









,则图中的阴影部分表示的集合为( )

A. B C D


解析由韦恩图可知阴影部分表示的集合为(C U A)∩B,根据集合的运算求解即可.解:全集U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},集合A={1,2,3,5},B={2,4,6},由韦恩图可知阴影部分表示的集合为(C U A)∩B,∵C U A={4,6,7,8},∴(C U A)∩B={4,6}.故选B

3. 设集合,,则等于()。

A: B: C: D:





4. 设a,,集合,则












6. 若U={n︱n是小于9的正整数},A={n∈U︱n是奇数},B={n∈U ︱n是3的倍数},则?U(A∪B)=.










8. 已知集合或,集合.

















1. 设全集U={0,1,2,3,4},集合A={0,1,2,3},集合B={2,3,4},则( ?U A)∪( ?U B)=( )





解:由已知,得A∩B={2,3}.所以( ? U A)∪( ? U B)=? U (A∩B)={0,1,4}.故答案为:c


A: B: C: D:





的集合C的个数为( )

A. 1

B. 2

C. 4

D. 8






















(1)因为A={x|},所以A={-1,3}。当m=1,集合B满足x+1 =0,所以B={-1},所以A∩B={-1}。


∴B A,

①m=0时,B=,B A;


∵B A,




7.已知集合A={x|2-a x2+a},B={x|x1或x4}。




(1)当a=3时,A={x|-1x5} ,所以,A∩B={x|-1x1或4x5}





8. 已知集合,,




(ⅰ) 当时,有;





高中生物必修一-第一章综合练习题(人教基础版) 第一部分(必做部分90分,附加部分25分) 原创基础题 一.选择题部分(共十一题,1-10题一题5分,共50分;11题10分,不记总分。) 1.生命活动离不开细胞,下列有关细胞的说法,正确的是 A.原核细胞内含有合成蛋白质所必须的高尔基体 B.细胞是生物体结构和功能的基本单位 C.细胞核是遗传物质的储存场所,原核细胞体内无以核膜为界的细胞 核,故原核细胞体内不含遗传物质 D.组成不同细胞的元素和化合物种类完全一致体现了细胞的统一性 2.如图为某种细菌的结构示意图,下列细胞结构或细胞器对应正确的是 A.①细胞壁③细胞核 B.②⑤细胞膜④核糖体 C.①细胞壁⑥鞭毛 D.②⑤细胞壁③大型环状RNA 3.生物根据自身结构可分为细胞结构生物和非细胞结构生物,下列有关细 胞结构生物的说法,不正确的是 A.细胞结构生物由单细胞生物和多细胞生物组成 B.所有的细胞结构生物都具有细胞膜 C.草履虫是最简单的细胞结构生物之一,其分裂时遵循二分裂原则 D.细胞结构生物相较于非细胞结构生物具有能独立进行生命活动,结构 复杂等特点 4.下列关于细胞统一性的说法,正确的是 A.细胞在遗传层面的统一性体现在所有细胞都以RNA为遗传物质 B.构成细菌细胞壁和植物细胞细胞壁的成分相同 C.大部分细胞以ATP为主要能源物质 D.大部分细菌细胞和真菌细胞体内都含有核糖体体现了细胞的统一性 5.下列哪一种生物不属于生命系统 A.人类免疫缺陷病毒 B.念珠藻 C.某自然保护区中的所有耗牛 D.一片池塘中的所有鱼 6.下列有关植物的说法,正确的是 A.杨树叶片表皮细胞属于真核细胞,金丝雀虉草(一种禾木科植物)的


2021高考一轮英语语法填空基础训练(十一)一:语法填空练习 Passage 1 A trend is sweeping the Internet where women are holding up pieces of 8.3-inch-wide A4 paper 1 (show) how tiny their waists are. To be narrower than a piece of A4 paper you need to have roughly a 5-inch waist or less, 2 is much thinner than the 3.5-inch average American waist, 3 (practical) impossible for most human beings. While many trends come and go, this one is particularly worrying as it is absolutely focused on weight. Reviewers have severely criticized the strange trend 4 pressuring women to try to reach 5 unachievable goal. For there is no such thing as pretty enough, skinny enough, attractive enough. Even the stars of Hollywood such as Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman lack confidence. It 6 (explain) why women who have cosmetic surgery (整容手术) always want to do more. Perfection does not actually exist. Psychologists have all proven that confidence comes from knowing 7 (you), and developing your talents. Not from one’s8 (appear) or figure. In fact, if too much stress 9 (lay) on your looks, it weakens your confidence. Everybody is beautiful, not just the thin ones, because inner beauty shines 10 (bright) than any hair, skin or teeth. Passage 2 A Fire Drill (演习) 1 (hold) on Monday afternoon. All staff must observe the 2 (follow) procedure: 1. In the event of a fire, the ALARM will ring. On 3 (hear) the fire alarm, all staff should evacuate(评估) the building by the appropriate fire exits. The assembly area is the staff car


