

Unit 4 Pygmalion



Pronunciation and Status

An ambassador and a referee were consulting a professor on the caption of a Buddhistic alphabet when a sobbing woman stopped them to sell an antique musical bathtub. Her dirty garment and the handkerchief around her waist were badly in need of sending to a laundry. The ambassador uncomfortably gave her a handful of pence from his wallet and said, “Take this fortune away, troublesome woman.”

When her figure faded away, the brilliant professor said, “You are mistaken and your improper remark on her should be condemned. In terms of this extraordinary woman, you can’t classify her status by her horrible clothes or disgusting nails. Her clean woolen vest and stockings, especially her classic pronunciation, all suggested her upper status.” The ambassador gave a whistle in amazement, and advised making her acquaintance. The professor hesitated for a while, and then compromised.

The outcome was that she was an authentic superior police officer. When they were shown in her office and saw her once more, she brought them a teapot of tea and some cookies, laughing and saying, “I rubbed some cream and wax on my garment and passed myself off as a shabby woman among thieves and robbers to investigate a plot. Generally speaking, your overlooking me and my adaptation are the best help. But my pronunciation seemed to have betrayed me.”






1.__________(n.) 适应(性);改编本

2.__________(adj.) 经典的;第一流的 (n.)经典著作

3.__________(n.) (图片上的)说明文字;(电视、电影)


4.___________(n.) 情节;阴谋

5.___________(n.) 教授

6.__________ (vi.) 吹口哨;发出汽笛声(n.)口哨声;汽笛声

7.___________(n.) (一件)衣服(外套、裙、袍等)(pl)服装

8.___________(adj.) 毛纺的;纯毛的(<美>woolen) → __________(n.) 羊毛

9.___________(vi.) 犹豫;踌躇

→ __________(n.) 犹豫;踌躇

10.__________(adj.) 不舒服的;不安的;不自在的→ __________(adv.) 不舒服地;不自在地

11.__________(adj.) 带来麻烦的;使人心烦的

12. _________ (n.) 皮夹;钱包

13.__________(n.) 结果;效果

14.__________(n.) 小偷;贼

15.__________(n.) 手帕;手绢;纸巾

16.__________(adj.) (见解或判断上)错误的;不正确的

17.__________(adj.) 光辉灿烂的;杰出的;才华横溢的

18.__________(vt.) 编排;分类;归类

→ __________(n.) 分类;归类

19.__________(n.) 谈论;言论;评述(v.)谈论;评论;说起

20. __________(vt.) 使显露(本来面目);背叛

21. __________(adj.) (位置或地位)较高的;级别较高的

22.__________(adj.) 不同寻常的;非凡的

23.__________(vt.) 谴责;使……注定

24.__________(adv.) 适当地;恰当地

25.__________(n.) 大使;使节

26.__________(n.) 相识;了解;熟人→ __________(vt.) 使了解;使熟悉

27.__________(n.) 一把;少量

28.__________(n.) 运气;机会;大笔的钱

→ __________(adj.) 幸运的

→ __________(adv.) 幸运地

29.__________(adj.) 真实的;真正的;可信的;可靠的

30.__________(n.) 身份;地位;职位

31.__________(adj.) 优秀的;较高的;上级的(n.)上级;长官

32.__________(vt.) 抢劫;盗窃;剥夺

→___________(n.) 抢劫犯;盗贼

33.__________(adj.) 古时的;(因古老、稀少而)珍贵的

(n.) 文物;古董;古玩

34.__________(adj.) 音乐的;喜爱音乐的 (n.)音乐喜剧

35.___________(n.) 长袜

36.___________(n.) 佛教

37.___________(n.) 饼干

38.___________(n.) 茶壶

39.___________(n.) 奶油;面霜

40.___________(n.) 指甲;钉子

41.___________(n.) 蜡;蜜蜡 (vt.)上蜡

42.___________(n.) 磁盘

43.___________(adj.) 破旧的;寒酸的

44.___________(n.) 裁判员;仲裁者


46.___________(adj.) 可怕的;恐怖的

47.___________(n.) 洗衣店;洗衣房;(待洗或洗好的)衣服

48.___________(n.) 浴缸;澡盆

49.___________(vi.) 啜泣;抽噎 (n.)啜泣声;抽噎声

50.___________(n.) 腰;腰部;腰围

51.___________(n.) 背心;内衣52.___________(adj.) 使人反感的;令人厌恶的

53.___________(vt.) 俯视;忽视;不理会

54.___________(n.) 字母表

55.__________(vi.&vt.) (使)褪色;减弱;逐渐消失









__________________ 5.带或领……进来






8.(声音、画面)逐渐模糊;渐淡 __________________






1.What if I was?(教材P29)


2.Disappointed at the outcome, but thinking it is better than nothing. (教材P29)


3.Will that be of any use to you?(教材P29)


4.But, sir,(proudly) once educated to speak properly,that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador's garden party.(教材P30)


5.Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep in conversation.(教材P34)




1.After an immediate__________________(hesitate),I decided to tell her the truth.

