Loss of Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 in Cells Infected with Classical Swine Fever Virus Involves

Loss of Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 in Cells Infected with Classical Swine Fever Virus Involves
Loss of Interferon Regulatory Factor 3 in Cells Infected with Classical Swine Fever Virus Involves

J OURNAL OF V IROLOGY,June2005,p.7239–7247Vol.79,No.11 0022-538X/05/$08.00?0doi:10.1128/JVI.79.11.7239–7247.2005

Copyright?2005,American Society for Microbiology.All Rights Reserved.

Loss of Interferon Regulatory Factor3in Cells Infected with Classical Swine Fever Virus Involves the N-Terminal Protease,N pro

S.Anna La Rocca,1Rebecca J.Herbert,1Helen Crooke,2Trevor W.Drew,2Thomas E.Wileman,1

and Penny P.Powell1*

Department of Immunology,BBSRC Institute for Animal Health,Ash Road,Pirbright,Surrey GU240NF,1and Department of Virology,Veterinary Laboratories Agency,Weybridge,Surrey KT153NB,2United Kingdom


We show that cells infected with the pestivirus classical swine fever virus(CSFV)fail to produce alpha/beta

interferon not only following treatment with double-stranded RNA but also after superinfection with a

heterologous virus,the alphavirus Sindbis virus,a virus shown to normally induce interferon.We investigated

whether the inhibition of interferon synthesis by CSFV involved a block in interferon regulatory factor3(IRF3)

activity.Cells infected with CSFV exhibited a lack of translocation of green?uorescent protein-IRF3to the

nucleus;however,constitutive shuttling of IRF3was not blocked,since it could still accumulate in the nucleus

in the presence of leptomycin B.Interestingly subcellular fractionation analysis showed that IRF3was lost

from the cytoplasm of infected cells from18h postinfection https://www.360docs.net/doc/729705035.html,ing IRF3promoter-luciferase reporter

constructs,we demonstrate that loss of IRF3was due to an inhibition of transcription of the IRF3gene in

CSFV-infected cells.Further,we investigated which viral protein may be responsible for the inhibition of

interferon and loss of IRF3.We used cell lines expressing the CSFV N-terminal protease(N pro)to show that

this single viral protein,unique to pestiviruses,inhibited interferon production in response to Sindbis virus.

In addition to being lost from CSFV-infected cells,IRF3was lost from N pro-expressing cells.The results

demonstrate a novel viral evasion of innate host defenses,where interferon synthesis is prevented by inhibiting

transcription of IRF3in CSFV-infected cells.

Classical swine fever virus(CSFV)belongs to the Pestivirus genus in the Flaviviridae family,together with bovine viral diarrhea virus(BVDV)and border disease virus(26).The CSFV genome is a single positive-stranded RNA about12.5kb in length,with a single large open reading frame encoding a polyprotein that is processed into12known proteins(38). CSFV causes a severe disease of pigs characterized by fever, leukopenia,and hemorrhage(40),and there is widespread apoptosis of uninfected lymphocytes(35,36).The disease causes signi?cant economic loss worldwide and is an Of?ce International des Epizooties list A pathogen(25).Pestiviruses can also cross the placenta,resulting in the birth of persistently infected animals due to failure of the dam to raise an innate immune response capable of preventing infection of the fetus (8).This interesting property of pestiviruses may partly be due to their ability to inhibit interferon production in cells they infect.CSFV causes no visible cytopathic effect in cells in culture,it induces the production of proin?ammatory cyto-kines,yet does not stimulate interferon secretion(5).More-over,both CSFV and BVDV can inhibit the induction of in-terferon and apoptosis induced by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)(5,29).Production of interferon during a viral infec-tion is dependent on the activation of several transcription factors,including interferon regulatory factor3(IRF3),NF-?B,and ATF2(reviewed in references3and13).IRF3is central for induction of antiviral genes,such as alpha interferon,RANTES,ISG-15,ISG-54,ISG-56,and inducible nitric oxide(14).IRF3is expressed constitutively as two forms, one of which is phosphorylated at its N terminus(27).In unstimulated cells,IRF3shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm,with cytoplasmic localization predominating(18). During viral infection,dsRNA produced during viral replica-tion activates the latent IRF3via phosphorylation on C-termi-nal serine residues(20,30,32).It is thought that there are multiple pathways leading to activation of IRF3following virus infection(31),with a number of kinases involved,including among others,DNA-dependent protein kinase(16),IKK ep-silon,and TBK1(10,33).Recent work has described an im-portant pathway distinct from the dsRNA-dependent protein kinase R in the activation of IRF3by viral RNA(34).The activated IRF3then dimerizes and translocates to the nucleus, where it can bind one of the histone acetylases,CREB binding protein(CBP)or p300(44).This causes IRF3localization to become predominantly nuclear.IRF3and CBP/p300form a virally activated factor as part of the enhanceosome which binds to the beta interferon promoter and stimulates inter-feron production(41).

A number of small RNA viruses encode proteins that block interferon induction through inhibition of IRF3activity;for the?aviviruses,several studies have looked for a mechanism of blocking IRF3.The serine protease complex NS3/4A of hep-atitis C virus expressed from subgenomic replicons inhibits IRF3phosphorylation and translocation to the nucleus(11). Also,cells infected with both noncytopathic and cytopathic strains of the pestivirus BVDV prevent IRF3binding to DNA, although the transcription factor does translocate to the nu-cleus in response to infection with a heterologous virus(1,2).

*Corresponding author.Mailing address:Department of Immunol-ogy,Institute for Animal Health,Ash Road,Pirbright,Surrey GU24

0NF,United Kingdom.Phone:441483231090.Fax:441483232448.



A variety of other virus families have the ability to block in-terferon through IRF3,including the paramyxoviruses(7), Ebola virus(4),and Bunyamwera virus(17).

In the present study,we show that the pestivirus CSFV inhibits interferon induced both by a heterologous virus,the alphavirus Sindbis virus,and by dsRNA.In contrast to?ndings for BVDV,CSFV infection did not induce IRF3translocation to the nucleus.However,there was no inhibition of the con-stitutive shuttling of IRF3between the cytoplasm and nucleus, shown by its accumulation in the nucleus following blockage of nuclear export by leptomycin B treatment.Interestingly,the cytoplasmic form of IRF3was lost from cells during CSFV infection,becoming undetectable after24h postinfection (hpi).The loss of IRF3was not affected by proteolysis inhib-itors and was concomitant with viral protein https://www.360docs.net/doc/729705035.html,ing constructs containing the IRF3promoter upstream of a lucif-erase reporter gene,we present evidence that the loss of IRF3 is due to inhibition of transcription in CSFV-infected cells. Recently,the importance of the N-terminal protease(N pro) of CSFV in virulence and in the inhibition of interferon pro-duction has been demonstrated(23,27).N pro is a cysteine autoprotease which cleaves itself from the core protein(28);it is also nonessential,as it is not required for virus replication in culture(23).In animals,viruses with a deletion in N pro were attenuated and protected the animal from lethal doses of highly virulent CSFV(23).Importantly,mutant virus with a deletion in the N-terminal protease N pro abrogated the inhi-bition of interferon production observed in wild-type virus (27).In our study,we have extended these?ndings by express-ing CSFV N pro in cells,and we have found that this single viral protein not only inhibits interferon production induced by Sindbis virus but N pro expression also results in a loss of IRF3 protein which is similar to that observed in cells infected with virus.


Reagents.The rabbit anti-IRF3antibody was a gift from Michael David (UCSD,California)and was raised against amino acids107to208of human IRF3fused to glutathione S-transferase.The antibody recognizing N pro was raised in rabbits by immunizing them with peptides with the sequence KTNKQ KPMGVEEPVYDATGKPLFGDPS,which corresponds to amino acids11to37 of the Brescia strain of CSFV.Alpha and gamma tubulin antibodies were from Sigma.CSFV was stained with WH303anti-E2monoclonal antibody(9).Sindbis virus was stained with a rabbit anti-E2polyclonal antibody provided by Sondra Schessinger(Washington University Medical School,St.Louis,Missouri).The plasmid encoding green?uorescent protein(GFP)-IRF3was a kind gift from John Hiscott(McGill University,Montreal,Canada).The IRF3promoter plas-mids pIRF3-79Luc and pIRF3-80Luc,containing fragments of the5?upstream region of the IRF3gene(from KpnI to HindIII and BamHI to HindIII,respec-tively)cloned upstream of the luciferase cDNA in the pGL3basic vector(21) were a gift from Paula Pitha-Rowe(Johns Hopkins School of Medicine,Balti-more,Maryland).