第一章特殊平行四边形 总分120分120分钟 一.选择题(共8小题,每题3分) 1.在四边形ABCD中,∠A=60°,∠ABC=∠ADC=90°,BC=2,CD=11,自D作DH⊥AB于H,则DH的长是()A.7.5 B.7 C.6.5 D.5.5 2.下列说法:①矩形是轴对称图形,两条对角线所在的直线是它的对称轴;②两条对角线相等的四边形是矩形;③有两个角相等的平行四边形是矩形;④两条对角线相等且互相平分的四边形是矩形;⑤两条对角线互相垂直平分的四边形是矩形.其中,正确的有() A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个 3.不能判断四边形ABCD是矩形的是(0为对角线的交点)() A.AB=CD,AD=BC,∠A=90°B.OA=OB=OC=OD C.ABCD,AC=BD D.ABCD,OA=OC,OB=OD 4.如图,在四边形ABCD中,AB=CD,AC⊥BD,添加适当的条件使四边形ABCD成为菱形.下列添加的条件不正确的是() A.AB∥CD B.AD=BC C.BD=AC D.BO=DO 5.能判定四边形ABCD是菱形的条件是() A.对角线AC平分对角线BD,且AC⊥BD B.对角线AC平分对角线BD,且∠A=∠C C.对角线AC平分对角线BD,且平分∠A和∠C D.对角线AC平分∠A和∠C,且∠A=∠C 6.已知如图,在矩形ABCD中有两个一条边长为1的平行四边形.则它们的公共部分(即阴影部分)的面积是() A.大于1 B.等于1 C.小于1 D.小于或等于1 7.矩形各内角的平分线能围成一个() A.矩形 B.菱形 C.等腰梯形 D.正方形 8.如果一个平行四边形要成为正方形,需增加的条件是() A.对角线互相垂直且相等 B.对角线互相垂直 C.对角线相等D.对角线互相平分 二.填空题(共6小题,每题3分) 9.如图,凸五边形ABCDE中,∠A=∠B=120°,EA=AB=BC=2,CD=DE=4,则它的面积为_________ . 10.四边形ABCD的对角线AC和BD相交于点O,设有下列条件:①AB=AD;②∠DAB=90°;③AO=CO,BO=DO; ④矩形ABCD;⑤菱形ABCD,⑥正方形ABCD,则在下列推理不成立的是_________ A、①④?⑥; B、①③?⑤; C、①②?⑥; D、②③?④11._________ 的矩形是正方形,_________ 的菱形是正方形.