2.They made rude______________(remark) about her appearance.

3.The books in the library are________________(classify)by subject.

4.The mayor was strongly________________(condemn) by the public for the city's high crime rate.

5.The secretary is very careful and never ______________(overlook) any little points in her daily work.

6.His ______________ (disgust) jokes made everybody disgusted.

7.The government should take measures______________(effective) to stop water from being polluted.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/7e5714080.html,st year he went to Shanghai to try his fortune. ___________ (fortune), he met and married his girlfriend there.

contributing to my decision.

2.The two sides did not agree on the subject for the first time,so today they will sit down__________________to have a discussion.

3.As the program ended,the music slowly_________________and someone began to speak.

4.___________________quality and quantity,the clothes factory in our town is doing much better than last year.

5.If you are____________________anything,come here for help.

6.They threatened to shoot him and_____________him________all his possessions. Ⅲ.单句填词

1.It is of great_____________that the government take measures to prevent tax evasion.(important)

2.I don’t think the new book is of any____________to me.(useful)

3.The first time I ____________ (make) her acquaintance at the party, I felt she was the one

I would cherish forever.

4.He showed ________________(remark) endurance throughout his illness.

5.I made an apology for I had taken your umbrella _______ mistake.


1.How about go for a walk?

2.Although having told many times,he couldn't understand it.

3.The book will be of greatly value to students of history.

4.The boy will be blind in both eyes unless treating on time.

5.I was late in getting to the station.Fortunate , the train was late,too.











9.hesitate;hesitation 10.uncomfortable;uncomfortably 11.troublesome 12.wallet 13.outcome 14.thief 15.handkerchief 16.mistaken 17.brilliant 18.classify ;classification19.remark 20.betray 21.upper 22.extraordinary 23.condemn 24.properly 25.ambassador 26.acquaintance;acquire 27.handful

28.fortune;fortunate;fortunately 29.authentic 30.status 31.superior 32.rob;robbery 33.antique 34.musical 35.stocking 36.Buddhism 37.cookie 38.teapot 39.cream 40.nail 41. wax 42.disk 43.shabby 44.referee https://www.360docs.net/doc/7e5714080.html,promise 46.horrible https://www.360docs.net/doc/7e5714080.html,undry 48.bathtub 49.sob 50.waist 51.vest 52.disgusting 53.overlook 54.alphabet 55.fade


1.pass...off as...

