人教版必修二Unit2《The Olympic Games》word教案3

人教版必修二Unit2《The Olympic Games》word教案3
人教版必修二Unit2《The Olympic Games》word教案3

英语:Unit2《The Olympic Games》教案(3)(新人教版必



1 what 引导名词性从句(主语从句宾语从句表语从句同位语从句)

1.1. 引导主语从句

What we need is more time. 我们所需要的是更多的时间.

What really matters is the way of solving the problem rather than the answer.


1.2. 引导宾语从句

They have done what they can to help me. 为了帮助我,他们做了他们能做的事。

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. ( Voltaire )


1.3. 引导表语从句

That is what I want to tell you. 那就是我想告诉你的事儿.

Knowledge and wisdom are what I have lived for. 知识与智慧是我平生所追求的。

1.4. 引导同位语从句

They have no idea at all what he is working on. 他们一点儿都不知道他正在做什么.

You have no idea what I suffered. 你不知道我所遭受的痛苦.


练习:1) 你的所作所为深深伤了你父母的心。

2) 我根本不知道老师在讲些什么。

3) 这个小女孩不再是过去的样子了。

2. how often how long how soon how far how many how much 用法比较

How often有“多久一次”的意思。是就做某事的频率提问。对其回答一般是:Twice a year/

Three times a week 等

How long表示“时间多久或物体多长”。表示时间侧重指“一段时间”。回答一般是时间段,如“for three days”, “three years”

How far 是提问“路程有多远”,询问距离的。

How soon表示“多久之后”,侧重某人某事能多快时间完成。回答一般: “ in + 时间段”,如“ in two days”

How much/ many 分别针对不可数名词和可数名词数量进行提问

练习:1) A: do you go home? B: Usually, once a month.

2) A: have you studied English? B: For 10 years.

3) A: Lucy, your cell phone looks very nice, is it. B: Only 998 yuan.

4) A: is it from your house? B: It is 5 kilometers.

5) A: workers took part in the strike yesterday, do you know?

B: It is reported that 12,000 .

3. 每隔……的一些表达

3.1.“every+基数词(大于或等于2)+复数名词” 意思是“每……”。

The old man went to hospital every . 那老汉每五天/每隔四天就去看一次病.

There are buses to the station every ten minutes.每十分钟/每隔九分钟就有公共汽车去火车站.

3.2. “every+序数词(大于或等于2)+单数名词”意思是“每第……”

The Olympic Games are held every fourth year. 奥林匹克运动会每四年/每隔三年举办一次。

He comes to see his uncle every .他每三周/每隔两周来看望他的叔叔。

3.3. “every other +基数词(大于或等于2) +复数名词” 意思是“每隔……”

I had to sit down and take a rest every other four minutes. 我每隔4分钟就得坐下休息。

3.4. “every other +零基数词(等于1)+单数名词” 意思是“每隔一……”。

Take this medicine every other day. 这药每两天/每隔一天服一次。

Please write down these new words on every other line. 请把这些生词隔行写下来。

3.5. “every few +复数名词” 意思是“每隔几……”

He came to see me every few days. 他每隔几天来看我一次。

He stopped and turned around every few meters. 他每走几步就停下来向四周看一看。

注意: 在表达“每隔……”时every 不与 a few , some , many ,several 也不能用each来替代every。

4. 表语从句中why because that选用



主语是reason 时,表语从句只能用that引导

练习:1)It rained heavily yesterday. T hat’s we didn’t have the football match 2)We didn’t have the football match. That’s it rained heavily yesterday.

3)Believe it or not, the reason for my coming late was I was caught by a UFO.

5. 强调句归纳

例如:Jack, together with Anny went to the zoo by bus on May 1st.

1.陈述句的强调句型:It is/ was + 被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状语)+ that/ who+ 其它部分。

It was that Jack, together with Anny went to the zoo on May 1st . (强调方式)

2、一般疑问句的强调句型:先变陈述句,再把is/ was提到it前面。

, together with Anny went to the zoo by bus on May 1st. (对主语疑问强调)

3、特殊疑问句的强调句型:被强调部分(通常是疑问代词或疑问副词)+ is/ was + it + that/ who + 其它部分?

was it that you came to Zhangjiang. 你是什么时候来湛江的。

▲not … until … 句型的强调句为It is/ was not until + 被强调部分+ that + 其它部分It was not until his wife came back he went to bed.