Cell culture and viruses.Cells were maintained at37°C in5%CO2.PK15 cells,derived from a pig kidney,were grown in Dulbecco’s modi?ed Eagle’s medium,10%fetal calf serum(demonstrated to be BVDV free),100units/ml glutamine,and penicillin-streptomycin.The Max cell line is from an inbred NIH minipig major histocompatibility complex d/d haplotype,kindly provided by A. Saalmuller,and was grown in Iscove’s modi?ed Dulbecco’s medium,10% BVDV-free fetal calf serum,100units/ml glutamine,and penicillin-streptomycin. MDBK cells,stably transfected with a construct in which the human interferon-induced MxA promoter drives transcription of a chloramphenicol acetyltrans-ferase(CAT)cDNA(MDBK T2cells)were provided by Bryan Charleston(12). The virulent isolate of CSFV Brescia,used for all infections,was kindly provided by the Institute for Animal Science and Health,Lelystad,The Netherlands(43),and adapted for cell culture by serial passage on Max cells and PK15cells as described by Van Gennip et al.(39).Virus was isolated by freeze-thaw lysis, titrated by immunostaining with anti-E2antibody WH303(5),and used in ex-periments at a multiplicity of infection(MOI)of250%tissue culture infective doses(TCID50)per cell.Sindbis virus was generated from an infectious cDNA clone provided by Sondra Schessinger(SinTOTO1101).Brie?y,cDNA encoding the entire Sindbis virus genome was linearized with XbaI.RNA(?10kb)was transcribed in vitro with SP6RNA polymerase using the Message Machine kit (Ambion).RNA was electroporated into BHK cells,and cells were grown for 24h.Virions were harvested from the supernatant and titrated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using an anti-Sindbis virus antibody(a gift from S.Schess-inger).Sindbis virus was adapted to PK15cells and Max cells by serial passages and used to infect cells at an MOI of2TCID50per cell.In some experiments, Sindbis virus strain Edgar339obtained from the national collection of patho-genic viruses(CAMR)was used to stimulate interferon from PK15cells.

IRF3promoter transfections and luciferase assay.PK15cells were infected with CSFV for24h and then transfected with IRF3promoter plasmids,either pIRF3-79luc or pIRF3-80luc(21),using Fugene6(Roche).Cell extracts were collected48h after transfection,and the luciferase assay was performed by following the manufacturer’s instructions(Promega).

Interferon bioassay.Interferon bioactivity was measured using a sensitive reporter gene assay consisting of MDBK cells stably transfected with Mx-CAT (MDBK-t2cells)(12).Interferon was induced in PK15cells by infection with Sindbis virus or by transfection with pIpC(100?g/ml;Sigma)using Fugene6 (Roche).Cells were washed thoroughly1hour after treatment,and media were removed at the time point speci?c for each experiment.Supernatants were heated to56°C for1hour to inactivate viruses or treated with RNase to remove residual pIpC.MDBK-t2cells,maintained in10?g/ml blasticidin,were seeded into six-well plates.Cells were incubated with sample supernatants overnight. Cell extracts were prepared by repeated freezing-thawing,and the protein con-centration was measured by bicinchoninic acid(Pierce).Lysates(30?g)were assayed for CAT using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(Roche). Western blots.Total cell extracts were prepared by lysis of cells in boiling sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS)sample buffer.Protein extracts were quanti?ed with the bicinchoninic acid kit(Pierce).Cell lysates,containing equal amounts of protein,were separated on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gels and transferred to a Hybond-C membrane(Amersham).Blocking and subsequent incubation with primary and secondary antibodies were performed in5%dry skim milk dissolved in phosphate-buffered saline(PBS)and0.02%Tween20. Filters were probed overnight at4°C with the primary antibodies.After extensive washing,the immune complexes were detected with horseradish peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-rabbit or anti-mouse secondary antiserum as appropriate (Bio-Rad Laboratories)followed by an enhanced chemiluminescence reaction (Pierce).

Subcellular fractionation.PK15cells,either uninfected or infected with CSFV,were washed in PBS,scraped,and pelleted.Nuclear and cytoplasmic extracts were prepared using the ReadyPrep protein extraction kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Brie?y,the cells were resuspended in CPEB buffer,incubated30min on ice,and then passed through a syringe needle.The lysates were centrifuged,and the supernatant was kept as a cytoplasmic fraction. The nuclear pellet was resuspended in PSB buffer and then centrifuged at maximum speed.This last step was repeated twice.The last supernatant is used as a nuclear fraction extract.Equivalent amounts of cytoplasmic and nuclear protein were separated by10%SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.Proteins were transferred to a Hybond-C membrane(Amersham)and probed with the relevant antibodies.

Cloning and expression of the N-terminal protease,N pro.PK15cells were infected with CSFV at an MOI of2.0TCID50/cell for0,8,18,and24hpi.The cells were washed and lysed in Trizol(Invitrogen).Total RNA was extracted, resuspended in water,and reverse transcribed using avian myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase and random hexanucleotide primers at42°C for1hour. Ampli?cation of the N pro open reading frame with Taq polymerase(Promega) was carried out by PCR with15cycles of94°C for1min,55°C for1min,and72°C for1min using forward primer5?-ATGGAGTTGAATCATTTTGAACTTTTA TAC-3?and reverse primer5?-GCAACTGGTAACCCACAATGGACA-3?.The PCR product was cloned into pcDNA3.1and transfected into PK15cells using Fugene6(Roche).For stable expression in all cells,either cultures were grown in G418(1mg/ml;Invitrogen)for several weeks or,where indicated,cells were cotransfected with pBabe-puro(0.5?g/ml;obtained from Silvia Soddu,Regina Elena Cancer Institute)and selected for3days in puromycin(1.5?g/ml;Sigma). N pro expression was enhanced by infecting cells with vaccinia virus modi?ed


vaccinia Ankara (MVA)T7carrying the T7RNA polymerase cDNA for 24h before cell lysis.

Immunohistochemistry and ?uorescence microscopy.Porcine kidney cells (Max)were grow on 13-mm glass coverslips to 50%con?uence and infected with CSFV for 24h.Cells were then transiently transfected using Lipofectamine (Invitrogen)with a plasmid containing IRF3-GFP and left overnight before ?xing in 100%methanol,permeabilizing in 0.1%Triton X-100,and blocking in PBS containing 30%normal goat serum and 0.2%gelatin.CSFV-infected cells were stained with anti-CSFV E2antibody (WH303).Sindbis virus was stained using an anti-Sindbis virus E2antibody.In some experiments,leptomycin B was added at 10nM for 2hours before ?xing.Cells were incubated with Alexa Fluor 488-or Alexa 594-conjugated secondary antibody for 60min before being stained for 5min with 4?,6?-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)(Sigma).Cells were examined using a Nikon E800microscope or with a Leica TCS NT confocal microscope.


CSFV inhibits interferon production by a heterologous virus and by dsRNA.Interferon secreted from PK15cells was mea-sured using a sensitive bioassay in which supernatants were assayed on cells expressing the Mx-CAT reporter gene,and CAT expression was measured by enzyme-linked immunosor-bent assay.We induced interferon from PK15cells using a heterologous virus,the alphavirus Sindbis virus.The charac-teristics of Sindbis virus infection of PK15cells are shown in Fig.1a.Although there were lower viral titers and longer cell survival seen in these cells than in BHK cells,there was a substantial amount of interferon produced even by 2hpi


FIG.1.(a)Sindbis virus replication in PK15cells and kinetics of interferon production.SV induced similar levels of interferon secre-tion from PK15cells after 2,4,6,and 48hpi (left graph).The optimum virus titer was determined by decreasing dilutions from 16-fold to 1-fold (MOI of 2TCID 50/cell).PK15cells treated with heat-inacti-vated (HI)Sindbis virus did not induce interferon (right graph).(A to C)Sindbis virus replicates in CSFV-infected cells.Cells were ?xed in methanol and stained for viral proteins.(A)Cells stained with rabbit anti-E2glycoprotein from Sindbis virus and counterstained with goat anti-rabbit conjugated to Alexa 594(red);(B)cell stained for E2glycoprotein of CSFV and counterstained with goat anti-mouse Alexa 488(green);(C)merge to show both viruses replicating in same cell.(b)CSFV inhibits interferon induction by the heterologous virus,Sind-bis virus and by dsRNA.Supernatants from noninfected PK15cells (control)or PK15cells induced to produce interferon by SV or syn-thetic dsRNA (pIpC)were tested on Mx-CAT reporter cells.PK15cells were infected with CSFV for 48h,and interferon was measured in supernatants from unstimulated cells (CSFV)or after induction with the heterologous virus SV (CSFV ?SV)or with synthetic dsRNA (CSFV ?pIC).