2.make one’s acquaintance

3.generally speaking

4.in terms of


6.once more

7.in need of

8.fade out

9.rob sb. of sth. 10.in disguise






4.condemned5.overlooks 6.disgusting 7.effectively 8.fortunately


1.Generally speaking

2.once more

3.faded out 4.In terms of 5.in need of 6.robbed;of






5.by Ⅳ.单句改错







商丘市一高2010-2011学年下学期 高三生物 选修1 1.1果酒和果醋的制作 编制:秦伟 审定: 备课组长: 使用时间: 总第 期 1 1.有细胞结构而没有核膜的一组生物是 ( ) A .噬菌体、细菌 B .变形虫、草履虫 C .蓝藻、酵母菌 D .放线菌、圆褐固氮菌 2.酒厂用酵母菌酿酒时,经检测活菌数量适宜但却不产生酒精,应采取的措施是 ( ) A .降低温度 B .隔绝空气 C .加缓冲液 D .加新鲜培养基 3.将葡萄汁制成果酒和果醋后 ( ) A .能量减少,有机物种类变化 B .能量增加,有机物种类不变 C .能量不变,有机物种类变化 D .能量减少,有机物种类不变 4.细胞结构是原核细胞、生长繁殖过程不需氧、体内不含有氧呼吸酶的微生物是 ( ) A .酵母菌 B .醋酸菌 C .乳酸菌 D .变形虫 5.在醋酸菌利用葡萄酒生产葡萄醋的过程中,因为培养环境的改变,醋酸菌也可能出现变异现象,这种变异来源是 ( ) A .染色体变异 B .基因突变 C .基因重组 D .等位基因分离 6.(多选)若在制作葡萄酒时,在发酵液中同时生成了葡萄醋,可能的原因是 ( ) A .密封不严,有氧气进入 B .有空气中的醋酸菌进入 C .发酵罐消毒不彻底 D .发酵液灭菌不彻底 7.(多选)制作葡萄酒的过程中,涉及的操作过程有 ( ) A .发酵装置的消毒 B .接种菌种 C .通人氧气量和酸碱度的控制 D .发酵过程高温加热 8.下列关于果酒和果醋制作的叙述,错误的是 ( ) A .制作果酒时瓶口需密闭,而制作果醋时中断通氧可能会引起醋酸菌死亡 B .温度对酵母菌酒精发酵的影响很大,而对醋酸菌的发酵影响不大 C .在变酸的果酒的表面观察到的菌膜可能是醋酸菌在液面大量繁殖形成的 D .制作果酒和果醋时都应用70%的酒精对发酵瓶消毒并注意无菌操作 9.利用微生物发酵制作果酒,该过程利用的微生物是___________,其代谢类型是 ____________,与生产实际相关的反应式是_______________ , 在不灭菌的情况下,如何使酵母菌成为优势菌种?____ ________________________ _____________________________ ___________。 10.酵母菌是自然界中常见的一类真菌. (1)从细胞核的结构看,酵母菌属于_______________________ 生物. (2)酵母菌常进行___________________生殖,在基因工程中,也常用酵母菌作为转入基因的受体细胞,是因为___________________________________________________。 (3)用染料使染色体着色,发现一酵母菌细胞核中有17条染色体,该酵母菌是______倍 体.在自然环境中,酵母菌属于生态系统中的___ ___成分. (4)酵母菌体内遗传物质主要在 上,而醋酸菌的遗传物质主要在________上. 11.下面是果酒和果醋制作的实验流程和某同学设计的果酒和果醋的发酵装置。根据图示回答下列问题: (1)完成图1中的实验流程。 (2)冲洗的主要目的是_________,冲洗应特别注意不能____________,以防止菌种的流失。 (3)图2装置中的充气口在________时关闭,在_______时连接充气泵,并连续不断地向内________________________________________________________________________。 (4)排气口在酒精发酵时排出的气体是由_______产生的______,在醋酸发酵时排出的是________________________________________________________________________。 (5)写出与(4)题有关的反应方程式: ①________________________________________________________________________; ②________________________________________________________________________。 (6)若在果汁中就含有醋酸菌,在酒精发酵旺盛时,醋酸菌能否将果汁中的糖发酵为醋酸?说明原因_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________。 (7)在酒精发酵时瓶内温度一般应控制在________。醋酸发酵时温度一般应控制在________。 1.1答案 1—8 DBACB ABCD ABC B 9、酵母菌 异养兼性厌氧型 C 6H 12O 6 2C 2H 5OH+2CO 2+能量 将混合菌置于缺氧,酸性环境下,利用酵母菌兼性厌氧的特点,而绝大多数其他微生物都无法适应这一环境受到抑制 10、真菌 出芽 酵母菌繁殖快 遗传物质相对少 单 分解者 细胞核 拟核 11、(1)醋酸发酵 (2)洗去浮尘 反复冲洗 (3)酒精发酵 醋酸发酵 泵入空气(氧) (4)酵母菌 CO 2 ( 含氧量少的)空气、CO 2 (5)C 6H 12O 6―→2C 2H 5OH +2CO 2 C 6H 12O 6+2O 2―→2CH 3COOH +2CO 2+2H 2O , C 2H 5OH +O 2―→CH 3COOH +H 2O (6)不能。因为酒精发酵时的缺氧环境能抑制醋酸菌生长,且醋酸菌发酵条件是氧气充足 (7)18 ~25 ℃ 30 ~35 ℃ 作 业 班级: 学号 : 姓名: 高三生物 酶


牛津版选修8Unit1 Reading1参考学案 重点讲解 1. received adj. 被承认的;被认可的;公认的 be well received with 很受……欢迎 这位歌手很受学生们的欢迎。 Answer: The singer is well received with the students 练练吧! 1.我昨天收到了李红给我的生日礼物. 2.这个节目很受观众的欢迎. Answers: 1. I received a birthday present from LiHong yesterday. 2. The programme is well received with the audience. 2. have nothing to do with与……无关;与……没来往 这与你无关. 我劝你不要与那人来往. Answers: 1. This has nothing to do with you. 实用文档

2. I advise you to have nothing with that man. 练练吧! 1.He (不在乎钱). 2.She got the tickets (免费). 3.I could (不了解) what he said. 4.She (只是) a child. 实用文档

5.The dress is (完全不同) the one they advised. 6.He (认为……不算啥)a twenty-mile walk. 7.------Anything interesting happening? ------No, ______. A.something of B. nothing of C. something much D. nothing of Answers: 1.care nothing for money 2. for nothing 3. make nothing of 4. is nothing but 5. nothing like 6. thinks nothing of 7. B 3. have a place in…在……中占一席之地 练练吧! 1.史密斯先生在公司占有重要地位. 2. The famous scientist has ________ in the world. A. a seat B. a place C. a role D. places Answers: 1. Mr. Smith has an important place in the company. 2. B 4. make…into…= to chang e sth or sb different from what it/he/she used to be 练练吧! 1.那部电影的成功使她一夜成名. 2.我们可以把这个房间改变成书房. 实用文档

英语:Unit 3 Inventors and inventions学案(新人教版选修8)