名词填空 (一) 1.Then, handle the most important tasks first so you’ll feel a real sense of _______________ (achieve). 2.Recent ____________(study) show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks regularly. 3.In addition to their simple beauty, what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their __________(able) to “air condition” a house without using electric equipment. 4.---- Why not buy a second---- hand car first if you don’t have enough money for a new o ne? ---- That’s a good ____________(suggest). 5.Her _____________(motivate) for writing was a desire for women to get the right to higher education. 6.Whenever I made mistakes, the teacher pointed them out with ______________(patient). 7.While she was in Paris, she developed a _________ (tasty) for fine art. 8.When everyone quieted down, the speaker began to talk, saying that this was exactly what was happening in our ___________(life). 9.They were the kind that I did not have in my ______________(collect) so I placed them carefully in my bag. 10.----- Are you prepared for the coming interview? ----- Of course. After all, some questions can be beyond _____________(expect) and difficult to answer. 11.Important language points, grammar rules, useful ____________(express) and key words are what we want to take down. 12.To be honest, some new ____________(arrive) lose hope even before they start hunting for a job. 13.But Americans’ all-time favorites are cats and dogs, because dogs can offer ____________(protect) from thieves and unwelcome visitors and cats can help get rid of the home unwanted pests. 14.Unselfish giving is your most efficient formula for _____________(happy), for you have felt life, and you are now the world bigger than you were before you began the project. 15.My mother would sit by the window, watching the falling ___________(leaf) from the trees floating in the air. (二) 1. Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius, who lived from roughly 551 to ., influenced the _____________(develop)of chopsticks. 2. Any smell might attract natural ____________(enemy)that would try to eat the little panda. 3. I’d skipped nearby Guilin, a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River which are pictured by artists in so many Chinese ____________(painting). 4. I am too tired. If you don’t mind, I’ll stop and take a deep _____________(breathe). 5. While there are amazing stories of instant transformation, for most of us the ____________(change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river. 6. ----- How can I take the medicine, sir? ----- Just follow the ____________(direct) on the bottle. 7. Manuel Gutierrez-Novelo, co-founder of ImmersiON-VRelia, says VR can be a great tool for ______________(educate). 8. After the ___________(dead)of Qu Yuan, people of Chu went to Miluo River to mourn over the great poet they loved so much. 9. Young people make their parents angry with their ______________(choose) in clothes, in entertainment and in music. 10. To their ______________(amaze), the car had been returned. 11. ----- Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency? ----- Well, you know, English is my ___________(strong). So it is my best choice. 12. You’d better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future ______________(refer). 13. I followed the hospital’s advice, and I’ve only brought a few ___________(belong) with me. 14. College students are ____________(grown-up) and it’s their right to choose the way to live. 15. The school advisers help you talk through your problems but they don’t give you any direct ____________(solve). (一) Key: ; 2. studies; 3. ability; 4. suggestion; ; ; ; 8. lives; ; 10. expectation; ; 12. arrivals; 13. protection; 14. happiness; 15.


科 目: 数学 适用年级: 高一、高二 资料名称: 新课标高中数学(必修4) 第一章三角函数(1) (基础训练)答案 一、选择题 1.B 000tan 600,4tan 6004tan 604 a a ==-=-=--2.C 当x 是第一象限角时,3y =;当x 是第二象限角时,1y =-; 当x 是第三象限角时,1y =-;当x 是第四象限角时,1y =- 3.A 22,(),4242,(),2k k k Z k k k Z π παππππαππ+<<+∈+<<+∈ ,(),422 k k k Z παπππ+<<+ ∈2α在第三、或四象限,sin 20α<, cos2α可正可负;2α在第一、或三象限,cos 2α可正可负 4.B sin cos tan cos αααα=== 5.D sin sin cos cos αααα=+, 当α是第二象限角时,sin sin tan tan 0cos cos αααααα +=-+=; 当α是第四象限角时, sin sin tan tan 0cos cos αααααα+=-= 6.B 411,cos sin 3222 πααα-+=-=-+= 二、填空题 1. 二,- cos 02 α=-<,则α是第二、或三象限角,而20y P =>

得α 是第二象限角,则12sin ,tan 23x x αα= ==-=-2.(21)k βαπ=++ 3.一、二 07.4122,2π π<-< 得1α是第一象限角; 9.994,2π ππ<-+<得2α是第二象限角 4.0202- 00020025360(202)-=-?+- 5.0 00000tan 00,cos900,sin1800,cos 2700,sin 3600===== 三、解答题 1.解:0000009090,4545,9090,2ββα-<-<-<- <-<< ()22ββαα-=+-,001351352βα-<-< 2.解:11411()cos ,()()1332332 f f f π===-=- 14()()033 f f ∴+= 3.解:(1)222222222121sin cos tan 2173434sin cos 34sin cos tan 112x x x x x x x x +++===++ (2)2222 222sin sin cos cos 2sin sin cos cos sin cos x x x x x x x x x x -+-+=+ 22tan tan 17tan 15 x x x -+==+ 4.证明:右边2 (1sin cos )22sin 2cos 2sin cos αααααα=-+=-+- 2(1sin cos sin cos )2(1sin )(1cos ) αααααα=-+-=-+ 22(1sin )(1cos )(1sin cos )αααα∴-+=-+