1a,left graph).Increasing incubation times or titer of Sindbis virus did not increase interferon production.For the interferon assay,supernatants from Sindbis virus-infected PK15cells were heat treated before addition to MDBK cells to prevent the virus from inducing interferon from the reporter cell line.Heat treatment of Sindbis virus completely prevented its ability to induce interferon (Fig.1a,right graph).To determine whether Sindbis virus could superinfect and replicate in PK15cells infected with CSFV,cells were infected with CSFV for 24h and then infected with Sindbis virus overnight.Infection of both PK15cells and Max cells with CSFV at an MOI of 2TCID 50/cell resulted in 100%of cells infected with CSFV (staining for CSFV E2is shown in Fig.2D and G).For double labeling cells infected with the two viruses,cells were stained for both the E2antigen of Sindbis virus and the E2glycopro-tein of CSFV (Fig.1a,panels A to C).Both viral antigens were detected in the same cell,indicating that Sindbis virus could infect and replicate in the presence of CSFV.Sindbis virus


FIG.2.CSFV does not stimulate IRF3translocation to the nucleus.(A to C)In control experiments,Sindbis virus promoted IRF3translocation to the nucleus.Max cells were transfected with GFP-IRF3(B,green)and infected with Sindbis virus for 24h (A,stained for Sindbis virus E2in red).(C)IRF3is located in the cytoplasm of uninfected cells but is seen as nuclear speckles in Sindbis virus-infected cells.(D to F)In CSFV-infected cells,IRF3is located in the cytoplasm.CSFV-infected cells were detected with an anti-CSFV E2antibody (D).Cells were transfected with a GFP-IRF3plasmid (E),and IRF3was located to the cytoplasm of CSFV-infected cells (F).(G to I)Constitutive shuttling of IRF3to the nucleus is maintained in CSFV-infected cells.Max cells infected with CSFV for 48h (G)and transfected with GFP-IRF3(H)were treated with leptomycin B to block the nuclear export pathway.IRF3accumulated in the nucleus,demonstrating no effect of CSFV on nuclear traf?cking of IRF3(I).


levels and the titer of secreted virus were similar to those of cells infected with Sindbis virus alone.Interestingly,there was no change in the rate of cell death in cells infected with both viruses,with both CSFV-infected and uninfected PK15cells dying between24and48hpi with Sindbis virus,showing that the inhibition of interferon by CSFV had no effect on Sindbis virus-induced cell death.These results are in agreement with work on BVDV and Semliki Forest virus,an alphavirus similar to Sindbis virus,where coinfection did not block Semliki Forest virus-induced apoptosis and also enhanced plaque size(1). Sindbis virus or double-stranded RNA was then used to induce interferon from CSFV-infected cells.Both control PK15cells and those infected with CSFV did not secrete in-terferon(Fig.1b;5).Infection with Sindbis virus(SV)for2h or transfection with pIpC for2h induced interferon,measured as pg/ml of CAT from the Mx-CAT reporter cells(Fig.1b). Preinfection with CSFV inhibited interferon production in-duced by both the heterologous virus(SV)and dsRNA treat-ment(pIpC).We went on to characterize the mechanism of inhibition of interferon synthesis.

IRF3does not translocate to the nucleus in CSFV-infected cells.It has been shown that in cells infected with the related pestivirus BVDV,IRF3translocates to the nucleus but does not bind to DNA and induce interferon(1).We investigated the subcellular distribution of IRF3in cells infected with

CSFV.The localization of IRF3was monitored using a plas-mid encoding an IRF3-GFP fusion protein(20).In control experiments,the IRF3plasmid was transfected into cells over-night,and these cells were then infected for24h with Sindbis virus(Fig.2A to C).In uninfected cells,IRF3localization was predominantly in the cytoplasm.In each cell infected with Sindbis virus,IRF3was translocated from the cytoplasm to the nucleus.In contrast,in CSFV-infected cells(Fig.2D to F), IRF3remained predominantly in the cytoplasm,although oc-casional cells show some nuclear localization.This suggests that there is no change in the localization of IRF3in CSFV-infected cells compared to unstimulated cells,where IRF3 constitutively cycles between the cytoplasm and the nucleus, with cytoplasmic localization predominating.In the next ex-periment,we treated CSFV-infected cells with leptomycin B to prevent the nuclear export of IRF3.IRF3accumulated in the nucleus of CSFV-infected cells(Fig.2G to I).Uninfected PK15cells treated with leptomycin B showed an accumulation of GFP-IRF3in the nucleus identical to that of CSFV-infected cells(data not shown).These results show that IRF3was able to shuttle into the nucleus in CSFV-infected cells,demonstrat-ing that traf?cking of this factor is not blocked during infection. Taken together,the results indicate that infection with CSFV does not provide an effective signal for IRF3nuclear translo-cation and retention and that IRF3distribution in CSFV-infected cells is similar to that seen in uninfected cells.

IRF3is lost from PK15cells infected with CSFV.We showed above that IRF3is not translocated to the nucleus following CSFV infection.In the next experiments,IRF3pro-tein was analyzed biochemically by Western blot analysis in the nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions.As with the human protein, porcine IRF3was detected by Western analysis of PK15cell lysates as a doublet of53to55kDa(Fig.3).In uninfected cells, IRF3was seen in the cytoplasm and not in the nuclear fraction (Fig.3,top panel).The same samples were probed with an anti-alpha tubulin antibody to con?rm the purity of the cyto-plasmic fractions.In CSFV-infected cells,IRF3was also seen in the cytoplasm and not the nucleus,and moreover,there was a decrease in IRF3protein seen in the cytoplasm compared to uninfected cells.We did not detect multiple forms of IRF3 migrating faster than the two basal forms on denaturing or native gels in either the nuclear or cytoplasmic fraction follow-ing CSFV infection.The biochemical fractionation data con-?rm the results with GFP-IRF3(Fig.2),showing that infection with CSFV does not stimulate translocation of IRF3to the nucleus.In addition,it showed that IRF3is lost directly from the cytoplasm of CSFV-infected cells without prior activation through phosphorylation and translocation to the nucleus The expression of the two forms of IRF3at53to55kDa was monitored over a time course of infection with CSFV(Fig.4). The higher-molecular-weight protein was always more abun-dant than the smaller protein in these cells.In HeLa cells,two protein forms have been identi?ed,the lower-molecular-weight form(form I)represented nonphosphorylated IRF3, while the higher-molecular-weight form(form II)may repre-sent a form phosphorylated on the N terminus,which does not appear to activate the factor(30).Interestingly,by20hpi,there was signi?cantly less of the IRF3protein doublet.By22hpi, the upper form had completely disappeared,with the lower form remaining but at a reduced level(Fig.4,top).Expression of viral protein in these same samples was then checked using an antipeptide antibody to N pro.N pro is cleaved from the CSFV polyprotein to give a?nal protein product of19kDa.A 19-kDa protein appeared at8hpi and increased up to24hpi. Hence,IRF3protein levels decreased at a time when viral protein expression was increasing.

After activation by Sendai virus and double-stranded RNA, IRF3has been shown to be degraded by the proteasome(20, 32).Therefore,we added the proteasome inhibitor MG132 and inhibitors of cellular proteases,including the cysteine

pro-FIG.3.Subcellular fractionation of CSFV-infected cell lysates shows a loss of IRF3from cytoplasm.Lysates from PK15cells either uninfected(?)or24hpi with CSFV(?)were separated into nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions and analyzed by immunoblotting.(Upper panels)IRF3was detected as a doublet at53to55kDa.There was a decrease in the cytoplasmic form of IRF3following CSFV infection. (Middle panels)Subcellular fractionation was assessed using an anti-?-tubulin antibody to show separation of the nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins.(Lower panels)?-Tubulin shows equal lane loading of cyto-plasmic and nuclear extracts.


tease inhibitor E64D and serine protease inhibitors,at 18hpi with CSFV.None of these protease inhibitors was able to block loss of IRF3(data not shown).We investigated whether the loss of IRF3was due to transcriptional down-regulation of the IRF3gene.The promoter region of the IRF3gene,either pIRF3-79from KpnI-HindIII or pIRF3-80from BamHI-Hin-dIII cloned upstream of luciferase,was transfected into PK15cells (Fig.4,bottom).The promoter was found to have basal expression in these cells similar to that seen in human cells (21).When transfected into cells infected with CSFV for 48hpi,basal activity was inhibited to 20%of control values in CSFV-infected cells.The loss of IRF3protein from CSFV-infected cells was therefore due to down-regulation of tran-scription from the IRF3gene.

Expression of the N-terminal protease N pro inhibits inter-feron production and promotes loss of IRF3.Previous work (27)using a recombinant virus with a deletion of the open reading frame of the N-terminal protein N pro showed that this virus no longer inhibited interferon production and dsRNA-induced apoptosis.These workers suggested that N pro plays an important part in innate immune evasion.We investigated whether expression of N pro alone could inhibit interferon in-duction by a heterologous virus (Fig.5).Two types of cell lines were developed.In the ?rst experiment,PK15cells were co-transfected with a plasmid encoding N pro and with pBabe-puro (experiment 1).In this experiment,PK15cells expressing N pro were selected in puromycin for 3days [PK15(N pro )].In exper-iments 2to 4,cells were transfected with N pro in pcDNA3and stable transfectants were selected for by treatment with G418for several weeks.The experiments differed in the length of Sindbis virus infection (see the legend to Fig.5).The cloned cell lines expressing N pro were analyzed for constitutive secre-tion of interferon by testing supernatants on the MDBKt2Mx-CAT reporter cell line.Expression of N pro without stimu-lation of PK15(N pro )cells did not induce interferon (Fig.5).

Infection of PK15cells with Sindbis virus stimulated interferon production,as shown in Fig. 1.Signi?cantly,however,PK15(N pro )cells infected with Sindbis virus for 3.5h (experi-ments 1,2,and 4)or 48h (experiment 3)showed very little induction of interferon.Individual experiments are shown be-cause of the variation on Sindbis virus-induced interferon from control PK15cells.