Unit 3 Inventors and inventions 核心单词 1. distinguish vi.&vt. 显示?-?-的差别;使?-?-有所不同;辨别(常与from, between连用);区别;区分 I can distinguish them at a distance. 从远处我就能认出他们。 The man distinguishes himself by his wisdom. 这个人因他的才智而扬名。 常用结构: distinguish A from B 辨别A与B be distinguished from 不同于?-?- be distinguished by 以?-?-为特征 be distinguished for 因?-?-而著称 distinguish oneself 使出众;使著名 高手过招 (1)单项填空 It is not easy to cultured pearls from genuine pearls. A. distinguish B. separate C. identify D. recognize (1)解析:选A。考查词语辨析。distinguish ...from 辨别,把?-?-和?-?-区别开;separate ...from把?-?-隔开;identify辨别;recognize认出,这两个词后面都不跟from。 (2)完成句子 ①Can you distinguish (中间) those two objects? ②Children should be taught to (分辨是非). ③Speech human beings (不同于?-?-) the animals. ④The Chinese nation is (因?-?-而著称) its diligence and courage. 答案:①between ② distinguish right from wrong ③distinguishes; from ④distinguished for 2. convenient adj.便利的,方便的;就近的 常用结构: be convenient to/for sb. 对(某人)方便 It is convenient to do sth. 做某事方便 Our house is very convenient for the shops. 我们的房子离商店很近。 联想拓展 convenience n. 方便 at your convenience 在你方便的时候 if it suits a person s convenience如果对某人方便 for the convenience of sb. 为了某人方便起见


专题5课题3 血红蛋白的提取和分离 一、基础知识 (一)凝胶色谱法 1、凝胶色谱法也称做,是根据分离蛋白质的有效方法。 2、凝胶实际上是一些微小的球体,这些小球体大多数是由构成的,如葡聚糖或琼脂糖。 3、在小球体内部有许多贯穿的通道,相对分子质量不同的蛋白质分子通过凝胶时速度不同,相对分子质量的蛋白质容易进入凝胶内部的通道,路程,移动速度;而相对分子质量的蛋白质无法进入凝胶内部的通道,只能在移动,路程,移动速度。相对分子质量不同的蛋白质分子因此得以分离。 (二)缓冲溶液 1、缓冲溶液的作用是。 2、缓冲溶液通常由溶解于水中配制而成的。 3、生物体内进行的各种生物化学反应都是在一定的pH下进行的,为了 ,必须保持体外的pH与体内的。 (三)电泳 1、电泳是指。 2、许多重要的生物大分子,如多肽、核酸等都具有可解离的基团,在一定的pH下,这些基团会带上 。在电场的作用下,这些带电分子会向着与其所带电荷的电极移动。电泳利用了待分离样品中各分子的差异以及分子本身的、的不同,使带电分子产生不同的,从而实现样品中各种分子的分离。 3、两种常用的电泳方法是和,在凝胶中加入SDS,电泳速率完全取决于 ,因此,在测定蛋白质分子量时通常使用。 二、实验操作 蛋白质的提取和分离一般分为四步:、、和。(一)样品处理 1、红细胞的洗涤:洗涤红细胞的目的是,采集的血样要及时分离红细胞,分离时采用离心(500r/min),然后用胶头吸管吸出上层透明的,将下层暗红色的 倒入烧杯,再加入(质量分数为),缓慢搅拌 min,离心,如此重复洗涤三次,直至,表明红细胞已洗涤干净。 2、血红蛋白的释放:在和作用下,红细胞破裂释放出血红蛋白。 3、分离血红蛋白溶液:将搅拌好的混合溶液离心(2000r/min)后,试管中的溶液分为4层。第一层为无色透明的,第2层为白色薄层固体,是,第3层是红色透明液体,这是 ,第4层是的暗红色沉淀物。将试管中的液体用滤纸过滤,除去脂溶性沉淀层,于分液漏斗中静置片刻后,分出下层的。 (二)粗分离:透析 取1mL的血红蛋白溶液装入中,将透析袋放入盛有300mL的物质的量的浓度为20mmol/L的

最新人教版高中生物选修一导学案(全册 共85页)

