
《托福高阶词汇》LIST 1

abandon v.放弃

同desert, abdicate, relinquish, quit, forsake

The bad weather forced the campers to abandon their tent on the mountain.


addict v.使沉迷;使上瘾

同give in to, surrender, habituate

Helen drinks ten cups of coffee every day; I think she is addicted to it.


allure v.吸引;引诱

同seduce, coax, tempt, lure, attract

The beauty of the sea allured him into becoming a sailor.


Approximately adv.大约

同roughly, about, around, close to

Janet said she would go for the party at approximately eight o'clock.


baffle v.使困惑

同confuse, perplex, bewilder, puzzle, confound

The police were baffled by the false clues left by the clever thief.


caliber n.①能力②直径;口径

同1.ability, capability, quality 2.breadth, diameter

The enemy was armed only with low caliber guns.


clot n.凝块

同mass, lump, coagulation, cluster, clump

The pipe under the bathroom sink was jammed by a huge clot of hair.


compromise v.协调

同mediate, negotiate, bargain, reconcile, arbitrate

Jane and Alex compromised and went to see a movie they both liked.


contemporary adj.当代的;同时代的

同current, modern, present-day

Ethan enjoys reading contemporary British literature.


Dam v.筑堤;以水坝拦阻

同block, confine, restrict, hold back

The beaver dammed the stream with mud, branches and leaves.


depict v.描述

同portray, picture, describe

This story depicts people who live in poverty as hardworking and wanting to improve their lives.


disclose v.泄露

同expose, unveil, divulge, uncover, reveal

The government refused to disclose the names of the informers.


eccentric adj.古怪的

同odd, queer, strange

Mr. Wang is an eccentric old man who likes to collect tea pots.


endowment n.①天分②捐赠

同1.talent, faculty, attribute 2.donation, bestowal

Alice's beautiful painting shows her artistic endowment.


estate n.地产;财产

同domain, demesne, manor, property

The Jones' estate was very large, and it included rolling green hills and a large fish pond. 琼斯家拥有大面积的地产,包括起伏的绿色山丘和一个大鱼池。

fabric n.①质地②结构

同1. textile, material 2. framework, structure

Many people believe that corruption is destroying the fabric of our society.


Exercise: Fill in the blanks.

1. After many years of smoking cigarettes, she has become ___ to them.

2. Doctors were _____ by the new virus and struggled to find a cure.

3. Roger likes _____ music, but his father enjoys classical music.

4. Superman knew that _____ his true identity to the woman was risky.

5. My mother's sister is an _____ woman, but she is very friendly.

解答:1. Addicted 2. Baffled 3. Contemporary 4. Disclosing 5. eccentric

famine n.饥荒同hunger

There was great fear that people would die of hunger if the famine continued.


fusion n.结合同merger, coalescence, union

The musician's fusion of modern music and traditional Chinese music was very popular. 这位音乐家将现代音乐与中国传统音乐结合创作出来的乐曲十分受欢迎。haggard adj.憔悴的

同gaunt, careworn, fatigued, wan, emaciated

The soldiers looked haggard after their ten-hour march.


illiterate adj.不识字的

同unlettered, uncultured, uneducated, ignorant

The university set up a center where illiterate adults could learn to read.


Inadvertent adj.不注意的

同accidental, fortuitous, unintentional, incidental

The auditor determined that it was merely an inadvertent mistake made by a junior accountant.

查账员认为这只是年轻会计师的疏忽。*auditor n.查账员

innermost adj.最深处的

同deepest, private

Tom and Joe were best friends and shared their innermost secrets with each other.汤姆和乔是最要好的朋友,互相分享内心的秘密。

jeopardy n.危险同risk, peril, hazard

This building is in jeopardy of collapsing if there is a major earthquake.


lace v.①系(带子)②穿(带子)

同1.tie, fasten 2.pass through

The little child's mother has to help him lace up his shoes.这小孩的母亲不得不帮他系鞋带。

lull v.使平静;使入睡

同calm, pacify, quiet

The father sang a song to his daughter to lull her to sleep.


magnificence n.壮丽

同brilliance, grandeur, majesty, resplendence

We were all impressed with the magnificence of Russia's Winter Palace.


mercurial adj.①多变的②水银的

同1.changeable, erratic, mobile, capricious, inconstant

Few people can stand Michael's mercurial personality, so he does not have many friends.