Not until his wife came back he go to bed.

▲ 强调谓语要用助动词do/ does/ did 来完成.

Look, so many spelling mistakes in your writing. be careful next time.

finish your papers today. We will check them tomorrow.

6. 表示某人也是/不是如此小结.

6.1 So+be/助动词/情态动词+主语表“……也如此”

My sister has gotten a new MP5, so I.

6.2 Nor/neither+be/助动词/情态动词+主语表“……也不”

Lina can’t sovle this problem in 3 minutes, her deskmate.

6.3 当陈述内容不是一种行为,为至少两个句子。通常谓语动词类型不同或者肯否定不同


用it is/was the same with sb或者是so it is/was with sb.句型。

Li Lei is 15 years old and he do esn’t like talking too much. It is the same with Xiaohua.

▲ 但如果so强调前面所说的情况的真实性时,其结构是“so+主语+助动词/系动词/情态动词”,这里的主语同前一个句子的主语指的是同一人或物。

练习:1)She knows little Chinese,so she does.她汉语懂得不多。她的确如此。

2)Wang Xiaoming’s father and mother are both doctors,(李明也一样)

3)A: Li Hua is poor at English. B: So . He doesn’t know how many letters there are in English.

4)They will not go to school on Sunday, (我们也一样)

5)Rose got married to a foreigner and had a son,. (她的双胞胎姐姐也一样)

7. not only … but also …”是一个并列连词词组,其意思基本等于“both … and …”,但侧重点放在“but also”上,另外该词组使用时须遵守一定的规则,如要求对称,倒装及主谓一致等。

The place was not only cold, but also damp. 连接表语

She likes not only music but also sport. 连接宾语

We have to study not only on weekdays but also on Saturday. 连接状语

He not only read the book, but also remembered he read. 连接谓语

Not only you but also I am hungry. Not only I but also you wrong. 连接主语

与此相似就近一致的还有either…or.. neither…nor… whether…or… 和there be 句型Either you or Tom going to send this letter to the post office.

▲ not only放在句首,后接句子时要用倒装结构

练习: 1)Not only rich, but she is also pretty and wise.

2)Not only has our society changed, but the people in it have changed.

8. As well as 连接主语时,谓语根据前一个主语确定。类似还有with, along with, together with, as well as, besides, like, without, except (but), including等

练习:1)Tracy, like many girls, (love) singing and dancing.

2)No one except (but) me (know) about this news.

3)All the students, including Tom, (buy) a personal computer by now

9. 倒装句子总结

9.1. Here, there, now, then, thus, out, in ,up, down, away,等副词置于句首, 谓语动词

(谓语动词通常不带助动词或情态动词), 常用be, come, go, lie, run。

Here comes the bus. Here it comes.

Away went the boy. Away he went.

9.2. 地点状语置于句首

On the hill stands a big tree.In the front of our class is a China map.

练习:Under a big tree ________, half asleep.

A. did sat a fat man

B. a fat man sat

C. did a fat man sat

D. sat a fat man

9.3. 句首为否定或半否定的词语,如no, not, never, hardly, not until, at no time, by no

time, few, little, scarcely, in no way, no longer, nowhere, not frequently, not often, on no account(决不), rarely, seldom, Not only…but also等.

Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.

Nowhere can you buy such a cheap dictionary.

Not until the child fell asleep the mother leave the room.

9.4. so, neither, nor 表….也一样

---Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?

---I don’t know, _____.

A. nor don’t I care

B. nor do I care

C. I don’t care neither

D. I don’t care also

9.5. only加状语放在句首要倒装的情况

Only by reading more can we improve our English.

练习:1) 只有星期天她才有空。

2) Little ____ about him when I first met him in that company.

A) have I known B) had I known C) do I know D) did I know

3) At no time, and under no circumstances ____ the first to use nuclear weapon.

A) China will be B) will be China C) will China be D) shall China


4) Only when David did it a second time ____.