We checked that N pro was being expressed in the cloned cell lines by analyzing RNA and protein production (Fig.6).RNA levels of N pro determined by reverse transcription-PCR were high in PK15(N pro )cells,expressing more N pro RNA than


FIG.4.IRF3loss from CSFV-infected cells is through inhibition of gene transcription.(Top)Time course of infection of PK15cells with CSFV.(Upper panels)IRF3protein,seen as a doublet at 53to 55kDa,is lost from cells from 18hpi with CSFV;(Middle panels)CSFV infection of cells was monitored using an antipeptide antibody to N pro and shows an increase in viral gene expression from 8hpi;(Lower panels)equal lane loading is shown by probing the same samples for ?-tubulin using mouse anti-?-tubulin antibody.(Bottom)Transcrip-tional inhibition of the IRF3gene.IRF3promoter plasmids (pIRF3-79Luc and pIRF3-80Luc)were transfected into uninfected PK15cells or PK15cells 24hpi with CSFV.CSFV infection inhibited IRF3gene transcription to 20%of the basal


FIG.5.N pro -expressing cells [PK(N pro )]show decrease in Sindbis virus-induced interferon production.The graph shows secretion of interferon from control cells (PK15)or after induction with Sindbis virus (PK15?SV)and from cell stably expressing N pro without inducer [PK15(Npro)]and following induction with Sindbis virus [PK(Npro)?SV].In experiment 1,cells were selected for 3days in 0.5?g/ml puromycin and challenged with Sindbis virus for 3.5h.In ex-periments 2to 4,cells were selected in G418and challenged with Sindbis virus for 3.5h (experiments 2and 4)or 48h (experiment 3).Interferon produced from supernatants of PK15cells expressing N pro were measured on Mx A-CAT reporter cells measured as pg/ml.


equivalent amount of RNA from CSFV-infected cells (Fig.6A).However N pro protein levels were low in PK15(N pro )cells.Protein levels were only detectable when cells were infected with vaccinia virus MVA T7,enabling the expression of T7RNA polymerase to enhance the level of N pro being produced by the N pro pcDNA3plasmid (Fig.6B).Lysates from PK15(N pro )cells were probed for IRF3.Interestingly,very little IRF3was detected compared to control cells transfected with vector alone (Fig.6C).In PK15(N pro )cells,the lower-molecular-weight form has completely disappeared,leaving reduced amounts of the higher-molecular-weight form of IRF3.These results correspond to the effect seen in CSFV-infected cells.However,at 24hpi with CSFV,the higher-molecular-weight form of IRF3disappears,leaving reduced amounts of the lower-molecular-weight form of IRF3.


In this study,we have identi?ed a novel mechanism for CSFV evasion of the host innate immune response to infec-tion.CSFV infection can potently block the synthesis of inter-feron induced by two pathways,a heterologous virus,Sindbis virus,and by double-stranded RNA.Sindbis virus stimulates

the translocation of IRF3into the nucleus,where it plays a crucial role in the production of interferon by forming part of the enhanceosome complex that binds upstream of the beta interferon promoter.IRF3is also a crucial regulator of other proin?ammatory genes with ISRE sites,including RANTES,ISG15,ISG56,and interleukin-15.An IRF3-GFP fusion pro-tein was translocated into the nucleus following Sindbis virus infection and was found as discrete dots which may represent a distinct nuclear subcompartment.Although large amounts of interferon were induced by Sindbis virus,higher-molecular-weight phosphorylated forms of IRF3were not detected even on native gels.Phosphorylation on C-terminal serine residues of IRF3is a characteristic of activation by negative-stranded RNA viruses such as measles virus and Sendai virus (3).Sind-bis virus,a positive-stranded RNA virus,may activate different signaling pathways to IRF3than paramyxoviruses.In contrast to Sindbis virus,CSFV did not change the cellular distribution of IRF3,which was seen predominantly in the cytoplasm of infected cells.However,IRF3was able to translocate to the nucleus,since leptomycin B treatment led to nuclear accumu-lation of IRF3,thus indicating that CSFV infection did not impede nuclear traf?cking.Signi?cantly,not only did infection with CSFV fail to activate IRF3but we also showed that this factor,essential for the transcription of interferon,was lost from the cytoplasm of infected cells by 24hpi.Proteolytic inhibitors,including proteasome inhibitors,did not affect the rate of loss of IRF3,suggesting that IRF3was not being de-graded.We show a novel transcriptional down-regulation of the IRF3gene following CSFV infection.The transcriptional down-regulation of IRF3is a late event in infection,occurring after 18hpi,at a time when viral proteins are synthesized.Importantly,this mechanism does not explain how the imme-diate induction of interferon on CSFV entry into cells is in-hibited.We have shown for Sindbis virus that interferon can be detected in supernatants as rapidly as 2hpi.One would expect CSFV infection to have other mechanisms to inhibit this early increase in interferon secretion.Several viruses have been re-ported to have more than one mechanism to block host inter-ferons (22,24).Since IRF3is also important for mediating virus-induced apoptosis (15),loss of IRF3may play an impor-tant part in the establishment of the persistence of CSFV in vitro.Persistently infected cells are resistant to dsRNA-in-duced apoptosis (5),and whether this is due to lack of IRF3remains to be determined.Cells chronically infected with CSFV survive and divide normally for many weeks and have the same growth properties as uninfected cells (5).This is also the case for dominant-negative IRF3cell lines,which survive as normal,except that they do not produce interferon in re-sponse to virus (17,44).The mechanism of loss of transcription during CSFV infection is unknown.As well as effects on the IRF3gene,there may be general effect on host transcription,as yet unde?ned.In the case of Rift Valley fever virus,the transcription factor TFIIH is targeted,leading to suppression of host cellular RNA synthesis (6,19).

In contrast to other ?aviviruses,members of the Pestivirus genus encode an extra protein at the N terminus,N pro ,and we show here for CSFV that this protein is crucial to suppressing interferon production.N pro is an important virulence factor,since deletion leads to attenuation of the virus (23).Deletion of the N pro gene from the virus-induced interferon in


FIG.6.IRF3is lost from cells stably expressing the CSFV N pro gene.(A)Reverse transcription-PCR showing RNA levels of N pro in PK15cells (?),PK15cells infected with CSFV (csfv),and PK15stably transfected with N pro (Npro).(Upper panels)N pro -transfected cells express high levels of N pro RNA;(Lower panels)actin RNA shows equal lane loading.(B)Western blot showing N pro protein expression in CSFV-infected cells (csfv),control cells transfected with vector alone (vector),and PK15(N pro )cells.N pro protein is highly expressed as a 19-kDa protein in CSFV-infected cells (csfv),not detectable in control cells transfected with vector alone (lower vector band is a nonspeci?c band seen with this antibody).Expression of N pro was enhanced in PK15(N pro )cells from the T7promoter using vaccinia virus MVA T7(MVA).(C)Western blot showing disappearance of IRF3from PK15(N pro )cells.Control PK15cells (?)or cells infected with CSFV 24hpi (csfv)or transfected with empty vector (vector)or N pro (Npro)were lysed,and equal amounts of protein were blotted with anti-IRF3antibody.IRF3protein is detected as a doublet at 53to 55kDa.The higher-molecular-mass form of IRF3disappears from CSFV-infected cells,while most of the higher form and all of the lower form disappear from PK15cells expressing N pro but not from cells expressing vector alone.


phages and PK15cells in the absence of dsRNA(27).Here we demonstrate that expression of N pro alone was suf?cient to cause inhibition of Sindbis virus and pIpC-induced interferon synthesis and loss of IRF3protein.N pro is a cysteine-like au-toprotease with subtilisin-like activity(28).There is no known inhibitor,and the only known site of cleavage is between itself and the core protein.Although it is possible that N pro proteo-lytic activity degrades IRF3directly in cells,the time course of expression suggests that N pro has an indirect effect on the loss of IRF3,possibly targeting a factor involved in its transcrip-tion.

The list of viral proteins which inhibit IRF3is growing and includes the nonstructural proteins NS1and NS2of bovine respiratory syncytial virus,which block the activity of an IRF3-driven plasmid and phosphorylation of IRF3(7)and the NS1 protein of in?uenza virus(37).The Ebola virus VP35protein also inhibits activation of IRF3through inhibition of IRF-3 phosphorylation and subsequent dimerization(4).In the Bu-nyaviridae family,the NSs proteins of Bunyamwera virus and Rift Valley hemorrhagic fever virus were shown to block IRF-3-dependent promoter activity(6,17).This is the?rst demon-stration of transcriptional inhibition of IRF3by a virus involv-ing a speci?c viral protein,N pro.It remains to be determined which cellular factors are inactivated by this interesting pesti-virus protein.


We thank the following people for reagents:Sondra Schlesinger (Washington University Medical School,St.Louis,Missouri)for Sind-bis virus reagents,John Hiscott(McGill University,Montreal,Canada) for GFP-IRF3,Paula Pitha Rowe(Johns Hopkins School of Medicine) for IRF3reporter constructs,Bryan Charleston(IAH)for Mx-CAT T2 cells,Michael David(UCD,California)for the anti-IRF3antibody, Silvia Soddu(Regina Elena Institute)for pBabe puro,and Armin Saalmuller(Tubingen,Germany)for the Max cell line.

This work was partly funded by the BBSRC and by DEFRA grant SE0773.



