extravagant eating and drinking”, rather than a lack ofcash, that lies behind the luxury squeeze. Mr Chen, the seafood-dealer inFujian, says abalone is not especially pricey, but because it is seen as aluxury “sales took a big hit”. Of the breeders he knows, 40% quit during 2013and 2014.


10 At the top end of the mastiff business, itis not so bleak. In 2011 a coal baron is said to have paid 10m yuan ($1.5m) forBig Splash, a Tibetan mastiff puppy. In 2014 a property developer paid 12m yuanfor a dog, making it the world’s most expensive canine. Han Lianming, a mastiffbreeder near Beijing, says the market for such finest-quality dogs still looksgood. “Someone offered me 20m yuan for that one. It was crazy,” he sayscontentedly, p ointing to a vast ball of russet fur and teeth that is lumberingaround the courtyard (the deal did not come off). A select few millionairesappear immune to the anti-corruption campaign and unfazed by dog-breeders’efforts during the boom years to boost supp ly by crossbreeding. This diminishedthe rarity-value of mastiffs, but it also produced some highly sought-afterspecimens.


11 The jade market, however, has little goodnews to report. Yu Ming, the director of the jade committee of the ChinaTraditional Culture Promotion Council, a state-run body, says that though salesat big auction houses are holding up, the retail business is plummeting. In bigcities such as Beijing they have fallen by 10-20%. In second- and third-tiercities (such as provincial capitals), he says, sales are down by 40-50%. In2013 there was a spike in the price of raw jade from neighbouring Myanmar, whenpolitical violence briefly disrupted supplies. Mr Yu says many thought theconflict would lead to higher prices in China. But to everyone’s surprise theretail price actually fell. “There just isn’t that big a market any more,” helaments.


Nigeria’s government


At work at last

After sixmonths, Nigeria’s president no longer leads alone


THE law was laid down for Nigeria’s ministers when they were sworn into office last week. No

corruption, their austere president, Muhammadu Buhari, told them. Obey the law and work together, because expectations are high. Behave in keeping with the times. Refrain from gaudy displays of wealth (“Not that some of us have much to display,” one appointee laments). It has taken almost six months for the former dictator, now elected, to install his cabinet, but for those who made the cut his message is simple: winning high office is no longer a license to rob the public purse. Unlike many of their predecessors, the new ministers must prioritize reform.


Many observers are optimistic that they can do so. Mr Buhari’s cabinet is s maller than that of the previous president, Goodluck Jonathan, with 25 principal ministers and 12 junior ones. Several of his senior appointees have good track records. Babatunde Fashola, the respected former governor of Lagos state, has been handed a monumental portfolio combining power, public works and housing. Another ex-governor, Kayode Fayemi (pictured, left, with the president), is charged with developing mining operations as Nigeria rushes to broaden its economy away from oil. Fans of a third seasoned politician, Rotimi Amaechi, who won the transport post, say he has delivered roads despite accusations of corruption, which he denies.

许多观察家对此持乐观态度。布哈里总统的内阁由25位首席部长和12位初级部长组成,比他的前任古德拉克?乔纳森总统的内阁要小一些。而且有数位首席部长拥有良好的履历记录。备受尊敬的前拉各斯州州长巴巴图内德?法肖拉(Babatunde Fashola)被任命为电力、工程和住房部长,这可是一个肥差。另一位前州长,卡耶德?法耶米(Kayode Fayemi)(合照中站在总统左侧这位)奉命发展采矿业,因为现下的尼日利亚亟需拓宽经济发展的路子,使其不过度依赖于石油产业。作为政治资历排第三的老练政治家,罗蒂米?阿玛奇赢得了交通部长的宝座,他的支持者认为尽管面临贪污的指控(他本人矢口否认),但他还是确保了多条公路的顺利完工。

Yet the president has failed to please all as he juggles the demands of his party and people. His decision to keep the oil post for himself, while appointing the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation’s new head as his deputy, was designed to keep the valuable resource in hands he can trust. But it raises concerns over the centralization of power. Ethnic groups of the southeast who mostly voted for Mr Jonathan in this year’s election are feeling neglected. Critics also fret over an absence of desperately needed financial expertise.