最新人教版高中生物选修一导学案(全册)专题1 传统发酵技术的应用课题1 果酒和果醋 的制作 【学习目标】 1.说明果酒和果醋制作的原理 2.设计制作果酒和果醋的装置 【重点难点】 重点:说明果酒和果醋的制作原理,设计制作装置,制作出果酒果醋。 难点:制作过程中发酵条件的控制。 【预习案】 任务一、果酒制作的原理 1.菌种是,属于生物,新陈代谢类型,有氧时,进行,大量繁殖,反应式为;无氧时,能进行,反应式为。 2.酵母菌繁殖的最适温度℃左右,且为有氧条件; 酒精发酵一般控制在℃,缺氧酸性条件。(原因:) 3.自然发酵过程中,起作用的主要是附着于上的野生型酵母菌。也可以在果汁中加入人工培养的酵母菌。 4.葡萄酒呈深红色的原因: 任务二、果醋制作的原理 1.菌种是,属于生物,新陈代谢类型为。只有在氧气充足时,才能进行旺盛的生命活动。变酸的酒表面观察到的菌膜就是在液面大量繁殖形成的。 2.当氧气、糖源都充足时,醋酸菌将葡萄汁中的分解成,当缺少糖源时,醋酸菌将变为,再将乙醛变为,反应简式为。 3.醋酸菌的最适合生长温度为℃。 任务三、实验设计 流程图 葡萄发酵发酵 任务四、操作提示 (一)材料的选择与处理

选择______的葡萄,榨汁前先将葡萄进行_______,然后再除去_______。 (二)防止发酵液被污染 1.榨汁机要清洗_______,并_______。 2.发酵瓶要清洗_________,用体积分数________的酒精消毒。 3.装入葡萄汁后,_________充气口。 (三)控制好发酵条件 1.葡萄汁装入发酵瓶时,要留出大约______的空间。 2.制作葡萄酒过程中,将温度严格控制在_________℃,时间控制在_________d左 右,可通过出料口对发酵的情况进行及时的监测。 3.制作葡萄醋的过程中,将温度严格控制在__________℃,时间控制在_______d 左右,并注意适时通过充气口_______。 任务五、课题延伸 果汁发酵后是否有酒精产生,可以用____________来检验。在________条件下, 重铬酸钾与酒精反应呈现____________。 检测时,先在试管中加入发酵液2mL,再滴入物质的量的浓度为3mol/L的 _______3滴,振荡混匀,最后滴加常温下______________________3滴。 【探究案】 探究点一 你认为应该先冲洗葡萄还是先除去枝梗?为什么? 探究点二 你认为应该从哪些方面防止发酵液被污染? 探究点三 制葡萄酒时,为什么要将温度控制在18~25 ℃?制葡萄醋时,为什么要将温度控制在30~35 ℃?

选修8 unit1学案

高二英语选修8 Unit 1 A land of diversity 导学案 课题:Warming up & Pre-reading 主备:管莉琴 学习目标:了解有关美国地理方面的知识 I. 课前预习(翻译下列词及短语) 1. 与...相比较_________________ 2. 在...东海岸_______________________ 3. 山脉____________________ 4. 说明,阐明__________________ 5. diversity__________________ II. 课堂探究Warming up 1. Name the seven continents and four oceans. The seven continents: The four oceans: 2.Look at the map of the USA. Work with your group to write on the map the names of as many of the following as you can. (P.1.) 3.How much do you know about the USA? The USA lies in _________________, bordering both the ________ Ocean and the _______ Ocean, between ________ and ________. There are _____ states in the US. Forty-eight of them are in the single region, while _______ and _______ are not contiguous with any of the other states. Pre-reading 1.If you have a chance to go to the USA, where would you prefer to visit, California or Washington DC or other cities? Why? 2.About California : California has an area of 411,000 square kilometers. And it is one of the American states of the largest population, with the most developed economy. California is amazing. The pleasant weather, long beach and graceful natural landscape make the tourism prosperous. 3.How is each picture relevant to the history of California? ( Look at the three pictures of the text ) 4.General knowledge quiz about California. (1). California is the ____ largest state in the USA. A. third B. second C. fourth D. Fifth (2). California, a state in the western USA, borders _____. A. the Pacific Ocean B. the Indian Ocean C. the Atlantic Ocean D. the Arctic Ocean (3). _____ is California’s largest and the nation’s second largest city. A.Sacramento B. Los Angeles C. San Diego D. San Francisco (4). California’s official nickname is the ___. A. Sunflower State B. Golden State C. Land of Opportunity D. Evergreen State (5).5. ____ has the largest population in the USA. A.California B.Alaska C. Washington D. Texas 6. California entered the Union on September 9th 1850, as the ____ state. A. thirtieth B. thirty-eighth C. thirty-second D. thirty-first Homework: ( Reading training ) There are different cultural traditions in the 38th District of California communities: Cambodian, Hmong, Indo-American, Chamorro, and African-American. Individual events focus on each culture. Cambodian people first came to the 38th District when they escaped from being killed by the Khmer Rouge during the 1970s. Cambodian traditions are kept alive in the celebration of the Cambodian New Year in April, which features (以……为特色) native food, religious events, and traditional Cambodian dances, with their costumes and beautiful movements. The Hmong people, who came to the 38th District because of the war in Vietnam, celebrate their New Year in December. Wearing colorful costumes, singing native songs and playing native instruments, the Hmong celebrate New Year by performing ceremonies to honor the dead and the spirits of nature. The tradition of the Indo-Americans in the District is kept through their social, professional and political clubs, and by wearing their traditional dress and performing folk dances from India. The Chamorro people, first from the Mariana Islands and Guam in the Pacific, hold an annual cultural fair in Long Beach; central to the Chamorran tradition is respect for elders, religious beliefs, storytelling, dancing, canoe-making, and the production of tools. Marking the end of slavery, Juneteenth was first celebrated on June 19 in Galveston,