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原核、真核表达载体构建 真核表达载体和原核表达载体的区别:主要是因为原核和真核表达系统所需的表达元件不同。 比如说启动子,终止子在两种表达系统中是不一样的。 带有真核表达元件的是真核载体,能在真核生物内表达; 带有原核表达元件的是原核载体,能在原核生物内表达。两者都具有的为穿梭载体。 ㈠原核表达载体指:能携带插入的外源核酸序列进入原核细胞中进行复制的载体。 原核表达载体调控原件 1.启动子 启动子是DNA链上一段能与RNA聚合酶结合并起始RNA合成的序列,它是基因表达不可缺少的重要调控序列。没有启动子,基因就不能转录。由于细菌RNA聚合酶不能识别真核基因的启动子,因此原核表达载体所用的启动子必须是原核启动子。原核启动子是由两段彼此分开且又高度保守的核苷酸序列组成,对mRNA的合成极为重要。在转录起始点上游5~10 bp处,有一段由6~8个碱基组成,富含A和T的区域,称为Pribnow 盒,又名TATA 盒或-10区。来源不同的启动子,Pribnow 盒的碱基顺序稍有变化。在距转录起始位点上游35 bp 处,有一段由10 bp组成的区域,称为-35区。转录时大肠杆菌RNA聚合酶识别并结合启动子。-35区与RNA聚合酶s亚基结合,-10区与RNA聚合酶的核心酶结合,在转录起始位点附近DNA被解旋形成单链,RNA聚合酶使第一和第二核苷酸形成磷酸二酯键,以后在RNA聚合酶作用下向前推进,形成新生的RNA 链。原核表达系统中通常使用的可调控的启动子有Lac(乳糖启动子)、Trp(色氨酸启动子)、Tac(乳糖和色氨酸的杂合启动子) 、lPL (l噬菌体的左向启动子)、T7噬菌体启动子等。 2. SD序列 1974年Shine和Dalgarno首先发现,在mRNA上有核糖体的结合位点,它们是起始密码子AUG和一段位于AUG上游3~10 bp处的由3~9 bp组成的序列。这段序列富含嘌呤核苷酸,刚好与16S rRNA 3¢末端的富含嘧啶的序列互补,是核糖体RNA的识别与结合位点。以后将此序列命名为Shine-Dalgarno序列,简称SD序列。它与起始密码子AUG之间的距离是影响mRNA转录、翻译成蛋白的重要因素之一,某些蛋白质与SD序列结合也会影响mRNA与核糖体的结合,从而影响蛋白质的翻译。另外,真核基因的第二个密码子必须紧接在ATG 之后,才能产生一个完整的蛋白质。 3.终止子 在一个基因的3¢末端或是一个操纵子的3'末端往往有特定的核苷酸序列,且具有终止转录功能,这一序列称之为转录终止子,简称终止子(terminator)。转录终止过程包括:RNA聚合酶停在DNA模板上不再前进,RNA的延伸也停止在终止信号上,完成转录的RNA从RNA聚合酶上释放出来。对RNA聚合酶起


重组HER2真核表达载体的构建及其稳定转 染EMT6细胞株的筛选 作者:徐腾飞, 张文卿, 于红, 李丹 【摘要】目的: 构建人表皮生长因子受体(HER2)胞外区(1 896 bp)基因的真核表达质粒(pcDNA6/v5his HER2), 转染小鼠乳腺癌细胞(EMT6), 获得其稳定表达细胞株(EMT6/ HER2)。方法: 用PCR方法从含HER2全长基因的pcDNA3.1HER2质粒上扩增HER2胞外区基因序列; 经酶切、连接构建pcDNA6/v5his HER2; 转化大肠杆菌DH5α, 筛选阳性克隆, 对其进行酶切及测序鉴定; 以PEI法将pcDNA6/v5his HER2导入EMT6小鼠乳腺癌细胞, 经杀稻瘟菌素(Blasticidin)筛选1~2周, 获得抗性克隆EMT6/HER2; 用RT PCR检测EMT6/HER2中HER2 mRNA, 免疫组化法检测其HER2蛋白的表达。结果: PCR产物与预期片段大小一致; pcDNA6/v5his HER2经酶切、琼脂糖凝胶电泳后, 可见与PCR产物大小相同的片段; DNA测序结果显示, pcDNA6/v5his HER2 中HER2 基因序列无误, 读码框正确; 用RT PCR可在EMT6/HER2中检测到HER2 mRNA, 免疫组化法证实, EMT6/HER2中有HER2的阳性信号。结论: 成功地构建了HER2胞外区真核表达载体, 获得稳定表达HER2基因的小鼠乳腺癌EMT6细胞株, 为进一步研究HER2基因过表达与乳腺癌发生的关系及其基因治疗奠定基础。

【关键词】HER2; 真核表达; 转染 [Abstract]AIM: To construct an eukaryotic vector encoding extracellular domain of human epidermal growth factor receptors (HER2), pcDNA6/v5his HER2, and to screen HER2 positive clones from mouse breast cancer cell line EMT6. METHODS: The extracellular domain of HER2 was amplified from pcDNA3.1HER2 by PCR. pcDNA6/v5 his HER2 was prepared by inserting the fragment into the plasmid pcDNA6/v5his. Then the recombinant vector was identified by restriction enzyme and sequencing. Next, pcDNA6/v5his HER2 was transfected into the EMT6 cell line and the positive clones (EMT6/HER2) were screened with blasticidin. Finally, the expression of HER2 in EMT6/HER2 was detected by RT PCR and immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: The fragment of HER2 was amplified and pcDNA6/v5his HER2 was prepared successfully. No errors were found both in the sequence and ORF of the acquired fragment. The expected fragment of HER2 (1896 bp) was amplified from EMT6/HER2 by RT PCR and positive signals of HER2 were detected in EMT6/HER2 by immunohistochemistry. CONCLUSION: An eukaryotic plasmid encoding HER2 (pcDNA6/v5 his HER2) has been constructed and a cell line expressing HER2 stably has been prepared successfully.


本文目录络文明演讲稿络文明演讲稿英语之星的演讲稿: 络文明 计算机互联作为开放式信息传播和交流的工具,已经走进了我们的学习和生活。从它刚刚兴起直到现在的风靡一时,年青的我们凭着对新鲜事物特有的接受能力,一直都是它忠实的应用者,无论是学习、休闲还是交流,络都发挥了不可替代的作用。络是把“双刃剑”在给我们带来利处的同时,由于我们辨别是非的经验不足,一些络糟粕也随之侵袭着我们的心灵。到底怎么样才算是文明上 ?反过来络最大的文明又应该是什么? 其实,关于络所出现的问题,早已引起了家长、学校和社会的关注,年11月,团等8个单位发布了《全国青少年络文明公约》,提倡"要善于上学习,不浏览不良信息; 要诚实友好交流,不侮辱欺诈他人;要增强自我保护意识,不随意约会友;要维护络安全,不破坏络秩序;要有益身心健康,不沉溺虚拟时空。"只要我们正确健康地上,络就会成为我们学习知识、交流思想、休闲娱乐的重要平台。现在,我们不仅学校有电脑,而且很多家庭都有了电脑,那我们在使用络时该注意什么呢? 善于上学习,不浏览不良信息。现在人们对我们中学生上有一种普遍的看法:即不是玩游戏就是聊天。其实,上学习,天地宽广。在上学习,可以查关于学习的资料,也可以在bb 上与同学交流学习的经验。这样好的条件,何乐而不为呢?但凡是不良信息的站,不应该浏览;不健康的聊天室,都应该马上离开;如果不小心点击出了不健康的页面,应该马上关闭。 络语言尤其是对于正处于青春期与成长期的我们而言具有强烈的吸引力。青少年永远是时尚和流行的载体与传播者,络上的个性也在我们身上表现的淋漓尽致。络语言这些独特的表达方式,反映了我们的个性和联想能力。这从一个侧面反映了我们的特征——年轻的心态和不拘一格的想法。但是自从“第四媒体”互连出现以后,任何一个连接到互连的人都能够把自己的言论传播到络上去。络在带来发表言论,表达思想机会的同时,也导致了“滥言时代”。络的虚拟性,使的埋藏在人们心底的许多东西都迸发了出来,特别是许多不健康,不文明的东西,“反正都不认识现实的我,我想怎么说就怎么说”,许多人正是抱着这种想法,成为了不文明事物和行为的传播者,甚至是始作俑者。作为我们青少年应严格规范要求自己,坚决抵制上使用不文明用语,在络上不讲脏话不带粗口,做到时时使用络文明语言,在无限宽广的络天地里,倡导青少年络文明新风,为营造健康的络道德环境做己的努力。 上时文明守法是我们在场的每一位红岭人必需做到的。我们应遵守络道德规范,懂得基本的对与错、是与非,增强络道德意识,辨明上的善恶、美丑,在上不应随便发表不负责任的言论。前段时间在《高楼坠落玻璃块砸死过路小学生》一文登出后,福田某中学高三学生胡某发帖自称“肇事者”,经民和警方一路追踪发现竟是恶作剧。尽管只是场恶作剧,但是18岁的胡某还是为他的行为付出了代价。由于其发布帖子后,一方面造成了严重的社会影响,同时也干扰了警方对案件的正常侦查。根据《治安管理处罚法》的有关规定,警方依法对胡某采取了治安拘留。这也给我们敲响了警钟。 尊敬的老师,同学们: 大家好!