力的示意图 作图专题训练

v v v F v v 《力的示意图》专题训练 编号 姓名 1.(1)请画出图中“不倒翁”所受重力的示意图(O 点为 “不倒翁”的重心)。 (2)如图所示,请画出在地面上静止的足球所受重力的示意图。 (3)如图所示的是地球表面及附近的一些物体,请画出飞机所受重力的示意图。 (4)如图所示,请画出在地面上静止的质地均匀的梯形物体所受重力的示意图。 2.(1)如图所示,小刚同学用200N 的力推墙壁,请画出这个推力的示意图。 (2)小兰同学用10N 的水平力拉弹簧,如图所示。作出小兰对弹簧拉力的示意图。 (3)如图所示,画出用手提水桶的提力的示意图。 (4)如图所示的是正在足球场上滚动的足球,请画出足球对草坪的压力的示意图。 3.(1)如图所示,重量为5N 的小球正沿斜面滚下,画出小球所受重力的示意图。 (2)如图所示,工人用600N 的沿斜面向上的推力将箱子推上斜面,请作出推力的示意图。 (3)如图所示,物体静止在斜面上,画出它所受支持力的示意图。 (4)画出与水平方向成45o角斜向左上方拉小车的拉力的示意图。 4.(1)如图所示,一铁块放在水平地面上,请画出当条形磁铁靠近铁块时,铁块所受摩擦 力的示意图。(图中已标出摩擦力的作用点) (2)如图所示,在竖直悬挂的铁质黑板上吸着一个磁性黑板擦,画出黑板擦所受摩擦力的 示意图。 (3)如图所示的是在水平面上向右运动的物块,画出物块所受重力和摩擦力的示意图。 (4)如图所示,物体受到水平向左的拉力作用,在水平地面上做匀速直线运动,画出物体 在竖直方向上受力的示意图。 5.(1)天花板上悬吊着一盏电灯,作出电灯受力的示意图。 (2)如图所示的是长在枝条上的重力为2N 的苹果,请画出苹果受力的示意图。 (3)如图所示,画出“不倒翁”的受力的示意图(黑点O 表示“不倒翁”的重心)。 (4)如图所示,重500N 的物体静止在水平地面上,画出它受力的示意图。 6.(1)饮料厂生产的饮料装瓶后,要在自动化生产线上用传送带传送。如图所示,一瓶饮 料与传送带一起水平向左匀速运动,不计空气阻力。请在图中画出饮料瓶受力的示意图。(图中的A 点表示重心) (2)在自动化生产线上,常用传送带传送工件,如图所示。一个工件与传送带一起以s 的速度 水平向右匀速运动,不计空气阻力。请在图中画出工件受力的示意图。 (3)当“神舟七号”返回舱从太空返回地球时由于与大气层摩擦,其中有一段是做匀速直 线运动的,请在图中画出它在这段过程中的受力示意图。 (4)如图所示,一个球体贴着竖直墙面静止在水平地面上,画出球体受力的示意图。 7.(1)如图所示,物体在斜面上匀速下滑,画出物体受力的示意图。 (2)如图所示,画出静止的小球受力的示意图。 (3)如图所示,车减速前进,画出悬挂在车厢内的物体A 所受力的示意图。 (4)如图所示,挂在天花板上的铁球受到一个条形磁铁的吸引处于静止状态,画出铁球 所受力的示意图。 8.(1)如图所示,货物随传送带一起匀速斜向上运动,画出货物受力的示意图。 (2)如图所示,水平地面有一个快速运动的物体,当它遇到一个表面粗糙的斜坡时,由 于惯性它将继续沿斜坡滑行一段距离。请画出该物体向上滑行时的受力示意图。 (3)如图所示,在水平公路上向右匀速行驶的汽车,不计空气阻力,作出汽车受力的示意 图。