Unit 2 Cloning (Module 8) Period 1 Reading: Cloning: Where is it leading us Class : Name : __________ Group : No :______ Learning Objectives: 1. Learn the useful new words and expressions. 2. Read the passage and learn some information about cloning. Learning Key Points: 1. Grasp the important words and expressions in the reading material. 2. Learn the text and master the major uses of cloning and the success and problem of cloning Dolly the sheep. Learning Difficult Points: 1. Improve the reading ability. 2. Learn the reading skills: scanning and skimming. Learning Procedures: I. 【Pre-class homework 】 A. Warming up There are two kinds of clones, a natural clone and a man-made clone. Do you know what is a natural clone? And what is a man-made clone? A natural clone is one that ______________________________________________________ Man-made clone is one that ____________________________________________________ B. Pre-reading Background reading: Scottish scientists at Roslyn Institute created the much-celebrated sheep "Dolly", aroused worldwide interest and concern because of its scientific and ethical implications. She was the first mammal to be cloned from adult DNA taken from an adult cell. Previously, animals had only been cloned using embryo(胚胎) cells which already have the potential to become a complete embryo in its own right. The big breakthrough with Dolly was to make a clone from an ordinary, adult cell ? in this case from a female goat’s udder. Questions: 1. How does Dolly differ from other sheep? She was ______________ by humans while the others were born naturally. So, Dolly was a ______________ sheep. 2. Should we clone a human? II. 【While-class 】 Step1. Lead-in Step2. Group discussion Step3.Consolidation 1. Reading Assessment : Assessment :


高三生物选修1 专题2 微生物的培养与应用导学案 (一)微生物的实验室培养 1. 培养基 (1)概念:人们按照微生物对______的不同需求,配制出供其______的营养基质叫培养基。按物理性质可分为____培养基和____培养基。 (2)营养构成:各种培养基一般都含有____、_____、___和______。从细胞的化学元素组成来看,培养基中都含有这些营养成分的原因是:______________________________ (3)在上述主要营养物质的基础上,还要满足微生物生长对___、________以及____的要求,例如:培养乳酸杆菌时需在培养基中添加_____、培养霉菌时需将培养基PH调至____、培养细菌时需将PH调至__________、培养厌氧微生物则需提供_____条件。 2. 无菌技术 (1)获得纯净培养物的关键是______________,具体操作如下: ①对实验操作的_____、操作者的____和___进行__________。 ②将用于微生物培养的_____、______和______等器具进行____。 ③为避免周围环境中微生物的污染,实验操作应在__________附近进行。 ④实验操作时应避免已经灭菌处理的材料用具与__________相接触。 (2)消毒和灭菌 ①消毒是指___________________________(不包括芽孢和孢子)。日常生活中常用的方法有________;不耐高温的液体用______;人们也常使用(如酒精、氯气、石炭酸、煤酚皂溶液等)消毒、____消毒。 ②灭菌是指_________________________________(包括芽孢和孢子)。常用的方法有:______、______、________。 ③无菌技术除了防止培养物被污染外,还能__________________。 ④利用干热灭菌箱对玻璃器皿灭菌时物品不能摆得太挤,避免___________。 ⑤物品装入高压蒸汽灭菌锅灭菌后,要首先打开排气阀,煮沸并排除锅内冷空气,其目的是______________;随后关闭排气阀继续加热,气压升至____,温度为_____,并维持_____min;最后切断热源,使温度自然降温,气压务必降至___时打开锅盖,其目的是防止_____________ 3.实验操作 (1)制备牛肉膏蛋白胨固体培养基 ①基本操作步骤:___→____→____→调pH→____→_______。 ②相关问题:a.在制备牛肉膏蛋白胨固体培养基的称量操作中,动作要迅速,原因是防止_______________________ b.溶化操作中需要不断用玻璃棒搅拌的目的是__________________ c.牛肉膏和蛋白胨主要为微生物提供的营养物质有:___、_____和_____。

译林版高中英语选修8学案 Unit 3 Section Ⅲ

Section ⅢWord power & Grammar and usage 根据提示写出下列单词 1.adj.多变的,易变的 2.n. 踝,踝关节 3.n. (旅馆)套房;一套家具 4.n. 住处;住宿,膳宿;和解,调解 5.n. 集体宿舍 【答案】 1.changeable 2.ankle 3.suite 4.accommodation 5.dormitory 看单词学构词后缀-able表示“可……,能……”,如acceptable可接受的;adjustable可调节的;respectable可敬的 根据提示补全下列短语 1.mix... ... 把……和……混合 2.build 逐步建立;增强 3.addition 此外,另外;加之 4.case 以防;以免 5.instead 代替,而不是 【答案】 1.with 2.up 3.in 4.in 5.of 根据提示补全下列教材原句 1.The first thing you should decide is you are going to paint in watercolours or oils. 你首先应该决定的事是你将要画水彩画还是油画。 2.Aunt really enjoyed France and .