A) he realized his mistake B) he was realizing his mistake

C) did he realize his mistake D) he did realize his mistake

5) Factory workers have to work very hard, ____.

A) farmers do so B) farmers work so C) so hard farmers D) so do farmers

10. As….as 用法总结表示和......一样

10.1 as/so+形容词或副词原级+as… “…和…一样…”。

This book is as as that one. He runs as as Liu Xiang.

10.2 As much +a/an +单数可数名词或者as much +不可数名词

Teaching is as much art as sculpture. 教学与雕刻一样,是一门艺术。

John takes as much responsibility as you do. 约翰和你承担一样多的责任

I haven’t got much money as I thought. 我没得到我所想象的那么多钱。

10.3 As many + 可数名词复数+as 或者As much +不可数名词+as

I have as fiends as you. I wish I can own as money as Bill Gates.

10.4 …times as +adj/adv +as 表达……是……的几倍(倍数必须放在计较结构之前)

The price of cooking oil is 5 times as expensive as it was 10 years ago.

Your house is twice as big as mine. A car runs 12 times as fast as a man walks.

11. use… to do sth 用…..来做used to do sth 过去常常做某事

be used to do sth 被用来做某事be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事

练习:1) Tom, as well as other boys in his village (go) swimming in the river .

2) We money (buy) whatever we need.

3) I am still not (get) up at 6 o’clock in the morning.

4)Bricks are often used to (build) house, but they can

(protect) ourselves sometimes.


Unit 2 Cultural relics课文填空 1. A cultural relic is something that has survived (survive) for a long time. 2. It is your job to look into (调查) any reports of cultural relics that have been found (find) in China. 3. You are sent to a small town where(引导词)you find a relic that was stolen (steal) from a palace. 4. The man who has it insists that it belongs to (属于) his family。 5. Think of a cultural relic you know about. How would you feel if it got lost (lose). 6. Although (连词) the amber feels as hard as stone, it easily melts when heated(heat) 7. Once it is heated, the amber can be made into (做成)any shape. 8. The design for the room was of (介词)the fancy style. 9. In return (作为回报), the Czar gave the king of Prussia 55 of his best soldiers. 10. About four metres long, the room served as (介词) a small reception room(接待室)for important visitors. 11. Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room moved (move) to the palace outside St Petersburg where(引导词)she spent her summers. 12. Almost six hundred candles lit (light) the room at that time. 13.This was a time when(引导词)the two countries were at war (处于交战状态)。 14.But some of the Nazis secretly(秘密地)stole the Amber Room itself. 15. In less than (不到,少于)two days, 100,000 pieces of the room were put inside twenty-seven wooden (木制的)boxes. 16 She was at work(在工作)in the garden all this morning. 17. Children who are at play (在玩)often make a lot of noise. 18. When we called, the family were at dinner(在吃饭dinner) 19. What are they doing now? They are at meal(在吃饭meal) 20. The old man saw some Germans taking apart (拆开) the Amber Room and moving(移走)it away. 21. The judge cares only whether the eyewitness has given useful information, which must be facts, rather than opinions.(而不是观点) 22. A fact is anything that can be proved (prove). 23. Of course, some people will never believe something is a fact even though (连词)they are given lots of evidence。 24..They think the men are not telling the truth. (说出事实). 25. An opinion is what (引导词) someone believes is true but has not been proved. 26. I think highly (副词)of those who are searching for the Amber Room。 27.Nor do (助动词) I think they should give it to any government. 28. This blue and white vase, from the period of the Qing Dynasty belongs to(属于)a Hong Kong merchant. 29.There is no doubt (毫无疑问) that the search for those lost cultural relics will continue. 30.She gave us food and clothes and asked for nothing in return(回报)。 31.Several years ago, however ,(副词) he put down his pen and began to protect cultural relics in Tianjin, where(引导词)he lives。 32.One of his biggest projects was to protect (protect) the oldest street in Tianjin. 33.The old man said he would give it to his grandson, who had not yet been born.(出生)

人教版2019-2020学年高一下学期英语必修二 Unit2 Wildlife protection 训练卷(二)(含答案)