语法填空从句基础训练 1. In English class, our teacher often creates an environment _________ we are given the opportunity to solve problems ourselves. 2. Huge amounts of oil have been found on the Gulf of Mexico floor, the effects of _________ haven’t disappeared yet. 3. In college, you will discover _________ learning is about, from teacher-taught to self-learner. 4. Our usual walk is to or from the subway, _________ is how we get to work. 5. He is quite strange, for everything he does is opposite to _________ is considered normal behavior. 6. Why do some rich people steal things _________ they could easily afford to buy them? 7. _________ our eating ties in with our stress level is being studied and soon it will be clear. 8. _________ the children dream about is the freedoms to develop their special gift. 9. Before carrying out the plan, we must consider _________ the new use of the drug needs further tests. 10. What we can learn from the story is _________ you mustn’t blame children for the mistakes of their parents. 11. Tom called customer service to question _________ his credit card bill was so high. 12. Tom arranged to spend his winter vacation in Hawaii with his parents _________ he would stay for a week. 13. It’s quite a rare sight to see a boy _________ doesn’t love computer games. 14. I owe my success to my friends, _________ helped me a lot. 15. Many people, some of _________ are not overweight, are going on diets. 16. The fire _________ lights us at a distance will burn us when near. 17. With the New Year drawing near, we put up New Year decorations in the classroom, _________ added to a festive atmosphere. 18. I volunteered for a program _________ assists disabled children. 19. _________ everything in the world changes was often a theme in poetry of the Romantic Movement.


首先,把肺里的气全部呼出去,要呼的干净然后,并住呼吸,把手按在小腹,也就是常说的单田用力使单田鼓起,手要反作用在单田上,要用力在鼓起的时候要渐渐用力,不要一下鼓起来从开始用力到用力到极限,大约用五秒钟时间然后到最强的时候,持续五秒钟最后,渐渐放松,也不要一下放松,大约五秒时间整个过程,注意不要呼吸。这是一个循环,每天这样练功,两个小时,半年的时间你的唱功一定会很实力,但中间不要停止,特别是第一个星期的七天,一定要坚持下来我说的是师付的真功夫,你真的有毅力的话,试试吧相信我,希望你会成功这是其中一种方法,下面还有一种方法跟大家介绍:其实唱歌到达一定阶段,可以说,逐渐的少用嗓子.有些人唱歌时,用手压着嗓子,不让嗓子向上,其实是有原因的.但这并不是正确的唱歌方法,因为嗓子如果压低,不向上去的话,就不会唱到开叉,但是若是用手去压,就对嗓子造成一定的影响,并且也起不到实质的效果,而并非是你真正的会唱歌.但并非所有歌都要一定压住嗓子唱,如:同一首歌,女声细调版,就要将嗓子提起才会唱的那么细. 会唱歌的人都知道唱歌是要用气唱,而如何用气就是唱歌好坏的关键.而气却又是从哪来的呢?如何练气呢?其实气是从丹田而发,而提气上冲,嗓子只是过声,并不是用嗓子用力喊,所以嗓子的使用率要比不会唱歌的人少.而从嗓子过气后,冲入脑门,脑门与后脑,以及鼻发生共振,从而达到真正的唱歌.鼻音的大小可自我调整.但脑门的共振却是非常大的,若达到一定阶段,唱久后,脑门就会痛.而吸气却并不需要十分急促,就象闻花香一样,轻轻的切均匀的吸气. 而丹田气,实际上有很多的的锻炼方法,如练武功,每天不停的唱也可以,天天象疯子一样大喊也可以.但我这里是一种大家都没听过的练气方法,用枕头(里面放满沙子)然后放在自己的小肚上,躺下练声,唱歌等...大约不久就会渐渐感觉到自己的丹田气. 下面也是一个比较重要常识,就是唱歌前一定要开腔.所谓开腔就是,如大喊,或是象学声乐那种吊嗓子,也就是从低音到高音...升降调...只有开腔后,嗓子才能达到比较好的状态,否则有时会有种唱不开的感觉. 所谓少用嗓子并非不用嗓子,而是巧用嗓子.嗓子用的巧妙,甚至可以模仿N多人的声音,就想吴克群那种,不过说实话,也许现场版就没那么特象,因为每个人的嗓子斗会有多少限制,并不能达到完全和别人一样的音调.很多地方的那种歌手,都是什么歌都可以唱,并且都很象.但实际上这样并不好,每个人都要有自己的风格.并且模仿别人的同时会伤害自己的风格,所以要坚持自己的风格. 歌唱是一门艺术,要想提高儿童表现歌曲的能力,应给予他们唱歌技巧的训练,训练的内容包括:唱歌的姿势、呼吸、发声和咬字等各方面的要求。一、唱歌的姿势正确的唱歌姿势,不仅是歌唱者良好的心态的表现,而且还关系到气息的运用,共鸣的调节以及歌唱的效果,在训练时,应让学生养成良好的演唱习惯,做到两眼平视有神,下颌内收,颈直不紧张,脊柱挺直,小腹微收,腰部稳定。二、唱歌中的呼吸首先是吸气,在做呼吸练习时,先做好正确的演唱姿势,保持腰挺直,胸肩松宽,头自如,眼望远处,从内心到面的表情都充满情意,然后,“痛快地叹一口气”使胸部放松,吸气时,口腔稍打开,硬软腭提起,并与提眉动作配合,很兴奋地以后腰为主,将腰围向外松张,让气自然地,流畅地“流进”使腰、后背都有“气感”,胸部也就自然有了宽阔的感觉,比如用“打呵欠”去感觉以上动作。但呼气时不准过深,否则使胸、腹部僵硬,影响发声的灵活和音高的准确,吸气时不要有声响,反之不仅影响歌唱的艺术效果,还会使吸气不易深沉,影响气息的支持,所以,在日常生活中要养成两肋扩张,小腹微收的习惯。三、发声练习是歌唱发声的一种综合性基本技能的训练,学习唱歌必须以最基本的发声练习开始。1、做获得气息支点的练习,体会吸与声的配合,利用科学的哼唱方法,体会并调节自己的歌唱共鸣。2、学会张开嘴巴唱歌,上下齿松开,有下巴松松的“掉下来的感觉”舌尖松松地抵下牙。3、唱八度音程时,从低到高,母音不断裂连起来唱,口咽腔同时从小到大张开。4、气息通畅的配合,发出圆润通畅自如的声音。四、咬字、吐字准确、清晰发音练习的目的,归根到底是为了更完善地演唱歌曲,所以必须要注意咬字、吐字的清晰,正确地掌握语言的回声,明确汉字语言的结构规律,将歌曲曲调与咬字吐字结合起来练习。练唱时,将每个字按照出声引长归韵的咬字方法,先念几遍,再结合发声练习,