姑妈很喜欢法国,奶奶和我也一样。 3.had we left the dormitory the next morning we realized we had left our map in the room. 第二天早上我们刚离开宿舍,就想起我们把地图忘在房间里了。 4.you come with us,I guarantee you Europe too. 如果你跟我们一起来的话,我保证你也会喜欢欧洲的。 【答案】 1.whether 2.so did grandma and I 3.Hardly;when 4.Had;would have enjoyed mix...with...把……和……混合 (教材P38)Oil paints are not mixed with water, as the colours have already been mixed with oil. 油画颜料与水混不到一起,因为颜色已经与油混合在一起了。 (1)mix with... 与……混合;与……交往/相处/打交道 mix...up with... 把……与……混淆 mix...in/into... 在……中掺入…… mix...up 弄混,混淆,分辨不出 (be) mixed with 与……混在一起 (2)mixture n. 混合;混合物;混合体 ①Please keep the cards in order,don't mix them up. 请把这些卡片放好,别把它们弄乱了。 ②I always mix him up his brother,They look so much alike. 我总是把他和他弟弟弄混,他们长得太像了。 【答案】②with build up增强,增加;创建,开发;积累,扩大 (教材P38)The secret to oil painting is to build up layer on layer on a canvas.


专题1 传统发酵技术的应用 课题1:果酒和果醋的制作 学习目标: 1、说明果酒和果醋制作的原理。 2、设计制作果酒和果醋的装置。 3、尝试果酒和果醋的制作。 4、果酒和果醋制作中发酵需要的条件。 学习重难点: 1、说明果酒果醋制作的原理 2、果酒和果醋制作中发酵需要的条件 自主学习: 一、果酒制作的原理 1、酵母菌的生物学特征 ⑴属于生物。 ⑵新陈代谢类型:异氧兼性厌氧型。 酵母菌是兼性厌氧微生物,在有氧条件下,酵母菌进行有氧呼吸,。反应式为:。在无氧条件下,酵母菌能进行,反应式为:。 ⑶繁殖方式:酵母菌可以通过出芽进行无性生殖,也可以通过形成孢子进行有性生殖。但多以出芽方式进行无性生殖。无性生殖即在环境条件适合时,从母细胞上长出一个芽,逐渐长到成熟大小后与母体分离。在营养状况不好时,一些可进行有性生殖的酵母菌会形成孢子(一般是四个),进入休眠状态,在条件适合时再萌发。 2、在葡萄酒的自然发酵过程中,起主要作用的是附着在葡萄皮上的。 3、果酒制作时需控制温度在。 4、红色葡萄果酒的颜色成因:在发酵过程中,随着的提高,红葡萄皮的进入发酵液,使葡萄酒呈现深红色。 一、果醋制作的原理 1、醋酸菌的生物学特性 ⑴属于生物。 ⑵新陈代谢类型:异氧需氧型。 有氧呼吸的场所:细胞膜。好氧细菌与呼吸作用有关的酶主要分布在细胞膜上。 ⑶繁殖方式:二分裂 细菌没有核膜,只有一个大型的环状DNA分子,细菌细胞分裂时,DNA分子附着在细胞膜上并复制为二,然后随着细胞膜的延长,复制而成的两个DNA分子彼此分开;同时,细胞中部的细胞膜和细胞壁向内生长,形成隔膜,将细胞质分成两半,形成两个子细胞,这个过程就被称为细菌的二分裂。 2、果醋制作的原理 ⑴当氧气、糖源都充足时,醋酸菌将葡萄汁中的糖分解成。 ⑵当缺少糖源时,醋酸菌将乙醇变为,再变为。 反应式为:。 3、果醋制作时需控制的条件 ⑴环境条件:充足。⑵温度:醋酸菌生长的最适温度为。 4、在变酸的酒的表面观察到的菌膜是在液面大量繁殖而形成的。溶液内部能形成菌膜吗? 三、果酒和果醋的制作过程 挑选葡萄→冲洗→________→______________→______________ ↓↓ 果酒果醋 四、发酵装置的设计 果酒和果醋的发酵装置示意图 1、设计思路 ⑴因为果酒制作初期需要氧,果醋整个制作过程都需氧,所以需要带开关的充气口,以调控对气体的需求。