Nasty adj.①污秽的②令人不快的

同1.filthy, foul 2.disagreeable, unpleasant

What is that nasty smell coming from behind the house?


obituary n.讣告

同death notice, necrology

Martin was very shocked to see his best friend's obituary in the newspaper.


ornamentation n.装饰品

同adornment, decoration, embellishment, elaboration

The ornamentation Vincent used to decorate his house at Christmas was very tasteful.


pacesetter n.定跑速的人;引导者


Harry was the fastest runner, and was the pacesetter for the entire marathon.


pernicious adj.有害的;恶性的

同harmful, deleterious, venomous, noxious, poisonous

William's pernicious accusation that the company produced inferior products hurt the company's business.


plot v./n.密谋;计划

同(n.) intrigue, scheme; (v.) conspire, intrigue, scheme

The three thieves plotted how they were going to steal the painting of Mona Lisa. 这三个小偷密谋如何能盗取《蒙娜丽莎》的画像。

Exercise: Fill in the blanks.

1. Because of her hard life, the old woman's face had grown _____.

2. The man made the _____ mistake of taking the wrong subway line and got lost.

3. The mission to rescue lost hikers in _____ was canceled due to snow.

4. The artist's painting managed to capture the _____ of Japan's Mt. Fuji.

5. Their marriage was destroyed by _____gossip.

解答:1. Haggard 2. Inadvertent 3. Jeopardy 4. Magnificence 5. pernicious

prey n.猎物

同game, quarry, victim

Cats often like to play with their prey before they actually kill it.


Quarantine n.隔离


My pet dog had to be kept in quarantine for six weeks when I moved to England. 当我移居英国时,我的爱犬必须被隔离六个星期。

radiance n.发光;闪烁

同light, gleam, luminosity

People like to lie on the beach and enjoy the radiance of the sun.人们喜欢躺在沙滩上享受阳光。

relevant adj.有关的

同related, pertinent, fitting, proper

The lawyer presented information to the judge that she thought was relevant to the case.


retaliate v.报复

同revenge, reciprocate, get even with, exact retribution

The poor peasants retaliated against the king because of his unfairness and cruelty.


sagacious adj.睿智的

同wise, intelligent

Whenever Saul was confused about what to do, he would always go to his sagacious grandfather for advice.


sentimental adj.情感上的同emotional

Albert has kept his grandmother's favorite record for sentimental reasons.


slither v.滑行

同glide, slide, skitter

Tonya screamed when she saw a snake slither across the yard.


splice v.接合

同join together, connect, interweave, unite

Film editors used to splice reels of film together to make a whole movie.


streamline v.使有效率

同smooth, simplify

The only way the office can streamline its operations is by using computers.


Surly adj.粗暴的

同sullen, uncivil, brusque

Frank's surly manner always makes everyone around him feel grumpy.弗兰克粗暴的态度总令他身边的人觉得生气。

*grumpy adj.脾气暴躁的

taboo n.禁忌

同ban, disapproval, prohibition, proscription

In Western countries, a taboo is placed on burping at the dinner table.

在西方国家,用餐时打嗝是禁忌的。*burp v.打嗝

Thwart v.阻挠

同prevent, obstruct, balk

The police thwarted the robbers' plans by finding their hide-out and arresting them.


ultimate adj.最终的

同final, terminal, eventual

"Our ultimate goal is to find a cure for AIDS," said the scientist.


vacant adj.空的n. vacuum

同empty, available, disengaged, unoccupied

Children in the neighborhood liked to play in a nearby vacant lot.社区里的小孩儿喜欢在附近的空地上玩耍。

waive v.放弃

同give up, relinquish, renounce, abandon

Our school waives its strict dress code once a week and allows us to wear what we want on that day.


Xerox v.复印(Xerox是一种复印机的商标)


Ms. Harris asked her secretary to Xerox seven copies of the contract.


Exercise: Fill in the blanks.