(高中数学1必修)第一章(中) [综合训练B组]

(数学1必修)第一章(中) [综合训练B 组] 一、选择题 1. B ∵(2)232(2)1,g x x x +=+=+-∴()21g x x =-; 2. B ()3,(),32()3223 cf x x cx x f x c f x c x x ====-+-+得 3. A 令[]2 211111(),12,,()()152242x g x x x f f g x x -=-===== 4. A 523,114,1214,02 x x x x -≤≤-≤+≤-≤-≤≤≤; 5. C 224(2)44,02,20x x x -+=--+≤≤-≤≤ 022,02y ≤≤≤≤; 6. C 令2 2211() 1121,,()11111()1t x t t t t x f t t x t t t ----+=== =-+++++则。 二、填空题 1. 234π- (0)f π=; 2. 1- 令2213,1,(3)(21)21x x f f x x x +===+=-=-; 3. 2 2223(1)2x x x -+=-+≥ 0()22 f x <≤ <≤ 4. 3(,]2-∞ 当3 20,2,(2)1,25,2,2 x x f x x x x +≥≥-+=++≤-≤≤即则 当20,2,(2)1,25,2x x f x x x x +<<-+=---≤<-即则恒成立,即 ∴32 x <; 5. 1(1,)3-- (),(1)31,(1)1,(1)(1)(31)(1)0y f x f a f a f f a a ==+-=+?-=++<令则

得113 a -<<- 三、解答题 1. 解:21616(2)0,21,m m m m ?=-+≥≥≤-或 222222min 1()21 2 11,()2 m m m αβαβαβαβ+=+-=--=-+= 当时 2. 解:(1)∵80 83,30x x x +≥?-≤≤? -≥? 得∴定义域为[]8,3- (2)∵222101011,110x x x x x x ?-≥? -≥=≠=-??-≠? 得且即∴定义域为{}1- (3)∵0 01110211 0101 1x x x x x x x x x x ?? ?? ?-≠?