2019-2020学年高一下学期训练卷 必修二 Unit2 Wildlife protection 英 语 (二) (本卷满分100分) 一、阅读理解(每小题2分,共16分) A A small insect is getting a lot of attention in the United States. The rusty patched bumblebee(大黄蜂) is the first of its species to be declared endangered in the lower 48 states —meaning every state except Alaska and Hawaii. The rusty patched bumblebee is named for a rust-colored line on its back. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced this month it was adding the bee to its endangered species list. The insect s are “on the brink of extinction”, according to the service. It said the bees were once found in 28 states. But there now are only small populations remaining in 13 states. The government agency will make a plan to help the dying bees recover. The agency said that such a plan might help other insects, like butterflies. U.S. officials think land owners can take small steps to help the rusty patched bumblebee. They say land owners can be friendlier towards bees by using native plants in their gardens. The insects directly fertilize many kinds of fruit and vegetable crops. And they fertilize grain crops used to feed cattle and milk cows. It costs billions of dollars to duplicate the job the bees do for free. Land owners are also being urged to cut back on their use of pesticide products. The officials also suggest that gardeners leave their plants alone at the end of the summer instead of cutting them. That way, the bees will have a place to live over the winter. The Fish and Wildlife Service says the rusty patched bumblebee was added to the endangered species list partly because of habitat loss. Other reasons were disease, pesticides and climate change. Officials are worried that other bees will suffer, too. Another species of bees in Hawaii is also endangered. 1. How many states declared the rusty patched bumblebee endangered? A. 13. B. 28. C. 48. D. 50. 2. Which one is harmful to the rusty patched bumblebee? A. Planting native plants. B. Reducing the use of pesticide products. C. Leaving plants alone. D. Cutting out plants regularly. 3. What can we know about the rusty patched bumblebee according to the text? A. All the states declared it as endangered species. B. It is named for a rust-colored line on its belly. C. It is beneficial to land owners. D. It is endangered mainly because of habitat loss. 4. What’s the best title for the passage? A. Bumblebee added to U.S. endangered species list B. Why is bumblebee on the brink of extinction C. Take steps to help bumblebee D. The benefits of protecting bumblebee B Red squirrels(松鼠) , a kind of animal once lost from their native woodlands, have been returned to the north-west Highlands, early results of a reintroduction(重新引进) project show. The new population has naturally increased since they were reintroduced to north-west Scotland last year. The animal had disappeared as a result of the reduction of forests, as well as illness and competition from the introduced non-native grey squirrel. However, Trees for Life —the organization behind the project —is hopeful that red squirrels will continue to add to their 138,000 number and continue their increase. 此卷只装订不 密 封 班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号


高二英语必修五Unit2 The United Kingdom教学设计 乐东民族中学桂端饶Warming Up and Vocabulary----the First Period Teaching goals教学目标 I Language goals语言目标 a. Important words and phrases 重点词汇和短语 b. Important sentences 重点句子How many countries does the UK consist of? II. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to talk about great scientists. III. Emotional goals 情感目标1.Stimulate students’ love and respect for great scientists. 2.Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning Teaching aids 教具准备the Media Teaching steps 教学过程Step1.Vocabulary Step2.Leading-in Step3. Warming up Step4. Pre—reading Step5. Language points(Look at the screen) Step6. Exercises consist vi. 组成, 一致divide vt. 分配, 分开puzzle n. 难题;谜v t.使迷惑 clarify vt. 澄清, 阐明accomplish vt. 完成;达到;实现union n. 同盟; 联盟 influence vt.影响, 改变break away挣脱;脱离construct vt.建造;构造;创立collection n.收藏品; 珍藏;收集convenience n.便利; 方便 onwide adj. 全国性的; 全国范围的legal adj.法律的;合法的 Leading-in 1)Do you know something about the United Kingdom? Warming up S tudents learn something about the UK according to the QUIZ. 【学习新知】新新学案:1P19课时要点1,2,3 4