1. The townspeople _____ against the soldiers who had attacked their homes.

2. You shouldn't be so _____ about an old pair of smelly sneakers.

3. The broken bridge _____ their effort to cross the river.

4. Winning an Olympic gold medal was the _____ goal in her skating career.

5. The building next to my house had been _____ for several months.

解答?1. Retaliated 2. Sentimental 3. Thwarted 4. Ultimate 5. vacant

《托福高阶词汇》LIST 1

List 1难词分析

compromise v.协调

to reach a settlement by mutual concession contemporary adj.当代的;同时代的modern; of or belonging to the same time eccentric adj.古怪的

deviating from the norm

illiterate adj.不识字的

unable to read and write

inadvertent adj.不注意的

without paying attention or by accident magnificence n.壮丽

stately or imposing beauty

obituary n.讣闻

a notice of someone's death

relevant adj.有关的

connected with what is happening sentimental adj.情感上的

having to do with the feelings

ultimate adj.最终的


《托福高阶词汇》LIST 2

https://www.360docs.net/doc/701095619.html, 2003/07/29 16:36 新浪教育

abash v.使困窘;使局促不安

同embarrass, shame

Ellen was abashed at the thought of making a speech in front of her entire school.


adequate adj.足够的;适当的

同sufficient, ample, suitable, enough

Mother decided that we had adequate rice for the week, so she didn't buy any at the store.



同1.indifferent, detached 2.apart, at a distance

The principal kept himself aloof from the arguments between the teachers.


Aptitude n.能力;资质

同flair, gift, knack

Dean's aptitude in math helped him to become a successful engineer.


ban n./v.禁止

同(v.) forbid, prohibit; (n.) restriction

The country banned the sale of ivory in an effort to stop the poaching of elephants.

该国禁止买卖象牙,以遏止非法猎杀大象。*poach v.偷猎

calm ①adj.平静的②v.使安静

同https://www.360docs.net/doc/701095619.html,d, gentle, serene, pacific, tranquil 2.still, pacify

Richard seemed very calm when he answered his wife, even though he was really very nervous.


chapel n.小教堂


On our tour of the castle, we saw the private chapelswheresthe king prayed.


compulsory adj.强迫的;义务的

同obligatory, required, requisite, mandatory

Elementary education is compulsory in almost every country in the world.


Contemptuous adj.轻蔑的v. contempt

同scornful, sneering, disdainful

Samuel made some contemptuous remarks about how no one in the office worked hard.塞缪尔用轻蔑的语气说,办公室里没有人在认真工作。

Dank adj.潮湿的同damp, moist, wet, soggy

The basement in our house is dark and dank, so it is full of mold.


Depose v.废除(王位);罢黜

同dethrone, oust

The angry citizens wanted the king to be deposed.


Discord n.意见不合

同disharmony, dispute, conflict, quarrel

We should try to talk with each other about our feelings, so there will be no discord among us.


educe v.引出

同bring out, draw forth, elicit

The teacher was unable to educe an answer from her pupils.


endorse v.赞同;背书

同approve, support, sanction, advocate

The political party endorsed Mark Smith as their candidate for governor.


esteem n.尊敬同respect, honor, reverence

I have the highest esteem for my colleague, Mark Smith.


facet n. (事物的)一面

同aspect, face, side, part

Being a well-paid business woman is only one facet of her life.高薪阶层职业妇女的身份只是她生活的一个方面。

Exercise: Fill in the blanks.

1. I didn't have _____ time to finish the book before class.

2. If the United States _____ the import of their products, their economy will suffer.

3. All students at the university had to pass a _____ swimming test.

4. _____ between the two political parties lessened slightly after the elections.

5. The low _____ they felt for him was obvious when they ignored his every word.

解答:1. Adequate 2. Bans 3. Compulsory 4. Discord 5. esteem

fluctuate v.波动;变动

同alternate, wave

Some investors panic when stock prices fluctuate wildly.


gainsay v.否认

同deny, disagree

There was no gainsaying the astronomer's knowledge about the planets.


*astronomer n.天文学家

hybrid n.混种;混血儿

同half-breed, mixture

Scientists have developed a hybrid of rice that is more resistant to diseases and insects. 科学家已开发出一种对疾病与虫害更具抵抗力的杂交水稻。

idiom n.习语;惯用语

同expression, phrase

When studying a foreign language, idioms are often the most difficult thing to learn.