选修一生物技术实践 专题一传统发酵技术的应用 课题1 果酒和果醋的制作 1.果酒制作的原理 (1)人类利用微生物发酵制作果酒,该过程用到的微生物是, 它的代谢类型是,与异化作用有关的方程式有 。 生活状态:进行发酵,产生大量。 (2)果酒制作条件 传统发酵技术所使用的酵母菌的来源是。 酵母菌生长的最适温度是; PH呈; (3)红色葡萄酒呈现颜色的原因是:酒精发酵过程中,随着的提高,红色葡萄皮的进入发酵液,使葡萄酒呈色。 (4)在、的发酵液中,酵母菌可以生长繁殖,而绝大多数其它微生物都因无法适应这一环境而受到抑制。 2.果醋的制作原理 (1)果醋发酵菌种是,新陈代谢类型。 (2)当氧气和糖源充足时醋酸菌将糖分解成,当糖源不足时醋酸菌将变为再变成醋酸,其反应式。 3.操作过程应注意的问题 (1)为防止发酵液被污染,发酵瓶要用消毒。 (2)葡萄汁装入发酵瓶时,要留出大约的空间。 (3)制作葡萄酒时将温度严格控制在,时间控制在 d左右,可通过 对发酵的情况进行及时的监测。 (4)制葡萄醋的过程中,将温度严格控制在,时间控制在 d,并注意适时在充气。 4.酒精的检验 (1)检验试剂:。 (2)反应条件及现象:在条件下,反应呈现。 5.制作果酒、果醋的实验流程 挑选葡萄→→→→ ↓↓ 果酒果醋 P4旁栏思考题 1.你认为应该先洗葡萄还是先除去枝梗,为什么? 应该先冲洗葡萄,然后再除去枝梗,以避免除去枝梗时引起葡萄破损,增加被杂菌污染的机会。2.你认为应该从哪些方面防止发酵液被污染? 需要从发酵制作的过程进行全面的考虑,因为操作的每一步都可能混入杂菌。例如:榨汁机、发酵装置要清洗干净;每次排气时只需拧松瓶盖、不要完全揭开瓶盖等。 3.制作葡萄酒时,为什么要将温度控制在18~250C?制作葡萄醋时,为什么要将温度控制在30~350C?

人教版选修七unit1 学案带练习题

Student Book 7 unit 1 Living well 学案 核心单词和词组 1.ambition n.雄心,野心 Her is to become part of the national team for the next Paralympic Games. 她的抱负是能够成为国家队的一员来参加下一届残奥会。 To be a good teacher has been her 做一名好教师是她终生追求的目标。 野心勃勃实现某人的愿望 .渴望得到某物成为/做...的夙愿2.suitable adj.适合的,适宜的 be suitable for/to do 适合(做某事) He has nothing suitable for a formal party. 他没有适合这样正式晚会的任何东西。3.beneficial adj.有益的 be beneficial to对……有益处 benefit vt.使……受益n.益处,优势 benefit sb./sth.对某人/物有益 benefit from从……中获得益处be of benefit to...对……有益 These birds man. 这些鸟对人类有益。 We daily exercise. 日常锻炼对我们很有益。 His mother lost her life the bank. 他母亲为了银行的利益献出了自己的生命。 4.in other words 换句话说 ,there are not many people like me. 换句话说,像我这样的人并不多见。 in a/one word总而言之in word 在口头上;在表面上in words 用语言have a word with sb.与某人说(私)话have words with sb.与某人吵嘴 keep/break one's word遵守诺言/失信in one's own word 用某人自己的话说 Tom and see what he thinks. 和汤姆谈一谈,看他是怎么想的。 . 请用自己的话复述这个故事。 . 总之,我一点也不喜欢那辆小汽车。 5.adap t to 适应 Unfortu nately,the doctors don't know how to make me better,but I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability. adapt (oneself) to sth. 适应某物adapt ...to ... 使……适应……adapt sth. from sth. 根据某事将……改编成be adapted from ... 由……改编


Unit 3Inventors and inventions 重点句型 1.Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself...(Here is a chance for sb.to do sth.有个机会让某人做某事。)

2.I set about researching the habits of snakes to find the easiest way to trap them.(set about doing sth.着手做某事;the easiest way to do sth.最容易做某事的办法) 3.Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor.(“only +时间状语”位于句首时句子要用部分倒装) 4.It was this exploring around problems and his dynamic spirit that led to his most famous invention—the telephone in 1876.(“It is/was+被强调部分+that+句子其他成分”是强调句型) 5.Hold the line,please.请别挂断。 6.Can I speak to...,please?我可以和……通电话吗? 重点语法 复习过去分词作定语、表语和宾语补足语的用法。 写作要求 能用本单元的单词、短语、句型写一篇求职信之类的应用文,正确表述自己的观点,要求文体恰当,用词准确。 Section Ⅰ—Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading & Comprehending 一、看下面的图片,回答下列问题