Africa’s biggest economy, which relies on oil for 70% of its revenue, is sputtering as prices fall. Economic policy has been adrift since Mr Buhari came to power, and investors complain about the central bank’s use of trade controls and import restrictions. However, the new finance minister, an accountant who cleaned up the books of one of Nigeria’s smaller states, is poorly qualified for the job. Her counterpart in the investment ministry is a respected businessman, but he may lack the clout to stand up to a president with statist leanings. “It’s a government

with local professionals and without su perstars,” says Shehu Sani, a senator of the ruling party. 尼日利亚是非洲最大的经济体,但它的财政收入有七成来自石油产业,随着油价的下行,该国的经济也后继乏力。上台以来,布哈里至今尚未敲定他的经济政策,投资者们则对央行采取的贸易控制和进口限制政策怨声载道。但是,新任财政部长(曾在尼日利亚某个较小的州政府从事财政工作)的资历远远不能胜任这份工作。她在投资部的同僚倒是一位受人尊敬的商人,但是他的影响力也许还不足以对抗这位秉承中央集权论的总统。“这届政府有的只是一些地方上的专业人士,没有什么有影响力的政坛超级巨星,”执政党的参议院施胡?萨尼说道。

Still, Nigerians find much to be happy about. Boko Haram, an insurgent Islamist group, has been weakened during Mr Buhari’s half-year at the helm (though bombs this week killed 43 people), and power supplies are somewhat more reliable. A bigger budget has been outlined for 2016, though it is unclear how it will be financed, and recurrent spending will be pared back. More heartening is the president’s crusade against corruption.


Staff have been fired from the state oil company and customs department. Officials are tackling smuggling along leaky borders. To reduce fraud, an opaque network of government bank accounts has been replaced by a centralized system. Several politicians, including the president of the Senate, a former oil minister and an ex-national security adviser, are under investigation. Meanwhile, biometric registration at banks should expose more money laundered by civil servants and their stooges. High-rollers are on their best behavior. Lamudi, a property company, reports a slowdown in expensive sales, partly explained by the fact that the rich would rather not be seen splurging.


European history


A grim half-century


To Hell and Back: Europe 1914-1949. By Ian Kershaw. Viking; 624 pages; $35. Allen Lane; £30.《地狱重生:欧洲 1914-1949》作者:伊恩·科修; 624页;美国版维京出版社售价 $35 ;英国版奥利雷恩出版社售价£30

FOR Europe, as Ian Kershaw notes in this magisterial history, which came out in Britain in September and is just being published in America, the 20th century was a game of two halves. The first saw a cataclysm that brought down empires, plunged the continent into a deep slump and culminated in the horrors of the second world war. At least for Western Europe, the second was, in contrast, a triumph of peace and prosperity. That distinction may explain why Mr Kershaw has sensibly divided his original assignment to write the 20th-ce ntury volume in the Penguin “History of Europe” series into two books, of which this is the first.


His broad picture of what went wrong in Europe in the 20th century is built around four related points. First was the rise of ethnic nationalism, something that helped to doom the multinational empires of Austria-Hungary, Russia and the Ottomans. Next were demands for territorial revision, between France and Germany, in central and eastern Europe and all over the Balkans. Third was class conflict, as workers and a nascent socialist movement flexed their muscles against bosses and the traditional aristocratic ruling class. And fourth was the crisis of capitalism, which struck home in the early 1930s and contributed hugely to the rise of Nazism.


Mr Kershaw, an acknowledged expert on Germany and author of the best biography of Adolf Hitler, naturally places the two world wars at the heart of his narrative, with Germany standing condemned as the main cause of both. That is a more controversial position to take for the first than the second, but on the whole Mr Kershaw justifies his claim. He also delineates cogently and chillingly the way in which the collapse of the tsarist empire, brought about to a large extent by Russia's military and political setbacks during the first world war, led to the Bolshevik triumph and the creation of the Soviet Union, which in almost all respects was worse than what went before. 作为一位公认的德国问题专家和希特勒传记最佳版本的作者,科修自然把两次世界大战作为其叙述的中心。具体地说,德国被当做两次世界大战的主要原因而受到了重点的指责。这是一种对第一次世界大战较之对第二次世界大战所采取的更有争议性的立场。但是,科修基本上证明了他的观点。他还冷静而且中肯叙述了在很大程度上是拜第一次世界大战期间的军事和政治失败所赐的沙俄帝国的崩溃是如何导致了几乎在所有方面都是前所未有的糟糕的布尔什维克的胜利和苏联的建立。

The author shows how the failings of that first war's victors—the reparations fiasco, the Versailles treaty, America's withdrawal into isolationism—laid the ground for a path that led inexorably to the second. But he also insists that the path was not inevitable. The Locarno treaty of 1925 between Germany, France, Britain, Belgium and Italy, and the entry of Weimar Germany into the League of Nations, could, just about, have led to something rather like the rehabilitation of West Germany in the 1950s. What really took Europe back to the horrors that culminated in another war was economic collapse after 1929. Just as after the recent financial crisis of 2007-08, it was the political right, not the left, that benefited most from this collapse. In Europe that ultimately meant a snuffing out of democracy and the rise of the extreme right in Spain, much of central Europe and, above all, in Germany.