构建目的基因的真核表达载体实战操作 最后更新:2010-5-16 阅读次数:451 【字体:小中大】 目的:构建目的基因的真核表达载体 一.PCR扩增得到目的片段 1.引物的设计与合成: 这里有很多血与泪的教训。我前后一共送过九个载体测序,其中居然有五个是引物出错。最后一次挑的两个克隆都是上游引物出错(此上游引物40个碱基),后来和这家引物公司交涉,他们拿走了我的板子,一次送了五个克隆测序,三个是上游引物出错,两个是正确的克隆,60%的出错率。 现在想想,有几点教训: (1)尽量避免长引物的合成。越长意味着出错的几率越大,哪家公司都这样 (2)选择一家质量可靠的公司,千万别在这省钱,引物再贵也花不了多少钱,可一轮构建下来,一测序发现引物错了,不知白扔了多少钱不说,那种心情实在是难以收拾 (3)一旦发现引物有问题,及时换公司,我就让他们拿回去又是纯化又是重新合成过,结果还是错,时间咱耽误不起 2.Pfu酶扩增: (1)扩增效率低的问题: 往往taq酶扩的很好,一换成pfu就是扩不出来。解决办法:a延长延伸时间(我1.2kb用3分15秒才扩出来),并适当增加循环数;b多试几家的pfu,总有一家能扩出来;c多设计几对引物试试,总有一对能扩出来,因为pfu有外切活性,可否适当的延长引物的3’互补端;d构建中间载体:一旦用某一对引物能扩出来,把此目的片段连接t-easy中间载体,测序正确后,即可以此中间载体做pcr扩增的模板。实践证明以此中间载体为模板的pfu扩增效率远远高于以cDNA为模板。 (2)pfu保真性的问题: 即使是pfu,也会出错。现在各家公司都有号称高保真的pfu酶出售,价格不一。虽然都是pfu,但质量不不见得一样,在都能扩增出来的情况下,选择信誉好的公司的pfu。我用的是一家小公司的pfu,很便宜,100u才80块钱,但我1.2kb的片段却频频出错。所以万不可在酶上省那百十块钱,最后花了大钱不说,还浪费了时间精力。 3.cDNA模板的问题: 在pfu摸条件这一步往往要耗费大量cDNA模板,因此在开始要准备足够的cDNA。100ul,200ul都不为过。新提取的RNA证明很好的话,就再多逆转录几管,我的RNA在-80℃放了两个月再逆转录就扩增不出目的片段了。当然这其中可能有很多原因,酶的问题,RNA 的降解等等,但是当你做PCR做到很烦的时候,发现cDNA模板不够了,又重新养细胞提RNA是一件非常痛苦的事情。 二.酶切的问题: 用于构建的酶切一定要非常充分! 新买回来的酶要分装,用于“酶切后回收”和“酶切鉴定”的酶要分开。因为用于“酶切鉴定”时,只要能切出来就行了,而用于“酶切后回收再做连接”的酶一定要保证切的充分,才能提高连接效率,更重要的是减少筛选时的麻烦!我有一段时间连挑了三十多个克隆都是空载体,当然一方面怪我没有做载体自连的阴性对照,及时发现这一问题,另一方面酶反复从冰箱拿出来活性下降酶切效率降低,导致大量的载体自身连接。我觉得内切酶这东西还是挺娇气的,所以还是建议大家新酶分装,用于“酶切鉴定”的可稍放松,用于“酶切后回收”的酶一定要尽量减少冻融次数,并尽量减少在室温放置的时间。 三.PCR产物直接酶切:


文明网络演讲稿4篇Civilized network speech document 编订:JinTai College

文明网络演讲稿4篇 小泰温馨提示:演讲稿是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,体现着演讲的目的和手段,用来交流思想、感情,表达主张、见解;也可以用来介绍自己的学习、工作情况和经验等等;同时具有宣传、鼓动、教育和欣赏等作用,可以把演讲者的观点、主张与思想感情传达给听众以及读者,使他们信服并在思想感情上产生共鸣。本文档根据演讲稿内容要求展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:文明网络演讲稿 2、篇章2:网络文明演讲稿 3、篇章3:文明网络演讲稿 4、篇章4:英语之星的演讲稿网络文明 篇章1:文明网络演讲稿 遵守网络文明公约争做文明上网人

计算机互联网作为开放式信息传播和交流的工具,已经 走进了我们的学习和生活。从它刚刚兴起直到现在的风靡一时,年青的我们凭着对新鲜事物特有的接受能力,一直都是它忠实的应用者,无论是学习、休闲还是交流,网络都发挥了不可替代的作用。网络是把“双刃剑”在给我们带来利处的同时,由于我们辨别是非的经验不足,一些网络糟粕也随之侵袭着我们的心灵。到底怎么样才算是文明上网?反过来网络最大的文明又应该是什么? 其实,关于网络所出现的问题,早已引起了家长、学校 和社会的关注,XX年11月,团中央等8个单位发布了《全国 青少年网络文明公约》,提倡"要善于网上学习,不浏览不良 信息;要诚实友好交流,不侮辱欺诈他人;要增强自我保护意识,不随意约会网友;要维护网络安全,不破坏网络秩序;要有益身心健康,不沉溺虚拟时空。"只要我们正确健康地上网,网络就会成为我们学习知识、交流思想、休闲娱乐的重要平台。现在,我们不仅学校有电脑,而且很多家庭都有了电脑,那我们在使用网络时该注意什么呢? 善于网上学习,不浏览不良信息。现在人们对我们中学 生上网有一种普遍的看法:即不是玩游戏就是聊天。其实,网上学习,天地宽广。在网上学习,可以查关于学习的资料,也


?学术交流?pcDNA3-hN GFb真核表达载体的构建及其表达 邓兴力 杨智勇 董坚 王廷华 徐丹 冯忠堂 【摘要】 目的 构建人神经生长因子β(N GF-β)基因真核表达载体并观察其在L929细胞内的表 达。方法 以R T-PCR从人脑组织总RNA中扩增N GF-βcDNA,将其克隆到真核表达载体pcD2 NA3中,经酶切鉴定和序列分析后,以Lipofectamine2000介导转染L929细胞,应用免疫细胞化学和 western blot鉴定N GF-β在细胞内的表达。结果 R T-PCR产物为750bp的特异片段,重组质粒 pcDNA3-hN GFb酶切后产生750bp和5.2kb的片段,DNA测序证实750bp片段的碱基序列与人 N GF-βcDNA完全一致。将其转染L929细胞后,免疫细胞化学、western blot结果表明N GF-β及其 前体proN GF-β能在真核细胞中正确表达。结论 成功构建了重组真核表达质粒pcDNA3-hN GFb, 为后续的研究奠定基础。 【关键词】 神经生长因子; 真核表达; 重组质粒; 转染 C onstru ction o f recombinant plasmid pcDN A32hNG Fb and its exp ression DEN G Xing2li,Yang Zhi2yong, DO N G J ian,et al. De partment of N eurosurgery,1st A f f iliated Hos pital of Kunming Medical College,Kunming650032,China 【Abstract】 Objective To construct the eukaryotic expression recombinant plasmid pcDNA3- hN GFb and investigate its expression in L929cells.Methods The cDNA of human nerve growth factor beta subunit(N GF-β)was amplified by R T-PCR from human brain tissue.By gene recombination technique,human N GF-βcDNA was inserted into eukaryotic expression vector pcDNA3.The recombi2 nant plasmid was verified with restriction enzyme digestion and DNA sequencing.Transfected the recom2 binant vector into L929cells with Lipofectamine2000transfection reagent.The expression of N GF-β was analyzed by immunocytochemistery as well as western blot.R esults The R T-PCR product is 750bp specific segment.By restriction enzyme digestion,the recombinant plasmid was digested into 750bp and5.2kb f ragments.DNA sequence result showed the750bp f ragment was identical with human N GF-βcDNA in GenBank.Immunocytochemistery and western blot showed the N GF-βwas expressed successfully in L929cells.Conclusions The recombinant plasmid pcDNA3-hN GFb was constructed successfully,which will provide the foundation for f urther research. 【K ey w ords】 Nerve growth factor(N GF);Eukaryotic expression;Recombinant plasmid;T ransfection 中图分类号:R741 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100926574(2008)022******* 神经生长因子(nerve growt h factor,N GF)是神经营养因子家族中最早被发现也是迄今为止研究得最为深入的细胞生长因子。N GF在体内首先以其前体的形式合成,随后在各种蛋白酶的作用下裂解为成熟体[1]。最近研究表明,N GF前体(p roN GF)具有与成熟N GF相反的生物学活性,其通过作用于p75N TR受体及sortilin受体介导包括神经细胞内的多种细胞凋亡[2-5]。本研究将构建人N GF-β基因真核表达质粒pcDNA3-hN GFb,并研究其在L929细胞中的表达情况,为进一步研究p roN GF的 作者单位:650032昆明医学院第一附属医院神经外科(邓兴力,杨志勇),生物治疗中心(董坚);昆明医学院神经科学研究所(王廷华、徐丹、冯忠堂) 作者简介:邓兴力(1979-),男,博士研究生。研究方向:细胞移植治疗帕金森病的研究。 通讯作者:冯忠堂 fzt@https://www.360docs.net/doc/729705035.html, 生物学功能奠定实验基础。 1 材料与方法 1.1 材料  1.1.1 质粒、细菌与脑组织 真核表达质粒载体pcDNA3由昆明医学院第一附属医院生物治疗研究中心保存;小鼠成纤维细胞系L929、E.coli D H5α由昆明医学院神经科学研究所保存;人脑肿瘤旁组织由昆明医学院第一附属医院神经外科提供。 1.1.2 主要试剂与工具酶 TRIzol,Lipofectamine 2000Reagent,G418,RPM I1640培养基,小牛血清(Invitrogen);Hind,xho,T4DNA Ligase,Calf In2 testine Alkaline Phosp hotase,First Strand cDNA Synt hesis K it,High Fidelity PCR Enzyme Mix(MB I Fermentas);凝胶回收试剂盒,DNA纯化试剂盒,质粒DNA提取试剂盒(OM EGA);DNA MA KER DL2000,DNA MA KERλ-Eco T14(Takara);6×