Inappropriate adj.不适合的

同unsuitable, improper, unfit, incongruous

This movie is very violent and is inappropriate for children to watch.


innocuous adj.无害的

同harmless, inoffensive, vapid, insipid, innocent

I don't understand how such an innocuous children's book could cause such an uproar. 我不明白为何这本对儿童无害的书竟会引起如此的骚动。

*uproar n.骚动

jerk n.拉扯

同twitch, pull, yank

I felt a jerk on my sleeve, then realized it was just a tree branch.


laconic adj.简洁的

同concise, compact, pithy, short, succinct

Henry's date was very laconic, only saying two sentences the entire evening.


lumber n.木材

同wood, timber, logs

A lot of lumber was needed to build the Smith's new house.


magnify v.放大

同enlarge, expand, amplify, augment

Danny used a lens to magnify the tiny insect.

丹尼利用镜片来放大那只微小的昆虫。*lens n. (pl.)镜片

maritime adj.海洋的

同marine, oceanic, nautical, seafaring

The city is building a maritime museum near the harbor.


merge v.合并

同combine, blend, amalgamate

The two mountain streams merged to form a single stream.


obsequious adj.逢迎的;谄媚的

同abject, servile, fawning, cringing

The manager's obsequious assistant annoyed the other employees in the department. 谄媚的经理助手惹恼了部门内的其他职员。

ornate adj.装饰的;华丽的

同beautiful, ornamented, elaborate

For my birthday, my father gave me a pair of ornate silver earrings.


pact n.协定;条约

同agreement, treaty, compact, contract

The two countries signed a pact to end their fighting.


perpendicular adj.垂直的

同at a right angle, steep, upright

Main Street runs perpendicular to Pine Street, and they meet at the city library.梅因街和松树街垂直交汇,路口就是市立图书馆。

plume n.羽毛

同feather, plumage

The plumes of the peacock are beautiful and brightly colored.


Exercise: Fill in the blanks.

1. It is _____ to wear a T-shirt and jeans to a wedding ceremony.

2. The teacher's _____ explanation answered all our questions.

3. The cell was _____ ten times under the lens of the microscope.

4. These two banks have _____ to form the largest bank in the country.

5. The trade _____ was the most important agreement ever signed between the two countries.

解答:1. Inappropriate 2. Laconic 3. Magnified 4. Merged 5. pact

prickly adj.麻烦的

同complicated, troublesome, intricate, trying

She doesn't know how to deal with the prickly problem of inviting her ex-boyfriend to her wedding.


querulous adj.爱抱怨的;发牢骚的

同complaining, discontented, fretful

The child's querulous questions were driving me crazy.


radical adj.①基本的②偏激的

同1.basic, fundamental 2.extreme, rash, drastic

There was a radical difference between the two professors' theories.


relinquish v.放弃;撤退

同give up, forgo, disclaim, renounce

Nora was not willing to relinquish her high paying job for more free time. 诺拉不愿意为了拥有更多的空闲时间而放弃高薪的工作。

retard v.阻碍

同delay, hold up, stunt, impede

Lack of sunlight will retard the growth of most plants.


saline adj.咸的同salty

Ocean water is so saline that you cannot drink it.


sequel n.续集同consequence, continuation

Scarlett is the immensely popular sequel to Gone with the Wind.


slogan n.标语;口号

同motto, catch-phrase

The advertising company had to come up with a good slogan for the new brand of soda. 广告公司必须为这种新牌子的汽水想一个很好的广告语。

spontaneous adj.自然的

同natural, impulsive, ingenuous, instinctive

Thesgroupsof children on the bus began a spontaneous singing of songs.


strenuous adj.费力的;奋斗的

同energetic, ardent, arduous, vigorous

Ralph was not used to strenuous exercise, and hiking up the hill exhausted him.


surmise v.臆测

同guess, presume, conjecture, suppose

We surmised by the clothes she was wearing that she was a chef.


Tactic n.策略

同maneuver, strategy

Harry often cleans his room as a tactic to avoid doing his homework.


Tier n.层

同layer, stratum

The newly-married couple had a three-tiered wedding cake at the banquet.