Mr Kershaw's focus on Germany inevitably means a few weaknesses elsewhere. His strictures against the other great European tyrant of the period, Josef Stalin, are softer than those against Hitler. Indeed, he somewhat underplays the horrific history of the Soviet Union from the late 1920s up to the Nazi-Soviet pact of 1939. He has little to say on Turkey: no mention of Field-Marshal Allenby nor T.E. Lawrence, little on Kemal Ataturk. His treatment of the military story of the two world wars is succinct almost to the point of cursoriness, but this ground is well-tilled in other books. It is also obvious from his narrative that he is more interested in politics and war than in social, demographic and cultural changes, though he dutifully covers these too.


As in previous volumes in the series, the editors have decided to dispense with footnotes and sources (though there is a useful bibliography). That may be understandable in a history aimed more at the general public than at fellow academics, but it is still annoying. Yet this is a worthy, impressive and well-written addition to a series that has become the definitive history of Europe for our times—and one that whets the appetite for his next volume.


From the print edition: Books and arts

Shanxi province 山西省

King Coal’s misrule 煤炭王的暴政

The rise and fall of a corrupt coal-fuelled economy


1 IT TAKES half an hour to walk down 1,400 rickety wooden steps from a pithead of Jinhuagong mine to the coal face, 400 metres below. At the top, grimy miners tramp home. At the bottom stand a theodolite, a flame-proof telephone and a double-drum electrical traction shearer—a behemoth of a machine designed to chew up the coal face and excrete its fragments onto a conveyor belt. 从晋华宫矿的矿井井口到400米深的煤层要经过1400阶摇摇晃晃的木梯,而走这一趟需要1个半小时。在地面上,满身煤污的矿工迈着沉重的脚步回家。在矿井底,你能看到经纬仪、防火电话以及双滚筒电子牵引采煤机,这种巨型机械用于处理表层煤矿,并将粉碎后的产物放到传送带上。

2 But the pithead, in the northern province of Shanxi near its coal capital, Datong, is not operational. It wa s closed in 2012 and converted into a tourist attraction (with a theme: “the glory of Datong coal”). Perhaps put off by the trek, on most days visitors are rare. The mine’s state-owned operator, Datong Coal Mining Group, is trying to revive its fortunes by diversifying into tourism. It is not proving easy. Its fumbled attempts to reinvent itself symbolise the problems Shanxi as a whole is facing.



3 As China slows, many economists pin their hopes for continued growth on poorer inland provinces. By taking advantage of cheap labour and land, the theory goes, these places should be able to grow more quickly than richer coastal areas. Shanxi, 250 miles (400km) east of Beijing, would seem a good candidate for catch-up growth. It is relatively poor, with a GDP per person of 35,000 yuan ($5,500), or 75% of the national average. It has a population of 36m people, about the same as Canada’s, as well as respected universities and good transport links with the coast. It ought to be steaming ahead. Instead, last year, it had the slowest growth of any province: just 4.9%. In the first nine months of 2015, this slowed to only 2.8% compared with the same period a year earlier. Only Liaoning province in the north-eastern rustbelt fared worse.


4 Three factors explain Shanxi’s failings: coal, corruption and construction. The province is the historic centre of China’s coal industry. Though its output was overtaken by that of neighbouring Inner Mongolia in 2009, Shanxi still produces a quarter of the country’s coal. About 60% of provincial GDP is tied to the black stuff.


5 The business boomed in the 2000s thanks to soaring energy demand (see chart) and the freeing of coal prices, which had been kept artificially low. But the boom was short-lived. Worried by pollution, the central government began trying to reduce China’s coal use. Shanxi has been taking the hit. Capital investment in the province’s coal ind ustry fell last year by 6%. The local government says it will not approve construction of new mines for the next five years. But shrugging off coal dependence is hard. Ignoring its own pledge, Shanxi approved 24 new coal projects in the first nine months of this year, more than any other province.


6 And now prices are falling as China’s economy slows and the drivers of growth change to less-coal-consuming ones, such as services. China’s benchmark coal price was 374 yuan a tonne at the end of October, a 27% decline so far this year. Local prices for unwashed, low-quality coal have fallen further still. Because so many of Shanxi’s mines are old they are relatively expensive to run. Most are losing money.