男:同学们,在开班会之前,我们想问大家几个熟悉的问题:你的QQ号是多少?你的农场几级了?牧场呢?梦幻西游呢? 女:现在随着中国社会的不断发展,人们的生活也逐渐富裕起来,网络也跟着在社会中流行,融入到了我们的生活中去,而且扩张的范围极大,尤其是对于中学生来说更是对“网络”爱不释手。 男:上个星期,我就问过几个中学生对告别网吧的看法,他们中的一些坚定的摇了头,并说出了一大堆上网的好处,而且反问我:“你不是也经常上网吗?”,于是,我产生了几个思考:告别网吧,是不是就等于告别了网络呢?告别网吧,这现实吗?我们的中学生在接触网络时,该如何把持自己呢? 女:老师曾经说过,21世纪是知识经济的时代,是网络的时代,是人类数字化生存的时代,电脑和网络,是每一个学生都尽可能掌握的一门课程。在美国等西方国家,四五年级的学生都能够熟练地使用电脑、网络来查阅资料,学习知识。相比之下,让我们中学生告别网络的做法,我想在坐的同学没有一个会同意。 男:但我们的法律为什么又规定“禁止未成年人进入网吧” 呢?首先,我们不能把“网络”等同于“网吧”。第二,表面禁止的同时,深含对我们未成年人的身心保护。我们中

学生自制能力差,一旦迷恋网吧便不能自拔,导致学业无成,甚至是猝死网吧。这类的现象时有耳闻,如果事件发生,我们便总认为这是因无知而犯下的错误,但也为时已晚了。 女:“禁止未成年人进入网吧”是为了让我们的学生少犯或不犯相同的错误,让更多的人来关爱我们这些未成年人。 不接触网吧,我们同样可以接触网络,比如:通过家 庭的个人电脑、学校电脑室的电脑等。 男:当然,作为孩子的我,完全能够理解为什么有的人家里有电脑,但他还要去网吧。刚才也说到我们自制能 力差,只要用上电脑,便会觉得时间如白驹过隙,不 管用多久,都觉得不够。所以,每当感到刚玩了一会,就会听到父母说“你都玩了几个小时了!该去写写作业 了吧!”“你看看都几点了,还在玩?明天不用上学啊?” “你玩什么呢?这么聚精会神?要是学习也这样,还至 于几百多名吗”“你作业写完了也不能玩这么久啊!复习 去!”“作业写完了吧?来,别玩了,考考你学过的英文单 词。”“哎呀......忙了一天了,累死我了,别玩了,去把衣 服晾一下,然后扫一下地,再把碗刷了!”等。父母喋喋 不休的唠叨,真的可以让人发疯!但是大家有没有想 过,他们为什么要这样做?难道真的是因为看你不顺 眼、想拿你撒气?


so there are more and more people who have became internet users. do you know how many internet users in the world? let’s see the chart! 3 this is a questionnaire [?kw?st??n??r, ?kwest???ne?] (调查卷) about world internet users and population stats in 2009. the users has grown [gr?un] at a remarkable [ri?mɑ:k?bl] rate 。the rising line(上升的曲线) is not this ,not this ,is this. let us see the next pictures. 4 who is he?yes .our respectable premier [?premi?] wen .how old is he? a ha .this i dont know ,but i know he is very old , he is also surfing the internet and caring about current events and politics .so how we do ? 5 yes .the man may be watch a funny movie. the mother is telling her children learning some knowledge through the internet. in this picture .the people from different nations also learn the same thing-------how to use the internet. even the lovely dog is also want to use the internet. why are many people attracted by internet? now im not surprised to see the results, for i can find the reason just from my own life. 6 the internet changed my life; there is no doubt about that. to spend a part of our day on the internet is quite normal for many people. 7 second. the internet is a database ?deit?beis] full of latest information and offers me a lot of services. i can read the daily newspapers, movies and music from all over the world. 8 when i saw this news, my mood just like this picture—angry birds .how cruel the passed people are .ok, let me back to the topic .this is an online game--- angry birds. that’s another important part for internet .the online games are always attractive and challenging. in my opinion its more exciting to play with friends than playing alone. 9 third. to improve our english, through internet i often find professional english learning methods. is internet good or bad we should admit that there are so many advantages brought by the internet. firstly, the internet affords us lots of convenience. for example, we can shop, have meetings and even study on-line. furthermore, the internet has improved our working efficiency. we can contact colleagues on the other side of the world to talk about the working project via the internet easily. piles of files can be sent by e-mails with the help of the internet. in addition, the internet makes information conveyance much easier. just clipping “google”, related information will boom out explosively within several seconds. while applauding for those benefits the internet brings to us, we need to worry about disadvantages of the internet as well. to begin with, it is easy for the young to indulge themselves in the so-called “cyber romance”, which is full of dangers, cheatings


网络语言尤其是对于正处于青春期与成长期的我们而言具有强烈的吸引力。青少年永远是时尚和流行的载体与传播者,网络上的个性也在我们身上表现的淋漓尽致。网络语言这些独特的表达方式,反映了我们的个性和******能力。这从一个侧面反映了我们的特征——年轻的心态和不拘一格的想法。但是自从“第四媒体”互连网出现以后,任何一个连接到互连网的.人都能够把自己的言论传播到网络上去。网络在带来发表言论,表达思想机会的同时,也导致了“滥言时代”。网络的虚拟性,使的埋藏在人们心底的许多东西都迸发了出来,特别是许多不健康,不文明的东西,“反正都不认识现实的我,我想怎么说就怎么说”,许多人正是抱着这种想法,成为了不文明事物和行为的传播者,甚至是始作俑者。作为我们青少年应严格规范要求自己,坚决抵制上网使用不文明用语,在网络上不讲脏话不带粗口,做到时时使用网络文明语言,在无限宽广的网络天地里,倡导青少年网络文明新风,为营造健康的网络道德环境做出自己的努力。 上网时文明守法是我们在场的每一位红岭人必需做到的。我们应遵守网络道德规范,懂得基本的对与错、是与非,增强网络道德意识,辨明网上的善恶、美丑,在网上不应随便发表不负责任的言论。前段时间在《高楼坠落玻璃块砸死过路小学生》一文登出后,福田某中学高三学生胡某发帖自称“肇事者”,经网民和警方一路追踪发现竟是恶作剧。尽管只是场恶作剧,但是18岁的胡某还是为他的行为付出了代价。由于其发布帖子后,一方面造成了严重的社会影响,同时也干扰了警方对案件的正常侦查。根据《治安管理处罚法》的有关规定,警方依法对胡某采取了治安拘留。这也给我们敲响了警钟。 其实网络只是给我们提供了一个自由发挥的平台。我们不能把网络中不文明事物和行为的出现怪罪于网络,我们所需要净化的不应该是网络,而应该是我们自己,要络方面的法律、法规知识。在提高修养的同时,还要不断检讨自己的行为。自觉抵制不文明事物和行为,并传播文明的事物和行为。在文明的网络中体会网络的乐趣。 同学们,网络在我们面前展示了一幅全新的生活画面,同时,美好的网络生活也需要我们用自己的美德和文明共同创造。让我们响应全国青少年网络文明公约的号召,从我做起,从现在做起,自尊、自律,上文明网,文明上网,真正做一名文明、健康的小网民。 尊敬的老师,同学们: 大家好! 我今天将要给大家演讲《网络——把锋利的双刃剑》。 众所周知,随着时代的时步,科技的更新,更多的新事物涌入我们的世界,其中也包括了互联网。自90年代后期互联网进入我国以来,网络就如同雨后春笋般,发展迅速,如今已遍布城乡。作为一种新的传媒手段,互联网在经济建设和人们的各项活动中起着不可忽视的作用,同时也为青春少年的学习.交流以及


文明上网演讲稿【五篇】 【篇一】文明上网演讲稿 各位领导,各位老师,同学们: 大家早上好! 我今天演讲的题目是《告别痴迷,文明上网》。 现在随着中国社会的不断发展,人们的生活也逐渐富裕起来,网络也跟着在社会中流行,融入到了我们生活中去,而且扩张的范围很大,尤其是对于中学生来说更是对“网络”爱不释手。为此,上个星期,老师叫我写有关网络文明的演讲稿,我想就写“告别网吧,做文明健康中学生”为题的演讲稿吧,于是我就中学生告别网吧一事专门调查了几位同学,他们中的一些坚定的摇了头,并说出了一大堆上网的好处,而且反问了我:“你也不是经常上网吗?”,于是,产生了我的几个思考:告别网吧,是不是就等于告别了网络?告别网吧现实吗?我们的中学生在接触网络时,该如何把持自己呢? 老师说过,21世纪是知识经济的时代,是网络时代,是人类数字化生存的时代,电脑和网络,是每一个学生都必须掌握的一门课程。在美国等西方国家,四五年级的学生都能够熟练地使用电脑、网络、查阅资料,学习知识。相比之下,让我们中学生告别网络的做法,我想在座的同学没有一个会同意的。但我们法律为什么又规定“禁止未成年人进入网吧”?首先,我们不能把“网络”等同于“网吧”。不接触网吧,我们同样可以接触网络。比如通过:家庭个人电脑、学校电脑室等,当然,这方面的开发和利用,有待学校、老师、家长和我们同学的共同认识基础上逐步实现。第二,表面禁止的同时,深含对我们未成年人的身心保护。我们中学生迷恋网吧,不能自拔,导致学业无成,甚至是猝死网吧的现象时有耳闻,一旦事件发生,我们总认为这是因无知而犯下的错,但也为时已晚。“禁止未成年人进入网吧”是为了让我们的学生少犯或不犯同样的错误,让更多的人来关爱我们这些未成人。 但是,目前那些黑网吧,像一个个美丽的陷阱,使许多同学丢魂失魄、丧失意志、无心学习、前途废弃。据调查,学生上网80%以上是打游戏,15%左右是交友聊天,真正查询资料用于学习的为数极少。有13%以上的男生很喜欢上网或迷恋上网,达到了严重影响学习的地步。一到寒暑假,学生们更是肆无忌惮,不