Unit 3 Computers 单元学习目标: 单元背诵: 1.And my memory became so large that even I couldn't believe it! 2.Anyhow, my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality. 3.Today an increasing number of people have realized that law education is of great importance. 4. The two cultures have a lot in common. 5.As time went by,I gradually adapted myself to the school life . 6.With winter coming ,it is getting colder and colder. 7. As a result,I have made steady progress in my study. 8. So precious is the time that we can't waste it. 9.I would appreciate it if you can give me some good advice . 10.what has impressed us most is her devotion to work. 单元重难点: 重点句型: 1.As time went by, I was made smaller. 2.My memory became so large that even I cou ldn’t believe it! 3.I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. 重点语法:现在完成时的被动语态 Period one Reading WHO AM I? Over time I have been changed quite a lot. I began as a calculating machine in France in 1642. Although I was young I could simplify difficult sums. I developed very slowly and it took nearly

2019人教版高中英语教材必修二练习册Unit 2参考答案

Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period One Warming Up & Reading Ⅰhttps://www.360docs.net/doc/7810028125.html,petitor(s) 2.telling/having told 3.nor/neither 4.was interviewed 5.regularly 6.to replace 7.had hosted 8.volunteering 9.what 10.magical Ⅱ.1.on a regular basis 2.as well 3.As a matter of fact 4.every four years 5.stand for 6.join in 7.was admitted to https://www.360docs.net/doc/7810028125.html,peting for 9.took part in 10.playing an important role in Ⅲ.1.what is called 2.could be admitted as 3.which/that can stand for 4.will we compete with 5.as much competition; as 6.It is a great honour for me 7.is he interested in 8.Take part in 9.will be held 10.where it was Ⅳ.【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了冬奥会(也叫白色奥运会)期间世界各国会发行邮票这一传统的由来。 1.A 细节理解题。根据第一段“The Winter Olympics are also called the White Olympics.”可知,白色奥运会和冬奥会是一样的。故选A项。 2.B 细节理解题。根据第一段“The first stamps marking the opening came out on January 25, 1932 in the United States for the 3rd White Olympics. From then on, publishing stamps during the White Olympics became a rule.”可知,自从第三届白色奥运会开始,期间发行邮票成为一个惯例。故选B项。 3.C 细节理解题。根据第三段“When the White Olympics came, the host countries as well as the non-host countries published stamps to mark those Games.”可知,主办国家和非主办国家都会发行邮票来纪念这一盛会。故选C项。 4.D 推理判断题。根据第一段“The Winter Olympics are also called the White Olympics.”和最后一段“Different kinds of sports were drawn on these small stamps.”可知,邮票上会出现奥运会上的各种运动的剪影,白色奥运会即冬奥会可能出现的应该是溜冰项目。故选D项。 Ⅴ.【文章大意】本文介绍了一种有效帮助胖人减肥的足球比赛。 1.has been organized 考查时态和语态。表示过去的动作或状态持续到现在并且已经完成,用现在完成时,且Man v Fat 与organize之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态。故填has been organized。 2.Judging 考查固定用法。judging from根据……判断。 3.pounds 考查固定短语和名词复数。lose pounds减肥。 4.to get 考查不定式。句意:所以这个比赛的主要目的是让肥胖的人经常锻炼。用不定式作目的状语,故填to get。 5.it 考查代词。指代前面的“新的足球比赛”, 故填it。 6.which 考查定语从句。本句是“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句,先行词weight-loss classes指物,故用which,并作介词in的宾语。 7.thinner 考查比较级。句意:我也不想和全都比我瘦的朋友踢足球……。由than可知这里需要用比较级,故填thinner。 8.as 考查固定短语。句意:……所以这个比赛给我提供了一个完美的与和我相似的那些人一起锻炼的机会。the same as 与……一样。 9.mainly 考查副词。修饰动词短语were filled with用副词,故填mainly。 10.an 考查冠词。泛指“一种有效的方法”,且effective以元音音素开头,故填不定冠词an。