7 The response has been a wave of consolidation. In 2008 the province had 2,600 coal mines. Many of these were small privately owned collieries, at which safety standards were usually atrocious. Most of the private ones have been closed or taken over by state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The number of mines has fallen by almost two-thirds. Safety standards have improved considerably. 面对这些困境,山西的煤炭厂商做出的反应是大范围的合并。2008年,山西省境内有2600个煤矿。其中大多数为私人所有,其环境安全堪忧。现在大多数的私营煤矿都被取缔或者由大型国有企业收购。煤矿的数量下降了将近三分之二,煤矿安全标准大幅提高。

8 But three-quarters of provincial output now comes from SOEs—with predictable results. Gone is the entrepreneurial vigour that the private sector once gave the industry, say locals involved in the business. State firms are reverting to type: keeping everyone they can on the payroll, squeezing wages, and hoping the provincial government will bail them out.


9 It won’t. This is because Shanxi, as well as being the capital of coal, is the centre of President Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign. Since 2013, seven of the 13 members of Shanxi’s Communist Party committee (the province’s leaders, basically) have been arrested or charged with “infractions of party discipline”, a term that usually means taking bribes. In all, 50 high-ranking officials have been placed under investigation for graft. For its size, the province has had more leaders arrested or jailed than anywhere else.


10 Corruption, coal and politics have long been inextricably linked in Shanxi. In 2014 Caixin,

a magazine in Beijing, investigated Luliang county in the west of the province. It found that coal bosses there were spending $150,000 a year on bribes; one county-government jo

b had changed hands for $650,000.


11 Though corruption was bad, the campaign against it is also taking a toll. Wang Rulin, Shanxi’s party chief, complains that he cannot fill about 300 local-government posts because people are too scared to apply—or they think that party jobs are not worth having now they have to be clean. One executive in the coal industry complains that officials “used to take money and help us; now they don’t take money and don’t help either.”


12 The hangover from cosy relations between coal and politics is visible in the form of

half-constructed residential blocks, which loom over the outskirts of even the smallest town. During the boom of the 2000s, coal bosses and local officials got together to pour money into house-building. Investment in property in Shanxi rose from 66 billion yuan in 2008 to 248 billion in 2013. The area under construction for residential use more than doubled to 179m square metres in the same period. Even by Chinese standards, this was extraordinary. The area under construction in Beijing expanded by only 40%. Such development can keep economic activity going for a while. But a housing boom on this scale is always risky. To judge by the empty space, Shanxi has built far too much.


13 The government’s hope that inland provinces will become new engines of growth rests on a belief that cheap labour and land are vital ingredients of it. But Shanxi shows that these advantages do not necessarily help as much as having a diversified, service-oriented economy. The problem is not that the province has failed to attract new businesses. It has two smartphone factories owned by Foxconn, a Taiwanese consumer-electronics company, which are its main source of foreign-currency earnings. But the losses of the coal sector offset gains made elsewhere.


14 Shanxi is unusual among China’s provinces in being so dependent on coal. But some of its problems beset the whole country: corruption, unproductive investment and over-mighty SOEs. The country’s inadequate provision of pensions and unemployment benefits results in workers preferring to stay with SOEs which promise to look after them rather than strike out on their own. Leaders in Beijing sometimes make it sound as if the economy’s transition from manufacturing-led to services-led growth is going smoothly. In Shanxi the path is very bumpy. As at the Jinhuagong mine-cum-theme-park, it takes even longer to trudge back up to the surface than it does to walk down.


Climate change 气候变化

Raise the green lanterns

1 WHEN world leaders gathered in Paris to discuss cutting planet-heating emissions, a pall of smog hung over Beijing. In parts of the capital levels of fine particulate matter reached 30 times the limit deemed safe. Though air pollution and climate change are different things, Chinese citydwellers think of them in the same, poisoned breath. The murky skies seemed irreconcilable

with the bright intentions promised in France.


2 Yet a marked change has taken place in China’s official thinking. Where once China viewed international climate talks as a conspiracy to constrain its economy, it now sees a global agreement as helpful to its own development.


3 China accounts for two-thirds of the world’s increase in the carbon dioxide emitted since 2000. It has come a long way in recognising the problem. When China first joined international climate talks, the environment was just a minor branch of foreign policy. The ministry for environmental protection had no policymaking powers until 2008. Only in 2012 did public pressure force cities to publish air-pollution data.