理性面对网络诱惑 尊敬的领导、老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家早上好! 我是来自八(6)班的贺靖,今天,演讲的题目是:理性面对网络诱惑。 非洲原野上有一种花,它色彩斑斓,芳香扑鼻,路过的飞虫往往经不起这 种诱惑,扑上去贪婪地吮吸,并不知道这它分沁的是一种毒液。很快,花的黏 液将贪吃的飞虫牢牢地粘住,花瓣悄悄的合拢,把这些小虫都关闭起来,变成 了腹中之物。学习、生活中,我们每个人都经历着大大小小的诱惑。迷茫时, 网络中虚拟世界的五光十色是一种诱惑;疲惫时,网络游戏的惊险刺激也是一 种诱惑。 互联网拓宽了我们的求知途径,为我们打开了认识世界的一扇窗,更为我 们创造了一个展现自我个性的空间,当然也存在着传播不健康信息、提供不文 明服务等严重危害社会的问题,对学生们身心健康的危害尤其严重。有调查显示,11.4%的学生有长时间玩电子游戏的习惯。随着学习阶段的上升,长时间玩电子游戏的比例呈上升趋势。网络既能造就人才,也能毒害人类,有的同学因 沉迷网络,导致学习成绩一落千丈;更有同学因长时间玩游戏,视力严重下降;还有同学受不良信息的影响,走上犯罪的道路。 每次放假,父母在家里备好了饭菜,对我们的归来翘首以盼。有些同学却 三五成群地在网吧污浊的空气里挥汗如雨,忘乎所以。虚拟世界在一步步隔断 我们的亲情,减退我们的交流能力。更严重的是,许多同学沉迷于网络游戏, 放假的时间全泡在网络游戏里,荒废了学业,浪费了青春。一旦上瘾,甚至会 不顾一切翻墙出校,最后被学校开除,留下终身的遗憾与忏悔。 所有这些情景,令人心痛令人警醒。我们中小学生是祖国的未来,家庭的 希望,是最具科技意识和创新能力的一代。如果在上网时,我们不抵制不良信息、不理性面对网络游戏、不能够做到文明上网和健康上网,那网络不仅网住 了我们的心,更会毁掉我们的一生! 为此,为践行“文明上网,理性上网,拒绝网络诱惑”的行动,我提倡: 1、利用自动关机软件或者闹钟来提示和控制自己的上网时间。让外力成为一副让人清醒的良药。 2、详细记录下自己每次上网所做的事,看看哪些是有益的,哪些是在浪费时间,从中改变自己的不良习惯,形成不看无用信息,抵制网络游戏的习惯。 3、在学校或在家里上网时,自觉遵守网络文明,上网时不使用侮辱、谩骂性的语言聊天。不轻易和网友约会,自觉遵守互联网规范,自觉抵制不良网络 信息的侵害。 4、我们上网要做到“三上”和“三不上”。“三上”即不进营业性网吧,不进色情、垃圾网站,不沉迷网络游戏。“三上”是健康上网,把网络作为获 取知识的园地;文明上网,听听网络专家的视频课堂,拓宽我们的求知途径, 正确利用这个展现自我个性的空间;绿色上网,熟悉上网的安全通道。 同学们,如果你能正确使用网络,可以学到比课本更多的知识;如果正确 使用网络,你会获得一个更广阔的发展空间。同学们,请让我们告别网络不良 行为,学会辨明是非,提高自身控制力,理性面对网络诱惑,让人类的科技发 明助力我们成长,让我们的学习更上一层楼! 我的发言完毕,谢谢大家!


网络文明演讲稿范文 尊敬的老师,同学们: 大家好! 我将要给大家演讲《网络——把锋利的双刃剑》。 众所周知,随着时代的时步,科技的更新,更多的新事物涌入我们的世界,其中也包括了互联网。自90年代后期互联网进入我国以来,网络就如同雨后春笋般,发展迅速,如今已遍布城乡。作为一种新的传媒手段,互联网在经济建设和人们的各项活动中起着不可忽视的作用,同时也为青春少年的学习.交流以及娱乐提供了更为广阔的天地。但是对于为成年人来说,网络则是一把锋利的“双刃剑”,一朵带刺的玫瑰,很多青少年正是因为过度沉迷于网络,沉迷于网吧,缺乏自我保护意识和对危险的预防能力,对其学业.健康和思想都造成了巨大的危害。 由此可见,网络可以造就人才,也可以把人才引向无底深渊,以下是我总结的三点上网的危害: 一.网络对青少年的人生观.世界观和价值观形成的构成潜在威胁。

二.网络使许多青少年沉溺于虚拟的世界脱离现实,也使一些青少年荒废学业。很多人把游戏称作“电子海络因”是不无道理的。 三.互联网中的不良信息和网络犯罪对青少年的身心健康和安全构成危害和威胁。 许多学生因此耽误了自己的学习.废弃了美好的前程。据一项调查显示,上网学生超过80%是在打游戏, 15%左右是在交友聊天,真正查询资料用于学习的人数少之又少。 沉迷于网络的学生,别说是上课学习,就连吃饭睡觉也能省就省,一天到晚迷迷糊糊,欲罢不能,可换来的是什么呢?在此,我呼吁那些还于网络游戏,沉侵在虚幻甜蜜中的同学,当你替身意意正酣的时候,你可曾想到焦急的父母在正在等待你回家的消息?当你陶醉于刀光剑影的时候,你可曾想辛苦的老师为你耕耘的身影?当你于新识的网友高谈阔论的'时候,你可曾想到同学间真挚的话语才是真正的友情?当你沉溺在那些略带灰色的网络文学中的时候,你可曾想到现实世界正在渐渐离你远去?同学们,快从虚幻的世界解脱出来吧,一样最宝贵的东西——时间,正从你点击鼠标,轻巧键盘的手指尖悄悄溜走,无法挽回。同学们,一个人的青春能有几年?莫待白了少年


“健康上网文明上网”演讲稿 “健康上网文明上网”演讲稿 亲爱的老师、同学们,大家好!这里是九中青春校园广播站,我是高一6班的董晓骐。今天我演讲的题目是《远离网吧,健康上网、文明上网》 现在互联网越来越普及当今社会已进入以互联网为标志的信息时代。网络给我们带来许多方便,我们可以在网上查阅资料;看最新的消息还可以开阔我们的视野促进我们的学业。我们的老师也充分地利用网上资源努力提高我们的学习成绩。但网络也是一把双刃剑,有的同学过度依赖电脑整天沉迷于网络游戏之中,课也不上学习成绩直线下降有的同学做了网络的俘虏成了“小网虫”还

有的同学因整天看着电脑眼睛受到严重损坏成了高度近视。甚至有的同学上网的目的只是打游戏或者聊天,一刻也不停歇地上网、上瘾甚至酿成了惨剧。 17岁的少年吴x治2001年第一次在网吧接触了电脑游戏后就不可收拾从自己省钱发展到主动要钱最后就是偷钱,2004年6月15日吴x治想打游戏向奶奶要钱,奶奶没有答应他就残忍地将自己奶奶杀害。最近某县城也发生了一件类似的事件,一位女孩因父母不在家连续上网四天四夜,最后昏倒在电脑旁幸好抢救及时避免了悲剧的发生。 当前青少年上网人数较多,在我国2650万上网者中25岁以下的青少年占了百分之八十五以上,并且正在以每年翻一番的惊人速度增长。这当中约2/3的人在网吧上网,在网吧上网的人中99%以上的都是沉迷于网络游戏,绝大多数学生因此学业荒废,毁掉了自己美好的前程。在我看来我们学生应当上好现代信息技术课,掌握基本的电脑技能,

条件允许的话在家长或老师的监督和指导下可适度上网,并做到“五要五不要”即:要善于网上学习,不浏览不良信息;要诚实友好交流,不侮辱欺诈他人;要增强自我保护意识,不随意约会网友;要维护网络安全,不破坏网络秩序;要有益身心健康,不沉溺虚拟时空。但决不能到网吧上网要相信只要你学业有成将来是一定能在网上冲浪和遨游的。 所以希望同学们远离网吧在家长和老师的指导下健康上网、文明上网,使网络成为我们成长的好帮手而不是扼杀我们生命的毒瘤。 今天九中青春广播到此结束,谢谢大家收听。