人教版英语必修五Unit 2(Puzzles in Geography)表格教学设计

《Puzzles in Geography》教学设计

三、学习环境选择 1.学习环境选择( A ) A.简易多媒体教室 B.交互式电子白板 C.网络教室 D.移动学习环境 四、流程规划与活动设计 一、导入 教师呈现Westlife的图片,播放他们的歌曲Season in the Sun,并设置填空Seasons in the Sun is sung by Westlife, a band from _________________________(England, Britain, the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) , 让学生回答,通过回答,教师提出puzzle: why are there so many names for one country? 设计意图: 通过学生喜欢的一个英国乐队导入课文,并设置他们是哪个国家的乐队,不仅能引起学生的兴趣,而且能激起他们的好奇心,为下文的学习作好情感基础。 二、阅读 1. 速读 给学生三分钟时间,让他们快速阅读全文,为每个段落找出能概括其大意的关键词。(this question, history, the four countries, England, London, trip) 设计意图: 这一环节的设计,主要是为了培养学生快速抓住文本的主要信息的能力。 2.细读 Para 1: this question 教师在ppt上呈现第一段,People may wonder why different words are used to describe these four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.You can clarify this question if you study British history.并提问 1.What does ‘this question’ refer to? 2.What is the function of the last sentence of this paragraph? 设计意图: 本段虽只有两句话,但这两句话的作用可不小。第一句点明了主题,第二句承接下文,引出了下文要陈述的内容。通过设计这两个问题,使学生对这一段中的两个句子的功能一目了然。 Para 2: history 教师首先提问:How did the UK come into being? 让学生回答英国形成的过程。然后,用动态的图片展示。紧接着教师继续提问:Generally speaking, in which way was the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland formed? 引导学生寻找相关词汇。(happily/ in the same peaceful way) 设计意图: 动态图片的设计旨在使学生对英国的形成有一个形象的认识。而第二个问题的设计旨在使学生了解副词的应用------副词可以用来修饰整个句子 Para 3:the four countries 在ppt上展示该段。 To their credit (worth praising) the four countries do work together in some areas (eg, the currency and international relations), but they still have very different institutions. For example,

高一英语必修二Unit 1导学案

高一英语必修二Unit 1导学案 学习目标1能够熟读课文并背会部分段落。 2掌握本单元重点词和 短语的用法。学习方法1在理解的基础上记忆并运用本单元重点词汇。 预习案一.单词拼写。根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。 1.__________ adj. 有价值的 2.__________ vi. 幸免 3.__________ n. 朝代 4.__________ vt. 惊讶 5.__________ vt. 挑选 6.__________ n. 蜂蜜 7.__________ n. 设计 8.__________ adj. 奇特 9.__________ n. 风格 10.__________ v. 装饰 11.__________ n. 珠宝 12.__________ vi. 属于 13.__________ n. 接待 14.__________ vt. 移动 15.__________ n. 怀疑, 16.__________ adj. 值得的 17.__________ n. 证据 18.__________ vi 爆炸 19.__________ vi. 下沉 20.__________ n. 争论写出下列短语的意思 1. in search of ___________ 2. belong to _____________ 3. at war ________ _______ 4. in return _____________ 5. less than ______________ 6. take part in____________ 7. think highly of _______________ 8. pay much attention to __________ 9. rather than ______________ 10. there is no doubt that_________ 探究案 1、In search of the amber room 寻找琥珀屋 search vt. 搜查 We searched the whole town, but could not find one flower shop. 我们找遍了整个城镇,但没找到一家花店。(1)search for 寻找What are you searching for? money? 你在找什么?钱吗? 2)in search of 找寻 The man walked through the streets in search of his lost bike. 那个人在好多条街道转寻找他丢失的自行车。即时活用: 1)She tried ____ but failed; now she could do nothing but wait till her husband came. A. to search the pockets her key B. searching her keys for her pockets C. searching the pockets for her keys D. to search her keys for the pockets 2、This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because

人教版2019-2020学年高一下学期英语必修二 Unit2 Wildlife protection 训练卷(一)(含答案)