名词填空 (一 ) 1. Then, handle the most important tasks first so you’ ll feel a real sense of _______________ (achieve). 2.Recent ____________(study) show that we are far more productive at work if we take short breaks regularly. 3. In addition to their simple beauty, what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their __________(able) to “air condition ” a house without using e rlieccetquipment. 4. ---- Why not buy a second---- hand car first if you don ’ t have enough money for a new one? ----That ’ s a good ____________(suggest). 5.Her _____________(motivate) for writing was a desire for women to get the right to higher education. 6.Whenever I made mistakes, the teacher pointed them out with ______________(patient). 7.While she was in Paris, she developed a _________ (tasty) for fine art. 8. When everyone quieted down, the speaker began to talk, saying that this was exactly what was happening in our ___________(life). 9.They were the kind that I did not have in my ______________(collect) so I placed them carefully in my bag. 10.----- Are you prepared for the coming interview? ----- Of course. After all, some questions can be beyond _____________(expect) and difficult to answer. 11. Important language points, grammar rules, useful ____________(express)and key words are what we want to take down. 12.To be honest, some new ____________(arrive) lose hope even before they start hunting for a job. 13.But Americans ’l-tiamle favorites are cats and dogs, because dogs can offer ____________(protect) from thieves and unwelcome visitors and cats can help get rid of the home unwanted pests. 14.Unselfish giving is your most efficient formula for _____________(happy), for you have felt life, and you are now the world bigger than you were before you began the project. 15.My mother would sit by the window, watching the falling ___________(leaf) from the trees floating in the air. (二 ) 1. Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius, who lived from roughly 551 to 479B.C., influenced the _____________(develop)of chopsticks. 2. Any smell might attract natural ____________(enemy)that would try to eat the little panda. 3. I ’ d skipped nearby Guilin, a dream place for tourists e seking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River which are pictured by artists in so many Chinese ____________(painting). 4. I am too tired. If you don ’ t mind, I ’ ll stop and take a deep _____________(breathe). 5. While there are amazing stories of instant transformation, for most of us the ____________(change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river.


限时综合训练二 (时间:25分钟分值:21分) 1.在下面一段话的空缺处依次填入词语,最恰当的一组是(3分)( ) 不论是女子为了一己之私拦高铁,还是八旬老太为了祈福向飞机发动机扔硬币,她们都不顾别人的劝阻,________。虽然这些都是个案,但确实反映出社会上一些人规则意识________。一旦将个人意志凌驾于公共秩序之上,就逾越了权利的________,构成了对公共利益的侵犯,必然受到社会的谴责。 A.自行其是淡薄界限 B.各自为政淡薄界线 C.自行其是淡泊界线 D.各自为政淡泊界限 答案 A 解析自行其是:自己认为对的就做。形容固执己见,不接受别人的意见。各自为政:按照各自的主张做事,不互相配合;不顾全局,各搞自己的一套。强调的是两人或多人之间的不配合。根据语境中“不顾别人的劝阻”,应用“自行其是”。淡薄:(云雾等)密度小;(味道)不浓;(感情、兴趣等)不浓厚;(印象)因淡忘而模糊。淡泊:恬淡;不追求,不热衷。根据语境,与“意识”搭配应用“淡薄”。界限:不同事物的分界;尽头处,限度。界线:两个地区分界的线;不同事物的分界;某些事物的边缘。“界限”和“界线”都可以指不同事物的分界,但是前者一般用于抽象的事物,后者一般用于具体的事物。“权利”是抽象的事物,应用“界限”。 2.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是(3分)( ) A.传说埃及艳后的美容秘诀之一就是每日用酸牛奶沐浴。皮肤科医师证实,牛奶营养丰富,洗牛奶浴确实具有减少皱纹、去除死皮、提亮肤色,让皮肤变得更光滑、更有弹性。 B.城市内涝,被戏称为“我们去看海”,已经成为城市顽疾之一,它由多种因素造成:极端天气、城市排水系统低效、城市绿化减少、地面渗透能力降低等等。 C.G7高速横穿戈壁、草原、城市、乡村、湿地等多种地形,沿途地貌多变,充满挑战,堪称“中国最美公路”,走上一遭就能顺便满足人们横穿中国的心愿。 D.全国旅游监管服务平台是一个集大数据监管与开放式服务为一体的政务平台,于7月1日全面启用,标志着我国旅游市场监管加快向信息化、智能化转变。 答案 B 解析A项成分残缺,“具有”缺少宾语中心语,可在句末加“的功能”“的效果”之类的词语;也可以把“具有”改为“能”。C项不合逻辑,“城市”“乡村”不属于“地形”。
