


The Beatles and the Rolling Stones make their U.S. album debuts, Muhammad Ali is crowned heavyweight champion of the world and Tokyo hosts the Olympics. Meanwhile, Hong Kong and France are producing showstoppers of their own



It's not easy to be everyone's girl next door in Hong Kong, a city that's all 40-story housing blocks. Yet Maggie Cheung has long held a monopoly on hearts in her homeland-and beyond. That one of the world's leading Chinese beauties was actually raised in England only makes Cheung more emblematic of the ex-colony's cross-purpose passions. It would be easy to crown this runner-up in the 1983 Miss Hong Kong pageant as just another beauty. But that would ignore a lifetime of unconventional choices: trying on vampire as an exotic vamp in 'Irma Vep,' being the offhandedly elegant, bored housewife in Wong Kar-wai's iconic 'In the Mood for Love' and the drug addict in 'Clean' (which won her the Cannes best actress award in 2004). Having appeared in a mere seven films over the past decade and relocated to Beijing, Cheung is now composing scores for film. Like many a female scene-stealer, she gets too little credit for fierce intelligence. No matter what, she's still that girl next door-only gone global.

-John Krich



When Victor Huet's son Gaston trudged 200 miles back to Vouvray, France, after the WWII liberation, he found his father's vineyard in devastation. Gaston healed himself, healed the vines and went on to create the most famous domaine in that cave-carved, limestone-rich region. Grapes grown here are not the sémillon of the more famous (and expensive) Bordeaux, but chenin blanc. 1964 turned out to be a small vintage, spectacular for sweeter wines, which chenin freaks snapped up. Most are now sleeping in collectors' cellars, occasionally popping up at auction for $650 a bottle. This bottle was named for Le Mont, a 17-acre parcel clinging to the slopes of the Loire river. These are stony soils with little clay. The resulting wines have a bracing acidity and ample fruit, a combination that makes them almost indestructible. One drinker described the treat as having the smell of cleanscrubbed skin, sandy earth, stone fruit and raw almonds, with the aroma of marzipan. In other words, a classic, old, complete,

mouthwatering Huet.

-Alice Feiring

披头士(The Beatles)和滚石(Rolling Stones)乐队在美国推出了首张唱片,穆罕默德?阿里(Muhammad Ali)戴上了世界重量级拳王的桂冠,东京也成为了奥运会的东道主。而与此同时,香港和法国也在制造着他们自己的明星。




的矛盾感情。把这个1983年香港小姐亚军仅仅看作是一个美人并不难,不过这样做却忽略了她多年来众多不同寻常的选择:尝试在影片《迷离劫》(Irma Vep)里扮演吸血鬼,在王家卫代表作《花样年华》(In the Mood for Love)中饰演优雅而苦闷的妻子,在《清洁》(Clean)中(该片让她在2004年荣获戛纳电影节(Cannes)最佳女主角奖)扮演瘾君子。在过去的十年间张曼玉仅在七部影片中露面,并迁居北京,现在的她正在为电影创作音乐。和许多魅力四射的女演员一样,她的过人智慧并没有得到多少承认。不管怎样,她依然是那个邻家女孩──只不过她已经走向了世界。

-John Krich



当第二次世界大战后维克多?予厄(Victor Huet)的儿子加斯顿(Gaston)跋涉200英里回到法国的沃莱时,他发现父亲的葡萄园已是满目疮痍。加斯顿疗好了自己的伤,重整了葡萄园,并在这片有着许多洞窟、富含石灰岩的土地上,创建了最为著名的酒庄。生长在这里的葡萄并非是名声更大(也更昂贵)的波尔多(Bordeaux)赛芙蓉(S□millon),而是白诗南(chenin blanc)。1964年葡萄酒的产量很少,这对甜酒来说是个好消息,白诗南被抢购一空。它们中的大多数现在正躺在收藏家的酒窖里,偶尔也会以每瓶650美元的价格出现在拍卖会上。这种酒以Le Mont命名,那是一片紧挨着罗亚尔河(Loire)坡岸的方圆17英亩的土地。那里的土壤砂石多、粘土少,因此酿造出来的葡萄酒具有了丰满的酸度和浓郁的果香,二者的结合让它们无人能及。一位品尝过这种酒的人形容它有着洁净皮肤、沙地、核果和生杏仁的气味,还有杏仁蛋白糖的香气。换句话来说,这是一款经典、古老、完美、让人馋涎欲滴的予厄白葡萄酒。

-Alice Feiring