2019-2020学年高一下学期训练卷 必修二 Unit2 Wildlife protection 英 语 (一) (本卷满分100分) 一、单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分) 1. The book is (保留) to whoever comes first. 2. The farmer gained a lot of experience by (观察) the growth of his vegetables. 3. If sales continue to recover, they can hire more workers and still make (利润). 4. The man was walking in the wood when he was (攻击) by a snake. 5. The government is the highest (权威) in the country. 6. As we all know, Pandas are precious (生物). 7. The patient had to have one of his legs (去除) because of infection. 8. It is a big surprise to learn that you (打算) to spend your winter holiday in China. 9. Drunk driving not only affects our everyday life, but may also (威胁) people’s lives. 10. As we know, water (存在) in three forms: solid, liquid and gas. 二、单句语法填空(每小题2分,共16分) 11. Many species are in peril of (extinct) because of our destruction of their natural habitat. 12. The new rules will become (effect) in the next few days. 13. This is the key to (harmony) human relations. 14. For the same reason we all have similar (emotion) expressions like smiling, and crying. 15. In the short term, however, the loss of jobs is (alarm). 16. As these are (endanger) species, he said, invasive methods of physiological study are not appropriate. 17. There is a (concern) look on his face. 18. The doctors held out little hope for his (recover). 三、单项选择(每小题1.5分,共9分) 19. My new apartment painted now, so I have to wait another month to move in. A. is being B. has been C. is D. will be 20. Lots of roads ______ these days. We’d better set out earlier. A. are repaired B. have been repaired C. are being repaired D. are repairing 21. Our teacher is ill, and we are all ______ her health. A. concerned about B. careful of C. interested in D. aware of 22. The picture of the village _________ me of memories of our family trip. A. called B. reminded C. remembered D. spoke 23. —The cars give off a great deal of waste gas in the streets. —Yes. But I’m sure something will be done to ________ air pollution. A. reduce B. remove C. collect D. warn 24. Mr. Harrison was finally employed by the company because his ability and work experience could ________ the position perfectly. A. match B. compare C. combine D. measure 四、阅读理解(每小题2.5分,共10分) The endangered pandas in Qinling Mountains might face a new threat: the loss of their food —bamboo, which makes up 99% of their meals. Adult pandas spend most part of the day eating bamboo and have to take in at least 40 pounds a day to stay healthy. However, a new study published in Nature and Climate 此卷只装订不密封 班级 姓名 准 考证 号 考场号 座 位号

英语优秀教案(人教版):必修五(Unit 2 The United Kingdom Period 2)

Period 2Reading The General Idea of This Period This period is the highlight of the whole unit.It lays emphasis on reading and understanding. by asking them to fill in the blanks of some sentences by using some of the words and phrases that will appear in the reading passage.This part can help the students to learn words and expressions Then in Pre-reading part, the students are asked to distinguish the differences between the UK, Great Britain and England.Hence, the teacher can lead to the topic of the historical some historical attractions of the UK?”, the students will read the passage fast and find the answers directly in the passage. Next, the students will first listen to the tape with their textbooks closed.In order to make this step efficient, the teacher will provide them with five statements based on the passage.While listening, the students should judge whether these statements are true or false.If it is false, the students should correct it. Then the students will be given several minutes to read the passage silently.They should divide the passage into three parts and write the main ideas of each part.In order to help the students understand the passage better, the teacher can provide some c of this step is to train the students’ability of reading comprehension, which is a very important skill. At last, the students will do a speaking task in pairs.One acts as a visitor to England and the geography the United Kingdom.This part not only helps the students to revise what the have Teaching Important Points Improve the Teaching Difficulties Teaching Aids a Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge Aims debate, clarify, legal, relation, convenience, attraction, influence, collection, construct, puzzle, break away from, l eave out, divide...into..., be linked to, to one’s surprise, as well as, be


3 . 倒装句 Unit 2 the Olympic games Grammar 学案学习目标:1, Be able to understand the main idea of the passage. 2.Be able to master some key sentence structures. 学习重点:1.名词性从句:(1) I lived in what you call ''Ancient Greece''. (2)That's why they are called the Winter Olympics. 2.强调句型:It's in the Summer Olympics that you have the running races. 3.彳到装句:No other countries could join in,nor could slaves or women! 学习过程: I . Dictation Dictate some key words and expressions. (A 级) Words: 5. . Expressions: 16.17.18. 19.20. Are you satisfied with what you've done? 2.Read the passage carefully and try to complete the exercises. (B 级) (1) From the questions of Pausanias,we can know that he wants II. Reading and comprehending 1. Scan the passage to find out the characteristics and similarities of the ancient and modern Olympics. (B 级) 1 ? Ancient Olympics 1 ? 1 ? Modern Olympics