4 Yet today China pledges to cap carbon emissions by 2030 (reversing its former position that, as a developing power, it should not be bound to an absolute reduction); and it says it will cut its carbon intensity (that is, emissions per unit of GDP) by a fifth, as well as increase by the same amount the electricity generated from sources other than fossil fuels. The latest five-year plan, a blueprint for the Communist Party’s intentions that was unveiled last month, contains clear policy prescriptions for making economic development more environmentally friendly.


There’s more 更多内容

5 Right after the Paris summit, however it ends, China is expected to make more promises in a new document, co-written by international experts, that presents a far-reaching programme of how China should clean up its act. It is based on models that account for both economic and political viability. On top of existing plans, such as launching a national emissions-trading scheme in 2017, the government may even outline proposals for a carbon tax, something that has eluded many prosperous countries in the West.


6 The big question is why China is now so serious about climate change. The answer is not that Communist leaders are newly converted econuts. Rather, they want to use environmental concerns to rally domestic support for difficult reforms that would sustain growth in the coming decades.

Since a global slowdown in 2008 it has become clear that to continue growing, China must move its economy away from construction and energy-intensive industry towards services. At the same time, China faces an energy crunch. For instance, in recent years China has been a net importer of coal, which generates two-thirds of China’s electricity. It all argues for growth pla ns that involve less carbon.


7 This is where signing international accords, such as the one hoped for in Paris, come in, for they will help the government fight entrenched interests at home. Observers see a parallel with China’s joining the World Trade Organisation in 2001. It allo wed leaders to push through internal economic reform against fierce domestic opposition. In the same way, a global climate treaty should help it take tough measures for restructuring the economy.


8 It will not be easy. Provincial party bosses and state-owned enterprises hate to shut factories, particularly in those parts of the country, such as Shanxi and Inner Mongolia in the north, where coal is a big employer. Cutting demand for energy is even harder. Even if the amount of electricity used by state industry falls, that used by private firms and households is bound to increase. What is more, environmental regulations and laws laid down by the centre are routinely flouted. 但是这不会是件简单的事。各省级政府以及各个国企领导不希望关闭工厂,特别是像山西和内蒙古这些以煤矿业提供工作岗位的北方省份。降低能源需求就更苦难了。即使国有产业的用电量下降了,民用和私营企业的用电量一定都会上升。另外,由中央政府制定有关环境的法律法规常常遭到各地政府的无视。

9 But cleaning up China’s act has, for the central gover nment, become a political necessity too. Environmental issues have been major public concerns for over a decade, says Anthony Saich of Harvard University, which has conducted polls. True, rural people fret most (and with good reason) about water pollution. But those in the cities gripe about their toxic air. Both represent a reproach to the government over its neglect of people’s lives and health.


10 That is why national economic goals, political goals, public opinion and international pressure all point towards trying to cut emissions, pollutants included. In particular, says Zhang Zhongxiang of Tianj in University, now that dealing with climate change is a pillar of China’s diplomacy, the government must show it can keep its promises. It has some tools at its disposal. Across the country, the environmental record of government officials has become a crucial part of their evaluation by the Communist Party; and cadres will be held accountable for their actions even after leaving their position. Several provinces have already punished officials for environmental accidents and for not enforcing environmental laws.


Fifty shades of grey 五十度灰

11 But there are obstacles to real change. The electricity grid and national power market are ill-equipped to increase renewable generation by much. Corruption in industrial procurement remains widespread, which does nothing to promote long-term efficiency or reductions in emissions. Competing incentives are also in play: earlier this year, the authorities forced a big Chinese investment company to buy back shares it had sold in old-fashioned industrial fields, for fear that it might depress share prices (which crashed anyway in a more general stockmarket meltdown). The government will not trust market mechanisms alone, says Yang Fuqiang of the Natural Resources Defense Council, an activist group.


12 Nor are leaders yet pushing for change on all fronts. For instance, government efforts to cut emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide are greater than for many other greenhouse gases. Scarce and polluted water, one of China’s most severe environmental challenges, is almost entirely beyond the scope of the current raft of reforms. And China refuses to publish its estimate of the environmental toll of economic growth.


13 Sceptics scoff that China’s promises in Paris are irrele vant because emissions will probably peak regardless, long before the promised 2030. Nor has the government said how high that top might be. Yet the sceptics underestimate the importance of an international agreement for China and beyond. Like other countr ies, China has to date followed a pattern of “grow first, clean up later”. Yet very quickly it has recognised the dangers and drawbacks of such a policy and has been pouring money into clean energy and other innovations it hopes will provide green growth. In that, it may prove a model for other fast-developing countries. That might signal a small patch of blue sky.

